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Table of contents

History and Objectives

History Objectives

3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 7 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 22 43 52 52 54 58 58 59 60 61 64 64 66 72

Organisation and Management

Organisation Management

IIiA 2010 in figures

Financing Human resources ISI Publications

Research Groups
Broadband Communications and Distributed Systems (BCDS) Control Engineering and Intelligent Systems (eXiT) Modelling, Identification and Control Engineering Laboratory (MICELab) Computer Vision and Robotics (Vicorob) Graphics and Imaging Laboratory (GILab) Agents Research Laboratory (ARLab)

Public-Funded Projects
European projects National research projects Technology transfer projects

Technology Transfer
Innovative solutions for companies Some examples of contracts with companies

PhD programs Master programs PhD theses 2010 Master theses 2010

Books or Book Chapters Publications in Journals Publications in Conferences

History and Objectives

The Institute of Informatics and Applications (IIiA) is a research institute of the University of Girona created in 1996. IIiA is highly active in research, both basic and industry-oriented,as well as in technology transfer actions. The IIiA currently has 148 members, 60 of them holding a PhD degree. Researchers run their activities in different fields such as computer graphics, computer vision, robotics, telecommunications, automation, control engineering, and artificial intelligence. Researchers also belong to three departments of the University of Girona: the Department of Computer Architecture and Technology, the Department of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation, and the Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics.

The main purpose of the IIiA is to earn an international reputation as a research and technological center in the field of ICT. To achieve this goal, the IIiA carries out high quality R&D projects and technology transfer contracts. These activities produce innovative results in all their phases (conception, design and implementation) both in scientific and engineering terms. Moreover, the IIiA is committed to the economic growth and social development of the area where it is located by promoting best use and exploitation of the ICT it produces. The IIiA specific objectives are: To promote research activities, technology transfer and specialized teaching in the fields of Information Technologies and its applications. To foster and coordinate interdisciplinary projects using the different areas of expertise of the institute members. To encourage the development of research and development projects leading to innovation and technology transfer contracts. To increase the participation of the University of Girona in consortiums on research fields relevant to the IIiA members.

Organisation and Management

The IIiA is made up of six research groups: Agents Research Laboratory (ARLab) Broadband Communications and Distributed Systems (BCDS) Computer Vision and Robotics (Vicorob) Control Engineering and Intelligent Systems (eXiT) Graphics and Imaging Laboratory (GILab) Modelling, Identification and Control Engineering Laboratory (MICELab)

Three bodies are involved in the decision making process of the IIiA: the Council, the Director and the Executive Board. The Council is the most important management body. It iscomposed of all the members of the Institute i.e. academic, technical and administrative staff. The Director is the head of the Institute. He/she is elected after an open selection process. The Executive Board represents the Council and advises the Director on government issues. It is made up of the Director, the head of each research group, the Research Manager and the Academic Secretary. The Research Manager is in charge of the day to day management of the Institute. The Academic Secretary is in charge of the minutes of the Council and Executive Board meetings. He/she also certifies the agreements reached by these two bodies. The composition of the Executive Board in 2010 was: Director: Dr. Josep Veh / Dr. Jordi Freixenet Head of ARLab: Dr. Josep Llus de la Rosa Head of BCDS: Dr. Josep Llus Marzo Head of eXiT: Dr. Joaquim Melndez Head of GILab: Prof. Mateu Sbert Head of MICE: Dr. Josep Veh Head of Vicorob: Dr. Jordi Freixenet / Dr. Rafael Garca Research Manager: Mr. Xavier Manyer Academic Secretary: Dr. Marc Carreras / Dr. Remei Calm

The Technology Transfer Manager supports IIiA researchers in technology transfer and innovation activities. Mr. Xavier Xirgu

The Administrative Staff provides the members of IIiA with administrative support: Ms. Cristina Rubirola Ms. Montserrat Bragulat Mr. Jordi Ferrer

IIiA 2010 in figures

The total income of the IIiA in 2010 was 2.982.156,29 . As Figure 1 shows, 23% of the income corresponds to competitive grants for R&D projects, 42% to technology transfer contracts and grants, and 29% to competitive scholarships for incorporating both predoctoral and postdoctoral fellows. Only 1% of the income came from the University of Girona annual budget, which means that the remaining 99% was competitive. Figure 2 shows the absolute values broken down into categories.

Figure 1 IIiA 2010 income broken down into categories (percentages).

Figure 2 IIiA 2010 income broken down into categories (absolute values).

With regards to the sources of funding, 24% was raised at Spanish level, 45% at Catalan level, and 19% at European level. The University of Girona was the source of the remaining 12%. Figures 3 and 4 illustrate the income sources in percentage and in absolute values.

Figure 3 IIiA 2010 income broken down into sources (percentages).

Figure 4 IIiA 2010 income broken down into sources (absolute values).

Human Resources
The IIiA had 148 researchers in 2010 along with one research manager, one technology transfer manager and three administrative assistants. Table 1 shows the research workforce classified according to degree and gender. Male 52 74 126 Female 8 14 22 Total 60 88 148

PhD Graduate and Master Total

Table 1 IIiA 2010 research workforce. It is also worth mentioning that 49 researchers, both predoctoral and postdoctoral, enjoyed competitive scholarships and grants. Table 2 shows them classified according to the kind of scholarship. Male 20 3 4 7 2 2 1 1 40 Female 1 1 0 7 0 0 0 0 9 Total 21 4 4 14 2 2 1 1 49

FI Scholarships FPI Scholarships FPU Scholarships UdG BR Scholarships Marie Curie Scholarships Ramn y Cajal Juan de la Cierva ICREA Total

Table 2 Researchers enjoying grants and scholarships.

ISI Publications
In 2010 IIiA researchers published 39 articles in 32 journals included in the Thomson Reuters ISI database, 14 of them belonging to the first quartile. The accumulated 2010 impact factor was 75,73.

Research Groups
Broadband Communications and Distributed Systems (BCDS)
The BCDS group (ref. GRCT40) is active in two main research areas: Broadband Network Control and Management and Distributed Systems. The group has led several long-term governmental projects involving other universities and companies like Internet Service Providers and Public Health Institutions. These projects, along with the basic research performed by the group, result in many publications in international journals, symposiums and conferences. BCDS carries out its research within the Institute of Informatics and Applications at the University of Girona, and it is also part of the DURSI consolidated research group Communications and Intelligent Systems (ref. 2009SGR1202).

Research lines and application domains

Control and Management of Quality of Service (QoS) networks: protection scheme selection and routing and network resource usage improvements. Multi-Agent Systems in Distributed Network Management: flexible tools for making automatic decisions and taking corrective actions. Optimization Techniques: Ant Colony Optimization, Multiobjective Genetic Algorithms and Linear Programming. Connection Admission Control Mechanisms for elastic TCP traffic: network schemes that guarantee minimum throughput, isolation between flows and per-flow state reduction of signalling and processing. Dynamic Resource Allocation and Load Balancing. Charging for Multicast QoS Services: a rational cost allocation and recovery tool. Multi-level (G) MPLS and Optical Routing and Protection mechanisms. Metro Ethernet: Control and Scalability issues. Distributed Processing and Parallelism (Grids): threadlevel parallel extraction and utilization mechanism in distributed environments based on clustering and using speculation techniques. Distributed Artificial Intelligence: Multi-Agent Systems. Open and Distance Learning: different approaches to support open learning process by means of artificial intelligence techniques. - Adaptive Models for Distance Learning - Dynamic Adaptive Hypermedia Systems

Industrial partners
Aegis Security, Intercom Telemtica Girona, CEMA, FEM, GRN.

Website link

Control Engineering and Intelligent Systems (eXiT)

The activity of the group is mainly devoted to the study and development of new methods to cope with current and future demands in the field of process monitoring and supervision. The research of the group is focused on the efficient exploitation of data based on data mining and knowledge discovery principles.

Research lines and application domains

Multivariate Statistical Process Control. Agent Based Systems for Distributed Scheduling and Resource Allocation. Power Quality Monitoring of Electrical Distribution Systems. Data Mining for Medical Diagnosis and Prognosis.

Research results obtained in these lines are tested in challenging domains involving third party collaborators to identify real breakthrough achievements. Power Quality Monitoring: Automatic diagnosis of sags and fault location in distribution networks. Batch Process Monitoring: Statistical monitoring of waste water treatment plants with sequential batch reactors. Offline Monitoring of ARIANE flights: Identification of abnormal flights from the analysis of sensor records produced during the flights. Blast Furnaces: Online monitoring of pressures. Moulding: Offline assessment of moulds (ageing and abnormal behaviours) based on injection pressures and temperatures. Data Mining in Medical Diagnosis and Prognosis: Data mining principles to analyse historical clinical data of patients with obesity and cancer dysfunctions. Agent Market Based Mechanisms for Distributed Systems: Scheduling and optimisation of waste water treatment plants based on auctions. Multi-agent robot control: Multi-agent resource coordination for controlling autonomous robots. Service Oriented Architectures for medical devices maintenance: Online monitoring of devices, services for condition monitoring and location of devices based on RFID technologies, data mining methods for predictive maintenance.

Industrial partners
Endesa Distribucin, Aiges de Girona, Iberespacio, Plastiasite,ASCAMM, Hutchinson Palams, Corus (UK), Hospital Josep Trueta, RGB Medical Devices, LafCarr.

Website link

Modelling, Identification and Control Engineering Laboratory (MICELab)

MICELab is a multidisciplinary team composed of experienced researchers from the control engineering field with expertise in systems and control theory, modelling and control of biomedical systems, uncertain dynamical systems, robust and predictive control and decision support systems.

Research areas
Control Engineering - Robust and non-linear control. - Fault detection and diagnosis of uncertain dynamic systems. - Structural health monitoring. Biomedical Engineering - Modelling and control in type 1 diabetes. - Development of glycemic predictive models. - Technologies for metabolic control. Interval Analysis - Theoretical development of Modal IntervalAnalysis (MIA) - Interval simulation. - Applications of intervals to systems and control.

Application fields
Biomedical applications - Artificial Pancreas. - Closed loop glucose control in critically ill patients. - Insulin dosage-aid systems. Civil and Mechanical Engineering - Mechatronics. - Structural control. - Structural Health monitoring.Robotics - Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles (UAVs). - Mobile robots. Computer Graphics - New rendering algorithms based on MIA.

Industrial and stategic partners

Medtronic diabetes (CA, USA), Hospital Doctor Josep Trueta, Hospital Parc Taul , CITCEA, TWI (Cambridge, UK), Alstom (Grenoble, France), ESPA group.

Website link


Computer Vision and Robotics (Vicorob)

The Computer Vision and Robotics research group is composed of more than 40 researchers (18 doctors, 16 with permanent contract; 20 PhD students among others). VICOROB develops computer vision and image processing systems with applications such as object detection and description, image segmentation, texture recognition, mosaicing, and tracking of mobile objects. One of the main application areas is the quality control of industrial products. Other fields of application are biomedicine, multimedia and security-related systems. The computer vision systems are also the main source of information of the robots developed by the group. For instance, ICTINEU is an underwater robot made by VICOROB used for underwater exploration, navigation and map building, and can be controlled in both tele-operated and autonomous ways. Furthermore, VICOROB researchers have founded three spin-off companies (AQSENSE, DSET and CORONIS COMPUTING) and collaborate with different hospitals conducting research on melanoma, prostate and breast cancer.

Research lines and Applications

Underwater Robotics: architectures of control, learning, navigation, and mapbuilding. ROVs and AUVs. Analysis of Medical Imaging. Analysis of underwater imaging and mosaicing, 3D dense reconstruction, map building, optical and acoustical data fusion, imaging polarimetry. Analysis of image content, segmentation and description, colour and texture, 3D reconstruction of deformable objects. Image processing in real time and mobile robotics. 3D Imaging.

Research Labs
Underwater Robotics Lab. Underwater Vision Lab. Real-Time Hardware Lab. 3D Perception Lab. Image Analysis Lab.

Industrial partners
Kontrelmec, Factis, Optimus, D+T Electrnica, AQSense, DSET, Frit Ravich, ADParts, CEMAGREF.

Website link


Graphics and Imaging Laboratory (GILab)

The research of GILab is driven by the application to computer graphics and scientific visualization of powerful information theory and Monte Carlo concepts and techniques. GILab responds to the demand of the industrial sector in different areas such as computer games and medicine.

Research Lines and Applications

Global illumination research is focused on algorithms for the illumination of virtual environments. This research is applied to videogames, animation, interior and lighting design, and architectural environments. Videogames research is centred on improving the graphic realism for games as well as its application to virtual reality and simulation systems, and virtual settings for movies and broadcasting. Medical imaging research, in collaboration with medical staff from the main Catalan public hospitals, investigates efficient solutions for technical and clinical problems in the field of medical imaging, developing new tools to support diagnosis. Scientific visualization research is focused on the visualization and simplification techniques to explore 3D medical, molecular, and financial data, amongst others.

Industrial partners
AIJU, Brainstorm, T-Systems Iberia, Digital Legends, Infowerk, Saber Interactive, GiDoc, IDI, IRTA.

Website link


Agents Research Lab (ARLab)

Agents Research Lab is concerned with the developmentand analysis of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques and control architectures for both agents and multiagent systems. The origin of our group is the application of Artificial Intelligence to control and supervision. ARLAB has been successful at developing physical agents and it is currently exploiting the particular properties of physical agents and personalised agents. This involves research on multi-agent architectures for user modelling and recommender systems, trust mechanismsfor agent collaboration, and integration of information networks and social networks.

Research lines and Applications

Research on Information Agents and Agent-basede-Commerce. Case Based Reasoning, Recommender Systems, Personalisation, Adaptation, Consensus and Trust. Research on Physical Agents. The aim is to include the dynamical response of the agents physical body when committing and deciding as an individual and to study physically heterogeneous multi-agent systems in order to benefit from properties of heterogeneity.

The transfer of research results takes place at EASY, a technological innovation center. Besides, ARLab members have founded three spin-off companies: Agents Inspired Technologies (2000), Catalan Research Centre One (2005) and Strategic Attention Management (2007).

Industrial partners
Terrassa city council, La Caixa, Metalquimia, Manter, CRIC, emagister, Transports Pujol & Pujol, PSM-Carlson, Marketing Group, Byrom, Catalan Research Center One.

Website link


Public Funded Projects

European projects
258307 - EULER
Project Type: STREP Project, FP7 Start date: 01/10/2010 End date: 30/09/2013 Budget: 3.150.000 (185.040 UdG) Partners: Alcatel Lucent Bell NV, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, Interdisciplinary Institute for Broadband Technology, Universit Pierre et Marie Curie -6, Universit Catholique de Louvaing, Computer Technology Institute & Press Diophantus, Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya, Universit de Bordeaux I, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Coordinator: Dimitri Papadimitriou (Alcatel-Lucent Bell NV) Coordinator UdG: Josep Llus Marzo UdG Team: Josep Llus Marzo, Pere Vil, Llus Fbrega Link:

EULER: Experimental UpdateLess Evolutive Routing

The main objective of the EULER exploratory research project is to investigate new routing paradigms so as to design, develop, and validate experimentally a distributed and dynamic routing scheme suitable for the future Internet and its evolution. The resulting routing scheme(s) is/are intended to address the fundamental limits of current stretch-1 shortest-path routing in terms of routing table scalability but also topology and policy dynamics (perform efficiently under dynamic network conditions). Therefore, this project will investigate trade-offs between routing table size (to enhance scalability), routing scheme stretch (to ensure routing quality) and communication cost (to efficiently and timely react to various failures). The driving idea of this research project is to make use of the structural and statistical properties of the Internet topology (some of which are hidden) as well as the stability and convergence properties of the Internet policy in order to specialize the design of a distributed routing scheme known to perform efficiently under dynamic network and policy conditions when these properties are met. The project will develop new models and tools to exhaustively analyse the Internet topology, to accurately and reliably measure its properties, and to precisely characterize its evolution. These models, that will better reflect the network and its policy dynamics, will be used to derive useful properties and metrics for the routing schemes and provide relevant experimental scenarios. The project will develop appropriate tools to evaluate the performance of the proposed routing schemes on large-scale topologies (order of 10k nodes). Prototype of the routing protocols as well as their functional validation and performance benchmarking on the iLAB experimental facility and/or virtual experimental facilities such as PlanetLab/OneLab will allow validating under realistic conditions the overall behaviour of the proposed routing schemes.


