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“This presentation is for informational purposes only and may not be incorporated into a contract or agreement.

The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It
is intended for information purposes only, and may not be
incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any
material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in
making purchasing decision. The development, release, and timing
of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s products
remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.
Timothy Chien
Senior Product Manager
Oracle Corporation

Saravanan Shanmugam
Senior Architect
The Hartford

“This presentation is for informational purposes only and may not be incorporated into a contract or agreement.”
Best Practices for
Oracle Database 10g
Backup and Recovery
Session Objectives

y Backup and Recovery Considerations

– Backup and Recovery Plan
– RMAN Best Practices
y RMAN Case Study: The Hartford
y Summary/Q&A
Backup the Database
Backup and Recovery Plan

y Can you afford to lose any

– Assess tolerance for loss Instance
Host: ESS01
(Recovery Point Objective) Name: PROD
Hardware: Sun
RDBMS: 9.01
y Prioritize data OS: Sun 2.6.x.x
Size:: 1T
y PITR required? Disk Capacity:
BU Method:
– Backup retention policy Nightly online
Avail: 6x18
Mount Point:
y What is your Recovery Time MMV: Legato
Objective? data
– H/W & S/W recovery time +
Oracle recovery time (media +
instance recovery)
Test the Recovery Plan

y Media Failure
– Restore database files to a new location
y Block Corruption
– Block Media Recovery, Trial Recovery,
y User Error
– Flashback, TSPITR, LogMiner
y Disaster
– Validate restoring all files to another host
Session Objectives

y Backup and Recovery Considerations

– Backup and Recovery Plan
– RMAN Best Practices
y RMAN Case Study: The Hartford
y Summary/Q&A
Flash Recovery Area
y Unified storage location for all recovery files and
recovery related activities in an Oracle Database
– Control files, online redo logs, archived logs, flashback
logs, RMAN backups
y Sizing Guidelines
– Control file backups and archived logs
y Estimate number of archived logs generated between
backups on the busiest day and multiply their size by 2
(includes margin of error)
– Archived logs and flashback logs
y Multiply the archived log size between backups by 4
– Incremental backups
y Add their estimated sizes
– All above and on-disk backup
y Add size of the database minus the size of temp files
Oracle Suggested Strategy
y Much faster backup
– Just propagate changes
to recovery area
– Dramatic difference for
large databases
y Much faster restore
– Copy backup files from
the Flash Recovery Area
– Or simply use the copy
in the Flash Recovery
y Much more reliable
due to inherent
reliability of disks
– Tapes not needed for
normal backup/recovery,
only for archiving
Recovery Manager Best Practices
Incremental Backup

y Differential vs cumulative incrementals

y Level 1 cumulative vs level 0 full backup
y Useful for NOLOGGING operations
Day of the week Day of the week
Sun Mon Tues Wed Thr Fri Sat Sun Mon Tues Wed Thr Fri Sat

0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0
Incremental backup level Incremental backup level

Differential incremental Cumulative incremental

Decreasing Your Backup and
Recovery Time
y Backup the Control File
– Required to open the database
– Contains database structure meta-data
– Recovery operations are less error prone
– Controlfile autobackup ON

y Read-Only Tablespaces
– Use range partitioning on large tables
– Required to be backed up one time
– Data may reside on CD-ROM or WORM

y Offload backups to physical standby

Recovery Manager Best Practices
Channel Parallelism

y Allocate one channel per tape drive or disk

– More channels per device => impacts restore time
– Check with media management vendor
– Balances the number of files to be backed up across
– Evens out the disks being read across channels
– Attempts to make each backup set the same size
Recovery Manager Best Practices

y Multiplexing => number of files read by one

channel, at the same time, during backup
files read per channel)
– Backup vs restore performance
– Larger vs smaller backup set
– With S.A.M.E. => multiplexing of 1
– Otherwise => multiplexing between 4 and 8
* In 9i+, default is 64 ** In 9i+, default is (8, FILESPERSET)
Recovery Manager Best Practices
Memory Buffers

