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Oracle® Database Express Edition

2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide

10g Release 2 (10.2)

October 2005

Beta Draft
Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide, 10g Release 2 (10.2)


Copyright © 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Primary Author: Roza Leyderman

Contributing Authors: John Paul Cook, Mark Williams

Contributors: Alex Keh, Christian Shay

The Programs (which include both the software and documentation) contain proprietary information; they
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List of Examples

Preface ................................................................................................................................................................. ix
Audience....................................................................................................................................................... ix
Documentation Accessibility ..................................................................................................................... ix
Related Documents ..................................................................................................................................... x
Conventions ................................................................................................................................................. x

1 Introduction
What is Microsoft .NET Framework..................................................................................................... 1-1
Introduction to Oracle Data Provider for .NET .................................................................................. 1-2
Introduction to Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET.................................................... 1-2
Introduction to .NET Stored Procedures.............................................................................................. 1-2

2 Installing Oracle Developer Tools

What You Need ......................................................................................................................................... 2-1
Installing Oracle Developer Tools ........................................................................................................ 2-1
Testing the Installation............................................................................................................................ 2-4

3 Using Oracle Data Provider for .NET

Starting a New Project ............................................................................................................................. 3-1
Adding a Reference............................................................................................................................ 3-3
Initial Programmatic Statements...................................................................................................... 3-6
Using the Connection Object ................................................................................................................. 3-8
Using the Command Object................................................................................................................ 3-11
Retrieving Data: a Simple Query ....................................................................................................... 3-13
Error Handling ....................................................................................................................................... 3-14
Retrieving Data: Bind Variables......................................................................................................... 3-16
Retrieving Data: Multiple Values ...................................................................................................... 3-19
Using the DataSet Class with Oracle Data Provider for .NET ..................................................... 3-20
Inserting, Deleting and Updating Data ............................................................................................ 3-28
Closing the Database Connection...................................................................................................... 3-30

4 Using Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET

Connecting to the Oracle Database....................................................................................................... 4-1

Beta Draft iii

Building a New Table .............................................................................................................................. 4-4
Creating a Table and Its Columns ................................................................................................... 4-4
Creating an Index ............................................................................................................................ 4-12
Adding Constraints......................................................................................................................... 4-16
Adding Data to a Table .................................................................................................................. 4-20
Generating Code Automatically......................................................................................................... 4-21
Enabling Database Updates ................................................................................................................ 4-33
Disconnecting from the Oracle Database ......................................................................................... 4-37
Reconnecting to the Oracle Database................................................................................................ 4-38

5 Using PL/SQL Stored Procedures and REF Cursors

Introduction to Stored Procedures ........................................................................................................ 5-1
Introduction to Ref Cursors.................................................................................................................... 5-1
Introduction to PL/SQL Packages and Package Bodies .................................................................... 5-2
Creating a PL/SQL Stored Procedure that Uses Ref Cursors ........................................................... 5-2
Running a PL/SQL Stored Procedure Using Oracle Data Provider for .NET............................ 5-13

6 Using .NET Stored Procedures

Creating a New Connection ................................................................................................................... 6-1
Creating .NET Stored Functions and Procedures............................................................................... 6-3
Deploying a .NET Stored Functions and Procedures........................................................................ 6-5
Running .NET Stored Functions and Procedures ........................................................................... 6-12

7 Including Globalization Support

Globalization Support............................................................................................................................. 7-1
Client Globalization Settings ............................................................................................................ 7-1


iv Beta Draft
List of Examples
2–1 Starting SQL*Plus and Connecting as System Administrator.............................................. 2-5
2–2 Unlocking the User Account ..................................................................................................... 2-5
2–3 Resetting the Password for the User Account ........................................................................ 2-5
2–4 Testing the Connection .............................................................................................................. 2-5
3–1 Easy Connect Naming Method Syntax for Data Source ....................................................... 3-8
3–2 Using Oracle Database Alias in Applications; C# .................................................................. 3-9
3–3 Using Oracle Database Alias in Applications; VB ................................................................. 3-9
3–4 Creating a Connection String; C# .......................................................................................... 3-10
3–5 Creating a Connection String; VB.......................................................................................... 3-10
3–6 Creating an Empty Connection String and then Assigning its Value; C#....................... 3-10
3–7 Creating an Empty Connection String and then Assigning its Value; VB ...................... 3-10
3–8 Opening a Connection with Open(); C# ............................................................................... 3-11
3–9 Opening a Connection with Open(); VB............................................................................... 3-11
3–10 Creating a SQL Statement String; C# .................................................................................... 3-11
3–11 Creating a SQL Statement String; VB.................................................................................... 3-11
3–12 Using a Command to Query the Database; C#.................................................................... 3-12
3–13 Using a Command to Query the Database; VB ................................................................... 3-12
3–14 Retrieving a Value; C#............................................................................................................. 3-13
3–15 Retrieving a Value; VB ............................................................................................................ 3-13
3–16 Converting Data Types Explicitly; C#................................................................................... 3-14
3–17 Converting Data Types Explicitly; VB .................................................................................. 3-14
3–18 Error Handling with "Try-Catch-Finally" Syntax; C#......................................................... 3-14
3–19 Error Handling with "Try-Catch-Finally" Syntax; VB ........................................................ 3-15
3–20 Catching Common Error Messages; C#................................................................................ 3-15
3–21 Catching Common Error Messages; VB ............................................................................... 3-16
3–22 SELECT Statement without Bind Variables ......................................................................... 3-17
3–23 SELECT Statement with Bind Variables ............................................................................... 3-17
3–24 UPDATE Statement with Bind Variables ............................................................................. 3-17
3–25 Using a Bind Variable; #C....................................................................................................... 3-18
3–26 Using a Bind Variable; VB ...................................................................................................... 3-18
3–27 Querying for a Multiple Column Single Row Result ......................................................... 3-19
3–28 Using Column Ordinals and Names from a Query Result; C#......................................... 3-19
3–29 Using Column Ordinals and Names from a Query Result; VB ........................................ 3-19
3–30 Querying for a Multiple Column Multiple Row Result ..................................................... 3-19
3–31 Looping Through a Multi-Row Query Result; C# .............................................................. 3-20
3–32 Looping Through a Multi-Row Query Result; VB .............................................................. 3-20
3–33 Using DataSet Class: Declaring Variables; C# ..................................................................... 3-20
3–34 Using DataSet Class: Declaring Variables; VB..................................................................... 3-20
3–35 Using DataSet Class: Assigning Values; C# ......................................................................... 3-20
3–36 Using DataSet Class: Assigning Values; VB ........................................................................ 3-21
3–37 Opening a Connection and Filling the DataSet; C# ............................................................ 3-21
3–38 Opening a Connection and Filling the DataSet; VB............................................................ 3-21
3–39 Declaring Windows.Forms Objects Automatically; C#...................................................... 3-26
3–40 Declaring Windows.Forms Objects Automatically; VB ..................................................... 3-26
3–41 Binding the DataSet to the DataGrid; C#.............................................................................. 3-26
3–42 Binding the DataSet to the DataGrid; VB ............................................................................. 3-26
3–43 The Save_Click() Method; C#................................................................................................. 3-26
3–44 The Save_Click() Method; VB ................................................................................................ 3-26
3–45 Closing and Disposing a Connection; C# ............................................................................. 3-30
3–46 Closing and Disposing a Connection; VB ............................................................................ 3-30
3–47 Closing and Disposing a Connection when Out of Scope; C# .......................................... 3-30
4–1 Generated SQL Form of the New Table ............................................................................... 4-11
4–2 Creating a Table Index in SQL ............................................................................................... 4-15
4–3 Adding Foreign Key and Primary Key Constraints to a Table ......................................... 4-19

vi Beta Draft
4–4 Filling Data into the Form; C#................................................................................................ 4-30
4–5 Filling Data into the Form; VB ............................................................................................... 4-30
4–6 The Save_Click() Method; #C................................................................................................. 4-37
4–7 The Save_Click() Method; VB ................................................................................................ 4-37
5–1 PL/SQL Code for Package STORED........................................................................................ 5-5
5–2 Assigning Reference Cursors .................................................................................................... 5-8
5–3 Changing OracleCommand to Use a Stored Procedure; C#.............................................. 5-13
5–4 Changing OracleCommand to Use a Stored Procedure; VB ............................................. 5-13
5–5 Defining and Binding OracleParameter Objects for Stored Procedure; C#..................... 5-13
5–6 Defining and Binding OracleParameter Objects for Stored Procedure; VB .................... 5-14
6–1 Adding getDepartments() Method Code; C# ......................................................................... 6-4
6–2 Adding getDepartments() Method Code; VB ......................................................................... 6-4
7–1 How to Obtain Oracle Globalization Settings; C#.................................................................. 7-1
7–2 How to Obtain Oracle Globalization Settings; VB ................................................................. 7-1

Beta Draft vii


This document is intended as an introduction to application development with Oracle
Database Express Edition in Microsoft .NET. We assume that users of this book
have already read the Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day DBA Guide and the Oracle
Database Express Edition 2 Day Developer Guide, are familiar with basics of SQL and
PL/SQL, and know how to use Microsost Visual Studio .NET.