248497 - TRIDENT
Project Type: STREP Project, FP7 Start date: 01/03/2010 End date: 28/02/2013 Budget: 3.250.000 (461.480 UdG) Partners: Universitat Jaume 1r de Castell, Universitat de Girona, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Universit di Bologna, Universit di Genova, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Heriot-Watt University, GRAAL TECH SRL Coordinator: Pedro Jos Sanz (Universitat Jaume 1r de Castell) Coordinator UdG: Pere Ridao UdG Team: Pere Ridao, Xavier Cuf, Rafal Garca, Marc Carreras, Joaquim Salvi, David Ribas Link:

TRIDENT: Marine Robots and Dexterous Manipulation for Enabling Autonomous Underwater Multipurpose Intervention
TRIDENT proposes a new methodology for multipurpose underwater intervention tasks with diverse potential applications like underwater archaeology,oceanography and offshore industries, and goes beyond present-day methods typically based on manned and / or purpose-built systems. Trident is based on new forms of cooperation between an Autonomous Surface Craft and an Intervention Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. Firstly, the I-AUV performs a path following survey, where it gathers optical and / or acoustic data from the seafloor, whilst the ASC provides geo-referenced navigation data and communications with the end user. The motion of the ASC will be coordinated with that of the I-AUV for precise Ultra Short Base Line positioning and reliable acoustic communications. After the survey, the IAUV docks with the ASC and sends the data back to a ground station where a map is set up and a target object is identified by the end user. Secondly, the ASC navigates towards a waypoint near the intervention area to search for the object. When the target object has been found, the IAUV switches to free floating navigation mode. The manipulation of the object takes place through a dextrous hand attached to a redundant robot arm and assisted with proper perception. Particular emphasis will be put on the research of the vehicle's intelligent control architecture to provide the embedded knowledge representation framework and the high level reasoning agents required to enable a high degree of autonomy and on-board decision making of the platform. The new methodology will allow the user to specify an intervention task to be undertaken with regards to a particular target object, but after that the object is automatically recognised and manipulated by the robot in a completely autonomous way.


238887 - iSAC6+
Project Type: Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) - Pilot Action Start date: 01/09/2009 End date: 31/08/2012 Budget: 1.349.775 (358.134 UdG) Partners: Ajuntament de Terrassa, South Yorkshire Police, Associazione Centro di Formazione Studi Associazione Formez, Consorci Administraci Oberta Electrnica de Catalunya, Commune de Saint Mdard en Jalles, Comune di Prato, Strategic Attention Management, European Institute of Womens Health Limited, Bremerhaven City Council - B.I.T, King-e Client Coordinator: Josep Llus de la Rosa Coordinator UdG: Josep Llus de la Rosa UdG Team: Centre EASY Link:

iSAC6+: A unique European Citizens Attention Service

EU cities there exist specialized services for citizens attention (SAC).Studies show the benefits of these services on processes reduction and ease, better government interaction, and wider use of services. These outstanding services can be replicated in other EU cities, adapting to local culture and needs. Current services are clearly limited, the new citizen is asking for adequate response to their needs. It can definitely be reached with new technology solutions (intelligent, adaptable, human sensitive, learning capable, etc.). They meet at the same time, citizens and government expectations. Similar services will be critical for EU Citizenship, contributing to higher sense of belonging and mobility. Reducing burdens has been a major government effort from mid 90s. But main changes are to be made with the use of latest research findings and technology. Old technology solutions created important resistances to change. Public employees can t trust anymore promises for modernization. In 2009 managers should definitely commit to modernization. From our experience by piloting iSAC in several cities, collaborative work environments, intelligent and flexible tools, are able to drive government staff higher public service feelings and better involvement, definitely building trust and confidence in a modern administration and a responsible government. iSAC is a citizen centric platform created by listening citizens and based on learning from existing services in Catalonia from 1988. It is now on-line, an automated system allowing for a human specialist if not satisfied. There is always a human being behind the automated system. iSAC6+ is intended to offer iSAC as the EU common SAC platform to: ease administration for all, citizens and business,access for all according to their capacities. It is an Open Source tool, tested in the city of Terrassa (Catalonia-Spain), to be challenged at the EU level for diversity and robustness.


Project Type: Marie Curie RTN Start date: 01/11/2006 End date: 31/10/2010 Budget: 195.695 UdG Partners: University of Southampton, Commissariat lEnergie Atomique, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Universit de Montpellier II, Cybernetix, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Heriot-Watt University, IFREMER, Instituto Superior Tecnico, European Joint Research Centre, Norges Teknisk Naturvitens Universitet, University of Hannover, University of Craiova, University of the Azores Coordinator: Prof. Philip Alan Wilson (U. of Southampton) Coordinator UdG: Pere Ridao UdG Team: Pere Ridao, Rafa Garca

FREESUBNET: A European research network on key technologies for intervention autonomous underwater vehicles
There are many unresolved scientific questions and equally many major strategic economic and social development needs from an exploration of the seas around Europe. There is a pressing need for the development of advanced technologies to explore and exploit in a consistent and better manner the vastness of the oceans of the world. Intervention Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (I-AUV) have shown their potential for the acquisition of marine data at extremely large scales and for the direct intervention in underwater structures without the need for constant human interaction and supervision. Part of the technology required for their development has proven to be feasible. An increased effort is now needed to further the advances already made in the technology and to make the results more accessible to a wider range of commercial and scientific end users. To this end it is necessary to create a critical mass of young researchers capable of bridging the gap between marine technology and science. To achieve this FREESUBnet will first explore a set of applications with intervention requirements thus allowing the focus of the research to be in the fields of Marine Science, Inspection of Wrecks and Archaeology, assessment of Energy systems and multi-disciplinary applications in Marine Science. In this context, the network will study novel concepts of IAUV leading to the identification and the development of the technologies needed to fulfil these tasks. The techniques for navigation, autonomous underwater telemanipulation, vehicle control and mission management technologies will be further explored and developed to close the gap between state-of-the art IAUV technology and its applications. FREESUBnet aims to meet its goals by establishing an international network of technology developers as well as being inter-sectorial and deliver the technology to end-users from different and diverse disciplines.


TSI-020400-2010-84 MEDIATE
Project Type: ITEA 2 and AVANZA I+D project Start date: 01/07/2010 End date: 31/12/2012 Funding entity: MITYC Budget: 196.597 (UdG) Partners: ATOS Orgin, ALMA IT Systems, Fundaci Universitat Empresa de les Illes Balears, Asociacin Centro de Tecnologas de Interaccin Visual y Comunicaciones, Universitat de Girona Coordinator: Alberto Gascn (ATOS Origin) UdG coordinator: Joaquim Melndez Link:

MEDIATE: Patient Friendly Medical Intervention

The MEDIATE project aims to reduce the costs of expensive, invasive surgery procedures by offering a new standard in image-guided intervention and treatment. This will ensure that the patient experiences less discomfort and recovers significantly quicker. MEDIATE technologies represent a comprehensive approach to medical diagnosis, planning and treatment of patients through medical imaging, image analysis and image-guided navigation methods.


TSI-020400-2010-103 IMPONET
Project Type: ITEA 2 and AVANZA I+D project Start date: 01/09/2010 End date: 31/12/2012 Funding entity: MITYC Budget: 179.872 (UdG) Partners: INDRA Software Labs, Instituto Tecnolgico de Len, INDRA Sistemas, Unin Fenosa Distribucin, KEMA Energy, Answaretech, Prodevelop, Fundacin European Software Institute, Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, Universidad de la Iglesia de Deusto Coordinator: Santiago Escribano (INDRA Software Labs) UdG coordinator: Joaquim Melndez Link:

IMPONET: Intelligent Monitoring of Power Networks

The IMPONET project will model, design and implement a comprehensive, flexible and configurable information system to meet the most complex and advanced requirements in electrical energy management. It will focus on the strategic and technical needs of markets worldwide for smart grids, smart metering, peak-demand management, demand response and real-time monitoring. The concepts developed will be validated using a service-oriented architecture approach and will provide open interfaces to enable interoperability.


TSI-020400-2008-47 / TSI-020400-2010-40 AIMES

Project Type: ITEA 2 and AVANZA I+D project Start date: 01/01/2008 End date: 31/12/2010 Funding entity: MITYC Budget: 465.253,40 (UdG) Partners: Drger Medical AG & Co. KG, Enverdis GmbH, FEIG ELECTRONIC GmbH, ifak eV Magdeburg, INDRA Sistemas, RGB Medical Devices SA, SBSK GmbH & Co. KG, Siemens AG, SUINSA Medical Systems SA, TELEFONICA I+D, Universittsklinikum Magdeburg Coordinator: Luis Collantes (INDRA Sistemas) UdG coordinator: Beatriz Lpez UdG Team: Beatriz Lpez, Joaquim Melndez, Carles Pous, Juli Faig, Pablo Gay, Miquel Palah, Adri Prez, Albert Pla, M. ngels Villar Link:

AIMES: Advanced infrastructure for medical equipment management and services

AIMES is aimed at developing a service infrastructure for the overall technical hospital facilities. New tools for management, distributed condition monitoring and diagnosis of fix and mobile medical equipment will be integrated into the appropriate communication infrastructure.


TSI-020400-2008-67 / TSI-020400-2009-113 / TSI-020400-2010-16 -

Project Type: CELTIC and AVANZA I+D project Start date: 22/07/2008 End date: 31/12/2010 Funding entity: MITYC Budget: 88.935 (UdG) Partners: Intercom Telemtica Girona, Telefnica Investigacin y Desarrollo, GRN Serveis Telemtics, Centre Tecnolgic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya Coordinator: Roque Velasco (Intercom Telemtica Girona) UdG coordinator: Josep Llus Marzo UdG Team: Teo Jov, Ramon Fabregat, Pere Vil, Llus Fbrega, Josep Llus Marzo, Antonio Bueno Link: Togeter IP, GMPLS and Ethernet Reconsidered II main goal is to develop new network architectures and technologies enabling the provision of all kinds of services, both fixed and mobile, on a unique infrastructure. They will provide the Quality of Service required by the different types of applications (voice, video, data, etc.) while at the same time optimizing provision costs (CAPEX Capital Expenses - and OPEX Operational Expenses - ). This will mean a radical change from the current situation where different technologies must coexist in order to provide different services.


National research projects

DPI2009-07891 I-PQM
Start date: 01/01/2010 End date: 31/12/2012 Funding entity: MICINN Budget: 114.950 Coordinator: Joaquim Melndez UdG Team: Joaquim Melndez, Vctor Barrera, Sergio Herraiz, Josep Xargay, Carles Pous, Bianca Innocenti Link:

I-PQM: Monitorizacin inteligente de la calidad de la energia elctrica

This project has been conceived as the natural continuity of a previous one, focused on the analysis of single disturbances registered in power distribution networks for fault diagnosis purposes (Diagnostico de Redes de Distribucin Elctrica Basada en Casos y Modelos de DPI 2006-09370). Assuming that disturbances propagate through the network, following electric laws, it seems feasible to exploit this redundancy (the same disturbance is registered by multiple monitors) to reduce uncertainty and increase coverage and soundness of power quality monitoring systems. In a similar way, the analysis of sequences of disturbances is crucial to define prediction models necessary to assist the maintenance polices. The aim of this project is to build an intelligent power quality monitoring framework to exploit temporal and spatial correlation of disturbances gathered in multiple monitoring points around the power network to assist maintenance polices. Partial objectives of the project cover the application of data mining strategies to discover sequence patterns useful for the improvement of fault location methods and prognosis of incipient faults in the distribution network; and also the exploitation of spatial correlation of data registered by multiple power quality registers scattered around the power network. The combination of sequence pattern analysis methods (knowledge discovery and recognition) with fault location methods will improve the efficiency in fault location and forecasting; whereas the definition of similarity criteria among substations (topology, power installed) and correlation analysis (temporal consistency and spatial correlation) are proposed to estimate and assess power quality of other not measured points. A multi-agent conception of the whole system and the agentification of power quality monitors are proposed to achieve modularity and flexibility of the proposed framework. The shift in the use of power quality monitoring system from a traditional data acquisition system to a fully automated intelligent analysis system will increase the value of power quality monitoring. This implies the inclusion of intelligent capabilities to the power quality monitoring and the communication among other power quality agents in the system to increase soundness and coverage of the power quality monitoring system.


TEC2009-10724 TRION
Start date: 01/01/2010 End date: 31/12/2012 Funding entity: MICINN Budget: 44.649 Coordinator: Josep Llus Marzo UdG Team: Josep Llus Marzo, Teo Jov, Pere Vil, Nicols Bolvar, Luis Fernando Caro, Llus Fbrega, Juan Segovia, Joan Puiggal, Eusebi Calle, Antonio Bueno

TRION: Red overlay fiable y transparente entre dominions

The Internet Protocol (IP) is broadly providing a common infrastructure which integrates multiple services and networks. Wireless and fixed communication systems rely on the IP addressing to communicate and to get access to remote locations. Access technologies used in the Internet such as UMTS, WiFi, WiMax and WDM optical networks coexist creating a unified IP platform. Nevertheless, widely speaking the Internet only provides services without protection against failures or service degradation. Internet Service Providers just offer quality of service and protection options inside their own network domain. However, this is not the case in an interdomain (end-to-end) scenario where the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is used as a routing mechanism. BGP is usually manually configured, relatively static, and it has slow response time when network disruptions occur. Moreover protection and fast interdomain recovery mechanisms are difficult to implement due to the reluctance of Network Service Providers to share internal information or configuration details with their neighbours. Emergency and special services, for example, telemedicine or on-line business require continuous services without disruptions and this cannot be guaranteed in current Internet interdomain scenarios. There are proposals for interdomain protection but these are complex and therefore impractical. The use of overlay networks are an alternative that offers service reliability, however, current overlay network proposals are devised for specific services and show scalability problems. In addition, these overlay networks only operate with specific service provider functionalities and the use of diverse protection mechanisms is limited. This research project proposes a novel overlay network called Transparent Reliable Interdomain Overlay Network (TRION) which aims to offer the best reliable interdomain service for a wide range of services and to be independent of the technology used by the network provider. TRION uses a wide range of protection / restoration mechanisms and can select the best option in every situation. TRION offers an optimum scalability range and it adapts automatically the topology and operation conditions according to changes in the underlying infrastructure. These functionalities are performed without the collaboration of the network providers. Furthermore, TRION is flexible and permits their participation if required. In summary, TRION users obtain interdomain reliability which is not offered in current Internet. As a result TRION can carry traffic without disruptions and hence emergency and special services can be provided.


CEN-20091048 - ENERGOS
Project Type: CENIT Start date: 16/09/2009 End date: 31/12/2012 Funding entity: MICINN Budget: 438.741 (UdG) Partners: Unin Fenosa Distibucin SA, Answaretech SL, Aplicaciones en Informtica Avanzada SA, Brainstorm Multimedia SL, Diagnostiqa Consultora Tcnica SL, Distribuidora Industrial de Automatismos y Teletransmisin SA, Gas Natural SDG SA, Indra Sistemas SA, Indra Software Labs SL, Ormazabal Protection and Automation SL, Ormazabal y Compaa SL, Prodevelop SL, Sistemas Avanzados de Control SA, Usyscom Tecnologa de Comunicaciones Sociedad Limitada, Visual Tools SA, ZIV Medida SL, ZIV P Mas C SL, Universidad de A Corua, Fundacin para el Progreso del Soft Computing, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, Universitat de Girona, Fundacin Labein, Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, Universidad Politcnica de Valencia, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Fundacin para el Fomento de la Innovacin Industrial, Universidad de Alcal, Fundacin Robotiker, Universitat de Valncia, ZIV I+D Smart Energy Networks, Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, Universidad de Cantabria, Tecnolgico Fundacin Deusto Deustotech, Fundacin Privada ASCAMM, Universidad de Valladolid, Centre Tecnolgic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya Coordinator: Unin Fenosa Distribucin SA Coordinator UdG: Joaquim Melndez UdG Team: Beatriz Lpez, Ddac Busquets, Sergio Herraiz, Vctor Barrera, scar Quiroga, Daniel Macaya, Juli Faig Link:

ENERGOS: Tecnologas para la gestin automatizada e inteligente de las redes de distibucin energtica del futuro
This project aims to do research on the basic elements that form a smart grid able to manage in real time all multidirectional energy flows that will have the power grid of the future. This grid will be provided with many renewable energy sources at different levels and also will give the customers higher control over their energy management. It will be a more efficient grid and will also contemplate the electric car of the future which will consume but also supply power to the grid.


