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Preview Module 1 introduces students to the engineering practice as well as to the concepts related to this field. It also provides students with a close grammar study of tenses and voices in English. Objectives: To cover students knowledge related to the faculty they are following; To make students aware of word importance: engineering, industrialization To revise the English tenses that are important in order to gain proper communication skills; To be able to use active and passive voice in scientific contexts; To practically apply the knowledge acquired by individual study


Engineers are the ultimate problem-solvers, finding solutions to knotty situations, constantly aiming to improve the design and production of practically anything you can think of, from artificial hips to aeroplanes, staplers to cameras, racing cars to power stations - and well beyond. There are several steps in an engineer's work: identify the problem, either via the market or by actually looking for it yourself think creatively, even laterally, about it - is there a better, more original way of doing it than the accepted way? You'll use applied maths to calculate whether your brilliant idea will actually work work out a compromise solution - which does not mean bodging the job, it's all about finding the best of a range of different approaches. It doesn't end there, though, as engineers love their work so much that every solution allows them to move on to the next problem. There's no stopping them! So an engineering degree involves a lot of thinking, but it's also about communicating your ideas - a brilliant solution is no good if it just stays in your head. You need to tell people - in writing and drawings, via computers and the web, and, obviously, by talking to them. What sort of problems do engineers investigate? Aerospace engineers might try and work out how to get a new aeroplane, such as the Airbus A380. to fly more efficiently and reliably Mechanical engineers look for ways to improve a vast range of 'things' - car stereos, space rockets, xray equipment, chairs, tumble-dryers... virtually anything that's actually made Medical engineers do it bionically! Need a new body part? A medical engineer will help to make you one - or a new improved one. Got a really bad injury that just won't get better? A medical engineer will find a way to help make it heal. Medical engineers will eventually be able to rebuild footballers' broken knee ligaments - and invent new, better, medical equipment to see if it's worked Computer aided engineering is about using computer applications to solve real problems. Say you were developing a new high-performance sports car - you'd need to know how the air flow around it would affect its speed. It's easier and cheaper to simulate this on a computer than to wait until the car has been built and then find that the design's wrong. Why study Engineering? What can I do afterwards? Engineers are highly employable in lots of fields (not just engineering). Apart from those super problem-solving skills youll:

be able to think both analytically and creatively its essential in solving problems, but useful in lots of careers, from advertising to investment banking; have management ability - especially if you've done the MEng, as all final year students have to run a group project; be a good team worker - those projects again; have plenty of experience of presentations - because you'll be doing them throughout the course; be highly numerate (always a good one for employers); be able to use a range of IT packages in your sleep - spreadsheets, databases and the internet; Will I enjoy Engineering? YES - if you like: a challenge; finding out why and how things work. Why is a golf ball dimpled? Why does a jumbo-jet stay in the air?; wondering how to make things work better, because surely there will be a better way of removing crumbs from a toaster; moving onto the next problem.



2.1.1 Engineering
Engineering as a profession involves different tasks. It can refer specifically to the manufacture or assembly of engines, machine tools and machine parts. It is also used more generally to describe the creative application of scientific principles to design, develop, construct and forecast the behavior of structures, apparatus, machines, manufacturing processes and works. The function of scientists is to know, while that of engineers is to do: they must solve problems. Branches of engineering chemical civil electrical electronic highway hydraulic industrial mechanical mining petroleum production production structural Processes in treating metals anneal anodize electroplate forge found galvanize grind harden mint plate roll soften temper tinplate


Aspects of Industrialization explanation e.g. steel shipbuilding opposite works, expression light industry explanation e.g. manufacturing, TV sets

expression heavy industry

manufacturing industry

making things; e.g. service industry consumer goods

serving people tourism, banking

high-technology involving low-technology Involving little or no (informal: high-tech) computers; e.g. (informal, low- computer technology software industry tech)


e.g. selling off state nationalisation or When industry is railways to private state ownership owned by government companies

Industrial practices example explanation

Most of the factory workers are on they are only paid for the amount they piecework which puts them under great produce stress. Child labour is a serious problem in the employment of children to do adult jobs some developing countries. In many countries, the right to trade the right to have a union that negotiates union representation has only come wages and conditions after long struggles. Many cheap electrical goods are produced factories where people work very long hours in sweatshops in poorer countries. for low wages The company became a lame duck and weak business that loses money collapsed after five years.

The big multinationals (1) often close factories as a cost-cutting exercise (2) and relocate (3) and switch production (4) to countries where labour and costs are cheaper.

1 big companies with operations in many different countries 2 effort to reduce their costs 3 move the company's offices to a different place 4 move the centre of manufacturing place, often where labour is cheaper

Industries cannot grow successfully if bureaucracy, i.e. government rules and there is too much red tape. regulations Retraining and reskilling are necessary training people for new jobs and teaching when an economy is modernised. new skills for things they have not done before Many big industries are run as public-private partnerships, [partly state-owned, partly owned by private industries or businesses] The car industry receives huge subsidies from the government, [money/grants which enable it to stay in profit] Foreign companies are often given sweeteners by the government to persuade the factories in poor or underdeveloped areas, [money/grants or tax benefits to encourage them to open a factory or business] The government tries to encourage inward investment, [investment from foreign countries] 2.2 RIGHT WORDS WRONG WORDS 2.2.1 Diploma degree certificate licence

Pat has a degree in maths. (not diploma) I did/took my degree at York. (not made) I did a course in computers and gained a diploma. (not degree) (a diploma is often a lower qualification than a degree and may be awarded for practical or more specialised skill: a diploma can also be used to mean the actual certificate) When did you get your driving licence/certificate? (not diploma) (= a document marking official recognition of something: e.g. a birth/marriage/death certificate) What qualifications do I need to teach English as a Foreign Language? (= proof of having passed essential exams)

2.2.2 Nouns names of sciences

Notice the following nouns which are a plural form but are normally used with a singular verb mathematics, physics, economics, mechanics, thermodynamics, statistics, civics Example: Mathematics is an exact science.



There are two present tenses in English: The present continuous: I am working. The simple present: I work. The present continuous Form: The present continuous is formed with the present tense of the auxiliary verb be + the present participle: Affirmative I am working You are working He/she/it is working We are working You are working They are working Negative I am not working You are not working He/she/it is not working We are not working You are not working They are not working Interrogative Am I working? Are you working? Is he/she/it working Are we working? Are you working? Are they working?

Use: USE 1. an action happening at the moment of speaking (the action has duration and is not complete): 2. an action that extends over a (slightly) longer period, including the time of speaking: 3. a temporary, limited action/behaviour (+an adverbial indicating present time):

EXAMPLE We are working now. Why are you sitting at my desk? We are designing a new product.

I work in the research department but this week I am working in the production department 4. ones immediate plans for the near future We are having a business meeting on (the time of the action must be mentioned) Saturday 5. a frequently repeated action which Our supervisor is always complaining about annoys the speaker (+always, forever, the wage he gets. continually, all the time): The simple present tense Form: In the affirmative the simple present has the same for as the infinitive but adds an s for the third person singular. Affirmative I work Negative I do not wok Interrogative Do I work?

You work You do not work Do you work? He/she/it works He/she/it does not work Does he/she/it work? We work We do not work Do we work? You work You do not work Do you work? They work They do not work Do they work? Contractions: the verb do is normally contracted in the negative: I dont work, he doesnt work. Use USE 1. habitual actions (+adverbs such as: often, usually, never, occasionally, sometimes, always, every day, in the morning, on Sundays, twice a year etc.) 2. general truths or characteristics: 3. momentary actions, completed almost at the same time they are performed (in contexts such as: cooking, demonstrations, ceremonial utterances, stage directions, radio or TV commentaries, announcement, head-lines): 4. planned future actions when the future action is considered part of an already fixed programme (with verbs of motion: come, go, leave or verbs expressing planned activity: begin, start, end, finish. The adverbial indicating future time are obligatory.): 5. in temporal and conditional clauses, when there is a future/present/imperative in the main clause: 3.1.2 The past and perfect tenses EXAMPLE He usually works fixed hours. How often do you meet your manager a week? I never work shift hours. The Earth moves round the sun. A notice at the end of the road warns people not to go any further.

We leave London at 10.00 next Tuesday and arrive in Paris at 13.00. We spend two hours in Paris and leave again at 15.00. We arrive in Rome at 19.30, spend four hours in Rome etc. If we dont finish our job well be dismissed.

The simple past tense Form: The simple past tense in regular verbs is formed by adding ed to the infinitive: Infinitive: to work Simple past: worked The same form is used for all persons: I worked you worked he worked etc. For the irregular verbs please check the table with irregular verbs. The negative of regular and irregular verbs is formed with did not not (didnt) and the infinitive: I did not/didnt work You did not/didnt work etc. The interrogative of regular and irregular verbs is formed with did + subject + infinitive: Did I work? Did you work? Etc.

Use USE for actions completed in the past at a definite time: when the time/place or other circumstances are given: when the time is asked about:


He phoned me at six oclock He phoned me as soon as I got home. When did you achieve the project? I achieved it last week. when the action clearly too place at a The train was five minutes late. definite time even if this time is not mentioned: when there is a sequence of past events I met Philip yesterday and we talked for a (narrative use): few minutes. 2. in indirect speech, instead of the simple He told me he had a new camera present, when the introductory verb (say, tell, ask, etc) is in a past tense The past continuous tense Form: The past continuous tense is formed by the past tense of the verb to be + V+ ing Affirmative I was working You were working He/she/it was working We were working You were working They were working Negative I was not working You were not working He/she/it was not working We were not working You were not working They were not working Interrogative Was I working? Were you working? Was he/she/it working Were we working? Were you working? Were they working?

Negative contractions: I wasnt working, you werent working etc. Use USE With a point in time/period of time it expresses an action in progress (going on) precisely at that moment: With another action in the simple past it expresses an action that began before and probably continued after the other action which interrupted it. With another action in the past continuous it expresses an action going on at the same time with the other past action. With an adverb of (future) time it expresses a definite future arrangement seen from the past EXAMPLE At 12.30 yesterday/yesterday morning we were making some investigations. While/as I was working, a colleague stopped me and asked me the time. The girls were doing measurements while the boys were testing the product. She was busy packing for she was leaving the next day.

Present perfect tense Form: The present perfect tense is formed with the present tense of have + the past participle: I have worked etc. The past participle in regular verbs has exactly the same form as the simple past, loved, walked, worked etc. In irregular verbs, the past participle vary (please check the irregular verbs) The negative is formed by adding not to the auxiliary. The interrogative is formed by inverting the auxiliary and subject. Affirmative I have worked You have worked He/she/it has worked We have worked You have worked They have worked Negative I have not worked You have not worked He/she/it has not worked We have not worked You have not worked They have not worked Interrogative Have I worked? Have you worked? Has he/she/it worked? Have we worked? Have you worked? Have they worked?

Contractions: have/has and have not/has not can be contracted thus: Ive worked, you havent worked, Hasnt he worked? etc. Use The present perfect used with just for a recently completed action. He has just gone out = He went out a few minutes ago. Yet in questions and negative answers: Has he gone out yet? He hasnt gone out yet. The present perfect used for past actions whose time is not definite I have read the instructions but I dont understand them. Compare with: I read the instructions last night. Note possible answers to questions in the present perfect: Have you seen my stamps? Yes, I have/No, I havent or Yes, I saw them on your desk a minute ago. The present perfect used for actions occurring in an incomplete period it can be indicated by today or this morning /afternoon/ evening/ week/ month/ year/ century etc. (at 11 a.m) Tom has rung up three times this morning already. (at 2 p.m.) Tom rang up three times this morning. Lately, recently also indicate an incomplete period of time. There have been some changes lately/recently. It can be used similarly with ever, never. Always, occasionally, often, several times, etc. since. Have you ever fallen off a horse? Yes, Ive fallen off quite often/occasionally. Theyve always answered my letters. Ive never been late for work.

Note sentences of this type: This is the best wine I have ever drunk. This is the easiest job I have ever had. The present perfect used for an action which lasts throughout an incomplete period Time expressions include all day/night/week, all my life, all the time, always, lately, never, recently. The action usually begins in the past and continues past the time of speaking in the present: We have waited all day. (We are still waiting.) He has lived here all his life. (He still lives here.) Compare with: We waited all day. (Then we left) He lived here all his life. (Presumably he is now dead.) Sometimes, however, the action finishes at the time of speaking: I havent seen you for ages. (but I see you now) Note the questions/answers such as: How long have you been here? Ive been here six months. The present perfect used with for and since For is used with a period of time: for six days, for a long time. For used with the simple paste tense denotes a terminated period of time: We lived there for ten years. (but we dont live there now) For used with the present perfect denotes a period of time extending into the present: We have lived in London for ten years. (and still live there) Since is used with a point in time and means from that point to the time of speaking. She has been here since six oclock. Weve been friends since our schooldays. Note that there is a difference between last and the last. Compare: I have been here since last week (month, year, etc) and I have been here for the last week. It is + period + since + past or perfect tense It is three years since I (last) saw Bill or It is three years since I have seen Bill. I last saw Bill three years ago I havent seen Bill for three years. Further examples of the use of the present perfect and simple past Note that a conversation about a past action often begins with a question and answer in the present perfect, but normally continues in the simple past, even when no time is given. This is because the action first mentioned has now become definite in the minds of the speakers: Where have you been? Ive been to the cinema What did you see? What was the film? I saw Amadeus. Did you like it? The present perfect is often used in letters: We have carefully considered the report which you sent us on 26 April, and have decided to take the following action.

