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Multinational Corporations: Are they Devils in Disguise?

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Dipa said: (Thu, Feb 9, 2012 11:16:35 AM)

MNC companies are no way a devil for our country. Due to these many people get jobs, we get better quality product at a reduced rate at our own place also. As a solution where effects the small scale industries can be that our government can make strict rules that they should open up their business with other small scale business peoples in India. For example in motors previously we had this rule any foriegn company who wants to promote their motors in India should merge with an Indian company so both gets benefitted. Ex hero with honda, maruti with suzuki so many due to which Indian companies got to know the new technologies.
Rate this: +0 -0 Akshatha said: (Mon, Feb 6, 2012 08:50:14 PM)

According to me MNCs helps in development of the country. - firstly, MNCs combines the best of technologies, ideas and resources of number of nations, thus producing best products. - secondly, By giving opportunity for the development of multi national companies in a country, helps to exchange the new ideas, technologies and culture between many nations. - so I think MNCs are helping in the growth of country.
Rate this: +2 -3 Shashank said: (Tue, Jan 31, 2012 07:59:29 PM)

Hi guys, I do believe every coin has got 2 faces. MNCs have got both positive and negative impacts in the modern era.My views on both the sides are as follows: Positive Impacts: 1>MNCs create job ooportunities and help the sociey. 2>These days in Indian Scenare, when rupee prices are going record low every days, India born MNCs like Tata,Infosys,Wipro with clients from all over world,helping the national economy lot. Because most of the business transaction takes interms of USD, hence remains unaffected.

3>The national MNCs upsurge forien investors to invest in Indian Market, that helps country economy. 4>More tax generated for the country. 5>New technologies get a way in our contry by thelp of MNCs. Negative Impacts: 1>MNCs have given birth to branding, which is directly hitting the small scale Industries. 2>They cause lot of pollution. 3>Only helpful for base countries. Foriegn companies like Walmart If they come to India,India wont be benifitted. Inspite of all the drawbacks it wont be ethical to call MNCs devil in disguise.Its better to call them a boon with some drawbacks
Rate this: +27 -0 Milind said: (Mon, Jan 30, 2012 11:32:48 PM)

In my view, those few people there are making others survive. And we can very well pay them few extra paltry for that reason. 1. These few MNC's or corporate heads are behind the cooking stoves of thousands and millions of homes. 2. Taxes payed by them are used to build memorials, stadiums and roads. Unlike our taxes to keep up the inflation rate to the next year budget. 3. It depends, as a friend mentioned in his/her discussion note something about power and money. We ought to remember that it is always us who decide the rate to be hired, not they. You don't want to work for long hours, you may drop a complaint. If you are paid less, complain and switch. Its a judiciary offence to make an employ overwork after complains 4. MNC's have always been a boon to lower and middle class. Had not been their existence in India, our land would still have been a land of late golden bird.
Rate this: +4 -4 Laxmi said: (Mon, Jan 30, 2012 05:17:13 PM)

I appreciate all the view but I would to bring your attention that "All that glitters is not the gold" so is the case with MNC's. Though right now they are luring us with employment and high wages but are they worthy enough? The reason being : 1. The quality of work which most of the mnc's redirect for outsourcing is not that great. 2. The work culture e.g extending work hours are putting our youth into unhealthy lifestyle. 3. The most important thing is the idea behind entering into market is to capture Indian market. So we need to understand that we putting our economic future in danger by welcoming them. This all proves that mnc's are devil in disguise.
Rate this: +13 -10

Varsha said: (Thu, Jan 26, 2012 09:17:35 PM)

Hello one n all reading that actually I fell that MNCs are good platform for the bright future of the youth of our country as most of them depend on MNCs, even we people don't find any secure life in this companies we rush toward that because they provide good pay, living standard n also they are not unfare they need the talent and search for such talent but in our country it is not like that every where the thing is bribe n source not the talent, now even most of the people think to be employed in this MNCs. So I don't feel any thing bad in MNCs if they are providing job its on them how they be benefited by taking more works from us but inspite of all this they are providing employement.
Rate this: +10 -3 Kaustubh U said: (Fri, Jan 13, 2012 11:14:21 AM)

I disagree to the topic but not completely as there must some issues with each and everything in this world. 1. Starting with the topic, Lets take the example which will bolster that the topic is not completely correct. We all heard of HERO-HONDA and their JV (joint venture) , what happened with them both? Who got benefited most? any guess? In answer, BOTH equally got benefited. Hero who's positioning of the product was only bicycles but were strong in marketing and implementing the products in the market with the psyche of the consumers, While Honda is technological experts in Motorcycles and cars too. By simply exchanging the minus points with each other through joint venture what they have done we know what HERO-HONDA as a brand in India. 2. Absolutely yes that MNCs are using our brains our raw material to gain some competitive advantage (they found cheap labor and low cost on raw material required which help them in expansion) , but why they are so successful? THE MAIN REASON IS YOU ARE BIG FAILURE IN FRONT OF THEM THAT IS WHY THEY ARE SUCCESSFUL. 3. In India for new set up of business as per paper, it takes 29 days but in originality it may take couple of months. While that is in America it hardly takes 2 days. Above there was point that American government din't allow the cotton skirts from India. The main reason is obviously the point suggested up there but also America IS CAPABLE OF PRODUCING SIMILAR QUALITY PRODUCT BY HELPING THEIR LOCAL BUSINESS WHICH WILL HELP FOR OVERALL DEVELOPMENT. Is Indian govt. Capable of doing that? YOU SHOULD POINT YOUR FINGERS TO OTHERS WHEN YOU ARE UNBEATABLE AND VERY MUCH PERFECT IN THAT AREA. IS INDIAN GOVT. IS THAT PERFECT? 4. As highest Authority, Government is knowing all this things that is why they allowing FDI in India, because they know they not only will create employment but also they will fulfill common mans need that INDIAN business will not.

5. And are we going to talk about the same INDIAN MNCs like Reliance, Godrej, Infosys, Wipro, Thermax which are MNCs for other countries and expanding their and making profit? 6. There are 5 stages of business START, GROWTH, MATURITY, DECLINE AND DIP. If you operating in maturity stage then next are decline and dip where you have to look for the other opportunities. 7. Lastly in the era of GLOBALIZATION, we should not complain by saying MNCs are devil but we have to adjust ourselves for new challenges of it. Because Ultimately challenge is life.
Rate this: +86 -15 Karuna said: (Fri, Jan 13, 2012 11:12:13 AM)

I go along with what piyashi said. As the unemployement rate is high in India. We can see many job seekers across us and everyone wants to get into psu but thats not possible because one has to pass through many criterias. So, MNCs are playing very helping role by recruiting freshers in large numbers and providing exposure to them. One can earn a lot by serving them at primary stage and can get experience too. And also in India it is the fastest growing and favourablly economical sector. So its good for freshers at the primary stage. Once you get exposure and experience, then you can easily serve any organisation.
Rate this: +7 -7 Piyashi said: (Wed, Jan 11, 2012 12:09:34 PM)

I would also like to emphasize one point. India produces lakhs of job seeking graduates every year. And the number of government or public sector jobs is almost negligible to absorb this huge mass. The other India based private companies do help but the major employment opportunities come from these MNCs. They provide a good salary, better living standards and a lot of recreational activities and helps people be aware in every field unlike most of Indian government offices where people while away there time sleeping at home or taking bribe. Moreover the MNCs are like inspiration to thousands of Indian Companies who want to and have gone global. There are so many Indian MNCs as well like TATA, INFOSYS etc. So It a two way process. If other country companies are coming here, even Indians are also going global. So rather than complaining we must work together. As far as the wealth of our country I concerned, it beholds in the pockets of our greedy politicians and aristocrates. It is also well known how strong our Indian education system is. The dream and wish for a better life and future also drives so many youngsters from middle class and poor backgrounds to study hard and improve education standard. And this is greatly influenced by the lucrative and good offers made by MNCs to deserving people. So the co existence of MNC s with Indian companies can help India flourish.
Rate this: +36 -14 Md. Jamil Akhtar said: (Tue, Jan 10, 2012 08:59:46 AM)

