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com First Paper in PA 244 (Strategic Planning for Public Action)

Glenne B. Lagura

Planning in an Organization: Its Importance and Implications

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Submitted by: GLENNE B. LAGURA


July 20, 2012

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Planning in an Organization: Its Importance and Implications

Glenne B. Lagura

Organization as defined is a social unit of people systematically structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals on a continuing basis. 1 With that conceptual definition, lays the complexity of an organization itself as it involves continuous actions in delivering outcomes in line with the goals being pursuit as manned by the people in control. To attain such achievement of goals, several processes and procedures are being taken into consideration to arrive as of what is being targeted. The presence of diverse difficulty is expected, possible solutions are presented and a mind boggling decision stage can be frustrating. actions which requires tedious steps is called planning. Various writers and literatures pointed out the ideas of what planning is. Planning serve as a tool which helps an organization chart a course for the achievement of goals. and how to do it.
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This course of

It refers to the process of deciding what to do

Planning occurs at many levels, from day-to-day

decisions made by individuals and families, to complex decisions made by businesses and governments. It is a social activity it involves people. Out of the above latter considerations about what planning is, in the course of action done to reach the target, hindrances might occur which involves changeeither if not speculated or just happening that instant. This paper elucidates the value of planning and the necessity of taking this course of action in an organization. Further it will also attempt to portray its implications at the same time presenting considerations that will involve in dealing the steps required in planning. Various principles and ideas were asserted from different reliable sources in order to substantiate the thoughts and opinions generated by the writer for the best

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understanding of the reader. In general, most of the insights reflected in this paper and the outline presented are coming from the writer as output from the constructive opinions and ideas coming from the valued authors as cited also in this paper. However, the views and opinions of the writer do not necessarily reflect the content or discussion of the neither class nor stand point of the subject instructor.

4 Whs in Planning 1. Who plan? Who is involved in attaining the target as the organization set the goals to strive better performance? When problem arise, as uncertainties come, when solution is hereby queried who is the right individual to tap? When possible solutions are listed to solve a dilemma who is the one entitled to decide? This is the first discussion wanted to delve in by the presenter. According to DIY Committee Guide4, there should be a management committee who should be involved in a planning process. Generally, it should involve the following as appropriate:

those who will be implementing the plan (e.g. management, staff, volunteers); those who will be affected (e.g. members, users, etc); those who will monitor its implementation (e.g. Management Committee); and others who can contribute to its development (e.g. community activists, funding bodies, etc).

Planners should be considered as the first hand individuals who can greatly relate and understand the situation. In the words of Litman 2006, planners should strive to truly understand the problems, not just a single perspective or manifestation. He also added that the planning process Page 3 of 10

should not be limited to the first solution proposed or the concerns of people who attend. Further, planners must manage information flows, including gathering, organizing and distribution. 2. Why plan? Organizations set goals, strive to achieve things for the betterment and assign human resource in achieving targets. To attain the target, there is a need to review past operations to serve as a guide in identifying the required progress needed for the succeeding years. Studying past will give you the birds eye view in doing the present, envisioning future prepares you to face unknown uncertainties. Why is it necessary to plan? What are the reasons why organizations have to settle in planning? The below lists are the situations justifying the means of having such plan: a) Limited Resources Many if not all, organizations whether big or small may not always have bountiful resources required for its constant operation. The outcome derive from the plan, lead to a valuable ideas top management needed in order to make effective decisions as to the efficient use of the resources available, resources made available and further looking for some other resources to sustain the needs of the organization. When effectively done, productivity gets the most out of it and resources are not put into waste. b) Unending Goals As a process planning is considered as a continuous process, once you started it you will always have to do it. Planning in organizations doesnt mean performing a one way track it is in a gradual basis having different ways in achieving output but in the end still leaning on the original track. From the aggressive goals that has been set, realistic and progressive

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planning should be a counterpart. When you are done reaching the unending goals then you can stop planning. c) Risk and Uncertainty Externalities in an organization are at present, it could be in a form of opportunity (positive) or risk (negative). Nevertheless, recognizing uncertainty is a way to counter or to take advantage. The use of the logical thinking if-then relationship (cause-effect) endeavor to foresee possible risk and coming opportunities, thus it would give a contingency preparation to deal with them. 3. What type of plan? In planning, the very known and obvious element is time. Carrying out the plan would require deep considerations to its established time-frame. You cannot serve two masters at the same time, the same thing as you cannot implement the set up plan as a whole. Realizing plan would require rigid analysis to the steps needed to be taken to accomplish it. According to Rama Rao (2008) in the article The Importance of Planning at Organization,5 there are two types of plans; each type explains the level of hierarchy as to its execution. There is what we called Strategic Plan, this plan is designed by high-ranking managers and define the broad goals for the organization. The other one is Operational Plan, this plan contains details for carrying out or implementing those strategic plans in day-to-day activities. As accorded by Rao (2008), both strategic and operational plans are formulated to be performed in a hierarchical approach. The one in the higher level serve as the guide - mission statement, a broad global based on managers assumptions about the organizations purpose, competencies and place in the world. The guide is relatively a permanent part of an

