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Livable Communities Development Group Meeting Summary 07/24/12

Present: Jenny Lockmiller Steve Baldwin Joe Hoffman Mary Lee Jondahl Brenda Warner

Justin Tipton Alexis Close Kanwaldeep Singh Charis Hickson Dan Reese

The group was pleased to hear a presentation by Mr. Joe Hoffman on his proposal to begin a Community Food Waste Composting program in Washington County. Mr. Hoffman has been in talks with Johnson City and Jonesborough about a collection system that would divert a significant amount of restaurant, supermarket, and institutional food waste to a site he has secured and reduce the amount of waste being trucked to the area landfill. He explained that this would show a cost savings for the businesses involved and for the municipalities that pay fees for solid waste disposal. While in its preliminary stages Mr. Hoffman expressed hope for wide community support for this entrepreneurial effort and has developed a business plan with the help of Bob Justice of the Small Business Administration. The project has the potential to be profitable to Mr. Hoffman to profit the community as successful livable community initiative in economic development. A motion to support Mr. Hoffmans efforts by means of a group letter was accepted by the group. A lively discussion of the significant positive impact of the many current public and private initiatives related to downtown and community-wide business investment, infrastructure, green space, connectivity, and safety led to suggestion that we have a bold story to be told and that it needs to be communicated more broadly. The effect of these efforts was seen as creating a dramatic change in quality of life of our city and county and making the area a more inviting place to live, work, study, and play. Significant national exposure by means of the Live Streaming of the ASA Girls National 18 and under softball tournament in July and the Economic Summit in October were recognized as strong formats to get the message of our community out to individuals, businesses, and potential employers nationally who might look to visit and invest in a community with a strong quality of life. An initiative has been started with ETSU, TVA, the First Tennessee Development District, and Johnson City to propose a study of the effects on water quality by uncovering two urban streams in the downtown area. This may be the first time such a project has been attempted nationally from preconstruction to near-completion. Dr. Phil Scheuerman of the ETSU Dept of Public Health is facilitating the effort and the hope is to have a pilot grant in coming months followed by a possible ten year EPA grant. The stakeholders in the water quality proposal expressed support to include significant elements of the state STEM program (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) to involve university students and faculty and Johnson City public school students and faculty in experiential aspect of the study. It was felt that the grant might support laboratory upgrades and faculty enrichment on all level.

300 East Main Street ~ Suite 406 ~ Johnson City, TN 37601 423.202.3510

A report on AgriBusiness and AgriTourism efforts recently was given by Dan Reese. The group expressed strong interest in supporting local farms and the farmers market program and encouraging educational efforts to increase the supply of regional organic and sustainably grown food. An increase in market demand for quality farm and garden products by the community, farmers markets, restaurants, and grocers was noted. Communication of the areas AgriTourism resources was seen as a priority and as a way along with AgriBusiness to increase local farm incomes. Representatives of the JC Bike Party reported on the now-operating Bike Kitchen which serves to recycle used bicycles and parts and get them into the hands of the community. A small facility on E. Unaka has recently been acquired and stocked with repair and rebuilding tools. The Bike Party is partnering with staff at the Carver Recreation Center to teach bike safety to youth and adults in coming months. Monthly urban bike rides are being led by the group in an effort to get the community up and active using alternative modes of transportation. Steve Baldwin reviewed plans for the Economic Summit 2012. The group discussed the proposed format of the Livable Communities Development Group break-out session. Keeping in mind the entrepreneurial theme of the summit the group felt that this might be a good time for individuals to tell their stories of entrepreneurial efforts that had led to a more livable community. The group agreed that the wider community had profited by having a better quality of life due to these and other proposed projects. The group proposed telling the story of the wider benefits to quality of life of increased water quality, safety, stronger neighborhoods, sustainable and smart growth, and community connectivity. Goal setting for the next year would close the session. The next meeting of the group will be August 28th at 4:00pm.

Dan Reese Group Facilitator 07/25/12

300 East Main Street ~ Suite 406 ~ Johnson City, TN 37601 423.202.3510

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