The entry to the MNCs may be restricted to a certain level and ensure that the work force available in the country should get priority in getting jobs. Then only there will be some value addition to the national economy. In this way mnc's provide our country with quality of products which help it to develop. So, both the things are equally important for us which we have to take into account and try to make adjustment so as to overcome the employment problems in India and let the national economy grow further. On the other hand, most of the MNCs are not adhered to the social ethics and social responsibilities by not providing jobs th the every section of society. Also, they are not bothered about controlled air pollution causing evil problems of Global warming and climate change. Hence it can be said that MNCs are devils in disguise.
Rate this: +7 -5 Akshay said: (Mon, Jan 9, 2012 03:17:04 AM)

Presence of MNCs is not good for us because they should rule our country in future. Just think that during 1940's east India company of england ruled us. But after freedom only east India company is gone back but others companies of england stayed here only. They are the companies who earn their profits by using our resources and raw materials. They also uses our brains and talents and we people also give them full support as they are providing job to us. I want to tell you all that other countries don't give permission of Indian cotton clothes to sell in their country. But in India we give their full permission to sell anything. We know that to survive in India we have to the nationality of that country. In our Indian politics except nationality no other requirement is required to stand in election platform. If the person is murdered then also he can get their in elction platforms in India. But nowadays their are total 6-7 member of parliament are foreigner. If same things happens continuously then one day come when the situation becomes the same which are in the 1940s. You ever see that pepsi is made of 50 paisa only but they sell it to us at rs. 12. That also made from our Indian water by mixing some ingradients to it. I know the MNCs are providing job to the youngsters but it is because they need those youngsters to promote their products in their country. Because of the MNCs our Indian companies don't get the talented brains of our country. They are spoiling our country. The developed country is the country which use the products made by their own companies. We see that because of MNCs rich people get rich and poor get poorer. It is one of the main reason that India is not the developed country. Our Indian government also OFF the income thanks on the MNCs but the Indian companies have to pay the tax to survive in India. It is very bad. It just mean that we have to take the permission to start any buiseness in our country but foreigners can start their any buisness here. At last I come to the point that there is no need of MNCs in any country for the developement of that country. The country become the developed one because of their own export.
Rate this: +23 -16 Kunal Kumar Singh said: (Sun, Jan 8, 2012 08:13:31 PM)

I appreciate all the thoughts elaborated earlier & i again wants to share my opinion about MNC`S. So , firstly I am explaining what the MNC`S are? Dear friends as name suggested that Multinational Companies. According to the boon point of view any company have to be concentrated to their own profit providing the profit to their end user. Then the point comes is mind is that the policies of that company should not be violate any other customers & providing

a standard living standard to their employees. As proceeding to the level of whole world a company have to maintain the peaceful environment for better organisation, so they maintain the all terms of the other countries. As i said earlier the thing are comes in increasing order of needs that have to required to be a optimistic condition. Now by mnc the unemployment of any countries decreases behalf of providing a good pay scales & providing the great facility, as the mncs are private so the are well managed & bound be play their good job in polite way & with responsible +ve thoughts, so chances of corruption become also low, which is so good for any country. Now come at the thought of optimistic relationship. For any mncs their would be a terms applied in them for maintaining the peaceful business. So it`s depends on the countries term that how they deal with the different companies to maintain their economy & maintain the violence among their domestic business. If any any country losses their control from this then that particular country have to be responsible for this. Behalf of this we can`t blem a mnc to violent our economy. Now according to another point of view we can observe easily that behalf this mncs approach we are now at the stage of connect the whole world & save our world to go through a next world war, because if we go through our history of world the we get that any war were never be well planned. Any side not even wants the war. So indirectly the mnc`s maintain the peace between the world also. At last I want to include 1 point & that is belonging to the very low lwvwl persons of any country of world. Think about a moment that a large people comes in the C level of any country today feel about any another corner of world, because the product that have a business in different countries. After all about that how can we blem the mncs to disturb any countries economy or growth rate. If then after this type of things arises then the reason of that is the no any other person or company but the people of the particular country who select that type of government who are not eligible to handle this type of critical situations.That`s all. Thank u every body.
Rate this: +9 -7 Tahseen Ahmad said: (Fri, Jan 6, 2012 09:38:47 AM)

As Indian technology and trend of production is not sufficient to satisfy the people so to know about new technologies and ideas there is need of a TEACHER, and MNCs plays this. MNCs also provide unemployment, globalization and raise living standard. If that teacher wants his payment then it should not make a big issu. But the gov must keep the control over MNCs to not affect the economy and growth of the country.
Rate this: +3 -6 Mohita said: (Fri, Dec 23, 2011 01:13:59 AM)

MNCs are no devils to our country. Rather they are proving to be a boon for a number f reasonscreating employment, making the customers the foremost priority, increasing competition and thus forcing the home countries to perform well, bringing new technology and thus, finally, improving the standard of living of the people. They have provided India a global outlook. The only problem which is that our best talent are working for a foreign country is not so much of concern because one is not forced to work for an MNC and s/he can make an individual choice.

Rate this: +49 -6 Vickrant said: (Thu, Dec 22, 2011 11:38:28 AM)

When there is so much corruption ? In a country like India where illiterate leaders rule, is it possible for the Indian companies to recognise our talent and honesty. NO ITS THE MNCs WHICH DO. So as so far Patriotism is never enough to feed empty stomachs.
Rate this: +16 -19 Mahi said: (Wed, Dec 21, 2011 08:16:04 AM)

I want to share some points with you. I think MNC'S diguise to devolpment of the country. Mnc's means large scale compaines having branches at several parts of world operated from one country (home country). Mnc's take away worth of citizen who is useful for country, and also wealth, resoures of the nation. Mnc's profit take away by company authorities which is not useful for country but where as public companies profit take away by government. If we work in public sector we will be useful for country. Going into these companies there no job security. They will use customers as wepon for devolpment of company. These are dangerous for country if these increases in the country.
Rate this: +9 -7 Saurabh said: (Fri, Dec 16, 2011 05:09:52 PM)

MNC's are very good to hike a freshers career to a new height.

Rate this: +16 -12 Parul Thakur said: (Wed, Dec 14, 2011 01:22:26 AM)

MNCs have both pros and cons. Although these are contributing in our economy but one must realize that its only 30% contribution to our total GDP. They might be providing employment but at the same time these MNC are choking the growth of domestic and infant industries. The basic needs which can also be fulfilled by our domestic industry are taken up by these thus stopping our people to become entrepreneur which in turn making our people dependent on jobs thus generating unemployment. Most importantly these are making our country dependent on them one way or the other which is not a very favorable condition at the time of recession. In conditions like recession only those economies can survive those are self dependent.
Rate this: +93 -5 Blossom said: (Tue, Dec 13, 2011 07:50:56 PM)

First let us define MNCs.MNCs are companies that operate in several countries i.e.(Host country) but are controlled from one country i.e.(Home country). MNCs use and sometimes even abuse the resources like human, raw material,land, etc of the Host country. They may pollute the environment and cause irreparable damage to the Host country. They may exploit the countries natural resources for their own selfish benefit. They may also undertake predatory pricing and other such tactics that the domestic companies cannot compete with which will ultimately result in domestic companies shutting down.MNCs may take all the profit and wealth earned back to their Home country in the for of repatriations and royalty payments. They may interfere in the countries political affairs which can create havoc in a unstable country. On the other hand a MNC may bring in new technology,capital,expertise into the Host country

which will lead to increase in the economic activity in the country. It may also give healthy competition to domestic companies that will force them to improve their quality and become more efficient to compete with MNCs. The customer of the Host country will stand to benefit as they will get good quality goods and services at low prices.
Rate this: +55 -2 Sindhu said: (Sat, Dec 10, 2011 08:44:37 PM)

