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June 201 2
03 06 08 10 12 16 18 Siemens Mobotix Tripp Lite Imation LifeSize CISCO EMC


A speciAl publicAtion from redington gulf VAlue diVision

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02 Ramkumars Blog 03 Interview: Siemens Enterprise Communication 06 Interview: Mobotix 08 Feature: Tripp Lite 10 Focus: Imation 12 Interview: Lifesize


16 Analysis: Cisco BYOD 18 In depth: EMC

from the director:

E completed our financial year on March 31st 2012 and I would like to thank you for supporting our Value Added Business Unit. Our Value Division saw a significant growth year-on-year but more importantly we worked with over 1100 Value Added Reseller partners across Middle East and Africa. The addition of some strategic vendors to our software, security and storage portfolio will enable our partners

to implement the best-in-class IT solutions for their customers. Our in-country presence increased through addition of skilled sales and pre-sales employees in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Oman , Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Tanzania. Partners in these countries will experience a closer interaction from Value Division. We will continue to look at ways to grow our partners businesses and our team at Value Division will be connecting with you for the same.

If you have any suggestions on how we could service you better or any feedback on our services, please write to me at valueplus@ Yours sincerely,

Raj Shankar Managing Director, Redington Gulf

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June 2012

The ValuePlus Quarterly

RamkumaRS BLOG


t has been an eventful quarter for us since the last time we connected. We are very proud to say that we have in the meanwhile strengthened our portfolio with a few more worldwide renowned brands to bring them to your door step. The line up of solutions that we bring to your table makes our offering better than ever and strengthens our partnership to work more closely together.

We have signed up with Pallo Alto, Barracuda, Siemens Enterprise Networks, Mobotix to name a few. This continuous augmentation of our portfolio is to enable us to put forward the most interesting and best of breed solutions to you. You will hear from us on a few more interesting additions to this portfolio soon. Apart from adding new brands, we are also actively working on creating some tools to engage the Channel more effectively. We also are investing heavily in our infrastructure to enable

our sales teams to have the maximum customer face time in the industry. Any feedback on this will be most welcome. Please do visit to become a part of our online community through the Partner Connect program. Wishing you a great quarter ahead, Happy selling, Ramkumar B, Vice President, Redington Gulf-Value Division

The ValuePlus Quarterly June 2012

SIEMEnS EnTErprISE COMMunICaTIOn | inteRview

On the cutting edge

Anil Kumar Jain, senior VP and head of Asia Pacific and Middle East at Siemens discusses the evolution of the demand for convergence solutions in the Middle East

1. What changes in the larger business and IT landscape have led to the increased demand for convergence solutions? Businesses today are going through the huge change. One side there is pressure to increase the revenue, reduce the operating costs, focus on core business, and deliver better products and services in the market. With latest development in the communication technologies, we can actually help these customers to achieve these goals. Convergence and at

a larger scale Unified Communication technologies can create a substantial value for enterprise customers in form of improving personal & business process productivity, reduce net operational expenditure and simultaneously helping them to reduce their carbon footprint. 2. What kind of demand are you witnessing in the convergence arena across the Middle East region?

Convergence and Unified Communications solutions are really in demand we see a same trend here in Middle East market also. Today market in Middle East is at early adopter stage and we see the demand growing much higher in next 12 to 18 months as there will be mass adoption of these technologies by various business segments. As per our experience from other markets, Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) will be adopting and leveraging these technologies faster than Large Enterprises.

3. How best do you think the channel can leverage this demand for convergence solutions? How do they stand to gain value from incorporating your solution within their existing brand/product portfolios? Channel Partners are important link for us to address the enterprise customers in Middle East. Today customers are looking for system integrator partners who can offer complete IT and Telecom infrastructure and professional support system to

