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Also known as BC (Easier to remember than IA and it rhymes!

) Volume 1, Issue 23 (Do you think we will ever get to volume 2?) Copyright 2012 by Jeffrey H. Kahn All rights reserved

Idiots Anonymous
Still July 2012

DBy Chawnaw Hershel Kahn Whilyyweeweee Its that time of year when we at Idiots Anonymous give our evaluation of the US Whileslsffoiho38484857579 that time of year, we economy. Actually it is not just felt like discussing it now. If you want to know the nitty gritty of economic indicators the best way is to see how the social services are faring. If they are having a difficult time, this means that too many people are in need and we aint doing well! Lets look at some of the federally funded programs. In order to qualify for individual Welfare one must earn $140.00 a month or less. This in Only itself is a great incentive not to work! Welfare overall, corporate and individual, in 2008 reached $600 billion while in 2012 we have so far doled He\\ out Clo $700 billion. For some strange reason in 2010 Welfare reached an all time high at $800 billion. Do you think corporate bailouts had something to do with this? Food stamps have evolved to limit embarrassment as they now use a swipe card. Since 2008 they have a tad more than doubled reaching $81 million! Sorry, Rental Assistance may be a wonderful program, but they are currently not accepting any new applications. There are no available funds going forward! The National Council on Aging has an exceptional program for those 55 and older. They will find you a job for 20 hours a week for the never purpose of training someone in a new field. It lasts for 6 month or a year and pays $7.25 an hour! Yeah!!! But you cant make money anywhere else or you dont qualify and oh, Im sorry there are no funds currently available! Do you really think they need funding? If you have an existing part time job and are willing to get the training you need for free, you dont qualify! Would this be a bad time to ask if I can borrow some money?

The state of our economy!

How To Write Properganda!

By Chawnaw Hershel Kahn There are a plethora of liberal media hypes who at every opportunity will blame anything bad, such as the slaughter at the Aurora, olorado mov e the ter, on the tea partiers! As such it was decided to teach them a lesson on how to make it sound legitimate! No the title of this piece is not misspelled, but has been written intentionally in this manner as this is a quick lesson on how to write propaganda that works!

Look, f you w nt to sell so eone on an idea, it has to sound real. You cant just keep blaming conserv ti e people for everything without a found t on! In order for our esson to proceed allow me to choose pretend antagonist for our little demonstration. This is only for the sake of an example and no one should misconstrue my purpose. If I was going to write properganda about Obama, I might say something like this, The Wizard of Oz in the Whitehouse cant give you a heart, nor rain and certainly courage is something that you will have to earn for yourself. If he forces taxes down our throat to support his health care program with the economy as bad as it is, it wou d b like raping an old woman with a hysterectomy. Theres just nothing there




l e

What you dont want to do if you are writing improperganda is to actually quote something that was said; for example concerning small businesses Obama remarked, If youve got a business you didnt build that. Somebody else made that happen. (The building fairy did it! This is an example of a poor attempt at properganda!) Properganda is all about making people believe the unbelievable, not telling them the truth or is it? Of course I fully support Obama in everything he does and would never have said anything against him unless I knew that he was a good sport and wouldnt mind.
I am looking for a literary agent. Preferably someone who can read!

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