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Centre of Excellence for Enhanced Oil Recovery

To become PETRONASs EOR Research & Technology Development Centre

EOR Research Lab Micro-Focus Computerized Tomography PVT System 4 Phase Thermal-Chemical Core Displacement System Falling Film Reactor MMP HPHT Densitometer 2-Phase Relative Permeability System Formation Damage System Fluid/Rock Property Measurement Units EOR Offices Open Office for the Center Head Open Office with 25 cubicles 27 High capacity Computers 2 Network Printer Seminar room (30 seats capacity) Pantry

To undertake fundamental research that will develop knowledge and support PETRONAS business in pursuing EOR research To develop PETRONAS personnel on fundamental knowledge required to strengthen their applied skills in EOR for the purpose of developing man power capability to support EOR initiatives by PETRONAS To jointly undertake applied research with PRSB where necessary that may results in field application To act as a platform for knowledge sharing and dissemination and technology transfer to EOR fraternity within PETRONAS and Malaysia

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Onur (Research Head, Schlumberger Chair) 12 PhD + 9 MSc Students 1 Admin Executive 1 Lab Technologist 2 Technicians

Research Groups and Team Members

Chemical EOR
Although Chemical EOR methods have been proven as resulting in the highest RF, because of their very high cost they have not been preferred unless really necessary. Taking this reality into account, the research under this group is mainly concentrated on solving this issue. The research subjects that fall under this group includes but not limited to: Synthesizing new/modified chemical agents (from local/inexpensive sources for EOR applications) Developing novel CEOR methods Chemical agent injection schemes

WAG Optimization
The research under this group is mainly concentrated on developing new approach towards betterment of the overall efficiency of WAG process and increase the expected RF from offshore fields in which among many others the well spacing, reservoir heterogeneity, amount of needed gas, mobility of the multiphase fluids, and miscibility issues are the factors which affect the overall efficiency of the process. The research subjects that fall under this group includes but not limited to: Mobility control, Microscopic/ Macroscopic Recovery Efficiency Enhancement of Water and/or Gas injected during WAG process Injection schemes Challenges in Conversion to Miscible WAG Academic Members: 1. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Onur (Group Leader, UTP) 2. AP. Dr. Isa M Tan (UTP) 3. AP. Dr. Ismail M Saaid (UTP) 4. Dr. Abdolrahim Ataei (PETRONAS/PMU) 5. Dr. Rahim Masoudi (PETRONAS/PMU)

WAG Implementation Challenges

As of all other EOR methods, WAG injection is also very case sensitive and that is why there is no ready recipe for all applications. The research under this group is mainly concentrated on understanding the recovery mechanisms at micro level in problematic reservoirs. The research subjects that fall under this group includes but not limited to: Relative permeability characteristics in the presence of asphaltene precipitation Viscous fingering phenomena in the presence of organic deposition The present and future challenges on amount of gas needed Emulsion issues when chemicals injected

Thermal and Unconventional EOR

The research under this group as the name implies is concentrated on improvement of thermal recovery techniques for challenging reservoirs (deeper, thinner, heterogeneous) and developing novel and unconventional EOR methods. The research subjects that fall under this group includes but not limited to: Improvement of classical thermal techniques Development of Nano-EOR Technology Electromagnetic (EM) applications with nano-particles Chemical EOR with nano-polymers Academic Members: 1. Prof. Dr. Mariyamni Awang (Group Leader- Thermal) 2. Prof. Dr. Noorhana Yahya (Group Leader- Unconventional) 3. AP. Dr. Cecilia Devi (UTP) 4. AP. Dr. Ismail M Saaid (UTP) 5. AP Ir. Abd Aziz Omar (UTP) 6. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Onur (UTP) 7. Prof. Dr. Noaman El-Khatib (UTP) 8. Dr. Hasnah Mohd Zaid (UTP) 9. AP. Dr. Naufal M Saad (UTP)

Academic Members: 1. AP. Dr. Isa M Tan (Group Leader, UTP) 2. AP. Dr. Ismail M Saaid (UTP) 3. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Onur (UTP) 4. Prof. Dr. Mariyamni Awang (UTP)

Academic Members: 1. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Onur (Group Leader, UTP) 2. Prof. Dr. Noaman El-Khatib (UTP) 3. Dr. Nasir Darman (PETRONAS/PMU) 4. AP. Ir. Abd Aziz Omar (UTP) 5. Ali F. Altaee (UTP) 6. Mazlin Idress (UTP)

Ongoing Research Activities

Indigenous Synthesis, Characterization and Evaluation of Surfactant from Non-edible Natural Oils for EOR Applications (M. Mushtaq, PhD) Investigation and Modeling of Adsorption during ASP Flooding (M. Ali Hamid, PhD) Experimental Investigation and Modeling of ASP Slug Viscosity (M. Rehan, PhD) Immiscible Surfactant-CO2 Foam Assisted EOR Process in Sandstone Reservoirs (S.H. Telebian, PhD) Effect of Flow Rate on Foam Mobility: Malaysian Crude Oil (S. Nurbaya, MSc) Investigation on Microscopic Sweep Efficiency During I-WAG Injection (S. Javed Hosseini, PhD) Investigation of the Effects of Using Chemically Enhanced Water During Water Alternating Gas (WAG) Injection on Oil Recovery (S. Majidaie, PhD) Laboratory Investigation and Simulation Modeling of Different I-WAG Schemes Towards Optimization of Displacement Efficiency (S.M. Mirkalaei, PhD) Foam Stabilization in i-WAG Flooding (M. Homayoofard, PhD) Study of Asphaltene Precipitation Induced Formation Damage During CO2 Injection for a Malaysian light oil reservoir (S.S. Alian, MSc) Investigation the Effects of Asphaltene Presence on Relative Permeability Characteristics during WAG Process (A. Khanifar, PhD) Thermodynamic Modeling of Ternary Phase Behavior of Brine/Surfactant/Oil System in EOR Processes: Experimental & Mathematical Approach (Y. Ademola Adeeyo, PhD) Application of Wormlike Micelles in Chemical EOR Method (S. Kumar, MSc) Heat Assisted WAG with Chemical Additives for Heavy Oil Recovery (S.A. Musa, PhD) Development of Ionic Liquid as a Novel EOR Agent (D. Nair G., MSc) Study of Fluid Flow Characteristics Along Injection Wells (B. Moradi, MSc) Investigation on Phase Behavior Prediction for CO2/Hydrocarbon/Water Systems at Reduced Temperature (W.P. Yong, MSc) Effect of Branched Alcohols on Minimum Miscibility Pressure between CO2 and Crude Oil (A. Bashir, MSc)

Enhanced Oil Recovery Centre Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Bandar Seri Iskandar 31750 Tronoh, Perak, Malaysia Tel: 605- 368 7073 Fax: 605- 365 5670

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