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Industrial Hygine 1. Industrial hygiene concerns itself only with the control of occupational diseases.

So its contribution to accident prevention is nil. (False) 2. Safety engineer should only be interested in the physical damage, broken bones and bloody injuries. (False) 3. Safety engineer cannot be away from the control of occupational diseases. (True) 4. It is the responsibility of the industrial hygienist to study an environment for the pollutants and defects and safety engineers come to the picture while implementing the recommendations of the industrial hygienist is taken up (True) 5. The key concepts of industrial hygiene program are: (Recognition, evaluation, controle, recommendation) 6. Evaluation and control of the environment can be purposeful and effective only if the recognition of the pollutant is perfect. (True) 7. Evaluation of an environmental pollution does end with the measurement of concentration of that pollution. (False) 8. A measure of the damage of the environmental pollution on the human being also forms of the evaluation. (False) 9. Controlling an environment calls for much experience. (True) 10. For controlling an environmental pollution that emanates from a process, it is not required to know the nature of the process that is going on. (True) 11. Controle measures taken against taken against environmental pollution differ widely with operations. (True)

12. Some of the chemicals sensitize the skin. Most of the epoxy resins have this quality of the following, Which are sensitizing agents? (Araldite, Quick fix, synthetic rubber, tar) 13. Oil dermatitis can be caused by the contact with. (Mineral oils) 14. Skin disease incidence depends on .. (Age, Sex, Dietary habits, Heredity)

15. Women are more prone to skin disease than men because.. (Their skin is very tender) 16. Personal hygiene is more important to fight against Dermatitis. (True) 17. Continuous contact with cloths soiled with an irritant also can cause dermatitis (True) 18. While selecting a glove to guard against dermatitis, the following must be considered (Whether the glove will dissolve in the oil against which it is used; Whether it will allow any oil through it; Whether it will interferes with material handling ) 19. Barrier cream application interferes with material handling. (False) 20. Barrier cream interfere with sweating. (False) 21. Barrier cream is effective only for 2 hrs. So, only repeated application is purposeful. (True) 22. Barrier cream is effective only if the contact with irritant is going to be just occasional. (True) 23. Barrier cream can also be used against corrosive materials. (False) 24. Barrier cream is a failure against certain chemicals. (True)

25. Aerosols are those that can keep floating in the air, Can you make them in the following? (Gas, Mist, fume, Smoke, Vapor, Dust) 26. Aerosols get in to system only through inhalation. (True) 27. Some of the aerosols enter the system through skin too. (True) 28. Dusts are produced by size reduction of solids. (True) 29. Dusts follow the gravitational law and they do settle down. (True)

30. Their rate of settling depends on. (Particle size, density) 31. Particle size of a dust is mentioned as the diameter of the sphere in which the dust could be accommodated. (True) 32. Nasal hair filter particles whose size goes beyond 10 microns. So, particles of respirable range have a size less than 10 microns. (True) 33. All dusts entering the system settle in lungs. (False) 34. All dusts reach alveoli, the minute sac of the lung, and settle there. (False) 35. When a dust reaches a spot in the lung, fibrous hardening takes place in that spot and this is the defensive mechanism of the system. (True) 36. Those hardening leads to a less oxygen transferring capacity of the lung and this further leads to shortness of breath. (True) 37. The condition of dusty lung is medically called as pneumoconiosis (Pneumo-lung, coni-dust, osis-condition). Can you match the following? Dust Condition of lung

Silica Silicosis Asbestos Asbestosis Coal Anthracosis Alumina Aluminosis Iron Siderosis

38. The damage of a dust is determined by its efficiency to lead to secondary infection. (True) 39. Silica is the most dangerous dust, as the silicotic lung is a good seat for tuberculosis. (True) 40. Gases are defined as formless Fluids which can be compressed to liquids or solids with decrease in temperature and increase in pressure. Can you tick in the following all those that are gases? (Ammonia, ozone, carbon monoxide, Nitrogen di-oxide, Sulphur di-oxide, Nitrogen, Oxygen Methane) 41. Some of the gases when inhaled irritate the mucous membrane of the respiratory system. They are called gaseous irritants. In the following list, tick them: (Ozone, Hydrogen chloride, chlorine, oxides of nitrogen, ammonia, sulphur di-oxide) 42. There is no natural defense mechanism against these irritants (True) 43. Oxides of nitrogen is produced more in the case of gas shielded arc than in manual arc welding. (False) 44. Ozone is produced during arc welding because of the ultra violet radiation. So ozone is produced wherever the radiation reaches. (True) 45. Respiratory tract constricts while inhaling and this constriction is called as spasm. Spasm may not lead to death. (True) 46. Respirators are the best solution to avoid inhaling irritants. (False) 47. Some gases when inhaled interfere with the oxygen transfer at the

lung and thus deprive the system of oxygen. They are called asphyxiants. Here follows a list: (Carbon monoxide, Carbon Di oxide, Acetylene, Argon, Nitrogen, Helium) 48. Carbon monoxide combines chemically with hemoglobin to form carboxyl Hemoglobin. So it is called chemical asphyxiate. (True) 49. Gases that transfer with the oxygen transfer, just because of their presence and influence on oxygen partial pressure are called simple asphyxiates. Other than carbon monoxide and Hydrogen Cyanide, the rest come in this list. (True) 50. Exposure to Asphixants only at higher concentrations is fatel. (True) 51. Simple asphyxiants is more harmful than the chemical asphyxiant because it affects the partial pressure of oxygen. (False) 52. Physical asphyxiants require higher concentrations to bring in the damage, while chemical asphyxiants do the same even at lower concentrations. (True) 53. Recovery to normal health is immediate if the man is removed from the environment polluted with an asphyxiant. (True)


