Newsletter 358

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The Citizen Newsletter

The Conservative Voice of Henry County

Issue # 358

July 26, 2012

Message from Gene Morris

Let s save our co-op

The Snapping Shoals EMC election is tomorrow, Thursday, July 26th at the Georgia International Horse Park in Conyers. Voting is from 8:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m.

In This Issue:
Page Feature

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This is a very important election. Our co-op has some of the lowest electrical rates in Georgia and is being targeted by the Sierra Club and about a dozen other radical environmental organizations because of our use of coal. These groups have spent an absolute fortune in paid robo calls, paid out of state live calling and college students being paid to go door to door telling lies about our co-op. If you like our low rates and dependable service it s very important you go out tomorrow and vote for Gene Morris, Anthony Norton and Walter Johnson. This threat to our co-op and our electrical rates must be stopped tomorrow or it will be too late.

Seen on Facebook Hey Henry (from Henry Times) Congressman Paul Broun Kent Kingsley for Congress Widespread Opposition to TSPLOST BJ to Teach Obama Raise Taxes Stanley for Henry BoE Campaign Advertising

Over 52,000 reads at

Let s keep Norton, Morris and Johnson For low rates and dependable service

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ELECTION DAY is Tuesday, July 31st


A citizen speaks out

I read in the last edition of the Henry Citizen the vote taken on the millage rate increase by the BOC. Talk about nerve! Here we are with a little more than a week before the election and we re hit with a budget that s still in the red and a millage rate increase. The BOC has got to think we re a bunch of morons! The vote was 4-1 in favor. I m glad to say my Commissioner from the 2nd District was the ONLY one with enough guts to vote against it. He s going to get my vote again! I don t believe that a single one of these commissioners would run their private businesses the same way they are trying to run our County. If their business was dropping off, do you think they d raise the price of their goods to make up for their bad business decisions? Why is it then they think we, the tax payers, should have to do the same? Under the unqualified leadership of Ms. Mathis, we have an airport that s not going to come close to making money anytime soon. We ve spent countless monies on a battlefield that never saw a battle. However, I hear they have great fireworks, if you want to pay to get in. As a side note, Community Bible Church has great fireworks EVERY year at no cost to the public. The golf course would have been a great buy if we needed the land right now, however, with times the way they are it was another needless expense. I, like everyone in this county am hurting. We ve tightened our belts until we can t breathe and now the BOC wants to take more. I realize that the employees of the county are also the ones that suffer from the BOCs mismanagement of the county s money. They ve had to take furlough days, no pay increases, etc. But, like the real business world the employee has to suffer when management makes bad decisions. Since most of the commissioners have businesses outside of being a commissioner, I would suggest that they relinquish their county salary. If after that they re still in dire straights, let them take a second job and do the BOC work for free. That would at least get back a portion of what they ve mismanaged. On second thought, let s all just go to the polls on July 31 and give them a little push out the door and start fresh. Lord only knows it couldn t be any worse. Don t forget to vote July 31st. The Ol 1stSergeant.


Seen on Facebook
I have a word about the candidates - really about their supporters. Some in our community are shallow, short people. Like Randy Newman said, they have no reason to live [here] except to throw slings and arrows and make personal attacks when they have nothing positive to say about their own candidates. The public square is not a place to vent personal anxieties over personal failures, or to try to drag anyone else to your lower plateau. We must focus on the greater good and the betterment of our government. For conservatives that means smaller government and lower taxes. We must stay on topic and not allow peabrained social elitists to divert the conversation. That's my 'word for the day.' Now please make educated choices and vote your principles.

And this one:

It s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are. " Roy Disney

And this:
John Douglas wrote: If you live in Henry County, vote Tommy Smith for Commission Chairman. The current chair has to go, along with her sleazy, underhanded, cut throat style of governing. I know from personal experience that if you ever cross her, she will stab you in the back repeatedly. Get rid of her.

Hey Henry is a feature of Henry County Times

Hey Henry, when property assessments dropped, we all said, Just watch: next the Commissioners will raise the millage rate, arguing that with lower assessments, the net property tax won t change. Then the assessments will start going back up. Guess what? The commissioners are now considering a significant millage increase. Just more evidence that our elected officials think we re stupid. Hey Henry, a summer math problem: Georgians spend $380 per year on transportation. The new TSPLOST will raise it to $745 per person. A family of four will spend $2,980 per year or $29,800 over the 10 year tax. Is there anything you want or need? If so, vote no! Hey Henry, I looked at the latest Georgia PSC rate study and my rates as a Snapping Shoals EMC member are $523.13 lower each year than they would be with Georgia Power. Thank you Snapping Shoals board and management. Let s keep Gene Morris and the others on the job; keeping our rates low. I m going to Conyers on July 26 and vote! Let s carpool.

