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Species-Specific Transcription in Mice Carrying

Human Chromosome 21
Michael D. Wilson, et al.
Science 322, 434 (2008);
DOI: 10.1126/science.1160930

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1.1 × 1018 and 1.5 × 1018 kg. With the photo- References and Notes Ciencia (Spain), National project n. AYA2005-07808-
metrically derived nominal size of r = 54 km for 1. W. J. Merline et al., in Asteroids III, W.F. Bottke Jr., C03-03. J.L.M. was partially supported by grant
A. Cellino, P. Paolicchi, R.P. Binzel, Eds. (Univ. of Arizona NNX07AK68G from the NASA Planetary Astronomy
each component (assumed albedo of 0.16), the Press, Tucson, AZ, 2002), pp. 289–312. program. This research used the facilities of the Canadian
density of 2001 QW322 (Fig. 2B) is probably 0.8 2. K. S. Noll, W. M. Grundy, E. I. Chiang, J. L. Margot, Astronomy Data Centre operated by the National
to 1.2 g cm−3. This is a little higher than that of S. D. Kern, in The Solar System Beyond Neptune, Research Council of Canada with the support of the
comparably sized outer solar system bodies A. Barucci, H. Boehnhardt, D. Cruikshank, A. Morbidelli, Canadian Space Agency. The Canada-France-Hawaii
Telescope is operated by the National Research Council of
[figure 5 of (13); 0.6 to 0.8 g cm−3]. Our nominal Eds. (Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson, AZ, 2008),
pp. 345–363. Canada, the Institut National des Sciences de l’Univers of
albedo of 0.16 is approximately double that esti- 3. J. L. Margot, M. E. Brown, C. A. Trujillo, R. Sari, the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique of
mated from optical and thermal infrared photom- J. A. Stansberry, Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 37, 737 France, and the University of Hawaii. Observations at
etry for similar-size KBOs (14, 15) but about a (2005). Palomar Observatory are carried out under a
4. J. J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, G. Gladman, M. Holman, IAU collaborative agreement between Cornell University and
factor of 2 below that of (58534) Logos/Zoe ( p = the California Institute of Technology. Observations made
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0.37 T 0.04) (2), which is of comparable size. 5. W. J. Merline et al., Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 32, 1017 with European Southern Observatory Telescopes at the La
Estimated density from eqs. S2 and S3 is propor- (2000). Silla or Paranal Observatories under program IDs
tional to the assumed albedo to the power of 3=2. 6. B. Gladman, B. G. Marsden, C. Van Laerhoven, in The 069.C-0460, 071.C-0497, 072.C-0542, 074.C-0379,
Solar System Beyond Neptune, A. Barucci, H. Boehnhardt, 075.C-0251, and 380.C-0791. The Gemini Observatory is
Halving our palbedo
ffiffiffi would increase our radius
D. Cruikshank, A. Morbidelli, Eds. (Univ. of Arizona Press, operated by the Association of Universities for Research
estimates by 2 and decrease the estimated den- Tucson, AZ, 2008), pp. 43–57. in Astronomy, under a cooperative agreement with NSF
sity by a factor of 2 =2 = 2.8, below the range of
7. See supporting online material text. on behalf of the Gemini partnership: NSF (US), the
published densities (13) for such small bodies. 8. J.-M. Petit, O. Mousis, Icarus 168, 409 (2004). Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK), the