It depends upon the company. But most of the MNC are devil in disguise as the even don't give time for there employee to have their diet. There will be no time limit for working. They should get to work in late night also. MNC employee are droped down to frustration. Professionals get a good amount of salary but they lose their health, sleep. When pressure gets increase salary increases. But now a days countries economic development depend upon MNC.
Rate this: +4 -21 Vivek said: (Wed, Dec 7, 2011 08:20:03 PM)

MNC's Devils in disguise, I do not agree with the statement as besides generating employment, increasing GDP of an economy, they bring with them the world class management practices like value engineering, TQM, Talent management, to name a few, that help domestic companies not only by mirroring these practices but they also bring increased competition with them that helps domestic companies to adopt new strategies to combat this global competition and succeed in building sustainable competitive advantage for themselves. For example Dabur has been doing well in Indian market relative to global competition they face from MNC giants like HUL, and P&G.
Rate this: +33 -2 Rituraj said: (Wed, Dec 7, 2011 12:36:02 AM)

No doubt in the era of competition its necessary to adopt globalization, But taking in mind the well fare of the Indian economy... I m agreed with my frn PADYANA to some extend. No doubt MNCs has increased the GDP of our country but if we take a look at value of RS as compared to $ (dollar) then we can directly justify the drawbacks of extending roots of MNCs in India. Now a days a single dollar cost equals to Rs51. Its will badly effect the economy of India. It will affect each any section of Indian economy. Price of electrical devices will rise n Indian customer would suffer so Indian gov. Should tak action in such a manner that it could not affect our economy. So at last I would like to summarize it as- MNCs should be encouraged in India but only at optimum level.
Rate this: +4 -5 Pradnya said: (Mon, Dec 5, 2011 07:06:12 PM)

Every coin has two sides, similarly entry of MNC's in INDIA has positive as well as negative aspects. India post independance tried to survive as an isolated economy however this attempt failed and Indian economy was close to bankcruptcy. So post liberalisation of 1990's it was forced to welcome MNC's on its soil. This had many positive effects like employment generation, product quality improvemnt, increase in Tax collection which was beneficial. However certain

negative impacts can also be seen when Coke and Pepsi the two soft drink giants entered, Parle sold its brand Thumps Up due to fear of strong competition in Indian market. This shows that with entry of MNC's local industries do suffer a setback. Hence MNC's should be allowed to thrive but at the same time the government should create enough barriers through laws and regulations which will ensure development of local industries as well. The best examle is the insurance sector which has a balance which enables the government to protect the interest of INDIA.
Rate this: +29 -3 Mohit said: (Thu, Nov 10, 2011 07:36:45 PM)

MNCs are like a backbone for any country all over the world, without which the country can't survive in this ruthless and globalized world. MNC Contribute to the growth and development of our economy and as our economy developed, unemployment decreases, NI increases and standard of living also improves you can see in Zimbabwe where there is very few or may be no MNC, their inflation rate is more the 1 lakh
Rate this: +85 -8 Raj said: (Thu, Nov 10, 2011 03:09:20 PM)

According to me, MNCs have really played an important role in our economy. Since globalisation has started in India in 1990. Our economy is completely changed. There is a growth in GDP, level of employment is increasing day my day, therefore standard of living is also increasing. In the house of govt there is high tax return, indirectly its helping our economy.
Rate this: +16 -4 Abc said: (Thu, Nov 10, 2011 03:08:12 PM)

Most MNCs in India are based on outsourcing, they earn their revenues just by providing services to many us giants As per my opinion yes indeed these companies are adding a lot of money to our economy and making our country grow in term of GDP, but I feel they are polluting the work environment. Real development comes form the money vexed in developing products or amount of research done but not just by keeping the big brains to do a business.
Rate this: +10 -7 Abc said: (Thu, Nov 10, 2011 03:04:46 PM)

Most MNCs in India are based on outsourcing, they earn their revenues just by providing services to many us giants As per my opinion yes indeed these companies are adding a lot of money to our economy and making our country grow in term of GDP, but I feel they are polluting the work environment. Real development comes form the money vexed in developing products or amount of research done but not just by keeping the big brains to do a business.
Rate this: +4 -0 Anvita said: (Tue, Nov 8, 2011 10:04:18 PM)

MNC's are definitely devils in disguise. They don't provide much of revenue for our country. Its just that people of our country work for them and these MNC'c are benefited by it and not our country. Instead of devoting time and efficiency to these companies one should work for an Indian company so that our country as a whole can be benefited and they can grow at the same pace as any MNC would grow. This will lead to personal growth as well as the growth of our own

Rate this: +15 -8 Sharique said: (Sun, Nov 6, 2011 07:33:02 PM)

Friends, we should not forget the major part of the litrate people are now a days depending on these MNC'S, this MNC'S is not only solving one of the major problem of india; UNEMPLOYEMENT, it is also giving to indians a world class standard i, e GLOBALISATION. Before thinking further, I also say the above two major factor which any country need, if it is contributed by these MNC'S how can you consider it into "devils in disguise".
Rate this: +42 -2 Prajakta said: (Sun, Nov 6, 2011 04:13:54 PM)

Hi all, Well I think MNCs are very much effective when we see from the career point of view. But the main thing that people actually ignore about MNCs is that these companies are working for other foreign country's. No I absolutely don't have objection for it but the thing is people in their own country should contribute their knowledge for their own country to make their country technically more and more effective and my point is specifically for INDIA.
Rate this: +11 -8 Kartikeya said: (Fri, Nov 4, 2011 10:21:49 PM)

Mncs are not devils in disuise as-. 1. It provides employment to many people of the country. 2. It helps a country to trade in the international market with other countries which is known as globaliisation. 3. It introduce us with new products and provides us with large variety of choice. 4. The products of the mncs are of good quality. 5. It improves financial status of country by investing in new products and technologies. At last I want to say that there are some negative impacts of mncs also but positive impacts compensate for negative impacts.
Rate this: +88 -6 Tarun Kalia said: (Fri, Oct 28, 2011 10:53:49 PM)

In todays time the whole inda entirely depends upon MNCS for their financial upliftment. Specially the youth, his whole life, his career is in mncs hand. To sucha large population our own govt is stil unable to provide with better employment and will continue to be. At that time mncs are the only source and in some way its good for the countrys future also.
Rate this: +16 -4

Shriram said: (Thu, Oct 27, 2011 07:58:12 PM)

Hi friends! Since India is having very large population and our government is unable to provide employment to all people. Thousands of graduates passed out every year and searching for job. At such stage MNCs provides huge opportunity for jobs as well as they are providing better market, increasing revenue and productivity, fulfills the demand etc. So contribution of MNCs to nation can not be ignored. Now its govt job to encourage and implement such policies so that our local or national businessman can also fight against them in the market.
Rate this: +21 -1 Neha said: (Fri, Oct 21, 2011 10:34:02 PM)

Well, I am a school student in class 9th. I have an interschool debate ahead of me and the topic is "mnc's are paving way to neocolonialism in india" so while surfing the net I came across this site and really loved it. I want to present my views on the topic given to us. I feel its not a way of neocolonialism but just a way to move ahead. Its a way to develop. In my point of view english is a global language and dressing in formals is way more easier than draping a saree early in the morning.
Rate this: +15 -29 Sow Miya said: (Thu, Oct 20, 2011 03:56:40 PM)

MNC's develop their countries by our peoples hardwork. if we show this interest & hardwork to develop our country we would have developed years before. all our people are working there in MNC's for long hours for low salary. the MNC's are gaining profit by paying 1/10th of their men's salary. it is true that India has developed in many fields due to these MNC's but, if there is no MNC's in India we would have another source for our development.India is leading in resources but we are lagging in utilizing it. our nations backbone is agrculture it went down due to these MNC's.we should develop our agricultural field & other fields through our Indian industries & technologies. government should pay attention on our own technologies & industrial davalopment and should encourage our people to improve not the forigen companies.
Rate this: +15 -5 Bharat said: (Wed, Oct 19, 2011 11:14:40 AM)