1. In which side of the bus you will cross the road when you get down from the bus? (Front side) 2. What are the chiller of the signal for getting ready to start the vehicle? (Amber) 3. What color of the vehicle looks pleasing and bright during night? (Yellow) 4. What is the name of the helmet for two wheelers? (Crash helmet) 5. What is the safest distance between two wheelers? (2 to 3 times the length of the following vehicle at 10KMPH speed)

6. What is the precaution to be observed if the vehicle stopped during night hours ?. (Glow red light) 7. Mention two rules to be observed while over taking a vehicle? a. Get the acceptance from the front vehicle b. To be done only in right hand direction c. Give warning 8. What are the effects of bad weather? (a. Affects traction (b. Visibility (c. Vehicle control) 9. What are the characteristic for the defensive driver? a. Knowledge b. Alertness c. Foresight d. Judgement e. Skill 10. What are whiplash injuries? (Neck sprains) 11. On which of the basic situation, a collision with an on coming vehicle may occur? a. On a straight road b. On a curve c. At a inter section while one vehicle is turning 12. What are the best way in the curve to avoid accidents? (Slow down before enter into the curve zoon) 13. How often does an operators license have to be renewed? (Once in 5 years) 14. What should you do when you see or hear an emergency vehicle approaching? (Give way immediately) 15. On right hand curve, where the centrifugal force will tend to pull your vehicle? (Left)

16. In negotiating curves, when the vehicle should be slow down? (Before entering the curve) 17. What are the principal causes of vehicle accidents? (a. Drivers failures (b. Vehicle failure)

18. Incase of road accident, to whom it should be reported? (Officials of the nearest police station) 19. What are defensive driving? (Driving a vehicle in a safe manner without causing damage to the person or property) 20. When overtaking should not be done? (On curves and cut corners and also in narrow bridges) 21. When there is no footpath, where you will walk on the road? (Keep to the right of the road and watch for on coming traffic) 22. What is the code of crossing? (The code of crossing is a set of rules for crossing a busy road safely) 23. Before crossing a road, what should we foresight? (Watch on both side and ensure that o n vehicle is coming) 24. Symbol of rough road: 25. What is the meaning for this symbol? (One-way)


1. What would you do before working on a pipeline? (Isolate it. Drain and burgee it of fume or liquid) 2. If a person is heavily splashed with corrosive liquid .What will you do? (Get him quickly under running water and remove clothing) 3. How will you neutralize split acid? (Use an alkali or plenty of water) 4. What must be provided where corrosive fluids are being used? (Means of drenching persons with cold water. Eye wash bottles) 5. What are best and safe method of decanting acid from a carboy? (The siphon type of pumping is the best method) 6. What type of construction is required for laboratory? (Fire resistant on non-combustible construction) 7. What are the basic requirement to prevent build-up of highly flammable or toxic gases? (Adequate ventilation) 8. How do you cut large size tubings? (By means of a nichrome wire looped around the piece at the point of severance)

9. How do you identify samples in the bottles? (By means of labeling clearly) 10. What type if tools should be used on drums containing flammable liquids? (Non-sparking tools)

11. What are the hazard resulting from lighting Bunsen burner? (Burn injury) 12. What is meant by flash point of a liquid? (Flash point of a liquid is the temperature at which it gives off vapor sufficient to form an ignisible mixture with the air near the surface of the liquid or with in the vessel used) 13. What do you mean by the term explosive range? (The range between lower and higher explosive limits expressed in terms of percentage of vapor or gas in air by volume is called explosive range) 14. What are the different hazards in the Chemical Laboratory? (a. Fire b. Health c .Handling hazards(handling storage) 15 What is MAC? (Maximum allowable concentration) 16. What is acute toxicity? (Acute toxicity is defined as that which is manifest on short exposure) 17. What is chronic toxicity? (Chronic toxicity is defined as that which is manifest over a long period of time) 18. What are the sensory effects that warn of the exposure to many toxicants? (Small and pain) 19. What is TLV? (Threshold Limit Value) 20. Give four precautions when storing flammable liquids? a. Fire proof building b. Fire proof electrical fitting c. Means of escape d. Fire appliances e. Warning notice.