Project Type: Collaborative applied research project Start date: 01/05/2009 End date: 31/12/2010 Funding entity: MICINN Budget: 160.150 Partners: AQSENSE, SL Coordinator UdG: Joaquim Salvi

Sistema de escaneado lser de superficies con especiales dificultades: translcidas, especulares, con textura o transparentes
This project aims at developing new technologies based on laser triangulation and point cloud processing to increase the accuracy, speed, robustness, flexibility and ease of use of machine vision applications.


TIN2008-06862-C04-02 A2UN@
Start date: 01/01/2009 End date: 31/12/2011 Funding entity: MICINN Budget: 44.649 Partners: UNED, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Universidad Politcnica de Madrid Coordinator: Jess Gonzlez (UNED) Coordinator UdG: Ramon Fabregat UdG Team: Silvia Margarita Baldiris, Ramon Fabregat, Joan Puiggal, Eusebi Calle, David Vctor, Hugo Mrida, Montse Tesouro, scar Prez, David Huerva, Josep Soler, Germn Moreno, Clara Ins Pea, Carlos Alberto Cobos

A2UN@: Accesiblidad y adaptacin para tod@s en la educacin superior

This project main objective is to analyse the capability of developing a general ICT framework, which will be based on standards and user modelling, to support the development of the LLL (Life Long Learning) services required to attend the accessibility and adaptation needs for ALL in Higher Education, with special attention to the diversity of requirements of adult learners and those who have the socalled disabilities. To this end the project addressess interrelated scientific goals in the following areas: standards and metadata, user modelling, design for all, psychopedagogy, accessibility in user interfaces, assistive technology, machine learning, multiagent systems and ubiquitous computing. The scientific evaluation of the general framework, from the practical viewpoint, will consider the generality and flexibility of the new technical features provided to support the required adaptation processes and the interoperability between users, services, contents and devices. The final evaluation of the developed services will count with the participation of all the types of users involved, including students, teachers, specialised personel in disabilities and administrative staff. A significant number of users covering the whole range of functional diversity issues existing at this educational level (i.e., hearing impairments, visual impairments and slight congnitive issues such as dyslexia and dyscalculia) are required to assure the generality of the framework and the adaptive features in the evaluation.


DPI2008-06548-C03-03 - RAUVI
Start date: 01/01/2009 End date: 31/12/2011 Funding entity: MICINN Budget: 306.856 Partners: Universitat Jaume 1r de Castell , Universitat de les Illes Balears Coordinator: Pedro J. Sanz (Universitat Jaume 1r de Castell) Coordinator UdG: Pere Ridao UdG Team: Pere Ridao, Narcs Falgueras, Narcs Palomeras, Marc Carreras, Josep Cortada, Josep Quintana, Joan Batlle, Emili Hernndez, David Ribas, Armagan Elibol, Angelos Mallios, Andrs El-Fakdi, Fernando Chic, Josep Muoz Link:

RAUVI: Robot genrico e inteligente con navegacin y operacin autnoma para profundidades de 500 metros
The main goal of the project is to develop and improve the necessary technologies for autonomously performing an intervention mission in underwater environments. The approach can be summarized in two different steps: (1) survey and (2) intervention. Firstly, the I-AUV explores the region of interest, taking visual and acoustic data, synchronized with robot navigation. Then, the robot surfaces and the information is downloaded to the base station, where a computer reconstruction of the explored region is built. By means of a specific human-robot interface to be developed, an operator identifies the object of interest and describes the task to perform. Next, the I-AUV robot navigates again to the region of interest, identifies the target object and performs the intervention task. Therefore, the project aims to design and develop an Underwater Autonomous Robot, able to perceive the environment by means of acoustic and optic sensors, and equipped with a robotic arm in order to autonomously perform simple intervention tasks.


DPI2008-06699-C02-01 - DECOS
Start date: 01/01/2009 End date: 31/12/2011 Funding entity: MICINN Budget: 66.550 Partners: Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya Coordinator: Ningsu Luo (UdG) Coordinator UdG: Ningsu Luo UdG Team: Ningsu Luo, Mauricio Fabin Zapateiro, Hamid Reza Karimi

DECOS: Control descentralizado de sistemas en red a gran escala con incertidumbres y retardos
This project focuses on a class of systems characterized by having components that communicate through a wireless sensor network and be composed of coupled subsystems that share certain variables (overlappings). The behavior of these systems can be influenced by the inherent problems to signal transmission: time delays, package losses, noises and uncertainties, among others. In many cases it is necessary to design decentralized controllers instead of a unique central one. The expansion process of the initial (real) system yields a higher-dimension (virtual) system in which the subsystems are disjoint or weakly coupled. Based on this new scheme, it is possible to design, by using standard techniques, decentralized control laws which will subsequently be contracted and implemented in the initial system. This process requires a mathematical framework known as Inclusion Principle. It concerns about developing new identification and control methodologies that guarantee system stability, robustness and reliability. As potential application fields, we can mention traffic automation, data networks, power systems and especially, vibration control in automotion, mechanics, aeronautics, aerospacial, robotics and civil engineering industries. The objectives that the project intends to follow are: (1) modeling and identification of large-scale networked systems with different classes of uncertainties and time delays; (2) decentralized control design; (3) numerical simulations and experimental tests for results validation. Additionally, the project seeks to consolidate an interdisciplinary research team that combines the large-scale networked control systems theory with the application to practical problems in industrial network production.


TIN2008-04547 - SUROS
Start date: 01/01/2009 End date: 31/12/2011 Funding entity: MICINN Budget: 93.170 Coordinator UdG: Ddac Busquets UdG Team: Beatriz Lpez, Miquel Bofill, Mateu Villaret, Alan Holland Link:

SUROS: Subastas robustas mediante satisfactibilidad mdulo teoras






Robust auctions through the incorporation of satisfiability module theories techniques. Auctions are mechanisms for distributing goods among a set of agents. Usually, it is assumed that the result of the auction is a binding contract that has to be fulfilled by the agents. However, this assumption is not valid when the environment in which the auctions are used is a real one, since unexpected events could occur, for which the solutions may not be prepared. Thus, in this project we will focus our research on an innovative field: robust auctions. To this end, we must clearly define what is meant by robustness in the auction domain, as well as develop methods for providing the auctions with a robust behavior. More concretely, we will develop robust auction mechanisms, which should incentivize agents to fulfill the contracts, and also algorithms for generating robust solutions, which should be easily repairable in the case of unexpected events. Moreover, we plan to use logic based techniques, in particular those of satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) to tackle combinatorial problems, such as the auction winner determination problem. Such techniques are highly expressive, and recently there have been huge advances in the efficiency of the solvers. Therefore, in the project we will design logic based methods for solving auctions and other similar combinatorial problems. Moreover, we will also generalize the concept of robustness within the SMT domain.


Start date: 01/01/2009 End date: 31/12/2011 Funding entity: MICINN Budget: 43.560 Partners: UdG (Institut del Medi Ambient) Coordinator UdG: Jess Colprim Coordinator IIiA: Joan Colomer IIiA Team: Magda Liliana Ruiz, Joan Colomer, Francisco Gamero, David Alejandro Llanos, Daniel Macaya, Carles Pous

RDS granular de una Etapa para EBN: diseo y operacin con un sistema de control avanzado
The GRASTAC project aims to advance in the biological nutrient removal from wastewater by the application of the emerging granular technology applied to SBR. In this respect this project intends to identify the basic knowledge about the granulation process (microbial activity of granular biomass for nutrient removal, population dynamics distribution and physical/chemical composition evolution of biological granules during the granule development and operation with variable composition wastewater). Apart from the basic knowledge, this project also intends to develop a new tubular granular SBR for nutrient removal with synthetic wastewater for a better process stability and performance. In this respect a lab scale pilot plant (30 litres) will be designed, constructed, started-up and operated for biological nutrient removal process. Afterwards, the granular technology will be applied to an available 1000 litres industrial pilot plant for technology validation in a full scale WWTP. On the other hand, in order to ensure process stability and performance in nutrient removal, the previously developed SICOTIN software will be adapted to the granular technology by including new data acquisition probes, adapting the advanced control modules of Case Based Reasoning (CBR) and Multivariable Statistical Process Control (MSPC) module to the granular technology. Also the advanced control module will implement a new Software Sensor module for the on-line identification of the key chemical compositions of ammonium and phosphate in order to achieve a more robust process control able to deal with the variable influent compositions while keeping the performance in nutrient removal from wastewater.


TIN2007-68066-C04-01 - CONTIENE
Start date: 01/10/2007 End date: 30/09/2010 Funding entity: MEC Budget: 211.750 Partners: Universitat Jaume 1r, Universidad de Granada, AIJU Coordinator: Mateu Sbert UdG Team: Miquel Feixas, Francesc Castro, Roel Martnez, Jaume Rigau, Esteban Del Acebo, Alexandre Brusi, David Lloret, Meritxell Estebanell, Pere Cornell, Josefina Ferrs, Eullia Guiu, lex Mndez, Francisco Gonzlez, Ismael Garca, Nicolau Sunyer Link:

CONTIENE: Intelligent Content for virtual reality Applications - technics of viewpoint and global ilumination
This project addresses the creation of intelligent content for multimedia and virtual reality applications. As observed by Roberto Cencione, the explosion in the availability of networked multimedia content brings about problems of scale, usability and democratisation of the tool chain that need to be addressed. Also, the proliferation of data that has been produced by devices is in need of interpretation and integration and they create novel demands on knowledge representation and reasoning. We target here this problem by introducing on the one hand intelligent tools that are able to produce and present the information to the user in a more clever (creating both adaptable and adaptive multimodal interfaces), and somehow aesthetical way, and on the other hand by borrowing from computer game technology and advanced hardware, that allow for faster and interactive tools. Application areas targeted are computer games, simulation, animation, broadcasting, GIS. Examples of applications aimed at are automatic multiple light positioning for virtual scenes, intelligent search of 3D objects for game setting, best viewpoint for scene and object exploration taking user perceived preferences into account, editing tools for virtual scene automatic content creation such as landscapes, buildings, for easier selection of camera and light positioning in an animation by offering the editor an unprecedented choice of light and camera paths. We envisage also interactive, memory efficient and visually realistic display of both artificial single 3D objects (manufactured objects, characters, etc.) and complex natural environments (trees, forest, landscape etc.), as well as software tools for user-friendly edition of material and lighting properties for this kind of scenarios, with emphasis on immediate realistic visual feedback.


TIN2007-60553 - TACSII
Start date: 01/10/2007 End date: 30/09/2010 Funding entity: MEC Budget: 98.010 Coordinator UdG: Joan Mart UdG Team: Xavier Muoz, Robert Mart, Jordi Freixenet, Joan Mart, Enric Bautista, David Raba, Arnau Oliver, Anna Bosch, Meritxell Tortajada, Joan Carles Vilanova, Joaquim Barcel, Josep Pont, Joana Ferrer, Elsa Prez, Reyer Zwiggelaar

TACSII: Tcnicas avanzadas de correspondencia, segmentacin e integracin de imgenes

The main goal of the project is to develop a new set of multimodal-image analysis algorithms, with the aim to extract the relevant information built-in in the images regardless of the image acquisition system. The techniques to be developed are mainly focused on two key points of Computer Vision: image segmentation and image correspondence, which in fact are basic steps for further image analysis stages. Most of Computer Vision applications are increasingly making use of several image modalities due to the amount of information they provide and the complementary nature of such modalities. However, it is stated that efficient algorithms running on single modalities don t produce satisfactory results running on complementary image modalities. As a consequence, it is necessary to modify such algorithms in order to obtain effectiveness when applied to other image modalities, or even to generate optimised new algorithms for every specific modality. The algorithms to be developed have to take into account the difference in the acquisition systems of each modality and the physical principles they are based on, since this is the key of the dissimilarities in the structure and contents nature of the images. As a project benchmark, we will use medical images provided by three reference hospitals in the Health Area of Girona, which will provide MRI images, digital mammographic (X-ray) images, and echographic (US) images coming from breast cancer and prostate cancer screening programs. The new segmentation techniques will be used to detect and characterise abnormalities, while the new image correspondence techniques will be applied to the identification of same lesions present in different image modalities and their temporal evolution.


DPI2007-66728-C02-02 INSULAID-2
Start date: 01/10/2007 End date: 30/09/2010 Funding entity: MEC Budget: 206.063 Partners: Technical University of Valencia (UPV), University of California Santa Barbara, Sansum Diabetes Research Institute Coordinator: Josep Veh UdG Team: Joaquim Armengol, Rodolfo Villamizar, Luis Eduardo Mjica, Pau Herrero, Remei Calm Link:

INSULAID-2: Closed loop glucose control in diabetes mellitus 1 and critically ill patients.
In the 1990s, it was proved that any improvement in glucose control, leads to a reduction of the risk to develop the chronic complications associated with diabetes. For this reason, euglycaemia has been established as the control objective for patients with diabetes mellitus 1 (DM1). On the other hand, critically ill patients in the ICU are subject to a great morbidity and mortality. The latest advances in the knowledge of the pathophysiology of these patients demonstrate how hyperglycaemia may contribute to their clinical evolution. There exists literature that suggests the importance of achieving euglycaemia in these patients by means of insulin perfusions to reduce mortality. There is thus a great social and economic interest in efficient glucose control. It is expected that in four to five years the technology required for an automatic glucose control system will be available, as currently continuous glucose monitoring is a limiting factor. The development of efficient glucose control algorithms, as well as good models of the glucoregulatory system and their validation by means of therapeutic criteria, is thus of great importance. In this project the following global objectives are addressed: (1) the implementation of a clinical study for the collection of experimental data to advance the development of models and their therapeutic validation; (2) the development of advanced control algorithms for closed-loop glucose control in DM1 and critically ill patients. Interval and set-based techniques will be applied to address the problem of intra- and inter-patient variability. Finally, the use of counter-regulatory control signals such as glucagon or glucose, additionally to insulin, will be explored.


Start date: 01/10/2007 End date: 30/09/2010 Funding entity: MEC Budget: 133.100 Partners: Universitat Politcnica de Valncia, Universidad Miguel Hernndez Coordinator: Joaquim Salvi UdG Team: Xavier Cuf, Xavier Llad, Josep Forest, Llus Pacheco, Antoni Martorano, Emili Hernndez, Carles Matabosch

Vision Systems for computer cartography and underwater aquaculture

In this project we propose the development of new algorithms and techniques for the automatic construction of marine floor three-dimensional mosaics. Three-dimensional mosaics allow the acquisition of the marine floor cartography of selected areas of interest with applications in seashore resource management, environment affectation surveys and aquiculture, since they provide geo-referenced and high quality detailed images to analyse the evolution of the areas of interest. The works carried out up to now are focused on the automatic construction of photo-mosaics, which are limited to 2D scenarios or assuming a light three-dimensional structure that is approximated to a plane. In contrast, the areas of interest for both the scientific community and the submarine prospecting enterprises are located in areas with a major 3D structure. Besides, it is necessary to determine the motion of the marine wildlife and flora to perceive it apart from the marine floor, allowing the construction of precise mosaics and supplying the processed images for further study of such marine wildlife and flora, which is indeed a very interesting field for both aquiculture and environment affectation enterprises. Finally, none of the systems described in the literature is able to automatically build large-scale three-dimensional mosaics due to the accumulated drift in the registration. In this project, we propose to develop optical/acoustical data fusion to construct bigger and more reliable three-dimensional mosaics, allowing the analysis of the temporal evolution of marine ecosystems as well as the marine floor morphology. The AQUAVISION project takes advantage of the acoustic data network developed in the integrated project, which aims to localize roughly the vehicle once submerged as well as to transmit the video and data through the acoustic link. This fact improves the hydrodynamics and control of the vehicle since it is not necessary to carry cables during the mission, especially in standard seashore areas which arise 200m depth. Moreover, the project takes advantage of the underwater vehicles and the underwater research centre available in the Universitat de Girona.


