06 NT Introduction

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Except where otherwise noted, all books are second-hand, with no underlining, highlighting or other marks in the main body of the book. They may, however, have the name or short inscription by a previous owner at the front. Ex-library books will have the usual library markings (stamps, bar-codes, date for return sheets, etc), or evidence of their removal. If you have any questions about the condition of a book, please contact me for details. The date is either the date that the book was first published by that publisher, or, where appropriate, the reprint date of the particular copy of the book for sale. Postage will be added at the actual cost of sending the books by Royal Mail, usually by first-class post; no charge will be made for packaging. Please pay by cheque or by bank transfer when you receive the books. N.B. Books in boxes have either been added or reduced in price since the last time this list was sent out.

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2012 list 6: New Testament Introduction

Journal for the Study of the New Testament: 27:1 27:2 27:3 27:4 31:1 Sage Publications, 2004-08 (pb) 7 each

New Testaments
Amplified Bible The Amplified New Testament Zondervan, 1975 (pb) Dale, Alan T. New World: The Heart of the New Testament in Plain English Oxford University Press, 1967 (hb, no dj) Good News Bible The New Testament in Todays English Version (4th ed) (Large Print) American Bible Society, 1981 (pb) King James Version Acts, Epistles and Revelation (Giant Print) Bible Society, 1974 (hb) 2




New Testament and Psalms (Giant Print) CUP, 1990 (hb; rear cover scored) 15 Eyre and Spottiswoode / Trinitarian Bible Society, 1987 (hb; white label on ffep) 15
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Peterson, Eugene H. The Message: The New Testament in Contemporary Language NavPress, 1993 (pb)

The Six Version Parallel New Testament: King James Version; Living Bible; RSV; New English Bible; Phillips Modern English; Jerusalem Bible Creation House, 1974 (hb) 10 The Translators New Testament British and Foreign Bible Society, 1973 (hb) British and Foreign Bible Society, 1973 (ex-lib hb) Other languages Brazilian Portuguese A Bblia na Linguagem de Hoje O Novo Testamento Sociedad Biblica do Brasil, 1975 (pb) Romanian Noul Testament Cu Psalmii Editura Institutului Biblic si de Misiune al Bisericii Ortodoxe Romane, 2002 (hb) 17 15

Reference books
Carson, D.A. New Testament Commentary Survey (Fifth edition) IVP, 2001 (pb) Hawthorne, Gerald F.; Martin, Ralph P. and Reid, Daniel G. (eds) Dictionary of Paul and His Letters IVP, 1993 (hb) Swanson, Reuben J. The Horizontal Line Synopsis of the Gospels Western North Carolina Press, 1975 (ex-lib hb) The Horizontal Line Synopsis of the Gospels (Revised) William Carey Library, 1984 (hb) Thomas, Robert L. and Gundry, Stanley N. (eds) The NIV Harmony of the Gospels with explanations and essays Harper and Row, 1988 (hb, no dj) Thompson, J.M. The Synoptic Gospels arranged in parallel columns OUP, 1956 reprint (hb; based on RV) Throckmorton, Burton H. (ed) Gospel Parallels: A Comparison of the Synoptic Gospels (3rd ed) Thomas Nelson, 1957 (hb; based on RSV) Vine, W.E. 5


12 15


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Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words: with their precise meanings for English Readers Oliphants, 1973 reprint (hb) 5

Whitaker, Richard E. and Kohlenberger III, John R. The Analytical Concordance to the NRSV of the New Testament Eerdmans / Oxford University Press, 2000 (large hb) Zodhiates, Spiros The Complete Word Study Dictionary: New Testament AMG Publishers, 1992 (ex-lib hb)