Documentation Accessibility
Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation
accessible, with good usability, to the disabled community. To that end, our
documentation includes features that make information available to users of assistive
technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to
facilitate access by the disabled community. Accessibility standards will continue to
evolve over time, and Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading
technology vendors to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can be
accessible to all of our customers. For more information, visit the Oracle Accessibility
Program Web site at

Accessibility of Code Examples in Documentation

Screen readers may not always correctly read the code examples in this document. The
conventions for writing code require that closing braces should appear on an
otherwise empty line; however, some screen readers may not always read a line of text
that consists solely of a bracket or brace.

Accessibility of Links to External Web Sites in Documentation

This documentation may contain links to Web sites of other companies or
organizations that Oracle does not own or control. Oracle neither evaluates nor makes
any representations regarding the accessibility of these Web sites.

TTY Access to Oracle Support Services

Oracle provides dedicated Text Telephone (TTY) access to Oracle Support Services
within the United States of America 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For TTY
support, call 800.446.2398.

Beta Draft ix
Related Documents
For more information, see the following documents in Oracle Database Express
Edition documentation set:
■ Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide
■ Oracle Database Extensions for .NET Developer's Guide
■ Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day DBA Guide
■ Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Developer Guide

The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated
with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

x Beta Draft

This chapter provides a brief description of Oracle technologies for the Microsoft .NET
This chapter contains the following sections:
■ What is Microsoft .NET Framework
■ Introduction to Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET
■ Introduction to Oracle Data Provider for .NET
■ Introduction to .NET Stored Procedures
This book is conceived as a quick start guide, to describes the key features of Oracle
Data Provider for .NET and Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET. It leads
your through installation and configuration, shows how to build basic applications
using Oracle Data Provider for .NET and Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio
.NET, and how to create and use both PL/SQL and .NET stored procedures.
After working through this book, you will be ready to continue with more extensive
information available in the Oracle Database documentation library.

See Also:
■ Dynamic help available with Oracle Developer Tools for Visual
Studio .NET
■ Oracle Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide
■ Oracle Database Extensions for .NET Developer's Guide
■ Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day DBA Guide
■ Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Developer Guide

What is Microsoft .NET Framework

The Microsoft .NET Framework, .NET, is a multi-language environment for building,
deploying, and running XML Web services and applications. Its main components are:

Common Language Runtime

Common Language Runtime, or CLR, is a language-neutral development and
run-time environment that provides services that help manage running applications

Framework Class Libraries

The Framework Class Libraries, or FCL, provide a consistent, object-oriented library of
prepackaged functionality.

Beta Draft Introduction 1-1

Introduction to Oracle Data Provider for .NET

Introduction to Oracle Data Provider for .NET

Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET) provides data access from .NET client
applications to Oracle databases. ODP.NET data access is fast, efficient, and includes
access XML DB, .NET, security, Real Application Clusters (RAC) and other Oracle
Database features.
Oracle, Microsoft, and third-party vendors all offer data providers optimized for
Oracle. Some third-party data providers support older versions of Oracle or do not
require the installation of Oracle client software.

Introduction to Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET

Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET is an add-in that provides graphical
user interface access to Oracle functionality, and improves development productivity
and ease of use. Oracle Developer Tools support the programming and
implementation of .NET stored procedures using Visual Basic for .NET, C#, and other
.NET languages.
Oracle Developer Tools include the Oracle Explorer for browsing the Oracle schema,
designers and wizards to create and alter schema objects, and the ability to drag and
drop schema objects onto a .NET form to automatically generate code. Additional
features include a PL/SQL editor with integrated context-sensitive online help, and an
Oracle Data Window for performing routine database tasks like inserting and
updating data or testing stored procedures in the Visual Studio environment. For
maximum flexibility, there is also an Oracle Query Window for executing SQL
statements or PL/SQL scripts.

Introduction to .NET Stored Procedures

Oracle Database Extensions for .NET has the following features:

Common Language Runtime Host for Oracle Database

The Oracle Database on Windows hosts the Microsoft Common Language Runtime
(CLR). The integration of Oracle Database with CLR enables applications to run .NET
stored procedures or functions on Oracle Database, on Microsoft Windows 2003,
Windows 2000, and Windows XP.

Data Access for .NET Classes through Oracle Data Provider for .NET
Using Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, you can build .NET procedures or functions into
a .NET assembly. .NET stored procedures and functions use ODP.NET to access data.

Oracle Deployment Wizard for Visual Studio .NET

After building .NET procedures and functions into a .NET assembly, deploy them in
Oracle Database using the Oracle Deployment Wizard for .NET, a component of the
Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET.

1-2 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Installing Oracle Developer Tools

This chapter will lead you through the installation and configuration of Oracle
Developer Tools.
This chapter contains the following sections:
■ What You Need
■ Installing Oracle Developer Tools
■ Testing the Installation

What You Need

Sample Data
The sample data used in this book is an integral part of the seed Oracle Database
Express Edition, and installs out of the box. The sample data that ships with the
product is the HR component of the Sample Schemas.
For the HR data model and table descriptions, refer to the Sample Schema
documentation at:

Oracle Database Express Edition

You should install a copy of Oracle Database Express Edition on your computer.

Visual Studio .NET 2003

Before proceeding with instructions in this book, you should have a complete
installation of the Visual Studio .NET 2003.

Installing Oracle Developer Tools

Follow these steps to install Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET:
1. In your internet browser, navigate to the following software download location:

2. Download the Setup file to your desktop.

3. Double-click on the Setup icon.

Beta Draft Installing Oracle Developer Tools 2-1

Installing Oracle Developer Tools

The InstallShield Wizard will be launched.

4. Once the Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET InstallShield Wizard
window appears, click Next.

2-2 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Installing Oracle Developer Tools

5. On the Destination Folder screen, accept the default installation location and click

6. On the Ready to Install the Program screen, click Install.

Beta Draft Installing Oracle Developer Tools 2-3

Testing the Installation

Testing the Installation

The applications in this book connect to the Oracle Database Express Edition database
as the hr user. You may need to unlock the hr account while signed in as a user with
administrator privileges.
For information on how to unlock the account using the Oracle XE Database interface,
refer to Chapter 6, "Managing Users and Security" in the Oracle Database Express Edition
2 Day DBA Guide.
The following steps show how to unlock the account and test the installation from
1. From the Start menu on your desktop, select Run...

2. In the Run window, type cmd and click OK.

3. In the command window, start SLQ*Plus using the command in Example 2–1.

2-4 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Testing the Installation

Example 2–1 Starting SQL*Plus and Connecting as System Administrator

sqlplus sys\oracle as sysdba

4. Re-enter the password oracle at the prompt.

You should be notified that you are connected to Oracle Database Express Edition.
5. Unlock the hr user account using the command in Example 2–2.

Example 2–2 Unlocking the User Account

alter user hr account unlock identified by hr;

You should be notified that the user is altered.

6. In case the password for the hr account was changed, re-set it to the default value
of hr, using the command shown in Example 2–3.

Example 2–3 Resetting the Password for the User Account

alter user hr identified by hr;

You should be notified that the user is altered.

7. Test the connection using the hr account, as shown in Example 2–3.

Example 2–4 Testing the Connection

connect hr/hr

You should be notified that the connection works.

8. Your interaction screen for steps 3 through 7 should look something like this:

Beta Draft Installing Oracle Developer Tools 2-5

Testing the Installation

2-6 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Using Oracle Data Provider for .NET

This chapter explains how to use Oracle Data Provider for .NET.
This chapter contains the following sections:
■ Starting a New Project
■ Using the Connection Object
■ Using the Command Object
■ Retrieving Data: a Simple Query
■ Error Handling
■ Retrieving Data: Bind Variables
■ Retrieving Data: Multiple Values
■ Using the DataSet Class with Oracle Data Provider for .NET
■ Inserting, Deleting and Updating Data
■ Closing the Database Connection

Starting a New Project

Follow these steps to start a project in Visual Studio .NET 2003:
1. Click the New Project button. Alternatively, from the File menu, select New, and
then select Project.

Beta Draft Using Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-1

Starting a New Project

A New Project dialog box appears.

2. On the left side of the New Project dialog box under Project Types, select Visual
C# Projects. If you intend to develop in Visual Basic, select Visual Basic
Projects instead.
On the right side of the New Project dialog box under Templates, select Windows
For Name, enter HR_ODP.NET.
For Location, enter C:\HR\Visual Studio Projects.
Check the Create Directory for Solution box.
For New Solution Name, enter HRApplications. A solution can contain several
projects; when it contains only one project, you can use the same name for both.
Click OK.

