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Global Transport Atlas

GTA-109 Tanzania, Bicycles in Dar es Salaam

Series 1 - Global Transport Notes

Tanzania, cycling

Introduction This is a photo-document about the use of bicycles in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The first version was published in 2007. Information and photos for the document were researched by UWABA, a cycle user group in Dar es Salaam. UWABA campaigns for better cycling conditions and promotes cycling as a sustainable means of transport. The aims of UWABA are to participate in road planning with the relevant Government and city authorities to ensure that roads include safe cycle lanes, to improve the environment and safety for cyclists, to assist cyclists to know and exercise their rights and responsibilities and to promote cycling as a sustainable means of transport for Dar es Salaam. The address of their website is This version includes Spanish translations of the main pages. July 2012 Page 1

Source: UWABA Robert Bartlett (ed.) Gregorio Villacorta Alegria (translation)


GTA-109 - Tanzania, Bicycles in Dar es Salaam

Recreational use

Global Transport Atlas Series 1 - Global Transport Notes

Dar es Salaam cycle race 2006 local people here use bicycles as much for recreation as for commuting and for the transport of goods. The cycle race was organised by CHABADA (an organisation which organises cycling sport events in Dar es Salaam).The national organisation is CHABATA.The race took place on the 1st May.

Service & Repair Open-air cycle repair services help keep the cycle a viable alternative means of transport. In Tanzania a bicycle repair person is called a Fundi Baisikeli. They perform services such as repairing punctures, oiling, pumping air into tyres, adjusting brakes and general servicing.

Handicapped use Transport for the handicapped there are handicapped persons in Tanzania as anywhere else. Providing welldesigned facilities for cycles will help them maintain their independence and self-respect.

Dimensions Dimensions are important - these work trikes in Dar are other examples of 3-wheel cycles which are wider and heavier than standard 2-wheel bicycles. A three wheeled bike is called a Guta. It is possible to hire the services of a guta and its driver for transporting goods to market, to transport furniture when moving house or as a delivery service when furniture or large items are bought.


July 2012

Page 2

GTA-109 - Tanzania, Bicycles in Dar es Salaam

Commercial use / 1

Global Transport Atlas Series 1 - Global Transport Notes

A valid form of wholesale goods delivery good for employment, good for the environment, but needs proper design of cycle lanes and other cycle facilities.

Commercial use / 2 Wholesale goods transport farm to market service of fragile goods also provides employment. Bad roads can be bad for business here.

About UWABA Do you often use a bicycle to travel within Dar es Salaam, to do business, to go to work or to school ? Would you like a better environment and conditions for cycling in Dar es Salaam ? Do you have ideas and suggestions on how to improve safety for cyclists ? Would you like to meet other cyclists and take part in events to celebrate and promote cycling ? Join UWABA! GTA-109 July 2012 Page 3

GTA-109 - Tanzania, Bicycles in Dar es Salaam

Uso recreacional

Global Transport Atlas Series 1 - Global Transport Notes

Carrera de ciclismo Dar es Salaam. La gente local usa aqu los ciclo-vehculos tanto para recreacin como para conmutar y para el transporte de mercancas. La carrera de ciclismo fue organizada por CHABADA (una organizacin la cual organiza eventos deportivos de ciclismo en Dar es Salaam). La organizacin nacional es CHABATA. La carrera tomo lugar el 1 de Mayo.

Servicio & Reparacin Servicios de reparacin de ciclo-vehculos al aire libre. Ayudan a mantener los ciclo-vehculos como medios alternativos de transporte. En Tanzania la persona que repara los ciclo-vehculos es llamado Fundi Baisekeli. Ellos desempean servicios tales como reparacin de pinchadas, engarzamiento, inflado de llantas , ajuste de cadenas y servicios en general.

Uso para minusvlidos Transporte para los minusvlidos. Hay personas minsvalidas en Tanzania como en cualquier otro lugar. Proveyendo buenas facilidades bien diseadas para los ciclovehculos los ayudaran a mantener su independencia y respeto a si mismos.

Dimensiones Esos work trikes en Dar es Salaam son otros ejemplos de ciclo-vehculos de tres llantas los cuales son mas anchos y pesados que los standars ciclo-vehculos de dos llantas ( bicicletas). Un ciclo-vehculo de tres llantas es llamada Guta. Es posible alquilar los servicios de una Guta y su conductor para transportar mercancas al mercado, para transportar bienes muebles cuando se mudan de casa o como servicio delivery cuando muebles o hartas cosas son compradas. GTA-109 July 2012 Page 4

GTA-109 - Tanzania, Bicycles in Dar es Salaam

Uso Comercial / 1

Global Transport Atlas Series 1 - Global Transport Notes

Una vlida forma delivery de venta al por mayor de mercancas. Es bueno para el empleo, bueno para el ambiente, pero necesita apropiados diseos de ciclovas y otras facilidades.

Uso Comercial / 2 Transporte de mercancas al por mayor. El servicio de transporte de mercancas frgiles de la granja al mercado tambin provee empleo. Malos caminos pueden ser malos para los negocios aqu.

About UWABA A menudo usas un ciclo-vehculo para viajar dentro de Dar es Salaam,para hacer negocios, para ir al trabajo o a la escuela? Te gustara un mejor ambiente y condiciones para el ciclismo en Dar es Salaam? Tienes ideas y sugerencias sobre como mejorar la seguridad para los ciclistas? Te gustara conocer a otros ciclistas y tomar parte en eventos para celebrar y promocionar el ciclismo? nete a UWABA! GTA-109 July 2012 Page 5

GTA-109 - Tanzania, Bicycles in Dar es Salaam

Global Transport Atlas Series 1 - Global Transport Notes

Cover notes and Disclaimer

This is a research document. The best efforts have been made to make sure the figures are correct. However no liability can be taken for any of the details, information or analysis in this document. The layout, look and feel of this document is copyright. The photos are generally copyright of UWABA. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.

GTA documents series Global Transport Atlas is a project with two aims. One is
to encourage people around the world to share examples of how they actually use transport in their daily lives. The other is to compare and improve the design of transport infrastructure. There are the following GTA document series: Series 1 - global transport notes A collection of papers on transport infrastructure and vehicles from various countries, prepared by various authors and contributors. Typical size 2 to 3 pages. Series 3 - discussion papers Papers with arguments and ideas on different aspects of modern transport and transport infrastructure. Series 7 - Dimensions of vehicles

History and Change log

First version published 2007.. Version 109.02-a (July 2012) - this version and version number, with modified layout and minor modifications to the content.

Transport infrastructure has to be defined with an idea of the size and types of vehicle which will use it. This series looks into the dimensions of different types of vehicle at different periods of time. Papers include technical discussion notes and example dimensions. Typical size 20 pages and more.

About the other contributors: Robert Bartlett, Germany (editor) - is an experienced transportation and urban development studies engineer with over 25 years of professional experience. Current engineering work: includes technical research in highway design standards and applications in areas such as urban planning and highway engineering. Interests include applied GIS. Gregorio Villacorta Alegria, Peru (translator) Graduate with a degree in Civil Engineering, he has worked as Assistant Engineer in San Martin department on both highway design and supervision projects. He is also the coordinator of a Spanishlanguage web group which promotes the study of rural road engineering, camineros rurales. Contact We welcome comments on this paper, and also on new developments in other countries in this field. Email: Web: Page 6


July 2012

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