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June 2012

The ValuePlus Quarterly

inteRview | SIEMEnS EnTErprISE COMMunICaTIOn

customer communication and IT convergence requirements to cut cost and be competitive in their business arena. 6. In your opinion, what are some of the key challenges that the channel faces today? How does Siemens, as a vendor, help distributors and resellers address these challenges? The key challenges the Channel faces are: - how to keep updated on the technology and changing trends - how to integrate the communication infrastructure in the customers business environment. - how to show a clear ROI to its customer - vendor support on demand - on time delivery - design vertical specific solutions - intelligent response to RFP - Project management - Customer engagement - How do we price to win? SEN has in its DNA a culture of continuous training its partner ecosystem not only on its products and solutions but also on upcoming technologies and mega trends in the IT and communication world provide end to end support to its partners to be successful and grow 7. What does this partnership with Redington Value entail? Is it solely focused on product distribution or does it also include technical trainings etc? Could you give us a bit more detail into the product offerings associated with this agreement? Partnership with Redington Value is multi faceted. Redington Value will play primary role of Value Added Distributor and be our important link towards resellers. Here role is not just restricted to product availability and logistics. The real value-add of Redington will be strong pre-sales and post sales support for resellers, helping resellers to do more and more solution sell. This will cover range of product and service trainings also. Our clear objective is to enable the Channel Partners so that first level of services can be delivered by resellers themselves. We expect reseller community to be working closely with enterprise customers while Redington and SEN will be working together with resellers to help them win the market place. 8. What plans do you have for the next 12-18 months on the technology as well as channel strategy front? Are you looking to introduce any new technologies or initiatives for the channel? Do you think the demand for convergence solutions is likely to grow even further in the next 12-18 months? If yes, why so? You will see a lot of action from our side in next 12 to 18 months. We already have a clear roadmap to introduce new products and technologies that we will introduce in Middle East market. We are talking about revolutionary solutions around Mobility, Virtualization, and Enterprise Social Networking etc. With each of this business area we see a huge opportunity for resellers to server the Enterprise customers. Market demand for these new generation solutions will slowly increase and SEN along with our Channel Partners will be playing an important role in this upcoming demand.

Anil Kumar Jain, senior VP and head of Asia Pacific and Middle East at Siemens

keep this infrastructure up and running. Siemens Enterprise Communication (SEN) offers cutting edge products and solutions. Channel partners can bundle these products with set of services to deliver innovative solutions to the end customers. Our objective is to help Channel Partners to get more and more share of customers business by offering wide variety of portfolio. 4. What are the key elements that make for your channel strategy? The key elements of our Channel strategy are: - Channel enablement - Sales and Presales training - Competitive information - Service training - Go Forward program - Design and Configuration support - End to end support for order closure - Online tools - Deal registration - Price to win

5. Why did you decide to sign a partnership a greement with Redington Value? What do you hope to achieve from this partnership? Redington has the spread, market reach, market knowledge and excellent process in place to serve the reseller network. SEN does not see Redington as a pure logistics partner but a true Value add distributor with excellent Sales, and post sale support capabilities to the reseller base. Its ability to adapt to new technology and solution selling, realigning its process to new business demands and ensuring on time delivery of not only the product and solution but the entire value chain to the reseller. Siemens Enterprise Communication (SEN) hope to stabilize what we have built, a motivated reseller base across Middle East with the required skill sets to address the fast growing and continuously evolving

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The ValuePlus Quarterly June 2012


