Economic Action Plan 2012: James Moore, PC MP

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James Moore, PC MP

Port Moody - Westwood - Port Coquitlam Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages

Economic Action Plan 2012

OTTAWA Budget 2012 is focused on creating jobs, growth and long-term prosperity by keeping taxes low, supporting innovation and promoting travel with the worlds fast growing economies, this is good news for British Columbia. In Economic Action Plan 2012 our Conservative Government is focused on what matters to Canadians jobs and economic growth, said James Moore, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages and MP for Port Moody-Westwood-Port Coquitlam. In 2009 and 2010 Canadas Economic Action Plan invested $63 billion in targeted stimulus, to protect Canada from the worst of the global recession. As a result: Canadas economy has expanded for 9 of the last 10 quarters. Canada created over 610,000 net new jobs since July 2009 the strongest job growth record in the G-7. Canada has one of the strongest fiscal positions in the G-7 with a AAA credit rating. water on First Nations reserves. Investing in Small Public Infrastructure: $150 million to support repairs and improvements to existing community facilities. Canadas granting councils, $60 million for Genome Canada, $10 million to the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, $500 million to the Canada Foundation for Innovation.

The Honourable James Moore, Minister for Canadian Heritage and Official Languages announces B.C. shipyards have been awarded an $8-billion Federal shipbuilding contract, creating thousands of new jobs in the province

But the global recovery remains fragile especially in Europe and the United States and too many Canadians are still looking for work. Thats why the Economic Action Plan 2012 moves ahead to secure jobs, growth, and long-term prosperity for Canada by: SUPPORTING JOB CREATION Hiring Credit for Small Business: extending the credit of up to $1,000 to encourage additional hiring, and lowering of business payroll taxes by $205 million. Helping Youth Gain Skills and Experience: $50 million to the Youth Employment Strategy. Investing in Small Public Infrastructure: $150 million to support repairs and improvements to existing community facilities. Connecting Canadians with Available Jobs: $21 million to improve job and labour market information for Canadians looking for work. SUPPORTING FAMILIES Our Conservative Government believes in keeping families strong. The Economic Action Plan 2012 introduces key measures to help Canadian families, including: Improving the Registered Disability Savings Plan: ensuring the long-term financial security of children with severe disabilities. Improving First ations Water Infrastructure: $330 million to ensure safe and clean drinking

Enhancing the Victims Fund: to ensure victims of crime have an effective voice in the federal justice and corrections system. Increasing Duty-Free limits: free from $50 to $200 after a 24-hour trip and from $400 to $800 after a 48-hour trip, beginning June 1, 2012. Economic Action Plan 2012 builds on the strong action our Conservative Government has taken to support families. Since 2006, we have cut taxes over 140 times, savings for a typical family are over $3,100. RETURN TO BALANCED BUDGETS Reviewing Government Spending: eliminating waste in the internal operations of Government and making Government leaner and more efficient, resulting in $5.2 billion in ongoing savings or less than 2.0 % in total program spending by 2016-17. With the Economic Action Plan 2012 measures, we remain on track to balance the budget over the medium term. SUPPORTING ENTREPRENEURS & INNOVATION & RESEARCH Acting on the Jenkins Report: $1.1 billion to directly support research and development and $500 million for venture capital. Supporting Innovation in Science & Technology: including $37 million annually to

SUPPORTING BUSINESS INVESTMENT Responsible Resource Development: ensuring major resource projects arent bogged down by the regulatory system and that one project receives only one review in a clearly defined timeframe. Undertaking the Most Ambitious Trade Expansion Plan in Canadian History: strengthening trade with the US, opening new trade agreements with India and the European Union, building our growing trade relationship with China, and much more. SUSTAINABLE SOCIAL PROGRAMS AND SECURE RETIREMENT Ensuring OAS Remains Strong for Future Generations: gradually raising the eligibility for OAS and GIS benefits from 65 to 67 between 2023 and 2029. Bringing Public sector and Parliamentarians Pensions in-line with the Private Sector For more information Please visit