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The nominal densities shown in Fig. 2 are at 9. J. Burns, V. Carruba, B. Gladman, B.G. Marsden, Minor National Research Council (Canada), Comisión Nacional
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of water ice and silicate rocks (13). A thermal 11. A. A. S. Gulbis, J. L. Elliot, J. F. Kane, Icarus 183, 168 Technología (Argentina). Observations were obtained at
detection, mutual eclipse, or stellar occultation by (2006). the WIYN Observatory, a joint facility of the University of
12. D. Nesvorný, J. L. A. Alvarellos, L. Dones, H. F. Levison, Wisconsin–Madison, Indiana University, Yale University,
the binary (all unlikely) would be necessary to Astron. J. 126, 398 (2003). and the National Optical Astronomy Observatories; the
further constrain the size, albedo, density, and 13. W. M. Grundy et al., Icarus 191, 286 (2007). William Herschel Telescope, at Roque de los Muchachos
hence the bulk composition of 2001 QW322. 14. J. A. Stansberry et al., Astrophys. J. 643, 556 (2006). Observatory (La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain), operated
Given the very large separation (Fig. 3), such 15. J. R. Spencer, J. A. Stansberry, W. M. Grundy, K. S. Noll, by the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias; and the MMT
Bull. Am. Astron. Soc. 38, 546 (2006). Observatory, a joint facility of the Smithsonian Institution
a binary is difficult to create and maintain. Of all and the University of Arizona.
16. S. J. Weidenschilling, Icarus 160, 212 (2002).
the proposed KBO binary-formation scenarios 17. P. Goldreich, Y. Lithwick, R. Sari, Nature 420, 643
(16–19), only the collision of two bodies close to (2002).
Supporting Online Material
a third one (16) can simply explain the primordial 18. Y. Funato, J. Makino, P. Hut, E. Kokubo, D. Kinoshita,
SOM Text
formation of such a system (7). Nature 427, 518 (2004).
Figs. S1 and S2
19. S. A. Astakhov, E. A. Lee, D. Farrelly, Mon. Not. R. Astron.
A study of the long-term stability of the large- Soc. 360, 401 (2005).
Tables S1 to S4
separation KB binaries (8) led to the conclusion 20. This work was partially supported by NASA/Planetary References
that the major destabilizing factor is unbinding Astronomy Program grant NNG04GI29G. A.C.B. also 11 July 2008; accepted 12 September 2008
due to direct collisions of impactors on the sec- acknowledges support from Ministerio de Educacion y 10.1126/science.1163148
ondary. Applying their method to the newly de-
termined orbital and physical parameters for

Species-Specific Transcription in
2001 QW322 and our nominal albedo, we find
that the lifetime of this binary is 0.3 to 1 billion
years, which is two to three times shorter than the
previous estimate. This finding implies one of
two things: (i) Either 2001 QW322 was created Mice Carrying Human Chromosome 21
with its current mutual orbit early in the history of Michael D. Wilson,1* Nuno L. Barbosa-Morais,1,2* Dominic Schmidt,1,2
the solar system, in which case it is one of the few Caitlin M. Conboy,3 Lesley Vanes,4 Victor L. J. Tybulewicz,4 Elizabeth M. C. Fisher,5
survivors of a population at least 50 to 100 times Simon Tavaré,1,2,6 Duncan T. Odom1,2†
larger, or (ii) this is a transitory object, evolving
because of perturbation from interactions with Homologous sets of transcription factors direct conserved tissue-specific gene expression, yet
smaller KBOs, from a population of more tightly transcription factor–binding events diverge rapidly between closely related species. We used
bound binaries. Asserting this latter hypothesis hepatocytes from an aneuploid mouse strain carrying human chromosome 21 to determine, on a
would require better orbital statistics for moder- chromosomal scale, whether interspecies differences in transcriptional regulation are primarily
ately large KB binaries (separation of 1 to 2′′). directed by human genetic sequence or mouse nuclear environment. Virtually all transcription
For the likely mutual-orbit parameters, the factor–binding locations, landmarks of transcription initiation, and the resulting gene expression
average orbital speed is 〈v〉 ≃ 0:85 m/s or a mere 3 observed in human hepatocytes were recapitulated across the entire human chromosome 21 in the
km hour−1, a slow human walking pace. An ob- mouse hepatocyte nucleus. Thus, in homologous tissues, genetic sequence is largely responsible for
server standing on one of the components (a very directing transcriptional programs; interspecies differences in epigenetic machinery, cellular
precarious situation, as the gravity is only 0.02 m/s2 environment, and transcription factors themselves play secondary roles.
or nearly 600 times smaller than on Earth) would
see the other component subtend an angle of only igher eukaryotes are organized collec- binding to DNA in a sequence-specific manner
3 arc min, which corresponds to a pinhead seen at
arm’s length. The existence of the other com-
ponent would not be in doubt, however, because
H tions of different cell types, each of
which is created from differential tran-
scription of a common genome (1). Evolutionar-
(1–3). These proteins typically recognize short
consensus motifs, often between 6 and 16 nu-
cleotides, found at high frequency throughout a
when viewed at full phase it would be as ily conserved sets of tissue-specific transcription genome. How transcription factors discriminate
luminous as Saturn seen from Earth, and it would factors establish each cell's transcription during among nearly identical motifs is poorly under-
move perceptibly from week to week. development and maintain it during adulthood by stood, although chromatin state, cellular environ-