a mobile work experience your way

Office IT policies that allow employees to Bring Your Own Device into the workplace have become hotly debated in enterprises across various sectors and geographies. Aside from the sporadic Facebook update, what are the business arguments being made by employees today and how do the benefits stack up against the IT risks? We talk to Rabih Dabboussi, General Manager at Cisco UAE to get some answers.
In recent months, regional CIOs have found themselves in a particularly challenging position. Thanks to an array of technology innovations flooding the modern workplace, employees can work almost anywhere and anytime. All they need is the right device to support connectivity. The influx of such technology innovations has resulted in a notable shift in employee attitudes. Whether a junior hire or a senior executive, individuals are eager to capitalise on new devices as a way to be more productive and comfortable in their daily routines. The modern worker has become so accustomed to the ease-of-use of their own personal devices that they see no reason why they cant use these tools for work as well as for play. In allowing workers to bring their personal devices into the workplace, the term bring-your-own-device (referred to as BYOD) has come to inspire a new debate occurring in various industries. For example, with mobility and device use on the rise, a recent Cisco survey of over 600 IT leaders cited that by 2014, the average worker will interact with 3.3 connected devices, up from an average of 2.8 in 2012. Whats more, the survey found that BYOD is merely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to gaining the full benefits of mobility. Over three-fourths (76%) of IT leaders surveyed categorised BYOD as somewhat or extremely positive for their organisations, while also acknowledging the need for new technology solutions to address emerging security threats and IT support requirements for multiple mobile platforms. These findings underscore that BYOD is here to stay and IT managers are now acknowledging the need for a more holistic approachone that is scalable and addresses mobility, security governance, virtualisation and network policy management, in order to keep management costs in line while simultaneously providing optimal experiences and reaping savings. Flying in the face of traditional IT methodology, the reality is that IT managers are balancing security and support concerns with the very real potential to reap significant cost and productivity benefits from this BYOD trend. Keeping this mind, it is important to look at some of the key factors that are driving the business case for making the move to BYOD. Influx of consumer devices: With an explosive increase in more powerful consumer devices on the market, individuals today often have equally capable mobile device at home as in the workplace. In the last year particularly, the demands of individuals to leverage their tablet computers and smartphones to extend their productivity has led many IT departments to consider less restrictive policies. As per Ciscos Visual Networking Index (VNI), there will be more than 10 billion mobile Internet-connected devices in 2016 with mobile data traffic set to have a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 104% in the Middle East alonemore than any other region. This trend is likely irreversible and every IT organisation will need to quickly adapt to the consumer device phenomenon. Multiple needs and multiple devices: Given the various needs that different devices serve, most employees today carry multiple devices. For example, a laptop is not as portable as a smartphone, so people are likely to carry their smartphone for mobile communications. Tablets are powerful devices as well, but it is likely laptops and PCs will still be used for document creation and publishing. If these cannot be connected through a shared network, productivity is likely to go down as users forego certain actions because accessibility. Work and personal overlap: Increasingly, work is an activity that people do, not a place to which they go. Extended connectivity through mobile and remote access to the corporate network gives employees tremendous flexibility and increased productivity. It also leads to a blurring of the line between work time and personal time, with employees trading set work schedules for the flexibility of working when and where they want to.

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The ValuePlus Quarterly June 2012


According to Ciscos latest Annual Security Report, nearly two in three college students expect that when they are in the workforce they will be able to access their corporate network using their home computer.

if being offered by your business competitors, puts you at a clear disadvantage in the mobile era. Video, collaboration, and rich media applications: Work and personal communications both increasingly use rich media applications, and todays collaborative device applications will continue to increase the use of rich media. As bandwidth for available 4G and Wi-Fi services increase, applications transmitting HD media streams will likely become more common and cost-effective, enabling employees to easily balance work and personal needs through a single crossfunctional device. Key considerations for BYOD adoption As the move to BYOD becomes a reality for businesses of all sizes, organisations must understand the overarching challenge associated with any BYOD implementation which is ensuring protection of corporate data. Organisations must work on protecting business data on

Many employees are willing to use their personal tablet or smartphone, for example, to access work applications. The effect of this device overlap is that corporate and personal data will be increasingly shared across multiple devices, leading to security and privacy challenges. Anywhere, anytime mobility: It is estimated that mobile devices and the traffic they create on networks will increase by 26 times between 2010 and 2015, driven by more powerful smartphones and tablets. The more employees can easily access work using Wi-Fi and mobile networks, the more widespread and cost-effective these networks will become. The end result is pervasive connectivity anywhere and anytime, which

all devices, regardless of how workers access information. The key to enabling any device in the enterprise, whether its company owned or brought from home, is identity management. This involves understanding whos using the device, where they are using it and what information they are accessing. For example, enterprises welcoming newer devices such as tablets into the workplace will need new methods for device management (e.g. wiping data from lost devices). Just as they have for smartphones and laptops, employees who want to use their personal device of choice for work must accept that the enterprise, for security reasons, retains certain rights in order to protect corporate data. These processes are becoming more developed as the practice of enterprise mobility and the devices themselves become increasingly widespread. By clearly visualising the information youre trying to protect and how its being accessed, companies will be able to make a stronger case