The present perfect continuous tense Form: This tense is formed by the present perfect of the verb to be + the present participle: Affirmative: I have been working, he has been working etc Negative: I have/havent been working, etc. Interrogative: Have I been working? etc. Use This tense is used for an action which began in the past and is still continuing or has only just finished: Ive been waiting for an hour and he still hasnt turned up. Im sorry Im late. Have you been waiting long? The past perfect tense Form: This tense is formed with had and the past participle: Affirmative: I had/Id worked etc Negative: I had not/hadnt worked etc. Interrogative: Had I worked? etc Use The past perfect is the past equivalent of the present perfect. Present: Ann has just left. If you hurry youll catch her. Past: When I arrived Ann had just left. Present: Ive lost my case. Past: He had lost his case and had to borrow Toms pyjamas. The past perfect continuous tense Form: This tense is formed with had been + past participle. It is therefore the same for all persons: I ha/Id been working. They had not/hadnt been working. Had you been working? Use The past perfect continuous bears the same relation to the past perfect as the present perfect continuous bears to the present perfect. It was now six and he was tired because he had worked since dawn. It was now six and he was tired because he had been working since dawn. 3.1.3 Expressing Future Time MEANING EXAMPLE A neutral future even, a I shall finish my work next prediction about the future week Tomorrow the weather will be cold and cloudy subjects intention to I am going to finish the perform a certain future project tonight action A future event anticipated We are having an important by virtue of a present plan, meeting next Monday. programme or arrangement An official plan or We start for Brasov




arrangement regarded as unalterable FUTURE A temporary situation in the future In reference to immediate future

tomorrow. The train leaves at 8.30 Dont phone me at seven. Ill be having dinner They are about to leave.


A preliminary analysis is normally produced. A special aluminium alloy was developed. The sentences above are examples of passive sentences. The passive is frequently used in scientific writing because the form is impersonal and objective. The passive is formed with to be, followed by the past participle of the verb: e.g. to be used, to be developed, etc.



I. What skills should an engineer have? II. Find 5 adjectives that describe the work of an engineer. Turn them into nouns. III. Look up for synonyms for the following words: engineer create solution problem 4.2 INCREASING YOUR VOCABULARY

I. Here is an extract from a speech made by a careers advisor to a group of students choosing their future courses of study at university. Complete the speech by choosing one of the words from the box. machines highway mechanical chemical civil physics electrical develop production electronic Engineering students should have an understanding of maths, (a)_______ and chemistry. Working with pharmaceuticals, food, mineral processing and chemical manufacturing, a (b) _______ engineer is trained to understand, design, control, and investigate material flows. If you enjoy problem solving and find projects such as the Channel Tunnel and the Three Gorges Dam interesting, (c) ______

engineering may be for you. You will produce creative designs at an economical price while paying due concern to the environment. If your interest is in road building then you may decide to follow a specialized course in (d) ________ engineering. By studying(e) ________ and (f) __________ engineering you learn about the design of complete systems, such as computers, controllers, power and transport systems.(g) _________ engineers plan, design and (h) _______ a wide range of things: washing machines, cars and spacecraft. (i) ________ engineers work very closely with mechanical engineers, to make new products at the right price, on time and in the correct quantity. As well as designing and selecting (j) ________ and materials, they also organize people and finance. II. Use the expressions from Language study (Chapter 2) to rewrite these sentences with more appropriate vocabulary instead of the underlined words: The economy cannot depend only on things like restaurants and hotels. We need to encourage industries that make things we can sell. In this area there are a lot of industries that use computers and things, while in the north, they depend more on industries that don't use such up-to-date technology. The idea that everything should be owned by the government is not very popular any longer, and selling industries off is the typical pattern all over the world now. Industry with big factories producing things like steel and so on so_ has declined, and now we're more dependent on industry that makes things like vehicles and furniture. III. Give words or expressions which mean: a payment or tax benefit to a company to persuade it to open a factory somewhere a combination of state ownership and private ownership payments or grants from the government which enable loss-making industries to continue investment in a country by foreign companies a weak industry that is losing money and cannot be rescued bureaucracy and rules and regulations that restrict industry an economy that depends on factories producing large quantities of cheap goods based on long hours and low wages to change the location where goods are produced {two expressions)


PRESENT TENSES I. Choose the correct verb form in each of the following. 1 In this process, the mixture is heated/is heating to 120C. 2 Once the salts are dissolving/have dissolved, the heat is reduced.

3 Several people have survived/are surviving the earthquake and are treating/are being treated in hospital at the moment. 4 For security purposes the employees change/are changing their passwords regularly. 5 Up until now people in this area have taken/take waste plastic to recycling centers, but at present we have tried/are trying a curbside collection system. II. A journalist is asking some questions. Complete the answers by putting the verb in brackets into the appropriate present tense in the active or passive. 1 A: Do you normally hold these products in stock? B: No. They are normally made _ to order. (make)

2 A: Is the chief engineer here at the moment? B: I'm afraid not. He ________ currently ________ the plant in the north of Scotland. (inspect) 3 A: Can 1 see the new design? B: Yes, of course. It ________ just ________ off the production line. (come) 4 A: How many units do you produce a month? B: We ________ 5,000 units a month and only a very small number ________ . (produce) (reject) 5 A: How long have you been using imported raw materials? B: We ________ (import) rayon for many years but we ________ only just ________ (begin) using imported polyester. 6 A: Is this the natural color of the fabric? B: No. this fabric ________ (dye). 7 A: And how long will it be kept in store? B: Not long at all. We ________ (dispatch) this load tomorrow afternoon.


I. Six of the following sentences contain mistakes. Find the mistakes and correct them. 1 Sydney Harbour Bridge was building in 1932. 2 While they were carrying out tests in the laboratories, researchers were analyzing past results. 3 The first real road builders in Britain was the Romans. 4 The Romans built roads of layers of broken stones of various sizes and were covering them with flat stones. 5 The system didn't working because the loudspeaker had been wrongly connected. 6 Before factories were told to stop polluting the environment, waste was being dumped in rivers and in the sea. 7 Louis Pasteur was discovering the action of germs while he was studying fermentation in wines. 8 The production process had already been shut down when the leak in the fuel tank was found. 9 Nuclear energy began to be used from the mid-19 50s. 10 In the second half of the 20111 century, the electronics industry transforming the way we work in factories. II. Make past tense questions and answers using the words given. 1: When were fiber optics first developed? 1 When / be / fiber optics / first / develop? 2 The boxes / break / because they / make / of low quality materials. 3 The power supply / cut off / because / cables / come down / during the storm. 4 They / not complete / the foundations / by the time the building materials / arrive. 5 When / they / install / the solar panels? 6 be / this / the first hydroelectric scheme/ in Scotland? 7 They / not use / wood chip / for heating / when the engineer / visit / the factory. 8 How / they / produce / gas / before they / discover / North Sea gas? 9 be / the oil pollution along the coastline / cause / by an oil tanker spillage? 10 How / they prepare access to this mine? III. Complete the following report of an accident which happened in a factory with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

On Friday morning at 9.25 a worker in the chemical plant(a)_________ (find) by a female colleague. He (b) ________ (lie) on the floor. His colleague (c) ________ (check) that he (d) ________ still _________ (breathe) and then (e)_________ (call) the emergency services. The injured man (f)_________ (take) to hospital where he later (g) _________ (recover). An investigation at the factory (h)_________ (find) that a bottle containing a dangerous chemical liquid (i)________ (leave) open. Vapor from the liquid (j)_________ (escape) into the air. While he had been working in the room he (k)_________(become) unwell. He (I)_________(become) drowsy and then (m)_________ (fall) unconscious. Investigating officers are interviewing everyone who (n) _________ (work) in the factory that morning. FUTURE TENSES I. In the following situations choose the correct sentence, a) or b). 1 You are reminding a colleague about the programme for tomorrow. a Remember that you'll meet the supplier at 12 o'clock. b Remember that you're meeting the supplier at 12 o'clock. 2 Two colleagues are discussing the future visit by inspectors. a The inspectors won't allow us to store chemicals in this cupboard. b The inspectors are not allowing us to store chemicals in this cupboard. 3 Designers are discussing the car models with airbags. a The use of airbags is going to save more lives in the future. b The use of airbags is saving more lives in the future. 4 Two managers need the results from some research before November. a They won't be able to complete the research before November. b They aren't completing the research before November. 5 A senior manager isn't looking forward to next week because he's worried about the tests. a Tests will be carried out next week. b Tests are being carried out next week.

II. A salesman is describing a new product to a customer. Complete what they say with will or won't and a verb from the box. Give, operate, deal, take, be, contact, install, provide, need, revolutionize, warm, see S: This is an excellent new material which (a) ________ the use of solar panels. C: I see, and how many hours of sunshine (b) ________ we ________ to produce energy? S: It (c) _______ necessary to have sunshine. It (d) _______ in daylight only. C: (e) _______ it _______ enough energy to warm the building in winter? S: It (f) ________ the building but you may need additional heating when it is very cold. C: What about installation? S: We (g) ________ it for you. It (h) ________ long and you (i) ________ soon ________ how effective it is. We (j) ________ you a three year guarantee and if there are any problems we (k) ________ with them immediately. C: When will you be able to install it? S: As soon as we receive your order we (I) ________ you to discuss a suitable date. 4.3.2 Active and Passive

I. Rewrite these sentences using the passive form instead of the active, which is underlined. We rarely find pure metals in nature. We recover metallic ores from the earth in many ways. We obtain lead from a mineral which we call galena. We need a lot of electrical energy to separate aluminium from the oxygen in aluminium ore.

II. Put the verb in brackets in the correct form There are many ways of shaping plastics. The most common way is by moulding. Blow-moulding (a) ________ (use) to make bottles. In this process, air (b) __________ (blow) into a blob of molten plastic inside a hollow mould and the plastic (c) ____________ (force) against the sides of the mould. Toys and bowls (d). (make) by injection moulding. Thermoplastic chips (e) . first ________________ (heat) until they melt and then forced into a watercooled mould under pressure. This method (f)(suit) to mass production. Laminating (g)(produce) the heat-proof laminate which (h) _____________

(use), for example, for work surfaces in kitchens. In this process, a kind of sandwich (i)______{make) of layers of paper or cloth which (j) ____________ (soak) in resin solution. They (k) then (squeeze) together in a heated press. Thermoplastics can (I) _____________ (shape) by extrusion. Molten plastic (m) (force) through a shaped hole or die. Fibres for textiles and sheet (n). ________ (make) by extrusion.




Preview Module 2 approaches the field of Automotive Engineering as well as the use of English in specific specialized fields. 5 WHAT IS AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING? Objectives: To encourage students to talk about their own field of study, about their career; To help students improve their engineering-related vocabulary in English (Engineering materials); To provide students with specific structures used to describe objects, shape, size, use etc; To automotive engineering is a of model verbs in establishing interpersonal relations: expressing Modern make students aware of the importance branch of vehicle engineering, incorporating elements of permission, offer, request, giving advice, etc; mechanical, electrical, electronic, software and safety engineering as applied to the design, To practically apply the knowledge acquired by individual study

manufacture and operation of motorcycles, automobiles, buses and trucks and their respective engineering subsystems. Fields

Automotive engineers are involved in almost every aspect of designing cars and trucks, from the initial concepts right through to manufacturing them. Broadly speaking, automotive engineers are separated into three main streams: product engineering, development engineering and manufacturing engineering. Product engineer (also called design engineer), that would design components/systems (i.e brake engineer and battery engineer). This engineer designs and test a part, seeing that it meets all its requirements (i.e. the shock), performs as required, material meets desired durability and so on. Development engineer, that engineers the attributes of the automobile. This engineer may provide to the design engineer what spring rate he/she requires to provide the "ride" characteristics required for the automobile to perform as desired, etc. Manufacturing engineer, determines how to make it. Product Engineering Some of the engineering attributes/disciplines that are of importance to the automotive engineer: Safety Engineering: Safety Engineering is the assessment of various crash scenarios and their impact on the vehicle occupants. These are tested against very stringent governmental regulations. Some of these requirements include: Seat belts and air bags functionality. Front and side crash worthiness. Resistance to rollover. Assessments are done with various methods and tools: Computer crash simulation, crash test dummies, partial system sled and full vehicle crashes. Fuel Economy/Emissions: Fuel Economy is the measured fuel efficiency of the vehicle in miles per gallon or litres per 100 kilometres. Emissions testing the measurement of the vehicles emissions: hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), and evaporative emissions. Vehicle Dynamics: Vehicle Dynamics is the vehicles response of the following attributes: ride, handling, steering, braking and traction. Design of the chassis systems of suspension, steering, braking, structure (frame), wheels and tires, and traction control are highly leveraged by the Vehicle Dynamics engineer to deliver the Vehicle Dynamics qualities desired. NVH Engineering ( Noise, Vibration, and Harshness): NVH is the customer's impression both tactile (feel) and audible (hear) feedback from the vehicle. While sound can be interpreted as a rattle, squeal, or hoot, a tactile response can be seat vibration, or a buzz in the steering wheel. This feedback is generated by components either rubbing, vibrating or rotating. NVH response can be classified in various ways: powertrain NVH, road noise, wind noise, component noise, and squeak and rattle.

