PMR Bi BS Trial 15 1

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This question paper consists of five sections with 40 questions. Answer all questions. You are advised to spend 10 minutes on Section A, 10 minutes on Section B, 10 minutes on Section C, 10 minutes on Section D and 20 minutes on Section E.

Section A Questions 1 - 10 are based on the information given. Question 1 Read the dialogue below and answer the question that follows.

Son, lets take a picture of you and your maiden catch!

Why is Timmy very happy? He caught a large fish. A He took a picture of his fish. B He is excited about fishing. C He caught his first fish. D

Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2008 Hak Cipta Terpelihara Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur

Questions 2-3 Read the memo below and answer the questions that follow. To all staff, Re: Meeting on customer service Date: 20th August 2008 Time: 3.30 p.m. Place: Boardroom Please be punctual. Thank you

By what time should Sarah be in the boardroom? By 2.30 p.m. A Before 3.45 p.m. B By noon. C By 3.30 p.m. D The word `punctual can best be replaced with on time. A clean and neat. B organised. C all of the above. D

Trespassers will be prosecuted! 4 Lee dropped his ball in the compound. He cannot go in because he will be trapped. A he is not a trespasser. B he will be brought to court. C Dear Ms Jenny. Thank you for replying my initial letter last week. I have taken your advice and gone to see a physician about my health. Thank you Unwell

Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2008 Hak Cipta Terpelihara Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur

Who sent the first letter? The physician A Unwell B Ms. Jenny C None of the above D Notice: Computing Skills Assignment Deadline: 25th August 2008

From the notice, you know that computing is a skill. A assignments are difficult to complete. B you can hand in your asignment after 25th August. C you have to hand in your assignment before 25th August. D Year 1998 2000 2003 2006 2008 No of local cars sold 100,000 120,000 130,000 170,000 150,000 No. of foreign cars sold 50,000 85,000 130,000 200,000 300,000

The facts below are false except local cars have always been less popular. A the number of foreign cars sold decreased from 2001 onwards. B the total amount of cars sold has not been increasing. C the sale of local cars dropped in the last two years. D Putrajaya, Sun. Several schools participated in a recycling `Go Green campaign here today. The campaign was such a huge success that the Education Ministry has declared it a monthly event. Schools throughout the Klang Valley will take part in the The `Go Green campaign.

As the campaign was a great . , it will be continued every month A B C D accomplishment letdown disappointment flop

Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2008 Hak Cipta Terpelihara Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur

This animal is classified as a herbivore. A carnivore. B omnivore. C

Not suitable for children under the age of three.


Mrs. James is 45 years old. She cannot buy the float for her two-year-old nephew A cannot use the float herself. B can give the float as a gift to her one-year-old niece. C

Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2008 Hak Cipta Terpelihara Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur

Section B Questions 11-18 Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the best answer from the options A, B and C or A, B, C and D to fit the numbered blanks.

It was a Friday morning. The time was 6.50 a.m. and the sun . (11) risen yet. Nevertheless, I decided to do some exercise. I went to . (12) park and started to jog around the lake.

As I passed by the lake, something caught my . (13). There, in the center of the lake, . (14) a puppy struggling to keep its head above . (15). Seeing the puppy in distress, I plunged into the cold water without hesitation. . (16) did not realise this until later, but I had actually swam to the center . (17) the lake and saved the puppy. Triton, as I named him, lives with me now. It is amazing how sometimes we learn of our true potential from the . (18) expected sources.



had not has not will not would not and a the distraction attention abbreviation acceleration were was are will be



land air surface water I He We They of on off over most usual likeliest least 5







Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2008 Hak Cipta Terpelihara Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur

Section C Questions 19-21 Read the conversation below and choose the best meaning for the phrases underlined.

Jeevan : Pn. Normah:


Pn. Normah:

Good morning Pn. Normah. Did you want to see me? Hello Jeevan. Yes, as a matter of fact I did. Please take a seat. Im shocked to hear that you and your brother had a ..(19) with the police last night. What actually happened? We were driving home when a patrol car signalled us to .. (20) They mistook us for some other people but they let us off after realising their mistake. Im glad youre all right. You can (21) now, cant you?


run in A B C D

run into run away from encounter incident


pull over A B C D stop drive away move to one side park.


breathe easy hide A go below B be yourself C move away D

Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2008 Hak Cipta Terpelihara Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur

Questions 22-24 Read the conversation below and choose the best meaning for the phrases underlined. James: Mahen, Look at Tim! He has changed. He is smoking and I think we better not mix with him. People might think we are like him because one rotten apple spoils the barrel. (24) No, I dont think so. I think we should help him now, before its too late, as a stumble may prevent a fall. (23) James: Mahen: 22 Youre right. We should help him, as kindness begets kindness. (24) He may return the favour in the future. Its not that. We simply should not judge people. one rotten apple spoils the barrel Tim may influence the boys to start smoking as well. A Tim may influence them to start doing bad things. B The boys may end up failing their exams. C It takes one person to spoil one another person. D a stumble may prevent a fall Tim may end up falling down A The boys can help Tim from falling. B Tim may be able to stop the habit from becoming an addiction. C kindness begets kindness Kindness is a virtue A If you are kind to people, they will be kind to you. B You must repay kindness with kindness C Kindness is the only virtue D




Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2008 Hak Cipta Terpelihara Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur

Questions 25 - 28 Study the table below and answer the questions that follow. Daves Appointments Time 9.00 am Timetable Meeting with board of Directors - breakfast at Tiffanys - Discussion on Recycling Project Brunch at Pompeii Caf with parents - plan a trip to Tioman Isand Lunch with Nik and Neil - Organising Niks birthday party Tea with college mates Dinner with family at home. -Leisure time

10.30 am

1.00 pm 4.00pm 7.30 pm


Tiffanys is the name of a restaurant A the owner of the restaurant B the location of the restaurant C the name of one of one of the directors D Where does Dave want to go for a holiday? Pompeii A An island B Tioman Island C None of the above D Why is Dave meeting Nik and Neil? He wants to have lunch with them A He wants to meet them B He wants to plan Neils birthday party C He wants to plan Niks birthday party D The word leisure can best be replaced with busy A supper time B free time C ample time D




Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2008 Hak Cipta Terpelihara Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur

Questions 29 - 34 Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. Malaysia's deforestation rate is accelerating faster than that of any other tropical country in the world, according to data from the United Nations. Analysis of figures from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) shows that Malaysia's annual deforestation rate jumped almost 86 percent between 1990 and 2005. In total, Malaysia lost an average of 140,200 hectares per year since 2000. For comparison, the Southeast Asian countries lost an average of 78,500 hectares of its forests, annually during the 1990s. On paper, Malaysia has probably one of the best rainforest protection policies in developing Asia, but in practice logging still carries on as it always has. The majority of Malaysia's remaining forests are managed for timber production, and each state is empowered to formulate forest policy independently. Problems such as government policies are the main factors that contribute to the high rate of deforestation in this country. Other factors include illegal logging and unplanned developments. Forest cover has fallen dramatically in Malaysia since the 1970s. While forests still cover more than 60 percent of the country, only 11.6 percent of these forests are considered pristine. The only way for the future generation to be able to enjoy this gift of nature is by instilling the love for our forests in the minds of the young.
Extracted from Mongabay


Malaysias deforestation rate is the highest in the world. A the highest among tropical countries. B not high compared to other countries. C as high as any other tropical country. D How many hectares of forest have been lost in Malaysia since 2000? Below 100 000 A Exactly 140 000 B Approximately 140 000 C Above 150 000 D 9


Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2008 Hak Cipta Terpelihara Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur


What does the term in practise mean? during rehearsals A in all possibility B in reality C D Which of the following are factors that contribute to deforestation? Unlawful logging A Poorly planned developments B Policies by the government C All of the above D When did Malaysia begin to lose its forest lands? Since the 1970s A Since 1972 B Since the 1990s C Since early 2000 D The gift of nature in the passage refers to the forests. A the future generation. B the government. C none of the above. D Section E




Questions 35 - 37 Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow. Life's brief candle To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day To the last syllable of recorded time, And all our yesterdays have lighted fools The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage And then is heard no more: it is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing. William Shakespeare
Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2008 Hak Cipta Terpelihara Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur



The poet uses the word creeps to show that he is scared by life A that life crawls by slowly B that life is a snail C


Which word is used to show that life is short? dusty A poor B brief C death D What feelings is the poet evoking in this poem? Anger, irritation and frustration A Joy and happiness B Loneliness and sadness C Pain and sorrow D


Questions 38 - 40 Read the extract and answer the questions that follow. ``Well, that leaves just RM430.00 to be raised. Wait a minute, what if he could save on the bunga telur. After all, they were just hard-boiled eggs. They could boil a lot of eggs which were dirt cheap if you bought from The Department of Agriculture and then they could be handed around on trays. He tried to sell his ideas on the bunga telur to the womenfolk. His sister glared at him. ``And how would people know its the bunga telur for your wedding? ``Well, countered Jamal, ``thats no problem. Well stick sticky labels on them. His sister rolled her eyes in disbelief and smacked her hand on her forehead. Jamal thought that meant dismissal. Those bunga telur could be quite expensive. He had another brilliant idea which he recounted to his sister. Of Bunga Telur and Bally Shoes By Che Husna Azhari

Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2008 Hak Cipta Terpelihara Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur



What was Jamals problem? He did not like bunga telur. A He did not have any money. B He did not want to get married. C He was trying to raise the remaining RM430.00 D From the extract, we know that Jamal was trying to stop the bunga telur idea. A it is a tradition to give bunga telur for weddings. B the womenfolk like Jamal. C



What would Jamal most probably write on the sticky labels? His name and his wifes name A B Bunga Telur His address C His sisters name D

Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2008 Hak Cipta Terpelihara Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur


ANSWERS 1. D 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. B 6. D 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. A 11. A 12. C 13. B 14. B 15. D 16. A 17. A 18. D 19. C 20. A 21. C 22. A 23. C 24. B 25. A 26. C 27. D 28. C 29. B 30. C 31. C 32. D 33. A 34. A 35. B 36. C 37. A 38. D 39. B 40. A

Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2008 Hak Cipta Terpelihara Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur


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