434 17 OCTOBER 2008 VOL 322 SCIENCE

ment, and surrounding regulatory sequences chromosome 21 (14, 15). In this mouse, we com- liver function, tissue architecture, and mouse
have all been suggested to direct transcription pared transcriptional regulation of orthologous genome–based gene expression and transcrip-
factors to specific cognate sites (4, 5). Sequence human and mouse sequences in the same nuclei tion factor binding from that profiled from wild-
comparisons alone can identify only a fraction of and, thereby, eliminated most environmental and type littermates (see below); (ii) TcHsChr21 and
regulatory regions (6), because the protein–DNA experimental variables otherwise inherent to in- TcMmChr16 are in an identical dietary, develop-
binding events linking transcription factors with terspecies comparisons. mental, nuclear, organismal, and metabolic envi-
genetic control sequences, and thus gene expres- Tc1 mice are partially mosaic, and ~60% of ronment in Tc1 hepatocytes; and (iii) as all profiled
sion, change on a rapid evolutionary time scale their hepatic cells contain human chromosome transcription factors arise from the mouse ge-
(7–10). For instance, the targeted genes and 21, which we confirmed by quantitative genotyp- nome, species-specific effects are eliminated for
precise binding locations of conserved, tissue- ing (fig. S1). Historically, human chromosome antisera used in chromatin immunoprecipitation
specific transcription factors for mouse and 21 has been extensively studied to explore tran- (ChIP) experiments.
human differ significantly (7). Even when tran- scription and transcriptional regulation on a We first confirmed the substantial divergence
scription factors bind near orthologous genes in chromosomewide basis (11, 16, 17), and the in transcription factor binding between wild-type
two species, the precise locations of the large corresponding orthologous mouse regions are mouse and human hepatocytes by performing
majority of the binding events do not align (7, 9). located primarily in chromosome 16, with ad- ChIP assays against HNF1a, HNF4a, and HNF6,
In numerous cases, transcription factors frequent- ditional regions in chromosomes 10 and 17 (14). which are members of three different protein
ly bind one highly conserved motif near a gene in We chose liver as a representative tissue for families (Fig. 1). As expected, most transcription
one species and a different conserved motif near these experiments because most liver cells are factor–binding events were species-specific (7)