Note, there are both good and bad NVH qualities. The NVH engineer works to either eliminate bad NVH, or change the bad NVH to good (i.e., exhaust tones). Performance: Performance is the drivers perception of the vehicle's power and pickup. This is influenced by vehicle acceleration, sound of the engine, accelerator pedal feel, and shift quality. Performance is perceived in various ways: wide-open-throttle (WOT) acceleration, 0-62 mph (0-100 km/h) -launch performance, or highway passing power. Shift Quality: Shift Quality is the drivers perception of the vehicle to an automatic transmission banana event. This is influenced by the powertrain (engine, transmission), and the vehicle (driveline, suspension, etc). Shift feel is both a tactile (feel) and audible (hear) response of the vehicle. Shift Quality is experienced as various events: Transmission shifts are felt as an upshift at acceleration (12), or a downshift maneuver in passing (4-2). Shift engagements of the vehicle are also evaluated, as in Park to Reverse, etc. Durability / Corrosion Engineering: Durability and Corrosion engineering is the evaluation testing of a vehicle for its useful life. This includes mileage accumulation, severe driving conditions, and corrosive salt baths. Package / Ergonomics Engineering: Package Engineering is a discipline that designs/analyzes the occupant accommodations (seat roominess), ingress/egress to the vehicle, and the drivers field of vision (gauges and windows). The Package Engineer is also responsible for other areas of the vehicle like the engine compartment, and the component to component placement. Ergonomics is the discipline that assesses the occupant's access to the steering wheel, pedals, and other driver/passenger controls. Climate Control: Climate Control is the customers impression of the cabin environment and level of comfort related to the temperature and humidity. From the windshield defrosting, to the heating and cooling capacity, all vehicle seating positions are evaluated to a certain level of comfort. Driveability: Driveability is the vehicles response to general driving conditions. Cold starts and stalls, rpm dips, idle response, launch hesitations and stumbles, and performance levels. Cost: The cost of a vehicle program is typically split into the effect on the variable cost of the vehicle, and the up-front tooling and fixed costs associated with developing the vehicle. There are also costs associated with warranty reductions, and marketing. Program timing: To some extent programs are timed with respect to the market, and also to the production schedules of the assembly plants. Any new part in the design must support the development and manufacturing schedule of the model. Assembly Feasibility: It is easy to design a module that is hard to assemble, either resulting in damaged units, or poor tolerances. The skilled product development engineer works with the assembly/manufacturing engineers so that the resulting design is easy and cheap to make and assemble, as well as delivering appropriate functionality and appearance. Development Engineer A Development Engineer is a job function within Automotive Engineering, in which the development engineer has the responsibility for coordinating delivery of the engineering attributes of a complete automobile (bus, car, truck van, SUV, etc.) as dictated by the automobile manufacturer, governmental regulations and the customer who buys the product. Much like the Systems Engineer, the Development Engineer is concerned with the interactions of all systems in the complete automobile. While there are multiple components and systems in an automobile that have to function as designed, they must also work in harmony with the complete automobile. As an example, the brake system's main function is to provide braking functionality to the automobile. Along with this, it must also provide an acceptable level of: pedal feel (spongy, stiff), brake system noise (squeal, shudder, etc), and interaction with the ABS (anti-lock braking system).

Another aspect of the development engineer's job is a trade-off process required to deliver all the automobile attributes at a certain acceptable level. An example of this is the trade-off between engine performance and fuel economy. While some customers are looking for maximum power from their engine, the automobile is still required to deliver an acceptable level of fuel economy. From the engine's perspective, these are opposing requirements. Engine performance is looking for maximum displacement (bigger, more power), while fuel economy is looking for a smaller displacement engine (ex: 1.4 L vs. 5.4 L). The engine size, though is not the only contributing factor to fuel economy and automobile performance. Other attributes include: automobile weight, aerodynamic drag, transmission gearing, emission control devices and tires. The Development Engineer is also responsible for organising automobile level testing, validation, and certification. Components and systems are designed and tested individually by the Product Engineer. The final evaluation though, has to be conducted at the automobile level to evaluate system to system interactions. As an example, the audio system (radio) needs to be evaluated at the automobile level. Interaction with other electronic components can cause interference. Heat dissipation of the system and ergonomic placement of the controls need to be evaluated. Sound quality in all seating positions needs to be provided at acceptable levels. Manufacturing Engineering Manufacturing Engineers at automotive companies are involved in a wide array of manufacturing activities. They plan and engineer the assembly of whole vehicles as well as the individual parts that go into the vehicles. Design and layout of equipment and people, machine rates and line rates, specification of automation equipment, and manufacturing safety procedures are all some of the jobs that Manufacturing Engineers do. Assembly plants build vehicles from parts they receive...they rarely build parts themselves. Manufacturing engineers at assembly plants plan out the body shop, engine and transmission placement, and the trim and chassis area of the final assembly. Seats, radios, interior trim panels, pick-up bedliners and wheels are examples of parts that need to be manufactured for a vehicle and whose creation would be overseen by an Automotive Manufacturing Engineer. While body panels, usually stamped sheet metal, have typically remained within the OEM, the general trend for all other parts is for them to be bought from outside suppliers. Most vehicles have greater than 60% supplier content (The Toyota Product Development System, Morgan and Liker) The automotive industry has its own culture that Automotive Manufacturing Engineers need to know to effectively operate. The Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG), a consortium composed of hundreds of participating companies, have established rules and procedures that ensure parts meet strict quality levels. An Automotive Manufacturing Engineer typically works with statistics and process controls, validating that the process that produces parts will always produce those parts with quality. They also search for ways to continuously improve the process between product upgrades. Other automotive engineering roles There are also other automotive engineers: The aerodynamics engineers will often give guidance to the styling studio so that the shapes they design are aerodynamic, as well as attractive. Body engineers will also let the studio know if it is feasible to make the panels for their designs. Quality engineer, logistics/transportation engineer, environmental engineer, performance engineer, durability engineer, reliability engineer, etc...


6.1 INCREASE YOUR VOCABULARY 6.1.1 Engineering materials Materials Metals Aluminium Properties Uses

Light, soft, ductile, highly Aircraft, engine conductive, corrosion-resistant. components, foil, cooking utensils Copper Very malleable, tough and ductile, Electric wiring, PCBs, highly conductive, corrosion- tubing resistant. Brass(65%copper, 35% Very corrosion-resistant. Casts Valves, taps castings, ship zinc) well, easily machined. Can be fittings, electrical contacts work hardened. Good conductor. Mild steel (iron with High strength, ductile, tough, General purpose 0.15%to0.3%carbon) fairly malleable. Cannot be hardened and tempered. Low cost. Poor corrosion resistance. High carbon steel (iron Hardest of the carbon steels but Cutting tools such as with 0,7% to 1.4% carbon) less ductile and malleable. Can be drills, files, saws hardened and tempered. Thermoplastics ABS Acrylic High impact strength and toughness, scratch-resistant, light and durable. Stiff, hard, very durable, clear, can be polished easily. Can be formed easily. Hard, tough, wear-resistant, selflubricating. Safety helmets, car components, telephones, kitchenware Aircraft canopies, baths, double glazing Bearings, gears, casings for power tools

Nylon Thermosetting plastics Epoxy resin Polyester resin Urea Urea formaldehyde

High strength when reinforced, good chemical and wear resistance. Stiff, hard, brittle. Good chemical and heat resistance. Stiff, hard, strong, brittle, heatresistant, and a good electrical insulator.

Adhcsives, encapsulation of electronic components Moulding, boat and car bodies Electrical fittings, adhesives

6.1.2 Describing objects, shape, size, use etc

Questions and answers about objects: 1. Question: How Answer: .. 2. Question: What is the Answer: The height width length height width length height width length of? is high wide. long high wide long is?

..has a


Notice that height, width and length are nouns and high, wide and long are adjectives. 3. Questions: What shape size colour height width length height width length is ?


is .?

What is the Answers


roughly square more or circular less triungular not very heavy

fairly quite very extremely

light large. small big


light dark

red blue. green

is .. weighs measures

roughly approximately about nearly almost just under just over

10 kg 5 gm 2m

Questions Whats .. What does..

used for? made of? consist of? contain?

Answers used for ________ing_______. .is made of ______. It consists of ________. It contains __________.

adjective hot warm cool cold weak tough soft hard rough coarse strong flexible elastic smooth rigid ductile malleable

verb heat warm cool cool weaken toughen soften harden roughen coarsen strengthen make something flexible make something elastic smooth make something rigid make something ductile make something

noun heat warmth coolness cold/coldness weakness toughness softness hardness roughness coarseness strength flexibility elasticity smoothness rigidity ductility malleabilitty

Notice the following pairs of adjectives, verbs and nouns

6.2 RIGHT WORDS/WRONG WORDS 6.2.1 engineer - mechanic - technician

- Can I have a word with the mechanic who serviced my car? (Not *engineer*) (a mechanic maintains and repairs mechanical equipment with moving parts) - It is every engineer's dream to design a machine that will use water as fuel. (Not *mechanic's*) (an engineer designs and builds machines, engines, bridges, roads, etc.) - The computer system in the stock exchange was installed by skilled technicians. (Not *engineers* *mechanics*) (technicians install and maintain scientific and electronic equipment)

6.2.2 engine - motor - machine machinery

- This machine not only washes clothes but dries them as well (Not *engine*) (a machine stands alone) - A car like this needs a powerful engine/motor. (Not *machine*} (an engine/motor drives something else) - How often should you equip a factory with new machinery/with new machines? (= machines in general) - The motor of my sewing/washing machine is faulty. (Not *engine* *machine*) (a small machine is driven by a motor, not an engine; a motor is usually powered by electricity; an engine is usually powered by oil or steam) 7 GRAMMAR STUDY

7.1 SUMMARY CHART OF MODALS AND SIMILAR EXPRESSIONS MAY (1) polite request (2) formal permission (3) less than 50% certainty Present/future: May I borrow your pen? Present/future: You may leave the room.



Present/future: Where's John? He may be at the library. Past: He may have been at the library. (1) less than Present/future: Where's John? He might be at the 50% certainty library. Past: He might have been at the library. (2) polite request Present/future: Might I borrow your pen? (rare) (1) advisability Present/future: I should study tonight. Past: I should have studied last night

90% Present/future: She should do well on the test (future only) Past: She should have done well on the past. OUGHT TO (1) advisability Present/future: I ought to study tonight Past: I ought to have studied last night (2) 90% Present/future: She ought to do well on the test certainty ( future only, not present) Past: She ought to have done well on the test. HAD (1) advisability Present/future: You had better be on time, or we BETTER with threat of will leave without you bad results Past: (past form uncommon) BE (1) expectation Present/future: Class is supposed to begin at 10. SUPPOSED Past: Class was supposed to begin at 10. TO BE TO (1) strong Present/future: You are to be here at 9:00. expectation Past: You were to be here at 9:00. MUST (1) strong Present/future: I must go to class today. necessity Past: I had to go to class yesterday. (2) prohibition Present/future: You must not open that door. (negative) (3) 95% Present/future: Mary isn't in class. She must be certainty sick. (present only). Past: Mary must have been sick yesterday. HAVE TO (1) necessity Present/future: I have to go to class today. Past: I had to go to class yesterday. (2) lack of Present/future: I don't have to go to class today. necessity Past: I didn't have to go to class yesterday. (negative) HAVE GOT (1) necessity Present/future: I have got to go to class today. TO Past: I had to go to class yesterday. WILL (1) 100% Present/future: He will be here at 6:00 certainty (future only) (2) willingness Present/future: The phone's ringing. I'll get it. (3) polite request Present/future: Will you please pass the salt? BE GOING (1) 100% Present/future: He is going to be here at 6:00. TO certainty (future only) (2) definite plan Present/future: I'm going to paint my bedroom (future only). Past: I was going to paint my room but I didn't have time. (1) Present/future: I can run fast CAN ability/possibilit Past: I could run fast when I was a child, but now I y can't (2) informal Present/future: You can use my car tomorrow. permission (3) informal Present/future: Can I borrow your pen? polite request (4) impossibility Present/future: That can't be true! (negative only) Past: That can't have been true.

(2) certainty


(1)past ability Past: I could run fast when I was a child. (2) polite request Present/future: Could I borrow your pen? Could you help me? (3) suggestion Present/future: I need help in math. You could talk to your teacher. Past: You could have talked to your teacher. (4) less than Present/future: Where's John? He could be at home. 50% certainty Past: He could have been at home. (5) impossibility Present/future: That couldn't be true! ( negative only) Past: That couldn't have been true! BE ABLE (1) ability Present/future: I'm able to help you. I will be able TO to help you. Past: I was able to help him. WOULD (1) polite request Present/future: Would you please pass the salt? Would you mind if I left early? (2) preference Present/future: I would rather go to the park than stay home. Past: I would rather have gone to the park. (3) repeated Past: When I was a child, I would visit my action in the past grandparents every weekend. USED TO (1), repeated Past: I used to visit my grandparent every weekend action in the past SHALL (1) polite Present/future: Shall I open the window? question to make a suggestion (2) future with Present/future: I shall arrive at nine "I" or "we" as (will more common) subject

7.2 OBLIGATION AND REQUIREMENTS Verbs for the obliger 1. Oblige someone to do something: compel, demand, force, make, oblige, require 2. Oblige someone not to do something: ban, forbid, prohibit 3. Not oblige someone to do something: not compel, not force, not make, not require Verbs for the obliged: 4. Obliged to do something: be forced to, be required to, be supposed to, have to, must, need to 5. Obliged not to do something: be prohibited from, cannot, may not, must not, not be allowed to, not be permitted to 6. Not oblige someone to do something do not need to, need not, not have to


8.1 CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF THE TEXT 1. Find a definition for the term automotive engineering. 2. What subjects do Automotive Engineering students study? 8.2 INCREASE YOUR VOCABULARY I. Use the Engineering materials table (6.1.1.) to find a material which is: soft ductile malleable tough scratch-resistant conductive and malleable durable and hard stiff and brittle ductile and corrosion-resistant heat-resistant and chemical-resistant

II. Fill in the spaces with the correct form of the word given adjective high wide long adjective warm hot cold weak soft hard coarse strong verb warm heat cool cool toughen soften harden roughen noun coolness weakness toughness hardness roughness coarseness strength noun