21. When handling flammable solvents give four points to observe a. No smoking or naked light b. Wear protective clothing. c. No spillage.

d. Use of proper safety appliances and carriers. 22. Why earth metal equipment when dealing with flammable liquids? (To reduce the risk of build-up of static electricity which might cause a spark) 23. How would you dispose of flammable waste? (Put in a metal bin with a lid and empty bin regularly) 24. Your overalls have become soaked with flammable solvents what action do you take (Remove them at once) 25. When the quantity of flammable liquid does not exceed 50 Ltrs. where may it be kept? (In a closed vessel or a fire-resisting cup board or bin) 26. How many persons may be employed in a room with two exits, only one of which open out wards? (Nine or less) 27. Describe a form of eye - wash bottle? (Glass bottle with gravity feed. Squizable plastic bottle) 28. If the skin comes in contact with corrosive liquids, What should you do/ (Flush with large amount of water) 29. How should adequate ventilation be provided? (By circulation of fresh air) 30. Where there is dust or fumes given off, where should the exhaust hood be placed? (Where the dust or fume originate) 31. If the fume is flammable, what precautions are necessary concerning the fan motors? (They should be of flameproof type or not be in the exhaust stream) 32. Why we use barrier cream? (To prevent direct contact of chemicals with skin) 33. What are the four chemical criminals? a. Hydrogen sulfide b. Nitrogen oxide c. Benzol d. Carbon tetra chloride

34. What is the well known property of Hydrogen Sulphide? (Odor of rotten egg) 35. What is the name of the gas emanated from sewage pipelines? (Hydrogen Sulphide)

36. What is the name of the gas emanates from Carbon tetra chloride getting contact with Oxygen? (Phosgene) 37. What is the best antidote for a majority of industrial chemical injuries? (Water) 38. What is an explosion? (Explosion is a sudden release of pressure regardless of the source) 39. What is an asphyxiant? (asphyxiant is the substance which deprives the body tissues of oxygen causing oxygen) starvation) 40. What is the most frequent form of industrial injury due to chemicals? (Dermatitis) 41. How can we remove a hazard caused by absorption of chemicals through the skin? (Frequent washing of the hands with soap and plenty of water) 42. What are the common materials cause serious poisonings to children? (Kerosene and Aspirin) 43. What is an explosive? (An explosive is a substance that can produce in thousands or millionths of a second; high pressure gas capable of destroying the surroundings) 44. What is an autogenous ignition temprature? (The autogenous ignition temperature is the temperature at which a small amount of a substance will spontaneously ignite in a given atmosphere and burn without further heat input) 45. Give an example for most common source of ignition. (Acetylene welding) 46. What are aerosols? (Aerosols are substances present in the as minute particles (dusts) as fumes (metal fumes) or as mists (chromic acid mists))

1. The house wife should set a good example in Housekeeping by keeping her own house neat and clean. (True) 2. Good housekeeping is not a very important part in accident prevention. (False) 3. Good order is less important in a little house than in a big house.

(False) 4. It is everybodys responsibility to keep every thing in its place. (True) 5. A little spillage in floor is not a matter for good housekeeping. (False) 6. Exhaust ventilation must be provided while working in confined places. (True) 7. No harm in there to keep some medicines in the kitchen room for our immediate use. (False) 8. Broken plug point could not cause accident for experienced person. (False) 9. Housekeeping is only to have appearance of work areas. (False) 10. Best housekeeping needs more space, more manpower. (False)

11. Housekeeping does nothing in preventing accident. (False) 12. Poor housekeeping causes for the common injuries such as sprain, strain, slips etc. (True) 13. Drill bit can be stored in bins. (True) 14. All the tools can be kept mixedly in a single rack. (False) 15. Staircases are the best rack for storing the materials. (False) 16. Worn carpeting is an example for unsafe condition. (True) 17. Medicines in the house should be placed--------------. (out of the reach of children) 18. Knife is the best article to play for the children. (False) 19. The sharp tools can be spreaded in the work floor.

(False) 20. The proverb in housekeeping: A-------------------------everything; everything in its place. (Place for) 21. Aisles in the shop floor is the waste of space. (False) 22. Minimum width of the gang way in the shop is-------------------. (0.9m) 23. The rail tracks can cross the working area, gang ways. (False) 24. The wet dress can be kept near the furnace for drying. (False) 25. Foot can be taken in the work spot itself. (False)

26. Wash basin can be nearer to the workspot. (False) 27. Compressed air is the best media for cleaning the machineries. (False) 28. Best house keeping will lead to productivity. (True) 29. Broken glass pieces must be put in the waste bin. (False) 30. The electrical cables must be taken in the gangway through--------------------. (Trench tubes) 31. The materials can be stored near fire extinguishers. (False) 32. Proper stacking of the material is a waste of time. (False) 33. Open trenches need not be closed. (False) 34. Any body can handle the first aid boxes. (False) 35. To kill the insects in the house, the poison can be sprayed by ourselves .

