1) Topic: Friends (Expository)

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1) Topic: Friends (Expository) Definition: Friends, a valuable group of people in our life, to share every moment of happiness or woes

with. A friend can be a confidant, a source of comfort in times of despair, a listening ear when troubles seem to have overwhelmed us, a pillar of strength when everyone else have deserted us, or simply lending a helping hand to pull us up to get back on track in life. Main categorization: (+ve): True, sincere, friends without ulterior motives, earnest -True friendship does not falter but it emerges stronger after conquering difficulties in life when both parties work together -True friends trust one another. In regardless of happiness or woes, a true friend will not waver but stand by you through times of crisis. They do not forsake you in times of darkness. When undergoing emotional turmoil, the more they will not leave but continuously stay on to spur you on and give you all the confidence and strength needed to stand strong again. (-ve):However, there are some friends who puts their main focus on friendship on other things. Some choose only to be friends with the popular, the successful, the smart, the beautiful. They make friends for their personal gains based on ulterior motives. It hurts to say but these people will never come to find true friends in their lives till they first make friends with a sincere heart. They will never come to taste the indescribable sweetness to share in a true friendship, or come to understand how beautiful it is to have the company of true friends to walk this journey of life. -It is indeed inevitable that friends do have quarrels, misunderstandings and even get into fights. These clashes are unavoidable. However, do we make up after that? Or do we bear a grudge with one another and lack a forgiving heart towards others' mistakes? We can always make a choice, to iron things out in a peaceful way or to leave it till a friendship becomes distant and slowly fades. Conclusion: In our social circles everyday, we meet new friends everyday. Friendship is to be treasured and cherished of great significance. No one is indispensable. In friendship, important values such as respect to each another and acceptance are necessary. Acceptance of others' flaws, appreciating others' strengths, always bearing with each other in love and endurance. Maintaining a long-term and lasting friendship requires effort made by both parties. It does not come singlehandedly. Friendship should thus not be taken for granted. 2)Topic: Results Setting: As the captain of the school's floor ball team. The school has been renowned for its reputable floor ball team which never fail to emerge as champions in the Nationals three years consecutively. Of course, I yearn to be able to lead the team to do so this year as well. My aim was to clinch the champion title for this year's nationals, which was only in three weeks' time. Training was intense and everyone was stressed out, with pressure coming not only from the high expectations from our coach and the school, but also the stress dealing with the difficulty coping with our assignments given so much time taken up for trainings. Event: Days before the finals, I exerted my authority as the team captain and made the team train in the field even under the rain. I ignored the complaints from my fellow team mates. Complaining about how knackered they are and the fatigue that was kicking in. To me, i only perceive it as a sign of laziness and unwillingness. I was too strong headed and persisted, shaking my head vehemently, and ignored the welfare of my team mates.

Complication: Day before the competition, many of my team mates fell sick and were down with flu. The ugly truth sank in. It dawned on me how I've forced them to train under the rain despite them being all worn-out. All in my heart, was the results that mattered. The Gold metal I yearned so much for, the praises from my coach, teachers and the school, and even so the glory received as the title of the Team Captain if we were to emerge champions and march back in victory again. All in my head was the picture of myself, the team captain coming back with the large, shining trophy in hand. Did it occur to me the welfare of my team mates? How tired they were? The rest that they needed so badly, yet how I have neglected it so badly? Climax: On the day of the competition, the two top star players in our team, Nicola and Marie were down with fever after being exposed to the rain during the day's training. With their absence, the team's morale naturally deteriorated a great deal. Since most of our team mates were still down with flu, they played on. Quite obviously, they were not putting their best foot forward and their physical body condition was not at its peak, causing them to also lose their mental strength as a team and losing concentration and focus they should have in the game. The whistle echoed through the sports hall. Each time-out, the digital score on the score board was not looking optimistic on our side. By half-game, our score was already losing more than a margin to our competitor's. Resolution: Our team emerged as the first runner up in the end. We broke the record of attaining the champion title. This finals was a now or never. If I had a choice to turn back time, I would regretfully say that I have failed so badly as a team captain. Results do matter, but it should not be the domineering force the ensues such that we neglect other important aspects. Playing in a team, we should work hand in hand, look out for one another's welfare, respecting others' opinion, till then will we march towards our goal in exuding confidence. Even if the results are not what we had wanted, the process matters most. It is also because we enjoyed the process, we will find that, whatever the result may be, it would definitely be satisfying to the soul. 3)Topic: Perfection Setting: A professional surgeon, doctor, and being one has always been a duty and a pride. When Drake was turning twenty, his father passed away, breathing his last words Son, you must continue to be a good doctor. After dad is gone, please continue to bring your passion to greater heights. Bear in mind always, as a doctor, it is only your responsibility to save every life in your hands. Drake's father was also a professional doctor who have saved many lives. Thus, he always set high standards and expectations for himself, one to fulfill his father's wishes as well as to pursue excellence and perfection has been his character and what he believes in.