DPI2007-66872-C02-01 San Bernardo

Start date: 01/10/2007 End date: 30/09/2010 Funding entity: MEC Budget: 139.150 Partners: Universitat Rovira i Virgili Coordinator: Josep Llus de la Rosa Coordinator UdG: Josep Llus de la Rosa UdG Team: Santiago Esteva, Albert Figueras, Josep Llus de la Rosa, Josep Antoni Ramon, Esteve del Acebo, Miquel Montaner, Eduard Muntaner, Gustavo Gonzlez Link:

San Bernardo: Arquitecturas multiagente de control e interaccin de robots mviles en su aplicacin al rescate de supervivientes de catstrofes con agua
This project aims to design and implement the control and cooperation technologies needed to develop the first generation of rescue robots with coordination and control features. Using mobile robots and the knowledge acquired on the mobile robots football field we aim to obtain the first generation of relatively low cost amphibious robots. In order to achieve our objective we will make the rescue robot watertight, and use some navigation, mission and route control elements of underwater robots so that they can be applied in search and rescue in shallow or superficial waters. We can affirm that these amphibious applications are dominant in emergency scenarios involving water, for example, the 2005 disasters in Indonesia (tsunamis), the Katrina hurricane in Louisiana, USA, and the usual floods of the Mediterranean coast. First, a catalogue of rescue applications considered viable for very low cost robots will be set up. For each one of these missions, the opportune scenario will be established and preliminary experimentation missions will be planned. Then, the project will focus on 2 specific rescue scenarios: (1) the Costa Brava floods in 2005, (2) the tsunami in Indonesia in 2004-2005. Each scenario has a potential associated user, and will end with a practical demonstration. For the Costa Brava floods (1), we propose the use of a properly adapted AV that can negotiate water and rubbish, while searching for survivors with an infrared camera. The robot will send its position to give control centre engineers a global idea of the survivor s state. Following this analysis, successive incursions of the robot or other rescue robots with greater features will be planned. These will evaluate particular areas of the emergency scenario with greater resolution until the victim can be reached and helped with a mobile telephone built into the robot. For the tsunami in Indonesia (2), the work will focus on cooperative behaviour in exploration and detection of the features designed for scenario (1). We will contrast the specifications of robots which we applied in the Costa Brava scenario with approaches of conscious control on a common control and cooperation architecture to observe which focus is the most appropriate to locate and provide first assistance to survivors. In this second scenario we will work in simulation, and adapt the RoboCup Rescue Simulator, which is becoming a standard in rescue experimentation. Survivors will be detected in flooded surroundings using multiple AVs that will initially ramble about and locate the survivor. Next, robots will give their position to ask for assistance, as standard equipment for superficial detection can be used, and render assistance to the victim in the shape of a mobile telephone or similar technology which allow two-way communication with the rescue centre. In the first phase of the project, the autonomous robot will record, throughout the mission, a large amount of the information captured for off-line analysis in the control centre (mosaic construction, expert analysis, based on its capacities, etc.) only when it cannot detect people and has to return to the control centre to recharge. In the second phase, by means of a GPS and a conscious control module it will filter the captured shots and retain those which indicate there is the greatest possibility of survivors and their location. In this way, the rescue robots may concentrate on the


areas where survivors are suspected to be found. And at the same time, for the coordination between robots, electronic techniques of conscious control, introspection and e-institutions will be used to generate effective cooperative behaviours (adapted to rescue environments).


Start date: 01/10/2007 End date: 30/09/2010 Funding entity: MEC Budget: 174.240 Coordinator: Rafael Garca UdG Team: Xavier Cuf, Tudor Nicosevici, Ricard Prados, Rafael Garca, Nuno Estrela, Miquel Villanueva, Mart Fbregas, Lszl Neumann, Birgit Mller, Ricard Campos, Shahriar Negahdaripour, Javier Escartn, Gorka Sancho

Robot autnomo para monitorizacin medioambiental

This project aims to develop an autonomous underwater robot, along with the software tools to build geo-referenced detailed photo-mosaics of the ocean floor, and enable scientists to carry out repeated surveys to monitor its evolution over time. Understanding and managing ocean resources implies developing techniques and technology for habitat mapping and monitoring. Image mosaicing techniques can be used to map areas of some hundred of square meters, while having enough resolution to allow the identification of specific biologically interesting areas at small scales (few centimetres) down to living organisms. Automatic mosaicing tools improve survey efficiency reducing the cost/time of acquiring and postprocessing data. They also provide a permanent visual record of the studied areas. The robot will be designed to navigate autonomously, equipped with appropriate sensors, for performing a trajectory that ensures an adequate coverage of the interest area. It will be able to plan and correct its trajectory on its own, safely avoiding obstacles. After emerging at the end of the mission, the acquired images along with its associated navigation data will be downloaded to a computer that will show a first photo-mosaic on site shortly after (minutes). The acquired data will be geo-referenced, providing the possibility to carry out additional higher-resolution surveys of selected areas of the same region for nested studies if required, or to resurvey areas. It will also allow the surveying of vast areas now out of reach from observation by divers. Further offline processing will generate a seamless photo-mosaic, using new (time-consuming) global alignment techniques. Automatic comparison algorithms will also be developed to help scientists track and quantify differences between photomosaics of the same area acquired at different times. These algorithms will take into account possible differences in the conditions of acquisition of the different photo-mosaics (small errors in the geographic reference frame, variations in lighting, sensitivity of the cameras and scales and resolutions of the mosaics). The proposed mosaicing system will be based on a data fusion strategy, integrating of the information coming from different sensors. The seafloor will be explored using simultaneously a trinocular system (three video-cameras) and an acoustic camera. This arrangement provides range information for three-dimensional scene reconstruction. This presents several advantages over strips mosaics constructed along a single spatial dimension (video transects), since the sizes and spatial arrangements of the different structures can be more accurately estimated and can serve as the basis for change-detection from repeated surveys. The robot will also be equipped with a photographic camera for mapping specific regions of interest where very highresolution and accurate colour information is required to classify biological communities. The design will also include the possibility of installing small environmental sensors to complement the imagery, such as thermometer, turbidimeters and others.



Start date: 01/10/2007 End date: 30/09/2010 Funding entity: MEC Budget: 84.821 Partners: Universitat de Barcelona, Universidad de Jan Coordinator: Josep Maria Paredes Poy (Universitat de Barcelona) Coordinator UdG: Marta Peracaula UdG Team: Miquel Llover, Marta Peracaula, Jordi Freixenet, Maryna Kudzinava

Estudio observacional y terico de fuentes galcticas de alta energa desde radio hasta rayos-gamma muy energticos. Anlisis de imgenes para la deteccin y caracterizacin de fuentes
The galactic very-high-energy (VHE) gamma-ray sources discovered during these last years by the new generation of Cherenkov telescopes (HESS, MAGIC, MILAGRO) are currently a hot topic in modern high-energy Astrophysics. Among the ~30 detected sources, nearly half of them still remain unidentified. A significant part of them show extended morphologies in the range of 0.1-1 degree at TeV energies, making the identification of counterparts at lower energies a difficult task. Nevertheless, to understand the VHE gamma-ray sky it is mandatory to reveal the nature of the sources behind the TeV emission. This project intends to undertake a detailed multi-wavelength study of some of these extended TeV sources with the aim to identify their possible counterparts. Our study will be complemented with a theoretical approach aimed at explaining the obtained multi-wavelength data based on leptonic and hadronic processes. On the other hand, about 70 catalogued galactic high-energy (HE) gamma-ray sources in the MeV-GeV range do not have a clear counterpart at lower energies, because their error circles in position have typically 1 degree. However, some of these sources are significantly variable, providing a natural way to betray their low-energy counterparts. It is expected that their HE emission is produced by inverse Compton scattering of photons by relativistic particles producing synchrotron radiation at lower energies (radio to X-rays). In this context, we have conducted a radio monitoring and identified the most variable radio sources in the error circles of seven HE sources. We plan to identify the NIR counterparts of all these HE candidate radio sources and obtain their corresponding spectra. This, together with follow-up X-ray observations, will allow us to constrain the nature of the HE sources. For the already identified sources, or those to be identified during the course of the project, we plan to: unveil the nature and origin of gamma-ray binaries by means of VLBI observations; search for new cases of interaction between microquasar relativistic jets and the surrounding ISM; look for correlations between keV and TeV emission and search for VHE periodicities of gamma-ray binaries. We will also conduct detailed optical and NIR observations to: determine the binary or isolated nature of the identified gamma-ray emitters, obtain accurate orbital parameters for the binary systems and constrain their inclination angles, and finally search for small-scale extended emission. All the data gathered in this project will be interpreted and modeled in a multi-wavelength context, from radio to VHE gamma-rays. The team of the University of Girona is composed by specialists in image processing and analysis and they are going to characterize and classify the large number of sources expected to appear in the wide-field deep images obtained during the project. The main goals of the sub-project are the development of algorithms focused on the detection and characterization of faint and/or extended objects, texture analysis of the ISM and the construction of a catalogue of the newly detected sources.


PI09/91018 - SALEM
Start date: 01/01/2010 End date: 31/12/2012 Funding entity: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Budget: 79.860,00 Partners: Clnica Girona, Hospital Dr. Josep Trueta, Hospital de la Vall dHebron Coordinator UdG: Xavier Llad UdG team: Xavier Llad, Xavier Cuf, Joaquim Salvi, Arnau Oliver Other Members: Joaquim Barcel, Llus Rami, Joan Carles Vilanova, lex Rovira, Gemma Laguillo, Deborah Pareto, Anna Quiles Link:

SALEM: Segmentacin automtica de lesiones de esclerosis mltiple en imgenes de ressonncia magntica

Nowadays, it is well known (and widely accepted in the national and international clinic practice) the important role of MRI images for the supervision, evaluation and control of the Multiple Sclerosis (MS), as well as for evaluating the effect of a new therapeutic drug. Unfortunately, the typical medical inspection of a patient requires a manual analysis of the MRI images which implies a high time consumption. Furthermore, the inter and intra observer variability could complicate the analysis of the results from studies with several patients. In this project we propose to develop and validate an automatic (and objective) system for the detection, segmentation and description of MS lesions based on computer vision techniques. In particular, we aim to develop a computer aided tool in order to automatically detect and segment the MS lesions of the MRI images, and to provide a quantitative description (statistics related to the number of lesions and volume) and a qualitative description (different viewpoint visualization of the MRI volume according to the different soft tissue types and lesion localizations) for each patient. This tool will be tested and evaluated exhaustively in the Hospital centers involved in the project, which are reference centers in Catalua within the Multiple Sclerosis research field. The final goal is to demonstrate the value of the system and to transfer the research results into the everyday clinical practice, installing the developed tool in the hospitals.


Start date: 01/01/2009 End date: 31/12/2010 Funding entity: Instituto de Salud Carlos III Budget: 32.670,00 Partners: Hospital Clnic de Barcelona Coordinator UdG: Rafael Garca UdG team: Rafael Garca, Nuno Gracias, Lszl Neumann Other Members: Josep Malvehy, Cristina Carrera, Susana Puig, Paula Aguilera

Escner ptico para la deteccin precoz del melanoma cutneo

Melanoma is the generic name for malign tumors of melanocytic origins, a type of skin cancer leading to high morbidity. This type of tumor generally appears at skin level and has a high metastasis capacity. Melanoma is diagnosed during the dermatologist's examination, who makes a visual analysis, looking for the suspicious nevus, which will subsequently be subjected to a biopsy. In the last few years, dermatologists use a new imaging technique called dermatoscopy, which improves the precision of the melanoma diagnosis. This technique consists in obtaining an image, with a magnification factor of 10-30x, using an optic system that reduces the refractions and reflections induced by the epidermis, allowing the dermatologists to see the internal structure of the lesions. Nowadays, there are specialized medical centers that allow monitoring of patients with risk of melanoma, using digital imaging, which allow the acquisition and storage of images of high numbers of nevus. Unfortunately, this alternative involves a long examination time for each patient (40-50 minutes), representing a tedious task that allows monitoring of only a limited number of nevus. Moreover, this technique does not guarantee the detection of new nevus. In the frame of the project, we propose the development of an optical scanner, which will allow the acquiring of dermatoscopic images of the whole skin surface of the patient, building a highresolution photo-mosaic in a fully automatic way. This photo-mosaic will be compared with photomosaics acquired in previous exploration, allowing the detection of any type of suspicious changes.


Start date: 29/08/2008 End date: 28/08/2010 Funding entity: CIRIT Budget: 100.000 Partners: Corporaci Sanitria Parc Taul de Sabadell, Hospital de la Vall dHebron de Barcelona, Hospital Josep Trueta de Girona, Hospital Santa Caterina de Girona Coordinator UdG: Jordi Freixenet IIiA Members: Xavier Llad, Robert Mart, Jordi Freixenet, Joan Mart, Arnau Oliver Other Members: Meritxell Tortajada, Melcior Sents, M. Teresa Villajos, Ldia Tortajada, Sergi Ganau, Fernanda Escribano, Amaya Martn, Rafael Salvador, Xavier Salvador, Sandra Mecho, Raquel Mitjana, Joana Ferrer, Joan Carles Vilanova, Joaquim Barcel, Elsa Prez, Josep Pont

Incidncia de ls combinat deines de diagnosi assistit per computador i mamografia de contrast en la millora de la valoraci radiolgica de mamografies digitals (eCADMAC)
An increasing number of hospitals are being equipped with computer systems for acquiring and displaying digital images. This means that radiological film is no longer needed and that examinations may be carried out in a faster and more cost-efficient way. However, radiologists trying to detect breast cancer nowadays keep on examining digital radiological images of mamographies by means of visual inspection. Only a few hospitals use Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) tools for dianosing purposes. The maing goal of e-CADMC is to enhance the methods and protocols for early detection of breast cancer by improving the way digital mamographies are explored. In order to do so, a new CAD tool will be designed, developed and tested along with a new technique for acquiring mamographical images with dynamic contrast. Therefore, new techniques and protocols for the early detection of breast cancer will be established and comprehensively tested at the hospitals involved in the project: Corporaci Sanit ria Parc Taul de Sabadell, Hospital de la Vall d Hebron de Barcelona, Hospital Josep Trueta de Girona and Hospital Santa Caterina de Girona.


Technology transfer projects

Project type: VALFUS Start date: 15/10/2009 End date: 15/10/2011 Funding entity: ACCI Budget: 72.000 Coordinator: Jordi Freixenet

The aim of this project is to set up UdiGital, a research centre whose main goal is to apply the Information and Communications Technologies to the media and multimedia sectors. UdiGital is a joint effort of the University of Gironas Science Park, two technology centres (VICOROB and EASY), and seven research teams: BCDS, GiLab, GRETICE, ERIDIQV, EXIT, ARPA and MICELAB. This multidisciplinary centre will: Foster research and innovation activities of IT companies in the area of Girona Attract companies along with skilled workers to Girona Promote high-level training in IT Boost the economic development in the area of Girona, especially in the fields of IT and multimedia.


Project type: VALTEC Start date: 15/10/2009 End date: 15/10/2011 Funding entity: ACCI Budget: 82.487,20 Coordinator: Mateu Sbert UdG Team: Francesc Castro, Hug Beneit, Jorge Flrez, Mateu Sbert, Miquel Feixas, Nicolau Sunyer, Roel Martnez

Innovative plug-ins to improve realism in graphical engines

A few years ago, programming videogames was not especially difficult for companies. Basic graphical techniques were enough to satisfy players demands even if their results in terms of visual realism were limited. However, subsequent increasing demands for realism in videogames resulted in more complex applications and higher development times. The European project GameTools (GTP) addressed this issue by improving three key elements in the development of videogames: geometry, visibility and illumination. GTP produced software that allows videogames developers use more complex models and more realistic illumination techniques in less time. Nowadays, many videogames companies have reduced the size of their budgets and of their development teams, which means less time is spent on improving graphical quality. They are also increasingly resorting to middleware software to speed up specific tasks in the development cycle of videogames. In this context, GTP geometry and illumination libraries are a business opportunity as they may be offered to videogames companies as middleware software which may be incorporated into game engines by means of shaders. With such products, development teams at Virtual Reality, serious gaming, simulation and broadcasting companies will be able to work with more complex models, more realistic techniques while improving the quality of their videogames and reducing investment risks significantly.


Project type: VALTEC Start date: 15/10/2009 End date: 15/10/2011 Funding entity: ACCI Budget: 100.000 Coordinator: Pere Ridao

Inspecsub aims at developing a software tool that allows underwater robots to perform comprehensive surveys following pre-established paths. Inspecsub will enable autonomous underwater robots to scan underwater structures such as ship wrecks, ship hulls, pipes, etc. covering completely the regions of interest.


Project type: VALTEC Start date: 30/06/2009 End date: 30/06/2011 Funding entity: ACCI Budget: 100.000 Coordinator: Xavier Llad UdG Team: Xavier Llad, Arnau Oliver

SALEM: Toolkit per a la segmentaci automtica de lesions desclerosi mltiple en imatges de ressonncia magntica
Nowadays, it is well known (and widely accepted in the national and international clinic practice) the important role of MRI images for the supervision, evaluation and control of the Multiple Sclerosis (MS), as well as for evaluating the effect of a new therapeutic drug. Unfortunately, the typical medical inspection of a patient requires a manual analysis of the MRI images which implies a high time consumption. Furthermore, the inter and intra observer variability could complicate the analysis of the results from studies with several patients. In this project we propose to develop and validate an automatic (and objective) system for the detection, segmentation and description of MS lesions based on computer vision techniques. In particular, we aim to develop a computer aided tool in order to automatically detect and segment the MS lesions of the MRI images, and to provide a quantitative description (statistics related to the number of lesions and volume) and a qualitative description (different viewpoint visualization of the MRI volume according to the different soft tissue types and lesion localizations) for each patient. This tool will be tested and evaluated exhaustively in the Hospital centers involved in the project, which are reference centers in Catalua within the Multiple Sclerosis research field. The final goal is to demonstrate the value of the system and to transfer the research results into the everyday clinical practice, installing the developed tool in the hospitals.