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organizations identity that can do much in bringing together and motivating members of the organization. There is a time intended for everything, in the part of planning the means of accomplishing those plans should be strategically drafted and scheduled in order to avoid wasting of resources and efforts. 4. Where plan leads? When all actions are well planned, thus it equates to positive outcome? When you plan thus it mean only arriving and reaping affirmative result? Are there only advantages in planning, or thus it also correlate disadvantages? A saying from the Old Proverb stated that A vision without a plan is just a dream. A plan without a vision is just drudgery. But a vision with a plan can change the world. From that thought, planning initially started from a dream, and the actions done striving to achieve the plan envisions to reach that dream. Ideally, it should be like that but in contrast to reality a different story is somewhat told. Arriving decision when it comes to planning equates both positive and negative consequences, the idea of coming up into the conclusion of what plan to impose, from that point requires extensive time, needs some consideration as it faces some ethical dilemmas and moral principles issues. The discussions below somewhat affirm the advantages and disadvantages in planning based on the insights gained by the writer from the Management Study Guide.

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Advantages and Disadvantages in Planning

When it comes to the advantages that will be brought by planning, the following are hereby defined: It guides the organization to focus in the path of reaching the targeted goals and objectives. Through planning, a map is created which interfere in coming up a decision to make the action to be done more detailed and comprehensible thus it brings order and prudence to an organization. Another gain would be it reduces the confrontation of risk that will be brought due to the so called uncertainties. With the future anticipation being generated, this makes an organization be prepared from an unexpected turn of events. Further, with planning it makes possible in bringing together all in the organization towards the common goal. There would be coordination, and with that conflict of duties will be answered and duplication of efforts will be avoided. To the part of the employees morale, a harmonious working environment will be build; it gives them an idea the way they should have to perform to re align as to what is planned. By that, well informed and motivated employees are expected. When it comes to resources, allocation of budget will be orderly observe, maximization in the usage of resources will be forecasted, wastage of resources can be avoided and in that reason it secures the economic efficiency of the organization and encourages advancement. Lastly, if the above output consideration will come to its realization such competitive advantage will increase.

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After dealing with the advantages planning might brought lets now discuss as to the appertaining negative conditions, the disadvantages in planning. Firstly, planning promotes bureaucratic actions wherein strict as to the procedures and programmes might imply observance

annoyance for individual freedom. The hesitancy is utmost present hence has the tendency to make the management inflexible and somewhat commence inelasticity and depress individual proposal. Next is the come up as to the result of what is to be planned may be influentially affected via individual interest or any hidden agenda especially during the undertaking of the plan where bias cant be avoided. When it comes to the time element, the process would take a lot of it since various alternatives will also be reviewed before coming up into a decision of what plan to be imposed not to mention the time consuming process during the point of collecting information. Another one is that, estimates, forecasts, projections and expectations involves the existence of likelihood and doesnt mean the 100% assurance of positive outcome the fact also that during the process also of doing those things means expenses. The above considerations talks about the internal limitations, nevertheless we cant avoid also the following: political climate, employees capacity technology changes, uncontrolled demand and prices, and other factors which is not in the hand of the organization which are considered as external factors.

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In an organization, change is susceptible and at constant subject to change. Uncertainty is at always incorporated once a certain organization faces a decision. To counter this, acknowledging such situation is an edge, but doesnt mean a sufficient action for it implies nothing but awareness only. A need to address uncertainties is the solution, a solution which involves action, a future action which involves prediction an activity which involves decision. This is planning, a process that illustrates possibilities, forecasts hindrances, prepares solutions in order to get ready in making decisions. Attaining something as certainly without a plan is not realistic. However, in any circumstances having a plan perfectly drafted only in a paper is not an assurance. Plan is just a blueprint which describes the logical sequence of what a certain organization/institution want to accomplish. It doesnt matter how creative, meticulous or tangible the plan is, all the contents provided as outlined will not arrive to its realization unless supplementary actions will be put and valuable resources are being infused. If planning doesnt mean a 100% probability in reaping affirmative response then how about if there is no presence of it? If there are limitations when it comes to plan, either internal or external factors, then how much more unplanned actions does?

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Hill, B. The Importance of Planning in an Organization. Demand Media. Retrieved June 16,2012, from Litman, T. (2011, June 17) Planning Principles and Practices. Victoria Transport Policy Institute.

Strategic Plan Step1: Who should be involved? DIY Committee Guide. Retrieved July 18, 2012, from Rao, R. (2008, December 15) The Importance of Planning at Organization. cite MAN NETWORK. Retrieved June 17,2012 from Study Guide. Retrieved July 15, 2012, from


Glenne B. Lagura

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