3-2 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Starting a New Project

If you wish to create project in Visual Basic, select the Visual Basic programming
language in Project Types instead, and enter HumanResourcesVB under Name.

Adding a Reference
1. To connect the project to an Oracle database, add a reference to the OracleData
Access.dll, which contains the data provider. In the Solution Explorer, select
the References node, right click and select Add Reference. Alternatively, select
Add Reference from the Project menu.

Beta Draft Using Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-3

Starting a New Project

The Add Reference dialog box appears.

2. Scroll down the list of references, and select Oracle.DataAccess.dll.
Click the Select button.

3-4 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Starting a New Project

Click the OK button to make the Oracle Data Provider for .NET to your project.
Note that the Solution Explorer pane now shows Oracle.DataAccess in the
References folder.

Beta Draft Using Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-5

Starting a New Project

Initial Programmatic Statements

1. With Form1 active, select Code from the View menu. Alternatively, use the F7
keyboard shortcut.

3-6 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Starting a New Project

2. Add the following using statements to your C# project, at the top of the file:
using System.Data;
using Oracle.DataAccess.Client;

If you are starting a Visual Basic project, add the following Imports statements:
Imports System.Data
Imports Oracle.DataAccess.Client

Beta Draft Using Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-7

Using the Connection Object

Save the changes using either the Save icon near the top of the window, or select
Save from the File menu.
To change back to design view, select Designer from the View menu.
Alternatively, use the Shift+F7 keyboard shortcut.

Using the Connection Object

The OracleConnection object specifies the Oracle Database used by the application.
1. The Easy Connect naming method enables ODP.NET clients to connect to a
database without using any configuration files, simply by specifying the data
source attribute through syntax shown in Example 3–1:

Example 3–1 Easy Connect Naming Method Syntax for Data Source
user id=id;password=psswd;data source=//host:port/service_name

■ id is the user id; we will use hr to access the HR schema.
■ psswd is the password; in this book, we will use hr, the default password for
the HR schema.
■ host is the server machine and domain name to which the XE client will
make the connection, such as hr-server in in the
following example of valid connections.

3-8 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Using the Connection Object

■ port, if not specified, uses the default value of 1521.

■ service_name, such as XE, is optional with the XE client. If not specified, the
EZ Connect Adapter for XE client will connect to the default service on the
host, pre-configured as XE in the listener.ora file on the XE server.
Note that the default service is a new feature for Oracle Database Express
Edition. If you used other Oracle client software, such as Instant Client for
Oracle Database Enterprise Edition, you must supply the service name.
Some valid connections include:
user id=hr;password=hr;data source=//hr-server:1521/XE
user id=hr;password=hr;data source=//hr-server/
user id=hr;password=hr;data source=hr-server/

2. Example 3–2 and Example 3–3 show how to alias the database connection string.
The value of the data source parameter would depend on how the user is
connecting to the database server. In the following examples, substitute the name
of your machine for the hr-server placeholder.

Example 3–2 Using Oracle Database Alias in Applications; C#

string oradb = "userid=hr;password=hr;data source=//hr-server:1521/XE";

Example 3–3 Using Oracle Database Alias in Applications; VB

Dim oradb As String = "userid=hr;password=hr;data source=//hr-server:1521/XE"

Beta Draft Using Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-9

Using the Connection Object

3. To instantiate a connection object from the connection class, the connection string
must be associated with the connection object. Add the code in Example 3–4 or
Example 3–5 to your application, inside the method public Form(). The
connection string, oradb, is associated with the connection object by being passed
as a parameter in the connection object’s constructor.

Example 3–4 Creating a Connection String; C#

OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(oradb);

Example 3–5 Creating a Connection String; VB

Dim conn As New OracleConnection(oradb)

Alternatively, you can create an empty connection object and assign the value of
the connection string later in the program, as shown in Example 3–6 and
Example 3–7.

Example 3–6 Creating an Empty Connection String and then Assigning its Value; C#
OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection();
conn.ConnectionString = oradb;

Example 3–7 Creating an Empty Connection String and then Assigning its Value; VB
Dim conn As New OracleConnection()
conn.ConnectionString = oradb

3-10 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Using the Command Object

4. Use the Open() method to make the actual connection, as shown in Example 3–8
and Example 3–9.

Example 3–8 Opening a Connection with Open(); C#


Example 3–9 Opening a Connection with Open(); VB


Using the Command Object

The OracleCommand object is used to specify the SQL command, a stored procedure,
or a table name. It can be instantiated either from an OracleCommand class or an
OracleConnection object. The OraleCommand object formulates a database
request, sends the request to the database, and returns the result.
1. Create a string that represents the SQL query, as shown in Example 3–10 and
Example 3–11.

Example 3–10 Creating a SQL Statement String; C#

string sql = "select department_name from departments where department_id = 10";

Example 3–11 Creating a SQL Statement String; VB

Dim sql As String = _
"select department_name from departments where department_id = 10"

Beta Draft Using Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-11

Using the Command Object

2. Use the new sql variable to create the OracleCommand object, and to set the its
CommandType property.

Example 3–12 Using a Command to Query the Database; C#

OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(sql, conn);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

Example 3–13 Using a Command to Query the Database; VB

Dim cmd As New OracleCommand(sql, conn)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text

3-12 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Retrieving Data: a Simple Query

Retrieving Data: a Simple Query

To retrieve data from the database, instantiate a DataCommand object and use its
ExecuteReader() method to return an OracleDataReader object.
1. Example 3–14 shows that the C# implementation uses accessor type methods for
retrieving data. There are typed accessors for returning .NET native data types,
and others for returning native Oracle data types. Zero-based ordinals are passed
to the accessors to specify which table column should be returned.

Example 3–14 Retrieving a Value; C#

OracleDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

// retrieve the first column in the select list

label1.Text = dr.GetString(0);

Example 3–15 shows VB.NET can access returned data either through a column
name, or through a zero-based column ordinal to the Item property. Another
option is to use accessor type methods to return column data.

Example 3–15 Retrieving a Value; VB

Dim dr As OracleDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()

Label1.Text = dr.Item("department_name") ' retrieve by column name

Label1.Text = dr.Item(0) ' retrieve the first column in the select list

Beta Draft Using Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-13

Error Handling

Label1.Text = dr.GetString(0) ' retrieve the first column in the select list

2. In previous examples, the returned value of department_name is a string used to

set the value of the label control's text property, which is also a string. If
department_id, which is not a string, had been retrieved instead, there would
be a data type mismatch. The .NET runtime attempts to implicitly convert from
one data type to another when the source and destination data types don't match.
If the data types are incompatible, the implicit conversion fails and throws an
Oracle recommends that you use explicit data type conversions instead of implicit
data type conversion at all times, using the OracleDataReader object to retrieve
database native data types as either .NET data types or Oracle native data types.
Example 3–16 and Example 3–17 show explicit data type conversion.
Note that explicit conversion works on both scalar and array values.

Example 3–16 Converting Data Types Explicitly; C#

string department_id = dr.GetInt16("department_id").ToString();

Example 3–17 Converting Data Types Explicitly; VB

Label1.Text = CStr(dr.Item("department_id"))

Error Handling
1. .NET languages use the "Try-Catch-Finally" structured error handling;
Example 3–18 and Example 3–19 show simple implementations of the
"Try-Catch-Finally" syntax:

Example 3–18 Error Handling with "Try-Catch-Finally" Syntax; C#

OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(oradb);


OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand();

cmd.Connection = conn;
cmd.CommandText =
"select department_name from departments where department_id = " +
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

if (dr.Read())
label1.Text = dr.GetString(0);

catch (Exception ex) // catches any error



3-14 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Error Handling


Example 3–19 Error Handling with "Try-Catch-Finally" Syntax; VB

Dim conn As New OracleConnection(oradb)

Dim cmd As New OracleCommand

cmd.Connection = conn
cmd.CommandText = _
"select department_name from departments where department_id = " + _
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text

If dr.Read() Then
Label1.Text = dr.Item("dname") ' or use dr.Item(0)
End If

Catch ex As Exception ' catches any error


End Try

2. While code used in Example 3–18 and Example 3–18 will capture any errors
encountered when attempting to retrieve data from the database, it is not very
useful for the end user. As and example, the error caught when the database is
unavailable will appear as "ORA-12545: Connect failed because target
host or object does not exist".

3. Oracle recommends that you add another catch statement, as shown in

Example 3–20 and Example 3–21, to trap most common database errors and
display them in a more user-friendly manner.