3. Choose an object and write down a description of it using these headings: shape size

colour material weight use 8.3 CHECK YOUR GRAMMAR I. Modal verbs exercises: Make sentences from the words in parentheses. 1. Don't phone Ann now. (she might / have / lunch) She might be having lunch 2. I ate too much. Now I feel sick. (I shouldn't / eat / so much) / shouldn 't have eaten so much.__________________ 3. I wonder why Tom didn't phone me. (he must / forget) 4. Why did you go home so early? (you shouldn't / leave / so early) 5. You've signed the contract, (it / can't / change / now) 6. Lauren was standing outside the movie theatre, (she must / wait / for somebody) 7. He was in prison at the time that the crime was committed, so (he couldn't / do / it). 8. Why weren't you here earlier? (you should / be / here earlier) 9. Why didn't you ask me to help you? (I would / help / you) 10. I'm surprised nobody told you that the road was dangerous, (you should / warn) 11. Brian was in a strange mood yesterday, (he might not / feel / very well) Complete B's sentences using can / could / might / must / should / would + the verb in parentheses. In some sentences you need to use have {must have done / should have done, etc.). In some sentences you need the negative (can't/couldn't, etc.). 1. A: I'm hungry. B: But you've just had lunch. You can't be______________ hungry already, (be) 2. A: I haven't seen our neighbours for ages. B: Me either. They must have gone____________ away. (go) 3. A; What's the weather like? Is it raining? B: Not right now, but it ______________________ later, (rain) 4. A: Where has Julie gone? B: I'm not sure. She ______________________ to the bank. (go) 5. A: I didn't see you at John's party last week. B: No, I had to work that night, so I _______________________. (go) 6. A: I saw you at John's party last week. B: No, you ______________________ me. I didn't go to John's party, (see) 7. A: What time will we get to Sue's house? B: Well, it's about a two-hour drive, so if we leave at 3:00, we ___there by 5:00. (get) 8. A: When was the last time you saw Eric? B: Years ago. I ______________________ him if I saw him now. (recognize) 9. A: Did you hear the explosion? B: What explosion? B: There was a loud explosion a few minutes ago. You ______________________ it. (hear) 10. A: We weren't sure which way to go. We decided to turn right. B: You went the wrong way. You ______________________ left. (turn)

Which one of the verbs given can complete all three sentences in each set? 1 used to I will I would a Most days my father ............... get up first and make breakfast. b When I was training for the marathon, I............... run over 100 kilometres a week. c We went back to Dublin to see the house where we............... live in the 1960s. 2 should I ought to I must a Students ............... be encouraged to type their assignments. b 'Whose car is that outside Bill's house?' 'It............... belong to Bill's sister. I heard that she's staying with him this weekend.' c You ............... have some of this cake. It's brilliant! 3 needn't I mustn't I don't have to a I'll be quite late getting to London, but you ............... change your plans for me. b I'm afraid I owe quite a lot of money to the bank - but you ............... worry about it. c Next time, read the small print in the document before you sign it. You ............... make the same mistake again. 4 must I need to I have to a People with fair skins ............... be particularly careful when they go out in the sun. b The Browns ............... have won the lottery - they've bought another new car! c We ............... give at least six months' notice if we want to leave the house. 5 may/could/might a Ray told me that someone had bought the old house next door................ he be right about that, I wondered. b The major changes to the timetable ............... cause delay and confusion. c I asked in the bookshop about Will Dutton's latest book, but all they ............... tell me was that it would be published before the end of the year. 6 can I could I is (or was) able to a Val had always wanted to go scuba diving and ............... do so last summer. b I hope Jim ............... help you tomorrow. c She played the piano quite well even before she ............... read music. II. Obligation and Requirements Complete the extract by choosing the correct word from the box needn't - permit - permitted - forcing - have supposed - prohibited - require - must (2) - banned Following my visit to your factory last week, I am writing to confirm what we discussed. It is important that these points are followed; otherwise the insurance cover will not be valid. All empty crates (a) not be stacked in the production area. They are a health and safety problem ____________ and we will not (b) you to leave them there. The government has (c) ______the dumping of waste chemicals in waste sites and are (d) _________ companies to apply for a licence for waste disposal. However, prior to disposal, these chemicals (e) _________ to be stored in sealed containers in a designated area away from the main plant. Containers that contain flammable materials (f) be at least 100 metres from the building. Present air conditioning systems are adequate, so you (g)________ make any changes there. Walls are (h) __________to be kept clear of dust, so we (i) _______you to arrange to have the walls dusted and cleaned. The use of water fire extinguishers is still (j) ___________, but they are (k) _______ from use near or on electrical equipment.


Preview Module 3 introduces students to specialist vocabulary on vehicles. It also provides students with a grammar study of adjectives and adverbs. Objectives: To get students used to automotive-related vocabulary; To make students aware of word importance: vocabulary related to traffic; To help students use adjectives and adverbs in various contexts of communication; To practically apply the knowledge acquired by individual study


Commercial vehicles are used for the safe and economical transportation of persons and goods, whereby the economic efficiency is determined by the ratio of usable space to overall vehicle volume, and of useful load to laden vehicle weight. Dimensions and weights are limited by legal regulations. From the design concept viewpoint, a distinction must be made between cab-over-engine (COE) and cab-behind-engine (CBE) vehicles. A wide variety of vehicle types meet the demands of local and long-distance transportation, as well as on those encountered on building sites and in special applications. Delivery trucks and vans These are light-duty trucks (2 ... 7 t) used in the transportation of persons and in local goods distribution. In fulfilling this function stringent demands are made on the vehicle in terms of mobility, maneuverability, performance and operating comfort. The design concepts are based on frontmounted engine, front or rear-wheel drive, independent suspension or rigid axle and, from 3.5 t laden weight, twin tires on the rear axle. The product range includes enclosed-body multi-purpose vehicles and vans, as well as low-bed and high-bed platform-body vehicles with special superstructures and double cabs. In small delivery trucks and vans, the bodies form an integral load-bearing unit together with the chassis. The body and chassis frameworks consist of sheet-metal pressed elements and flanged profiles. Platform-body vehicles have a ladder-type frame with open or closed side members and cross members as the primary load-bearing structure. Medium and heavy-duty trucks and tractor vehicles In this sector the division between load-bearing chassis and partially load-sharing bodies has become prevalent. In most cases the engine is at the front. It is seldom fitted as an underfloor engine between the axles. Drive is via the twin-tire rear axle. For building-site (off-road) use with high traction requirements, all-wheel drive with longitudinal and cross-lock technology is applied. Type of truck undercarriage (see Figure below): N x Z/1 N = Number of wheels Z = Number of driven wheels L = Number of steered wheels

Normal chassis have leaf- or pneumatically-sprung rigid front and rear axles. Pneumatic suspension facilitates the simple mounting and removal of inter-changeable bodies and unhitching of semitrailers. Three-axle vehicles (6 x 2) are fitted with either a leading or a trailing axle (in front of or behind the driven axle) to increase the useful load. High-traction 6x4 vehicles for use on building sites have a dual axle configuration with axle-load compensation and center bearing point. Chassis frames The chassis frame is the commercial vehicles actual load-bearing element. It is designed as a laddertype frame, consisting of side and cross members. The choice of profiles decides the level of torsional stiffness. Torsionally flexible frames are preferred in medium and heavy-duty trucks because they enable the suspension to comply better with uneven terrain. Torsionally stiff frames are more suitable for smaller delivery vehicles and vans. Apart from the force introduction points, critical points in the chassis-frame design are the sidemember and cross-member junctions. Special gusset plates or pressed cross-member sections form a broad connection basis. The junctions are riveted, bolted and welded. Fish belly" frames with higher side members between the axles provide greater bending stiffness. Drivers cab There are a variety of cab designs available depending on the vehicle concept. In delivery vehicles and vans, low, convenient entrances are an advantage, whereas in long-distance transport space and comfort are more important. Modular design concepts allow for short, medium and long cab versions while retaining the same front, rear and doors. In the case of cab-over-engine (COE) vehicles, the steering system is positioned right at the front of the vehicle. The engine is located under the cab or underneath a hood in the vehicle interior between the driver and the co-driver. The entrance is positioned (somewhat uncomfortably) in front of or above the front axle. A mechanical (pretensioned torsion bar) or hydraulic cab-tipping mechanism ensures good "access to the engine. In the conventional cab-behind-engine (CBE) truck, the engine/transmission as-assembly is mounted ahead of the actual cab interior beneath a steel or plastic hood (which is usually tiltable for reasons of acaccessibility). The driver enters the cab behind the front axle. Bodies Specific body structures such as flat beds, standard vans, box vans, dump-truck deep-beds, tankers, concrete mixers etc. permit the economical and efficient transportation of a wide variety of goods and materials. Connection between body and load-bearing chassis frame is effected in part by means of auxiliary frames with 'non-positive or positive attachments. Road trains and tractor-trailer rigs are used in long-distance transport. As the size of the transportation unit increases, the costs relative to the freight volume decrease, Load volume is increased by reducing the empty spaces between cab, cargo area and trailer (highcapacity road train). Advantages of tractor-trailer operation are the greater uninterrupted loading length of the cargo area and the shorter inoperative times of the tractor units. Measures to improve aerodynamics, such as front and side trim on the vehicle and specially adapted air deflectors from the cab to the body, are applied to minimize fuel consumption.

Buses Buses are used for passenger transportation. The main design aspects are: design layout dependent on area of use; safety; environmental tolerability; good ride and springing comfort, and high maintenance of value. Microbuses

Microbuses carry up to 25 passengers. The vehicles are assembled on ladder-type chassis or are developed from delivery trucks or vans. Soft main suspension and elastic supports between the body and the chassis provide a high degree of ride comfort. City buses These are equipped with seating and standing room for scheduled routes. The short intervals between stops in local traffic necessitate rapid passenger turnover, which means wide doors and a low vehicle floor (3G0....700rnm). Main data for the standard public bus: Vehicle length approx. 11.8 m Laden weight approx. 17.51 Number of seats 38 to 44 Total passenger capacity approx. 108 persons. Double-decker buses (approx. 130 per-sons) and articulated (approx. 185 per-sons) buses provide increased transport capacity. 10 LANGUAGE STUDY

10.1 INCREASE YOUR VOCABULARY 10.1.1 Driving and traffic regulations You must give way at a give-way sign. On roundabout, traffic coming from your right has the right of way [is allowed to go before other traffic]. Sounding /hooting/tooting your horn is prohibited except in emergencies. Jumping (not-stopping at) a red light is a serious offence. Reckless driving [very dangerous driving, without any care for others] is also a very serious offence Drink driving may result in a heavy fine or imprisonment. You may be asked to take a breathalyzer (instrument you breathe into to measure alcohol level) test. Hit-and-run (running over or into someone and no stopping) accidents are extremely serious and could result in a ban [removal of ones driving licence) for several and/or imprisonment. Less serious offences may result in penalty points (negative points on your licence which are added up over time). On-the-spot fines [given at the scene of the offence] may be issued for .careless driving .and other offences. Exhaust emissions (waste gases produced by the vehicle] must meet government standards, and the car must be roadworthy (in a condition that it can be driven safely), which includes a minimum depth of tyre tread (the depth of the grooves in the tyre rubber). 10.1.2 Traffic problems It was the rush hour, and there was a long tailback on the motorway. [line of slow or sopped traffic] There was a pile-up [crash between several or many cars involving ten cars, because of the fog, so the road was closed and we were diverted [directed away from our road] on to a narrow country lane. I had stupidly parked in a towaway zone and came back to find my car had gone! [area where your car may be taken away if you park illegally] I just parked for a few minutes outside the station, but when I came out my car had been clamped. [fitted with a metal device on the wheel to prevent it from moving] I saw two men fighting next to their cars. I think it was a case of road rage. [anger or

violence between drivers because of difficult driving conditions] The road was wet and I skidded on a bend and almost crashed, [lost control of the steering] There was a head-on collision [two vehicles hitting each other directly in the front] on the main road between here and the next village last night. Luckily, both cars had air bags and the drivers survived. 10.2 RIGHT WORDS/WRONG WORDS 10.2.1 examine - interrogate/question - interview - ask - Did you ask him? Did he give you any reasons? (Not * examine*) (ask a question/questions) - Its normal practice to interrogate/question prisoners of war. (= ask a large number of questions, especially of prisoners, police suspects, etc.) - A lot of people are questioning the global warming theory. (= expressing doubts about) Who interviewed you when you got the job? (= asked questions about your abilities and experience) 10.2.2 actual real topical up to date Management Information Systems is a highly topical issue at present because of the row over the new bypass. (Not actual) (i.e its in the news) The real/actual problem is the civil war. (= true, the one we are concerned with) I cant comment before I have read the actual report. (Not real report) (=the report itself) Magazines in doctors waiting rooms are never up-to-date. (Not actual, topical) 10.2.3 actually at present/for the present at the moment Frank has been travelling for a month now. At present/At the moment/For the present, I have no idea of his whereabouts. (Not actually, to the present) (=now, for the time being) Do you realize that Martin has actually been off work for a month now? (= as a matter of fact, really) 11 GRAMMAR STUDY

11.1 COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES 1. If the positive adjective has one syllable, we form the comparative by adding - er and the superlative by adding -est:

positive safe clean

comparative safer cleaner

superlative safest cleanest

If we compare two objects, we use than in the comparison: Burton's factory is noisier than Manson's. If we compare more than two objects, we use the in the superlative. Denham's factory is the noisiest 2. If the positive adjective has two syllables and ends in -y, ~ow or -k, we form the comparative by adding ~er and the superlative by adding est positive healthy narrow simple comparative healthier narrower simpler superlative healthiest narrowest simplest

Note that in two syllable adjectives ending in -y, the -y changes to -i in the comparative and the superlative. 3. For other adjectives with two syllables or more, we form the comparative with more and the superlative with most: positive dangerous flammable comparative more dangerous more flammable superlative most dangerous most flammable

4. Irregular comparative and superlative forms positive good comparative better superlative best bad worse worst little less least much more most far farther/furthest farthest/furthest

!!!! Remember: a little / a lot more than : more than : the most a little / a lot less than : less than : the least

11.2 ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS 1. Typical adjective endings and adjective forms: -ate/-ite accurate -ic -ful harmful -ou s -al/-ial artificial -ing -ive active -ed -able/-ible renewable -ant/-ent

scientific dangerous mining finished transparent

2. Other adjectives, particularly short ones, do not have special endings bad - big - good - old - small young

3. Most adverbs are formed by adding -ly to the adjective: Adjective Adverb harmful harmfully active actively scientific scientifically dangerous dangerously artificial artificially transparent transparently 4. Some adjectives have the same form as adverbs early - fast - hard - late - straight


12.1 CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF THE TEXT I. Look up for the definitions of the following terms: all-wheel drive cab-tipping mechanism II. What are commercial vehicles used for? (choose 4 commercial vehicles) 12.2 INCREASE YOUR VOCABULARY I. Fill the gaps in these sentences using words and phrases from the opposite page. We cant park here; it's a_________zone. There was a five-mile on the motorway because of road works. Fog caused a number of__________, one of which involved 15 cars. If it's a__________sign, you don't have to stop if the road is clear, but if it's a stop sign, then you must always stop. Who has the at a corner in your country? Cars oc pedestraus? It was a____________, but the police have a description of the car, The permitted level of ___________ is to be lowered in an attempt to reduce air pollution in big cities. He was given a_________________ test and it was discovered be had consumed a huge amount of alcohol. He was charged with and fined 50Q. In some countries drivers_________ their ___________just because they get frustrated. As a result, the city streets are incredibly noisy.