(False) 36. Lifting tackles must be stored in the separate stand. (True) 37. Furnace oil must be stored nearer to the furnace so as to avoid unnecessary handling. (False) 38. Best media to arrest the sound is --------------. (Isolation) 39. Walling platform at the height must be provided with----------------. (Toe board) 40. Stair case must be provided with------------------. (Hand rail) 41. Cramped layout is the better utilization of space. (False) 42. Pits and sumps are not the matter in the working area. (False) 43. Tools can be stored over the bed of the machinery . (False) 44. Housekeeping is the responsibility of -------------------. 1. Management 2. Supervisors 3. Workers 4. All the above. 5. None

45. Inspection is the key to Quality control of industrial housekeeping. (True) 46. Better check list is very much use full to maintain good housekeeping. (False) 47. Accumulation of rubbish and scrap is an example of --------------------. (Unsafe condition) 48. While storing the rods or pipes in the stand, protruding out side is dangerous. (True) 49. Uneven flooring will not cause accidents. (False) 50. Storing the flammable gas cylinder along with oxygen cylinder is not a dangerous one.

(False) 51. Empty and full gas cylinders can be stored mixedly. (False) 52. Gas cylinders should not be exposed with heat radiation. (True.) 53. What is the symbol of radiation? 54. What is the color of Producer gas line? (Yellow) 55. What is the color of Acetylene Cylinder? (Maroon) 56. What is the color of Hydrogen Cylinder? (Red) 57. Sharp tools should not be put in to the pocket. (True) 58. What is the color of the compressed air line? (Blue) 59. For the urgent work, the material can be stored in the gangway. (False) 60. Write an example for tripping hazard. (Materials are lying on the floor)


1. Electrical supply used in our house is -------------. (230 v) 2. Two lines used in single-phase supply are--------------, ---------------. (Phase, Neutral) 3. Switches must be connected in-----------line. (Phase) 4. The nature of supply from battery cell is-------------voltage. (DC) 5. Emergency light glows when mains supply-----------. (Fails) 6. The frequency of our electric supply is -------------Hz. (50Hz)

7. The earth in electric circuit is ------------. (Low resistance electric path) 8. Earth resistance can be measured by----------------. (Megger) 9. The unit of resistance is ---------(Ohms) 10. Fuse ----------the electric circuit /equipment/user when abnormal flow of electric supply is there. (Protects) 11. Shock will occur when we come into contact with-----------,----------,------------. (Phase and neutral (or) Phase and earth (or) Phase to phase) 12. The insulator is --------------for electricity. (Non-conductor) 13. Porcelain is an example for --------------. (Insulator) 14. A. C. even-------------voltage has been fatal. D.C. even 140v. have not cause death. (18 v) 15. Ultra violet and Nuclear radiation ---------insulation. (Degrade) 16. A. C. produces ventricular fibrillation in every cycle whereas D.C. produces ------(Only one) 17. Lightning is a massive natural discharge of -------------. (Static electricity) 18. Lightning discharges with high ---------------, high ----------------. (Potentials, current) 19. Persons in boat or open field are easy targets of ------------attack. (Lightning)

20. Standing under the trees ---------the hazards during lightening. (Increases) 21. ----------------- is the sudden and accidental stimulation of the body nerves system by electric current. (Electric shock)

22. Death from electric shock is ------------(Instantaneous) 23. ----------- color wire is used for earthing. (Green) 24. Three pins used in single phase plugs are to contact-----------,---------,----------- . (Phase, Neutral, Earth) 25. The metallic part of the electrical equipment should be always-----------. (Earthed) 26. Double -------------is always necessary for medium/high voltage electrical equipment. (Earthing) 27. Earth resistance should be maintained as----------as possible. (Low) 28. Earth resistance is maintained low with the help of -----------,----------,--------- . (Sand, charcoal, Salt) 29. We can not use water tap for --------------. (Earthing) 30. A sign of injury in case of electric shock is always visible. (False) 31. Electric charges are present in air even when there is no thunder or lightning. (True) 32. Wire used for temporary wiring should be---------------. (Flexible) 33. Electric wires that are insulated will not cause injury if they touch trees. (False) 34. It is very correct to take shelter during a rain under a tree that has over head line above it. (False) 35. Home aerials are not dangerous at all. (False) 36. Electric lighters for lighting gas burners should have plastic housing. (False) 37. Old house wiring can be neglected when installing new wires. (False) 38. Refrigerators are a source of electric shock.

(True) 39. Asphyxiation can be caused by electric shock. (True)

40. The back of the hand is more sensitive to electricity. (True) 41. The voltage that causes death is the same as the voltage existing as a power with which the person has come in contact. (False) 42. Death due to electric shock can be prevented by rational operation of equipment. (True) 43. Death from welding potentials of 65 v is not common. (False) 44. It is possible to have a potential between a tap and the floor if there is a leak. (True) 45. Floors covered with plastic tiles or linoleum can produce static charges as body. (True) 46. A person with static charges will get a shock on touching a metal tap. (True) 47. Many causes of electrical shock are due to electric current passing from palm of the hand to the feet or from palm to palm. (True) 48. The neck, temples, back and shoulders are very vulnerable to electric current. (True) 49. Death due to electric shock can take place even after 30 minutes after the person receives the shock. (True) 50. At high voltages, injuries caused are usually burns caused by arcing. (True) 51. A person who is aware that he may get shock has bigger chances of survival than who is not aware. (True) 52. Electric injury to animals is common in the open air or unheated burns. (True)