foror againstinvestments in device management services. Regardless of the outcome, a strategic decision is needed to shift the security conversation away from specific devices and toward a BYOD strategy with access based more clearly on the user, role, and the device type. Weighing the arguments The specific demands of an organisations industry segment and the entitys own corporate culture tend to drive BYOD decisions. One common theme among organisations moving toward the practice of BYOD is that there is buy-in from top executives who are helping not only to bring the matter to the forefront in the company, but also drive it further. Ultimately, the benefits to any organisation that embraces BYOD initiatives can be lucrative. The ability to quickly respond to user needs, boost user productivity, realise significant cost savings and enable greater collaboration within the enterprise are but a few of the benefits that can be reaped from this growing trend.

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June 2012

The ValuePlus Quarterly

FeatuRe | TrIpp LITE

partner right
Tripp Lites Infrastructure Solutions are the preferred choice of major government entities.

Why do governments prefer Tripp Lite? Tripp Lite products are compliant with leading global agency requirements making it possible for our partners to do business with government agencies and educational institutions purchasing with government funds. If you are supplying products for government contracts, often time those products must comply with local regulations. Failure to comply can lead to award
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cancellation, fines and suspension or debarment from federal contracting. Tripp Lites vast experience in working with governmental agencies around the globe is an asset to any channel partner. We work with you to achieve compliance of local regulations and ensure that your government contractors avoid serious consequences due to non compliance and limited experience. Its time to take a look at Tripp Lite

What is TAA? Receive personalised service from a reliable partner Tripp Lite is known for reliable products and superior value, but what really sets us apart is our willingness to work closely with you. When you choose Tripp Lite, we help you and your customers customise a fully integrated solution thats flexible enough to work with existing systems and infrastructure, regardless of vendor or vintage. We evaluate your clients unique

The ValuePlus Quarterly June 2012

TrIpp LITE | FeatuRe

requirements and provide detailed, practical advice that allows you to balance technical requirements and budgetary realities. Why do we give away valuable advice that other companies charge for? Because when you compare Tripp Lite to the competition, we believe that youll choose us. And after youve worked with us, were confident that youll be a repeat customer. Why do so many channel partners choose Tripp Lite?

Weve been in business since 1922, and well be there when you need us Fully integrated, vendorneutral solutions work with your customers existing systems More than 3,000 products provide a wide range of options for customization Reliable power promotes system availability Energy-saving green solutions reduce operating costs and environmental impact Included value ads allow you to buy more with every dollar

Single-source convenience simplifies planning, ordering, service and support Self-service capabilities reduce ongoing maintenance costs Modular UPS designs enable easier, single-person installation Centralized remote management allows IT staff to cover more ground Reliable products mean youll have fewer problems Responsive service prevents minor problems?
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June 2012

The ValuePlus Quarterly


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inteRview | LIFESIZE

Clear connections

LifeSize Communications strives to provision interoperability, scalability and flexibility through its latest video conferencing solutions built on the best of breed technologies.

Who is LifeSize Communications? LifeSize Communications is a pioneer and a leader in HD video conferencing. LifeSize gave the world the first HD video conferencing system and today this has become the standard. We continue to innovate constantly and deliver products that are high on price performance. How have the needs from enterprise technology evolved over the years? The cycle is short these days and one needs to adapt and ensure that we leverage the benefits of this change. People are connected all the time and

have great business tools at their disposal. This has created opportunities rather than challenges for the IT teams. Good management platforms today ensure easy manageability and provisioning. How has LifeSize evolved as an organisation to cater to the demands of the enterprise consumer? LifeSize has invested a great deal on the development of infrastructure products. We developed a World class Multipoint Control Unit (MCU) on our own unlike others who had to acquire technologies to fill the

gap. LifeSize is renowned for disruptive technology. We have recently launched infrastructure products on a virtualized platform and this has been accepted very well by enterprises owing to the scalability and flexibility of the virtualized platform. We work with leading unified communications vendors to ensure best of breed solutions. Our products are certified for Office Communications Server and Lync interoperability. What products or solutions have you recently launched to help organisations address key business challenges?