Example 3–20 Catching Common Error Messages; C#

catch (OracleException ex) // catches only Oracle errors
switch (ex.Number)
case 1:
MessageBox.Show("Error attempting to insert duplicate data.");
case 12545:
MessageBox.Show("The database is unavailable.");
MessageBox.Show("Database error: " + ex.Message.ToString());

Beta Draft Using Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-15

Retrieving Data: Bind Variables


catch (Exception ex) // catches any error


Example 3–21 Catching Common Error Messages; VB

Catch ex As OracleException ' catches only Oracle errors
Select Case ex.Number
Case 1
MessageBox.Show("Error attempting to insert duplicate data.")
Case 12545
MessageBox.Show("The database is unavailable.")
Case Else
MessageBox.Show("Database error: " + ex.Message.ToString())
End Select

Catch ex As Exception ' catches any error


The Catch statements should be ordered from most specific to most general. If
there are no Oracle errors, the first Catch statement branch is skipped. The second
Catch statement catches all other errors.
After implementing Example 3–20 or Example 3–21, the ORA-12545 error appears
as "The database is unavailable.":

4. The Finally code block is always executed. If the connection object's Close() or
Dispose() method calls are in the Finally code block, the database connection
will always be closed when after the Try-Catch-Finally is complete. Attempting to
close a closed database connection does not cause an error. If the database is
unavailable, the database connection is not opened, so the Finally code block
attempts to close a connection that does not exist, making these Close() and
Dispose() calls irrelevant. However, placing Close() or Dispose() in the
Finally code block guarantees that the connection is closed.

Retrieving Data: Bind Variables

Bind variables are essentially placeholders in a SQL statement. When a database
receives a SQL statement, it checks the shared memory pool to see if the statement
already exists and is stored in memory. If the statement exists in memory, Oracle
Database can reuse it and skip the task of parsing and optimizing the statement. In
using bind variables, you greatly increase the likelihood that SQL statements will be
stored in memory, making them easily and quickly available to the next operation that
needs them.

3-16 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Retrieving Data: Bind Variables

1. Example 3–22 shows a typical SELECT statement that does not use bind variables,
with the value 10 specified in the WHERE clause of the statement.

Example 3–22 SELECT Statement without Bind Variables

SELECT department_name
FROM departments
WHERE department_id = 10

2. Example 3–23 replaces the numerical value with a bind variable :department_
id. The bind variable identifier always begins with a single colon, :, in SQL

Example 3–23 SELECT Statement with Bind Variables

select department_name
from departments
where department_id = :department_id

3. Bind variables can also be used with UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements.
Example 3–23 shows how to use bind variables in an UPDATE statement;
"Inserting, Deleting and Updating Data" on page 3-28 provides more details.

Example 3–24 UPDATE Statement with Bind Variables

UPDATE departments
SET department_name = :department_name
WHERE department_id = :department_id

4. Use the OracleParameter class to represent each bind variable in your .NET
code. The OracleParameterCollection class contains the
OracleParameter objects associated with the OracleCommand object for each
statement. The OracleCommand class passes your SQL statement to the database
and returns the results to your application.
You can bind variables by position or by name. The OracleCommand property
BindByName (which defaults to false) sets the mode.
When binding by position mode, you must use the Add() method to add the
parameters to the OracleParameterCollection in the same order as they
appear in the SQL statement or stored procedure.
If you want to use bind by name mode, you may add the parameters to the
collection in any order; however, you must set the ParameterName property for
the parameter object to the same value as the bind variable identifier in the stored
procedure declaration.
5. In addition to the binding mode (by position or by name), the following properties
are typically set for each parameter object: Direction, OracleDbType, Size,
and Value.
■ Direction Bind variables may be used as output, input, or input/output
parameters. The Direction property indicates the direction of each
parameter. The default value of the Direction property is Input.
■ OracleDbType property indicates whether the parameter is a number, a
date, a VARCHAR2, and so on.
■ Size indicates the maximum size of the data that the parameter will hold, for
parameters with a variable length data type, like VARCHAR2.

Beta Draft Using Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-17

Retrieving Data: Bind Variables

■ Value contains the parameter value either before statement execution (for
input parameters), after execution (for output parameters), or both before and
after (for input/output parameter).
6. Example 3–25 and Example 3–26 tie together these concepts and use a bind
variable in a SELECT statement. Note that Direction property uses the default
value Input, and the Size property is not set. Since the object is an input
parameter, you don't need to set the Size property because the data provider can
determine the size from the value.

Example 3–25 Using a Bind Variable; #C

static void Main(string[] args)
string oradb = "userid=hr;password=hr;data source=//hr-server:1521/XE";

OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(oradeb);


StringBuilder sbSQL = new StringBuilder();

sbSQL.Append("select department_name ");
sbSQL.Append("from departments ");
sbSQL.Append("where department_id = :department_id");

OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand(); // creates command

cmd.Connection = con;
cmd.CommandText = sbSQL.ToString();

OracleParameter p_department_id = new OracleParameter(); // creates parameter

p_department_id.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Decimal; // sets data type
p_department_id.Value = 10; // sets value

cmd.Parameters.Add(p_department_id); // adds to collection

OracleDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

if (dr.Read())
Console.WriteLine("Department Name: {0}", dr.GetOracleString(0));


Example 3–26 Using a Bind Variable; VB

Sub Main()
Dim constr As String = "userid=hr;password=hr;data source=//hr-server:1521/XE"

Dim con As OracleConnection = New OracleConnection(constr)


Dim sbSQL As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder

sbSQL.Append("select department_name ")
sbSQL.Append("from departments ")
sbSQL.Append("where department_id = :department_id")

3-18 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Retrieving Data: Multiple Values

Dim cmd As OracleCommand = New OracleCommand ' creates command

cmd.Connection = con
cmd.CommandText = sbSQL.ToString()

Dim p_department_id As OracleParameter = New OracleParameter ' creates parameter

p_department_id.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Decimal ' sets data type
p_department_id.Value = 10 'sets value

cmd.Parameters.Add(p_department_id) ' adds to collection

Dim dr As OracleDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()

If (dr.Read()) Then
Console.WriteLine("Country Name: {0}", dr.GetOracleString(0))
End If

End Sub

Your output should look like this:

Department Name: Administration

Retrieving Data: Multiple Values

1. A DataReader object can retrieve values for multiple columns and multiple rows.
Consider a multiple column, single row query in Example 3–27:

Example 3–27 Querying for a Multiple Column Single Row Result

SELECT department_id, department_name, manager_id, location_id
FROM departments
WHERE department_id = 10

2. Use either zero-based ordinals or column names to obtain the values of the
columns, as shown in Example 3–28 and Example 3–29.

Example 3–28 Using Column Ordinals and Names from a Query Result; C#
Label1.Text = "The " + dr.GetString(1) + " department is at location # " +

Example 3–29 Using Column Ordinals and Names from a Query Result; VB
Label1.Text = "The " + dr.Item(1) + " department is at location # " + _

3. A query can also return multiple rows, as in:

Example 3–30 Querying for a Multiple Column Multiple Row Result

SELECT department_id, department_name, manager_id, location_id
FROM departments
WHERE department_id > 100

4. A looping construct is needed to process multiple rows from the DataReader

object. Also, a control that can display multiple rows is very useful. Because a

Beta Draft Using Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-19

Using the DataSet Class with Oracle Data Provider for .NET

OracleDataReader is a forward-only, read-only cursor, it cannot be bound to an

updatable or fully scrollable control such as Windows Forms DataGrid control. A
DataReader is, however, compatible with a ListBox control, as shown in
Example 3–31 and Example 3–32.

Example 3–31 Looping Through a Multi-Row Query Result; C#

while (dr.Read())
listBox1.Items.Add("The " + dr.GetString(1) + " department is at location # " +

Example 3–32 Looping Through a Multi-Row Query Result; VB

While (dr.Read())
ListBox1.Items.Add("The " + dr.Item(1) + " department is at location # " + _
End While

Using the DataSet Class with Oracle Data Provider for .NET
The DataSet class encapsulates a memory-resident representation of data that
provides a consistent relational programming model for multiple data sources. It
consists of one or more tables that store relational or XML data. Unlike
OracleDataReader, a DataSet is updateable and backwards scrollable.
Let us return to the project started in "Starting a New Project" on page 3-1.
1. If you are not in code view for Form1, use the F7 keyboard shortcut.
In the code view, insert the following instantiations within the Form1 class
declaration, as shown in Example 3–33 and Example 3–34:

Example 3–33 Using DataSet Class: Declaring Variables; C#

private OracleConnection conn;
private OracleCommand cmd;
private OracleDataAdapter da;
private OracleCommandBuilder cb;
private DataSet ds;

Example 3–34 Using DataSet Class: Declaring Variables; VB

Private conn As OracleConnection
Private cmd As OracleCommand
Private da As OracleDataAdapter
Private cb As OracleCommandBuilder
Private ds As DataSet

2. Within method Form1(), assign values to these variables, as shown in

Example 3–35 and Example 3–36.

