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Bylaws and Constitution : A comparison These terms may both refer to a document that governs a group in some way?

This is not the only similarity. Both terms have origins at basically the same times: constitution originating between 1350 1400, and the term by-laws originating between 132575. The origins are also rather similar; both have derivation credits in the Middle English. Despite these seeming similarities there are a number of differences. While the idea of a constitution may seem rather singularly governmental to some the term actually has a wide variety uses and many have nothing to do with governments or documents. The term is used strictly as a noun. If you look in a dictionary you will likely find that in regard to definitions the first entry is one that pertains to the way that things are combined. Other definitions refer to the process by which things are put together. There will likely be reference to The Constitution of the United States. There is also a usage that refers to the system of core principles though it need not refer to the document itself. Though, a separate definition does include reference to any document that includes or describes those principles. There also a definition that is listed as archaic. It is another description of the condition of an individual though it does not refer as specifically to the physical health as the more modern version does. By-laws is a term that refers to a much more specific concept. It used solely as a noun and does not reference any processes or actions. It is recorded as originating at approximately the same time as constitution and from similar derivation. In the term constitutions reference to the core principles of a group is the closest similarity in usage. One concept that is common to basically all of the definitions of by-law is that it is a standing rule. In general the term does maintain a legalistic and governing concept. It can refer to the actual laws of the government for example. It might also refer to rules that are adopted by a business to define its rules for conduct. In some cases other groups such as clubs and organizations may have by-laws. For more information you can look in your dictionary of choice. Both of these terms may be used to refer to defined principles that control the conduct of groups. Beyond that constitution can refer to numerous other concepts, and the usage of the word in those ways is more common than its usage in referencing principles. By-laws exclusively refer to principles that are defined to govern a group. While any group can create by-laws the more common are businesses, governments and organizations. They both share etymologies that are quite similar. Both have originations dated around the mid 1300s and derivations that are linked to Middle English. Both are strictly used as nouns as well. These dissimilar terms may in very limited cases refer to the same content. In the example of a constitution that is then adopted as a by-law. Reference : Tana, k. (5 May 2009). Difference Between By-laws and Constituition. In Difference Between.

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