53. Animal is a good conductor and will aid the passage of electric current. (False) 54. Even medical instruments without earthing can cause electric shocks. (True) 55. A metal bed is recommended when taking ECG of a person. (False) 56. It is easier to kill a person with electricity than for him to die accidentally due to electric shock. (False) 57. It is impossible to name a safe value of current or voltage. (True) 58. In an electric circuit man is a special type of conductor. (True) 59. Electric shock can create severe burn. (True) 60. Animals are more resistant to death due to electric shock than man. (True)

61. Certain people have a greater sensitivity to even weak current. (Yes) 62. Electric shock can cause death due to injury to the cardiovascular system. (True) 63. It is till not known which system is first injured in case of electric shock (i.e.) heart brain, respiration or central nervous system. (True) 64. Simultaneous disturbance of cardiac activity and stoppage of respiration is not possible in an electric shock. (False) 65. When a person becomes part of an electric circuit, there is also absorption of electric energy. 66. Extension card can be a permanent type of wiring. (False) 67. Extension cards should be attached to walls by nail. (False) 68. Large kitchen appliance should be operated without vibration.

(True) 69. A switched off appliance can cause electrocution if unplugged. (True) 70. It is advisable to use portable heaters in a bathroom. (False) 71. All hoods for lamps should be able to trap heat. (True) 72. Power tools should have only three-pin plug with a good earth. (True) 73. A radio in use can give shock even if unplugged. (True) 74. Some good equipment can give shock if thee polarity of the plug is reversed. (True) 75. Air should circulate freely around TVs. (True) 76. A ground fault circuit interrupter will prevent electrocution. (True) 77. It is good to check often whether the circuit breakers are in working condition. (True) 78. Faulty equipment operates erratically. (True) 79. Heaters should be on stable surface and not closed to curtains. (True) 80. Damaging in wiring is not dangerous. (False) 81. If a switch warms up when a appliance is in use, then it is dangerous. (True) 82. Over loading of power cable is permitted by about 10% (False) 83. It is better to have appliances with a label of a recognized testing agency. (True) 84. Fuses need not be use for portable electrical equipment. (False)

85. An automobile spark plug can be dangerous if touched when engine running. (True) 86. A cars lighting circuit is extremely safe and is never dangerous. (False) 87. We can use too many plugs in one socket to save money. (False) 88. To avoid plug we can insert bare wire inside socket. (False) 89. For 5 Amps. Fuse we can use 3mm. Thick wire. (False) 90. Material used for fuse wire is -------------------. (Tinned copper) 91. Material used for fuse carrier generally is -------------. (Porcelain) 92. Color of the electrical hand gloves is -------------. (Red) 93. Color of the electrical helmet is -----------------. (White with the letter E) 94. While working at height, electricians should wear------------. (Safety belt) 95. Double insulation consists of --------------, ------------. (Functional insulation, Protective insulation) 96. An electric line is considered to be hot unless it is grounded. (True) 97. What is the first step to rescue the person who is getting shock----------(Switch off the supply) 98. --------------- is used to test whether he circuit is live or dead. (Test lamp) 99. The expansion of T.N.E.B. is-----------------. (Tamilnadu Electricity Board) 100. The expansion of I.E.R. is -----------. (Indian Electricity Rule)


1. The three medias for fire is ---------, ----------, ------------. (Fuel, Heat, Oxygen) 2. Name two type of fire------------, -------------. (Oil, Electrical) 3. What is the fire extinguisher for oil fire? (Foam) 4. Why soda acid will not be used to extinguish electric fire? (Water is a conductor) 5. Which is the suitable extinguisher for electric fire in sophisticated electrical equipment? (Carbon-di-oxide) 6. We should not keep easily ------------material in kitchen. (Combustible) 7. What will you do if the container of kerosene stove is empty while burning? (Put off the stove and then pour) 8. What will you do if oil in the vessel catch fire while cooking? (Close the vessels with a plate) 9. We shell use --------------dress while cooking. (Cotton) 10. LPG means---------------------------. (Liquefied Petroleum Gas)

11. Cooking gas is in the form -------------- with pressure in cylinder. (Liquid) 12. Vapor of LPG is ----------- than air. (Heavier) 13. LPG cylinders should be kept in ----------position. (Vertical) 14. The stove position should be the ------------level of the gas cylinder. (Above) 15. To light the gas stove first ------------valve should be opened. (Cylinder) 16. How will you check the leakage in gas cylinder? (By using soap water)

17. If there is any leakage in gas cylinder, we have to keep -------------the doors and windows. (Open) 18. The color of the LPG cylinder is--------------. (Red) 19. After smoking, the cigarette bits should be put in to waste basket. (False) 20. Smoking in the bed is not correct. (True) 21. Loose connection in electrical wiring will cause fire. (True) 22. Too many connections in single socket makes wiring heated up. (True) 23. Short-circuiting between the electrical line will not cause electrical fire. (False)

24. To extinguish the fire, throw the extinguishers in to the fire. (False) 25. BHEL fire station number is -----------. (99) 26. In case of fire first we have to inform fire station. (True) 27. Paint will catch fire easily. (True) 28. To clean the empty paint tin, we have to put fire inside and should be closed it. (False) 29. While repairing the cars, we can keep kerosene lamp/candles nearly. (False) 30. To avoid fire phosphorus should be kept in fire. (True) 31. Turpentine waste will get fire automatically. (False) 32. Burn injury due to electrical fire is most dangerous.