(historical and cultural background; theology and themes, etc) Barclay, William Gods Young Church: A Study of the Early Church Saint Andrew Press, 1991 (pb) A New Testament Wordbook SCM, 1955 (hb) More New Testament Words SCM, 1958 (hb) Barnett, Paul Is the New Testament History? Hodder and Stoughton, 1987 (pb) Barrett, C.K. New Testament Essays SPCK, 1972 (hb) Blaiklock, E.M. The Archaeology of the New Testament (Rev) Thomas Nelson, 1984 (pb) Out of the Earth: The Witness of Archaeology to the New Testament Paternoster, 1957 (hb) The World of the New Testament Ark Publishing, 1979 (pb) Bouquet, A.C. Everyday Life in New Testament Times Batsford, 1953 (hb) Bowersock, G.W. Hellenism in Late Antiquity Cambridge University Press, 1990 (hb) Bruce, F.F. Are the New Testament Documents Reliable? (4th ed) IVF, 1956 reprint (poor pb) The Message of the New Testament Paternoster Press, 1994 (pb) 2 2 2

General books about the New Testament

5 2 5


2 2

______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Books for Sale: New Testament Introduction page 3/10

New Testament Development of Old Testament Themes Eerdmans, 1969 (pb) New Testament History: Historical Foundation of the New Testament Story (Rev ed) Oliphants, 1971 (hb; torn dj) Bultmann, Rudolf Primitive Christianity in its contemporary setting Fontana, 1960 (pb) Charpentier, Etienne How to Read the New Testament SCM, 1982 (pb) Chilton, Bruce Beginning New Testament Study SPCK, 1986 (pb) Coggan, Donald The Prayers of the New Testament Hodder and Stoughton, 1967 (hb) (Coles) New Testament Notes (Coles Notes) Coles, 1966 (pb)

5 20

Collins, Raymond F. Introduction to the New Testament SCM, 1983 (pb) Introduction to the New Testament (2nd ed.) SCM, 1992 (pb)

7 10

Crossan, John Dominic The Birth of Christianity: Discovering what happened in the years immediately after the execution of Jesus T+T Clark, 1998 (pb) 30 Cullmann, Oscar The Christology of the New Testament SCM, 1959 (hb) Davies, W.D. Invitation to the New Testament: A Guide to its main Witnesses SPCK, 1979 (pb) Davies, W.D. and Daube, D. (eds) The Background of the New Testament and Its Eschatology: in honour of Charles Harold Dodd CUP, 1956 (hb)


Deissmann, Adolf Light from the Ancient East: The New Testament Illustrated by Recently Discovered Texts of the Graeco-Roman World Hodder and Stoughton, 1927 (ex-lib hb, no dj) 5
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New Light on the New Testament from records of the Graeco-Roman period T+T Clark, 1907 (hb, no dj) Dodd, C. Harold The Gospel in the New Testament (Every Teachers Library) National Sunday School Union, [1926] (hb) Drane, John Introducing The New Testament Lynx, 1986 (pb) Dunn, James D.G. Christian Liberty: A New Testament Perspective (Didsbury Lectures, 1991) Paternoster, 1993 (pb) Dunn, James D.G. and Mackey, James P. New Testament Theology in Dialogue SPCK, 1987 (pb)


Eisenman, Robert The New Testament Code: The Cup of the Lord, the Damascus Covenant and the Blood of Jesus Watkins, 2006 (hb) 10 Filson, Floyd V. The New Testament Against Its Environment (Studies in Biblical Theology 3) SCM, 1950 (pb) Finegan, Jack The Archeology of the New Testament: The Life of Jesus and the Beginning of the Early Church Princeton University Press, 1969 (ex-lib hb) Fiorenza, Elisabeth Schssler In Memory of Her: A Feminist Reconstruction of Christian Origins SCM, 1983 (pb) Fuller, R.H. The Foundations of New Testament Christology (Lutterworth Library) Lutterworth Press, 1965 (hb, label on spine) Lutterworth Press, 1965 (ex-lib hb) 2