As far as I'm concerned, MNC's provide better living standard, employment, better technology, global thinking etc. So it is good for Indian society. But if we see they gain lots of profit from India. The outflow of money is greater than inflow of money, this will harmful for Indian economy. So I want to add this point that government should encourage Indian company to give better product and technology, govt should provide them more opportunity, that will help in reduction of outflow of Indian economy. N people should buy product from Indian companies because Indian companies are also having standard products. And I would also like to say about agriculture cndition in India. Most of companies are depends upon the agriculture too. So Government should encourage the farmers to go for commercial crops like cotton. That will also increase the standard of farmers.
Rate this: +10 -2

Debdatta said: (Wed, Oct 19, 2011 12:13:35 AM)

So Friends. All of us should nt go along the +ve effects of MNCs only we should keep in mind that the profits we gets from MNCs are much much less than what MNCs get from us. Do you really think that we the INdians are exactly valued?If yes then why we are working with our full competencies and ultimate effort to get less paid than them?why India works in less labour cost?Are they more intellegent than us?Are they give much more supernatural effort than us? Then why are we doing same work with less pay?And after all our harkwork is creating lost leadership market in there countries. Are we all fool and blind?Dont we see that after all these their poverty level becoming less and our becoming more. And still we remains still among developing countries and they becoming more developed. So do you think this difference will ever reduced if we move in the same way?So Friends apart from all benefits see how many people are not getting fooding in India and how many of them are not fed in their countries. Think. And Love your country more than any others. :).
Rate this: +14 -3 Shashank Sharma said: (Mon, Oct 17, 2011 01:49:58 PM)

Hi All, You know that our country India is a developing country and have huge popoulation and unemployment and if we talk of MNCs, I think MNCs act as a window through which we can see the world because these are MNCs only my friends which can change the wood into our doors, the glass or mirror into our windows, which can change the soil into brick and bricks into our great great walls. Today because of too much competition MNCs are giving employment to our people not only in manufacturing but also in advertising. In this world my frinds, everyone is hankerig after money because it has become the modern god and MNCs are making money because it is there right. They are making money not by looting us but by giving us different type of products it depends upon us that how much preference we are giving to there products, they are not forcing us at all.
Rate this: +15 -6 Akhilsharma said: (Sun, Oct 16, 2011 12:49:40 PM)

In my views I think people afrading from competion lets MNC as threat. In today scenario, no country confined itself from the outside world, the same thing India tried to continue its econommy close till independence untill 1991, when the increased difference in balance of payment let the country to bankruptcy, provokes policy maker to open the gate for foreign investor. People usually afraid MNC bacause its efficiency and competency to manage work and offered product and services that meets the developed world standard. The days where gone when people thinks that mnc only aim is to earn profit. Now due to technical advancement the world become globalised the csr and customer relationship concept are taken in India through this companys. Fdi and fii impart huge capital inflow to the country domestic businesess. This helps to create employment and enhanced living standards. The foreign country are not benefiting through globalisation, but hundreds of Indian companies gone global by adopting to compete fierce competition faced during this discourse. Videocon, airtel, wipro, infosys, Dr. Redys lab, jsw steel, tata steel, essar industry are the glowing names that becomes world brand. Atlast I want to conclude that the main benefit goes to consumer as the world class product come into his reach and he is the only one who determines which product should be produced at what price.
Rate this: +4 -0

Kanikaa said: (Mon, Oct 3, 2011 01:08:14 PM)

Well according to me I don't think MNC's are bane to our country. And the reason very simple today almost everyone id dreamin for google, microsoft, intel, yahoo etc, nd noneis dreaming for domestic companies. Why ? because better scope, future, standard of leaving is lying within MNC's.
Rate this: +12 -11 Sonam said: (Fri, Sep 30, 2011 03:02:21 PM)

From 1950 to 1991 India had a closed economy. There were no foreign players due to the license raj, infant industry protection and import substitution. At that time the domestic industries had ample time and resources to prove themselves and turn into profitable companies. But inefficiencies were present in all sectors and due to the lack of competition the domestic industries exploited consumers. However after 1991 i.e., after liberalization of the Indian economy, the scenario has completely changed. Consumers are the kings now. They are getting best of the products. Due to the increase in the FDI, India is growing at a very high rate; the disposable income, the standard of living, employment is also increasing. To stay in competition the domestic sectors are also performing to the best of their abilities. Ya there are some areas where the presence of MNC's has been a bane for the Indians. Baygon spray is banned in Germany because it is supposed to contain some carcinogenic elements. However no such law prevails in India and it is regularly used in many households
Rate this: +55 -1 Jazzz said: (Wed, Sep 28, 2011 03:08:46 PM)

I believe that as everything has its pros and cons, same can be found for this. MNCs no doubt are a boon for the Indian economy but they also act as a bane. The unexploitation of all the resources is a major concern for us. Moreover, there are times when companies invest obsolete technology of their countries in INdia and we consider it to be the latest one. I believe that positiveness and negativeness goes together. With the advent of globalisation at its peak, the government should frame policies in protecting the economy of our country and so complete yes or no for MNCs cannot be said. !
Rate this: +4 -3 Sunil Chourasia said: (Tue, Sep 27, 2011 12:14:25 AM)

Hi friends, MNCs are not devil in disguise. When MNCs start their operation in India, they have to hire Indian people to successfully run their business in India. In this way they create employment opportunity for Indian people. Unemployment problem which is a biggest headache for our govt, is (to some extent) addressed by mncs. MNCs also bring new technology in India. They increase competition in market. Competition has its own advantages. Due to cut throat competition, companies keep innovating their product and services & offer their products & services at a very competitive rate. MNCs pay taxes to govt which is utilized by the govt for the welfare of people. They share technology with Indian companies when entering into joint venture with Indian companies.
Rate this: +87 -2 Pavan said: (Mon, Sep 26, 2011 02:31:56 PM)

MNCs have really played an important role in our economy. My point of view MNCs are not devil, If MNC's will develop like this will directly effect on country wealth by their tax return policy and others, MNC's can enhance business competition leading to high quality services and cost reduction, and it is also helps in developing rural areas, employments. Thus I think its good for a developing country, to create some healthy competitive market by supporting mnc.
Rate this: +4 -0 Kumar Ashish said: (Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:34:56 PM)

I disagree that, MNCs are devil in disguise, MNCs play a vital role in shaping the career of the new one. It provide a world class platform to do better in their respective jobs. However they take more work in comparison to govt sector, but they are ready to pay wages for this. They promote their employee readily, if you have a merit, MNCs use sophisticated technology, and so it is easier for their worker, to produce more products in less time. MNCs give new direction to the economy of any country.
Rate this: +16 -2 Prabhjyot Singh said: (Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:28:03 PM)

Firstly I want to say that the mnc's are not a devil in our society these are the best standard of our society and increase in their numbers shows that India is developing instead of this mnc can paid according to the talent of a fresher and according to their degree. They also make us strong economically and we can say that mnc are the base of our developing country.
Rate this: +5 -2 Sachin S. said: (Sat, Sep 17, 2011 03:19:10 PM)

Hello friends, we all know India is now big market for the multinational companies. These companies are investing more money which is really helping us for making our economy strong and also creating job opportunities for us. Because we are having more population and in compare to that the opportunities are less which results into unemployment and poverty. I think MNC's are really helping to minimse unemployment.
Rate this: +34 -1 B.V.Krishna Aditya said: (Fri, Sep 16, 2011 07:36:23 PM)