Example 3–35 Using DataSet Class: Assigning Values; C#

conn = new OracleConnection(oradb);
cmd = new OracleCommand("SELECT department_id, department_name, manager_id," +
" location_id FROM departments WHERE department_id > 100", conn);
da = new OracleDataAdapter(cmd);
cb = new OracleCommandBuilder(da);
ds = new DataSet();

3-20 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Using the DataSet Class with Oracle Data Provider for .NET

Example 3–36 Using DataSet Class: Assigning Values; VB

Me.conn = New OracleConnection(oradb)
Me.cmd = New OracleCommand("SELECT department_id, department_name," & _
" manager_id, location_id FROM departments WHERE department_id > 100", conn)
Me.da = New OracleDataAdapter(cmd)
Me.cb = New OracleCommandBuilder(da)
Me.ds = New DataSet

3. You must now open the connection, and fill the DataSet object with the result of
the query in the OracleCommand, as shown in Example 3–37 and Example 3–38.

Example 3–37 Opening a Connection and Filling the DataSet; C#


Example 3–38 Opening a Connection and Filling the DataSet; VB


4. Switch to design view (Shift+F7 keyboard shortcut), and from the View menu,
select Toolbox.

A Toolbox window will appear.

5. From the Toolbox, under Windows Forms, select a Data Grid and drag it onto

Beta Draft Using Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-21

Using the DataSet Class with Oracle Data Provider for .NET

A data grid will appear on top of the form.

Expand the data grid to fill most of our form.
6. From the Toolbox, under Windows Forms, drag and drop a Button onto Form1,
below the data grid.
7. Right-click on the new button, and select Properties.

3-22 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Using the DataSet Class with Oracle Data Provider for .NET

A Properties window will appear.

8. In the Properties window, under Appearance, Text, enter Save. Under Design,
(Name), enter Save.
Click on the lightning icon (events) at the top of the Properties window.

Beta Draft Using Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-23

Using the DataSet Class with Oracle Data Provider for .NET

9. Click the mouse on the highlighted Click event.

3-24 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Using the DataSet Class with Oracle Data Provider for .NET

10. Close the Properties window. Your form should now look something like the
following image.

Beta Draft Using Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-25

Using the DataSet Class with Oracle Data Provider for .NET

11. Switch to code view (F7 keyboard shortcut).

You will notice that there are two more object declarations in you Form1 class: a
DataGrid and a Button, as shown in Example 3–39 and Example 3–39.

Example 3–39 Declaring Windows.Forms Objects Automatically; C#

private System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid dataGrid1;
private System.Windows.Forms.Button Save;

Example 3–40 Declaring Windows.Forms Objects Automatically; VB

Friend WithEvents DataGrid1 As System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid
Friend WithEvents Save As System.Windows.Forms.Button

There is also automatically generated code that defines them. Do not alter it.
12. You must now make a bind between the new DataGrid and the DataSet.
At the end of your Form1() method declaration, add the binding as shown in
Example 3–41 and Example 3–42.

Example 3–41 Binding the DataSet to the DataGrid; C#

dataGrid1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];

Example 3–42 Binding the DataSet to the DataGrid; VB

Me.dataGrid1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]

13. Your code also contains a new method that has been automatically generated for
Insert a new line into the body of the Save_Click() method, as shown in
Example 3–43 and Example 3–44.

Example 3–43 The Save_Click() Method; C#

private void Save_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

Example 3–44 The Save_Click() Method; VB

Private Sub Save_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Save.Click
End Sub

14. Save Form1 using Ctr+S keyboard shortcut.

15. From the Build menu, select Build Solution, or use the Ctr+Shift+B keyboard

3-26 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Using the DataSet Class with Oracle Data Provider for .NET

You should see an Output window.

16. From the Debug menu, select Start to run your application. Alternatively, use the
F5 keyboard shortcut.

Your application run-time window, titled Form1, will appear.

Beta Draft Using Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-27

Inserting, Deleting and Updating Data

Inserting, Deleting and Updating Data

1. Scroll down to the bottom of the data grid, and enter a new record at the * prompt
as follows:
■ For DEPARTMENT_ID, enter 280
■ For DEPARTMENT_NAME, enter Community Outreach
■ Leave MANAGER_ID as null
■ For LOCATION_ID, enter 1700
Click the Save button.

2. Close the application, and start it again using the F5 keyboard shortcut.
3. Scroll down to the bottom of the list, and note that the new record is now part of
the DEPARTMENTS table.
Change the name of the department to Community Volunteers, and click the
Save button.

3-28 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Inserting, Deleting and Updating Data

4. Close the application, and start it again using the F5 keyboard shortcut.
5. Scroll down to the bottom of the list, and note that the DEPARTMENT_NAME has
Select the entire record you just changed (click the cursor icon before it), and delete
it using the Delete key.
Click the Save button.

6. Close the application, and start it again using the F5 keyboard shortcut.
7. Scroll down to the bottom of the list, and note that the new record is no longer part
of the DEPARTMENTS table.
8. Close the Form1 application.

Beta Draft Using Oracle Data Provider for .NET 3-29

Closing the Database Connection

Closing the Database Connection

1. A connection object's Close() and Dispose() methods close the connection to
the database. If a connection is not already closed, the Dispose() method will
close it. Example 3–45 and Example 3–46 show the use of these methods.

Example 3–45 Closing and Disposing a Connection; C#


Example 3–46 Closing and Disposing a Connection; VB


2. C# has an alternative syntax that disposes of a connection when it goes out of

scope, through the using keyword, as shown in Example 3–47.

Example 3–47 Closing and Disposing a Connection when Out of Scope; C#

using (OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(oradb))

OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand();

cmd.Connection = conn;
cmd.CommandText =
"select department_name from departments where department_id = 10";
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

OracleDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
label1.Text = dr.GetString(0);

3-30 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Using Oracle Developer Tools for Visual
Studio .NET

This chapter explains how to use Oracle Developer Tools.

This chapter contains the following sections:
■ Connecting to the Oracle Database
■ Building a New Table
■ Generating Code Automatically
■ Enabling Database Updates
■ Disconnecting from the Oracle Database
■ Reconnecting to the Oracle Database
Begin by starting a new project, as described in Chapter 3, "Using Oracle Data
Provider for .NET", section "Starting a New Project" on page 3-1.

Connecting to the Oracle Database

To connect to an Oracle Database from Visual Studio .NET, follow these steps:
1. From the View menu, select Oracle Explorer.
2. In Oracle Explorer, right-click the Data Connections node and from the menu,
select Add Connection. Alternatively, click the + icon (Add Connection) at the top
of the Oracle Explorer pane, or select Connect to Oracle Database from the Tools

Beta Draft Using Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET 4-1
Connecting to the Oracle Database

The application opens an Add Connection window.

3. In the Add Connection window, enter the following information:
Data source name: Select the Oracle database to use as the data source; here, we
are using //hr-server:1521/XE. If the database is remote, use the EZConnect
naming string to connect to the database.
Select the Use a specific user name and password option if you want to connect to
the Oracle Database as the currently logged on Windows user.
For User name, enter hr.
For Password, enter the password that was set for the hr user during the
configuration phase of the Oracle Database installation. If you wish to save the
password for future sessions after you exit the current session, check the Save
password box.
Ensure that the Role is set to Default. This refers to the default roles that have
been granted to the user hr.
The Connection name should be generated automatically from the Data source
name and the User name values.

4-2 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Connecting to the Oracle Database

Under the Apply Filters tab, check that the HR schema is in the Displayed
schemas column. Only the schema objects (tables, views, and so on) from the
schemas selected in the Apply Filters tab are displayed when you expand the
schema category nodes in the data connection.

Return to the Connection Details tab, and click Test connection. The test should
succeed. Click OK.

Beta Draft Using Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET 4-3
Building a New Table

If the test fails, it may be due to one or more of the following issues that you must
address before proceeding with further steps:
■ The database is not started.
■ The database connectivity is not properly configured. Check that:
– The tsname.ora file exists and contains the correct settings.
– The TNS_ADMIN environment variable is properly set.
– NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH is properly set in the sqlnet.ora file.
■ You do not have the correct user name, password, and role.
4. The Oracle Explorer pane should now contain the hr.(Local Database)
connection. Expand the connection to show the contents of the hr schema. You
should see Tables, Views, Procedures, Functions, and so on.

Building a New Table

This section will describe how to create a new table, its columns, indexes, and

Creating a Table and Its Columns

1. In Oracle Explorer, right-click on Tables and select New Relational Table...

4-4 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Building a New Table

A table design window appears.

2. In design view, enter DEPENDENTS for Table name, and click Add in the Columns

Beta Draft Using Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET 4-5
Building a New Table

Note that a default column description appears in the Columns tab.