y Input Buffers => blocks copied & validated

– Number and size determined by MAXOPENFILES
– Monitor #, size of buffers in
y Output Buffers => blocks written to disk/tape
– Four buffers per channel
– Default buffer size => Disk: 1 MB, SBT: 256 KB
– Monitor I/O rates in
– Set MMV tape blocksize = BLKSIZE, >= 256 KB
Recovery Manager Best Practices
Memory Buffers

y Use tape I/O slaves and set

LARGE_POOL_SIZE => reduce contention
for shared pool
y Enable disk I/O slaves only if OS does not
support async
y Monitor alert log for memory allocation
Recovery Manager Best Practices
Backup Performance

y Monitor disk read/write throughput using the

effective_bytes_per_second column in the
views, where type=’INPUT’ or type=‘OUTPUT’
y Tape performance issues
– Increase physical tape block size
– Check tape compression
– Monitor tape streaming => increase multiplexing
y Use DURATION backup parameter to minimize
system overhead
Recovery Manager Best Practices
Recovery Performance

y Minimize archive log application by using

y Use block media recovery for isolated block
y Keep sufficient number of archived logs on disk
y Tune database for I/O, DBWR performance,
CPU utilization
Recovery Manager Best Practices
y Retention Policy
– Defines how long backups or how many backups
should be retained
– Tape recycle should be determined by RMAN
y Tag (automatically set in 9.2+)
– Symbolic name for a backup
– Simplifies the capability to restore a specific backup
by referring to a TAG
y Recovery Catalog
– Centralize backup meta-data
– Stored scripts
– Backup Options: Use the control file, Oracle export, or
Physical Standby
Transportable Tablespace (TTS)
y Mechanism to quickly move a tablespace across Oracle
– Supports cross platform transport via RMAN CONVERT
y Most efficient means to move bulk data between databases
– File is simply copied at OS level + import tablespace metadata
– Benefits
– Publish structured data to multiple subscribers (data marts)
– Maintain/update reporting database via RMAN incrementally
updated backups

File 1 OS copy File 1

File 2 File 2
expdat.dmp expdat.dmp

Session Objectives

y Backup and Recovery Considerations

– Backup and Recovery Plan
– RMAN Best Practices
y RMAN Case Study: The Hartford
y Summary/Q&A
The Hartford Overview

* Founded in 1810 and a Fortune 100

company with $22.7 yearly revenue(2004)

* Roughly about 30 databases, sized

between 7.5 GB and 30 GB

* HP-UX servers and EMC DMX-3000 storage

* Mostly Data warehouse and DSS systems

Problem Statement

* Need subsets of production data on

secondary databases to offload reporting
and analysis tasks (mainly, data marts)

* Data subsets must be easily updated with

production changes on monthly basis

* Do this easily, quickly, and cost-effectively

Comparing Solutions

* Hardware Mirroring

* Oracle Streams

* Data Guard – Logical Standby

* Transportable Tablespace (TTS)

• Copy datafiles to the target database
• Generate tablespace metadata information from
source database and plug in the datafiles in the
target database
Transportable Tablespace (TTS) Procedure

* Fit the best with our requirements:

• Allows specific data subsets to be replicated
• Only needs commodity, rather than higher-end
• Leverages existing Oracle database technology

* However, TTS requires copying data files to

secondary database filesystem on each
data refresh
• Time consuming to copy large data files
• Data files must be in read-only during the copy
Our Solution - Incrementally Updated TTS (ITTS)

* Utilize RMAN:
• Incrementally updated backups
- Take initial image copy of data files
- Take subsequent incremental backups
- Merge incrementals with data file image copies to
create new image copies, on regular basis
• Block change tracking for fast incremental
- Reads only changed blocks, instead of whole data file
on incremental backup
• Recovery catalog
- Keep longer history of backups vs. control file, e.g.
monthly or quarterly incremental backups
* Our Solution: Use RMAN to incrementally update
transported tablespaces
ITTS Overview
Initial Month
Source Database Target Database