I disagree that Multi-National Companies are devils in disguise. The way we look at it, MNCs today are becoming one of the most favorite destination for graduates. This is because of the level of exposure they provide for the fresh graduates which play a vital role in shaping the career of the freshers. Hence it is a good sign to be associated with them. On the other hand, these firms do business with India not because that they like India but because of the presence of young and talented Indians who work for comparatively less pay. This makes them outsource their projects to India and other such nations. We can conclude that MNCs are both opportunity providers and growth oriented firms which actually cannot be considered as devils.
Rate this: +12 -5 Ravi Vedwan said: (Tue, Sep 13, 2011 02:06:16 PM)

Hi All, You know that our country India is a developing country and have huge popoulation and unemployment and if we talk of MNCs, I think MNCs act as a window through which we can see the world because these are MNCs only my friends which can change the wood into our doors, the glass or mirror into our windows, which can change the soil into brick and bricks into our

great great walls. Today because of too much competition MNCs are giving employment to our people not only in manufacturing but also in advertising. In this world my frinds, everyone is hankerig after money because it has become the modern god and MNCs are making money because it is there right. They are making money not by looting us but by giving us different type of products it depends upon us that how much preference we are giving to there products, they are not forcing us at all.
Rate this: +45 -10 Souvik Mishra said: (Mon, Sep 12, 2011 02:28:12 PM)

Multinational corporations have boosted up our economy like no one else not just by creating job opportunities and providing services but also have exposed India's business strengths globally. The LPG policy was very much effective in bringing on various foreign MNCs to invest in India. After all India is a growing market with a billion people having various demands. And with the growth of indigenous multinational companies India has been able to show its entrepreneurial capabilities like Infosys, Wipro and all. These have not only helped in outsourcing of our services to various global destinations but have also created opportunities of "Reverse outsourcing" by setting up various functional units abroad. this has not onl provided jobs to our people but also to foreign nationals. This era really is quiet a boost for our economy as well as our nation.
Rate this: +14 -1 Jay Jyoti said: (Fri, Sep 9, 2011 07:11:35 AM)

Friends I agree with you but according to me multinational companies are enter in India after liberalization and globalization in 1991. It was good for the development of the country we export so many things to all over the country like sugar, tea, jute rice, etc. Which help in generating money and economic development, After entry of MNC we get so many variety of product in reasonable price and in good quality they provide so many job opportunity for the people of India and by this people develop standard of living. I am going to conclude that entry of mnc is good for middle class and lower class family 37% people are below poverty line the are not able to purchase some brand due to high price but they purchase some other brand with same feature in low price example Nokia mobile which is costly but chaina mobile which is less costly then nokia.
Rate this: +9 -14 Deepika said: (Thu, Sep 8, 2011 03:05:31 PM)

Hello friends, According to me MNC's have increased the Carrier psospects in our country. India a land having a population of more than 2100 billion surely needs more and more job opportunities for its youngsters and MNC's have provided us with it as everything in today's world depends on having a decent job. Besides the quality of products have also improved and has also increased the sense of competition. Thus the national companies in order to have profit will surely improve the quality of their goods which will be beneficial for the common people. And healthy competition always leads to something very good in the long run.

But if we look at the disadvantages, we can see that as a result of growing MNC's in our nation has national revenue goes outside the country. Besides they always provide employment to the best of brains of. This indirectly hampers the nations progress because such intelligent persons otherwise could be made to work for the nations welfare.
Rate this: +22 -8 Ajitpal Singh said: (Wed, Sep 7, 2011 11:24:19 AM)

I think MNC'S plays an important role in our economy but don't you think their only wish to earn money. They are here to earn money and not for the CRM and environment upgradation. Well they are giving better options for employments but they also ruined the businesses of many. They act like a debonaire but they want money only. But I feel domestic companies should upgrade their self to face the competition. The companies which are operating in India mostly are consumer goods companies, govt should work on such sectors which improve are condition of exports. As are imports are high and exports are low.
Rate this: +10 -1 Srs said: (Tue, Sep 6, 2011 05:32:59 PM)

If high quality. Cost effective easy available products are enjoyed and consumed it is due to MNC's. They brought the sense of competition, not giving a chance to take the monarchial lead to any of the players in that segment thus benefitting the customers at the end. Ofcourse increase in employment, economy, R&D, quality are some of the most improved factors which a country looks forward for its development.
Rate this: +3 -3 Shruti said: (Mon, Sep 5, 2011 01:34:27 AM)

One very important point we are missing is the corporate social responsibility being followed by the MNCs. It is only the MNCs who have taken keen interest in being a part of the CRS and have been major contributing factor in the upliftment of the standard of living in villages and other backward areas. The government companies and small and medium enterprises on the other hand have always been in the forefront in making big promises. But when it came to the real delivery of those promises, they showed no signs maybe because of the lack of funds available or rather to be frank-the intense corruption involved..
Rate this: +7 -5 Ram Krishna Karunakar Reddy said: (Sun, Sep 4, 2011 12:59:36 AM)

Well its not really a evil cause, just think of why can't we safeguard the advantages overcoming the disadvantages and its the role of government too. Should take care of drainage of wealth to the foreign countries. We have to rotate the lucrative profit for the development within our nation itself and care should be taken that it should be helpful for all class of people. So now the trend rise to branded products of our nation, then the business and market will be within our country and will have a positive look exports will certainly rise up!
Rate this: +2 -4 Sumeet said: (Sat, Aug 27, 2011 05:58:45 AM)

Hola guys I know you guys are aware but still would like to inform you MNC'S are backbone of our economy as of now 33% which is huge and lucrative. And it is all due to LPG 1991. And the

main reason of MNC development in India is because youth ration in India is 61% which is way higher then the other countries which provides availability of excellence and talent.
Rate this: +15 -2 Rohini said: (Thu, Aug 25, 2011 07:04:23 PM)

Hello friends. Accroding to me, MNC companies should be Indian it should not be american or another becoze the rules of world bank said that if India want to established the MNC companies in India then India will have to provide all type of facility like as Indian company. Many companies are established in India such as the event had been made in BHOPAL then our goverment can not doing for ours and our large number of innocent person had die in this.
Rate this: +7 -26 Jothe Vallal said: (Wed, Aug 24, 2011 10:25:29 PM)

Hello friends, I like to put some positive moves over the topic. In my view, more MNC's arise around us, reason behind is our Nation act as a better platform for availability of manpower resource and also we have pool engineers & scientist. Even government encourages MNC's to establish their branches by creating SEZ (special economic zones) across the country. This provides more job opportunity to youngsters directly & indirectly. This could help to improve the living standards. This helps for the rise in revenue and become IT hub.
Rate this: +22 -3 Nandan said: (Mon, Aug 22, 2011 05:34:10 PM)

hello friends, Considering all above advantages of MN-Cs,due to loop holes in our system we had came to many bad experiences.Like BHOPAL GAS TRAGEDY,made by union carbide and we don't have any one responsible for that .CEO Warren Anderson was allowed to leave and not arrested.Many cold drink plants in country use the under ground water and it is full of pesticides. So,MN-Cs are right at their place, but we should change our so called politicians,who are always sell-able.
Rate this: +20 -2 Sandeep C said: (Mon, Aug 22, 2011 12:27:38 PM)

Ladies and Gentleman according to me Multinational companies cannot be a devil in disguise. They bring in revenue to our country provide job opportunities to thousands of people.It help in good relation with other states.Due to MNC the competition has improved a lot and the quantity of product also improved, stardard of life has been improved.... thankyou.......
Rate this: +48 -8 Dharmchari said: (Fri, Aug 19, 2011 08:59:46 AM)

There's a question arises in mind if MNC's are really that good for our Nation why after we 64

years of Freedom our currency Rupee is about 45 times down as compared to american currency how they are AAA rated economy because they do business in World and countries like ours are only market to them. If we wanna be good economy we shall become an exporter which India was before 250 years if you see Indian history you will find India was called sone ki chidiya because near about 45% of total export in the world was in Indian merchants hands and they traded for Gold means gold in place of Money What East India Company did ? they gave handsome salaries to Indians same is given by MNC's EIC took over all our market same is done by MNC's they are killing our business they are capturing our market our brothers are closing their business because of MNC's this takes us towards a danger zone. If a man gets a cut on body and blood is not stopping and he is also not able to create new blood what will happen to that man. ? he will die surely same thing happens with India MNC's are looting all our money and we are not developing our economy what will happen to us after 50 or 80 years we will become slave of MNC's and Government is not that good as we think we can see all SCAMs of GOVT. They are just selling our nation to MNC's.
Rate this: +136 -14 Dharmchari said: (Wed, Aug 17, 2011 02:22:15 PM)