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The ValuePlus Quarterly June 2012

LIFESIZE | inteRview

We recently launched the UVC platform for our infrastructure products. This is a scalable platform that enables easy deployment of video conferencing infrastructure in large enterprises. Organizations now have the flexibility of trying out our infrastructure products before they buy and this means a lot to the enterprise to take proper buying decisions. We have also launched unity series, which is an all in one solution. The LifeSize ClearSea range is now more versatile than ever and supports a range of Smart Phones, tablets, PCs and Macs. This ensures that organizations are efficient by being connected all the time irrespective of location and other factors. How do end users stand to benefit from deploying LifeSizes solutions and products as opposed to those of others? The Product efficiency and quality is definitely our USP. We ensure that the customer experiences this in his environment and sets a benchmark for all. We are the best when it comes to price performance. We do have an end-to-end solution from the smart phone to large infrastructure. Having ventured into the Middle East, what kind of growth have you witnessed across this region? We are growing at a rapid pace and the increase in our team is a testimony. We have seen tremendous growth in Saudi Arabia, UAE and now are seeing some potential in Qatar. Education, government and healthcare are key

Pradeep Angeevetil, regional manager, Middle East and Africa at LifeSize Communications

verticals where we do well. Why did you decide to partner with Redington as a value added distributor? Redingtons Value Division has a good track record and a set of good channel Partners through their current portfolio. Redington is also an example of someone who practice what they preach. They have invested on LifeSize VC infrastructure internally and this is a great showcase to customers. How are you as vendor together with Redington working towards addressing the skills gap in the region? Pradeep: We are constantly ensuring dissemination of knowledge to the partners. We have done a training session in UAE, Nairobi and will be doing one in Riyadh soon. The Middle East SMB segment has so far been limited in

its investments in video conferencing technology. Why do you believe this is so and how are you as a company targeting this booming segment? There is a marked improvement here. The benefits of video conferencing and the ROI need to be communicated clearly to this segment. We need to dispel the myth that these are expensive solutions. With analysts touting 2012 as being an even tougher year than the last in terms of crunching budgets, how do you believe the technology and investment landscape is likely to change in the next few months? This is the best time for the video conferencing industry and especially for LifeSize. We will constantly strive and deliver solutions to verticals and at the same time make inroads into competitive strongholds with our impressive product line up.
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June 2012

The ValuePlus Quarterly



Virtualized. Integrated. Video infrastructure for ultimate control and flexibility.

LifeSize UVC Platform
Introducing the LifeSize UVC Platformrepresenting a fundamental change in how organizations buy and deploy video conferencing infrastructure.

Try Before You Buy

Today, you ntegrated.allcan easily evaluate LifeSize uVC tructure applications via for a free feature-rich trial. flexibility. trol and The trial can be activated from the

HD Video Infrastructure That Does More... Unlike fixed-capacity video infrastructure products, UVC applications offer greater customization, more control and enormous flexibilityto a level never before experienced in the video conferencing industry. Choose a deployment model LifeSize UVC virtual machine software (running on your own servers) LifeSize UVC 1100 hardware appliance (with the UVC Platform preinstalled) Choose your capacity Entry-level pricing to fit every need, from SMB to large enterprises Flexible licensing lets you expand capacity as your needs grow Buy only what you need and never over purchase Scale from tens to thousands of users Choose a feature edition Standard Edition Enterprise Edition: Feature-rich for maximum capabilities*