II. Respond to these comments as in the example, so that your response explains the meaning of the underlined words.

A: l came out and saw a big metal thing on my wheels B: Oh, so your wheels had been clamped A: Yes. I had to pay 100.

1 A: As I drove round the corner there was some ice on the road and I lost control of the steering B Oh, so_________________ 2 A: The two women were obviously having an argument about the way one of them had driven. Then suddenly they started hitting each other! B: Oh, I guess it was a case of . A: Yes. It's happening more and more these days. 3 A: The policeman looked at my tyres and said they were illegal. B: Oh, so you didnt have the minimum depth of_________? 4 A: The road was closed. Two lorries had come straight at each other and crashed B: Oh, so it was a 5 A: The policeman fined me 100 there and then. I have to pay it within seven days. B: Oh, really? I didn't know they could give_________ A Yes. You have no choice. They just give it to you and you can't dispute it at the time III. Find 15 more words related to traffic problems or traffic regulations and translate them into Romanian 12.3 CHECK YOUR GRAMMAR I. Complete the table adjective accurate pure stable hard heavy thin far impractical bad comparative more accurate superlative the most accorate

II. Five of the sentences below contain a mistake. Find the mistake and correct it. This silk fabric is the best quality we produce. Following the fire, many more people nave been affected by smoke as we had originally thought. Pollution of the ground is most serious in area A than in area B. Please wear ear protection because it's noisier here than in the other areas. The locked cabinet contains some of most poisonous chemicals there are. That was the loudest explosion IVe ever heard.

These chemicals should be kept in good containers than these. Sending the goods by air is certainly the most quick but it's also the most expensive

III. Choose the correct word in bold. The number of people who work in the textile (a) manufactured/manufacturing industry in the UK has fallen (b) considerable/considerably over the last 50 years. Today, it employs (c) approximately/approximate 130,000 people. Textiles for clothing and carpets have always been (d) important/importantly but today there is (e) increasing/increasingly trade in fabrics for (f) industrial/industrially applications. Fabrics are used (g) increasing/increasingly in the healthcare and automotive industries. The export of wool and (h) woollen/wool products has remained fairly (i) constantly/constant over the last 15 years. The UK also has a G) significant/significantly silk industry, which produces over 170 million worth of goods (k) annual/annually. The UK inen trade has an (I) excellent/excellently reputation for quality and service and British exports remain very (m) healthy/healthily. The UK's expertise in chemistry is (n) extensive/extensively and this is (o) important/importantly to the (p) dying/dyed industry. The manufacturing of dyestuffs is (q) relative/relatively strong. The sale of carpets contributes to the sale of textiles (r) significant/significantly. The carpet industry has (s) particular/particularly strengths in the ft) high/highly quality end of the market.



Preview Module 4 introduces students to new terminology on Engineering design as well as on other concepts used in engineering. It also provides students with a close grammar study of how to form questions in various contexts. Objectives: To introduce students to the stages of a design process; To make students aware of word importance: acronyms and concepts in engineering and process control; To form questions that help them communicate and debate problems; To practically apply the knowledge acquired by individual study.

We frequently talk about designing 'a system'. By a system, we mean the entire combination of hardware, information and people necessary to accomplish some specified mission. A system may be an electric power distribution network for a region of the nation, a procedure for detecting flaws in welded pressure vessels, or a combination of production steps to produce automobile parts. A large system usually is divided into subsystems, which in turn are made up of components, There is no universally acclaimed sequence of steps that leads to a workable design. However, let us more or less arbitrarily consider the process to consist of the following steps: Recognition of a need Definition of a problem Gathering information Conceptualization Evaluation Communication of the design The design process generally proceeds from top to bottom in the list, but it must be understood that in practice some of the steps will be carried out in parallel and that feedback leading to iteration is a common fact of design. Recognition of a need Needs usually arise from dissatisfaction with the existing situation. They may be to reduce cost, increase reliability, or just change because the public has become bored with the product. Definition of a problem Probably the most critical step in the design process is the definition of the problem. The true problem is not always what it seems to be at first glance. Because this step requires such a small part of the total rime to create the final! design, its importance is often overlooked. Figure 2-3 illustrates how the final design can differ greatly depending upon how the problem is defined. It is advantageous to define the problem as broadly as possible. If the definition is broad, you will be less likely to overlook unusual or unconventional solutions. Broad treatment of problems that previously were attacked in piecemeal fashion can have a big payoff. However, you should realize that the degree to which you can pursue a broad problem formulation toward a final design will depend on factors often outside your control. In most cases, the extent to which you are able to follow a broad problem formulation will depend on the importance of the problem, the limits on rime and money that have been placed on the problem and your own position in the organization.

One approach that you should not take is to consider the existing solution to the problem to be the problem itself. That approach immediately submerges you in the trees of the forest, and you will find yourself generating solutions to a problem you have failed to define. The definition of a problem should include writing down a formal problem statement, which should express as specifically as possible what the design is intended to accomplish. It should include objectives and goals, definitions of any special technical terms, the constraints placed upon the design, and the criteria that will be used to evaluate the design. Perhaps the best way to proceed is to develop a problem statement at the initial problem definition step and then, in the second iteration after much information has been gathered, develop a much more detailed problem statement that is usually called the problem analysis. Gathering information Perhaps the greatest frustration you will encounter when you embark on your first design problem will be due to the dearth or plethora of information. No longer will your responsibility stop with the knowledge contained in a few chapters of a text. Your assigned problem may be in a technical area in which you have no previous background and you will not even nave a single basic reference on the subject. At the other extreme you may be presented with a mountain of reports of previous work and your task will be to keep from drowning in paper. Whatever the situation, the immediate task is to identify the needed pieces of information and find or develop that information. Conceptualization The conceptualization step is to determine the elements, mechanisms, processes or configurations that in some combination or other result in a design that satisfies the need. It is the key step for employing inventiveness and creativity. Very often the conceptualization step involves the formulation of a model which may be either of the two general types: analyzed and experimental. A vital aspect of the conceptualization process is synthesis. Synthesis is the process of taking elements of the concept and arranging them in the proper order, sized and dimensioned in the proper way. Synthesis is a creative process and is present in every design. Design is very individualized. There are no ironclad rules for teaching successful design, and unfortunately very little has been written about the conceptualization step that is at the heart of the design process. Evaluation The evaluation step involves a thorough analysis of the design. The term evaluation is used more in the sense of weighing and judging than in the sense of grading. Typically, the evaluation step may involve detailed calculation, often computer calculation, of the performance of the design by using an analytical model. In other cases, the evaluation may involve extensive simulated service testing of an experimental model or perhaps a full-sized prototype. Communication of the design It must always be kept in mind that the purpose of the design is to satisfy the needs of a client or customer. Therefore, the finalized design must be properly communicated or it may lose much of its impact or significance. The communication is usually by oral presentation to the sponsor as -well as by a written design report. Detailed engineering drawings, computer programs and working models are frequently part of the 'deliverables' to the customer. It hardly needs to be emphasized that communication is not a one-time thing to be carried out at the end of the project. In a well-run design project, there is continual oral and written dialog between the project manager and the customer.




Acronyms and concepts in engineering and process control

The IT industry's talent for reducing everything to alphabet soup is only equalled by manufacturing, which you can almost discuss without using any real words at all. But it is the only way to avoid jawbreaking terminology like 'supervisory control and data acquisition'. CAD/CAM (Computer Aided Design/Manufacturing): Use of PCs and workstation applications to automate the design and manufacturing process. Designers use CAD/CAM o prototype designs without redrawing them by hand. Popular PC packages include AutoCad, VersaCad and RoboCad. Workstation systems from IBM, DEC, HP, Intergraph, and Computervision. CAM helps in preparation of programs to control robotic and manufacturing equipment. MRP (Materials Requirement Planning): Breaks down product into list of components needed to build it. Helps manufacturers plan what raw materials they need in stock. MRP II (Manufacturing Resources Planning): includes the concept of MRP, but also includes aspects of order processing, distribution, and processing time. JIT (Just-in-Time Manufacturing): Carries on where MRP and MRP II leave off. Means you only make the products you have to in order to satisfy market needs. Process extends from design and MRP to distribution of finished products. JIT-embracing manufacturers try not to hold any stock, either of raw materials or finished products, but make products just in time to fill customer requirements. CAPP (Computer Aided Process Planning): Systems work out how best to route the production of items that need to go through several different processes. Scada (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition): Systems collect data, monitor manufacturing processes, and produce management reports on the effectiveness of manufacturing processes. Are oft e n PC systems and use graphical displays to alert shop-floor staff to problems in a process. Concurrent Engineering: Concept of developing different aspects of a product concurrently. Products' design, manufacturing, and documentation are integrated from the start. If design of a new product is changed, this is automatically passed through to the next stages of production planning. Intended to replace traditional linear approach, where each stage has to wait for previous stage to be completed. Aim is to reduce time-lag between design and finished product. EDM (Engineering Data Management): Part of a move towards Concurrent Engineering and CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing}. Central database stores all documentation related 45 to particular products. Product manuals and technical data can be generated from original design Information, and engineers should be able to reuse design data from previous projects. One company has halved time between introducing a change request at the design stage and producing complete plans.

PLC (Programmable Logic Control): Small, rugged controllers are programmed via a programming panel to do a particular job in a process. Once programmed, the controllers will do the same job as a full computer system, but at a lower cost. They can be reprogrammed easily to do different jobs. 14.2 RIGHT WORDS/WRONG WORDS 14.2.1 design drawing - Meryl did a lovely drawing of our house when she stayed here (Not *design*) (= a picture drawn in ink or pencil) - We've been discussing the design of the new house with the architect. (Not *drawing*) (= a plan from which it will be built)

14.2.2 detailed - in detail - with details - You have to complete the form in detail. (Not *detailed* *with details*) (= thoroughly, including all the small points) - I sent them my curriculum vitae with details of my previous jobs. (with details = including facts) - When you've tested the new vehicle, we'd like you to write us a detailed report. (= thorough, with all the facts)


desk - office - bureau study

- Alan doesn't like anyone to ring him at the office. (Not *desk* *bureau* *study*) (- a room or rooms devoted to business) - We need another room we can use as a study. (Not *an office*) (= a room for academic or domestic reading and writing) - The computer takes up half the space on my desk. (Not *bureau*) (= a table where you sit and write) - The papers you want are in the top drawer of the bureau. (= an old-fashioned writing desk with a lid in BrE; a chest of drawers in AmE) - Reuters has a news bureau in every country in the world. (= an office for collecting and distributing information) 15 GRAMMAR STUDY

15.1 FORMING QUESTIONS A. Some questions begin with a wh-word. We can call these wh-questions: What are you doing tomorrow? Where have you been? Some questions can be answered with yes or no. We can call these yes/no questions.

Have you had to come far?

Did she leave any message?

B. If there is an auxiliary verb (be, do, have, can, will, etc.) we put it in front of the subject: Have you ever visited California? Why are you telling me this now? If there is more than one auxiliary verb, we put only the first auxiliary in front of the subject; Will they be arrested if they refuse to leave? (not Will be they arrested...?) We can make questions in a similar way when be is a main verb: Was she happy when she lived in France? When is he likely to arrive? When we ask yes/no questions with have as the main verb, we usually use or Do have...? Questions such as Have you a pen? are rather formal: Do you have... / Have you got a reservation? {rather than Have you a...?) C. If there is no other auxiliary verb, we make a question by putting do or does (present simple),or did (past simple) in front of the subject. A bare infinitive comes after the subject: Does anyone know where I left my diary? When did you last see Mary? If we use what, which, who or whose as the subject, we dont use do: What happened to your car? (not What did happen...?) Compare: Who (= object) did you speak to at the party? And Who (= subject) spoke to you? Notice that we can sometimes use do when what, which, who or whose is subject if we want to encourage the speaker to give an answer. Do is stressed in spoken English: Come on, be honest who did tell you? D. Study how we ask questions about what people think or say using a that-clause: When do you think (that) he will arrive? What do you suggest (that) I should do next? We can ask questions like this with advise, propose, recommend, say, suggest, suppose, think. When the wh-word is the subject of the second clause we dont include that: Who did you say was coming to see me this morning? (not ...say that was coming...?) Wh-questions with how, what, which, and who A. Study these sentences: Which biscuits did you make the chocolate ones or the others? (rather than What...?) Ive got orange juice or apple juice. Which would you prefer? (rather than What...?) He just turned away when I asked him. What do you think he meant? (not Which...?) What do you want to do this weekend? (not Which...?) We usually use which when we are asking about a fixed or limited number of things or people, and what when we are not. Often, however, we can use either which or what with little difference in meaning. Compare: What towns do we go through on the way? (the speaker doesnt know the area) and Which towns do we go through on the way? (the speaker knows the area and the towns in it) B. We usually use who to ask a question about people: Who will captain the team if Nick isnt available?