33. ------------- tools should be used in inflammable areas. (Non-sparkable) 34. We can dump all fire proof materials in the kitchen. (False) 35. We can keep the kerosene stove near gas cylinder. (False) 36. For better utilization of crackers, we can put sulphur from the waste crackers together and put fire. (False) 37. We can catch the crackers In hand which is of exploded in nature. (False) 38. We can store the crackers in kitchen. (False) 39. We can ignite the crackers in stoves at kitchen. (False) 40. We can put crackers near flammable articles. (False)


1. Which is the correct method in manual handling? (1. Straight back) (2. Bent leg) 2. What is the name of the disease caused due to improper lifting? (Slipped disc) 3. Shell we roll the gas cylinder for transportation? (No) 4. For handling rough and sharp materials, ---------------hand gloves must be used. (Leather) 5. The color of the Acid and Alkali-proof gloves is-----------. (Black) 6. The color of electrical resistance gloves is-------------------. (Red)

7. To protect the X-rays and gamma rays -------------gloves must be used. (Lead) 8. For lifting the machined components -------------rope must be used. (Manila) 9. The factor of safety of a wire rope is -------------(5) 10. For outer yard gentry crane -------------are essential. (End stopper, Lock with rail)

11. Gas cylinders can be stacked one over the another as pyramid to the height of -----(4 cylinders) 12. The bricks can be stacked in ----------------system. (Cross bar) 13. For opening the drum containing flammable material, ------------------tools can be used. (Non-sparking) 14. Material handling contributes above --------% in industrial accidents. (33%) 15. A man can lift more with his legs than with his back. (True) 16. Walking under suspended load is not harmful. (No) 17. Sudden lifting is safer. (No) 18. What is SWL (Safe working load) 19. To transport the loads by hand trolley from lower level to upper level. (Pulling) 20. To transport the load by hand trolley in slope from upper level to lower level. (Pushing) 21. What is the name of guard used in the hand trolley to protect the hand? (Knuckle guard) 22. Hand trolley can be pulled for transportation. (No)

23. Improper filing of materials results in many accidents. (Yes) 24. A check - list of the things to be inspected is not usually worthwhile. (No) 25. If the wire ropes are having damage more ---------------% is to be rejected. (10%) 26. For lifting hot objects which of the following can be used? (1. Manila ropes. 2. Chain sling. 3. Wire rope)

27. For lifting the heavy plates by crane ------------can be used. (Plate clamp) 28. What is EOT? (Electrical Operated Overhead Trenches) 29. When a man is lifting the load, what are the precautionary methods he should take? (1. His back should be arched (2. He should keep his back straight. (3. He should assure a full squatting position.) 30. The lifting ability of a man can be in proportionate to the weight of the man. (False) 31. The Lifting Tackles can be dragged on the floor. (No) 32. The over loading in the crane up to--------is allowable occasionally. (25%) 33. Before lifting a load, the following should attend. (Size, shape, and weight) 34. Gas cylinders are the best rollers for transporting the load. (No) 35. Gas cylinders need to be chained. (No) 36. For transporting the gas cylinder by cranes---------should be used. (Cradle) 37. For the pyramid stacking of drums ------------ supporting is necessary.

(Wedge packing) 38. Material handling accidents cause damage to --------------. (1. Men. 2.Materials. 3.Machinary. 4. All the three) 39. A material handling depends on. (a) Individual who handles (b) The method of handling (c) The implements used (d) All the above. 40. Select the basic principles of material handling from the following: (a) Good grip (b) Straight back (c) Tuck the chin (d) Feet in position (e) Use body weight (f) Arms close to the body (a, b, d, e, f)

41. While using crow bar for material handling, we must ensure: (a) correct leverage (b) Pointed crow bar (c) Inserting pack pieces (d) All the three. (d) 42. Lifting capacity of jacks is to be marked on them (Yes) 43. Mechanical handling (a) Quicken the process (b) Economy for large scale employment (c) All the above (c) 44. Wheeled trucks are provided with-----------. (a) 2 wheels (b) 4 wheels (c) 5wheels (d) All the types. (d) 45. In the two wheeled trucks, load must be placed---------(a) In the front (b) In the back (c) In the middle (d) In any way

(a) 46. In two wheeled trucks, load must be placed with center of gravity (a) High (b) Low (c) Out side the bar (b) 47. In two wheeled trucks -------------------. (a) Truck should carry the load. (b) Operator should only balance (c) Running with truck allowed. (b) 48. The position of the truck should be as follows: (a) In down gradient follow (b) In up gradient load (c) In level ground load (c) 49. In 5 wheeled trucks (a) Steering handle is attached to swerving axle (b) Steering handle is to be pulled (a) 50. Oil collected at base of machine must be removed before jacking. (Yes) 51. Load slip due to . (a) Clamp (b) Clamping (c) Balancing (d) All the three (d) 52. Periodical inspection of lifting tackles should be done by-----------------. (Competent Authority) 53. Give three defects, which may arise in the lifting tackles? (a) Wear (b) Elongation (c) Opening Strand 54. The hook should be discarded if the opening of hook is --------------( More than 12% dia. of hook) 55. Hook can a twist of (a) 10% (b) 15% (c) 20%