Dear brothers and sisters its good to see MNCs as economic supporters of India but I would like to draw your attention to a very common point that is Why any company goes to any country ? just to earn profit they are not social workers they will never go to a place where there is no profit. Ok second thing is that when India got freedom one rupee was equal to one Dollar but after 64 years of freedom one Dollar = appx. Rs. 46 the question is WHY ? why this happened because we are today Only a market for MNC's not an Exporter. If somebody is only buying from others and selling nothing that country will become poor one day. And our India is not a big Exporter to the world so these companies are earning Crores of rupees and going to their countries and their countries are becoming rich. And we people for the greed of handsome salaries helping them to take away all our money and the very bad thing is that they never comes with resources they only uses our resources our raw material and sells them to us on a very high profit margin like Pepsi they are selling our water with some added flavour on a very very high profit margin and also making our land dry. Our water level is going down but they are making us fool. Why can't Indians sell their products in America I want to draw your attention american government has banned Indian cotton skirts in their market WHY ? because they are of superb quality with less investment and high profit. They said that Indian market uses children as labour so we will not buy your product. What the hell is this MNC's are just looting our nation you can see only those countries are developed countries who has a large no. Of MNC's of their own. They know the secret that never let others enter in your market and we don't know this they are so smart. MNC's are real devils. We can see example america was out of the race to the biggest arms deal of India but they pressurised India government to give them tender and with the help of Ministers they got it out of law why because they knew if we will not sell our product we will be out of market and if indians will give this order to Russia russians will get good profit.
Rate this: +164 -16 Shakil Chand said: (Sun, Aug 14, 2011 12:55:50 PM)

Friends I agree with your views but according to me MNC's is boon for Indian economy. In this compatitive world we should think in broad way. Gone are all those days when East India Company had come to India and ruled us. In todays world of Globalization MNC's we should not take MNC's as East India Company. Now we have all mutured goverment, so its goverment responisbility to control the flow of MNC's, I Would like to say that becuase of MNC's only our most of educated young getting their good salary job becuase of which their living standard has increased, which in turn increase the standard of INDIA too in the world's map. I would like to through some light on the point which one of my friend said that because of MNC's poor are becoming more poor and richer are becoming more richer. Why don't you take this point in the another way?Means because of MNC's on one side our educated people getting nice exposure and it also inspires the poor people to take nice education so that they can too reach at heights. The MNC's don't want reach people or poor people they just want talented people irrespective of cast and religion, living status. So its our goverment duty to hepl those poor people to get the education in low rate so that they can too study well, which in turn helps India to reach at new heights. One more thing I would like to add that our economy is depends on MNC's investment too. So by not allowing MNC's to enter India we are only harming ourself, and we will reach again in where we were before indepedence. Because we cannot totaly depend on our agriculture products. It it not enough for our population.
Rate this: +36 -5 Pushpendra Agarwal said: (Fri, Aug 12, 2011 07:03:56 PM)

Hello friends, I agree with the view of my friends and continuing this I would like to bring one important issue in notice. The fact that is drawing us towards the MNC's is their global exposure and the huge annual package and luxuries. Professionals who are highly skilled and experienced know that these MNC's can only understand the real worth of their talent and therefore they are not hesitating in joining these companies. So I think this psychology of countrymen is one of the reasons that MNC's are called devils in disguise.
Rate this: +4 -2 Dhanasekaran said: (Sun, Aug 7, 2011 10:20:42 AM)

Friends, Our Country's economy is not a socialistic economy. Not only that our country is a developing country. So MNC'S must required to our country.
Rate this: +3 -15 Sambit Agnivesh said: (Fri, Aug 5, 2011 12:51:48 PM)

Here I'ld like to add one more disadvantage of MNCs apart from the disadvantage of job security. We all know that the MNCs have always got a very talented, dedicated and very skillful workforce here. But if we see the other way round, this workforce has never got the right value for the work they do for these MNCs. In other words we can say that MNCs are exploiting us in a huge way. The aim of the MNCs is to optimize its profit. India has been providing them the most valuable resource - the human resource, for over a decade now. As people here are ready to work 24/7 with what ever they are paid. The contrast can be visualized if compare our

counterparts of other developed countries. MNCs provide a strong support for the economic stability in our country but not to the optimum potential. Hence there is no doubt that MNCs help our country but surely are devils in disguise.
Rate this: +22 -7 Devjyoti said: (Fri, Aug 5, 2011 07:54:42 AM)

Good Morning friends. As you all know every thing in this world has pros and cons. So MN-Cs do have. Some one said that MN-Cs have no job security. Which he described as a draw back. But I think this is not a draw back. As in all corporations except government sector have no job security. So to retain your job for a long period you have to prove your ability by showing your best performance. Is some one is unable to show his ability then according to my point of view he have no rights to have the job. Another demerit as told by one of my friends that MN-Cs are privatized and hence they only think about high profits. That is obvious in business. Only it should be checked that this intention of MN-Cs must not hamper the economic and social balance of the nation. So the government have to allow the MN-Cs with perfect super vision. An important thing I want to say that you all know our nation is a developing nation. So our economic condition is not comparably good as developed nation. To solve this problem our govt. Have to capitalize on agriculture if you say MN-Cs are devils. This is because Indian economy depends on agriculture mostly after these corporations. But I don't think agriculture can feed enough to fill this economic loop hole. Another important issue is that due to heavy population growth and standardization of our education system educated unemployment is a major problem in India. So there is only way to solve this problem is to allow MN-Cs which can give Indian educated mass a good and handsome placement. So the demerits are invisible in front of these advantages of MN-Cs. Hence according to my point of view MN-Cs are not devils rather a great boon for our nation.
Rate this: +34 -5 Sri said: (Tue, Aug 2, 2011 09:54:57 PM)

Hi. I agree with all the friends. Who had shared their views regarding MNC's. But according to me. They are more advantageous than disadvantageous. Yes I do agree there is no job security in MNC's. Only we people should improve ourselves and keep our standard at a level. So that we never give them a chance to expel us. India is a developing nation. So we need MNC's to keep our standard up.
Rate this: +12 -0 Jalaj said: (Tue, Aug 2, 2011 09:16:21 PM)

As you all know topic given is a contraversial issue. Keeping in mind my freinds perception & also appreciating their view, I would like to add on that no body is perfect. Even person interviewing us is not perfect. Therefore you will find Pros & Cons. In every thing. But on a greater part MNC's are a boon for our country. As they provide us lots of employment opportunities, better standard of living and offcourse better ideas for the development of our country. I also wants to throw light on one of my freinds view that MNC do not provide job security. My dear freinds job security is only in govt job otherwise everything depends on your

knowledge & the way you do the work. Thanks.

