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Short Lessons A Busy Day (two friends speaking in a park when they meet each other jogging) Barbara:

Hi, Katherine, how are you today? Katherine: I'm great and you? Barbara: VERY busy! I'm jogging now, but later I have to do a lot! Katherine: What do you have to do? Barbara: Well, first of all, I have to do the shopping. We don't have anything to eat at home. Katherine: ... and then? Barbara: Little Johnny has a basketball game this afternoon. I'm driving him to the game. Katherine: Oh, how is his team doing? Barbara: They're doing very well. Next week, they're travelling to Toronto for a tournament. Katherine: That's impressive. Barbara: Well, Johnny likes playing basketball. Introducing Yourself Introductions A: Hello. My name's Peter. What's your name? B: Janet. A: Where are you from Janet? B: I'm from Seattle. Where are you from? A: I'm from Madrid. B: Are you American? A: Yes, I am. Are you Spanish? B: Yes I am. Key Vocabulary My name is... What's (is) your name ... Where are you from? I'm from... Are you (Spanish, American, German, etc.) Introductions Acestea sunt cteva expresii pe care le folosim adesea s prezentm persoane necunoscute. (name), I don't think you've met (name).
Formator Marieta Catana

I don't think you know (name) May I introduce you to (name) (name), do you know (name)? (name), I'd like you to meet (name) Cnd ntlneti o persoan pentru prima dat este acceptat s salui persoana respectiv cu "How do you do?" iar rspunsul correct este "How do you do." Iat o scurt conversaie: Ken: Peter, I'd like you to meet Mary. Peter: How do you do? Mary: How do you do. Ken: Mary works for ... O alt variant este "It's a pleasure to meet you." sau "Pleased to meet you." Ken: Peter, I'd like you to meet Mary. Peter: It's a pleasure to meet you. Mary: How do you do. Ken: Mary works for ... Ken: Peter, I'd like you to meet Mary. Peter: How do you do? Mary: Pleased to meet you. Ken: Mary works for ... n situaiile informale prezentrile sunt fcute simplu: "This is (name)." Este acceptat s se spun "Hi" sau "Hello" ca rspuns n aceast situaie informal. Ken: Peter, this is Mary. Peter: How do you do? Mary: Pleased to meet you. Ken: Mary works for ... Este normal s dai mna cnd v prezentai. Dup prezentarea iniial, darea minii are loc n situaii mai formale sau la ntlniri de afaceri. n alte cazuri oameni spun doar "Hi."

Formator Marieta Catana

Hello and Goodbye - Three Short Conversations A: Hello B: Hello, Peter. How are you? A: Fine, thanks. How are you? B: I'm fine, thank you. A: Goodbye B: Goodbye, Janet. See you tomorrow! A: Bye-bye, Peter. Have a nice evening. B: Thanks, you too! A: Thanks. Key Vocabulary Hello... How are you? I'm fine, - OK, - well, thank you Goodbye, - bye bye See you tomorrow Have a nice evening/day Reading Read the article and answer the questions. Jude Law is a famous British actor. He was born in 1972. He lives in London. Jude's family is very nice. His father's name is Peter and his mother's name is Maggie. Jude has got a sister. Her name is Natasha. Jude is a very handsome man. He is tall. He has got short brown hair and blue eyes. Jude is calm and friendly. He has got many friends and his fans like him a lot. Jude hasn't got much free time. When he has, though, he likes going to the beach, spending time with his pet and staying at home. Jude is a great actor. He is one of Britain's best. e.g. Where's Jude from? Great Britain What is his job? ________________________________________________________________ _____ Where does he live? ________________________________________________________________ _____

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What is his sister's name? ________________________________________________________________ _____ What does Jude look like? ________________________________________________________________ _____ What does he do in his free time? _____________________________________________________ Fill in the correct word. loaf bunch kilo slice food bakery glass dairy vegetable e.g. There is a fast food restaurant over there. 1. Can I have a small _______________ of bananas, please? 2. Excuse me. Where is the _______________ section? 3. We've got only one_______________of bread. 4. I' d like a_______________of lemons, please. 5. Would you like a_______________of cake. 6. As a starter, I'd like some_______________soup. 7. Is there a_______________near here? 8. A_______________of water, please Invitations, Suggestions, Offers, Reservations, Appointments The Article Invitations: Do you want to come to my party tomorrow? Can you come to my party tomorrow? I would like to invite you to my party tomorrow. Thank you, I would like to come OR Thank you, but I cannot come. Suggestions: Why don't we go to the cinema? How about going to the cinema? Shall we go to the cinema? Yes, let's go OR No, how about the pub instead?
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Offers: Would you like some tea? Can I pour you some tea? May I offer you some tea?

Yes, thank you. OR No, thank you. Exercise 1 Here are some invitations that need answers and answers that need invitations. 1. Would you like to go to the dance with me? that! 2. Do you want to come to the cinema tonight? 3. Do you want to come swimming with us? come. 4. Can you come to dinner tonight? having? 5. Can I invite you to my party? 6. Would you like to have a drink with us? Exercise 2 Selectai cuvntul potrivit: a. I dont know how to do b. When are you having it? c. Thank you, Id love to d. Yes please. What are you e. No thanks, I'm driving. f. Oh, I am going with Joey

1. We .............. go to the cinema this evening.

a. could

b. will

c. are

2. ................. meeting for lunch on Friday? a. Could we b. How about c. We are

3. .......... we play bridge this weekend? a. Why will b. Shall c. Do

4. I .......... finish the ironing for you. a. can not b. want to c. can

5. ........ about going to London on Sunday?