(d) 25% 56. While using lifting magnet, what are the safety points should be observed? (a) Not to use close to steel machines (b) Switches supplying power to magnet should be identified by Danger (c) Metal part of magnet to be grounded (d) Supply to magnet from main feeder ( a, b, c, d) 57. Open hook can be used? (No) 58. Dragging of load can be done. (No) 59. Limit switches are generally provided for crane hoists. (Yes) 60. Maximum allowable included angle of the lifting tackle is ------(90 degree) 61. Over load trip devices are the disturbance in lifting (No) 62. The signal can be given only by----------------. (Rigger) 63. Large hooks must be provided with-----------(Swivel base) 64. Walking step in the EOT cranes should be provided on ---------------on side of the crane. (Both) 65. Stop signal can be given only by --------------. (Any body) 66. What would be the clearance level needed the gentry crane side? (30)


1. Can we use Petroleum-based Cleaners to clean Helmet? If not, why? (The Petroleum-based Cleaners can weaken the chemical composition of the helmet shell. So it is always safe and better to use the soap water solution for cleaning the helmet.) 2. Which is the safe way to carry a spare Helmet while you ride a motor cycle? (If you are carrying a spare helmet, use the special helmet attaching points on the motorcycle instead of hanging them down on the handle bar, where bumps can destroy the

helmets padding and shock-absorbing value) 3. If a member of your family swallows caustic soda based cleaner, what is the best firstaid? (We should not induce vomiting. Because this may further burn on the way out. Give the victim quantities of water or milk to dilute the chemical) 4. What is the best first-aid for dog bite? (We should immediately wash the wound and the surrounding area with soap and water, making sure we wash all saliva. Then irrigate the wound by running very warm water on it) 5. What could be done to keep the children from splitting their foreheads by hitting against sharp corners of furniture- (table, etc.) (With simple rubber device that fits on the table, Desk and corner tops, we can guard the corners) 6. Which is the safe way to open an aerated water bottle? (It is better to put a towel over the top of the bottle and gently ease the cork into the towel. We should hold the bottle pointing away from anyone) 7. What is true of the right of way in every situation? (It is always given, never taken) 8. When should one take a break from continuous driving? (About every 2 hours or 100 miles which ever comes first) 9. Can we sling a long bag in the bicycle handle bar? Why and what is the best way? (No. The bag may slip off from the shoulder and may entangle in the front wheel which may lead to fatal accident. The best way is to put the long bag across the chest) 10. Which one is safe foot wear high-heeled or medium-heeled? (Low healed, because the wearer can feel the ground very well through the heel. The changes and slip is reduced.) 11. Whether a hard or medium-soft foot sole which one is the best? ( The hard bottom foot wear does not afford traction and it absorbs shocks generated while walking fast as a result of which your knee gets sore. So the medium of sole is the best one)

12. Is it good to buy and wear footwear with waxed, shiny and polished bottom? ( No. It makes them more slippery) 13. What are the minimum requirement for safe and comfortable shoes? (Flexible, soft sole, a wide toe) 14. What should you do if your small child starts choking? (If the child cannot breathe or is unable to speak or cough, the child should be held with

the head down and should be given several sharp blows between the shoulder blades with the heel of the hand) 15. Whether porcelain wares can be kept inside the Pressure cooker to hold things to be cooked, why? ( Earthen ware things may crack) 16. When you pour accidentally hot water on your hands, what should you do? (Stick your hand in cold water immediately . Keep for 10 minutes. If it is small burn, apply burn ointment other wise, do not apply anything and go to the hospital) 17. What should one do to make a person vomit he had taken some poisonous things? (Give him a glass of concentrated salt water) 18. Some one slipped off and bruised his / her leg / hands. The wound is bleeding, but not serious. What should you do? ( Wash the wound with soap and water. Then bandage it. Do not apply any medication) 19. What is to be done when nose bleeding? (Sit on a chair, Head tilted forward and insert moistened cotton ball. If the bleeding continues, meet a doctor) 20. Mention 5 common causes of domestic accident death? (Fall, fire, burn and death associated with fire, poisoning by liquid or solid, suffocationingested objects, due to electrical shock) 21. Canned food left in the same tin can spoil quickly. Is it true? Why? (Actually, food left in an opened tin can is less likely to spoil than it is if you transfer it to clean the container. Because the tin can is sterile, the dish probably is not.) 22. While running or immediately after you have run a distance, you should not drink water, is it true ?Why ? (Just the opposite water loss by body through perspiration needs to be replaced) 23. Is watching TV bad for your eyes? (No. that is a myth) 24. What is the minimum TV viewing distance? (Five times the width of the screen should be the minimum viewing distance) 25. Is washing immediately a burned wound area with a soap is good? Why? (Rubbing with soap could damage the burned skin. So, wash it carefully with soap water)