RD08-1-0007-00 - SVAPD
Start date: 09/05/2008 End date: 09/05/2010 Funding entity: CIDEM Budget: 22.236 Partners: T-Systems ITC Iberia, Fundaci Privada Universitat i Tecnologia (FUNITEC), Aplicaciones de Inteligencia Artificial (AIS), UPF Coordinator: T-Systems ITC Iberia Coordinator UdG: Mateu Sbert UdG Team: Miquel Feixas, Mateu Sbert, Imma Boada

SVAPD: Visualization tool to suport decision taking

The SVAPD project lies at the intersection of two market disciplines: Business Intelligence (BI) and Virtual Reality (VR). BI aims to acquire and make best use of the knowledge in a business whereas VR is involved in producing virtual prototypes that allow validating and testing the design and functions of specific products without using real prototypes. The goal of SVAPD is to develop an application to support better business decision-making. SVAPD will be based on the interactive visualization of the information acquired by the BI system. Decisions based on the previous information will be made automatically by means of Business Process Enterprise Language (BPEL) techniques.


IPT-430000-2010-013 SAKE
Project type: INNPACTO Start date: 22/06/2010 End date: 31/12/2012 Funding entity: MICINN Budget UdG: 224.869 Partners: EASY INNOVA, AIS, Bones Notes, Bitext Coordinator UdG: Josep Llus de la Rosa

SAKE: Social powered agents for knowledge search engine

SAKE will provide users with a new and more efficient method for searching and accessing information on the Internet. SAKE is based on software agents acting as proxies for users searching for information i.e. the agents will search for information on behalf of users. Agents social skills make filtering and exchanging information easier, which will lead to more relevant and accurate search results.


TSI-020100-2010-46 SPARKS
Project type: Avanza Competitividad I+D+i Start date: 01/01/2010 End date: 31/12/2010 Funding entity: MITYC Budget: 14.890 Partners: Strategic Attention Management, Isoco, Verbio, TMT Factory, Organic, Bitext, IIIA Coordinator UdG: Josep Llus de la Rosa

SPARKS: Search Powered by Agents for Reliable Knowledge through Social Networks
The aim of SPARKS is to improve the search for information experience by using multiagent technologies. Thanks to SPARKS users will overcome difficulties they find when searching for information on the Internet or in companies intranets with large volumes of information. Besides, both the relevance and the accuracy of search results will be improved.


TSI-050200-2009-21 iSAC Scholar

Project type: Avanza Servicios Pblicos Digitales Start date: 01/01/2009 End date: 31/12/2010 Funding entity: MITYC Budget: 165.638,40 Partners: Strategic Attention Management, UdG (CIAE) Coordinator: Josep Llus de la Rosa Link:

iSAC Scholar: Servicio de atencin no presencial a estudiantes.

iSAC Scholar is a highly innovative smart system to create and optimize student information and advisory services at universities. The goal of the project is not only to incorporate new technologies into those services but also to define and rationalize the map of procedures for informing and advising students. iSAC Scholar makes best use of the new communication channels and is tailored to the specific needs of universities and students. iSAC Scholar adds value to the services because they will be more effective, efficient, accessible, transparent, secure and better connected and coordinated. The specific goals of iSAC Scholar are: To digitize, rationalize, normalize and improve the procedures for informing and advising students Implement iSAC Scholar at the University of Girona Implement iSAC Scholar as an Open Source System (OSS) exportable to other universities To develop a wikiFAQ using state-of-the-art Web2.0 technologies. To implement iSAC Scholar in accordance with what is laid by the Data Protection Organic Law.


RD08-1-0031 - RDiSAC
Start date: 09/05/2008 End date: 09/05/2010 Funding entity: CIDEM Budget: 94.332,92 Partners: EASY INNOVA Coordinator: EASY INNOVA, SIMPPLE, CRIC, SAM, NODALRED, VERBIO, THERA, Activa Multimedia, Bitext, Comunicaci Digital, Ajuntament de Terrassa, Consell Comarcal del Pla de l'Estany Coordinator UdG: Josep Llus de la Rosa UdG team: Josep Llus de la Rosa, Esteve del Acebo Other Members: Albert Sabri, Ana M. Petruse Link:

RDiSAC: Recerca en incentivaci de la participaci 2.0 i llenguatge natural

The goal of RDiSAC is to design a platform for public administrations providing information and advice to theirs citizens. The platform will be open, transparent, low-cost, and it will foster economic development. The new citizen information and advisory services will be digital, will be used remotely by citizens 24 hours a day / 7 days a week. They will be built on the web2.0 technologies in a way that will promote networking and collaboration between public officers and citizens.


Technology Transfer
Innovative solutions for companies
Agents Research Laboratory (ArLab)
Intelligent systems for citizens attention services Customer segmentation programs Prediction models to anticipate market demands Quality supervision systems: qualitative representation of trends in a process, qualitative analysis of situations Low cost industrial supervision products Statistical control of parameters in a production process Software for optimization of production process

Broadband Communications and Distributed Systems (BCDS)

Telemedicine: low-cost systems for online rehabilitation and diagnosis Telemonitorization: low-cost systems for communicating with handicapped people

Control Engineering and Intelligent Systems (eXiT)

Intelligent process monitoring: fault detection and fault diagnosis Automatic diagnosis of sags and fault location in electrical distribution networks Statistical monitoring of waste water treatment plants On-line monitoring of pressures in furnaces to predict instabilities Off-line assessment of moulds Medical diagnosis

Graphics and Imaging Laboratory (GILab)

Medical images Scientific visualization Architecture Entertainment: digital cinema, digital TV, animation, simulation, videogames, virtual reality

Modelling, Indentification and Control Engineering (MICELab)

Biomedical engineering Damage assessment in structures Mechatronics and mechatronic systems Process control engineering Industrial process supervision and control


Computer Vision and Robotics (VICOROB)

Reconstruction of three-dimensional information of objects from vision systems Visual maps from multiple images Processing and analysis of images with medical applications Underwater robotics Industrial computer science: automation, communications, industrial robotics, intelligent perception and embedded systems


Some examples of contracts with companies

Lavinia Interactiva, SL
Start date: 25/05/10 End date: 24/05/11 Contractor: Lavinia Interactiva, Indra Sistemas, DSET Budget: 305.516 Coordinator: Rafael Garca

The goal of this contract is to develop new tecnologies for object recognition and detection in audiovisual contents. The project will develop an efficient system to edit and manage audiovisual contents, featuring detection and recognition of specific objects in individual images, image classification in a video and automatic indexing and classification of audiovisual contents.

Lafcarr Project & Design, SL

Start date: 01/04/2009 End date: 31/12/2010 Contractor: Lafcarr Project & Design, SL Budget: 48.860 Coordinator: Carles Pous

Software tool to manage a fleet of ambulances

Given a set of ambulances operating in a specific geographical area, and given a set of patients that need to be taken to hospitals and back home, the software tool will automatically plan the routes the ambulances must follow in order to minimize the number of ambulances needed, transport times and costs. The tool will take into account that the times at which ambulances pick up patients to take them to hospital are known, whereas the times at which they finish their treatments at hospitals are not.

Strategic Attention Management

Start date: 01/02/10 End date: 30/06/11 Contractor: Strategic Attention Management Budget: 130.236,58 Coordinator: Josep Llus de la Rosa

The goal of this contract is to develop new ways of searching for information by using Internet 2.0 techniques.


Institut de Diagnstic per la Imatge

Start date: 01/04/2010 End date: 31/12/2010 Contractor: Institut de Diagnstic per la Imatge Coordinator: Imma Boada

Application of scientific visualization techniques to medicine

The goal of this contract is to develop a computer assisted diagnosis platform to assist radiologists from the Institut de Diagnstic per la Imatge, a prestigious imaging institute located in the main Catalan public hospitals. This platform integrates in the same environment basic and advanced image analysis techniques. Its modular design supports the integration of new functions designed to diagnose any kind of pathology. The platform is available on Windows and GNU/Linux OS. It supports DICOM standard and IHE profiles.

Start date: 11/05/10 End date: 10/05/11 Contractor: Fundaci Barcelona Media Universitat Pompeu Fabra Coordinator: Pere Ridao

Inertial and inclinometric sensors

The goal of this contract is to carry out a survey on the inertial and inclinometric sensors available for tracking broadcast cameras.


Start date: 07/08/09 End date: 30/09/10 Contractor: ALSTOM TRANSPORTE, SA Coordinator: Jordi Freixenet

Infrared roof mounted inspections

The goal of this contract is to develop an infrared thermography system.

Nexus Geogrfics SL
Start date: 30/06/10 End date: 01/12/10 Contractor: Nexus Geogrfics, SL Budget: 8.260 Coordinator: Beatriz Lpez

Route optimizer
This contract aims at developing algorithms to optimize delivery routes and at integrating them into Nexus server CERCALIA.

Nova Southeastern University, INC

Start date: 08/03/10 End date: 25/12/10 Contractor: Nova Southeastern University, INC Budget: 24.784 Coordinator: Rafael Garca

Simulation of hydrofacies
The goal of this contract is to implement and test an approach for the simulation of hydrofacies, using a transition probability model and Markov chains.


Zyncro Tech, SL
Start date: 10/11/09 End date: 15/10/10 Contractor: Zyncro Tech, SL Budget: 23.000 Coordinator: Josep Llus Marzo, Ramon Fabregat

Definition of an API for the application Zyncro

The goal of this contract is to design an Application Programming Interface (API) for the Zyncro application which will allow the latter to carry out its main tasks.

Paidia Technologies
Start date: 28/06/10 End date: 31/12/10 Contractor: Paidia Technologies Budget: 5.900 Coordinator: Mateu Sbert

Jaume 1r a Portop
The goal of this contract is to develop a digital interactive strategy game about Jaume 1rs battle in Portopi.


PhD Programs
Doctorate of the Official Postgraduate Programme in Technology
The Doctoral Programme in Technology provides doctoral training in the fields of computer science and automation as well as in other technological fields. The current programme started in the 2006-2007 academic year and it meets the new requirements established by the European Higher Education Area. However, it has inherited the experience of several doctoral programmes that existed before the new regulations applied. The Doctoral Programme in Technology has won Quality Awards granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (MCD2006-00405). In turn, the IIiA research groups supporting the Doctoral Programme have also been awarded by the Catalan Government (2005SGR01008, 2005SGR00296, 2005SGR00002) Link:


Master Programs
Master in Industrial Data Processing, Automatic Control, Computing and Systems (MIIACS)
MIIACS aims at completing students undergraduate education with graduate-level scientific and technical training. MIIACS is very useful for students interested in either improving their career prospects or conducting R&D&I activities. The track records of the research groups in charge of MIIACS guarantee their ability to adapt to the ever-changing fields of technology involved in the masters. Thanks to the wide range of courses offered, students graduating from this masters programme will be fully-trained to carry out research and technology projects on the following topics: Algorithmics and programming Communications Control Artificial intelligence Monitoring and diagnosis Robotics Computer vision Visualisation, virtual reality and graphical interaction


VIBOT Erasmus Mundus Masters in Vision and Robotics

The European Masters in Computer Vision and Robotics (VIBOT) meets the present needs of industry for quality control and automation of industrial processes as well as in the field of health with the ever increasing importance of medical imagery in all its forms. The key techniques are computer vision and robotics. This Masters programme will provide, through the proposed European training, an unrivalled knowledge in computer vision and robotics applied to industrial problems and medical imagery. Moreover, the students will have also acquired mobility, broadmindedness and the language skills which constitute, in an age of globalization, a major asset for finding research work either in a public laboratory or in a private company. Link:

European Joint Masters in Environmental Process Control Engineering (EPCE)

The Joint European Master in Environmental Process Control Engineering (EPCE) is offered by four leading European universities renowned for scientific specialisation in the areas covered by the proposed Masters degree. Each university has established expertise and teaching experience in the fields offered. The joint collaboration provides an integrated, multidisplinary and innovative teaching and training programme using state-of-the-art technology. The course programme brings together science and technology from control, environmental process, sensors, actuators, communication networks and information technology. Link:


PhD Theses 2010

Luis Fernando Caro Improving resource utilization in Carrier Ethernet technologies Universitat de Girona, 19 January 2010 Advisor: Jos Luis Marzo Josep Soler Mas Entorno virtual para el aprendizaje y la evaluacin automtica en bases de datos Universitat de Girona, 4 November 2010 Advisor: Ramon Fabregat Javier Murillo Espinar Egalitarian behaviour in multi unit combinatorial auctions Universitat de Girona, 10 November 2010 Advisors: Beatriz Lpez, Ddac Busquets


Master theses 2010

Master in Industrial Data Processing, Automatic Control, Computing and Systems (MIIACS)
Jorge Elicer Hernndez Mercado Agente generador de planes IMS Learning Design usando planificacin HTN Universitat de Girona, 14 September 2010 Tutor: Ramon Fabregat Albert Trias Mansilla Automatitzaci dintercanvis de coneixement en xarxes socials mitjanant agents Universitat de Girona, 14 September 2010 Tutor: Josep Llus de la Rosa Albert Pla Planas Predicting and diagnosing delays Universitat de Girona, 14 September 2010 Tutor: Beatriz Lpez Pablo Gay Sacristn Complex event processin for resource supervision Universitat de Girona, 14 September 2010 Tutors: Joaquim Melndez, Beatriz Lpez Gerard Vancells Xucl Deteccin e identificacin de medidas errneas en sistemes de distribucin elctrica Universitat de Girona, 14 September 2010 Tutor: Sergio Herraiz Antoni Martorano Gomis Estudi per incorporar la intelligncia Swarm en el disseny dequips de robots de rescat. Universitat de Girona, 14 September 2010 Tutor: Santi Esteva Xavier Fuster Junc Sistema de control de missi per a un robot submar autnom Universitat de Girona, 14 September 2010 Tutors: Marc Carreras, Narcs Palomeras Mariano Cabezas Grbol Atlas-based segmentation of brain MRI. Application to multiple sclerosis Universitat de Girona, 15 September 2010 Tutors: Xavier Llad, Arnau Oliver Albert Gubern Mrida Multi-class probabilistic atles-based segmentation method in breast MRI Universitat de Girona, 15 September 2010 Tutors: Robert Mart, Nico Karssemeijer Gerard Pons Rodrguez Simultaneous breast lesion segmentation and distortion correction in breast ultrasound images Universitat de Girona, 15 September 2010 Tutors: Joan Mart, Robert Mart


Robert Alcal Snchez Underwater texture classification of vocanic lava imagery Universitat de Girona, 15 September 2010 Tutors: Jordi Freixenet, Josep Antoni Martn Josefina March Hortoneda Inpainting Universitat de Girona, 15 September 2010 Tutor: Jordi Freixenet Ricard Campos Daus 3D meshing using visual sensorial information Universitat de Girona, 15 September 2010 Tutor: Rafael Garca Jordi Puig i Bosch Accurate depth and reflectance maps estimation by means of the light absorption effect in underwater environments Universitat de Girona, 15 September 2010 Tutor: Rafael Garca

VIBOT Erasmus Mundus Masters in Vision and Robotics

A.S.M. Shihavuddin Sun flicker removal in underwater imaging through transparent layer separation and motion compensated filtering Universitat de Girona, 14 June 2010 Tutor: Rafael Garca Chee Sing Lee SLAM for underwater vehicles Universitat de Girona, 14 June 2010 Tutor: Joaquim Salvi Konstantin Korotkov Infrared inspection for predictive failure inspection Universitat de Girona, 14 June 2010 Tutor: Joaquim Salvi Muhammad Habib Mahmood Localization of e-puck Mobile robot using IR sensors Universitat de Girona, 14 June 2010 Tutor: Pere Ridao Muhammad Saleem Ullah Khan Sumbal Environment detection and path Planning with the e-puck robot Universitat de Girona, 14 June 2010 Tutor: Marc Carreras Marco Perenez Use of multiresolution histogram information for mammographic density classification Universitat de Girona, 14 June 2010 Tutor: Joan Mart