Formator Marieta Catana

a. What

b. How

c. Why

6. ....... we decide about it later? a. Can b. How c. Will

Exercise 3 Aranjati cuvintele de mai jos in aa fel nct s aib sens. 1. would like you to something drink? _______________________________________ 2. I offer coffee can you some ? ____________________________________________
3. like try to this cake you would ?

__________________________________________ 4. about tea some how ? __________________________________________________ 5. can you some I get fruit? _______________________________________________ 6. these are apples nice. I can get some you? __________________________________ 7. a sandwich you would like ? ____________________________________________ 8. stay would for you like to supper? ____________________________________________

Reservations La Gerard Ann: Good afternoon, can I reserve a table for two? Waiter: Sorry, we do not make reservations for small groups. Ann: Well, will we get a table if we come at 8pm? Waiter: Today is Monday, so we should not be very busy. Ann: Ok, Do you serve vegetarian food? Waiter: Yes, we have a good selection of vegetarian dishes.
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Ann: Do you take credit cards? Waiter: Yes we do. Ann: Thank you. See you in the evening then. Waiter: Thank you. Good bye! La Bel Cuzine Dr Brown: Good evening, can I book a table for four for tomorrow evening Waiter: We are closed on Mondays, sir. Dr Brown: What about Tuesday? Waiter: What time? Dr Brown: About 7.30-8pm Waiter: I have a free table for 8 pm. Dr Brown: Can I make the reservation then? Waiter: Yes, of course. What is the name please? Dr Brown: Brown, Dr James Brown. Waiter: And the contact telephone number? Dr Brown: Cambridge 724276. Waiter: Thank you, Dr Brown. You have a table for 4 people for 8pm on Tuesday. Exercise 4 Dup ce ai citit textile de mai sus, ncercai s rspundei la urmtoarele ntrebri. 1. Which restaurant is closed on Monday? ________________________________________________________________ ________ 2. How many people will Ann bring with her? ________________________________________________________________ ________ 3. When is Ann coming to the restaurant? ________________________________________________________________ ________ 4. What time did Dr Brown book the restaurant for? ________________________________________________________________ ________ 5. Could Ann book the table in the restaurant?

Formator Marieta Catana

________________________________________________________________ ________ 6. How many people are coming to La Bel Cuzine? ________________________________________________________________ ________ 7. What is Dr Brown's telephone number? ________________________________________________________________ ________ 8. How does Ann want to pay for her dinner? ________________________________________________________________ ________ Appointments An appointment with the doctor Look at the conversation below, and try to match what the patient says with what the receptionist replies. 1. Good morning. Can I make an A. Dr Newman is not in tomorrow, but I appointment with the doctor for can make an appointment with Dr Brinks this morning? 2. But I feel really ill and I need to B. Can I have your name please? see someone today. C. All the doctors are fully booked for this 3. Is there no-one I can see today? morning. 4. But this is an emergency. I told D. OK Mr Smith, we will see you you I feel really ill. I may even tomorrow at 10. have a temperature. 5. OK then can I make an appointment for tomorrow E. Goodbye. morning? F. I am sorry, but your symptoms do not 6. Peter Smith count as an emergency. G. The earliest appointment we can make 7. I normally see Dr Newman. is tomorrow morning at 10am.

Formator Marieta Catana

8. That is fine. 9. Thank you and goodbye.

H. And who is your doctor? I. I am sorry, we could only make an appointment for today if it was an emergency.

Reading Read the letter and underline the correct word. Dear Frida, Hello, my name's Dolores. I'm sixteen years old. I'm from Porto, in Portugal. Porto is a very old city. There are many beautiful old buildings and statues. There is a big museum in Porto. There is a big park near my house. There are lots of benches and trees in the park. Porto is a great city. That's all about me. How about you? Best wishes, Dolores Dolores is fifteen/sixteen years old. Dolores is Chinese/Portuguese. Porto is a very old/modern city. There is a big theatre/museum in Port: There is a park/school near her house. Read the letter and underline the correct word. Dear Emily, Hello, my name's Hamilton. I'm seventeen years old. I'm from Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil. Rio de Janeiro is a modern city. There are lots of beautiful, modern buildings. There is a big museum in Rio de Janeiro. There is a big park in my neighbourhood. There are two cafes in the park. There is a modern theatre near my house. Rio de Janeiro is a fantastic city. That's all about me. How about you? Best wishes, Hamilton Hamilton is seventeen/nineteen years old. There is a big museum/theatre in Rio de Janeiro. Hamilton is Brazilian/Egyptian. Rio de Janeiro is a very old/modern city. There is a theatre/school near his house. Writing
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Write a letter about you, your town/city and your neighbourhood. Use the text above as a model. Dear, Hello, my name's There is ... That's all about me. How about you? Best wishes,

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