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July 23, 2012

Equity Research
Earnings Tracker
A Mild Start To Q2 2012 Results Q2 EPS growth is tracking a touch better than expected, though the season is just getting started. With just under a quarter of the index reported in for Q2, S&P 500 operating EPS is tracking growth of 4.8% yr/yr, versus expectations for 4.7% yr/yr before the season began. Revenue is falling a bit short of expectations, tracking 1.9% yr/yr versus the 2% yr/yr expected (tables on page 2). A few notable headline beats out of the financial sector have been buoying results so far, and 76% of S&P 500 companies have yet to report results. We suspect the rest of earnings season may not be quite so sanguine, as macroeconomic weakness abroad may yet rear its head in earnings results as more internationally focused companies announce in coming weeks. The financials sector has had a solid start to its reporting season. Of the 30 companies in the sector to report, 19 beat their EPS forecasts while 9 missed. Excluding the BAC numbers, which are skewing growth figures due to sizable losses last year, growth for the sector is tracking 11.8% yr/yr, higher than the projected 11% growth before the season started. The continued weakness in capital markets businesses and the reliance of reserve releases to support results are two notable, but largely anticipated, trends that continue to leave us cautious towards the sector. Revenues are tracking below forecasts, at 4.8% yr/yr growth versus the 6.4% yr/yr projected. Excluding financials, results have been less positive, tracking -1.2% yr/yr versus earlier forecasts for -0.9% yr/yr. Meanwhile, excluding financials, revenue growth is tracking 0.9% yr/yr, below the forecast of 1.4% yr/yr. Discretionary and technology make up the bulk of nonfinancials reports so far, at 22 and 21 companies, respectively. The beat percentages for each of these sectors is currently tracking 50% and 62%, with discretionary's rate of EPS growth tracking lower than forecasts (-2.1% versus -1.3%), but technology's tracking higher (9.3% versus 8.5%). Reports from commodity specific sectors, energy and materials, are just getting started, but early results appear discouraging. With only 6 companies reported in for each sector, EPS growth rates are so far tracking below analyst forecasts at -14.5% yr/yr versus -10.6% yr/yr for energy and -9.5% yr/yr versus -8.8% yr/yr for materials. Revenue numbers likewise are tracking lower. Energy revenue growth is tracking -5.9% yr/yr, below forecasts for -3.6%, and materials sector revenues are tracking -3.6% yr/yr versus the 4.3% yr/yr expectation. Companies have been relatively quiet regarding their expectations. Since the season began, 30 companies have provided updated fiscal year guidance (3 higher, 16 in line, and 10 lower), compared to 49 companies (4 higher, 27 in line, and 18 lower) the same time last year. Analysts are taking the weakening environment into account, and consensus EPS for 2012 has fallen from $107.09 at the end of June to $105.95 at present. Energy and materials are leading estimate declines, with a 4.9% and 2.3% drop in 2012 EPS forecasts, respectively. Company reports will ramp up heavily this week with an additional 179 S&P 500 companies expected to release Q2 results. The industrials sector is scheduled to have the most reports with 30 companies. Financials will also continue reporting, with an additional 26 company announcements. The energy sector will also have a big presence this week, with 18 companies expected to report, including bellwethers XOMand CVX.

Equity Strategy

Gina Martin Adams, CFA, CMT, Senior Analyst ( 21 2 ) 2 1 4 -8 0 4 3 / g i n a . m a rt i n a d a m s@ w el l sf a r g o . co m Peter Chung, Associate Analyst ( 21 2 ) 2 1 4 -8 0 63 / pe te r .k . ch u n g @ w el ls f a rgo. c o m

Please see page 2 for rating definitions, important disclosures and required analyst certifications
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Equity Strategy
Q2 2012 Earnings Season EPS Tracker