However, we use which when we want to identify a person or people out of a group (for example, in a crowded room, or on a photograph) and when we ask about particular classes of people. We can use what to ask about a persons job or position: Which is your brother? The one next to Ken? Which would you rather he a doctor or a vet? (or What would...?) Whats your sister? Shes a computer programmer. C. We use which, not who or what, in questions before one(s) and of: Which one of us should tell Jean the news? (not Who one of us...?) Ive decided to buy one of these sweaters. Which one do you think I should choose? (rather than What one do you think...?) Which of these drawings was done by you? (not What of...) Which of you would like to go first? (not Who of...) D. When we use who or what as a subject, the verb that follows is singular, even if a plural answer is expected: Who wants a cup of coffee? (said to a number of people) What is there to do in Leeds over Christmas? (expects an answer giving a number of activities) E. Study the use of how and what in these questions: Whats this one called? (not How...) What do you think of her work? (not How...) What is the blue button for? (= What purpose does it have?) (not How...) How about (having) a swim? (= a suggestion) (or What about...) What is your brother like? (= asking what kind of person he is) (not How...) How is your brother? (= asking about health) (not What...) What was the journey like? (= asking an opinion) (not How...) How was the journey? (= asking an opinion) (not What...) What do you like about it? (= asking for specific details) (not How...) How do you like it? (not What...) = asking for a general opinion = asking for details about coffee, tea or a meat dish (How would you like it? is al\so possible) 15.2 IRREGULAR PLURALS Nouns of Latin origin: Singular: -a / Plural: ae Antenna, antennae; Formula, formulae Singular: -um/ Plural: a Datum, data; medium, media; pendulum, pendula; stratum, strata Singular: -us/ Plural: -i focus, foci; nucleus, nuclei; radius, radii; terminus, termini Nouns of Greek origin: Singular: -is/ Plural: es Analysis, analyses; axis, axes; basis, bases; crisis, crises; hypothesis, hypotheses; synthesis, syntheses;

Singular: -on/ Plural: a Criterion, criteria; phenomenon, phenomena; Singular: -x/ Plural: ces index, indices; matrix, matrices 16 APPLICATIONS

16.1 CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF THE TEXT I. Match each of the verbs below with the phrase which best goes with it: Accomplish Proceed Carry out Create Generate Formulate Satisfy assign solutions to a problem a new idea the needs of a client a task research or test work from step to step someone to a project s problem in precise terms

II. Find words in the text which mean the following: what you are aiming to achieve with a design something which restricts what you can do standards by which something can be judged the impression made by an idea 16.2 INCREASE YOUR VOCABULARY I. What do these acronyms used in engineering mean? CAD, CAM, CIM, IT, MRP, JIT, PC, PLC II. Answer the following questions making reference to Acronyms and concepts in engineering and process control (Chapter 14.1.1) What is the aim of Concurrent Engineering? What are AutoCad, VersaCad and RoboCad? 16.3 CHECK YOUR GRAMMAR Make up 5 questions that you wish to ask your manager referring to the tasks you are required to accomplish at your workplace. Underline one or both.

1 I cant get the computer to work. Which/What have you done to it? 2 When we get to the next junction, which/what way shall we go? 3 Which/What countries in Europe have you been to? 4 Which/What are you worried about? 5 Which/What kind of work do you do? 6 Which/What do you think I should wear my blue or my red tie? 7 I still have to type these letters and photocopy your papers. Which/What do you want me to do next? 8 Which/What is the best way to get to Sutton from here? Look again at the answers in which you have underlined both. Are there any where which is more likely than what? Complete the sentences with who, which or what. .................. are you working for now? ..................... are Pauls parents? The couple near the door. person do you most admire? ................. are Toms parents? Theyre both teachers. ..................... of them broke the window? ..................... one of you is Mr Jones? ..................... else knew of the existence of the plans? ............... is to blame for wasting so much public money? ..................... knows what will happen next? ..................... of the countries voted against sanctions? I know that Judy is an accountant, but..................... is her sister Nancy? If necessary, correct these sentences. What one of you borrowed my blue pen? Who do you want to be when you grow up? An astronaut. Who are you inviting to the meal? What are left in the fridge? Which of the children are in the choir? Who are coming with you in the car? Jane, Amy and Alex.


Module 5 introduces students to new concepts related to vehicle production by the intermediary of a specialist article. It also provides students with a close grammar study of relative clauses in English. Objectives: To get students familiar with new concepts of production and new specialist vocabulary occurring in specialist articles; To make students aware of word importance: vocabulary related to production; To make students able to link words and sentences in order to produce successful writings ; To practically apply the knowledge acquired by individual study.


Engineers, go see the world (article from Automotive Engineering) Honda's Chitoshi Yokota talked about the global design and development of the 2008 Honda Accord during a World Congress panel session. Those wobbly cubicle walls can be big barriers to seeing and learning about the world, a place rife with people who ultimately buy the vehicles that engineers create. "The best way to get that understanding of your customers and their market is to simply go and see," Robert Sump, Vice President of Component Engineering for the Nissan Technical Center North America, said during the SAE 2008 World Congress "Globalization Is 24/7" session in the AVL Technology Leadership Theater. Sump said the education can be in-depthsuch as investing in an overseas research and development centeror it can be "as simple as a week-long business trip. How you approach it depends on how important the market is to you and to what level you're willing to commit to be successful in that market." The "go and see" practice gives engineers an understanding of how customers in different regions use a vehicle. For instance, "in Kuwait, temperatures can reach 50 to 55C. It's not uncommon for the customer to sit for one to two hours in a vehicle idling condition in different situations," Sump said. Really understanding customer needs, vehicle usage, and other unique aspects is information that needs to be shared. "Go and see with the mindset of understanding the business vision and developing a strategy to achieve itdoing what is necessary to make sure that your engineers understand the market and taking an active role in the process," Sump suggested to engineering managers. At the start of development for the eighth-generation Honda Accord sedan, engineers went on road trips. "We visited many countries including the U.S., China, Thailand, and Japan," said Chitoshi Yokota, Operating Officer and General Manager of Product Development for Honda R&D in Japan. The latest Accord, which is sold in 93 countries, was developed primarily at Honda's R&D Center in Tochigi, Japan. "In the styling stage, we brought the final clay model to the U.S. to confirm how the styling would look in daylight and under the street lights in the U.S. A decision was made to use this styling in all countries," said Yokota. In the design stage, engineers used 3D modeling to simulate the crash performance and help devise an optimal vehicle structure. "We calculated the crash absorption energy and designed the body so that the car would produce the best results in the crash tests required by each country. Although stiffeners

are added in certain locations for some countries, the same basic body is used across the world," said Yokota. The current Accord is manufactured in seven countries. "First mass production began at a factory in Japan, and the problems identified in the Japanese factory were then reflected to mass production in the U.S. We adopted 590 grade high-strength steel because it is the most common on a global basis, including Asian countries and China," Yokota said. Parts are sourced independently on a regional basis. "In Asia, the total volume of a given part is produced in one country. It is then supplied to the other countries building Accord. In the U.S., most parts are purchased in North America. The percentage of imported parts on Japan-made Accords has been increasing gradually in line with our strategy to produce parts at centralized locations in Asia. China is the largest source of imported parts to Japan," said Yokota. Accord is available with five types of engines, each with two types of transmissions, throughout the world. "There are eight to 10 different emission categories in the world, and each engine meets the regulations in each country," said Yokota. Around the world, General Motors Powertrain has 9000 engineers handling assignments in 24 engineering centers, according to Daniel Hancock, Vice President of Global Engineering for General Motors Powertrain. "GM has state-of-the-art (engineering) development centers that meet future product technology testing requirements, decrease product development time, and support global data sharing," said Hancock. Two of the powertrain engineering development centersin Pontiac, MI, and in Turin, Italyare new facilities. The Turin center includes 15 engine test cells and one chassis emissions cell. In July 2008, the center in Pontiac officially opened. GM Powertrain completed partial upgrades to engineering development centers in Korea, China, Germany, and France, and partial upgrades are in process at engineering development centers in Sweden; Brazil; Milford, MI; and Castleton, IN.


18.1 INCREASE YOUR VOCABULARY 18.1.1 Production Production management is concerned with planning and controlling industrial processes which produce and distribute products and services. Techniques of production management are also used in service industries: here they are called operations management. During production processes, inputs are converted into outputs. These processes take many forms: from basic agriculture to large-scale manufacturing. Much manufacturing takes place in factories, where assembly lines allow a steady flow of raw materials (inputs) and finished products (outputs). People in production focus on efficiency and effectiveness of processes in order to maximize productivity. To achieve overall success, it is important to measure, analyze and evaluate these processes. However, other activities also contribute to success: purchasing. inventory control, quality control, storage. logistics. Production varies according to the inputs, processes and outputs. Other important factors are the place of production and the resources. In addition. stock, a major cost, needs to be carefully controlled, and the equipment must be regularly maintained to remain productive and prevent breakdowns. Production place factory layout plant site unit workshop

Process assemble batch component convert effectiveness efficiency line lot maximize optimize Resources equipment fixtures machinery materials handling raw materials Stock inventory stock store Maintenance breakdown failure fault maintain repair All areas of management require careful planning and organizing. Planning and organizing production is essential for efficient operations. Planning aggregate backlog back order bottleneck capacity cycle downtime flow forecast idle lead time make-to-order make-to-stock optimization output productivity prototype requirement run satisfy schedule sequence set up set-up time slack throughput uncertainty update work in progress Work organization lot overtime shift workforce workload 18.1.2 Collocations Engineer/Engineering Engineer Engineer - noun adjective + engineer chief qualified skilled trained consulting production civil design mechanical electrical Verb + engineer produce train be, practise as have find engage, appoint, get, instruct take advice from, speak to, talk to Engineer verb adverb + engineer carefully finely precisely superbly (The car is superbly engineered and a pleasure to drive) Engineering adjective + engineering heavy light conventional precision advanced chemical civil design ecological electrical Engineering + noun company firm group industry services work/works Expression: a feat of engineering (The building is a remarkable feat of engineering) 18.2 RIGHT WORDS/WRONG WORDS 18.2.1 Economical cheap economic A camping holiday is relatively cheap. (Not economical economic)

(= not expensive) Our use of the central heating is fairly economical. (not cheap) (= careful, cost-conscious, not wasteful) Are electric cars economical/cheap to run? (both possible when a to-infinitive is used, or implied, after them) Europe is more than an economic community. (not economical) ( referring to finance, trade) 18.2.2 Business

- We used to do business with them. (Not *make business*} (~ trade; note the spelling, not *bussiness* *busines*) - We do a lot of business in the Far East. (Not *do a business/a lot of businesses*) (business = trade is uncountable) - I run a travel business in Manchester and another in Glasgow. Two businesses are as much as I can manage! (business = an organization is countable) - Im in business with a partner. (Not *into business*) (= I work with) - Im not on holiday. Im here on business. (Not *for business*) (= for the purpose of conducting business)


businessman entrepreneur

-We need an injection of capital from an entrepreneur/businessman who's prepared to take risks. (we describe a businessman as an entrepreneur when we want to emphasize the risk-taking nature of business) - The bar was crowded with tired businessmen. (Not *entrepreneurs*)


19.1 RELATIVE CLAUSES Defining relative clauses These describe the preceding noun in such a way as to distinguish it from other nouns of the same class. A clause of this kind is essential to the clear understanding of the noun. In the sentence: The man who told me this refused to give me his name

'who told me this' is the relative clause. If we omit this, it is not clear what man we are talking about. Notice that there is no comma between a noun and a defining relative clause. Defining relative clauses usually follow the + noun, but they can also be used with a/an + noun, plural nouns without the and the pronouns all, none, anybody, somebody etc. and those. Clauses following a/an + noun, plural nouns without the and somebody/someone/something sometimes define their noun/pronoun only indirectly. The noun/pronoun in these cases is usually the object of a verb or preposition: I met someone who said he knew you. The book is about a girl who falls in love with . . . Sometimes these clauses are separated from their noun/pronoun by a word or phrase: There's a man here who wants I saw something in the paper which would interest you. But normally relative clauses should be placed directly after their noun or pronoun: The noise that he made woke everybody up. She was annoyed by something that I had said. Relative pronouns used in defining relative clauses The forms are as follows: For persons For things Subject who that which that Object whom/who that which that Possessive whose whose/of which

Defining relative clauses: persons Subject: who or that who is normally used: The man who robbed you has been arrested. The girls who serve in the shop are the owner's daughters. Only those who had booked in advance were allowed in. Would anyone who saw the accident please get in touch with the police'-' But that is a possible alternative after all, everyone, everybody, no one, nobody and those: Everyone who/that knew him liked him. Nobody who/that watched the match will ever forget it. Object of a verb: whom or who or that The object form is whom, but this is considered very formal. In spoken English we normally use who or that (that being more usual than who), and it is still more common to omit the object pronoun altogether: The man whom I saw told me to come back today or The man who I saw ... or The man that I saw ... or The man I saw . . . (relative pronoun omitted) The girls whom he employs are always complaining about their pay or The girls who he employs ... or The girls that he employs ... or The girls he employs... With a preposition: whom or that

