Physics! Unit 03 MTM Packet 2013

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/ Unit III / MTM

Name: ________________________________

Momentum Transfer Model

New Representation: IF Charts
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from Modeling Workshop Project 2006

Physics! / Unit III / MTM

Experiment: Cart Crash

Use this space to take data in a careful, organized way.

from Modeling Workshop Project 2006 !

Physics! / Unit III / MTM

from Modeling Workshop Project 2006

Physics! / Unit III / MTM

Activity/Notes: Collisions and Conservation

from Modeling Workshop Project 2006 !

Physics! / Unit III / MTM

Practice 1: IF Charts in Action

1. An astronaut whose mass is 80 kg carries an empty oxygen tank with a mass of 10 kg. He throws the tank away from himself with a speed of 2 m/s. With what velocity does he start to move off into space?


A 2 kg melon is balanced on your bald uncles head. His son, Throckmorton, shoots a 50 g arrow at it with a speed of 30 m/s. The arrow passes through the melon and emerges with a speed of 18 m/s. Find the speed of the melon as it ies off the mans head.

image from (no, seriously)

from Modeling Workshop Project 2006

Physics! / Unit III / MTM


A raft of mass 180 kg carries two swimmers with masses 50 kg and 80 kg. The raft is initially oating at rest. The two swimmers simultaneously dive off opposite ends of the raft, each with a horizontal velocity of 3 m/s. With what velocity and in what direction does the raft start to move?


One way of measuring the muzzle velocity of a bullet is to re it horizontally into a massive block of wood placed on a cart. Assuming no friction, we then measure the velocity with which the wood containing the bullet and cart begin to move. In one experiment the bullet had a mass of 50 g and the wood and its cart had a combined mass of 10 kg. After the shot, the cart, wood, and bullet moved at a constant speed, traveling 0.80 m in 0.40 s. From this data determine the original speed of the bullet. (That is, the speed of the bullet right before it hits the cart.)

from Modeling Workshop Project 2006 !

Physics! / Unit III / MTM


A 50 kg cart is moving across a very low friction oor at 2.0 m/s. A 70 kg boy, riding in the cart, jumps off so that he hits the oor with zero velocity. That is, his speed is 0 m/s (horizontally) even before he hits the oor. What is the change in momentum of the cart?


A ball of mass 3 kg, moving at 2 m/s eastward, strikes head-on a ball of mass 1 kg that is moving at 2 m/s westward. The balls stick together after the impact. What is the magnitude and direction of the velocity of the combined mass after the collision?

from Modeling Workshop Project 2006

Physics! / Unit III / MTM

3. During alpha decay, an atoman atomtwo protons and two neutrons (an alpha particle, which is also a a helium 7. During alpha decay, ejects ejects two protons and two neutrons (an alpha particle, which is also helium nucleus). When radium-226 decays, ititbecomes radon-222by ejecting anan alpha particle. nucleus). When radium-226 decays, becomes radon-222 by ejecting alpha particle. ! decay occurs !
22 4 Ra Rn He a. Complete thetimes larger will the nal velocity of the alpha radioactive decay ofto the nal velocity of the How many momentum conservation diagram for the particle be compared radium-226. Recall from chemistry that the isotopic number of an element is related to its mass.) radon-222? 226

initial mass/object/velocity


final mass/object/velocity

0 Momentum conservation equation: b. Momentum conservation equation:

c. How many times larger will the final velocity of the alpha particle be compared to the final velocity of the radon-222?


On an icy road, a 5000 kg truck rear-ends a 1200 kg car that had been traveling at 13 m/s, causing the truck to slow from 14 m/s to 12 m/s and the car to speed up. What is the nal velocity of the car?

4. An apple falls from a tree. a. Complete a qualitative conservation of momentum diagram where the apple is initially attached to the tree and the final situation is just before the apple hits the ground.
initial mass/object/velocity event: final mass/object/velocity

0 Momentum conservation equation: b. Momentum conservation equation:

Modeling Instruction 2010

from Modeling Workshop Project 2006 !

U9 Momentum ws 4 v3.0

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