Event: Failed operation, It was not Drake's mistake, however he took all the responsibility bestowed on his shoulder. Carried out a failed operation on his friend's brother-in-law, and he became a vegetable since then. The chances of a successful operation were slim. However, Drake could not accept the hard truth that hit him. If life was a clear, white and flawless paper, this was like a blemish to it. Drake would never allow a failed operation in his hands. It was only perfection, and could only be perfection in his works. Complication: Thus, Drake resigned from being a doctor. He lost all the exuding confidence and faith he once had. It was all crushed down instantly by a failure. Climax: Two months passed. One day, Drake had an encounter he would never forget, one that made him regret his decision of resignation from being a doctor, one that found him back, found the passion and satisfaction, and the real purpose of bring a doctor. While he was about to cross the road junction,

a young girl yelled out hysterically: Help! Help someone! Help! My mum's had a heart attack! She fainted! Someone? Help! Drake was alarmed. He dashed across and by his quick-witted senses, he carried out CPR on lady and did all that was necessary to save her till she was conscious before the ambulance came. Resolution: The young girl, the woman's daughter looked up at Drake You are my hero, you must be a great doctor, sir.. As she said that, her eyes glittered, and every word came out form the depths of her heart in sincerity. It touched Drake, this kid's words did. From then on, the incident made Drake to realize what is the main purpose of being a doctor. Indeed, striving for perfection was important, being a doctor. However, what is more important is definitely putting your best foot forward to help patients, the satisfaction and great joy of saving lives. Mistakes and failures are part and parcel in life. 4) Topic: Alienation Setting: I was an alienated person in school. Or rather, i'd preferred to put it that way. In true fact, i was the one that alienated myself from the rest of my peers. They have offered to to be friends with me, and asked me to join them for outings, or some invited me to join them for recess. I had low selfmorale, and was an introverted person who has a pessimistic outlook in life. I often thought to myself, no one would like such a person like me, thin, pale and ugly, especially the scar on my left cheek, my birthmark constantly reminds me of how hideous i look. Event: It was compulsory to go for this CIP Program at a local orphanage. A girl of almost my age caught my attention. She looked familiar. And then I realized why I found her familiar. Her left cheek, there it was, engraved was a scar just like mine. However, it looked slightly worse than mine. Piqued and driven with curiosity, I just stood there and stared at her blankly. I wondered it it was her birthmark too? Complication: It was time for the activities and games for interaction with the people of our same age in the orphanage. As usual, I outcasted myself in a corner. The girl with the scar advanced towards me, radiating with a warm and bright smile at ease. Unexpectedly, she came over and invited me to join in. I was stunned. Climax: After the games, I plucked up all my courage and went to find the girl with the scar on her left cheek, just like me. When it was break time, I pulled her and led her to the backyard behind secretly. There,we just stood there in an awkward silence. The girl averted her gaze towards me, and there she saw my scar, and she started to chuckle. Surprised, she continued, Well I got my scar during a car accident four years ago, and it was also the car accident that took my parents' lives away. It was a blessing for me to survive the ordeal. I glanced at her, and blinked. Unwittingly, a tear or two streaked my cheeks before i knew it. Resolution: I started to open up to her, it jut came out so naturally. It was just the both of us, and words just spilled out from the bottom of my heart. There was something about her that made me at ease and comfortable, she had such a bubbly and cheerful disability despite all the trials she had gone through. I told her my scar was a birthmark, and how I felt ugly and unwanted. Under the brimming sunlight that sheds its radiance and warmth on us, it was so through the girl's words. Well, my name's Jacinda. Nice to meet you, we're friends, aren't me? she grinned. I nodded. She encouraged me that no one should feel this way. If she could be so optimistic about life, why can't I? I have my parents who love and support me. It was just a scar, why should I bother so much about it? With this, Jacinda's words of encouragement spurred in me on. Every word she said was etched deeply in my heart. Since that incident, I began to open up to my peers in school. Before long, I realized what Jacinda said was so true: Do not be alienated from your friends. Having friends is the one of the most beautiful things in life,