Wei Li 3D seafloor mapping using a monocular camera Universitat de Girona, 14 June 2010 Tutor: Rafael Garca Isaac Castro Mateos Development of new technologies in 3D scanning using lasers Universitat de Girona, 14 June 2010 Tutor: Joaquim Salvi Putri Juwita Utami 2D prostate segmentation in ultrasound imaging Universitat de Girona, 14 June 2010 Tutor: Robert Mart


Books or Book Chapters
de la Rosa J.Ll.; Rovira, M.; Beer, M.; Montaner, M. Reducing Administrative Burden by Online Information and Referral Services Citizens and E-Government: Evaluating Policy and Management Bikfalvi, A.; Serarols, C.; de la Rosa, J.Ll. Creating Value Through Entrepreneurship. The case of Artificial Intelligent Agents E-Entrepreneurship and ICT Ventures: Strategy, Organization and Technology Gelvez, L.; Meja, C.; Pea, C.I.; Fabregat, R. MetOA: metodologa de gestin de proyectos aplicada al desarrollo de objetos de Aprendizaje Proceeding of the II Congreso Internacional en Ambientes Virtuales de Aprendizajes Accesibles y Adaptativos: Hacia un Sistema Inclusivo y Adaptativo (CAVA3 2010) Meja, C.; Fabregat, R. Towards a learning management system that supports learning difficulties of the students Proceeding of the XI Simposio Nacional de Tecnologas de la Informacin y las Comunicaciones en la Educacin (CEDI2010) Meja, C.; Fabregat, R.; Marzo, J.L. Including student's learning difficulties in the user model of a learning management system Proceeding of the XXXVI Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informtica (CLEI 2010) Gelvez, L.; Meja, C.; Pea, C.I.; Fabregat, R. Metodologa de gestin de proyectos aplicada al desarrollo de objetos de aprendizaje Proceeding of the Congreso Iberoamericano de informtica educativa (IE 2010) Gmez S.; Fabregat R. Context-aware content adaptation in mLearning Proceeding of the 9th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning MLEARN2010 Murillo, J.; Muoz, V.; Lpez, B.; Busquets, D. Developing strategies for the ART Domain Current Topics in Artificial Intelligence Rigau, J.; Feixas, M.; Sbert, M.; Wallraven, C. Towards auvers period: Evolution of van Gogh's style Computational Aesthetics 20010. Eurographics Workshop on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization and Imaging Rigau, J.; Feixas, M.; Sbert, M. Image information on digital photography Workshop on Computational Photography and Aesthetics - The Tenth Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV 2010); Lecture Notes in Computer Science Ruiz, M.; Boada, I.; Feixas, M.; Sbert, M. Interactive volume illustration using intensity ltering Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging (2010)


Narcs Palomeras, Pere Ridao, Carlos Silvestre, Andres El-fakdi Multiple vehicles mission coordination using Petri nets IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation Narcs Palomeras, Juan Carlos Garca, Mario Prats, Jos Javier Fernndez, Pedro Jos Sanz, Pere Ridao A Distributed Architecture for Enabling Autonomous Underwater Intervention Missions IEEE Systems Conference Ribas, D.; Ridao, P.; Neira, J. Underwater SLAM for structured environments using an imaging sonar Marti, J.; Gubern Merida, A.; Massich, J.; Oliver, A.; Vilanova, J.C.; Comet, J.; Prez, M.; Arzoz, M.; Mart,R. Ultrasound image analysis Methods and applications recent advances in biomedical signal processing, Bentham science publishers Mart, J.; Oliver, A.; Freixenet, J.; Mart, R.; Digital mammography Proceding of 10th Inetrnational Workshop. Lectures notes in computer science


Publications in journals
de la Rosa, J. Ll.; Hormazabal, N.; Aciar, S.; Lopardo, G.A.; Trias, A.; Montaner, M. A Negotiation Style Recommender Based on Computational Ecology in Open Negotiation Environments IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Jin, X.; Jiang, J.; de la Rosa J.Ll. PROTAGE: Long-Term digital preservation based on intelligent Agents and Web Services ERCIM News 80 Costa-Corredor A.; Muoz I.; Arnau J.; Gou P. Ion uptakes and diffusivities in pork meat brine-salted with NaCL and K-lactate Food Science and Technology-Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft & Technologie Muoz, I.; Santos, E.; Picouet, P.; Gou, P.; Fulladosa, E. Prediccin del contenido de sal y agua en jamn curado mediante la tomografa computerizada. Eurocarne Muoz, I.; Arnau, J.; Costa-Corredor, A.; Gou, P. Desorption isotherms of salted minced pork using K-lactate as a substitute for NaCl. Meat Science Luis Fernando Caro, Dimitri Papadimitriou, Jos Luis Marzo Ethernet label spaces dependency on network topology European Transactions on Telecommunications, Volume 21, Issue 6, Pages 491-503 de Carvalho, J Salonen, K bjorn, S Knockaert, R. Van Steenberghe, L. Schoofs, J. Rugelj, JL Marzo European Study Programme for Advanced Networking Technologies CV Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika, Issue 6, Pages 31-34 Calle,E.; Ripoll,J.; Segovia,J.; Manzano,M. A multiple failure propagation model in GMPLS-based networks Elsevier Computer Comunications Manolova,A.; Calle,E.; Ruepp,S.; Marzo,J.L.; Dittmann,L. Restoration in multi-domain GMPLS-based networks Elsevier Computer Comunications Fabregat,R.; Moreno, G.D.; Alonso, F.; Fuentes, J.L.; Gonzlez, A.L.; Martnez, L. Estandares para e-learning adaptativo y accesible Revista Iberoamericana de Educacin a Distancia Mrida, D.; Fabregat, R.; Baldiris, S. Sistemas heterogneos adaptativos basados en el contexto Revista Iberoamericana de Educacin Barrera, V.; Melndez, J.; Herraiz, S.; Snchez, J. Evaluation of fault relative location algorithms using voltage sag data collected at 25-kV substations European Transactions on Electrical Power, Volume 20, Issue 1, Pages 34-51 Barrera, V. ; Velandia, R. ; Hernndez, F. ; Vargas, H. ; Melndez, J. Relevant Attributes for Voltage Event Diagnosis in Power Distribution Networks Revista Iberoamericana de Automatica e Informatica Industrial


Barrera, V. ; Melndez, J. ; Kulkarni, S. ; Santoso, S. Feature Analysis and Automatic Classification of Short-Circuit Faults Resulting from External Causes European Transactions on Electrical Power Szirmay-Kalos, L.; Umenhoffer, T.; Tth, B.; Szcsi, L.; Sbert, M. Volumetric Ambient Occlusion for Real-Time Rendering and Games IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Volume: 30, Issue: 1, Pages: 70-79 Jacobs, K; Nielsen, AH; Vesterbaek, J; Loscos, C Coherent radiance capture of scenes under changing illumination conditions for relighting applications VISUAL COMPUTER, Volume: 26, Issue: 3, Pages: 171-185 Josep Puig, Gerard Blasco, Josep Dauni i Estadella, Ferran Prados, Alberto Prats, Imma Boada, Javier Snchez-Gonzlez, Mar Castellanos, Joaqun Serena, Salvador Pedraza Validation of Fractional Anisotropy as a Promising Imaging Biomarker of Motor Outcome after Stroke STROKE, Volume 41, Issue 4, Pages E339-E339 Josep Puig, Helena F. Termes, Josep Daunis i Estadella, Gerard Blasco, Gemma Laguillo, Anton Bardera, Imma Boada, Mar Castellanos, Joaqun Serena , Salvador Pedraza Thrombus Attenuation on Thin-section Noncontrast CT Predicts Early Vascular Recanalization after Thrombosis STROKE, Volume 41, Issue 4, Pages E340-E340 Josep Puig, Gerard Blasco, Josep Daunis i Estadella, Sebasti Remollo, Ferran Prados, Alberto Prats, Imma Boada, Javier Snchez Gonzlez, Mar Castellanos, Joaqun Serena, Salvador Pedraza Acute Damage to the Corticospinal Tract on Posterior Limb of Internal Capsule is Associated with a Poor Functional Motor Outcome Stroke, Volume 41, Issue 4, Pages E338-E339 Bardera, A.; Feixas, M.; Boada, I.; Sbert, M. Image registration by compression Information Sciences Ruiz, M.; Feixas, M.; Boada, I.; Sbert, M. Viewpoint Information Channel for Illustrative Volume Rendering Computers & Graphics-UK Puig, J.; Pedraza, S.; Blasco, G.; Daunis-i-Estadella. J.; Prats, A.; Prados, F.; Boada, I.; Castellanos, M.; Snchez-Gonzlez, J.; Remollo, S.; Lagunillo, G.; Quiles, A.M.; Gmez, E.; Serena, J. Wallerian Degeneration in the Corticospinal Tract Evaluated by Diffusion Tensor Imaging Correlates with Motor Deficit 30 Days after Middle Cerebral Artery Ischemic Stroke American Journal of Neuroradiology Prados, F.; Boada, I.; Prats, A.; Martn-Fernndez, J.A.; Feixas, M.; Blasco, G.; Puig, J.; Pedraza, S. Analysis of new diffusion tensor imaging anisotropy measures in the three-phase plot Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Ruiz, M.; Szirmay-Kalos, L.; Umenhoffer, T.; Boada, I.; Feixas, M.; Sbert, M. Volumetric Ambient Occlusion for Volumetric Models Visual Computer


Prados Carrasco, F., Mateu Figueras, G., Echazarreta Soler, C., Poch Garca, J., Soler Mas, J i Boada Oliveras, I. Utilizacin de software de correccin automtica en el campo de las Ciencias de la Salud Teora de la Educacin. Educacin y Cultura en la Sociedad de la Informacin Soler Mas, J.; Boada, I.; Prados, F.; Poch, J.; Fabregat, R. A formative assessment tool for conceptual database design using UML class diagram International Journal of emerging technologies in learning Paolo Rosseti, Jorge Bondia, Josep Veh, Carmine G. Fanelli Estimating plasma glucose from interstitial glucose: the issue of calibration algorithms in commercial continuous glucose monitoring devices Sensors, Volume 10, Issue 12, Pages 10936-10952 J. Bondia, J. Veh, C.C. Palerm, P. Herrero Artificial pancreas: automatic control of insulin infusion in type 1 diabetes mellitus Revista Iberoamericana de Automtica e Informtica Industrial, Volume 7, Issue 2, Pages: 5-20 Pau Herrero, Lue Jaullin, Josep Veh, Miguel A. Sainz Guaranteed Set-point Computation with Application to the Control of a Sailboat International Journal of Control Automation and Systems, Volume 8, Issue 1, Pages 1-7 M. Zapateiro, H.R. Karimi, N. Luo, B.F. Spencer Real-time hybrid testing of semiactive control strategies for vibration reduction in a structure with MR damper Structural Control & Health Monitoring, Volume 17, Issue 4, Pages 427-451 Zapateiro, M.; Luo, N.; Taylor, E.; Dyke, S.J. Modeling and identification of a class of MR fluid foam dampers Journal of Smart Structures Systems, Volume 6, Issue 2, Pages 101-113 Karimi, H.R.; Zapateiro, M.; Luo, N. Application of adaptive wavelet networks for vibration control of base isolated structures International Journal Of Wavelets Multiresolution And Information Processing, Volume 8, Issue 5, Pages 773-791 Karimi, H.R.; Zapateiro, M.; Luo, N. An LMI approach to vibration control of base isolated building structures with delayed measurements International Journal of Systems Science, Volume 41, Issue 2, Pages 1511-1523 Leal, Y.; Garcia-Gabin, W.; Bondia, J.; Esteve, E.; Ricart, W.; Fernndez-Real J.M.; Veh, J. Enhanced Algorithm for Glucose Estimation Using the Continuous Glucose Monitoring System, Medical Science Monitor, Volume 16, Issue 6, Pages 51-58 Karimi, HR; Zapateiro, M; Luo, N A Linear Matrix Inequality approach to robust fault detection filter design of linear systems with mixed time-varying delays and nonlinear perturbations Journal of the Franklin Institute-Engineering and Applied Mathematics, Volume 347, Issue 6, Pages 957-973 Lorencio, C.; Leal, YT.; Bonet, A.; Veh, J.; Bondia, J.; Tach, A.; Sirvent, JM. Accuracy assessment of real-time continuous glucose monitors in critically ill patients: Preliminary results. Intensive Care Medicine, Volume 36, Pages S217-S217


Revert, A.; Rossetti, P.; Calm, R.; Veh, J.; Bondia, J. Combining basal-bolus insulin infusion for tight postprandial glucose control. An in silico evaluation in adults, children and adolescents Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, Volume 4, Issue 6, Pages 1424-1437 Karimi, HR; Luo, N A numerical approach to robust vibration control of a base-isolated building using wavelets Current Development in Theory and Applications of Wavelets, Volume 4, Issue 3, Pages 245-263 Leal, Y.; Garcia-Gabin, W.; Bondia, J.; Esteve, E.; Ricart, W.; Fernndez-Real, J.M.; Veh, J. Real-Time Glucose Estimation Algorithm for Continuous Glucose Monitoring Using Autoregressive Models Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, Volume 4, Issue 2, Pages 391-403 Abu-Rmileh A, Garcia- Gabin W. A gain-scheduling model predictive controller for blood glucose control in type 1 diabetes. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Volume 57, Issue 10, Pages 2478-2484 Abu-Rmileh A, Garcia-Gabn W. Feedforward-feedback multiple predictive controllers for glucose regultation in type 1 diabetes. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Volume 99, Issue 1, Pages 113-123 Abu-Rmileh A, Garcia-Gabin W, Zambrano D. Internal model sliding mode control approach for glucose regultaion in type 1 diabetes. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Volume 5, Issue 2, Pages 94-102 Arnau Oliver, Xavier Llad, Elsa Prez, Josep Pont, Erika R.E. Denton, Jordi Freixenet, Joan Mart A Statistical Approach for Breast Density Segmentation Journal of Digital Imaging, Volume 23, Issue 5, Pages 527-537 Pribanic, T; Dzapo, H; Salvi, J Efficient and Low-Cost 3D Structured Light System Based on a Modified Number-Theoretic Approach EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Article Number: 474389 G. De Novi, C. Melchiorri, J.C. Garca, P. Ridao, G. Oliver New approach for a recongigurable autonomous underwater vehicle for intervention IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, Volume 25, Issue 11, Pages 32-36 Oliver, A.; Llad, X.; Freixenet, J.; Mart, R.; Perez, E.; Pont, J.; Zwiggelaar, R. Influence of using manual or automatic breast density information in a mass detection cad system Academic Radiology, 17(7), pp. 877-883 Llad,X.; Freixenet,J.; Oliver,A. Linking research and teaching through an applied computer vision course International Journal Of Engineering Education, 26(6), pp. 1445-1454 Oliver,A.; Freixenet,J.; Mart,J.; Prez,E.; Pont,J.; Denton,E.R.E.; Zwiggelaar,R. A review of automatic mass detection and segmentation in mammographic images Medical Image Analysis Bacca Cortes, B.; Salvi, J.; Batlle, J.; Cufi, X. Appearance-based mapping and localization using feature stability histograms Electronics Letters


Salvi, J.; Fernandez, S.; Pribanic, T.; Llad, X. A State of the art in structured light patterns for suface profilometry Pattern Recognition, 43(8), pp. 2666-2680 Pribanic, T.; Mrvos, S.; Salvi, J. Efficient multiple phase shifting pattern for 3D dense acquisition in structured light scanning Image and Vision Computing Aulinas, J.; Salvi, J.; Llad, X.; Petillot, Y. Local Map update for large-scale slam Electronics Letters, 46(8) Petillot, Y.; Maurelli,F.; Valeyrie, N.; Mallios, A.; Ridao, P.; Aulinas, J.; Salvi, J.; Acoustic-based techniques for AUV localisation Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment Ferrer, J.; Garcia, R. AUV Bias reduction for stereo triangulation Electronics Letters Ridao, P.; Carreras, M.; Ribas, D.; Garcia, R. Visual inspection of hydroelectric dams using an autonomous underwater vehicle Journal Of Field Robotics Elibol, A.; Gracias. N.; Garcia, R. Augmented State-Extended Kalman filter combined framework for topology estimation in large area underwater mapping Journal Of Field Robotics Barreyre, T.; Escartin, J.; Cannat, M.; Garcia, R. Distribution, structure and temporal variability of hydrothermal outflow at a slow-spreading hydrotermal field from seafloor image mosaics Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Llad, X.; del Bue, A.; Agapito, L. Non-rigid metric reconstruction from perspective cameras Image and Vision Computing Oliver, A.; Llad, X.; Freixenet, J.; Marti, J. Applyng zernike moments for automatic mass diagnosis International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Vol 5, sp 1, pp. 201-202 Oliver, A.; Torrent, A.; Tortajada, M.; LLad, X.; Peracaula, M.; Tortajada, L.; Sents, M.; Freixenet, J. A Boosting based approach for automatic micro-calcification detection Lecture Notes in Computer Science Ridao, P.; Carreras, M.; Garcia, R.; Ribas, D.; Batlle, J. Advancing underwater robotics Water International Escartin, J.; Garcia, R.; Prados, R.; Campos, R.; Barreyre, T. Image seafloor mosaics: acquisition, processing, and role on deep-sea observatory planning and implementation Geophysical Research Abstracts