In formal English the preposition is placed before the relative pronoun, which must then be put into the form whom: the man to whom I spoke In informal speech, however, it is more usual to move the preposition to the end of the clause, whom then is often replaced by that, but it is still more common to omit the relative altogether: the man who/whom I spoke to or the man that 1 spoke to or the man I spoke to Similarly: The man from whom I bought it told me to oil if or The man who/that I bought it from ... or The man I bought it from ... The friend with whom I was travelling spoke French or The friend who/that I was travelling with ... or The friend I was travelling with ... Possessive whose is the only possible form: People whose rents have been raised can appeal. The film is about a spy whose wife betrays him. Defining relative clauses: things SUBJECT Either which or that. Which is the more formal: This is the picture which/that caused such a sensation. The stairs which/that lead to the cellar are rather slippery. Object of a verb: which or that, or no relative at all: The car which/that I hired broke down or The car I hired . . . which is hardly ever used after all, everything, little, much, none, no and compounds of no, or after superlatives. Instead we use that, or omit the relative altogether, if it is the object of a verb: All the apples that/all are eaten by the pigs. This is the best hotel (that) I know. Object of a preposition The formal construction is preposition + which, but it is more usual to move the preposition to the end of the clause, using which or that or omitting the relative altogether: The ladder on which I was standing began to slip or The ladder which/that I was standing on began to slip or The ladder I was standing on began to slip. Possessive whose + a clause is possible but with + a phrase is more usual: a house whose walls were made of glass a house with glass walls Relative adverbs: when, where, why Note that when can replace in/on which (used of time): the year when (= in which) he was born

the day when (= on which) they arrived where can replace in/at which (used of place): the hotel where (= in/at which) they were staying why can replace for which: The reason why he refused is . . . when, where and why used in this way are called relative adverbs. Cleft sentences: it + be + noun/pronoun + defining relative clause It was 'Tom who helped us. (not Bill or Jack) It was 'Ann that I saw. (not Mary) When the object is a proper noun, as above, that is more usual than who. With all other objects, that is the correct form: It's the manager that we want to see. It was wine that we ordered, (not beer) that is usual for non-personal subjects: It's speed that causes accidents, not bad roads. 19.2 STRUCTURE: WHOEVER, WHICHEVER, WHATEVER, WHENEVER, WHEREVER, HOWEVER These have a variety of meanings and can introduce relative and other clauses. a) whoever (pronoun) and whichever (pronoun and adjective) can mean 'the one who', 'he who', 'she who': Whoever gains the most points wins the competition. Whichever of them gains the most points wins. Whichever team gains the most points wins. Whoever gets home first starts cooking the supper. Whichever of us gets home first starts cooking. Whoever cleans your windows doesn 't make a good job of it. b) whatever (pronoun and adjective), whenever, wherever: You can eat what/whatever you like. (anything you like) When you are older you can watch whatever programme you like. My roof leaks when/whenever it rains, (every time it rains) You will see this product advertised everywhere/wherever you go. Go anywhere/wherever you like. c) whoever, whichever, whatever, whenever, wherever, however can mean 'no matter who' etc. If I say 'heads, I win; tails you lose', I will win whatever happens or whichever way the coin falls. Whatever happens don't forget to write. I'll find him, wherever he has gone. (no matter where he has gone) whatever you do is often placed before or after a request/command to emphasise its importance: Whatever you do, don't mention my name. however is an adverb of degree and is used with an adjective or another adverb: I'd rather have a room of my own, however small (it is), than share a room. However hard I worked, she was never satisfied. d) whatever, wherever can indicate the speaker's ignorance or indifference:

He lives in Wick, wherever that is. (I don't know where it is, and I'm not very interested.). He says he's a phrenologist, whatever that is. (I don't know what it j is and I'm not very interested.) who ever? when ever? what ever? etc. may be written as separate! words, but the meaning then changes: I lost seven kilos in a month. How ever did you lose so much in such a short time? BILL (suspiciously): / know all about you. TOM (indignantly): What ever do you mean? Where ever did you buy your wonderful carpets? 20 APPLICATIONS

20.1 CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF THE TEXT I. Please print any statistics you find with regard to the world-wide production of commercial vehicles II. Define the following terms: production vehicle concept car pre-production car III. Look up for synonyms for the following words: research development purchase 20.2 INCREASE YOUR VOCABULARY I. Fill the gaps in these sentences. A unique painting will come..the hammer in London tomorrow. It's a sensible idea to shop..a bit before buying a computer. Jeremy has promised me that, if he ever decides to sell his motorbike, I can have .refusal on it. I wasn't sure whether the desk would fit into my office so I bought it.approval. If you want to make a.for something in an auction you first have to catch the auctioneer's eye. They produce special clothes for people who like to do yoga and have really captured

II. Replace the underlined words with a word or phrase with a similar meaning. As their business interests were really very similar, it did not take them very long to come to an agreement. If you want to go into the import and export business, you had better be prepared for a lot of bureaucracy.

At the moment they are discussing the possibility of their companies becoming one. Sportswear is a very profitable business to be in at the moment. Only a few people have a real talent for the risk-taking of opening a new business. A number of small companies have been taken over by that large multi-national in the last six months.


I. Choose the appropriate relative pronoun in each of the following sentences. 1 A load-bearing wall is a wall that/where supports a vertical load as well as its own weight. 2 An architect is someone whose/who draws up plans for buildings and other structures. 3 An unheated building, a cellar or a basement are examples of places which/where are often damp. 4 Manufacturing takes place in factories when/where finished products are made. 5 Marconi was the scientist who/whom first received signals across the Atlantic. 6 You are invited to attend the meeting on Tuesday which/when details of the project will be discussed. 7 The company has opened a new workshop where/which engineering parts will be produced. 8 The operations manager, whom/whose office is on the first floor, is dealing with the problem. II. Use the information in brackets to complete the following sentences. For example: (The manufacturers provided some information.) We have used the information that... We have used the information that the manufacturers provided. 1 (The assembly line produces car parts.) They have automated the assembly line that.. 2 (Water is stored in a tank.) The water tank where underground3 (Circuits can store large amounts of information.) Computers contain many circuits which. 4 (W.C. Rtintgen discovered X-rays by accident.) X-rays have been used since 1895 when 5 (Faraday was born in the south of England.) Faraday, who _________, developed the process of electromagnetic induction.

6 (The manager's signature appears on the document.) The manager whose is responsible for purchasing. 7 (Several people work in this area.) Everyone who _________ is responsible for regular maintenance of the machinery. III.Please find three defining relative clauses and three non-defining relative clauses in the text Business I

Module 6 gives students the freedom to study the automotive vocabulary they find useful for their own needs. The main focus is the individual study. Objectives: To get students familiar with new specialist vocabulary occurring in specialist articles; To make students aware of word importance: vocabulary related to business II; To encourage the individual study and research into business-related terminology

Global customers to share Fiestas core The sixth-generation Ford Fiesta is expected to achieve a Euro NCAP five-star occupant protection rating. "The new Fiesta is a blueprint for the future," said Darren Palmer, Fords Project Manager, Global BCar. "It will be built on three continents and sold on five. The cars produced across the world will share core technologies but will be specially tuned for each region." In Europe, Fiesta is being manufactured initially at Fords Niehl plant in Cologne, Germany, and from early next year at Valencia, Spain. By 2010, production of the car will come on stream at Nanjing, China; Rayong, Thailand; and at Cautitlan, Mexico. It is 32 years since the first Fiesta was unveiled. Since then, 12 million have been manufactured, but the new generation (the sixth), now entering production in Europe, marks a "one Ford for the world" philosophya single global company producing vehicles for a single global customer base. At the 2007 Frankfurt Motor Show, Ford unveiled the Verve concept and made no secret of the fact that the production Fiesta would bear a close resemblance to it and would be, in the parlance of Ford of Europe (FoE) Design Director Martin Smith, a "sprinty" car that would appeal to "design progressives." It uses the "kinetic" design that is incorporated in other current FoE models, with sculpted body sides and steeply sloping A-pillars and large windshield. The three-door hatch looks coupe-esque, and the five-door manages to incorporate that signature, with a rising beltline and kickup at the C-pillar. The trapezoidal main grille is sufficiently large to meet the cooling needs of a variety of powertrains, said Smith. Kinetic elements continue into the interior. "It represents a breakthrough in transforming shapes," said Smith. The upper center consoles HMI is modeled on mobile telephones, and there is a wide range of bold colors and materials. In fact, colors have been tuned to trim level, explained Smith, with the Sport model having high contrasts, the luxury version tone-on-tone soft shades, and the top of the range Titanium version echoing modern technology with high-contrast metallic highlights. Interior space is greater than that of the previous Fiesta. Seat comfort and orthopedic efficiency (in the past an often disappointing aspect of small Fords) has been markedly improved. There is 286 mm (11.3 in) of fore and aft adjustment and 55 mm (2.2 in) of height adjustment for the driver. Luggage space is flexible from 295 to 979 L (10.4 to 34.6 ft). While the aesthetics of the Fiesta are central to its market success, its technology (it shares some underpinnings such as the chassis metalwork and some engines with the Mazda2) is equally significant. Palmer underlined the importance of the companys weight-saving program. The car has virtually the same footprint as the outgoing model but is 40 kg (88 lb) lighter and 10% torsionally stiffer at 680 kN (153,000 lb) per rad. "And the key suspension mounting points are over 200% stiffer at road load frequencies," he explained. More than 55% of the body uses high-strength steelthe highest proportional figure of any current Ford"and remarkable in the industry," said Palmer. Bake-hardened steel is used for the front fenders, and the door-ring reinforcement uses boron steel.

Specific area/component weights include 128 kg (282 lb) for the underbody and 117 kg (258 lb) for the upper-body with closures weighing 69 kg (152 lb). Weight reduction was achieved by careful design of every component, with engineers responsible reporting regularly to senior management about how they had optimized weight on components for which they had responsibility. Savings included 0.650 kg (1.4 lb) for the front bumper beam, 1.2 kg (2.6 lb) for the front grille module, 0.400 kg (0.88 lb) for airbags, and a modest but useful 50 g (1.8 oz) for each front hub. The car has electric-power-assisted steering to save weight and energy, bringing a fuel consumption reduction of 3% compared to an hydraulic system. The motor is a three-phase brushless type, speed dependent, and with normal and sport calibrations. The new system also offers pull drift compensation, whereby the car senses when it is on a camber and automatically adjusts the steering feel back to center. Significant safety aspects of the Fiesta include up to seven airbagsand the first kneebag in a small Ford. The company expects a Euro NCAP five-star occupant protection rating to be achieved by the Fiesta but has given no indication of a likely star rating for pedestrian impact. Separate load paths for comfort and crispness responses were elements of the Fiestas design. The front antiroll bar is 3 mm (0.12 in) thicker than before at 22 mm (0.87 in). Roll stiffness of the previous Fiesta was 1418 Nm (1046 lbft) per degree. That has been upped to 1550 (1143), with the sport version at 1676 (1236). Particular emphasis was placed on the Fiestas diesel and gasoline powertrain emissions, said Palmer. The diesel figure for the 1.4-L and 1.6-L Duratorq TDCi engines is 110 g/km. Diesels use EGR (exhaust gas recirculation), pilot injection optimization, and software optimization. The 1.25-L gasoline engine has a compression ratio upped from 10.3:1 to 11.1:1, helping catalyst lightoff time. All new Fiestas get a feature called stall prevention, which operates during low-speed maneuvers by changing the engines ignition profile to provide added torque. An ultra-low-emissions Fiesta ECOnetic is scheduled, with a 1.6-L diesel engine returning a CO2 figure of 98 g/km and fuel consumption of 3.7 L/100 km. The test program of the new Fiesta included 240,000 km (149,000 mi) or 10 years equivalent, which matches the regime for large cars. The test fleet included 170 prototypes, covered some 3.5 million km (2.2 million mi) of on-road durability work, and 300,000 tests on doors and tailgates. The broad span and capabilities and work of the development team reflect the importance of the new car. (article from Automotive Engineering) 22 LANGUAGE STUDY

22.1.1 Some important words for talking about business agreements to put in/submit a tender: to supply a written offer to do a job for an agreed price to win a tender: to be given a job, after submitting a tender to meet/miss a deadline: to supply / fail to supply something by the agreed time a penalty clause: part of a contract specifying what will happen if an agreement is broken an outstanding account: an account that has not yet been paid to default on a payment: to fail to pay something that had been agreed to acknowledge receipt: to inform the sender when something is received to ship an order: to send out goods that have been ordered - nothing to do with boats what is sent is the shipment to expire: to end - of something that was agreed for a fixed period; the noun is expiry