you know. and I pictured her cheerful radiant grin once again smiled back at me. I grinned. 5)Topic: Anger Setting: Angie was a wealthy girl, often spoilt and loves to flaunt all her expensive and lavish possessions she has. On her birthday, her father bought her a limited addition Louis Vuitton purse, the latest model hand crafted and designed by world- renowned Italian wallet Designer, Lesignt Dorsh. Event: Angie was busy flaunting her purse in class, it was especially her deskmate and her close friend, Liz who took immense interest in her purse and yearns for it. After recess, Angie could not find her LV purse. She turned frantic. She knew her father would be livid, and most of all it was a treasure to her. Complication: Out of a moment of rashness, Angie pointed her finger at Liz and accused her out of desperation, after having flipped her bag upside down and convinced someone must have stolen it. Liz was only sitting beside her, and she loved her purse so much. She must be an easy suspect for the reason of her missing purse. Climax:Tempers flared and voices blared. Angie started to holler a string of expletives, her face suffused with anger, turning bright crimson. Indignation swelled in her throat. Out of anger, she took hold of Liz's bag and overturned it upside down and shook it, everything inside came toppling down one by one onto the floor. There was still no sign of her purse. Angie emptied the bad and thew it right onto Liz's face. To her, it was a great humiliation. Resolution: At that moment. Ms Li entered the classroom and called out Who's purse is this? and she gestured towards the flashy glossy neon pink LV wallet that glittered even in the small stream of sunlight through the small opening of the class windows. Anger through accusation, anger through misunderstanding, anger through mistake, anger through rashness and irrationality could lead to grave consequences. 6)Topic: Pests Event: It was like any other normal school day. There was a beehive attack in my classroom. As the class chairperson, i had to gain my equanimity and settle the situation. However, the situation was beyond my control. The class was in complete chaos and pandemonium. Everyone was screaming frantically at the top of their voices, some timid students took shelter under the teacher's table, some clustered in a bunch and clutched on to one another tightly in fear of the bees flying towards them, some pretended to be brave and stood under the beehive in an amusing pose. Complication: To make things get more out of hand, Ming and Eric, the class's jokers and the most mischievous students stood on the table and tried to aggravate the bees. Peals of laughter came from them and they were apparently playing with fire ignorantly and thought they were being brave and merely having fun. They are oblivious to the danger. Climax: Elysia, my classmate saw a cleaner passing by and beckoned the cleaner to come in to help with the situation. Before I knew it, I turned my head and saw the cleaner using his broom to hit the beehive in attempt of killing the bees, completely ignorant that by doing so he was only aggravating the bees even more. Resolution: Everything was spinning just like a whirlpool. The bees, aggravated, came rushing out of their hive and buzzed around as if endlessly. I rushed to the General office to find my form teacher,

Ms Tan. Yet to my dismay, she was not around. Just at that moment, I saw our discipline master, Mr Li to be passing by and I told him the severity of the situation. He sent the pest control team for treatment and commanded all the students to come out of the class. Mr Li reprimanded Ming and Eric for aggravating the situation, and even so disapproved the cleaner's ignorant act. 7)Topic: Beauty (Expository) Define: Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Beauty is innate. For beautiful eyes, look into the good of others, for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness, for

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