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COURSE SYLLABUS Course Title: Community-Based Rehabilitation Course Code: CBR Course Units: 3 UNITS ( 2 lec and 1 lab

) Course Description: This course is an introduction to the theories and principles of community-based rehabilitation in the Philippine context. GENERAL OBJECTIVES 1. Appreciate the role of physical therapists in community based rehabilitation. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES 1. Identify the role of PT in the community. 2. Discuss principles of community organization 3. Explain process of indigenization. 4. Identify importance of team approach in the context of CBR Course Outline: I. Definition of terms Define terms relevant to the practice of physical therapy in the community Explain the concept of each term. II. Roles of PT and other members of the Team in the community. Identify the members of the rehabilitation team. Discuss their roles in the health care system Explain the relationship of health care system and community. Explain the process of referral in community based rehabilitation. Discuss the team approach in the treatment of persons with disability. III. Principles of community organization. Explain the principles of community organization Identify the key persons in community organization. Identify the persons with disability in community as recipient in community based rehabilitation. Discuss the possible outcomes in community based rehabilitation. IV. Process of indigenization. Discuss the probable scenario in community that may hinder effective care of persons with disability Identify issues that may confront persons with disabilities. Identify issues that may confront PT in the community. Explain the process of indigenization in the community Discuss the resources that may be useful in community based rehabilitation V. The Rights of Persons with disability Explain the basic human rights

Explain the rights of persons with disability Discuss the effects of disability on basic human rights Discuss the relationship between persons with disability and society VI. Prevention, Early Detection and Rehabilitation of Different Disabilities Explain some ways to prevent disability Discuss how to detect if a person has an impairment or disability Explain the basic rehabilitation technique for persons having disability such as, but not limited to: o Cerebral palsy o Autism o Downs Syndrome o Convulsion/Epilepsy o Mental Retardation o Muscular Dystrophy o Speech Delay o Blindness/Visual Difficulties o Poliomyelitis o Aphasia o Myocardial Infarction o Dysarthria o Low Back Pain o Cerebrovascular Accident o Fracture o Amputation o Sprain o Burns o Hearing Impairment o Arthritis o COPD/CRPD o Spinal Cord Injury o Scoliosis Discuss the common treatment procedures of the aforementioned disabilities with respect to: o Sensory Integration Techniques o Training in Activities of Daily Living o Work Simplification and Conservation of Energy Techniques o Transfers and Gait training o Speech Stimulation Technique o Breathing and coughing Techniques o Preparation and Application of Hot compress o Preparation and Application of Cold Compress o Pre-natal Exercises

Text and Reference (Latest Edition) Magallona, MLMM. Doing CBR: A Handbook. Philippines: C and E Publishing

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