Speaking Notes

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The Job of a Facilitator is to:

1. Keep members on the topic. *********** o - Let them know the discussion had drifted; usually they will quickly return to the topic. o - Periodically repeat the topic under discussion-- "Isn't this what we were discussing?" 2. Summarize what members have said. ******************************* o - IN particular, summarize what the less active members said. o - Relate what one person says to another's ideas-- "It sounds like you're adding to what Jackie said..." o - Accept parts of ideas and asks if the person could develop the idea more. o - Let people know when someone has been cut off, and then allow them to finish what they were saying. 3. Let people know that feelings are OK. o - Summarize feelings as well as content-- "Joe, you seem to be disturbed about something..." 4. State the problem in a constructive way so people can work on it. **** o - State the problem as a problem, without implying that someone is at fault. o - Present the group with problems and questions, not answers. 5. Suggest ways to reach conclusions. ********* o - Clarify the decision the group needs to reach so people don't waste their time on other things. o - Let members know when it may be time to move on to the next problem or agenda item. o - Try to break big problems up into workable pieces and deal with each part separately. 6. Periodically summarize what has happened and what has been decided. ******* o - Be sure to restate a decision after it has been made by the group.

Nominal Group Technique provides an effective framework for ranking priorities and choosing the option that best fits those priorities. First, the team discusses the problem, then team members narrow down the issues to the key choices they must evaluate. From there, participants each rank their top choices. The team totals the rankings for each alternative, and the options with the highest ranking emerge as the group's priorities.

Typical phrases: "Thanks for your contribution, Bill. What do you think, Mary? "From what Im hearing, it appears that the key issues are A, B, and C. Why dont we start by discussing A, if that is agreeable to everyone? "So, it appears that we are all agreed that

Typical phrases: "We havent heard much during our meeting from you, John. Do you have any thoughts? It might be helpful if you backed off a bit, Kate, so we can hear what Doug has to say. "Im sensing a bit of tension among us over this decision; I think we should get our disagreements out into the open. "I think we can feel really good about what weve accomplished to this point. Especially nice work on the project outline, Kim!

Human - from illness, death, injury, or other loss of a key individual. Operational - from disruption to supplies and operations, loss of access to essential assets, or failures in distribution. Reputational - from loss of customer or employee confidence, or damage to market reputation. Procedural - from failures of accountability, internal systems and controls; or from fraud. Project - from going over budget, taking too long on key tasks, or experiencing issues with product or service quality. Financial - from business failure, stock market fluctuations, interest rate changes, or nonavailability of funding. Technical - from advances in technology, or from technical failure. Natural - from weather, natural disasters, or disease. Political - from changes in tax, public opinion, government policy, or foreign influence. Structural - from dangerous chemicals, poor lighting, falling boxes, or any situation where staff, products, or technology can be harmed.

S social, society, P- personal , policies, E- education, ethics, environment R-religion, race, M- money, moral, methods, materials, Parameters of topic Past Present Future Parameters of topic How How effect

Global Health Financial Environment Technology Communication Productivity Social and cultural connectivity Leadership and responsibility 21st century skills

Parameters of topic Cause Effect Cause effect

Parameters of topic Why How So what / Effect / Impact

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