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the orthologous gene in a second species (7, 9). hepatocytes that are easy to isolate and highly and were located distal to transcriptional start
This divergence of transcription factor–binding conserved in structure and function. A set of con- sites (TSSs) (10, 21). We define human-specific
locations among related species is a widely oc- served, well-characterized transcription factors (or human-unique) as ChIP enrichment on the
curring phenomenon, and similar observations (including HNF1a, HNF4a, and HNF6) are re- human genome that does not have detectable
have been made in yeast, Drosophila, and mam- sponsible for hepatocyte development and func- signal in the orthologous region of the mouse
mals (7–10). Thus, the mechanisms that deter- tion (2, 18), and orthologous liver-specific mouse genome (and vice versa) (Fig. 1A, and fig. S2).
mine tissue-specific transcriptional regulation and human transcription factors recognize the To determine the role that human DNA
must be more complex than simple gain and loss same consensus sequences (7). Despite almost sequence can play in directing mouse transcrip-
of the immediately bound, local sequence motifs. perfect conservation in their DNA binding do- tion factor binding, we performed ChIP experi-
The role that DNA sequence plays in direct- mains, the mouse orthologs of HNF1a, HNF4a,
ing histone modifications is also not well under- and HNF6 can vary in amino acid composition
stood. It has been previously shown on human by up to 5% from their human orthologs in re-
chromosomes 21 and 22 that, at the sequence gions that could mediate protein-protein inter-
level, sites of methylation at lysine 4 of histone actions (table S1) (19, 20). No liver-specific
H3 (H3K4) are no more conserved relative to transcription factor genes we profiled reside on
mouse genome than background sequence (11). human chromosome 21 (HsChr21); therefore,
Genomic locations where H3K4 methylation oc- binding events identified are due to mouse tran-
curred in both species did not show high levels of scription factors.
overall sequence conservation (11). One inter- Because approximately three-quarters of the
pretation of this observation is that sequence conserved synteny between human chromo-
comparisons alone have a limited capability for some 21 and the mouse genome resides on mouse
identifying epigenetic landmarks. chromosome 16, we used tiling microarrays to
Ultimately, transcription factor binding and obtain genomic information in four chromosome-
epigenetic state contribute to tissue-specific gene nuclear combinations: human chromosome 21
expression (4, 5). A complete understanding of located in human hepatocytes (indicated as
the mechanisms underlying divergence of tran- WtHsChr21), human chromosome 21 located
scriptional regulation and transcription itself is in Tc1 mouse hepatocytes (TcHsChr21), mouse
central to the debate surrounding the relative chromosome 16 located in Tc1 mouse hepato-
roles that cis-regulatory mutations and protein- cytes (TcMmChr16), and mouse chromosome
coding mutations play during evolution (12, 13). 16 located in wild-type mouse hepatocytes
Here, we isolate the role that genetic sequence (WtMmChr16). Fig. 1. Transcriptional regulation of human
plays in transcription by using a mouse model of For every experiment, we subtracted all hepatocytes varies from mouse hepatocytes across
Down syndrome that stably transmits human potentially mouse-human degenerate probes a complete chromosome. (A) Genome track show-
computationally, as well as experimentally, by ing ChIP enrichment of HNF1a binding in wild-
1 cross-hybridizing each platform with nucleic type mouse and human hepatocytes across 30 kb
Cancer Research UK, Cambridge Research Institute, Li Ka of genomic sequence. The species of bound DNA
Shing Centre, Robinson Way, Cambridge CB2 0RE, UK. acids from the heterologous species [details in
2 sequences and ChIP signal are indicated by color:
Department of Oncology, Hutchison/MRC (Medical Re- (15)]. Taken together, our genomic microarrays,
search Council) Research Centre, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 Purple represents human; orange represents
in principle, could interrogate more than 28 Mb
0XZ, UK. 3Medical Scientist Training Program, University of mouse. Highlighted in green are HNF1a-bound
Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA.
of human and mouse DNA sequence shared in regions that are shared by both species, human-
Division of Immune Cell Biology, National Institute for both HsChr21 and MmChr16, which would cap- unique, or mouse-unique. (B) The total number of
Medical Research, The Ridgeway, Mill Hill, London NW7 ture information on ~145 genes embedded in genomic regions occupied by three transcription
1AA, UK. 5Institute of Neurology, University College London, their native chromosomal context. After subtrac-
Queen Square, London WC1N 3BG, UK. 6Department of
factors (HNF1a, HNF4a, and HNF6) and H3K4me3
tion of regions deleted from TcHsChr21, ~20 Mb that are shared between the species, human-
Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of
Cambridge, Cambridge CB3 0WA, UK. and 105 genes are interrogated herein. unique, or mouse-unique. ChIP data were obtained
*These authors contributed equally to this work
Three aspects of this system are of partic- in wild-type mouse and human hepatocytes across
†To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: ular note: (i) the primary Tc1 hepatocytes used the homologous regions of human chromosome in these experiments are indistinguishable in 21 and mouse chromosome 16. SCIENCE VOL 322 17 OCTOBER 2008 435

