10101D0006 Week1 Course 6 Module 3

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State 10101D0006

Shaky State of Security

After reading the article, we can clearly see the shaky state of security. It is a fact that many organizations dont look at the security as an integral part, which should and must be implemented. Size of the security issues go up as these organizations are understaffed when comes to security concern. Only 22% of the organizations have a security officer and more than 60% of organizations dont have any security related staff. The other kind of problems in the organizations where are considerable security staff is the budget allocated for the security policies. Many security officers feel that they are unable to talk the talk and make the management agree for providing budget entirely for security department. In few organizations security staff shares the budget with other network services department which is like they are surrendered to them. Organizations think that using some antivirus software of 3 rd party would solve all the security issues. Only few of them are now realization the importance of having a compliance management, security policies in order to secure their systems or networks. Yet, many security officers feel its a long way to before these organizations realize that security is not only an organizations problem but also every individual should feel responsible and contribute to the security. Security threats can external or internal, most organizations feel its the external threats which are more dangerous and need to be handled first. Security pros say it is not only external but also internal threats which can cause huge damage. Security pros propose the education of the IT and non-IT staff to know the importance of security.

State 10101D0006

Cost of Iraq War

Iraq war is one of the few wars in the history of our planet which led to chain of consequences, destroying millions of lives either in war or financially. America has spent nearly $1 trillion for this ware and stilling continuing. It has created recessions and economies of many countries are now in downfall. Iraq war is not supported by the public as they dont see any improvement in their lifestyles. After 9/11 people in US are still scared of terrorist attacks. Many economists while calculating the costs of this war are trying to estimate the costs of lives of the army men who sacrificed themselves for the country, which any one would feel pity. Scarifying for the nation is considered to be great and estimating cost of their life is an insult, which shows how this war was important. It was important politically not for public. It is a waste of war; one could have other kinds of defense mechanisms for handling terrorist attacks but not at the cost of economies of the future world. Entire world is facing recession due to this war.

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