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*The Q & A Notes*

by Nichlas Brandon

Introduction Welcome, 5 months in the making. This is the library of notes covering all of Dr. Morses Questions & Answers videos from Q & A 1 to Q & A 139. Putting this simple document together has been one heck of a trip and has taken innumerable hours. I had to find a system or way of putting the notes together in time stamps while also having to figure out what to write and what to leave out. In this process Ive come up with a few ideas of how to do this as will be revealed on page 2. Ill update the library weekly to cover future videos, and have decided to release the updated version every 2 weeks (I realized it was possible to upload the PDF itself on Facebook). Hopefully all of you will find this PDF useful. I sure have! It has been impossible to cover 100% of what Dr. Morse has spoken about, but I think Ive done a good job to include all the specific conditions, over 90+ cases, every iris analysis, most of his rants on the medical community and the FDA; as well as many of his talks on spirituality, creation and much, much more. Ive spent a decent amount of time proof-reading the document but that doesnt prevent that Ive missed one or two errors. If you do run into topics/subjects with no time stamps or words that have been spelt incorrectly, then please contact me via my Facebook profile.

How to Use the Q & A Notes

To zoom in or out: press and hold the 'CTRL' key and use the scroll-wheel on the mouse. To restore back to normal zoom: 'CTRL' key + '0' (zero) key. If you already know the specific subject youre looking for then simply search for any particular keywords pertaining to that subject. To search for a term (or phrase) press and hold the CTRL key on your keyboard, and then press the F key to open up the Search-This-Page feature. For Mac computers: Command + F.

In the downloaded PDF version this search box should appear in the upper right corner after pressing CTRL + F/Command + F. Enter the word or phrase to search for and youre good to go! Ive included a list of words you can search for on page 3. The Tags System Note: I put the first letter of some words in parentheses to avoid them popping up when you search for these words later on. This idea was quite interesting and it works well too in complimenting the search for specific words or conditions. The words that serve as tags will be put in parentheses as illustrated below:

As you can see above I had drawn a quote from Dr. Morse but what would be the odds of you ever finding that quote? Quite slim. Thats why I came up with the tags system as the words (b)ald and (b)alding would increase your chances of finding this quote. The words (b)ald and (b)alding serve as tags for the quote. Im a genius ---

Above you see some conditions followed by the tag brief. This means that Dr. Morse discusses the given subject shortly and only touches on the surface of the condition (or subject). In most cases you should refer to these notes for short and quick advice on what to do as Dr. Morse doesnt go into intricate details. ---

Ive added the tag (i)ridology to anything that pertains to (i)ridology. Ive done the same with (s)clerology, (s)pirituality, [(s)piritual insights].

The Case System This system is pretty simple. Just type in a case # followed by a number, like below:

There were times when a person would ask Dr. Morse for help regarding 10 different conditions. Instead of giving each condition its own time stamp (which would have to be tagged with brief anyway) I decided to put them under the same time stamp and include a case number instead. When searching When youre searching for something specific, phrases in particular, I advise that you always try dividing the phrase or sentence into individual words. So instead of searching for (m)ercury (t)oxicity try simply searching (m)ercury. The reason for this, and lets use the example above, is if you search for (m)ercury (t)oxicity you may not find any notes where Ive written (m)ercury (p)oisoning or (m)ercury (f)illings in which case youd miss 2/3 of the notes pertaining to (m)ercury.

Examples of words/terms you can search for:

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