Ch. 17 Masters Drill - Rules

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Masters Marching is endeavouring to cater for all levels of participation in all age groupings. Whilst many continually strive in the pursuit of excellence through competition, and thrive on the rivalry involved, there are those who prefer to seek self improvement through participation without the stress of competing on a regular basis, if at all. Masters Marching is a physical activity suitable for all ages, shapes and sizes, and importantly, with a very low injury factor. Marching is Walking in Rhythm with Precision and walking is something most people do every day of their life. Marching, being natural movement, has the potential to contribute to an extended period of meaningful activity. There is considerable research evidence to show that continued physical activity can delay or even prevent the onset of the ageing process. Many researchers contend that a fit 65yr old has the physical capacity of a sedentary 35yr old and that many so-called effects of ageing are more the effects of disuse than time. Not only can sport provide opportunity for meaningful physical activity, it can also provide social contact for people of similar age group and/or similar interests. These friendships are an important part of Masters sport. Whilst in the initial stages, it is anticipated that the majority of leisure marching teams will be formed by ex-marching members for ex-marching members, inexperienced and closet marchers are most welcome to join the ranks. In some States there appears to be two levels of experience in the forming teams. There has been an attempt in this Manual to cater for the varying levels of experience and involvement. Whilst the primary function of this section is to promote leisure marching, it may be necessary in the future, as the number of teams increase, to look at some form of competition with an equitable system of assessment for those who wish to compete. Whilst maintaining the same basic rules, a Novice Section and an Open Section could be made available. The Open Section is as it implies, would be open to all, and a Novice Section would be open to the Teams who meet specific criteria to allow for equitable competition. If we go beyond our current membership to promote this section, Masters Marching may be a golden opportunity to increase our membership as well as a potential source from which to draw future volunteers. STATE CO-ORDINATORS - MASTERS MARCHING In order to foster Masters Marching, a responsible person is required in each State to act as Masters Co-Ordinator. The duties of the Co-Ordinator shall be that of a Liaison Officer. Firstly, to liaise with the teams and the AMA Technical Director on matters of a technical nature. Secondly, to keep the State Administrator and Technical Chiefs informed of the development of Masters Marching teams within the State, which includes notification of public demonstrations as well as requests for participation at State functions/competitions etc..

Manual of Precision Drills 25 September 2011 Masters Marching

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PARTICIPANTS: A minimum of six team members is required for a Team to be competitive in all phases of Masters Drill. Each phase has been detailed to allow for flexibility of team numbers greater than six. The name of the game is participation and whilst reserve members are permitted, all members should be encouraged to take part in as many events as practicable. Team members may interchange positions between each phase.


TEAM REPRESENTATIVE: A designated team member shall be appointed to act as the Teams Representative on the playing field. The Teams Representative is responsible to carry out the requirements of the Handbook and has the authority when appropriate to address an official on matters of rule application, protest, or information. A Masters Drill Team may choose to have a separate Team Representative for each event.


TEAM REGISTRATION: Masters Drill members are required to be thirty years (30yrs) of age on or by the 31st December of the current season, however the Federal Board of Management has ruled that a Team may register not more than three (3) members between twenty five years and thirty years (25 - 30) of age. The Federal Board of Management reserves the right to permit members outside the age restrictions to register with the Masters section where exceptional circumstances prevail. Application in this case shall be made to the Federal Administrative Director in writing, through the State Administrator, stating the details. There is no limit to the number of members a Masters team may register. A Masters Drill Team may have a Team Co-Ordinator, however a Team Manager is a requirement of team registration. All applications for team registration must be on the prescribed R1 form. Teams membership shall be acquired by the affiliated State Association lodging the application with the Federal Finance Director. An extract of birth certificate or acceptable proof of age document may be requested. The Federal Board of Management may, at its discretion, decline to grant or delay the granting of any application for registration. The annual fees, payable in advance, shall be as prescribed by the Federal Annual General Meeting, and shall commence each year on the 1st of June, being the official commencement of the season. Insurance is included in the annual registration fees.


UNIFORMS: It is sound policy for all members of a team to dress in the same basic uniform for the sake of economy and esprit de corps. Recreational type dress appropriate to the climatic conditions is recommended for Masters Drill teams. Uniform registration is not required.