Jimnez,E.M.; Caicedo,E.; Bacca,E.B. Tool for experimenting with concepts of mobile robotics as applied to children's education IEEE Transactions on Education Horvth,G.; Blah,M.; Kriska,G.; Hegeds,R., Gerics,B.; Farkas,R.; Akesson,S. An unexpected advantage of whiteness in hores: the most horsefly-proof horse has a depolarizing white coat Proceedings Of The Royal Society B-Biological Sciences Horvth,G.; Barta,A.; Pomozi,I.; Suhai,B.; Hegeds,R.; Akesson,S.; Meyer-Rochow,B.; Wehner,R. On the trail of vikings with polarized skylight: experimental study of the atmospheric optical prerequisites allowing polarimetric navigation by viking seafarers Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences Molnr,.; Hegeds,R.; Kiska,Gy.; Horvth,G. Effect of cattail (Typha spp.) mowing on water beetle assemblages: changes of environmental factors and the aerial colonization of aquatic habitats Journal Of Insect Conservation Llad, X.; Cabezas, M.; Ganiler, O.; Oliver, A.; Freixenet, J.; Vilanova, J.C.; Quiles, A.; Rami, Ll.; Rovira, A. Strategies for automated segmentation of multiple sclerosis lesions on brain magnetic resonance imaging ECTRIMS. Multiple Sclerosis Puig,J.; Garcia,R. Student internship placements: improving the quality of engineering internship programmes International Journal Of Engineering Education Ridao,P.; Carreras,M.; Garcia,R.; Ribas,D.; Batlle,J. Advancing underwater robotics International water power and dam construction magazine J. Salvi. Three-Dimensional Perception, Measuring Reality. The European Journal For Informatics Professional 11(6), pp 15-16, 2010 R. Garcia 20,000 photographs under the sea Novtica CEPIS Upgrade, European Journal for the Informatics Professional, vol. XI, no. 6, pp. 33-34, 2010 J. Gich, L. Rami-Torrent, R. Menndez, J. Freixenet, R. Garcia, J.C. Vilanova, D. Gens. Eficacia de un programa de rehabilitacin cognitiva para pacientes con esclerosis mltiple: proyecto EM-line! Neurologa, vol. 25, pp. 58, 2010. ISSN: 0213-4853. Abstracts of the LXII Reunin anual de la Sociedad Espaola de Neurologa. T. Barreyre, J. Escartin, M. Cannat, R. Garcia Distribution, structure and temporal variability of hydrothermal outflow at a slow-spreading hydrothermal field from seafloor image mosaics MoMAR08 & Bathyluck09 Science Party, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010A-8487, Vienna, Austria, 2010. ISSN (printed): 1029-7006. ISSN (electronic): 1607-7962. (Abstract)


Publications in conferences
Galitsky B.; de la Rosa J.Ll. and Dobrocsi G. Improving relevancy accesing linked opinion data PAAMS 2010 - 8th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems Suarez, S.; Quintero Monroy, C.G.; de la Rosa J.Ll. A Real time approach for task allocation in a disaster scenario 8th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS 2010) de la Rosa J.Ll.; Galitsky B. and Dobrocsi G. Automation of social networks with QA agents Linked Data Meets Artificial Intelligence (SS07) - AAAI 2010 Spring Symposium Marras, S., Montaner, M., iSAC, Ejemplo de buenas prcticas en la administracin pblica European Information Society Conference (EISCO10). 20-22 Mayo 2010. Josep Llus de la Rosa Citizen Information Services From a Community Point of View: Supporting Web 2.0 Methods, Cases, and Technologies, Workshop on on Public Services 2.0,, Brussels, Nov 16, 2010 The Public Services 2.0 was an initiative supported by the European Commission, Information Society and Media Directorate-General and took place on November 16, 2010 in European Commission premises, BU25 / S1 Avenue de Beaulieu 25, Brussels, 1160. Josep Llus de la Rosa Agents and Social Networks Environments for Digital Preservation, How to secure Digital Preservation resources, solutions, services, infrastructures in the Information Society? Networking session ID: 3469 Formally requested by Fern Universitt Hagen on behalf of SHAMAN, ICT 2010 : Digitally Driven, Brussels Expo, September 27-29 2010 Josep Llus de la Rosa Complementary currencies backed by Knowledge Workshop Grassroots Innovations on Innovating Complementary Currencies, UEA London, Monday 20th September 2010 Josep Llus de la Rosa i Esteva, Albert Trias, Raivo Ruusalepp, Kuldar AAs, Alex Moreno, Eloy Roura, Albert Bres, and Teresa Bosch Agents that Supply Knowledge exchange in Long-Term Digital Preservation eChallenges e-2010 Conference Proceedings (e-2010), Paul Cunningham and Miriam Cunningham (Eds), IIMC International Information Management Corporation, 2010, ISBN: 978-1905824-21-2, Warsaw, Oct 27-29, 2010 Josep Llus de la Rosa, Albert Trias, Raivo Ruusalepp, Kuldar Aas, Alex Moreno, Eloy Roura, Albert Bres, and Teresa Bosch Agents for Social Search in Long-Term Digital Preservation The Sixth International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid, SKG 2010, Nov 1-3, Ningbo, China Josep Llus de la Rosa and Chitra Shambogue I&R Services From a Community Point of View: Supporting Methods and Technologies: The Case of Community Answers, Alliance of Information and Referral Systems (AIRS 2010) May 23-26, 2010, Rochester, New York.


A. Moreno Ruiz, D. Gibovic, A. Bikfalvi, J.L. de la Rosa Esteva, J.M. Barcenas Botello Digital Citizen Information Services A Knowledge Management Experience From Spain International Technology, Education and Development Conference 2010, 8th, 9th and 10th of March, 2010 - Valencia Abstracts CD, ISBN: 978-84-613-5536-5, Proceedings CD, ISBN: 978-84-613-5538-9 Galitsky, B., Josep Llus de la Rosa and Boris Kovalerchuk. Explanation Versus Meta-Explanation: What Makes a Case More Convincing? Proceedings of the Twenty-Third International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS 2010). Boris Galitsky, Josep Llus de la Rosa, Gbor Dobrocsi Inverting Semantic Structure under Open Domain Opinion Mining. Proceedings of the Twenty-Third International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS 2010). Galitsky, B., Gabor Dobrocsi, Josep Llus de la Rosa and Sergey O. Kuznetsov. From Generalization of Syntactic Parse Trees to Conceptual Graphs. ICCS -2010, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. B. Galitsky, G. Dobrocsi, J.L. de la Rosa, S.O. Kuznetsov From Generalization of Syntactic Parse Trees to Conceptual Graphs M. Croitoru, S. Ferr, D. Lukose (Eds.): Conceptual Structures: From Information to Intelligence, 18th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2010, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 6208, pp. 185-190. Boris A. Galitsky, Josep Llus de la Rosa, Gbor Dobrocsi Improving relevancy accessing linked opinion data Linked AI: AAAI Spring Symposium "Linked Data Meets Artificial Intelligence", Linked Data Meets Artificial Intelligence (SS07) - AAAI 2010 Spring Symposium, March 22-24 2010, Stanford, California-USA Albert Trias Mansilla, Josep Llus de la Rosa, Boris Galitsky, and Gbor Dobrocsi Automation of social networks with QA agents 9th AAMAS 2010 (Ninth Intl. Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems), May 10-14, 2010, Toronto, Canada Silvia A. Surez, Christian Quintero, Josep Llus de la Rosa A Real Time Approach For Task Allocation In A Disaster Scenario PAAMS 2010 - 8th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, April 26-28, 2010, Salamanca, Spain Boris A.Galitsky, Josep Llus de la Rosa, Gbor Dobrocsi Improving relevancy accessing linked opinion data Linked AI: AAAI Spring Symposium "Linked Data Meets Artificial Intelligence", Linked Data Meets Artificial Intelligence (SS07) - AAAI 2010 Spring Symposium, March 22-24 2010, Stanford, California-USA Manzano,M.; Segovia,J.; Calle,E.; Vil,P.; Marzo,J.L. Modelling spreading of failures in GMPLS-based networks Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS'10) Segovia,J.; Calle,E.; Vila,P.; Marzo,J.L. A heuristic analysis of resilience to multiple failures in GMPLS networks Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS'10)


Segovia,J.; Marzo,J.L.; Calle,E.; Vila,P. Robustness analysis to multiple failures in GMPLS networks Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON'10), 12th International conference on Digital Object Indentifier Kulakowski,P.; Calle,E.; Marzo,J.L. Sensors-actuators cooperation in WSANs for fire-fighting applications Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Comunications (WiMob'10) Florin, B.E.; De La Hoz, A.; Baldiris, S.M.; Fabregat, R. A set of software tools to build an author assessment package on Moodle International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) 2010 Florin, B.E.; Baldiris, S.M.; Fabregat, R. A new competency-based e-assessment data model EDUCON - IEEE Engineering Education 2010 - The Future of Global Learning in Engineering Education Gelvez, L.; Meja, C.; Pea, C.I.; Fabregat, R. MetOA: Metodologa de Gestin de Proyectos aplicada al Desarrollo de Objetos de Aprendizaje Congrs: II Congreso Internacional en Ambientes Virtuales de Aprendizajes Accesibles y Adaptativos: Hacia un Sistema Inclusivo y Adaptativo (CAVA3 2010) Meja, C.; Fabregat, R. Towards a Learning Management System that Supports Learning Difficulties of the Students Congrs: XI Simposio Nacional de Tecnologas de la Informacin y las Comunicaciones en la Educacin (CEDI2010) Meja, C.; Fabregat, R.; Marzo, J.L. Including Student's Learning Difficulties in the User Model of a Learning Management System XXXVI Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informtica (CLEI 2010) Gelvez, L.; Meja, C.; Pea, C.I.; Fabregat, R. Metodologa de Gestin de Proyectos aplicada al Desarrollo de Objetos de Aprendizaje Congreso Iberoamericano de informtica educativa (IE 2010), (Chile), 2010. Gmez S.; Fabregat R. Context-Aware Content Adaptation in mLearning 9th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning MLEARN2010, Malta. , 2010 Baldiris Navarro,S.M.; Fabregat Gesa, R. Diseo instruccional semiautomatico, personalizado y estandarizado para ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje. Congreso internacional accesibilidad web la Rioja SIDAR 2010 Baldiris, S.M.; Fabregat, R. Diseo institucional adaptativo y estandarizado en plataformas de educacin virtual XVI Semana Tecnologca, Universidad Distrital Francisco Jos de Caldas Mancera, L.; Baldiris, S.; Fabregat, R. Modeling a game-based adaptive unit of learning to support adults with ADHD in virtual learning environments Software Development for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion Mancera, L.; Rmirez, D.; Segura, N.; Guevara, J.; Baldiris, S.; Fabregat, R.


Modeling cognitive performance in Virtual Learning Environments in order to personalize learning processes CAVA: II Congreso Internacional de Ambientes Virtuales de Aprenizaje Adaptativos y Accesibles Mancera, L.; Muoz, C.; Galvis, L.; Guevara, J.C.; Baldiris, S.; Fabregat, R. Modeling emotions in virtual learning environments CAVA: II Congreso Internacional de Ambientes Virtuales de Aprenizaje Adaptativos y Accesibles Fabregat, R.; Moreno G.D.; Amo, F.A.; Fuerte, J.L.; Gonzles, A.L.; Martnez,L. Estndares para e-learning adaptativo y accesible Ruda Gonzlez, A.; Arp, C. ;Fabregat,, R.; Montoro, L. Las redes de innovacin docente de la Universidad de Girona. La prespectiva de los coordinadores 6 Congrs Internacional de Docncia Universitria i Innovaci (CIDUI 2010) Huerva,D.; Fabregat,R.; Marzo,J.L. MARDRA: a mobile augmented reality daily routine assistant UCAMI 2010, 4th Symposium of Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence Bofill, M.; Busquets, D.; Villaret, M. A declarative approach to robust weighted Max-SAT 12th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP 2010) Pous, C. ; Montero, D. Diseo de sistemas de aviso a la poblacin IX Jornadas Espaolas de Presas Gay, P. ; Lpez, B. ; Pla, A. ; Melndez, J. Complex event processing for public-cycling transport supervision 13th International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence Gay, P. ; Pla, A. ; Lpez, B. ; Melndez, J. ; Meunier, R. Service workflow monitoring through complex event processing 15th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA). Gay, P. ; Lpez, B. ; Pla, A. ; Melndez, J. Self organizing maps for public-cycling transport modelling and management IADIS International Conference Applied Computing 2010 Quiroga, O. ; Melndez, J. ; Herraiz, S. Fault-Pattern Discovery in Sequences of Voltage Sag Events ICHQP 2010 14TH IEEE International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power Barrera, V. ; Yu-Hua Gu, I. ; Bollen, M. H.J ; Melndez, J. Feature Characterization of Power Quality Events According to Their Underlying Causes 14th IEEE International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power (ICHQP) Barrera, V. ; Kulkarni, S. ; Santoso, S. ; Melndez, J. SVM-Based Classification Methodology for Overhead Distribution Fault Events ICHQP 2010 14TH IEEE International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power Jagua, J. ; Barrera, V. ; Carrillo, G. ; Melendez, J. Waveform segmentation based on tensor analysis IEEE Andean Conference, Exhibition and Industry Forum, ANDESCON 2010


Barrera, V. ; Kulkarni, S. ; Santoso, S. ; Melndez, J. Feature Analysis and Classification Methodology for Overhead Distribution Fault Events IEEE/PES IEEE Transmission and Distribution Committee Barrera, V. ; Kulkarni, S. ; Santoso, S. ; Melndez, J. Feature Analysis and Classification Methodology for Overhead Distribution Fault Events IEEE Power & Energy Society. 2010 General Meeting Ortiz S. : Torres, H. ; Barrera, V. ; Duarte, C. ; Ordoez, G. ; Herraiz, S. Analysis of Voltage Events Segmentation Using Kalman Filter and Wavelet Transform IEEE Andean Conference, Exhibition and Industry Forum (IEEE ANDESCON) Murillo, J. ; Lpez, B. Fair mechanisms for recurrent multi unit combinatorial auctions 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2010). 5th Starting AI Researchers Symposium (STAIRS 2010) Murillo, J. ; Lpez, B. Fair mechanisms for recurrent multi unit combinatorial auctions 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2010), pp:1009-1010, short paper. Lpez, B. ; Melndez, J. ; Contreras, O. ; Bth, D. ; Wissel, H. ; Haertl, M. ; Olewicki, F. L. ; Grosser, O. Location of medical equipment based on a maintenance service oriented infrastructure and RFID technology RFID SysTech. European Workshop on European Workshop on Smart Objects: Systems, Technologies and Applications B. Lpez, A. Pla, D. Daroca, L. Collantes, S. Lozano, J. Melndez Medial equipment maintenance support with service-oriented multi-agent services. PRIMA workshop on services and agents (ServAgents), Kolkata, India, November 12th-15th 2010 B. Lpez, A. Pla, P. Gay, D. Daroca, R. Ruiz, J. Melndez. Plataforma de integracin para el mantenimiento de equipos mdicos. Caso de estudio de un monitor de signos vitales. XIII Congreso Nacional de Informtica Mdica (INFORMED), pp. 86-91, San Sebastan, November 2010. Vctor Muoz, Ddac Busquets Balancing optimality and robustness in resource allocation problems 19th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2010). Lisbon, Portugal, 2010. Soler Mas, J.; Boada, I.; Prados, F.; Poch, J.; Fabregat, R. A web-based e-learning tool for UML class diagrams IEEE Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2010) Rigau, J.; Feixas, M.; Sbert, M.; Wallraven, C. Towards auvers period: Evolution of van Gogh's style International Symposium on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization, and Imaging (Aesthetics 2010) Rigau, J.; Feixas, M.; Sbert, M. Image information on digital photography Workshop on Computational Photography and Aesthetics - The Tenth Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV 2010)


