Catholic and Methodist

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Catholic and Methodist : How they differ? Catholic and Methodist are followers of different teachings.

Though they follow the Bible and Christ, they are different in many ways. While the Catholic embrace the teachings and traditions of the Roman Catholic Church, which are as important as Scriptures, the Methodists think that the truth comes only from Scriptures. One of the main differences that can be seen between the Catholic and Methodist is in the service or mass. One of the most important services of Catholics is receiving the body and the blood of Christ through communion. On the other hand, the Methodist focuses on the liturgies and readings. The Methodists believe in the spiritual Jesus, and not the physical Jesus. While the Catholic has seven Sacraments, the Methodist has just two. Another difference that can be seen is that confession is needed in Catholic faith, while it is optional in Methodist faith. Unlike the Catholics, the Methodists do not deny the historical content of Apocrypha, but do not consider it as a Holy Book. While the Methodists ordain women, the Catholics do not. When comparing the followers, Catholics are more in numbers than the Methodists. While the Catholics pray to the saints, the Methodists do not. Unlike the Methodists, the Catholics worship Mary more often. Moreover, the Pope is the head of the Catholics. John Wesley is the name associated with Methodist. This group of followers are known to have orginated as a movement with the Church of England in the eghteenth century. The movement mainly focussed on the methodical approach to Christian living. Ignatius is the name associated with the Catholic church. Ignatius meant a universal church when he designated the Catholic church. Summary: 1. One of the most important services of Catholics is receiving the body and the blood of Christ through communion. On the other hand, the Methodist focuses on the liturgies and readings. 2. Unlike the Catholics, the Methodists believe in the spiritual Jesus, and not the physical Jesus. 3. Confession is needed in catholic faith and it is optional in Methodist faith. 4. While the Catholic has seven Sacraments, the Methodist has just two. 5. While the Catholics pray to the saints, the Methodists do not. 6. Unlike the Methodists, the Catholics worship Mary more often. 7. John Wesley is the name associated with Methodist. Ignatius is the name associated with the Catholic church. 8. While the Methodists ordain women, the Catholics do not.

Reference : Difference Between

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