LifeSize uVC platform, UVC Platformrepresenting a available as a free how organizations buy and deploy virtual machine astructure. The LifeSize UVC Platform applications are integrated software download is an integrated, virtualized and instantly available on Key Benefits UVC Platform. on the LifeSize is an integrated, virtualized software software platform that the LifeSize website or when you Select one or select s multiple products and makes them consolidates multiple Integrated them products and makes platformEfficiencies in time, them all. ne commonpurchase For those who interface. the LifeSize resources, space, energy and costs instantly available from one uVC 1100 hardware nd flexibility, UVC is the futurethe common interface. For those orThe UVC Platform includes the Virtualized software hardware appliance appliance. more efficient way to manage and deploy who require absolute control fit every IT environment Flexible deployment to following UVC applications: With the any IT environment. new uVC and flexibility, UVC is the LifeSize UVC Video one UI, one login accountSimplifies user platform, LifeSize has futurethe technology that CenterTMStreaming and experience and administration; configure once, drives a more efficient way recording forever changed the to and deploy applicationsLifeSize UVC TransitTM you no longer have to purchase, ship, install and managebenefit across video landscape of video to fit any IT ServerFirewall/NAT ose hardwareinfrastructure devices. All UVC applications are infrastructure trialTry any UVC application before you buy free traversal server le on the LifeSize UVC Platform. Select one or environment. not in one or two flexible licensingPay LifeSize UVC TransitTM for only what you need; products but in UVC Applications as you grow ClientFirewall/NAT scale With the LifeSize UVC traversal proxy an entire platform the following UVC applications: you no longer featuresPay for only Platform, Standard or enterprise LifeSize UVC AccessTM Streaming and recording new from which the features you need todayrouting and call control have to purchase, ship, IP Firewall/NAT traversal server innovations will install and provision (gatekeeper) Standards-based and interoperable Firewall/NAT traversal proxy unfold. separate, single-purpose More applications
hardware devices. All UVC

uting and call control (gatekeeper) on

Investment protection and easy integration with coming soon existing video endpoints and infrastructure

hat Does Moreinformation, please write to for more

astructure products, UVC applications offer 14 The ValuePlus Quarterly June 2012 ntrol and enormous flexibilityto a level never o conferencing industry.


Product Specifications

Deployment Options LifeSize UVC Platform virtual machine software (free download) Rackmountable LifeSize UVC 1100TM hardware appliance (purchase) Similar deployment experience across virtual machines and hardware appliances LifeSize UVC Virtual Machine Software Supported on VMware ESXi 4.0 and higher vCPU: 4, vRAM: 6 GB, Disk space: 100 GB Network interfaces: 10/100/1000 Ethernet adapter Security-hardened Linux OS Configurable by administrator LifeSize UVC 1100 Hardware Configuration Rack mountable (1U) Dimensions: 17.2W x 1.7H x 19.8D Dual GigE Network Adapters, 2 x RJ45 Redundant hard drives, MD RAID 10 Power: AC Voltage: 100240V, 5060 Hz, 5A max

Storage (UVC 1100 Hardware Appliance) Large internal storage for HD videos (1 TB on board) Linux MD RAID 10 support; sustains any failures due to faulty disks Stores up to 2,600 hours of HD video at 768 kbps (UVC Video Center) LifeSize UVC 1100 Environmental Data Operating temperature: 10C (50F) to 35C (95F) Operating humidity: 20% to 95%, non-condensing Storage temperature: 40C (40F) to 70C (158F) Storage humidity: 5% to 95%, noncondensing Weight: 17.2 kg (38 lbs) Sustained load = 249 watts (850 BTU/hr) Idle = 135 watts (461 BTU/hr) Feature Options Standard Edition (entry-level features) Enterprise Edition (advanced features)* Capacity Limits** See chart below for UVC capacity limits

Integrated Solution Multiple UVC applications can be deployed on one hardware appliance or virtual machine UVC Transit Server and UVC Transit Client should be installed on separate instances For best performance with intense use, UVC Video Center should have its own instance Trial any LifeSize UVC product from the LifeSize UVC Platform Authentication & Authorization Supports corporate active directory/LDAP integration Local user management Integrated Web Interface Integrated web UI for all UVC applications Configure multiple applications on a single instance Multilingual web user interfacesupports 10 languages System Management Firmware update tool REST APIs support third-party integration (UVC Video Center) Start or stop UVC

applications from web interface Manage network configuration for all applications Web interface to monitor critical system parameters such as CPU, local disk and NAS availability and usage Integrated Licensing Web-based license management for product activation Supports online and offline modes of license activation Add additional capacity to existing products Allows upgrade from Standard to Enterprise Edition Security HTTPS-based web access SSH access for diagnostics Supports static NAT deployment Ability to lock down services for maintenance activities Supports deployment in DMZ or private LAN Compatibility Major web browsers supported (see release notes on LifeSize website)