Tablespace Copy

NFS Mounted Filesystems

Subsequent Months
Source Database Target Database

Changed Blocks
Blocks Copy
NFS Mounted Filesystems
ITTS Procedure - First Month
1. One time image copy of datafiles performed after placing tablespace
in read-only mode
run {
allocate channel d1 device type disk format
allocate channel d2 device type disk format
recover of copy with tag "TEST9_BACKUP" tablespace
2. Plug in the tablespace in destination database via network
> impdp readonly/readonly DIRECTORY=exp_dir
ITTS Procedure - Subsequent Months
3. Drop tablespace in destination database with only ‘INCLUDING
CONTENTS’ option (data files are preserved)
SQL> drop tablespace <tablespace name> including

4. Check for any new datafiles and create image copy in the destination
database location (tablespace must be in in read-only mode during
image copy)
run {
allocate channel d1 device type disk format
recover of copy with TAG "TEST9_BACKUP"
datafile 3;
ITTS Procedure - Subsequent Months
5. Perform incremental backup and merge it with datafiles in destination
database (tablespace must be in read-only mode during backup)
run {
allocate channel d1 device type disk format
allocate channel d2 device type disk format
recover of copy with TAG "TEST9_BACKUP" tablespace
recover copy of tablespace test1 with TAG
6. Plug in the tablespace in destination database
> impdp readonly/readonly DIRECTORY=exp_dir
ITTS Restrictions

* The transported tablespace in destination

database should always be in read-only

* OMF-style format string should not be used

when making initial image copies
• If OMF file is used,
‘DROP TABLESPACE ..’ will drop
metadata and data files.
ITTS Benefits

* Much less time spent in copying data

* Tablespaces can be easily transferred between database

servers in different physical locations or cities
• Via NFS mounted filesystems or cluster filesystems

* Space savings when compared to hardware-based copy

• Hardware-based methods work at volume-level vs. data file-
• Volume has fixed size (400 GB) and only holds tablespaces to
be transported (100 GB) => 300 GB of allocated, but unused
Session Objectives

y Backup and Recovery Considerations

– Backup and Recovery Plan
– RMAN Best Practices
y RMAN Case Study: The Hartford
y Summary/Q&A
y Best practices papers on OTN -> Database ->
– Tuning Oracle9i Recovery Manager
– RMAN Backup and Recovery Optimization
– HP-Oracle 3+ TB/hr RMAN Backup Benchmark
y Customer case studies on OTN
– Incrementally Updating TTS using RMAN
– Fannie Mae: Breaking the 1 TB/Hour Backup Barrier
y Oracle Backup Solutions Program (BSP)
y Recovery Manager Discussion Forum
– --> Discussion Forum --> Recovery
Additional References
y Using RMAN & RAC
– Real Application Cluster Administration Guide,
Ch. 7 & 8
– Metalink Note 243760.1: RMAN: RAC Backup and
Recovery using RMAN
y Using RMAN & Data Guard
– Using Recovery Manager with Oracle Data Guard
in Oracle9i
– Using Recovery Manager with Oracle Data Guard
in Oracle Database 10g
y Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA)
White Papers

y Implement B&R best practices methodically

– Assess B&R service levels, RPO, RTO, data criticality
– Document all operational procedures
– Test, test, test – media, block corruption, human error,
disaster recovery
y Put Oracle Database 10g to the test
– RMAN – fully supported Oracle backup solution
y Backup to disk as cache
y Optimized incrementals, incrementally updated backups
– Flashback – near-instant, fine-granular recovery
y Flashback Query, Flashback Transaction, Flashback Drop,
Flashback Table, Flashback Database
For more information on Oracle High Availability, Disaster
Protection, Backup & Recovery, and Storage
Management technology go to:


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