ments against HNF1a, HNF4a, and HNF6 in are generally of lower intensity and difficult to mately a quarter of genes can show differential
hepatocytes from the Tc1 mouse (Fig. 2). For evaluate reliably by using standard peak-calling al- H3K4 methylation, and many of these genes
each transcription factor, we simultaneously gorithms (fig. S5). Indeed, as can be seen in Fig. 3, have been shown to be cell type–specific (22).
hybridized DNA from replicate ChIP enrichment the pattern of conservation and divergence in tran- We first identified how well trimethylation
experiments to microarrays representing human scription factor binding found in both WtHsChr21 of the H3K4 position is shared in both the wild-
chromosome 21 and mouse chromosome 16 (located in human liver) and WtMmChr16 (located
(15). We found that transcription factor binding in mouse liver) is recapitulated in TcHsChr21 and
on TcMmChr16 and WtMmChr16 is largely TcMmCh16 (both located in mouse liver) (see
identical; thus, the presence of an extra human also figs. S6 and S7). Because transcription fac-
chromosome does not perturb transcription factor tors often bind to regions that do not contain their
binding to the mouse genome (fig. S3). canonical binding sequences (7, 9, 21), this result
We then asked whether transcription factor is further notable.
binding to transchromic TcHsChr21 aligned with Despite the evolutionary divergence of pri-
the positions found on (human) WtHsChr21 or mate and rodent lineages, mouse genome–
(mouse) TcMmChr16. Although binding events encoded transcription factors can bind to human
could also be present uniquely on TcHsChr21 that sequences in a manner identical to the human
do not align to either WtHsChr21 or TcMmChr16, genome–coded transcription factors in a homol-
this was rarely observed. If the transcription ogous tissue. These data eliminate the possibility

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factor–binding positions on TcHsChr21 align with that protein concentration differences or small
positions found on WtHsChr21, then that would coding variations in the mouse versions of tran-
indicate that this binding is largely determined scription factors (or within larger transcriptional
by cis-acting DNA sequences, as the transcrip- complexes) could redirect transcription factor
tion factors are present in both mouse and human binding to locations different from those found
hepatocytes and regulate key liver functions. If in human. Taken together, underlying genetic
more than a small number of binding events on sequences appear to be the dominant influence
TcHsChr21 were found at locations that align on where transcription factors bind in homolo-
elsewhere in the genome (for instance, with bind- gous mammalian tissues.
ing events on TcMmChr16), then other mecha- We then explored how the mouse chromatin
nistic influences besides genome sequence, such remodeling machinery interacts with TcHsChr21
as chromatin structure, interspecies differences (Fig. 1) (22). Using ChIPs, we isolated nucleo-
in developmental remodeling, diet, and/or envi- somes containing the trimethylated lysine 4 of
ronment must contribute substantially toward histone H3 (H3K4me3) to identify the genomic
directing the location of transcription factor anchor points for basal transcriptional machin-
binding. ery (11, 22–25). Although most H3K4me3 en-
Remarkably, almost all of the transcription richment occurs at TSSs and correlates with
factor–binding events on HsChr21 are found in gene expression, it recently has been shown that
both human and Tc1 mouse hepatocytes (85 to most TSSs are H3K4me3-enriched, regardless
92%) (Fig. 2A and fig. S4). The few peaks that of whether they are being actively elongated
appear to be unique to WtHsChr21 or TcHsChr21 (11, 22–25). Depending on the cell type, approxi-