Follow James Moore on @JamesMoore_org

ew Funding for Local Youth: A Chance to Choose

PORT MOODY The Honourable James Moore, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages recently announced new funding to help youth in the Tri-Cities gain the skills, knowledge and experience they need to enter and succeed in the job market. Our governments top priority is creating jobs and opportunities in our communities, said Moore. Our governments Youth Employment Strategy is helping youth develop the skills and gain the experience they need to get jobs now and prepare for the workforce of tomorrow. A Chance to Choose in Port Moody will receive over $420,000 from the Skills Link program under Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, to help local youth-at-risk overcome barriers to employment. Skills Link is part of the Governments Youth Employment Strategy (YES). Delivered by S.U.C.C.E.S.S, A Chance to Choose is a fifteen-week Federal Government sponsored program designed to help youth between the ages of 15 to 30, develop essential skills necessary to find and retain employment. With annual funding of more than $300 million, YES helps youth who face barriers to employment by developing employment skills, obtaining career information, finding jobs and staying employed. YES also includes the Skills Link and Career Focus programs and the Canada Summer Jobs program will attend skills workshops that focus on topics such as job-search strategies, teamwork and project planning. Participants will gain hands on experience by working in teams to plan, implement and promote projects with local community organizations. Youth are a vital part of our community and focus for S.U.C.C.E.S.S, said Thomas Tam, Chief Executive Officer of S.U.C.C.E.S.S. We really appreciate how the Youth Employment Strategy helps our program, A Chance to Choose, give youth in need a hand up, not a hand out. Youth employment programs are part of the Government of Canadas broader strategy to create an educated, skilled and flexible workforce. The Government underscored its commitment to this strategy in Canadas Economic Action Plan. A key component of the Plan is to create more and better opportunities for Canadian workers through skills development. For more information Please visit and

initiative, which creates thousands of job opportunities for students every summer. Economic Action Plan 2012 is investing an additional $50 million over two years to enhance YES so that more young people can gain tangible skills and experience. This funding will focus on connecting young Canadians with jobs in fields that are in high demand. Youth enrolled in the A Chance to Choose

Conservative Priority: Increasing Trade Creating Jobs

VA COUVER The Honourable James Moore, Minister of Canadian Heritage and Official Languages, recently spoke to business owners at the Canadian Fishing Company to highlight the benefits a Canada-EU trade agreement would generate for Canadian workers and their families. Our Government is focused on jobs, growth and long-term prosperity. An ambitious agreement with the European Union will be a big win for British Columbias workers and businesses, said Moore. For example, nearly 5,500 hard-working British Columbians and their families depend on the fish and seafood sector for their livelihood. A Canada-EU trade agreement will produce success for this critical sector and directly benefit workers and families who rely on it here in BC. The Governments ambitious trade agreement with the European Union would generate significant benefits for hard-working Canadians in every region of our country. Our EU trade agreement as the potential to deliver a 20-percent boost in bilateral trade and a $12-billion annual increase to Canadas economy. That translates to an increase of $1,000 to the average Canadian familys income, and 80,000 new jobs, said Moore. announced that Canada will continue to deepen its strategic partnerships in Asia in order to create jobs, growth and long-term prosperity for Canadians. With the global economic recovery remaining fragile, we are looking forward to exploring new ways of strengthening our relationship with Thailand and Japan, said the Prime Minister. While in Thailand, Prime Minister Harper promoted Canada as an investment destination of choice and discussed cooperation between our two countries in combating human smuggling and terrorism in the region. In Japan Prime Minister Harper met with Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda to discuss a range of issues, including the state of the global economy, bilateral commercial ties and regional security. The Prime Minister also travelled to the northern area near Sendai to express Canadas sympathy to the victims of the March 11, 2011, earthquake and tsunami. The Prime Minister Harper also made an official state visit to South Korea to attend the Seoul Summit.

James Moore speaks to the Business Council of BC

Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao announce results of the joint research and development projects under the Canada-China Framework Agreement for Cooperation on Science, Technology and Innovation

The EU is Canadas second-largest trading partner and the worlds largest integrated economy, with more than 500 million consumers and a GDP of over $17 trillion. The ongoing trade negotiations with the EU represent Canadas most significant trade initiative since the historic North American Free Trade Agreement.

