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SECTION A Circle the correct answers. 1 Which of the following animals live in solitary?

The following information shows the characteristics of animals X. Stay in a same habitat Find food together

What is animal X ? A C

Which of the following animals live in group?

Diagram 2 shows a few seedlings in a beaker.

The seedlings are in competition for I III Water Mate II IV Space Nutrients

I and II

III and IV

I and III

I, III and IV

The diagram below shows that tiger live in solitary

Which of the following animals live in the same way as tiger? A B

The diagram shows the growth of some young trees around an adult tree.

What is the main basic that plants compete for? I II air space III IV sunlight mate


I and II II and III D

I and III

III and IV

The diagram shows wolves catching their prey

The diagram shows that the wolves.. A B C D compete with each other for food cooperate with each other for food live in solitary find their food alone

The diagram shows a situation

What is presented in the situation?


Extinction of living things Number of animals increasing Competition between animals Cooperation between animals

Which of the following is the extinct species?



The diagram below shows a species of animals that is extinct

Which of the following animals is also extinct? A B


1) Group these animals.

Solitary animals 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Group animals

( 10 marks)

2 Put a ( ) for every basic need that is needed by either animals, plants or both. Basic needs Water Nutrients/food Space Shelter Mate Sunlight Air Animals Plants

( 5 marks)

Fill in the blanks with the correct answers. mate basic needs interaction stronger


a) Competition is a form of _____________________ between living things in habitat.

b) Animals compete with each other to get their _______________________.

c) Competition occurs because of ____________________ resources in a habitat.

d) The _____________________________ animals will win a competition.

e) The competition for ___________________ occurs between animals of the same species. ( 5 marks)

a) Which animals live in group? Tick () the correct answers. P Q R S

b) Which animals live in solitary? Tick () the correct answers. P Q R S

c) Why do some animals live in groups? For ________________ and __________________.

d) Why do some animals live in solitary? To avoid competition for _________________ and ___________________.

e) Give two another examples of animals that live in


: ______________________________________________________.


: _______________________________________________________.

( 10 marks)

Put a tick () for the correct answers.

(5 marks)

Classify the animals and plants below into the correct groups.

Tapir Mammoth

Extinct species

Endangered species

(5 marks)

Prepared by, _________________________ (Cik Arissha Artina Binti Abdullah) Jaafar) Year 6 Science Teacher Panel

Checked by, ______________________ (Pn. Nurliyana Bt. Head of Science


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