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December 29, 2007 Chad Taylor: "The DAY of the WARRIOR Has Come--You Will TAKE BACK COVETED

LAND and GIVE IT to the FATHER" God says, "I see the prayers of your forefathers rise before Me like smoke. The bones of your brothers cry out to Me from the ground, and I declare to you a year of remembrance. Look closely at 2008--a year of anniversary and remembrance has come before you. I will reinstate you in places of authority and honor, and the prophecies of your forefathers shall resonate in this nation. All that has opposed Me shall now be swept away as those in darkness see a great Light." "The land of Zabulon, and the land of Nephthalim, by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles; The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up..." Matthew 4:15-16 The Spirit of Crazy Horse God says, "The warrior spirit is still intact, and I will teach your hands to war. You will tear down ancient strongholds that others have been unwilling and unable to destroy. You will stand in the gates of Washington D.C. with a message from Heaven. Those that have resisted you for 200 years will now declare, 'Blessed is he who comes in the Name of the Lord.' The self-fulfilling prophecy spoken over you years ago, 'I will fight no more forever' will now be reversed, and the will to fight the good fight of faith will be restored." You will take back coveted land and place it at the feet of your Father. For I tell you this day I hear the prayers of Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull (mighty warriors) and Joseph--apostolic prophetic declarations that were made and are hanging in the balances of fulfillment. The day of the warrior has come. I Will Resurrect Your Heart at Wounded Knee God says, "A resurrection is coming at the places where the warrior has fallen. These memorial stones will now be remembered from the highest places of government in the land. The powers that have incarcerated your destiny will now be broken releasing the light of a new beginning in your inherent land. The caricature of history shall be rewritten and the faces of your leaders will be seen in the light of truth. I will place memorial stones in the house of your President, for those that favor you will be favored by Me. Many will see it and be glad." "For the KNEE is a place of prayer and devotion--now hear this word of wisdom: I will restore your place of intercession and prayer, and that which has wounded you and displaced you from your rightful position of prayer and authority for this nation shall no longer handicap you any more. The knee that was broken shall now be repaired," says the Lord, "and you shall stand in the gap once again." Prophesy to the Wind, Brothers

God says, "The wind of the prophetic that has lifted you above the persecution will now lift you once again. The Spirit of Prophecy is your inheritance, and you will now find yourself at center stage. The curtains of bitterness and hate are now being rended, revealing a glorious light of My Word in you. You will stand on the mountains of this nation and declare a 'New Day.' The highest places are yours for the possession. As Moses on Mount Sinai, you will see a mighty deliverance as millions escape the valley of death into the fields of harvest." Your day of reckoning and recognition has come My brothers. Prophesy to the wind and cry out, "These dry bones will live! These dry bones will live!" Reserved For Such A Time As This First Nations will now be the first and not the last as the indictments against them are no more. A graduation from glory to glory is now in effect, and the fires of an awakening on your reservations are now kindled. For those in "reservation" understand now it was only a "dress rehearsal" reserved for an appointed time, and like Esther, the scepter of favor and authority will be granted. Watch and see--even those who say, "Can these things be?" will now stand in the place as the officer did to Elisha as these words come to pass, "Behold, you shall see it with your eyes, but shall not eat thereof..." 2 Kings 7:2. The famine of hearing God's word in your land is over. Stand in that place now and proclaim and watch and see as the reaper is overtaken by the sower. Dawning of a New Day God says, "Those that have sat in darkness shall now rise in this dawning of a new day. A Bright and Morning Star shall be seen in 2008, leading them to the place of their destiny. The tomb of history shall now be opened, revealing the exploits that have even to this day remained hidden. The spirit of exploitation shall be banished from their borders, breaking the cycle of the curse that has found its way into this present generation. The temptation of wealth will not spoil the heart of the youth as they reach for higher ground." "As Elijah prayed for rain, so shall you stand at the threshold of drought and dearth and release the Heavens. You shall call upon the Name of Yeshua and the day of famine shall end. For this is your inheritance and birth right, and in this hour you will see the heart of the father's return to their children," says the Lord. "Significant signs shall surely follow as a people embrace this day what I have declared." "But this is a people robbed and spoiled; they are all of them snared in holes, and they are hid in prison houses: they are for a prey, and none delivers; for a spoil, and none saith, Restore. Who among you will give ear to this? Who will hearken and hear for the time to come?" Isaiah 42:22-23 Chad Taylor Consuming Fire Revival Network Email:

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