Congressman Paul Broun

ObamaCare/ObamaTax assaults freedom in the most personal areas of our lives: health care choice and privacy, personal and family finances, and

freedom of religion. In Congress, I authored the Patient OPTION Act (H.R. 4224) to: 1. Fully repeal ObamaCare. 2. Allow 100% of health care expenses, including insurance premiums, to be deducted from your income taxes. 3. Increase the total contributions you may make to personal Health Savings Accounts. 4. Save Medicare from bankruptcy by making it a premium-based assistance program. 5. Let you buy health insurance across state lines. 6. Allow physicians to donate charity and pro bono medical care now prohibited by federal law. FreedomWorks - a leading voice within the conservative and Tea Party movements - has endorsed my plan. To continue my leadership for American Freedom on this and other important issues, I need your help! Please share this message with family and friends, encouraging them to support me in this fight for Freedom and for the America that we have always known and loved. Please support me with your vote during Early Voting or at the polls on July 31st

Kent Kingsley for Congress, District 3

The July 31st primary is fast approaching, if you have not voted yet Kent Kingsley would appreciate your vote for U.S. Congress, 3rd District. He will represent you well in Washington. On the issues, he is for a balanced budget amendment, no new debt, pay off existing debt. Enact Fair Tax, repeal 16th amendment, abolish IRS. He is a strong constitutional conservative, lifetime proponent of 2nd and 10th amendment and supports term limits.
Endorsement by Cal Beverly, owner and editor of Fayette County s The Citizen newspaper: Lynn eyes U.S. Senate The odd thing is that I support a lot of Rep. Lynn Westmoreland s positions. But after years of being on the public payroll, Lynn hasn t proved that he can move beyond being a reliable NO vote to oppose the Democrats and a reliable YES vote on congressional pork projects. I can t think of a single bill of any substance that Westmoreland has authored, a single original thought that has issued from his tenure in Washington.


And I know this about Lynn: He glad-hands the politicians and power brokers in his district, but he s not much on taking any time to respond to constituency inquiries. The only time most of us will ever hear Lynn speak is on a robo-call asking for our vote. He started out as one of us, but Lynn has left us common folk far behind. And there is that Big Fix that may be played out in coming months. One of our two Georgia senators likely will decide to spend more time with the family and Gov. Deal will name Lynn to be our new U.S. senator. When the senatorial election rolls around, Lynn will be the incumbent. If you don t want Westmoreland as your equally out of touch next senator, I suggest you vote for retired military man Kent Kingsley for 3rd District congressman. Kingsley is a man of bedrock conservative principles and he will make himself known around the U.S. Capitol as something more than a comedy show caricature. It s time for Lynn to honor the conservative principle of term limits and get out of the way.

Patch Survey of GOP Leaders Shows Widespread Opposition to TSPLOST

Higher taxes and lack of trust are two reasons most Republican respondents are against the transportation referendum.


Georgia Republican leaders responding to a Patch survey overwhelmingly oppose TSPLOST in their regions and believe it will fail. Patch sent surveys to about 135 Republican Party activists, candidates and officeholders last week asking their opinions about the referendum to raise sales taxes by a penny to fund road and transit projects. Just over 60 responded. The Republican respondents offered several reasons for opposing the referendum, from the added tax burden to questions about its constitutionality. Some in the Metro Atlanta region don't want money from their communities used to fund transit projects in town. Others expressed an overall lack of trust in the state to follow through on its promises. "TSPLOST would be the greatest tax increase in Georgia history," said one respondent. "It sets up new government bureaucracy. It shifts money from taxpayers of counties to others. Nobody really knows where the money will go. It is a bailout for a failing MARTA system."


Henry County Commissioners Vote to Increase Millage Rate Need we say more?
The Henry County Board of Commissioners announced Monday its intention to increase the property taxes it will levy this year by 8.15%. For Henry County, the result of the unprecedented declines in property values is a budget shortfall of $12,595,073. The new proposed budget of $116,967,534 abolishes the furlough days and, among other items, includes two additional employees for Superior Court, and two additional employees for the Tax Assessor s Office. The Henry County Board of Commissioners voted today to increase the 2013 property tax millage rate by 2.75 points from 11.75 mills to 14.50 mills. Commissioner Warren Holder made the motion to raise your property taxes with Commissioner Reid Bowman seconding the motion. The motion to confiscate more of your money in property taxes passed by a vote of 4-1 with Commissioners Holder, Bowman, Holmes, and Stamey voting on favor. Congratulations to Commissioner Brian Preston for attempting to protect the taxpayers with his NO vote.

"You don't raise taxes in a recession." 2009

Barack Obama

LIKE if you think Mathis and Obama are out of touch and out of ideas.


Allow me to take your voice to the Henry School Board


My opponent is 31 years old, never married and has no children. And he still lives at home with his parents. He has no life experience or responsibilities that would provide background with raising, mentoring or educating children. He is much less prepared to handle a one-on-one with parents whose child may be having problems. PLEASE MAKE AN INFORMED DECISION Elect Larry Stanley to Henry County school board Campaign Video: HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/PHOTO.PHP?V=10151221857822942 Chamber of Commerce Candidate Forum: HTTP://PLAYER.VIMEO.COM/VIDEO/44583622 Henry Daily Herald candidate responses: HTTP://WWW.HENRYHERALD.COM/NEWS/2012/JUN/26/HENRY-BOECANDIDATES-RESPOND/


Candidate and future Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, Henry County NEW CHAIRMAN / NEW LEADERSHIP
Endorsed by Henry County Fraternal Order of Police


Vincent Lotti for District 2 County Commissioner Please watch and share with your friends! Roughly a week and a half until Election Day so let's continue to spread the word! Thank you! Vinny
Tommy Kennedy interviews candidates Vincent Lotti Henry County Board of Commissioners District 2.


Re-elect Rep. Steve Davis


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Henry Citizens for Responsible Government Larry Stanley, Editor Please report broken links or other problems

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