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FOOTWEAR: Will be recognised, unadorned, white marching boots, sand shoes or gym boots. The edges of the sole and heel platforms may be any uniform colour. The style of footwear within a team is not required to be identical. 5. TEAM MANAGER: The Team Manager, male or female, will be over the age of 25 years. The Manager will be responsible for the general well being and organisation of the group at training, demonstrations and competitions. 6. TEAM COACH: The Coach will respect the rights of members and observe the rules of DrillDance Australia. As with the Junior, Intermediate and Senior sections of DrillDance, Coach registration for Masters members shall be on the team registration, the same rules apply. All queries on coaching should be directed to the State Masters Co-Ordinator or the State Chief Coach. 7. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS: (a) (b) AREA: Rectangle - 2O metres (side to side) X 15 metres (front to rear boundaries). White tape (approximately 20 metres X 5cm wide) for front boundary. Four corner flags White Disc centre rear boundary One sighter flag - centre front boundary Start Disc centre rear boundary DISCS:

15cm diameter discs, painted white, with skid proof paint, will be placed in accordance with the applicable layout diagram. (c) COMPETITION MUSIC: All Teams have a choice of music for the Technical Drill Routine and must supply their own CD-R with their selected music. Teams may select their music from the AMA Library of tapes & CDs or choose music from within the following guidelines; Traditional March Classical Orchestral Symphonic May include Movie Themes There may only be a maximum of three pieces of music (two cuts). The music will be played in the consistent time of 120 beats per minute as for Standard Competition Music. There will be a Left/Right emphasis of beat. No Vocal accompaniment. All music for the Technical Drill Routine shall be checked for consistent time of march and broadcast quality by the relative State Chief Judge.

The other requirements for Technical Drill music are as follows;

There is no requirement to register music and identical music is acceptable for the Technical Drill Routine.

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In the event of a competition being held, a well lit, private room with chairs to accommodate recorders who will carry out checks of the scoresheets, preparation of the Master Sheets and the calculation of award results. (e) ADJUDICATION: The scoresheets and seating of the Judges for Technical Drill and Thematic Drill will be as detailed by the Federal Technical Director for other sections. (f) AWARDS:

The organising committee shall retain the right to determine the awards within any segment of Masters Marching. The number of placings awarded (i.e. 1st, 2nd and 3rd) in each phase of the contest will be decided by the Contest Committee of the competition. Trophies, ribbons, certificates etc., may be awarded at the discretion of the committee conducting the contest. GENERAL: The areas of participation for Masters Members are as follows: Technical Drill Routine a Set Drill Routine Thematic Drill - a Free Choice Drill Routine

The prime focus of mature-age marching should be on participation.

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Unless otherwise specified the following positions will be natural to all drills: The position of Attention or relative thereof. Only one knee will be bent at any one time. Feet will be in line of march. The width of the supporting platform (ie. the distance apart of the lines of march) be relative to the lines of force. When not swinging arms, hands will be held steady at the side. Thumbs at all times with hands correctly positioned will be directed to the front. When arms are swung, the hands will follow a path directly to the front and rear alignment with the correct hand placement of the Stationary position. N.B. These invisible lines are referred to as the line-of-swing. Shoulders will be held square to the front. Where it is required that more than one member of a Team execute identical drill, then such drill will be performed in a uniform manner.

4 WAY STRETCH ( Maintaining Posture): 1st Stretch: Walk (stand) tall reach for height, pushing the crown of the head up, chin approximately ninety degrees to the neck. 2nd Stretch: Flatten shoulder blades, stretching the shoulder points outwards, without pulling the shoulders down. N.B. THIS MAKES A LONG NECK AND A FLAT STRAIGHT BACK, IT IS NOT A TENSE POSITION. 3rd Stretch: Stretch the hands down from the shoulder points to position the arms as straight as possible to the sides, while stretching the legs naturally straight. 4th Stretch: Increase the distance between the hips and the armpits by stretching the chest up from the hips, thus lengthening the body.

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POSITION OF ATTENTION: Feet: Heels together and in line. lines of march. Legs: Knees naturally straight. Body: In fully erect posture, a line dropped from the ear would go through: 1. The tip of the shoulder. 2. Middle of the hip. 3. Back of the knee cap. 4. Front of the ankle bone. Body carried evenly over both thighs, with the hips directed over the front of the heels. The chest should sit squarely over the pelvis, not be pushed forward or sunken. The head should be balanced directly over the trunk. Shoulders, level and square to the front, down and moderately back, to form a fairly flat area across the shoulder blades and back of the shoulders. Arms: Arms hanging from the shoulders as straight as the natural bend of the arm will permit. Hands: Hands closed but not clenched with thumb lying naturally straight over the crook of the index finger, level with the outside centre of the thigh, pointing to the ground directly below. The fingers, when in position, will rest lightly on the palm of the hand with the fingers flat, so that if the arm was moved from the position, the fingernails would be visible. Wrists straight. An imaginary line should pass through the centre of the forearm and through the centres of both the wrist and the hand. Head/Eyes: Head balanced evenly on the neck. Neck in as straight a line as possible with the spine. Chin held in without strain at about ninety degrees to the neck, bringing the bottom of the chin about parallel to the ground. Eyes focused directly ahead shall not give the appearance of looking down. General: The weight of the body will be balanced over both feet and evenly distributed between the fore part of the feet and the heels. Breathing will not in any way be restricted. Proper breathing whilst marching is essential. It prevents the marcher tiring and helps the flow of movement. THE HALT: Unless stipulated otherwise the Halt is completed with: Correct Position of Attention. Both feet will be on the ground. Knees will be naturally straight. Feet turned out at an angle of at least five degrees each from the

ON PARADE HALT: The halt is executed in two beats, unless otherwise specified. The left foot will travel forward at the same speed and in the same manner as a marching pace (just clear of the ground), and will complete the pace with the angle of the Attention Position. The rear (right) foot will be carried forward in the same manner, at about half the speed of a marching pace, and will complete in the Attention Position. Arms will drop to the sides in conjunction with the timing of the rear foot traveling to the Attention Position.

