Obama's Fumbles

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Obamas Fumbles

Jinco Inc.
Based on subjective criteria The World Health Organization ranks the United States No. 37 in the world, but when King Abdullah flew out of Saudi Arabia after a blood clot complication he didnt choose France, Italy, Britain, Canada, Morocco, Oman, Greece, Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates, who all judge by the WHO to have better health care. He chose the United States. Why? Because we have the best health care system in the world. When it comes to survival rates, waiting times, screening outcomes, and medical innovations and technologies, the U.S. comes out on top. So why change into a socialist health care system that half of the countrys population didnt want anyway and throughout history has proven to be center-right politically? That was Obamas first fumble of his presidency. The Republican Party didnt hesitate to capitalize on that turnover and gave Mr. Obama in his own words a shellacking in the mid-term elections. The only people not capitalizing though are the record amount of Americans that registered as un-insured this year and the unemployed who cant find work because of the rising health-care costs businesses are fumbling with. President Obama insists that the New Start is an important step toward his dream of a nuclear-free world. The only nuclear-free world Obama will ever find is in his utopian radical far-left imagination when he is snoring. We just found out about a hidden, unknown highly advanced North Korean uranium enrichment facility. On top of that the North Koreans seem to have grown a little courage recently in attacking South Korea twice this year. Make no mistake about it these attacks arent coincidental. They see weakness in President Obamas fumble of his nuclear agenda and are ready to capitalize on it. Iran also at this rate will have the capability of creating a nuclear weapon within a year or two from now. The idea that the great powers must reduce their weapons to set a moral example for the rest of the world is childish. Does anyone seriously believe that the mullahs in Iran and the thugs in Pyongyang will in any way be deflected in their pursuit of nukes by a reduction of ours? When it comes to national security, it is better to be feared than loved. If there is anything that we have learned from the mid-term elections it is that America is still a centerright nation. We do not want a reinvention of this country. We are not looking for something that is simply new or radical in a way that departs from traditional American values. We see that socialism is failing in Europe as we speak. That they are running out of money in Greece, Spain, Portugal and Ireland. And we also realize that it has been these core fundamental principles that have made America great and competitive throughout the last two centuries. It has been America not Europe that has led the world in economics and increased the worlds standard of living. So Mr. President, stop apologizing for America and trying to change it into Europe.

Justin Jinorio

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