Rate this: +11 -4 Jalaj said: (Tue, Aug 2, 2011 07:06:50 PM)

As you all know topic given is a contraversial issue. Keeping in mind my freinds perception & also appreciating their view, I would like to add on that no body is perfect. Even person interviewing us is not perfect. Therefore you will find Pros & Cons. In every thing. But on a greater part MNC's are a boon for our country. As they provide us lots of employment opportunities, better standard of living and offcourse better ideas for the development of our country. I also wants to throw light on one of my freinds view that MNC do not provide job security. My dear freinds job security is only in govt job otherwise everything depends on your knowledge & the way you do the work.
Rate this: +2 -2 Shama Anjum said: (Tue, Aug 2, 2011 12:23:45 PM)

MNC provide a wide range of scope and jobs to middle class peoples. But still they have demerits which sounds so loud. Its our job to analyse the merits and demerits of a particular MNC and act accordingly.
Rate this: +3 -2 Nikhil said: (Sun, Jul 31, 2011 10:55:34 PM)

Everything in this world is having cons and prones and so does MNCs. No doubdt they are bringing employment opportunities ans better living standard for individuals but the other side of the coin lightens the broader picture of India that is economic disparity. MNCs are providing handsome packages but these comapanies are privately owned and profit making is of prime importance. They are not targeting the poor peoples like our government does as a consequence poor are becoming more poor. In my opinion, MNCs plays a vital role in country's development but there should be rules and regulations to check the flow of these MNCs. Like Government of India is providing special facilities and taxes relaxation for industries in rural areas so that people there can get employment. MNCs are proving good platform for talented people but if we look at the other side of it "MNCs are devils in disguise".
Rate this: +14 -1 Jaspal Sharma said: (Sun, Jul 31, 2011 01:26:46 PM)

MNC may be devil in diguise or may be not .As we all know that Economy is the main issue in india so from this point coming of MNC made the economy strong to India from last fews years when Globalization had started.Also decrease in Illitrate rate in india.
Rate this: +3 -1 Ritesh Biyani said: (Sat, Jul 23, 2011 12:57:39 PM)

I also want to add something new is that as we see that when MNC enter the market lots of thing were changed like price,quality,competition,employment opportunities.It also change the way of working environment.

Rate this: +8 -6 Pritam said: (Sat, Jul 23, 2011 08:11:07 AM)

Yes ofcourse friends, I also agree that mnc's are giving good amount of employment and in return they are getting there work done. If u see this is good for both us and them. Both are getting bennifits. And country like ours need more and more Mnc's for devlopment. So Mnc's should be allowed to our country, but with some norms of control.
Rate this: +3 -1 Archana said: (Thu, Jul 21, 2011 01:10:11 PM)

Hi friends, All of you have explained your thoughts nicely. According to me MNC are not devil in disguise. But there is advantage and disadvantages in MNC's. Because MNC can provide jobs for graduate but uneducated people what they will do? MNC can improve the life of well educated and provide the good life style for them. To improve the life of uneducated people the government should take care of agriculture. It should be supportive to them. Then only all people will resides on the same level.
Rate this: +23 -4 Somu.K said: (Wed, Jul 20, 2011 11:59:38 PM)

If high quality.cost effective easy available products are enjoyed and consumed it is due to MNC's. They brought the sense of competition,not giving a cahnce to take the monarchial lead to any of the players in that segment thus benefitting the customers at the end.
Rate this: +3 -4 Guru said: (Mon, Jul 18, 2011 06:57:03 PM)

I do agree with all the point but one think we can never forget that "MNC's have given a rise up started for the people".
Rate this: +2 -2 Srisra said: (Sat, Jul 16, 2011 03:46:51 AM)

I agree with all my friends opinions. As of my view MNC'S in India are playing vital role in our Economy, Standard of living, Literacy rates and what not. We should be happy for that reason. But we are also facing a few problems with MNC'S like they are marking a line between uneducated and educated. The poor are not getting benefited by MNC. And they concentrate more on output of employee rather than input of employee. It leads to employee dissatisfaction etc. But by few precautionary steps we can vanish all the defects caused by MNCs. Apart from that, MNC's are heart of India like countries. But the impure blood of this MNC body need to be purified and then should be pumped to its body parts.
Rate this: +26 -2 Naveen Kumar said: (Fri, Jul 15, 2011 10:32:19 PM)

MNC's are good if we think good it will be bad if we think is bad. Improving the competitions is very important because it will increase the standard of quality. By increasing the Quality the price of the product will automatically decrease it will help for middle class peoples. MNC,s are

giving more opportunities for young talented guys it will helpfull lot to increase new ideas. By MNC's we disadvantages like it will increase work pressure it will lead become semi crack, they will see only young peoples, they want to see peoples are aged they also have talent they wil also work what youngsters will work.
Rate this: +6 -1 Xyz said: (Thu, Jul 14, 2011 04:44:52 PM)

I think what MNCs has really done is they have made the market more competitive , which itself is a really remarkable thing , because a competitive market always leads to manufacture of products of good quality and reasonable price. Ultimately it increases the customer benefit approach of products.
Rate this: +3 -2 Subham Awasthi said: (Tue, Jul 12, 2011 12:34:34 PM)

Hi! friends I would like to add some points over this topic. Multinational companies generally provided the job with a good package for freshers. So I think it is helpful for getting good jobs specially for talented new comers. So mnc's provide good opportunities for youth.
Rate this: +9 -7 Pradeep Jadhav said: (Wed, Jul 6, 2011 09:46:28 AM)

The annual expenditure on research and development for any development of any new technology is very low in India; so whatever new technologies and advancement we use are only a gift from the various MNC that are ready to contribute large investments and create large nos of job vacancies for one of the world largest human resource. It does not means that we are lack of talent or dedication but importance of such MNC which provides as such global exploration can't be over looked.
Rate this: +17 -1 Sonal said: (Tue, Jul 5, 2011 05:23:58 AM)

I m totally agree with madhurjya and Shuchi...MNC's are playing an imprtnt role in indian economy...If we talk about Engineering, Technology or Science then india is the country where students r going fr these subjects fr their higher eductn....n many MNC's are also opening there brnches in indian students are getting opportunities to do the work with these MNC's....they r going for overseas assignment tht is imprtnt fr indian economy....bcz they pay taxes as a foreign revenues...
Rate this: +9 -0 Madhurjya said: (Sat, Jul 2, 2011 10:00:49 PM)

I think that the multinational companies do have a vital role in economic growth of our country. They are providing job opportunities to a large number of people and also producing quality products. Their presence have eradicated the earlier monopoly the Indian companies have enjoyed and made consumers the king. But there is also drain of wealth and resources from the host country to the country of origin. The whole thing is orchestrated in the favour of the country of origin but we also benefit a lot fro the process.
Rate this: +7 -4 Tahzeen Fatima said: (Sat, Jul 2, 2011 11:35:30 AM)

MNC'S are accelerating growth to the developing nations like India. They are helping nations to get standard in living. They are accelerating job opportunities to India and other developing nations. But due to these mnc's richer are becoming richer n poor are becoming poor. Our natural resources are going out of our country but also we are earning foreign exchange. These mnc's are giving lot of job opportunities to young ones. But the demerit is they are giving jobs to only educated one not the uneducated which makes them unemployed. Small scale enterprises give jobs to uneducated also. So both sectors should give equal importance.
Rate this: +8 -7 Pramod Kumar said: (Fri, Jul 1, 2011 03:22:59 AM)

Agreeing above all ideas I want to add in a country like India presence of MNC's is not so good. They reduce the growth of small scale companies. Before cool drink companies like cocacola have entered our market in India we had 50000 local cool drink companies in which lakhs of people worked. In India with people who cant afford much capital investment and where many people cant afford advertising definitely mnc's will gain upper hand. And they cant provide so much employment that local small scale companies can.
Rate this: +17 -0 Ayesha said: (Mon, Jun 27, 2011 09:15:59 AM)

By reading all the above comments I have to say that surely MNC's are not devils in disguise but rather a very great boon for a country and its people. These days literacy rate is going on increasing so there will be no question of MNC's benifitting only some grades of people in the near future. It helps in the development of the country by contributing a part to its revenue, & the only thing which is to be improved is that the working age limit in those corporations should be increased and job security must be provided.
Rate this: +17 -1 Preethi said: (Sat, Jun 25, 2011 01:49:18 PM)