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ARMSWING IN MARCHING: Action: Arms will be as straight as the natural bend will allow, alternately backwards and forwards. When the left foot swings forward the left arm swings backwards. The shoulders shall be level and square to the front. Arms will continually move in their own from the hand position at the stationary position. line of swing, taken

Direction: Timing:

Arms will swing in a smooth even speed in conjunction with the opposite foot. Arms will reach the peak of swing (extended position) on the emphasis of the beat of music. The timing will be uniform within the unit. The height may vary within a group but for presentation sake the angle achieved by the arms to the body at the extended position will be relatively the same. When viewed from the side, the arms at the extended position (maximum degree of height), will be seen to have a space between the body and the elbow.


ARMDROP: Where applicable, and unless specified otherwise, the arms will drop to the sides, to the position of Attention, from the extended position, in conjunction with the timing of the rear foot traveling forward. ARMSWING OUT: Where applicable, and unless otherwise specified, the arms will commence to swing, from the position of Attention, to the extended position, in conjunction with the timing of the foot stepping out. HANDGRIP IN MARCHING: Hands will be closed, but not clenched. The fingers will rest lightly but flat on the palm of the hand, sufficiently positioned for the fingernails to be visible. Thumb lying naturally straight over the crook of the index finger. Wrists straight, an imaginary line through the centre of the forearm will pass through the centre of both the wrist and the hand. Thumb always facing directly to the front during the forward swing of the arms. Due to the naturally slight turn of the elbow on the back swing the thumb may appear to turn very slightly inwards. LEG & FOOT ACTION IN MARCHING: Action: The legs will swing forward naturally from the hip joints at a smooth even speed, each leg as it swings forward being relaxed sufficiently at the knee and ankle to allow the foot to just clear the ground. Only one knee will be bent at any one time. Direction: Timing: Each leg will swing forward naturally from the hip in a straight line (line of march). The platform of the heel shall contact the ground surface lightly but firmly on the musical emphasis of the beat.

SALUTE AT THE HALT: The right hand will be brought up smartly, with a circular motion, to the head, palm to the front, fingers extended and together. The point of the forefinger shall be about 3cm above the right eye or on the leading edge of peaked headwear. The thumb will be alongside the forefinger and the elbow as near as possible a straight line and square with the shoulder alignment. Tips of the fingers, wrist and elbow as near as possible in a straight line.

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The raising of the arm upwards will take one beat of quick time, and having reached this raised position, the arm will remain so for two beats of quick time. The cutting down of the arm will be made by the shortest route, at the same time closing the hand, to arrive at the correct position of Attention. The count therefore for the Salute at the Halt will be: UP PAUSE DOWN SALUTE ON THE MARCH: When instructed to Salute on the March, the hand will be raised to the Salute at the Halt position. When instructed to turn the head, the hand will still be positioned as though the head remained to the front. When the head is turned to the right, both eyes will look past the back of the hand. The timing of the Salute on the March will be in accordance with the requirements of the March. ACTION HALT: The rear foot will travel forward at the same speed and in the same manner as a normal marching pace (just clear of the ground), to rest flat in the Stationary Position (weight evenly distributed). The arms will drop to the sides in conjunction with the traveling foot reaching the Stationary Position. The time taken by the foot traveling forward will be approximately one half beat. There will be a hesitation in the Stationary Position to complete the one beat of quick time for the Action Halt. ACTION HALT RIGHT/LEFT TURNS: For a Right Turn the action will commence from the extended position on the emphasis of the right beat. Left Beat: The left foot will be brought forward as in a normal marching pace to the foot front position in which the foot is flat on the ground with the body weight evenly distributed over both feet. There will be a hesitation to complete the beat. The left foot shall rest (directed to the line of march) sufficiently to the front of the right foot so that if the feet were pressed together, the instep of the front foot (left) would fit into the width of the ball of the right foot. Hesitate for approximately half a beat prior to pivoting on the ball of the left foot to rotate the body through a turn of ninety degrees (or specified degree) and unless stipulated otherwise, simultaneously step out to arrive at the extended position in tempo. The arms shall drop to the sides in conjunction with the foot into. The armswing out shall be in conjunction with the step out pace arriving at the extended position on the emphasis of the beat. The length of hesitation is the Teams choice, but must be uniform throughout the Team within a movement. - ONE BEAT - TWO BEATS - ONE BEAT - LEFT - RIGHT/LEFT - RIGHT

Foot Front Position: Right Beat:



To execute a Left turn substitute left for right and right for left.

Manual of Precision Drills 25 September 2011 Masters Marching

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