Q1 EPS No. Co.'s Sector Energy Materials Industrials Cons. Disc. Cons. Staples Health Care Financials Info. Tech Telecom Utilities S&P 500 S&P 500 ex-Fin Reported 6 6 15 22 9 10 30 21 1 1 121 91 No. Co.'s In Sector 44 30 61 81 41 52 81 71 8 31 500 419 % of Co.'s Reported 14% 20% 25% 27% 22% 19% 37% 30% 13% 3% 24% 22% Positive 5 4 11 11 8 3 19 13 0 1 75 56 Surprises 0 1 3 6 1 5 2 5 1 0 24 22 1 1 1 5 0 2 9 3 0 0 22 13 Pace To Date -14.5% -9.5% 10.1% -2.1% 0.7% -1.0% 60.4% 9.3% -10.5% -16.6% 5.4% -1.2% In-Line Negative Yr/Yr. Growth*

Consensus Q1 EPS Est. Jun 30, 2012 -10.6% -8.8% 8.5% -1.3% 0.5% -1.2% 51.9% 8.5% -9.7% -19.9% 4.7% -0.9%

*Incorporates actual earnings for companies that have reported to date and consensus estimates for companies yet to report. Source: First Call, FactSet, Wells Fargo Securities, LLC Estimates

Q2 2012 Earnings Season Revenue Tracker

Q1 Revenue No. Co.'s Sector Energy Materials Industrials Cons. Disc. Cons. Staples Health Care Financials Info. Tech Telecom Utilities S&P 500 S&P 500 ex-Fin Reported 6 6 15 22 9 10 30 21 1 1 121 91 No. Co.'s In Sector 44 30 61 81 41 52 81 71 8 31 500 419 % of Co.'s Reported 14% 20% 25% 27% 22% 19% 37% 30% 13% 3% 24% 22% 1 3 1 5 3 3 10 8 0 0 34 24 Surprises** Positive 4 1 6 8 5 2 8 9 1 1 45 37 1 2 8 9 1 5 12 4 0 0 42 30 Pace To Date -5.9% 3.7% 4.8% 4.0% 0.6% 1.4% 4.8% 7.2% 3.0% -3.3% 1.3% 0.9% In-Line Negative Yr/Yr. Growth* Consensus Q1 Revenue Est. Jun 30, 2012 -3.6% 4.3% 5.5% 4.2% 0.6% 1.5% 6.4% 7.6% 3.3% -5.2% 2.0% 1.4%

*Incorporates actual revenues for companies that have reported to date and consensus estimates for companies yet to report. **Surprises defined as occuring when actual figures exceed forecasts by +/- 1% Source: First Call, FactSet, Wells Fargo Securities, LLC Estimates

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Wells Fargo Securities, LLC does not compensate its research analysts based on specific investment banking transactions. Wells Fargo Securities, LLCs research analysts receive compensation that is based upon and impacted by the overall profitability and revenue of the firm, which includes, but is not limited to investment banking revenue.

Earnings Tracker


1=Outperform: The stock appears attractively valued, and we believe the stock's total return will exceed that of the market over the next 12 months. BUY 2=Market Perform: The stock appears appropriately valued, and we believe the stock's total return will be in line with the market over the next 12 months. HOLD 3=Underperform: The stock appears overvalued, and we believe the stock's total return will be below the market over the next 12 months. SELL

O=Overweight: Industry expected to outperform the relevant broad market benchmark over the next 12 months. M=Market Weight: Industry expected to perform in-line with the relevant broad market benchmark over the next 12 months. U=Underweight: Industry expected to underperform the relevant broad market benchmark over the next 12 months.


V = A stock is defined as volatile if the stock price has fluctuated by +/-20% or greater in at least 8 of the past 24 months or if the analyst expects significant volatility. All IPO stocks are automatically rated volatile within the first 24 months of trading. As of: July 23, 2012 49% of companies covered by Wells Fargo Securities, LLC Equity Research are rated Outperform. 49% of companies covered by Wells Fargo Securities, LLC Equity Research are rated Market Perform. 2% of companies covered by Wells Fargo Securities, LLC Equity Research are rated Underperform. Wells Fargo Securities, LLC has provided investment banking services for 0% of its Equity Research Outperform-rated companies. Wells Fargo Securities, LLC has provided investment banking services for 0% of its Equity Research Market Perform-rated companies. Wells Fargo Securities, LLC has provided investment banking services for 0% of its Equity Research Underperform-rated companies.

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Equity Strategy


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