Fig. 2. Comparison of the

binding of the liver-specific
transcription factors HNF1a,
HNF4a, and HNF6, and en-
richment of H3K4me3 on
TcHsChr21 with the corre-
sponding data obtained in
mouse TcMmChr16 and hu-
man WtHsChr21 regions.
The color scheme is the same
as in Fig. 1; notably, the pri-
mary difference from Fig. 1 is
the addition of the human
chromosome in a mouse en- Fig. 3. Patterns of transcription factor binding
vironment, which is indicated and transcription initiation are determined by ge-
as a purple bar (representing netic sequence. ChIP enrichment for (A) HNF1a,
the human chromosomal se- (B) HNF4a, (C) HNF6, and (D) H3K4me3 are
quences) with an orange shown across a 50-kb region surrounding the liver-
peak (from mouse transcrip- expressed gene CLDN14. The human chromosome
tion factor binding). The 21 coordinates and the vertebrate sequence con-
binding events on TcHsChr21 servation track (Seq Cons; are
are sorted into categories shown flanking CLDN14. Each panel shows the
on the basis of whether they species of genetic sequence as a bar colored by
align with similar peaks in species (human, purple; mouse, orange) below a
mouse and human (shared), align only with peaks in human (cis-directed), or align only with peaks in track showing ChIP enrichment, similarly colored
mice (trans-directed). by species.

436 17 OCTOBER 2008 VOL 322 SCIENCE

type mouse and human hepatocytes. We found a typical example (Fig. 3). Independent ChIP expression. No differential expression of mouse
that 77% of the regions of H3K4me3 enrich- sequencing (ChIP-seq) experiments confirmed hepatocyte mRNA between Tc1 mice and wild-
ment were shared in both WtHsChr21 and 93% (77 out of 82) of the sites of H3K4me3 type littermates was detected by mouse-specific
WtMmChr16. These regions are similar in a enrichment on TcHsChr21 and 73% of sites on Illumina BeadArrays [note vertical scale in (Fig.
number of features, including proximity to TSSs TcMmChr16 (70 out of 95); the majority of non- 4B)]. Unsupervised clustering of the normalized
(77 out of 101) and presence of CpG islands (80 confirmed sites on TcMmChr16 (20 out of 25) mouse array data accurately grouped mice by
out of 101). Consistent with H3K4me3 serving were mouse-unique, half of which (13 out of 25) litter and strain, independently of the absence or
as an anchor for the basal transcriptional machin- were found in the Tiam1 gene (see supporting presence of the human chromosome (fig. S10).
ery, for almost every shared region enriched for online text 1 and fig. S9). We asked how well the transcripts originating
H3K4me3 in human hepatocytes (97 out of 101), In addition to expanding the examples of from TcHsChr21 correlated with the transcripts
RNA transcripts were found in the liver-derived functionally conserved H3K4me3 sites, our results originating from WtHsChr21 in human hepato-
cell line HepG2 (16). demonstrate that the regions of differential H3K4 cytes (Fig. 4C and fig. S11). Gene expression in
Regions enriched in trimethylation of H3K4 methylation between divergent species are primar- Tc1 mouse hepatocytes originating from the hu-
located distal to known TSSs are thought to ily dictated by cis-acting genetic sequence. Neither man chromosome was determined by using the
represent unannotated promoter regions (11, 25). the cellular environment nor differences among probes representing the 121 genes present on
The vast majority of the species-specific regions the mouse and human chromatin–remodeling TcHsChr21 and then compared with matching
enriched in H3K4me3 in human hepatocytes (28 complexes substantially influence the placement gene expression data for the same 121 genes
out of 36) and mouse hepatocytes (22 out of 22) of key chromatin landmarks associated with obtained from human hepatocytes. We found a