5 5

Goppelt, Leonhard Theology of the New Testament Volume 1: The Ministry of Jesus in its Theological Significance Eerdmans, 1981 (hb) 10 Theology of the New Testament Volume 2: The Variety and Unity of the Apostolic Witness to Christ Eerdmans, 1982 (hb) 10 Gundry, Robert H. A Survey of the New Testament (3rd ed.) Paternoster Press, 1994 (pb) Guthrie, Donald New Testament Introduction (3rd ed) Tyndale Press, 1974 reprint (hb) 5

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Harris, Murray J. Raised Immortal: Resurrection and Immortality in the New Testament Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1983 (pb) Harvey, A.E. The New English Bible Companion to the New Testament Oxford University Press/CUP, 1979 (pb) Henderson, Ian Myth in the New Testament (Studies in Biblical Theology 7) SCM, 1952 (pb) Hill, David New Testament Prophecy Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1979 (hb) Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1979 (pb)


7 5

Hoskyns, Edwyn and Davey, Francis Noel The Riddle of the New Testament (3rd ed) Faber and Faber, 1964 reprint (hb)

Humphrey, Edith M. And I Turned to see the Voice: The Rhetoric of Vision in the New Testament (Studies in Theological Interpretation) Baker Academic, 2007 (new pb) 7 Hunkin, J.W. The New Testament: A Conspectus Gerald Duckworth, 1950 (hb) Hunter, A.M. Interpreting the New Testament 1900-1950 SCM, 1951 (hb) Introducing the New Testament (3rd ed) SCM, 1972 (pb) Johnson, Luke Timothy The Writings of the New Testament: An Interpretation (Revised Edition) SCM Press, 1999 (pb) Jones, Simon A Rough Guide to the New Testament IVP, 1994 (pb) Ksemann, Ernst Essays on New Testament Themes (Studies in Biblical Theology 41) SCM, 1971 reprint (ex-lib pb) Kramer, Werner Christ, Lord, Son of God (Studies in Biblical Theology 50) SCM, 1966 (pb)

2 2


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Kmmel, W.G. Introduction to the New Testament (The New Testament Library) SCM, 1966 (hb, torn dj) Introduction to the New Testament (Revised Edition) SCM, 1975 (pb) Man in the New Testament Epworth Press, 1963 (hb)

5 5 5

Ladd, George Eldon The New Testament and Criticism Eerdmans, 1967 (hb; p161-2 has lost a couple of lines, but I have included a p/c) 5 A Theology of the New Testament Eerdmans, 1974 (hb) Lawrence, Louise J. The Word in Place: Reading the New Testament in Contemporary Contexts SPCK, 2009 (ex-lib pb) Lhrmann, Dieter An Itinerary for New Testament Study SCM, 1989 (pb) Martin, Ralph P. New Testament Foundations: A Guide for Christian Students: Volume 1: The Four Gospels Paternoster Press, 1975 (hb) New Testament Foundations: A Guide for Christian Students: Volume 2: Acts - Revelation Paternoster Press, 1978 (hb) McCane, Byron R. Roll Back the Stone: Death and Burial in the World of Jesus Trinity Press International, 2003 (pb; some corners folded over) Meeks, Wayne The Moral World of the First Christians SPCK, 1987 (pb) Morrice, William G. Joy in the New Testament Paternoster Press, 1984 (pb) Moule, C.F.D. The Birth of the New Testament A+C Black, 1962 (ex-lib hb) Essays in New Testament Interpretation CUP, 1982 (hb) Neill, Stephen Jesus Through Many Eyes: Introduction to the Theology of the New Testament Lutterworth Press, 1976 (pb) 10

