Assignment: Submitted To Submitted by Mr. Umesh Sir Rajesh T Mba - B

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(A) Historical precedences of issues related with Global warming, globally - Macro level
Historical and archaeological evidence



Ice cores


Pollen analysis

Sea level change

(C) Strategic plans adopted by Scandinavian countries

Spending billions for floating community

Lowering CO2 emission Adopted climate defensive system Reconstruction of flood predicated areas Expanding rivers and cannels

Climate change adaptation portal

Building and road are designed to withstand with extreme weather

Strategic plans adopted by Scandinavian countries (china and Brazil)

China ratified the Kyoto Protocol Since emission in china is less than that of industrialized countries. Officials reject the limits,that will impede the growth of country. The government has set ambitious targets for renewable energy and energy efficiency for 2020 Attract foreign investment and foster growing solar, wind, hydroelectric and Chinas huge potential biomass industries. attract foreign companies specializing in renewable energy technology and green cars have recently set up manufacturing


Brazilian government refuses mandatory cuts on its growing greenhouse gas emissions, which it sees as threatening national development Brazil has built an impressive renewable energy industry. The country's ethanol industry has matured to the point that it now fuels up to 40 percent of all Brazilian automobile transportation with nonpetroleum biofuel

Sugar cane-based ethanol fuel is poised to become one of Brazil's most important exports Brazil has also embraced hydroelectric power as a According to government primary source of the sources, the deforestation country's energy rates in the Amazon have already slowed by around half since 2004.

(2) Is "Global Warming" an "Inconvenient Truth"

for developed nations? Briefly explain

Yes, I strongly agree with this point because of the following reason The largest share of historical and current global emissions of greenhouse gases has originated in developed countries; Per capita emissions in developing countries are still relatively low; The U.S. has emitted a cumulative total of roughly 50.7 billion tons of carbon, while China (4.6 times more populous) and India (3.5 times more populous) have emitted only 15.7 and 4.2 billion tons respectively.

Global warming is an inconvenient truth for developed nations. Developed countries like US and UK are the most carbon emitters in the world. Developing nations like India and China have less carbon emissions compared to these countries even though they are the most populated. Global warming will be a great threat to the world in future. The countries become developed because of industrialization. Global warming is the worse effect of industrialization. To reduce the green house gases industrial emissions should be controlled. But by reducing the emission by controlling the industrial process will affect the development of a country, thats why global warming is an inconvenient truth


Scandinavian countries are Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, etc.

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