3. Under Column Properties, enter Name LASTNAME, Data Type VARCHAR2, and
Size 30. Leave all other properties at their default values. Click Add.

Note that column LASTNAME is added to the table.

4. Under Column Properties, enter Name FIRSTNAME, Data Type VARCHAR2, and
Size 30. Leave all other properties at their default values. Click Add.

4-6 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Building a New Table

Note that column FIRSTNAME is added to the table.

5. Under Column Properties, enter Name BIRTHDATE, Data Type DATE, and leave
all other properties at their default values. Click Add.

Beta Draft Using Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET 4-7
Building a New Table

Note that column BIRTHDATE is added to the table.

6. Under Column Properties, enter Name RELATIONSHIP, Data Type VARCHAR2,
and Size 20. Leave all other properties at their default values. Click Add.

4-8 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Building a New Table

Note that column RELATIONSHIP is added to the table.

7. Under Column Properties, enter Name EMPLOYEEID, Data Type NUMBER,
deselect the Allow null check box, enter Precision 6 and Scale 0. Click Add.

Beta Draft Using Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET 4-9
Building a New Table

Note that column EMPLOYEEID is added to the table.

8. Under Column Properties, enter Name DEPENDENTID, Data Type NUMBER,
deselect the Allow null check box, enter Precision 4 and Scale 0. Click Preview

4-10 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Building a New Table

A Preview SQL window appears.

9. The content of the Preview SQL window is show in Example 4–1:

Example 4–1 Generated SQL Form of the New Table


Beta Draft Using Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET 4-11
Building a New Table

Click OK to close the Preview SQL window.

The design view appears.
10. In the design view, click Save.

Creating an Index
1. Now you must create an index for the DEPENDENTS table.
In the design view, click the Indexes tab.
2. Click Add.

4-12 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Building a New Table

Note that the Index Property area is activated.

3. Under Index properties, enter Name DEPENDENTS_INDEX, and leave all other
properties in their default state.
4. In the Index properties area, click Add.

Beta Draft Using Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET 4-13
Building a New Table

5. Select DEPENDENTID from the drop-down list under Key.

6. Click Preview SQL.

4-14 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Building a New Table

A Preview SQL window appears.

7. The code displayed in the Preview SQL window is shown in Example 4–2.

Example 4–2 Creating a Table Index in SQL


Click OK to close the Preview SQL window.

The design view appears.

Beta Draft Using Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET 4-15
Building a New Table

8. In the design view, click Save.

Adding Constraints
1. Now you must create a foreign key to the EMPLOYEES table.
Click the Constraints tab.
Note that depending on your configuration, there are may already be default
constraints in the list.
2. Click Add.

4-16 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Building a New Table

Note that the Constraint Properties area is now activated.

3. Under Constraint Properties, enter Name EMPLOYEES_FK, select Type Foreign
Key from the drop-down list, select Table EMPLOYEES and Constraint EMP_EMP_
Under Associations, select EMPLOYEE_ID as Referenced Column and
EMPLOYEEID as Local Column.
Leave all other properties at their default values.

Beta Draft Using Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET 4-17
Building a New Table

Note that EMPLOYEES_FK is now in list of constraints.

4. Now you must add the primary key for the new table, DEPENDENTS.
Click Add.
Under Constraint Properties, enter Name DEPENDENTS_PK, select Type Primary
Key from the drop-down list.
Under Primary Key Columns, select DEPENDENTID. Leave all other properties at
their default values.

4-18 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Building a New Table

5. Click Preview SQL.

A Preview SQL window appears.
6. The SQL code generated for constraints on table DEPENDENTS is shown in
Example 4–3. Note that addition of both constraints is an ALTER TABLE
command; this is because the constraints change alter the definitions of columns

Example 4–3 Adding Foreign Key and Primary Key Constraints to a Table

Click OK to close the Preview SQL window.

7. In design view, click Save.

Beta Draft Using Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET 4-19
Building a New Table

Notice that if you expand the DEPENDENTS table in the Oracle Explorer, all the
columns, constraints and indexes of the table are visible.

Adding Data to a Table

1. You must now add data to the new, but empty, DEPENDENTS table.
In Oracle Explorer, right-click the DEPENDENTS table and select Retrieve Data.

A table grid for DEPENDENTS appears in design view.

4-20 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Generating Code Automatically

2. Enter the following 4 records in the table.

Click Save.

Generating Code Automatically

To explore the content of table DEPARTMENTS, we will build a form that uses a simple
table query.
1. Start a new project, as outlined in Chapter 3, "Using Oracle Data Provider for
.NET", section "Starting a New Project" on page 3-1.
2. From the View menu, select Oracle Explorer.
3. In Oracle Explorer, expand Data Connections, expand hr. (Local Database), and
finally expand the Tables component.
Using your mouse, select the DEPARTMENTS table. Drag and drop the table onto
Form1 in the Designer pane.

Beta Draft Using Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET 4-21
Generating Code Automatically

A Microsoft Development Environment pop-up window will ask if you wish to

save the connection password in the generated code. Click Yes.

You will notice that this action creates an instance of an OracleConnection

class, departmentsOracleConnection1, visible below the Designer pane.
An instances of the OracleDataAdapter class is also created,

4-22 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Generating Code Automatically

Both these objects represent automatically generated code in the code that is
behind Form1.
4. Right-click on the departmentsOracleDataAdapter1, and select Generate

Beta Draft Using Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET 4-23
Generating Code Automatically

departments11 is now added to your Designer pane.

5. Add a DataGrid object to the form. Select Toolbox from the View menu.

4-24 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Generating Code Automatically

A Toolbox pane will appear.

6. From the Toolbox, under Window Forms, select DataGrid and drag and drop in
onto Form1.

Beta Draft Using Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET 4-25
Generating Code Automatically

At this point, you should enlarge both Form1 and the DataGrid.

4-26 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Generating Code Automatically

7. Set the Data Source of the DataGrid. Select Properties Window from the View

Beta Draft Using Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET 4-27
Generating Code Automatically

The Properties pane appears.

8. In the Properties pane, under Data, select departments11.Departments from
the drop-down list that represents DataSource options.

4-28 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Generating Code Automatically

Close the Properties pane.

9. The DataGrid now contains the column headings from the table DEPARTMENTS.

Beta Draft Using Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET 4-29
Generating Code Automatically

10. Switch to code view by double-clicking on the newly created objects, by selecting
Code from the View menu, or by using the F7 keyboard shortcut.
11. Immediately after the InitializeComponent(); command, type the code in
Example 4–4 or Example 4–5.

Example 4–4 Filling Data into the Form; C#


Example 4–5 Filling Data into the Form; VB


4-30 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Generating Code Automatically

12. From the Build menu, select Build Solution. Alternatively, you can use the
Ctrl+Shift+B keyboard shortcut.

Check the output to ensure that there were no problems with the build.
Double-click the Output tab in the lower left corner of the window.

Beta Draft Using Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET 4-31
Generating Code Automatically

Close the Output window.

13. Select Start from the Debug menu, or simply use the F5 keyboard shortcut. You
application will run, and a Form1 with data appears.

You may need to increase the width of the columns to see all the data.
14. You can navigate across Form1 by clicking the mouse down the data set; the
current record will be marked by the cursor.
You can also sort the records, either in ascending or descending order, on any of
the columns, by clicking on the column heading (notice the direction indicator in
the DEPARTMENT_NAME column).

4-32 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Enabling Database Updates

15. Close Form1.

Enabling Database Updates

1. Select Toolbox from the View menu.
Under Window Forms, select Button and drag and drop it onto Form1, below the

A button called button1 will appear on the form.

Beta Draft Using Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET 4-33
Enabling Database Updates

2. Right-click on the button, and select Properties.

The Properties pane will appear.

3. In the Properties pane, under Appearance, change the value of the text property
to Save. While not strictly necessary, you should also change the name under
Design to Save. This will make it easier to understand and maintain the code of
the application.
Click on the lightning icon (events) at the top of the Properties window.

4-34 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Enabling Database Updates

4. Click the mouse on the highlighted Click event.

Beta Draft Using Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET 4-35
Enabling Database Updates

5. Close the Properties window. Your form should now have a Save button below
the data grid.
6. Double-click on the Save button.

4-36 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Disconnecting from the Oracle Database

The code view appears, with focus on the new and empty Save_Click()
7. Change the code of the Save_Click() method to bind the table update event to
the button, as shown in Example 4–6.

Example 4–6 The Save_Click() Method; #C

private void Save_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

Example 4–7 The Save_Click() Method; VB

Private Sub Save_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Save.Click
End Sub

8. At this point, you can re-build and run your Form1 application. Use the
Ctrl+Shift+B keyboard shortcut to build, and F5 keyboard shortcut to start.
Your Form1 application window should appear.
9. To use this form, follow the instructions in Chapter 3, section "Inserting, Deleting
and Updating Data" on page 3-28.