Asia Pacific Gateway

Increasing Trade
Prime Minister Stephen recently returned from an official state visits and trade talks with China, Thailand and Japan and announced the successful completion of trade negotiations between Canada and China on an agreements to increase Canadas natural resource exports to China. The Prime Minister Stephen Harper also announced that his official visits to Thailand, Japan, and South Korea the Prime Minister

CHO GQI G, China Prime Minister Stephen Harper and wife Laureen meet one of two giant pandas cups that will be spending 10 years in Canada, (Toronto and Calgary Zoos) It has been more than 20 years since a giant panda has been in Canada home. Giant pandas are unique to China. They often serve as unofficial national mascots and are seen as symbols of peace, friendship and good fortune

Prime Minister Harper presents Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko oda with a mixed martial arts gloves from Canadian athlete George St. Pierre

Expanding Trade & Tourism Across the B.C. U.S. Border

VA COUVER Canadian businesses need Security and Economic Competitiveness and access to key export markets in order to take the Action Plan on Regulatory Cooperation, advantage of new opportunities. Over the past six which will facilitate trade and investment years, Canada has concluded free trade flows with the United States. agreements with nine countries as well as foreign Provide support to Canadian exporters by investment promotion and protection agreements extending the provision of domestic with ten countries. Since 2009, Canada has financing by Export Developmet Canada. eliminated all tariffs on imported machinery and equipment and manufacturing inputs to make Canada a tariff-free zone for industrial manufacturers, the first in the G-20 to do so. Economic Action Plan 2012 will: Intensify Canadas pursuit of new and deeper trading relationships, particularly with large, dynamic and fast-growing economies. Implement the Action Plan on Perimeter Prime Minister Harper speaks at Metro Port Vancouver

Canada & U.S. Increase exus Benefits

VA COUVER NEXUS members flying to the US will be able to use NEXUS cards in designated security lines for pre-board screening at airports for faster service. The opening of US designated priority security lines at Airports is part of Action Plan on Perimeter Security and Economic Competitiveness announced by Prime Minister Harper and US President Obama. This change will make air travel from Canada to the US more convenient, while maintaining a high level of aviation security, said James Moore, Regional Minister for BC. I encourage Canadians to apply for a NEXUS card to experience the travel benefits it provides. With new commitments to retain and increase NEXUS membership, Canada and the United States will increase efficiency to better focus resources on travellers of high or unknown risk. NEXUS members travelling to the US will be able to use valid NEXUS cards for faster screening at Canadas eight largest airports (Halifax, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver). Currently in operation at select domestic and international checkpoints it will be open to passengers flying to the United States.

Canadians can cross Canada - US Border with Rental Vehicle

OTTAWA Canadian residents will soon be able to bring a rental vehicle into Canada from the United States. A revision to the Motor Vehicle Safety Act (MVSA) will allow Canadian residents to temporarily import a U.S.-based rental vehicle for non-commercial purposes for a period up to 30 days. To facilitate access to Canadian tourism destinations and provide more flexibility for travellers, Canada's Economic Action Plan 2012 will also eliminate taxes on these vehicles for Canadians who have been outside of Canada for at least 48 hours, effective June 1, 2012. Our government is making cross-border travel easier for Canadians, said the Honourable James Moore, Minister Responsible for BC. For example, a Canadian taking a cruise from San Francisco to Seattle can now rent a car in Seattle and drive it across the border to visit Vancouver; or, when a Canadian is visiting the U.S. and their car breaks down or they experience a last-minute flight cancellation, they now can rent a U.S. vehicle and return home safely. This important change will provide more options for Canadian travellers and benefit the tourism industry, said Moore. Our Governments top priority is jobs, growth and long-term prosperity, and what's good for tourism is good for Canada's economy. For more information Please visit

For more information Please visit

Evergreen Line Update

PORT MOODY The Evergreen Line has taken a major step forward with the start of preconstruction widening roads, relocating hydro and natural gas lines, realigning railway tracks and removing vacant buildings. This groundwork will help accelerate the project schedule. New underground power lines will be installed in Port Moody and Coquitlam. The power lines will provide power to build the bored tunnel and supply power for the operation of the Evergreen Line. Our Government is proud to be a partner in the Evergreen Line project and the start of preconstruction work is great news for the Tri-Cities, said Minister James Moore. The significant Federal investment in this project will create jobs and economic growth in British Columbia and, once complete, the Evergreen Line will cut commute times, reduce traffic congestion and result in cleaner air. The total project cost for the Evergreen Line is estimated to be $1.4 billion. Funding is being provided by the Federal Government, the Province of British Columbia and TransLink. The Government of Canada is contributing up to $417 million. The Evergreen Line is expected to be in service in the summer of 2016, and the project will create 8,000 direct and indirect jobs during construction.