Termes, H.F.; Puig, J.; Daunis-i-Estadella, J.; Blasco, G.; Laguillo, G.; Boada, I.; Castellanos, M.; Serena, J.; Pedraza, S. Thrombus hounsfield unit on CT predicts vascular recanalization in stroke patients European Congress of Radiology 2010 Termes, H. F.; Puig, J.; Daunis-i-Estadella, J.; Blasco, G.; Laguillo, G.; Pedraza, S. Las Unidades hounsfield del trombo en la TC predicen la recanalizacin vascular en pacientes con accidente cerebrovascular 30 Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Espaola de Radiologa Mdica (SERAM) Pedraza Gutirrez, S. ; Puig Alcntara, J.; Blasco Sol, G.; Daunis-i-Estadella, J.; Remollo Friedemann, S.; Castellanos Rodrigo, M. El Tensor de difusin por RM es un buen predictor de la integridad del tracto corticoespinal y de la evolucin motora en pacientes con infarto cerebral agudo 30 Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Espaola de Radiologa Mdica (SERAM) Puig, J.; Blasco, G.; Castellanos, M.; Jimnez-Nieto, M.; Silva, Y.; Daunis i Estadella, J.; Prados, F.; Remollo, S.; Prats-Galino, A.; Boada, I.; Pedraza, S.; Serena, J. Tractografa con tensor de difusin como predictor precoz del pronstico funcional en pacientes con ictus isqumico agudo. Estudio prospectivo LXII Reunin Anual de la Sociedad Espaola de Neurologa Puig, J.; Blasco, G.; Daunis-i-Estadella, J.; Prados, F.; Prats, A.; Boada, I.; Sanchez-Gonzalez, J.; Castellanos, M.; Serena, J.; Remollo, S.; Pedraza, S. Validation of diffusion tensor imaging as imaging biomarker of motor deficit 30 days after middle cerebral artery ischemic stroke European Stroke Conference 2010 Puig, J.; Blasco, G.; Daunis-i-Estadella, J.;Remollo, S.; Prados, F.; Prats, A.; Boada, I.; SanchezGonzalez, J.; Castellanos, M.; Serena, J.; Pedraza, S. Corticospinal tract lesion on internal capsule predicts motor outcome in patients with middle cerebral artery infarction European Stroke Conference 2010 Puig, J.; Blasco, G.; Daunis-i-Estadella, J.;Remollo, S.; Prados, F.; Prats, A.; Boada, I.; SanchezGonzalez, J.; Castellanos, M.; Serena, J.; Pedraza, S. Acute damage to the corticospinal tract on diffusion tensor imaging predicts motor outcome in middle cerebral artery infarction International Stroke Conference 2010 Puig, J.; Blasco, G.; Daunis-i-Estadella, J.;Prados, F.; Prats, A.; Boada, I.; Sanchez-Gonzalez, J.; Castellanos, M.; Serena, J.; Pedraza, S. Validation of FA as promising imaging biomarker of motor outcome after stroke International Stroke Conference 2010 Prados, F.; Poch, J.; Villaescusa, I.; Boada, I.; Soler, J. An Automatic correction tool for inorganic chemical formulas Frontiers in Education - FIE 2010 Len-Vargas, F.; Prados, G.;Bondia, J.;Veh, J. Integrating closed loop algorithms development, in- silico validation and hardware implementation in a single framework 3rd International Conference On Advanced Technologies and Treatments For Diabetes Karimi, H.R.; Zapateiro, M.; Luo, N.; Rossell, J.M. Feedback vibration control of a base isolated building with delayed measurements using H_inf


techniques American Control Conference (ACC 2010) Luo, N.; Zapateiro, M.; Karimi, H.R. Heuristic and backstepping control strategies for semiactive suspension in automotive systems equipped with MR dampers 6th IFAC Symposium Advanced Automotive Control Acho, L.; Luo, N.; Vidal, Y.; Pozo, F. Active control of hysteretic base-isolated structures via delayed signals 5th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring (5WCSCM) Rodeller, J.; Luo, N.; Casciati, F. Hysteresis modelling and identification of devices for structural control 5th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring (5WCSCM) Luo, N.; Karimi, H.R.; Zapateiro, M. Robust vibration control for structures equipped with wireless sensors 5th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring (5WCSCM) Zapateiro, M.; Luo, N.; Karimi, H.R.; Rodellar, J. Fault-tolerant control of flexible structures 5th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring (5WCSCM) Rossell, J.M.; Palacios, F.; Luo, N. A contribution to the contractibility problem for overlapping controllers 12th IFAC Symposium on Large Scale Systems: Theory and Applications (LSS) Revert, A.; Calm, R.; Veh, J.; Bondia, J. Combining Basal-Bolus insulin infusion for tight postprandial glucose control. An in silico validation in adults, children and adolescents 3rd International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD 2010) Lorencio, C.; Leal, YT.; Bonet, A.; Veh, J.; Bondia, J.; Tach, A.; Sirvent, JM. Accuracy assessment of real-time continuous glucose monitors in critically ill patients: Preliminary results. 23rd European Society of Intensive Care Medicine Annual Congress Leal, Y.; Lorencio, C.; Bondia, J.; Palerm, CC.; Bonet, A.; Veh, J. Accuracy assessment of real-time continuous glucose monitoring systems in an intensive care unit: A pilot study in medical and surgical patients. 10th Diabetes Technology Meeting Luo, N Vibration control of civil engineering structures Engineering Conference Southern Norway on Wind Energy and Vibration Control Luo, N; Zapateiro, M; Karimi, HR Semiactive vibration control of a bridge structure with unknown coupling dynamics of the crossing vehicles Chinese Control Conference Zapateiro, M; Luo, N; Karimi, HR Vehicle suspension control through a nonlinear approach of the Quantitative Feedback Theory International Conference Mechatronic Systems and Materials


Pacheco, L; Luo, N Experiences with online local model predictive control for WMR navigation International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision Karimi, HR; Luo, N; Zapateiro, M An LMI Approach to quantized Hinf control of uncertain linear systems with network-induced delays Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems Karimi, HR; Luo, N Robust synchronization and fault detection of uncertain master-slave systems with mixed timevarying delays and nonlinear perturbations Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems Karimi, HR; Luo, N; Zapateiro, M Robust H_infty control of Markovian jump systems with mixed time delays IEEE Conference on Decision and Control Zapateiro, M; Karimi, HR; Luo, N Semiactive vibration control of offshore wind turbine towers with tuned liquid column dampers using H-infinity output feedback control IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control Ferrer I. ; Veh J. Combining symbolic tools with interval analysis. An application to solve robust control problems. Applications of computer algebra. ACA'10 H.R. Karimi, N. Luo, M. Zapateiro A convex optimization approach for vibration control of base isolated structures with limited wireless communication capacity. Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems A Laguna, P. Rossetti, J. Ampudia-Blasco, J. Veh, J. Bondia Improving Postprandial Model Identification Using Ambulatory Data from Type 1 Diabetic Patients, 10th Diabetes Technology Meeting P. Herrero, J. Bondia, C. Palerm, J. Veh, P. Georgiou, N. Oliver, C. Toumazou A Simple Method for Estimating the Rate of Glucose Appearance from Mixed Meals 10th Diabetes Technology Meeting C. Tarn, L. Traver, J. Bondia, J. Veh A learning system for error detection in subcutaneous continuous glucose measurement using support vector machines 2010 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA) A.J. Laguna, P. Rossetti, F.J. Ampudia-Blasco, J. Veh, J. Bondia Optimal Design for Individual Model Identification based on Ambulatory Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes UKACC International Conference on Control 2010 J. Camacho, J. Bondia, J. Veh, J.M. Fernndez-Real Application of missing data methods for exploratory data analysis in medical research VII Colloquium Chemiometricum Mediterraneum Hurts,N.; Cuf,X.; Salvi,J. Calibration of optical camera coupled to acoustic multibeam for underwater 3D scene


reconstruction OCEANS 2010 IEEE Conference Massich, J.; Meriaudeau, F.; Prez, E.; Mart, R.; Oliver, A.; Mart, J. Lesion segmentation in breast sonography 10th Interntational Workshop on Digital Mammography(IWDM) Cobos,J.; Pacheco,L.; Cufi,X.; Caballero,D. Integrating visual odometry and dead-reckoning for robot localization and obstacle detection International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics Pacheco,L.; Cobos,J.; Luo,N.; Cuf,X. A new local monocular vision map approach siutable for robot navigation and scenario understanding International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics Aulinas, J.; Llad, X.; Salvi, J.; Petillot, Y. Slam based selective submap joining for the Victoria Park dataset 7th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles(IAV) Aulinas,J.; Lee,C.S.; Salvi,J.;Petillot,Y. Submapping slam based on acoustic data from a 6-DOF AUV 8th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems(CAMS) Aulinas,J.; Llad,X.; Salvi,J.; Petillot,Y. Feature based slam using side-scan salient objects MTS/IEEE OCEANS Aulinas,J.; Llad,X.; Salvi,J.; Petillot,Y. Selective submap joining for underwater large scale 6-DOF slam IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems(IROS) Oliver,A.; Torrent,A.; Tortajada,M.; Llad,X.; Peracaula,M.; Tortajada,L.;Sents,M.; Freixenet,J. A Boosting based approach for automatic micro-calcification detection 10th International Workshop on Digital Mammography (IWDM 2010) Oliver, A.; Dez, Y.; Mart, R.; Vilanova, J.C.; Freixenet,J. Improving a CAD System using bilateral information 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE EMBS 2010) Oliver, A.; Dez, Y.; Mart, R.; Vilanova, J.C.; Freixenet,J. Integrating bilateral information in the eigendetection CAD approach In Annual Meeting of Radiological Society of North America Mitra,J.; Oliver,A.; Mart,R.; Llad,X.; Vilanova,J.C.; Meriaudeau,F. Multimodal prostate registration using thin-plate splines from automatic correspondences International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications Ghose,S.; Oliver,A.; Mart,R.; Llad,X.; Freixenet,J.; Vilanova,J.C.; Meriaudeau,F. Prostate segmentation with texture enhanced active appearance model International Conference on Signal-Image Technology; Internet-Based Systems Llad,X.; Cabezas,M.; Ganiler,O.; Oliver,A.; Freixenet,J.; Vilanova,J.C.; Quiles,A.; RamiTorrenta,Ll.; Rovira,A. Strategies for automated segmentation of multiple sclerosis lesions on brain magnetic resonance


imaging Congress of the European Commitee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis Mitra,J.; Oliver,A.; Mart,R.; Llad,X.; Vilanova,J.C.; Meriaudeau,F. A Thin-plate spline based multimodal prostate registration with optimal correspondences International Conference on Signal-Image Technology, Internet-Based Systems Ghose,S.; Oliver,A.; Mart,R.; Llad,X.; Freixenet,J.; Vilanova,J.C.; Meriaudeau,F. Texture guided active appearance model propagation for prostate segmentation Workshop Prostate Cancer Imaging: Computer Aided Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Intervention, in Conjunction with the MICCAI Conference Torrent,A.; Oliver,A.; Llad,X.; Mart,R.; Freixenet,J. A supervised micro-calcification detection approach in digitised mammograms International Conference on Image Processing(ICIP 2010) Diez,Y.; Oliver,A.; Llad,X.; Mart,R. Comparison of registration methods using mammographic images IEEE International Conference on Image Processing(ICIP 2010) Torrent,A.; Peracaula,M.; Llad,X.; Freixenet,J.; Sanchez-Sutil, J.R.; Marti, J. Detecting faint compact sources using local features and a boosting approach International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) Oliver,A.; Torrent,A.; Llad,X.; Mart,J. Automatic diagnosis of masses by using level set segmentation and shape description International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) Mallios,A.; Ridao,P.; Ribas,D.; Maurelli,F.; Petillot,Y. Ekf-slam for auv navigation under probabilistic sonar scan matching IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2010) Mallios,A.; Ridao,P.; Ribas,D.; Hernndez,E. Probabilistic sonar scan matching slam for underwater environment Oceans IEEE Sanz,P.J.; Prats,M.; Ridao,P.; Ribas,D.; Oliver,G.; Ortiz,A. Recent progress in the RAUVI project: a reconfigurable autonomous underwater vehicle for intervention 52nd International Symposium ELMAR Fernandez,S.; Salvi,J.; Pribanic,T. Absolute phase mapping for one-shot dense pattern projection 7th IEEE International Workshop on Pprojector-Camera Systems (PROCAMS 2010), in conjunction with 23rd IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Reconigtion (CVPR) Bacca Cortes, B.; Salvi,J.; Cufi,X. Mapping and localization for mobile robots through environment appearance update 13th International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence Zappella,L.; Provenzi,E.; Llado,X.; Salvi,J. Adaptive motion segmentation algorithm based on the principal angles configuration 10th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV'10)


Pacheco,L.; Luo,N. Local model predictive control for WMR reactive navigation International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics Palomeras, N.; Ridao, P.; Carreras, M., Silvestre, C. Towards a deliverative mission control system for an AUV 7th Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, IAV Palomeras, N.; Ridao, P.; Silvestre, C., El-Fakdi, A. Multiple vehicles mission coordination using Petri nets IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation ICRA'10 Maurelli, F.; Mallios, A.; Krupinski, S.; Petillot, Y.; Ridao, P. Speeding-up particle convergence with a probabilistic active localisation for AUV IFAC Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles Symposium Mallios, A.; Ridao, P., Garcia, R.; Maurelli, F.; Petillot, Y. On the closed-form covariance estimation for the pIC algorithm IFAC Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles Symposium El-Fakdi, A.; Carreras, M.; Galceran,E. Two steps natural actor critic learning for underwater cable tracking IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'10) Lee,C.S.; Salvi, J. A review of submapping slam techniques Masters Erasmus Mundus in Computer Vision and Robotics Meeting Day (VIBOT Day 2010) Marti,R.; Noble,A. Elastic modulus imaging using optical flow and image registration IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) Garcia ,R.; Puig, J. Student intership placements: improving the quality of engineering intership programmes IEEE Engineering Education Conference(EDUCON 2010) Bacca Cortes, B.; Mouaddib,E.; Cuf,X. Range information in omnidirectional images through laser range finder 10th Workshop on Omnidirectional Vision, Camera Networks and Non-Classical Cameras (OMNIVIS 2010) Bacca Cortes, B.; Mouaddib,E.; Cuf,X. Embedding range information on omnidirectional images through laser range finder IROS'10 M. Peracaula, X. Llad, J. Freixenet, A. Oliver, A. Torrent, J. M. Paredes, J. Mart. Segmentation and detection of extended structures in low frequency astronomical surveys using hybrid wavelet decomposition. 20th International Conference on Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems. Boston, USA, November, 7-11, 2010. C. Mata, X. Llad, R. Mart, J. Freixenet, A. Oliver, J. Mart. Aplicacin web para la gestin de una base de datos pblica en mamografa digital: MamoDB. Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Espaola de Ingeniera Biomdica, pp 175-178. Madrid, Spain. November 2010.


S. Ghose, A. Oliver, R. Mart, X. Llad, J. Freixenet, J.C.Vilanova, and F. Meriaudeau. Texture Enhanced Active Appearance Model for Prostate Segmentation. In Medical Image Computing in Catalunya: Graduate Student Workshop. Girona, October 2010. J. Mitra, A. Oliver, R. Mart, X. Llad and F. Meriaudeau. Thin-plate Splines for Prostate Multimodal Registration. In Medical Image Computing in Catalunya: Graduate Student Workshop. Girona, October 2010. A. Torrent, A. Oliver, X. Llad and J. Freixenet. A supervised micro-calcification detection approach. In Medical Image Computing in Catalunya: Graduate Student Workshop. Girona, October 2010. M. Cabezas, X. Llad, A. Oliver, and J. Freixenet. Strategies for Automated Segmentation of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions on Brain MRI. In Medical Image Computing in Catalunya: Graduate Student Workshop (non-indexed). Girona, October 2010. C. Mata, X. Llad and J. Mart. Web-application system using a Digital Mammographic Database: MamoDB. In Medical Image Computing in Catalunya: Graduate Student Workshop (non-indexed). Girona, October 2010. Pere Ridao. Towards Dexterous Underwater Intervention Through Cooperative Marine Robots. Breaking the Surface, Murter, Croatia, 2010.


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