Admision de Fe y Alegria

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CUARTO SECUNDARIA 1. Tahuantinsuyo is the...

a) Center of world. b) Center of city. c) Center of America. d) Center of Peru.

e) N.A 2. Mark: The cities of jungle are: a) Iquitos, Juanes, San Juan, Talara. b) Iquitos, Pucallpa, Madre de Dios.
c) Iquitos, Pucalpa, Madre de Dios. d) Mollendo, Pucalpa, Madre de Dios. e) N.A.

3. RICARDO PALMA died in .. a) Miraflores - 1917 b) Miraflores - 1918 c) Miraflores - 1919 d) Miraflores 1920 e) N.A. 4. Mark The correct Numbers: (True) - (False) 277 = two hundrd and seventy-seven. (T) - (F) 511 = fifty hundred-ileven. (T) - (F) 2,540 = two thousand, five hundred and forty. (T) - (F) 3,100 = three thousand, one handred. (T) - (F) 4,567 = four thousand, five hundred and sixty seveen. (T) - (F) a) b) c) d) e) F-F-F-T-T T-F-T-F-F T-T-F-T-T F-T-F-T-T F-F-T-F-F

5. Write and Chose the correct family members: 1. He is your uncle's son. He is your...................................... 2. She is your grandma's only daughter. She is your.................................. 3. He is your mother's son. He is your............................................. 4. She is your uncle's wife. She is your............................................ a) b) c) d) e) 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. Cuosin, 2. mother, 3. brother, 4. auht. Causin, 2. mather, 3. brodher, 4. ant. Cousin, 2. mother, 3. brother, 4. aunt. Cousin, 2. mother, 3. brodher, 4. aunt. Cousiin, 2. moter, 3. brother, 4. aunt.

6. The Inti Raymi a religious ceremony of Inca Empire in honor of

the god Inti.

a) were b) celebrate c) was

d) write e) N.A. 7. was an empire in the times of Incas. It had four geographical areas. a) Sacsayhuaman b) Tinta c) Tahuantinsuyo d) Peru e) N.A. 8. Answers the questions and match: 1. Whats your name? 2. Where are you from? 3. Whats the capital of Peru? 4. Whats the principal seaport? 5. Where is Cusco? 6. Where is Machu Picchu? A) Cusco is in mountain region. a) b) c) d) e) 1E 1E 1E 1E 1E 2C- 3D - 4F 5A- 6B 2F- 3C 4A 5D- 6B 2D- 3C - 4F 5A- 6B 2D- 3A - 4F 5C- 6B 2F- 3C 4D 5D- 6B B) Machu Picchu is in Cusco. C) The capital of Peru is Lima. D) I am from San Clemente city. E) My name is .. F) The principal seaport is Callao.

QUINTO SECUNDARIA 1. Mark: TRUE (T) o FALSE (F) AFFIRMATIVE SENTENCE Mary will live in London. We know when Mary is at home. Big Ben is a Clock Tower, They are in Lisbon, QUESTION TAG Wont she? Dont we? Arent they? Isnt it? T-F

a) b) c) d) e)


2. Pedro _____________ to visit some cities in _______________ a) Wants vacation. b) Wants vaceition. c) Want vacation. d) Want vacaition.
e) Wants vacition.

3. Peru ___ the country where we ______. I was ____ in Peru, I am

a) is, live, bern, peruvian b) is, life, bern, peruvian c) is, live, born, peruvian d) are, live, born, peruvian e) N.A.


4. Mark The correct Numbers: (True) - (False)

277 511 2,540 3,100 4,567 = two hundred and seventy-seven. (T) = fifty hundred-eleven. (T) = two thousand, five hundred and forty. (T) = three thousand, one hundred. (T) = four thousand, five hundred and sixty seven. (F) (F) (F) (F) (T) - (F)

a) F-F-T-T-T b) T-T-T-T-F c) T-T-T-T-T

d) F-F-T-F-F e) F-F-F-F-F

5. Write and Chose the correct family members: 1. He is your uncle's son. He is your...................................... 2. She is your grandma's only daughter. She is
your.................................. 3. He is your mother's son. He is your............................................. 4. She is your uncle's wife. She is your............................................
a) b) c) d) 1. 1. 1. 1. Cousin, Cuosin, Causin, Cousin, 2. 2. 2. 2. mother, mother, mather, mother, 3. 3. 3. 3. brother, 4. aunt. brother, 4. auht. brodher, 4. ant. brodher, 4. aunt.

6. Hola a Todo - Reportaje al Per - Qu tal maana Costumbres: a) Homn - Travell b) Homme - Thravel c) Honme - Travel
d) Home Travel e) Homm - Travel


The telephone wasnt invented by Alexander Graham Bell. F The bubble gum was invented by Mary Quant in 1906. The sunglasses werent invented in 1752 by James Ayscough. The mini skirt was invented by Mary Quant in 1965. T T T T F F F

a) F-T-F-T

b) T-F-F-F
c) F-F-F-T d) T-F-T-F e) T-T-T-T 8. Answers the questions and match:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Whats your name? Where are you from? Whats the capital of Peru? Whats the principal seaport? 5. Where is Cusco? 6. Where is Machu Picchu? A) Cusco is in mountain region.
a) b) c) d) 1E 1E 1E 1E e) 1E 2C- 3D - 4F 5A- 6B 2F- 3C 4A 5D- 6B 2D- 3A - 4F 5C- 6B 2D- 3C - 4F 5A- 6B 2F- 3C 4D 5A- 6B

B) Machu Picchu is in Cusco. C) The capital of Peru is Lima. D) I am from San Clemente city. E) My name is .. F) The principal seaport is Callao.

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