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were distal to TSSs (Fig. 1 and fig. S8). These transcriptionally active regions. strong correlation between the expression levels
species-specific sites of H3K4me3 enrichment Having shown that transcription factor bind- of the human genes located in Tc1 mouse hepa-
were less likely to have CpG islands (3 out of 36 ing and transcription initiation occurred in posi- tocytes and their counterparts located in wild-
and 2 out of 22, respectively) and showed tions largely determined by underlying genetic type human hepatocytes (Fig. 4C and fig. S11).
somewhat lower enrichment than the conserved sequences, we finally examined how the Tc1 This correlation (R ≈ 0.90) was slightly lower
regions (fig. S8). Consistent with their association mouse environment affects gene expression orig- than that found between replicate individual
with unannotated TSSs, human-specific regions inating from the human chromosome. Using hu- human livers (fig. S12), yet appears to be higher
enriched for trimethylation of H3K4 also showed man gene expression microarrays that had been than similar correlations previously reported
evidence of transcription in HepG2 (26 out of 36 computationally and experimentally confirmed between human and other primates (26, 27).
and 12 out of 22, respectively). In sum, H3K4me3 to be unaffected by the presence of mouse tran- The expression of orthologous genes within Tc1
enrichment was found to be shared in both wild- scripts, we identified a distinct set of human hepatocytes (i.e., TcHsChr21 versus TcMmChr16)
type mouse and human hepatocytes at the majority genes that was expressed reproducibly in Tc1 is substantially more divergent, with R ≈ 0.28
of TSSs, yet largely divergent elsewhere. mouse hepatocytes (Fig. 4A). Genes located in (Fig. 4D). It is possible that the correlation be-
On the basis of the presence of the trimethylated regions known to be deleted from TcHsChr21 tween mouse and human orthologs could be
form of H3K4 in both mouse and human we were not detected as expressed (fig. S10) (14). influenced by the experimental differences be-
observed at TSSs, we expected that a human chro- Unsupervised clustering and principal compo- tween platforms, as well as by microarray design
mosome subject to mouse developmental re- nent analysis of transcriptional data from the peculiarities. To address this concern, we deter-
modeling would have enrichment of H3K4me3 at human gene expression microarrays clearly sepa- mined the relative rank-order of expression
similar positions near TSSs. It was unclear, rated Tc1 and wild-type littermates by the pres- among the genes on WtHsChr21, TcHsChr21,
however, whether the mouse transcriptional ma- ence of TcHsChr21 (fig. S10). Conversely, we and TcMmChr16 and then compared the ranked
chinery would successfully recreate the human- asked whether the presence of the human chro- results. We found correlation trends similar to the
specific histone modifications at uncharacterized mosome perturbs mouse genome–based gene above (fig. S11) (15).
promoters distal to known TSSs. Observing
H3K4me3 enrichment on TcHsChr21 at either the Fig. 4. Gene expression in the
human-unique sites on WtHsChr21 or the mouse- Tc1 mouse originating from the
unique sites on WtMmChr16 could suggest what mouse and human chromosomes
mechanisms direct the location of transcriptional is largely indistinguishable from
initiation. comparable wild-type nuclear
We found that virtually all of the TSSs and environments. Volcano plots (em-
about three-quarters of non-TSS H3K4me3- pirical Bayes log odds of differen-
enriched regions on WtHsChr21 were found at tial expression versus average
the same location on TcHsChr21 (Fig. 2 and fig. log fold change) make several
S4). We found a minority of cases (7 out of 78) points. (A) Tc1 hepatocytes have
where H3K4me3 enrichment occurred at sites on high transcription occurring from
the TcHsChr21 that aligned with H3K4me3- the transplanted human chromo-
some 21, when we used human
enriched sites on TcMmChr16, without signifi-
genomic arrays and wild-type
cant signal in WtHsChr21 (Fig. 2). Although
littermate mRNA as a reference
these could be examples where human sequence (black probes map to human
in a mouse environment is handled in a mouse- genes; blue probes map to genes
specific manner, most are marginally enriched for located on HsChr21; red probes
H3K4me3 (see supporting online text 1). Taken map to regions absent from
as a whole, close inspection of the patterns of TcHsChr21); however, (B) wild-
enrichment of H3K4me3 on TcHsChr21 reveals type and Tc1 mouse gene ex-
that 85% of H3K4me3-enriched regions found pression on mouse genomic arrays have indistinguishable patterns of transcription (black probes map to
on WtHsChr21 were reproduced on TcHsChr21 mouse genes). (C) Plot of the log expression of TcHsChr21 (y axis) transcripts versus WtHsChr21 (x axis)
(fig. S4); the remarkable extent of this similarity transcripts (R ≈ 0.90). (D) Plot of the log expression of TcHsChr21 (y axis) transcripts versus WtMmChr16
is shown for the liver-expressed gene CLDN14 as (x axis) orthologous transcripts (R ≈ 0.28). SCIENCE VOL 322 17 OCTOBER 2008 437