Disconnecting from the Oracle Database

1. In Oracle Explorer, expand the Data Connections node.

Beta Draft Using Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET 4-37
Reconnecting to the Oracle Database

Right-click the Data Connection that represents the hr database connection.

Select Close from the drop-down menu.
The data connection will now close, as indicated by the red x.

Reconnecting to the Oracle Database

1. In Oracle Explorer, expand Data Connections, and right-click on the closed
connection, hr.
Select Open from the drop-down menu.
The hr connection will be re-opened, and the node will expand to show the
components of the HR schema.

4-38 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Reconnecting to the Oracle Database

Beta Draft Using Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio .NET 4-39
Reconnecting to the Oracle Database

4-40 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Using PL/SQL Stored Procedures and REF

This chapter contains the following sections:

■ Introduction to Stored Procedures
■ Introduction to Ref Cursors
■ Introduction to PL/SQL Packages and Package Bodies
■ Running a PL/SQL Stored Procedure Using Oracle Data Provider for .NET

Introduction to Stored Procedures

A stored procedure is a named set of PL/SQL statements designed to perform an
action. Unlike functions, stored procedures do not return values, but they can accept
values as input.

Introduction to Ref Cursors

Ref cursors are one of the most powerful, flexible, and scalable methods for returning
query results from an Oracle Database to a client application.
A ref cursor is a PL/SQL datatype whose value is an address that represents the
memory location of a query work area on the database server. A query work area can
be thought of as the result set, or a row set, on the server; it is the location where the
results of a query are stored in server memory. In essence, a ref cursor is a handle to a
result set on the server. A ref cursor is represented through the OracleRefCursor
Ref cursors have the following characteristics:
1. A ref cursor refers to server memory. The memory address represented by a ref
cursor "lives" on the database server, not on the client machine. Therefore, the
client’s connection to the database must be in place during the lifetime of the ref
cursor. If the underlying connection to the database is closed, the ref cursor will
become inaccessible to the client.
2. A ref cursor involves an additional database round trip. Because a ref cursor is a
pointer to memory on the server that is returned to the client, the actual data
contained in the ref cursor is not initially returned to the client. The client must
request the data contained in the ref cursor after it has opened the ref cursor. Note
that data will not be retrieved until the user attempts to read it.
3. A ref cursor is not updatable. The result set represented by the ref cursor is
read-only. You cannot update the database by using a ref cursor.

Beta Draft Using PL/SQL Stored Procedures and REF Cursors 5-1
Introduction to PL/SQL Packages and Package Bodies

4. A ref cursor is not backward-scrollable. The data represented by the ref cursor is
accessed in a forward-only, serial manner. You cannot position a record pointer
inside the ref cursor to point to random records in the result set.
5. A ref cursor is a PL/SQL datatype. You create and return a ref cursor inside a
PL/SQL code block.
6. A ref cursor can be either weak- or strong-typed. A strong-typed ref cursor has a
return type defined when the ref cursor itself is declared in PL/SQL, and can only
refer to the same type or structure with which it is initially declared. A weak-typed
ref cursor has no return type defined, and can refer to a query work area of any
type. A strong-typed ref cursor is specific, while a weak-typed ref cursor is
generic. This section will discuss the use of weak-typed ref cursors.

Introduction to PL/SQL Packages and Package Bodies

A PL/SQL package stores related items as a single logical entity. A package is
composed of two distinct pieces:
■ The package specification defines what is contained in the package; it is
analogous to a header file in a language such as C++. The specification defines all
public items. The specification is the published interface to a package.
■ The package body contains the code for the procedures and functions defined in
the specification, and the code for private procedures and functions that are not
declared in the specification. This private code is only "visible" within the package
The package specification and body are stored as separate objects in the data
dictionary and can be seen in the user_source view. The specification is stored as
the PACKAGE type, and the body is stored as the PACKAGE BODY type.
While it is possible to have a specification without a body, as when declaring a set of
public constants, it is not possible to have a body with no specification.

Creating a PL/SQL Stored Procedure that Uses Ref Cursors

1. From the Oracle Explorer window, right-click on Packages and select New

The New Package window appears.

5-2 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Creating a PL/SQL Stored Procedure that Uses Ref Cursors

2. In the New Package window, change the Package Name to STORED.

3. Click Add.

The Add Method window appears.

4. In the Add Method window, enter Method Name GETCURSORS, and change
Method Type to Procedure. Click Add.

Beta Draft Using PL/SQL Stored Procedures and REF Cursors 5-3
Creating a PL/SQL Stored Procedure that Uses Ref Cursors

5. In the Add Method window, under Parameter Details, enter DEPARTMENTID for
Name, IN for Direction, and NUMBER for Data Type. Click Add.

6. Enter a second parameter under Parameter Details, with EMPLOYEESCUR for

Name, OUT for Direction, and SYS_REFCURSOR for Data Type. Click Add.
7. Enter a third parameter under Parameter Details, with DEPENDENTSCUR for
Name, OUT for Direction, and SYS_REFCURSOR for Data Type. Click OK.
The New Package window will appear.
8. Click Preview SQL >> to see the SQL code created.

5-4 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Creating a PL/SQL Stored Procedure that Uses Ref Cursors

A Preview SQL window will appear.

9. The Preview SQL window will contain the following code, as show in
Example 5–1:

Example 5–1 PL/SQL Code for Package STORED


-- Declare types, variables, constants, exceptions, cursors,

-- and subprograms that can be referenced from outside the package.
-- Example
-- PROCEDURE CalculateSalary(rate IN NUMBER, hoursWorked IN NUMBER, salary OUT




-- Implement subprograms, initialize variables declared in package

-- Example
-- PROCEDURE CalculateSalary(rate IN NUMBER, hoursWorked IN NUMBER, salary OUT

Beta Draft Using PL/SQL Stored Procedures and REF Cursors 5-5
Creating a PL/SQL Stored Procedure that Uses Ref Cursors

-- salary := rate*hoursWorked;
-- END;

-- Make private declarations of types and items, that are not accessible outside
the package


-- Declare constants and variables in this section.

Click OK to close the window.

The New Package window appears.
10. In the New Package window, click OK.

Note that a new package, STORED, now appears in Oracle Explorer.

11. In Oracle Explorer, right-click on package STORED, and select Edit Package

5-6 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Creating a PL/SQL Stored Procedure that Uses Ref Cursors

The code for procedure STORED is displayed.

12. Scroll down to find the following line of code:

Beta Draft Using PL/SQL Stored Procedures and REF Cursors 5-7
Creating a PL/SQL Stored Procedure that Uses Ref Cursors

13. Replace NULL; with code in Example 5–2.

Example 5–2 Assigning Reference Cursors


5-8 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Creating a PL/SQL Stored Procedure that Uses Ref Cursors

14. Right-click on the window tab and select Save. Alternatively, use the Ctrl+S
keyboard shortcut.

Beta Draft Using PL/SQL Stored Procedures and REF Cursors 5-9
Creating a PL/SQL Stored Procedure that Uses Ref Cursors

15. To run the stored procedure, in Oracle Explorer, expand package STORED.
Right-click on GETCURSORS method, and select Run.

5-10 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Creating a PL/SQL Stored Procedure that Uses Ref Cursors

A Run Procedure window appears.

16. In the Run Procedure window, enter a Value of 60 for DEPARTMENTID. Click OK.

In the design view, the following message appears:

Procedure <HR.STORED.GETCURSORS@hr.database> was run successfully.

The Output window should also appear:

In the design view, the two new parameters appear: EMPLOYEESCUR and
17. In the design view, select the value for EMPLOYEESCUR.

Beta Draft Using PL/SQL Stored Procedures and REF Cursors 5-11
Creating a PL/SQL Stored Procedure that Uses Ref Cursors

The a Procedure Details area appears, showing the result of the EMPLOYEESCUR.
18. In the design view, select the value for DEPENDENTSCUR.

5-12 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Running a PL/SQL Stored Procedure Using Oracle Data Provider for .NET

The a Procedure Details area appears, showing the result of the DEPENDENTSCUR.

Running a PL/SQL Stored Procedure Using Oracle Data Provider for .NET
1. Open the form you previously created in Chapter 3, "Using Oracle Data Provider
for .NET".
Switch to code view using the F7 keyboard shortcut.
2. Replace the command assignment line, starting with cmd = New
oracleCommand... with code in Example 5–3 or Example 5–3.