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June 2012

The ValuePlus Quarterly


inteRview | MOBOTIX

Eye for detail

MOBOTIX has geared its strategy towards leveraging the growing demand for IP surveillance solutions in the region through a skilled channel ecosystem
What factors do you think have contributed to the growing demand for high resolution network cameras? Demand has been driven by several factors. One reason is cost as Megapixel IP cameras cover a wider area in greater detail which reduces the number of cameras needed within a site. Another cost benefit arises from using IP cameras on the existing shared IP network and infrastructure. How are you as a company leveraging the shift from analogue to IP surveillance capabilities? As MOBOTIX was designed from the ground up as a software company with in-house hardware development for digital, high-resolution and network-based video security solutions, we have no legacy analogue market to protect. Combined with our decentralised concept, which places much of the intelligence within the camera, it has allowed us to become one of the market leaders in high resolution IP CCTV. How has the demand for both analogue and IP surveillance changed in the Middle East? What are the particularly high growth segments for MOBOTIX? Analogue cameras are still the largest segment by installed user base. However, for new projects and upgrades, IP is the preferred choice due to cost, efficiency and reliability considerations. Retail, education and hospitality sectors have seen the strongest growth of IP technology across the ME region. What would you say is your key technology USP? How do you differentiate your products/ solutions from those of your competitors? One of our key differentiators is our decentralised concept. This places a greater level of intelligence and functionality within the camera. Without any additional control software; each camera can internally record hundreds of hours of video and audio, perform scene analytics, generate alerts and manage transmission of data across the network. This innovation means that our customers do not need to create expensive and static control rooms as the camera does all of the transcoding and image processing. The other differentiator is our solid state and
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The ValuePlus Quarterly June 2012

MOBOTIX | inteRview

do aim to recruit at least two committed partners in each market segment and we will support them in building up their business and service portfolios. What are your plans for the next 12-18 months? The market for megapixel IP CCTV technology is still growing at a rapid rate. We will initially work with our regional distributor to recruit and train local partners. In parallel, we will aim to educated the market on the benefits of our technology and assist our partners with initial projects to help them build confidence around our offering. We will also be running regional lead generation campaigns and are committed to local events that help us reach a wider audience. Therefore we introduce a new international network program that offers certified partners multiple benefits. The company conducts indirect sales via qualified distributors and commercial business partners in over 70 countries. The new program provides partners with useful tools information and competitive advantages. Partners receive additional support to set them apart from competitors, increase sales opportunities and become more profitable. The program ensures that company requirements can be better served in terms of cost-efficient and highperformance security and access control solutions.

IP65 rated chassis, which delivers extreme reliability without the need for special enclosures, fans or heaters. The last key differentiator is our hemispheric technology which allows 360 degree coverage of an area using just a single camera. Could you give us some information on your larger channel strategy and the rationale behind your partnership with Redington Value? The MOBOTIX range is sold exclusively through the channel and includes CCTV and entry control products. However, a complete solution often needs switching, cables, storage and other elements. By partnering with a highly respected value added distributor, we allow our partners easier access to a complete solution portfolio

across the entire Middle East region. Our distribution agreement also helps us facilitate training and regional events for the benefit of our partners. What exactly does your partnership with Redington Value entail? Redington value will stock the complete MOBOTIX portfolio and the partnership includes distribution, stock holding, financial services, market awareness campaigns and training programmes for the channel. How is this partnership likely to benefit resellers and other partners? Resellers and partners will benefit from access to products and training within their local markets via the respective Redington

office and regional channel managers. We are not looking to flood the various regions with partners although we