7 7

2 25

______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Books for Sale: New Testament Introduction page 7/10

Parker, T.H.L. Calvins New Testament Commentaries (2nd ed) T+T Clark, 1993 (pb) Preiss, Tho Life in Christ (Studies in Biblical Theology 13) SCM, 1957 (pb) Puskas, Charles B. An Introduction to the New Testament Hendrikson, 1989 (ex-lib hb) Risnen, Heikki Beyond New Testament Theology SCM, 1990 (pb) Ramsay, W.M. The Bearing of Recent Discovery on the Trustworthiness of the New Testament Hodder and Stoughton, 1915 (ex-lib hb) Richards, Lawrence O. New Testament Life and Times Victor, 2002 (hb) Richardson, Peter City and Sanctuary: Religion and Architecture in the Roman Near East SCM, 2002 (pb) Robertson, James Alex. The Hidden Romance of the New Testament James Clarke, nd (hb, no dj) Robinson, John A.T. Redating the New Testament SCM, 1976 (hb) SCM, 1978 (ex-lib pb) Twelve More New Testament Studies SCM, 1984 (pb) Twelve New Testament Studies (Studies in Biblical Theology 34) SCM, 1962 (pb) Rowland, Christopher The Open Heaven: A Study of Apocalyptic in Judaism and Early Christianity SPCK, 1982 (hb) Sanders, Jack T. Ethics in the New Testament: Change and Development SCM, 1986 (pb) Stambaugh, John E. and Balch, David L. The New Testament in Its Social Environment Westminster Press, 1982 (hb)



12 5 10 2



______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Books for Sale: New Testament Introduction page 8/10

Stone, David The New Testament Teach Yourself Books, 1996 (pb) Tenney, Merrill C. New Testament Survey Eerdmans/IVP, 1961 (hb) Eerdmans/IVP, 1961 (hb no dj) New Testament Times Inter-Varsity Fellowship, 1965 (hb) Tidball, Derek An Introduction to the Sociology of the New Testament Paternoster, 1983 (pb) Trench, Richard C. Synonyms of the New Testament Associated Publishers and Authors, nd (hb) Turner, Nigel Grammatical Insights into The New Testament T+T Clark, 1965 (hb) Van Unnik, W.C. Newly Discovered Gnostic Writings: A Preliminary Survey of the Nag Hammadi find (Studies in Biblical Theology 30) SCM, 1960 (ex-lib pb) Wells, Samuel Power and Passion: Six Characters in Search of Resurrection Zondervan, 2007 (pb) Wesley, John Explanatory Notes upon The New Testament Epworth Press, 1941 reprint (hb, no dj) Wiersbe, Warren W. The Bible Exposition Commentary: New Testament: Volume 1 (Matthew to Galatians) Victor, 2001 (hb) Yadin, Yigael Masada: Herods Fortress and the Zealots Last Stand Steimatzky, 1966 (hb) Yamauchi, Edwin Pre-Christian Gnosticism: A Survey of the Proposed Evidences Tyndale Press, 1973 (hb; underlining in ch. 1-2) The World of the First Christians Lion, 1982 (pb)

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New Documents Illustrating Early Christianity series Horsley, G.H.R. 1: A Review of the Greek Inscriptions and Papyri published in 1976 Ancient History Documentary Research Centre, Macquarie Uni, 1981 (ex-lib hb) 30 2: A Review of the Greek Inscriptions and Papyri published in 1977 Ancient History Documentary Research Centre, Macquarie Uni, 1982 (ex-lib hb) 30 4: A Review of the Greek Inscriptions and Papyri published in 1979 Ancient History Documentary Research Centre, Macquarie Uni, 1987 (ex-lib hb) 30 5: Linguistic Essays Ancient History Documentary Research Centre, Macquarie Uni, 1989 (ex-lib hb) 30 Llewelyn, S.R. 6: A Review of the Greek Inscriptions and Papyri published in 1980-81 Ancient History Documentary Research Centre, Macquarie Uni, 1992 (ex-lib hb) 30 7: A Review of the Greek Inscriptions and Papyri published in 1982-83 Ancient History Documentary Research Centre, Macquarie Uni, 1994 (ex-lib hb) 30

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