22.1.2 Some Rules of Management (from a Handbook for Managers) Reading humorous books about work can be a fun way of learning new words on the topic. Here is an example from a popular book which makes fun of the modern workplace. The problem is not a lack of resources, it's a lack of meetings. If you're talking, you're communicating1. Low morale2 is caused by character flaws3 in your employees. If 10 people can complete a project in 10 days, then 1 person can complete the project in 1 day. Teamwork4 is when other people do your work for you. ' this verb suggests that listeners understand what the speaker is trying to convey 2 amount of confidence felt by a person or group 3 weaknesses 4 working together for a common purpose 22.2 RIGHT WORDS/WRONG WORDS 22.2.1 say tell; speak talk Say tell You havent got much time, he said/he said to me. (not he told he said me) (say on its own, or followed directly by to me, etc.) We must hurry, he told me. (not he told he told to me he said me) (we always use a personal direct object after tell: tell somebody, not tell to somebody, not tell on its own) He said that/told me that hes retiring. (the same rule apply in indirect speech) It is said that there is plenty of oil off our coast. (not It is told that) There is said to be plenty of oil off our coast. (not there is told to be/to exist) Mandy is said to be some kind of secret agent. (not Mandy is told to be) (said = believed) Who says so? (not tells so/tells is) (also say a few words, say goodnight, say no more, say nothing, say your prayers, say something) I told you so! (Not said you so/said you it) (also: tell the difference, tell a lie, tell a story, tell the time, tell the truth) speak talk We spent the whole night talking. (not speaking) The lecturer took up the entire hour speaking and didnt answer any questions (preferable to talking) (talk suggests conversation; speak suggests a single person saying something: I want to talk to you = have a conversation with you; I want to speak to you = tell you something perhaps serious or unpleasant; also: speak a language; you ask to speak to someone on the phone) I wish you wouldnt speak/talk like that in front of your mother! (interchangeable)

22.2.2 affairs business - Business hasn't been doing very well lately. (Not *Affairs haven't*) (= work to do with buying and selling) - You can keep your nose out of my affairs. (= matters connected with my private or professional life) 22.2.3 affect (have an) effect (on) come into/take effect - This hay fever is having a serious effect on my work. (Not * affect*) (effect is the noun relating to the verb affect: have an effect on something) - This hay fever is seriously affecting my work. (Not *effecting*) (affect is the verb relating to the noun effect) - The new law comes into effect/takes effect next Monday. (Not *has an effect/affect*) (= will be in operation) - Mr Court effected numerous changes while running this company. (Not *affected*) (- brought about, put into effect) 23 GRAMMAR STUDY

23.1 QUANTIFIERS Form Countable all most many a lot of some a few few no Uses In all turnkey contracts we undertake to finance, design, specify, construct, and commission the whole project. As many of our clients ask for a follow-up maintenance agreement, most maintenance will be included in the project price . However, there are some repairs which will not be covered, But, I wish to assure you that in other contracts there have been very few of these Uncountable all most much a lot of some a little little no

23.2 STRUCTURES: ENOUGH, SUFFICIENTLY, TOO We use enough before nouns (e.g. 'Is there enough bread?') and after adjectives (and adverbs): The house was comfortable enough but not luxurious, (not ...enough comfortable...) We are not in a strong enough financial position to cut taxes, (not enough strong...) Compare the position of enough in these sentences with adjective + noun: I haven't got big enough nails for the job. (= the nails that I've got aren't big enough) and I haven't got enough big nails for the job. (= I've got some big nails, but not enough) We use sufficiently before adjectives with a meaning similar to enough. Sufficiently is often preferred in more formal contexts: The policies of the parties were not sufficiently different, (or ...not different enough.) Things would be easier if we only had a sufficiently simple system, (or ...a simple enough system.) i Study these sentences with adjective + enough and too + adjective: The beams have to be strong enough to support the roof. She was too ashamed to admit her mistake. The garage was just about big enough for two cars to fit in. The suitcase was too small (for him) to get all his clothes in. We talk about an action in the to-infinitive clause. If we need to mention the things or people involved, we do this with for.... In rather formal English we can use too + adjective + a/an + noun: I hope you haven't had too tiring a day. (not ...a too tiring day.) (In a less formal style we might say 'I hope your day hasn't been too tiring.) 23.3 COMMENT ADVERBS Comment adverbs Some comment adverbs...


indicate how likely we think apparently, certainly, clearly, definitely, in theory, something is. obviously, presumably, probably, undoubtedly indicate our attitude to or astonishingly, frankly, generally, honestly, to be honest, opinion of what is said. interestingly (enough), luckily, naturally, in my opinion, personally, sadly, seriously, surprisingly, show our judgement of unbelievably bravely, carelessly, foolishly, generously, kindly, someone's actions. rightly, stupidly, wisely, wrongly Most common comment adverbs can occur at the front, middle or end of a sentence: Personally, I'd be surprised if Synonyms is guilty. He led me to a room that had obviously been built later than the rest of the house. The book was based on his experience in China, apparently. There are other possible positions for each of the comment adverbs in these examples. To show that they apply to the whole sentence, we usually separate them from the rest of the sentence, particularly in front and end positions, by a comma in writing or by intonation in speech. A number of phrases and clauses can be used in a similar way to comment adverbs to indicate our attitude to, or opinion of, what is said. For example: To my disappointment, he didn't ask me why I was wearing a false nose. (Also To my surprise/astonishment, etc.)

To be frank, I don't think she's the best person to do the job. (Also To be honest/truthful/fair, etc.) Oddly enough, she didn't mention that she was moving house. (Also Curiously/ Funnily/Strangely enough) To put it simply (or Putting it simply), we need to spend less. (Also To put it (or Putting it) bluntly/briefly/mildly, etc.) 24 APPLICATIONS


24.2 INCREASE YOUR VOCABULARY I. Rewrite these sentences using the word in brackets: Do you have many accounts which have yet to be paid? (outstanding) Until what date is your contract valid? (expire) Please let us know when you receive our payment. (acknowledge) It is very important that you complete your work by the agreed time. (meet) We would like to invite companies to send us proposals as to how they would do the job and what they would charge for it. (submit) It is company policy to take legal action against customers who fail to pay their accounts. (default)

II. Look at the text Some Rules of Management (Chapter 22.1.2). Complete the sentences using these words employee flaw lack morale project resources Joanna is working on a very the moment. Unfortunately, there's your reasoning. What used to be called Personnel is now called Human.. The new manager is doing his best to the office. Sadly our new product has met with a total..of consumer interest. We are extremely sorry to lose Matt as an.

III. The most useful automotive words for you to learn are those that relate to your own field. Go to any website on automotive engineering (e.g:,,, etc). Print out the useful pages and look up for the specialist vocabulary.


Translate the following specialist terms into Romanian aircraft airport analyse anneal barrage boiler borehole bridge building contractor bulldozer cable camber drawings energy engine engineer estimate excavator feasibility study finished design fluid mechanics flume footbridge forge found galvanize gas engine geology highway hydraulic lift bridge load-bearing lock machine part machine tool main maintenance manufacturing process mathematics mechanical mechanics physical preliminary design preliminary feasibility study process

production proposal site investigation suspender suspension bridge swing bridge systems analysis tarmac technical drawings temper tender thermodynamics thermodynamics tower transfer process





Translate the following specialist terms into Romanian complicated difficult discount general knowledge instructions to be made of average (on average) over-the-counter research and development (R & D) safe safety to monitor to reach (the market) to take (+ time) to test assemble assembly line batch bottleneck breakdown component controlling convert cycle delivery demand downtime effectiveness efficiency electronic equipment

evaluate factory failure fault finished product fixtures flow flow forecast input inventory layout lead time line logistics lot machinery make-to-order make-to-stock manufacturing material materials handling maximize measure mechanical operations output oven overtime planning plant process produce production line shift site stock storage throughput to collect to damage uncertainty unit update work in progress workforce workload


1. Alexander, L.G. Right Word Wrong Word. London: Longman, 1998 2. Brieger, Nick; Pohl, Alison. Technical English. Vocabulary and Grammar. Oxford: Summertown Publishing Limited, 2004 3. Dictionar tehnic englez-roman. Bucuresti: Editura Tehnica, 1997; 4. Glendinning, E, Glendinning, N. English for Electrica land Mechanical Engineering. Oxford University Press, 1996; 5. McCarthy, Michael; ODell, Felicity. English Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge: University Press, 2002; 6. Raymond, Murphy. Advanced Grammar in Use. Cambridge: University Press, 2002; 7. Thomson, A.J; Martinet, A.V. A Practical English Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997; 8. Vaughan, J (General Editor). General Engineering. London: Prentice Hall International, 1992; *** Undergraduate Prospectus, Queen Mary University 2003-2004; ***

1 WHAT IS ENGINEERING?.............................................................................................................................................1 2 language study...................................................................................................................................................................2 2.1 Increase your vocabulary............................................................................................................................................2 2.1.1 Engineering.........................................................................................................................................................2 2.1.2 Aspects of Industrialization.................................................................................................................................3 2.2 Right words wrong words.......................................................................................................................................4 2.2.1 Diploma degree certificate licence.............................................................................................................4 2.2.2 Nouns names of sciences..................................................................................................................................4 3 Grammar study..................................................................................................................................................................5 3.1 Tenses present tenses past tenses future tense...................................................................................................5 3.1.1 Present tenses.......................................................................................................................................................5 3.1.2 The past and perfect tenses..................................................................................................................................6 3.1.3 Expressing Future Time.....................................................................................................................................10 3.2 active and passive....................................................................................................................................................11 4 applications ......................................................................................................................................................................11 4.1 Check your understanding of the text.......................................................................................................................11 4.2 Increasing your vocabulary......................................................................................................................................11 4.3 Check your grammar................................................................................................................................................12 4.3.1 TENSES.............................................................................................................................................................12 4.3.2 Active and Passive.............................................................................................................................................16 5 What is AUTOMOTIVE Engineering? .........................................................................................................................18 6 Language study................................................................................................................................................................21 6.1 Increase your vocabulary..........................................................................................................................................21 6.1.1 Engineering materials........................................................................................................................................21 6.1.2 Describing objects, shape, size, use etc.............................................................................................................22 6.2 Right words/wrong words........................................................................................................................................24 6.2.1 engineer - mechanic - technician...................................................................................................................24 6.2.2 engine - motor - machine machinery..............................................................................................................24 7 Grammar study................................................................................................................................................................24 7.1 SUMMARY CHART OF MODALS AND SIMILAR EXPRESSIONS................................................................24 7.2 Obligation and requirements....................................................................................................................................26 8 applications......................................................................................................................................................................27 8.1 Check your understanding of the text.......................................................................................................................27 8.2 Increase your vocabulary..........................................................................................................................................27 8.3 Check your grammar................................................................................................................................................28 9 Vehicle bodies, Commercial vehicles.............................................................................................................................30 10 Language study..............................................................................................................................................................32 10.1 Increase your vocabulary........................................................................................................................................32 10.1.1 Driving and traffic regulations .......................................................................................................................32 10.1.2 Traffic problems .............................................................................................................................................32 10.2 Right words/wrong words......................................................................................................................................33 10.2.1 examine - interrogate/question - interview - ask.............................................................................................33 10.2.2 actual real topical up to date...................................................................................................................33 10.2.3 actually at present/for the present at the moment......................................................................................33 11 grammar study...............................................................................................................................................................33 11.1 Comparison of adjectives.......................................................................................................................................33 11.2 Adjectives and adverbs...........................................................................................................................................34 12 applications....................................................................................................................................................................35 12.1 Check your understanding of the text.....................................................................................................................35 12.2 Increase your vocabulary........................................................................................................................................35 12.3 Check your grammar..............................................................................................................................................36 13 ENGINEERING DESIGN............................................................................................................................................38 14 Language study..............................................................................................................................................................40 14.1 increase your vocabulary........................................................................................................................................40 14.1.1 Acronyms and concepts in engineering and process control ...........................................................................40 14.2 Right words/wrong words .....................................................................................................................................41 14.2.1 design drawing..............................................................................................................................................41

14.2.2 detailed - in detail - with details......................................................................................................................41 14.2.3 desk - office - bureau study..........................................................................................................................41 15 grammar study...............................................................................................................................................................41 15.1 forming questions...................................................................................................................................................41 15.2 irregular plurals......................................................................................................................................................43 16 applications....................................................................................................................................................................44 16.1 Check your understanding of the text.....................................................................................................................44 16.2 increase your vocabulary........................................................................................................................................44 16.3 check your grammar...............................................................................................................................................44 17 product management the vehicle................................................................................................................................46 18 Language study..............................................................................................................................................................47 18.1 increase your vocabulary........................................................................................................................................47 18.1.1 Production........................................................................................................................................................47 18.1.2 Collocations Engineer/Engineering..............................................................................................................48 18.2 Right words/wrong words......................................................................................................................................48 18.2.1 Economical cheap economic.....................................................................................................................48 18.2.2 Business...........................................................................................................................................................49 18.2.3 businessman entrepreneur.............................................................................................................................49 19 grammar study...............................................................................................................................................................49 19.1 relative clauses........................................................................................................................................................49 19.2 Structure: whoever, whichever, whatever, whenever, wherever, however...........................................................52 20 applications....................................................................................................................................................................53 20.1 check your understanding of the text......................................................................................................................53 20.2 increase your VOCABULARY..............................................................................................................................53 20.3 check your grammar...............................................................................................................................................54 21 vehicles..........................................................................................................................................................................56 22 language study...............................................................................................................................................................57 22.1.1 Some important words for talking about business agreements.......................................................................57 22.1.2 Some Rules of Management............................................................................................................................58 22.2 right words/wrong words........................................................................................................................................58 22.2.1 say tell; speak talk .....................................................................................................................................58 22.2.2 affairs business..............................................................................................................................................59 22.2.3 affect (have an) effect (on) come into/take effect.......................................................................................59 23 grammar study...............................................................................................................................................................59 23.1 Quantifiers..............................................................................................................................................................59 23.2 structures: Enough, sufficiently, too.......................................................................................................................60 23.3 Comment adverbs.................................................................................................................................................60 24 applications ....................................................................................................................................................................61 24.1 check your understanding of the text......................................................................................................................61 24.2 increase your vocabulary........................................................................................................................................61 25 specialist vocabulary practice........................................................................................................................................62 25.1 Engineering ............................................................................................................................................................62 25.2 Production, Product description, Product development .........................................................................................63 26 references.......................................................................................................................................................................65

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