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Writing Prescriptions

Duane Roberts highlights

the writing crisis and looks
for technological solutions

The hallmark of an education most recent NAEP test results show that 70 The effect of these tests now incorporating
has always been the ability to communicate, to 80 percent of high school students are not writing and even grammar is trickling down to
verbally or in writing, and those are the very proficient writers. every school system in America, where the
skills that the marketplace demands, but is Former U.S. Education Secretary Rod Paige focus is now shifting to helping students artic-
unable to fulfill. Most critically, only in writing, commenting on the NAEP Report Card on ulate themselves in writing.
is the ability to communicate and think inex- Writing, noted “...more than two-thirds of the At the College of the City of New York
tricably linked. nation’s students still perform below the profi- (CCNY), about 55 percent of entering fresh-
Writing is the neglected partner of reading cient level in writing. We need to make a collec- man fail the writing test and must take
in the battle against illiteracy. It is reading lev- tive effort to help our students become better preparatory courses. Over the past several
els that receive the media attention and read- writers. It will require diligence because one size years, polls taken by Public Agenda and
ing programs that receive funding, yet writing does not fit all in any endeavor to improve stu- Education Week show that employers and
which is just as necessary a skill is all too dent performance in any subject. We must find college professors believe poor writing skills to
often ignored. The National Commission on out what works best for which students.” be the number one problem of graduating
Writing has warned that writing is “The For aspiring college students, the first hur- high school seniors. At Miami Dade-College
Neglected R” and cites the latest National dle is getting past national tests to go into the (MDC), approximately 80% of the entering stu-
Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) school of their choice. Last year, 1.2 million dents require remedial English courses. The
scores as proof. “The quality of writing must students took the ACT and 1.4 million took ability to write in college is directly correlated
be improved if students are to succeed in the SAT. However, the SAT has introduced a with a student’s ability to finally get a degree.
college and in life,” the Commission’s report 25-minute multiple-choice section testing For second language learners, written lit-
concludes. grammar, usage, and word choice in March, eracy skills are the keys to success. Second
From kindergarten to 12th grade, writing 2005. The test is similar to the current SAT II language learners have had a major impact
skills of students are deteriorating. Current writing exam that students applying to more on the K-12 school system in America. Many
statistics show that the majority of students selective colleges are sometimes required to are not fully literate in either their native lan-
entering college today have writing skill levels take. The new test will be worth a total of guage or English — only 44 percent of Latino
in the range of grades 8-10 — with some as 2,400 points. And the grammar section will fourth graders nationwide scored at or above
low as grade 5. Writing tests of 4th- and 7th- account for more than 500 points — which the basic level on the most recent reading
graders in North Carolina showed drops of can make the difference between a student’s exams according to NAEP.
22 points in 2004, to 47 percent. And the first-choice college versus a backup school. Ironically, while the demand for good writ-

22 April 2006


ing in English has increased, the pool of better writing skills, however composition Coming in at about half that price is a
teachers trained to provide composition skills requires its own skill set and, more than any- system which has been developed by
has diminished. The quality of writing has thing else, lost and lots of practice. It is gen- Pomona Unified School District, the RxNet
withered in recent years as demands on erally accepted that children need to com- Writer, also known as the California Electronic
teachers and students have placed con- plete three writing assignments a week in Writer. This system has the advantage if
straints on the time and resources needed to grades 3-12 to develop into proficient writ- being developed by teachers for teachers, as
cultivate good writing skills. In addition, the ers, which creates an enormous volume of well as a much wider scoring range than its
increase of foreign speaking students over the work for any teacher, let alone teachers with competitors. It is now in use by several
years has added to the strain on these resources. numerous English language learners, so any school districts in California, with trials in
The necessary hours for teachers to spend help is welcome. other states including Hawaii. So far the sys-
reviewing and grading papers are more diffi- Not surprisingly, educational software tem seems to be living up to its promise of
cult to come by as more demands are placed companies are trying to perfect programs to actually teaching students how to write
upon those who educate our children. teach writing skills with varying degrees of instead of just assessing them, which in itself
But the problem is also generated from success. Educational Testing Service is a major achievement.
the student side: Writing requires students to launched Criterion, its online writing evalua- Of course, teachers need all the help
actually sit down and take time out of their tion service, a couple of years ago; Vantage that they can get and these systems have
busy days. People in general, but especially Learning markets a prompt-driven web- the potential to rapidly increase writing
those in the MTV generation, are constantly based writing environment called My Access; scores. However, there is little point in imple-
bombarded with ideas and thoughts that are and Pearson Education has recently acquired menting systems and training programs if
handed to them on the Internet, TV, or other Knowledge Analysis Technologies (KAT) and budgets will be unable to sustain their use in
forms of mass media. In the era of Instant its Intelligent Essay Assessor. the long term.
Messaging, it is indeed ironic that composi- All of these systems provide the environ-
tion students must wait a week to have a ment and tools for students to improve their
teacher return a corrected paper. This delay writing skills by practicing essay composition Duane Roberts is freelance writer
in feedback is not suited to this new, com- and receiving automatic assessment, specializing in computer technology
puter-savvy generation whose literacy is although they cost in excess of $20 per stu- based in Memphis, Tennessee.
increasingly shaped by technology. dent per year, so they may be beyond the His interests include creative writing,
Of course, more reading usually leads to reach of many school districts. language and artificial intelligence.

April 2006


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