For timely information & construction updates Please visit:

James Moore announces start of construction on the Evergreen Line On Twitter: @TranBC

Evergreen Line 24/7 Traffic Information phone number 604 927 2080





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Faster Air Travel Between Vancouver and the U.S.A. Conservatives Open Security Lines
VA COUVER The Honourable James Moore, Senior Minister for British Columbia, recently announced the expansion of the Automated Border Clearance (ABC) pilot project at Vancouver International Airport (YVR). Our Government is committed to making travel at airports easier for Canadians, said Minister Moore. Automated Border Clearance is a secure service that accelerates passenger screening and expands the work the Canada Border Services Agency does to streamline the border process for Canadian travellers. ABC is an innovative new concept that uses self-serve, automated technology to process Canadian travellers returning to Canada. As result, Canadian travellers will experience shorter wait times, less congestion, and faster processing at the airport. The self-serve kiosks are easy to use and do not require pre-registration by travellers or payment of any membership fees. Canadian travellers returning home will soon have a convenient new option to clear the border, said Minister Moore. That is why we will continue to look at ways to ensure Canadians travelling abroad have a fast, safe, and secure experience at our airports. pleased to be the first airport in Canada to participate in creating and delivering an automated approach to border processing that substantially reduces the average customs wait time for eligible users. Building off the success in Vancouver, the pilot project will be moved to full program status and expanded to other international airports across Canada starting with Montrals Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport in June 2012. Travellers should have all of the necessary documents on hand when they approach the kiosk, including the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) E311 Declaration Card, their Canadian passport or Canadian permanent resident card, and all receipts for purchases made abroad.
The Honourable James Moore announces the expansion of the Automated Border Clearance program at Vancouver International Airport

For more information on the Action Plan on Perimeter Security and Economic Competitiveness Please visit Follow James Moore on @JamesMoore_org

Vancouver Airport Authority continues to focus on developing and implementing cuttingedge technology that facilitates the efficient and secure movement of passengers through YVR, said Larry Berg, President and Chief Executive Officer of Vancouver Airport Authority. We are

Important Phone umbers

FEDERAL GOVER ME T Canada Pension Plan, Old Age Security 1.800.277.9914 Social Insurance umber 1.800.206.7218 Canada Customs 1.800.461.9999 Child Tax Benefit 1.800.387.1193 Revenue Canada General Inquiries: 1.800.959.8281 GST Credit: 1.800.959.1953 Tax Refund Status: 1.800.959.1956 Employment Insurance 1.800.206.7218 Canada Immigration/Citizenship 1.888.242.2100 RCMP Public Complaints 1.800.665.6878 Veterans Affairs 1.866.522.2122 Passport Office 1.800.567.6868 Other Government of Canada programs and services, call: 1.800.622.6232 PROVI CIAL GOVER ME T Doug Horne, MLA 1-800-691-9158 Mike Farnworth, MLA 604.927.2088 Diane Thorne, MLA 604.933.2001 Joe Trasolini, MLA 604.939.8889 Enquiry BC 604.660.2421 B.C. Transit 1.250.385.2551 B.C. Hydro 604.224.9376 Workers Compensation Board Claim Centre: 604.231.8888 Employer Assessment: 604.244.6181 Help Line for Children 604.310.1234 Power Outages & Emergencies 1.888.769.3766 TransLink 604.453.4500 Evergreen Line -Traffic Information 604 927-2080 Crime Stoppers/Tips 604.222.8477 LOCAL PHO E UMBERS Port Coquitlam City Hall 604.927.5411 Port Moody City Hall 604.469.4500 Coquitlam City Hall 604.927.3000 Village of Anmore 604.469.9877 Village of Belcarra 604.937.4100 Police ( on-Emergency) Coquitlam: 604.945.1550 Port Coquitlam: 604.945.1550 Port Moody: 604.461.3456 Fire: ( on-Emergency) Coquitlam: 604.927.6400 Port Coquitlam: 604.927.5466 Port Moody: 604.469.7795 Ambulance ( on-Emergency) Coquitlam: 604.872.5151 Port Coquitlam: 604.872.5151 Port Moody: 604.872.5151 School District 43 604.939.9201 Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce 604.464.2716

For information and regular updates on my work in Ottawa or the Tri-Cities please visit
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The Hon. James Moore, P.C., M.P. Rm 356 Confederation Building House of Commons Ottawa, Ont K1A 0A6

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