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Auxiliary Verbs The verb which helps the main verb to do any action is known as Auxiliary verb.

As: am, is, are etc. There are two kinds of auxiliaries: 1. Principal Auxiliary 2. Modal Auxiliary Principal Auxiliaries are as follows: (a). To be : am, is, are, was, were. = 05 (b). To have: Have, has, had. =03 (c). To do: do, does, did. =03 Modal Auxiliaries: Can, could, may, might, must, had to, ought to, shall, should, will and would. = 10 voice Active voice: When the verb of a subject is active its own, then we can say it an active voice. Examples: I do the work. Karim eats rice. Salma reads a book. Kobita is eating bread. Passive Voice: When the verb of a subject become in active then it is called passive voice. Examples: The work is done by me. Rice is eaten by Karim. A book is read by Salma. Test: A book have had by me. She is gone to school. We think these are not voice, but they may be some special sentence. On the other hand it does not enbroaden linguistic beauty of the sentence. Rules of Changing voice: 1. Present Indefinite Object of active becomes the subject of passive voice.
Subject becomes object with possessive form and by.

Auxiliary verb am, is, are places before main verb. Main verb transforms into

past participle. obj---------------- subject Subj ------------- by+ object AV -------------- am, is, are verb -------------past participle Examples: Mahmooda reads a book. = A book is read by Mahmooda. She eats bread. = Bread is eaten by her.

R-2. Present Continuous:

Object of the active voice becomes the subject of the passive voice and the subject of the active voice become object of the passive voice with by. Auxiliary verb am, is, are places before being. Being uses for ing. Main verb will use as past participle. As: -I am reading a book. = A book is being read by me. eating rice. = Rice is being eaten by him. sum. = The sum is being done by her. -He is -She is doing the

Object active voice becomes subject of passive voice. Subject becomes of object using possessive case and by. Have been and has been used before past participle. have read book. =A book has been read by him. I has written a letter. = A Letter has been written by him. He Object of the active voice becomes the subject of the passive and the subject becomes object of the passive with Possessive and by. Auxiliary verb was, were places before past participle. Main verb transform into past participle. Examples: We ate rice. = Rice was eaten by us. She wrote a letter. = A letter was written by her.

R-3. Present Perfect:

R-4. Simple Past or Indefinite:

Object of active voice becomes the subject of passive voice and subject of active voice becomes object with possessive form and by. To be verb was were places before past participle. Being uses for ing. Examples: I was eating rice. = Rice was being eaten by me. He was eating bread. = Bread was being eaten by him. Object of active voice becomes the subject of the passive voice and subject becomes object with by. had been placed before past participle. Examples: I had given a book. = A book had been given by me. She had loved Mr. Karim. = Mr. Karim had been loved by her. He had done the work. =The work had been done by him. Object of passive becomes subject of active. Subject becomes object with by. Shall be/ will be places before past participle. Examples: I shall give a pen. = A pen will be given by me. She will eat rice. = Rice will be eaten by her. Object becomes subject of passive voice and subject becomes object like before using by. To be verb shall be, will be uses after subject. Being uses for ing. Then places past participle. Examples: I shall be loving him. = He will be being loved by me. She will be eating rice. = Rice will be being eaten by her. Object of the active voice becomes the subject of the passive voice and subject of active voice becomes object using by, auxiliary verb will have been uses after subject. Then uses past participle. Examples: I shall have done the work. P: The work will have been done by me. She will have eaten rice. P: Rice will have been eaten by her.

R-5. Past Progressive:

R-6. Past Perfect:

R-7. Future Simple:

R-8. Future Continuous:

R-9. Future Perfect:

R-10. Interrogative Sentence:

To change the voice of interrogative sentence , we at first have to change it into assertive , then we change its voice and again transform it into interrogative sentence. Thus the solution solves. Examples: Do you read the book? A: You read the book. AP: The book is read by you. = Is the book read by you? Do you eat rice ? A: You eat rice. AP: Rice is eaten by you. = Is rice eaten by you? If the question word who uses at the beginning of the sentence then the question word who changes into whom taking a preposition by then we change the rest part of the sentence. Examples: A: Who eats rice? P: By whom is rice eaten? A:Who taught you English? P: By whom were you taught English? A: What do you want? P: What is wanted by you? In this case we can use after the subject and verb. Now we can follow these sentences : A: I do not like puffed rice. P: Puffed rice is not liked by me. A: Reza will not call you. P: You will not be called by Reza.

R-11.Interrogative with wh word.

R-12. Negative Sentence:

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