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transcription. 27. P. Khaitovich et al., Science 309, 1850 (2005). Include this information when citing this paper.

Surface Sites for Engineering On the basis of this conjecture, methods such
as statistical coupling analysis (SCA) quantita-

Allosteric Control in Proteins

tively examine the long-term correlated evolution
of amino acids in a protein family—the statistical
signature of functional constraints arising from
Jeeyeon Lee,1* Madhusudan Natarajan,2* Vishal C. Nashine,1 Michael Socolich,2 Tina Vo,2 conserved communication between positions
William P. Russ,2 Stephen J. Benkovic,1 Rama Ranganathan2† (8, 9). This approach has identified sparse but
physically connected networks of coevolving
Statistical analyses of protein families reveal networks of coevolving amino acids that functionally amino acids in the core of proteins (8–12). The
link distantly positioned functional surfaces. Such linkages suggest a concept for engineering connectivity of these networks is remarkable,
allosteric control into proteins: The intramolecular networks of two proteins could be joined across given that a small fraction of total residues are
their surface sites such that the activity of one protein might control the activity of the other. involved and that no tertiary structural infor-
We tested this idea by creating PAS-DHFR, a designed chimeric protein that connects a mation is used in their identification. Empirical
light-sensing signaling domain from a plant member of the Per/Arnt/Sim (PAS) family of proteins observation in several protein families shows that
with Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). With no optimization, PAS-DHFR exhibited these networks connect the main functional site
light-dependent catalytic activity that depended on the site of connection and on known signaling with distantly positioned secondary sites, en-
mechanisms in both proteins. PAS-DHFR serves as a proof of concept for engineering regulatory abling predictions of allosteric surfaces at which
activities into proteins through interface design at conserved allosteric sites. binding of regulatory molecules (or covalent
modifications) might control protein function.
Both literature studies and forward experimenta-
roteins typically adopt well-packed three- function also depends on nonlocal, long-range tion in specific model systems confirm these

P dimensional structures in which amino

acids are engaged in a dense network of
contacts (1, 2). This emphasizes the energetic
communication between amino acids. For exam-
ple, information transmission between distant
functional surfaces on signaling proteins (3), the
predictions (8–12). Thus, techniques such as
SCA may provide a general tool for computa-
tional prediction of conserved allosteric surfaces.
importance of local interactions, but protein distributed dynamics of amino acids involved in The finding that certain surface sites might be
enzyme catalysis (4–6), and allosteric regulation statistical “hotspots” for functional interaction
Department of Chemistry, Pennsylvania State University, in various proteins (7) all represent manifesta- with active sites suggests an idea for engineering
University Park, PA 16802, USA. 2Green Center for Systems tions of nonlocal interactions between residues. new regulatory mechanisms into proteins. What
Biology and Department of Pharmacology, University of To the extent that these features contribute to if two proteins were joined at surface sites such
Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX 75390,
USA. defining biological properties of protein lineages, that their statistically correlated networks were
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
we expect that the underlying mechanisms juxtaposed and could form functional interac-
†To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: represent conserved rather than idiosyncratic tions (Fig. 1A)? If the connection sites are features in protein families. functionally linked to their respective active sites

438 17 OCTOBER 2008 VOL 322 SCIENCE

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