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Questions: 1. A statutory definition of a term includes a general rule and an exception thereto, is amended by deleting the exception.

Will the term now include the exception to the scope of the general rule? Why? a. Yes, it will now include the exception to the scope of the general rule because, the legislative intent is clear that the term should now include the exception within the scope of the general rule. 2. When will an amendatory right have a retroactive effect? a. It will have a retroactive effect if the amendment provides it or the intent to give it a retroactive effect is necessarily implied based from the language used. 3. Even if it is provided, when will the amendment not have a retroactive effect? a. If the amendment impairs the vested rights accrued and the obligations contracted prior to the amendment. 4. How will a statute amending a prior act with the effect of divesting the court of jurisdiction be construed? a. It will not be construed to oust jurisdiction 5. Is the decision of the labor arbiter valid? Why? 6. What is the effect of an amendment of an invalid statute? 7. What is the effect of an invalid amendment? Easy: 1. What happens to a statutory definition when it is amended by deleting the exceptions of the general rule? a. The exception is presumed to be still in effect. b. The exception is understood to be now a part of the general rule. c. The exception becomes the general rule, and the general rule becomes the exception. d. None of the above Answer: b. because, when the exception is deleted it is clear that the legislative intention was to include the exception to the general rule.

2. True or False: The language of the amendatory act should be the same with its previous act because the legislature doesnt want to change its meaning. Answer: False The language should have a material change the reason for having an amendatory act is to have a change in law or in its meaning (10.06)

3. Amendment operates prospectively, except? a. The contrary is provided b. Legislative intent is to give it a retroactive effect c. All of the above Answer: d. these are the exceptions to the general rule that amendatory acts operate prospectively. 4. True or False, An amendatory act will not be construed retroactively, even though is so provides. Answer: False, an amendatory may not affect the vested rights and contracted obligations prior to its enactment. Thus, the rights and contracts are governed by the laws prior to the amendment

5. True or False The jurisdiction of a court to try a case may be ousted by an amendment even though the case has not yet been decided. Answer: False. A jurisdiction to try cases is determined by the law in force at the time the action is instituted.

6. If the jurisdiction of a case is vested to a quasi-judicial body, then an amendment is enacted to transfer jurisdiction from the quasi-judicial body to another. a. Unfinished cases should be transferred to the new body that now has, after the amendment have the jurisdiction. b. Decisions given by the quasi judicial body, after the amendment, will be invalid because it does not have the jurisdiction anymore. c. Jurisdiction remains to with the previous quasi-judicial body until the case has been decided. d. All of the above Answer c. even quasi judicial bodies are affected by the rule.

7. True of False If the law is invalid, the amendatory act is also invalid eventhough it is valid and is independent. Answer: false, the rule is no law exists if it is invalid or unconstitutional. Therefore there was no amendment at all. However, if the amendatory act is valid and is independent the amendatory act is considered an independent act or an original act. 8. What will happen if the amendment is invalid or unconstitutional? a. The amended law is also considered invalid and therefore does not exist. b. It will be as if there has been no amendment at all. c. It will be reconsidered for 3 readings and again decided upon by the Senate d. It will be submitted to the president for him to make necessary adjustments for the modification of the amendment.

9. Bonus Question: a. What is the title of the song which Noli used in his performance earlier? EVERYTHING

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