Example 5–3 Changing OracleCommand to Use a Stored Procedure; C#

cmd = new OracleCommand("STORED.GETCURSORS", conn);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

Example 5–4 Changing OracleCommand to Use a Stored Procedure; VB

cmd = New OracleCommand("STORED.GETCURSORS", conn)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

3. Add definitions and bindings for the three parameters of the GETCURSORS stored
procedure as OracleParameter objects, calling them dept_id, emp_cur and

Example 5–5 Defining and Binding OracleParameter Objects for Stored Procedure; C#
OracleParameter dept_id = new OracleParameter();
dept_id.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Decimal;
dept_id.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
dept_id.Value = 60;

Beta Draft Using PL/SQL Stored Procedures and REF Cursors 5-13
Running a PL/SQL Stored Procedure Using Oracle Data Provider for .NET


OracleParameter emp_cur = new OracleParameter();

emp_cur.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.RefCursor;
emp_cur.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

OracleParameter dnt_cur = new OracleParameter();

dnt_cur.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.RefCursor;
dnt_cur.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;

Example 5–6 Defining and Binding OracleParameter Objects for Stored Procedure; VB
Dim dept_id As OracleParameter = New OracleParameter
dept_id.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.Decimal
dept_id.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
dept_id.Value = 60

Dim emp_cur As OracleParameter = New OracleParameter
emp_cur.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.RefCursor
emp_cur.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output

Dim dnt_cur As OracleParameter = New OracleParameter

dnt_cur.OracleDbType = OracleDbType.RefCursor
dnt_cur.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output

4. Re-compile Form1 using the Ctrl+Shift+B keyboard shortcut, and start the
application using the F7 keyboard shortcut.
A Form1 window will appear.
5. Scroll horizontally to see that the last column, DEPARTMENT_ID, is equal to 60.
Note that the DataGrid object contains the first result set from the stored
procedure, which matches the query of the EMPLOYEES table. To view the results
of the DEPENDENTS table, fill the DataGrid with results from dnt_cur.

5-14 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Running a PL/SQL Stored Procedure Using Oracle Data Provider for .NET

You may remember that 60 is the value of the DEPARTMENTID parameter.

6. Close the Form1 window.

Beta Draft Using PL/SQL Stored Procedures and REF Cursors 5-15
Running a PL/SQL Stored Procedure Using Oracle Data Provider for .NET

5-16 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Using .NET Stored Procedures

This chapter discusses how to use and deploy .NET stored procedures in your
This chapter contains the following sections:
■ Creating a New Connection
■ Creating .NET Stored Functions and Procedures
■ Deploying a .NET Stored Functions and Procedures
■ Running .NET Stored Functions and Procedures

Creating a New Connection

1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio for .NET.
2. From the View menu, select Oracle Explorer.

Beta Draft Using .NET Stored Procedures 6-1

Creating a New Connection

3. In Oracle Explorer, right-click the Data Connections node and from the menu,
select Add Connection. Alternatively, you can click the + icon (Add Connection)
in the Oracle Explorer pane.

4. Enter ORCL for Data source name. Enter hr for the User name and hr for
Password. Click Test Connection.

5. Provided the connection was successful, dismiss the test result window by clicking

6. Click OK to close the Add Connection window.

6-2 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Creating .NET Stored Functions and Procedures

Creating .NET Stored Functions and Procedures

1. Click the New Project button. Alternatively, from the File menu, select New, and
then select Project.

A New Project dialog box appears.

2. On the left side of the New Project dialog box under Project Types, select the C#
programming language. If you intend to develop in Visual Basic, select it instead.
On the right side of the New Project dialog box under Templates, select Oracle
Under Name, enter HumanResourcesStored.
Check the Create Directory for Solution box.
Click OK.

Beta Draft Using .NET Stored Procedures 6-3

Creating .NET Stored Functions and Procedures

3. Paste code in Example 6–1 or Example 6–2 into the Class1 object.

Example 6–1 Adding getDepartments() Method Code; C#

public static int getDepartmentno(int employee_id)
int department_id = 0;

// Get a connection to the db

OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection();
con.ConnectionString = "context connection=true";

// Create and execute a command

OracleCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = "select department_id from employees where employee_id = :1";
cmd.Parameters.Add(":1", OracleDbType.Int32, employee_id,
OracleDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
// Return the employee's department number
return department_id;

Example 6–2 Adding getDepartments() Method Code; VB

Public Shared Function getDepartmentno(ByVal employee_id As Integer) As Integer
Dim department_id As Integer = 0

' Get a connection to the db

Dim con As OracleConnection = New OracleConnection
con.ConnectionString = "context connection=true"

6-4 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Deploying a .NET Stored Functions and Procedures

' Create and execute a command

Dim cmd As OracleCommand = con.CreateCommand()
cmd.CommandText = "select department_id from employees where employee_id = :1"
cmd.Parameters.Add(":1", OracleDbType.Int32, employee_id,
Dim rdr As OracleDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader()

While rdr.Read()
department_id = rdr.GetInt32(0)

' Return the employee's department number

getDepartmentno = department_id

End While

End Function

4. Using the Ctrl+S keyboard shortcut, save Class1.

5. From the Build menu, select Build Solution, or use the Ctrl+Shift+B keyboard

Deploying a .NET Stored Functions and Procedures

1. From the Build Menu, select Deploy Solution.

Beta Draft Using .NET Stored Procedures 6-5

Deploying a .NET Stored Functions and Procedures

The window shows how to deploy a solution.

An Oracle Deployment Wizard for .NET appears.
2. Click Next.

3. On the Configure Your Connection screen, click New Connection to establish a

connection with SYSDBA privileges.

6-6 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Deploying a .NET Stored Functions and Procedures

4. Select ORCL as the Source Database, enter sys for the Username and system
password for the Password. Click Test Connection.

The test result window appears.

5. Provided the connection was successful, dismiss the test result window by clicking

Beta Draft Using .NET Stored Procedures 6-7

Deploying a .NET Stored Functions and Procedures

6. Click OK to save the connection and dismiss the Add Connection window.

7. Click Next in the Oracle Deployment Wizard for .NET.

6-8 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Deploying a .NET Stored Functions and Procedures

8. Ensure that Copy Assembly and Generate New Procedures is selected, and click

9. On the Specify the assembly and library name screen, accept the defaults and
click Next.

Beta Draft Using .NET Stored Procedures 6-9

Deploying a .NET Stored Functions and Procedures

10. On the Specify copy options screen, accept the defaults and click Next.

11. On the Specify methods and security details screen, under Available methods:,
expand HumanResourcesStored, then expand Class1, and select the
getDepartmentno() method.
Under Method Details, select HR from the Schema drop-down list.

6-10 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Deploying a .NET Stored Functions and Procedures

Click Next.

12. On the Summary screen, click Finish.

13. When your procedure deploys successfully, click OK.

Beta Draft Using .NET Stored Procedures 6-11

Running .NET Stored Functions and Procedures

Running .NET Stored Functions and Procedures

1. In Oracle Explorer, expand hr.ORCLE. Expand Functions. Right-click

The Run Function window will appear.

2. In the Run Function window, enter a Value of 100 for EMPLOYEE_ID.
Click OK.

3. Note that the return value for department is 90.

6-12 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Running .NET Stored Functions and Procedures

Beta Draft Using .NET Stored Procedures 6-13

Running .NET Stored Functions and Procedures

6-14 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft
Including Globalization Support

This chapter discusses globalization support available in Oracle Data Provider for
This chapter contains the following section:
■ Globalization Support

Globalization Support
Oracle Data Provider for .NET globalization support enables applications to
manipulate culture-sensitive data, such as ensuring proper string format, date, time,
monetary, numeric, sort order, and calendar conventions, all depending on the Oracle
client globalization settings.

Client Globalization Settings

Client globalization settings derive from the Oracle globalization setting, NLS_LANG,
in the Windows registry of the local computer. The client globalization parameter
settings are read-only and remain constant throughout the lifetime of the application.
Example 7–1 and Example 7–2 illustrate how these settings can be obtained by calling
the OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo() static method. The properties of
the OracleGlobalization object provide the Oracle globalization value settings.

Example 7–1 How to Obtain Oracle Globalization Settings; C#

using System;
using Oracle.DataAccess.Client;

class ClientGlobalizationSample
static void Main()
OracleGlobalization ClientGlob = OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo();
Console.WriteLine("Client machine language: " + ClientGlob.Language);
Console.WriteLine("Client characterset: " + ClientGlob.ClientCharacterSet);

Example 7–2 How to Obtain Oracle Globalization Settings; VB

Imports System
Imports Oracle.DataAccess.Client

Module ClientGlobalizationSample

Beta Draft Including Globalization Support 7-1

Globalization Support

Sub Main()
Dim ClientGlob As OracleGlobalization = OracleGlobalization.GetClientInfo()
Console.WriteLine("Client machine language: " + ClientGlob.Language)
Console.WriteLine("Client characterset: " + ClientGlob.ClientCharacterSet)
End Sub

End Module

7-2 Oracle Database Express Edition 2 Day Plus .NET Developer Guide Beta Draft

Beta Draft Index-1

Index-2 Beta Draft

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