26. Which is the best way to induce vomiting? (Give large quantity of salt- saturated water) 27. Is it good giving Ice-cubes to children to suck? (No, Because, accidentally swallowed ice-cube may lodge in the throat may not melt soon

enough to prevent suffocation) 28. Why potatoes are to be pricked before frying? (Potatoes may burst and splash when it is backed or fried with out pricking the skin as a result of the moisture inside it expands and bursts. At times it also splashes the masala with the hot oil) 29. Can we open pressure cooker immediately after cooking? (No) 30. What are the things that should not be cooked in pressure cooker? Why? (Apple sauce, Rhubarb, Split peas, cranberries, Spaghetti and Cereal can foam and clog the steam vent) 31. Before opening aerated water bottle it must be shaken well. Is it correct? Why? (Wrong, Because many if the bottles are used a number of times and they may give way when the bottles are shaken or roughly handled) 32. What is the maximum safe length of a ladder? (Less than 8 meters) 33. There is a belief that it is inauspicious to walk under a ladder. Is it scientifically true? (IT is indeed so, because it may slip off) 34. What is ignition distance if LPG? (Ignition as far as 200 meters from the source of gas leaking is possible) 35. Which is the best first-aid for burns? (The first and best first-aid to burn is water, colder the better as long as burning sensation persists) 36. What is the roll of Fluorine in our health? (Fluorine promotes the formation of dental enamel and protects teeth against tartar. Excess Fluorine causes the destruction of enamel) 37. How long must the water be spoiled to make it safe for drinking? (Ten minutes boiling destroys microbes) 38. Mention some methods used to sterilize drinking water? (Addition of chlorine and its derivatives (Bleaching powder, Chlorineperoxide Addition of Ozone Application of ultra- violet rays Boiling Application of silver (Adding by electrolysis))

39. What are the common things that generate a domestic pollution? (Home heating, Cooking, Pesticides, drainages and pets) 40. What are all the effects of air pollution? (Air pollution corrodes metals, weaker fabric, soil clothing, cause building stone to

crumble, paint to discolor, it destroy leather, cracks rubber, damages vegetation, kills human and livestock and reduces visibility) 41. Why air pollution should be controlled? (Because it has been estimated that a man can live for 5 days without water, but for only 5 minutes without air. Air is essential to the sense of sight, smell and hearing) 42. What is an Asphyxiate? (The material that takes away oxygen) 43. Why the glass door should have decoration?( especially plain, white/glass) (To make then obvious, so somebody does not crash) 44. Is it safe to jumble all the sharp kitchen tools in a drawer with other things? (No. It is not safe because you have a good chance of cutting yourself while reaching for something else) 45. It is always safe to change the container of disinfectant, cleaner and insecticide so that the wastage can be minimized. IS it correct? Why? (Not correct. It is because identification becomes very risky and difficult) 46. Which is the best way to store matchbox? (The matches must be stored in a tightly closed metal container) 47. It is always better to close the doors of garage tight while doing running test of car engine. Is it correct? (It must be opened wide. Otherwise the exhaust smoke will engulf you and this may result In fatal accident) 48. What is the name of the condition developed In our body by our taking food and drink that contain excess fluorides? (The excess fluoride intake gives raise to a condition known as Mottled Enamel, characterized by te3eth that appear to be stained brown) 49. The cause of the highest rate of death are (Heart disease, Cancer, Accident) 50. Which creature on earth is the ultimate source of almost all infections? (The ultimate infection-carrier is man himself, although animal may share a few of the Bacterial and fungal infection) 51. What is the best method to avoid spreading of infection while you cough in the middle of other person? (Close your mouth with a small kerchief) 52. Which is the best way that will minimize the prepared food contamination? (The food contamination hazard can be minimized by carefully protecting the prepared food by refrigerating them) 53. Which two common food items require special care? Why?

(Milk and meat deserve special attention, because they deteriorate very fast) 54. Is it always correct to make a poisoned person to vomit? (It is not advisable always) 55. Can we use water-soaked cloth or aerosols for cleaning TV? Why? (No, Because the moisture may leak in and cause short circuit. The best way to clean is use a dry cloth) 56. How does good House keeping help? (By preventing accidents caused by tripping, slipping, falling or jumping) 57. Why domestic insects are considered as health hazard? (Because some of these insects sting/ bite which may be poison or allergic and most of them carry and spread infection) 58. Maintain a few best ways to keep all insects away from your house. (*Plug all holes, cracks and crevices *Avoid spillage of food * Every night, clean the kitchen and dining table, (especially the bottom of the sink) *Keep clean the surrounding area of your kitchen garden *Every night sprinkle some antiseptic solution in the kitchen) 59. Is it safe to put the bag dangling from the handle bar while riding a bicycle? (Nothing should be allowed to dangle from the handle bar. Everything should be kept in basket or carrier) 60. Why leaky taps (especially in the Bath/ Latrine should be repaired immediately? (Because the leaky taps contribute to the dampness and help the growth of mosses, which may lead to accident due to slipping) 61. Is it very safe to install electrical gadgets (viz., electrical heater) inside the bath room? Why? (Incase of any accidental leakage of current and subsequent contact by any one it may prove fatal because of the damp condition of the floor)

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