As per my perspective MNC's are definitely not blessing in disguise... MNC's provide tonnes and tonnes of opportunities for youngsters to get employed and also it helps to improve the standard of living. It provides a great platform for all the youngsters who work for a particular concern and also it definitely helps to explore new talents. Innovation is one of the major factor which plays and important role in multi national companies. They keep on innovating some thing new. So MNC's definitely take India to places. Of course nothing is perfect in this world. There are certain drawbacks in MNC's and one among them is job security. So it is up to us to hold our job tight by proving that we are definitely deserved to be there.
Rate this: +13 -1 Karan said: (Fri, Jun 24, 2011 03:33:25 AM)

I think that mnc are not devil in disguise because in this modern world every think has advantages or disadvantages first we talk about the advantages of mnc. Improvement of technology, invention of new things, help in education policies, increase the choices of people and disadvantages is sometimes it increases the gap between rich and poor, there is no job security.
Rate this: +7 -2 Jyotsna Yadav said: (Fri, Jun 17, 2011 08:43:45 AM)

According to my point of view the topic which is given on the top is wrong because no MNCs can be a devil in disguise. MNCs brought India at a new level. Yes definitely these have some adavantages and disadavantages.But if the government agree to take part in the changing of dadavantage then surely MNCs will be more beneficial for our country. Here are some adavantages n dadavantages of MNCs: ADAVANTAGES 1)Helping in the improvement of standard of living 2)Helping in the increasing rate of employment 3)Helping to remove the poverty from our country 4)MNCs help in the improvement of economical condition of our country 5)Help in the education system also 6)Attract more consumers towards the products 7)Improving the better qulity of products,goods n services DISADAVANTAGES 1)Increasing the competition between government companies and private companies 2)There is no job security 3)Not increasing the standard of living of every class 4)Youngesters only are getting jobs,not the adults 5)There is a age limit in MNCs , somehow arround 40s or 45s So here there are benefits as well as losses.But the main thing is that by the coming MNCs in our country are creating opportunities for the new generation.The foreign currency is in now in are country also so that we can import and export more thing.And yes by these MNCs the new technologies and inovations are taking place. Thats why our country's economic condition is improving. So the MNCs cannot be devils in disguise. Thats all what i wanted to say.
Rate this: +63 -10 John Paul said: (Thu, Jun 16, 2011 01:29:38 PM)

Professional Ethics is higly followed by MNC's. We have seen a lot of advantages and disadvantages in the case of MNC's, Im only interested in the positives like more employment, high quality products, improved standard of living, varieties

of products fulfilling appropriate needs etc. My question is "Why cant we overcome the few disadvantages keeping in mind to safeguard these advantages?". Here are a few suggestions for overcoming the disadvantages. Ask the MNC's to recruit more number of home country employees. Follow them carefully whether they are making good quality products. Make sure that the maximum profit will stay in the home country, which will reduce the amount of currency being drained out to foreign countries.
Rate this: +15 -0 John Paul said: (Thu, Jun 16, 2011 01:07:10 PM)

Professional Ethics is higly followed by MNC's... We have seen a lot of advantages and disadvantages in the case of MNC's, Im only interested in the positives like more employment, high quality products, improved standard of living, varieties of products fulfilling appropriate needs etc... My question is "Why cant we overcome the few disadvantages keeping in mind to safeguard these advantages?" Here are a few suggestions for overcoming the disadvantages Ask the MNC's to recruit more number of home country employees Follow them carefully whether they are making good quality products Make sure that the maximum profit will stay in the home country, which will reduce the amount of currency being drained out to foreign countries......

Rate this: +7 -1 Suyash said: (Fri, Jun 3, 2011 07:19:48 AM)

MNC's have thier share of advantages as well as disadvantages---On a +ve note----1)They bring about better quality products with a greater variety.Hence customers have a large variety of products to choose from. Hence the standard of living increases 2)There is an increase in the competitiveness on the part of the domestic companies so as to fight competition 3)There is greater efficiency and cheaper goods are made available due to capital intensive techniques 4)Optimum utilization of available resources 5)large employment

6)development of the economy as a whole 7)New technology and inventions 8)more tax collected by govt that can be used for economic development But on a -ve note----1)leads to drainage of wealth to foreign countries 2)domestic companies are not able to compete with the MNCs which employ grt amt of capital leading to shutting down of these companies 3)due to adoption of capital intensive means of production lot of people are unemployed
Rate this: +5 -0 Shailesh said: (Mon, May 30, 2011 03:03:52 AM)

I think mnc are the one who teaches Indians a luxury way of living and has brought the India in comparison with all developed countries like US, china etc. Mnc's are responsible for countries economic growth and also for bringing the competition and providing more choices to consumers. It has brought the level of business to that extent (by providing better services, sale and support) that makes the consumer feel comfortable relax and value for money.
Rate this: +1 -2 Sanjay said: (Sat, May 28, 2011 02:11:04 PM)

MNC's are not a disguise But to speak frankly it has both advantages and disadvantages Advantages 1) Increased standard of living of people 2) It provides lot of employment opportunities 3) It helps to improve the standard of smale scale industries by being competitive with them Disadvantages: 1) Improved standard of living in only particular sector of people 2) Youth didn't care about their health and future and they only depend on fast money paced growth 3) Professional ethics is greatly affected
Rate this: +3 -1 Nitesh said: (Thu, May 12, 2011 12:06:31 PM)

According to me mnc's are improving India and our providing the good quality of jobs. In India most of the peoples are today working on mnc's and gaining high salary and job satisfaction which is not usually possible in government jobs. Government jobs are limited and also sometimes not preferable. Mnc's have removed unemployment from India in much amount.
Rate this: +3 -2 Aadya Yadav said: (Thu, May 12, 2011 11:54:38 AM)

MNCs are definitely not devils in disguise. Latest technologies and innovations are brought in India by these MNCs. They provide job opportunities and a better job prospectus for their employees. They ensure global exposure, giving greater scope for learning. MNCs support outsourcing, providing job opportunities. These days public sector jobs are limited and the organisations under it are corrupt. MNCs joint venture with some Indian companies for

developmental works. MNCs pay more leading to economic gains and thereby raising the standard of living. Competition has increased between the companies leading to production of cost effective and better quality products. Eg) Due to the revolution in d mobile communication, the cost of the handsets and call charges are brought down.
Rate this: +3 -0 Sudhanshu Shekhar said: (Thu, May 12, 2011 10:05:31 AM)

Well anything if we will take, it will have negativities as well as positivities involved. So, saying something strongly in favour or against about the above topic will not work. The positivities are many and I think government should take some concrete steps to reduce the negativities and after all it depends upon the government only to look that any MNC's are strictly adhering to moral, social and economic principles of the country and not only be motivated towards making undue profits at any cost. MNC's were welcomed in our country post-liberalisation as previously there were concerns of the repeat of 1700 era when East India company came to our country to do business and finally paved the path for their country to colonise us. But these concerns were ridiculed in 1991 and liberalisation allowed. Now because of this-:. A) Foreign funds flowed in our country ensuring that we have enough of the foreign currencies to import items from there. B) They came with better technologies, better products and increased the competition due to which the consumer got the liberty to have increased preferences. This also drove local companies which were otherwise reluctant to advance technically. This also in turn improved the efficiency of local companies and match them with the best in the world, due to which they can look for exports also and can better compete with their domestic companies. So, we can say export capacity also saw an upward trend. C) Improved standard of living as people have now access to better lifestyle products. D) Creating jobs for Indian markets as many companies which are finding operations difficult in their countries are ramping up their operations in India. One eg. Is General Motor. E) Also whatever the peoples are earning they are spending here only and so its benefiting local economy. Government Is also getting taxes from these companies which are finally spent in our infrastructure and social projects. F) Also from the recent POSCO project nod given by government we can see that MNC's are now not having free run in the country. POSCO have to take the necessary steps to prevent the local bio-diversity and also to train and employ local peoples. They can't shun away from this. Now, what I see that the difficulty which is being faced by SSE's (Small Scale industries) which are not having the capital to match the technical capability of MNC's and hence they are losing customers and forced for closure. Their employees are finding difficult as they are not having adequate technical know-how also to get employed in MNC's. Well I hope government Should look into this.
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