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June 2012

The ValuePlus Quarterly


in DePtH | EMC

The winning streak

EMC VSPEX offers a simple, efficient and flexible virtualisation solution
Flexible architectures to suit your it needs VSPEX solutions are built with proven best-in-class technologies to create complete, modular, prevalidated virtualisation offerings that allow for flexibility, faster deployments, greater efficiency, and lower risk in your IT transformation. Built on a highly flexible EMC storage and backup architecture, VSPEX enables you to combine industryleading compute, network, and virtualisation technologies into a pre-validated infrastructure. Predictable levels of performance eliminate the planning, sizing, and configuration burden of moving from a physical to virtual server environment. Simplify management Manage your entire virtual server infrastructure from a single point of control. Using VMware vSphere or Microsoft System Center, your organisation can accelerate provisioning time, manage virtual machines from a central location, and monitor the performance of virtual machines and their hosts. Add storage with ease with EMC UnisphereTM provisioning wizards that apply best practices to simplify the process. Provision 500 Microsoft Exchange mailboxes in less than two minutes. Set up one terabyte VMware or HyperVTM datastore in 10 minutes. Simplify backup and recovery with one solution built for virtual environments Simplify virtual machine backup and recoveries with EMC Avamar and EMC Data Domain, and youll have one solution to protect your VMware, Hyper-V, and physical environments. Implement comprehensive backup at both the guest and image level. Recovery is fast and easy with file-level restore or full bare metal VMDK restoreall in a single step. Plus, you can further simplify VMware protection with automated virtual machine discovery, policy assignment, and tracking via integration with VMware vStorage API for Data Protection (VADP) and vCenterTM. Improve administrator productivity Provide application-aware storage provisioning from within the application

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The ValuePlus Quarterly June 2012

EMC | in DePtH

management interface in different hypervisor environments. Enable administrators to manage storage provisioning for Microsoft Hyper-V and SharePoint from the Microsoft Windows operating environment using EMC Storage Integrator (ESI), and reduce time to provision by 75%. ESI lets Windows and application administrators provision storage for Hyper-V environments and map a Hyper-V environment to EMC storage. Virtual Storage Integrator (VSI), the EMC Plug-in framework for VMware vSphere 5 gives you greater insight than ever before into the storage mapping and connectivity details right from vCenter. Add storage quickly and easily for your virtual machines from vCenter with VSI. With VSI you can leverage

the arrays storage efficiencies such as compression and fast clone for both block and NFS based datastores. application hIgh availability and enhancement Realise application high availability with VMwares HA and vMotion, along with Microsofts Quick Migration, to eliminate or reduce planned downtime and unplanned outages. The EMC VNX series provides for DVRlike application consistent snap shots for point-in-time recoverability. With EMC FAST VP (Fully Automated Storage Tiering for Virtual Pools), you can dynamically tune and increase service levels. Increase database performance by deploying EMC FAST Cache and increase Oracle IOPs by 180%. Run virtualised Microsoft SQL

databases three times faster, and manage and tune virtualised SQL databases in 80% less time. Provision application storage on demand Add unified storage on demand with the VNX series. Recapture valuable storage capacity and reduce the data footprint by up to 50% with the EMC VNX series built-in features such as thin provisioning, file deduplication, and compression. Speed up your backups Accelerate virtual server backup times from days to minutes by reducing network and CPU utilisation with EMC Avamars variable-length, client-side deduplication. Get faster VMware image restores by recovering only

the needed data instead of an entire virtual machine with EMC Avamarthe industrys only solution that leverages VMwares Changed Block Tracking for both backup and recovery. Automate storage optimisation Optimise storage utilisation and lower overall costs regardless of application type or data ageby automatically moving data based upon workload with FAST VP. Save on backup and DR costs with deduplication Reduce backup storage requirements for virtual environments by 10 to 30 times, and network usage by 99%, with EMC Avamar and Data Domain. In addition, Avamar integration with VADP and vCenter greatly reduces administrative costs.

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June 2012

The ValuePlus Quarterly


SeCtiOn | COMpanY

redington eVents:
1. trendmicro- Cricket meet for Partners, Dubai, May 2012 2. emC-Redington value Partnership launch, nigeria, May 2012 3. Redington-Cisco CORe initiative launch, kenya, March 2012 4. HP networking training in Riyadh & Jeddah, april 2012 5. Red Hat-RHeL 3.0 orientation, Dubai, May 2012

20 The ValuePlus Quarterly June 2012

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