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2 August 2012

Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association Medical Plan may cover this examination. Contact your plan provider to verify.

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No. 01

Life is One Big sandBOx
For those of you who wonder what exactly the Tractor Company does, heres a little of their history and the role they play within the LAFD today . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06

a firefighters MOst functiOnaL tOOL

There has long been one axe that stands out in LAFD folklore the incomparable Seagrave axe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08


retireMent dinners gaLOre

LAFD members are retiring at an astounding rate. Check out the dinner announcements and then read the stories about the celebrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Presidents Message ................................................................................05 Station Fridge ...........................................................................................10 In Memoriam Stephenie Glas .....................................................................................11 Battalion News ..........................................................................................13 Retired Guys ...........................................................................................21 Search & Rescue ......................................................................................23 Service Pension Checklist ........................................................................25 Department In Action ................................................................................26 LAFD Golf Club Championship Tournament ...........................................................32 LAFD Handball Two National Champions .......................................................................35 Mailbox .....................................................................................................36 Memorials .................................................................................................38 Retirement Dinner Announcements ...........................................................39 Retirement Dinner Celebrations Rodolfo Rudy Martinez .......................................................................40 Bobby Raya ..........................................................................................41 Bill Gerke .............................................................................................42 Randy Opperman .................................................................................43 Dollars & Sense ..........................................................................................47 LAFD-HS History The GATX fire .......................................................................................49 Minutes of the Board of Trustees ..............................................................52 Classifieds ................................................................................................57 Tailboard ...................................................................................................61

Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association. No material may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher.
Notice: Production of The Firemens Grapevine magazine is very expensive, and while your dues serve to underwrite a portion of the magazines costs, the bulk of funding comes from advertisers. Many businesses advertise in the Grapevine. This does not mean that LAFRA endorses these advertisers. Use of a Grapevine advertiser is at the risk of the member. If you are interested in any of the advertisements, we urge you to use any and all means at your disposal to investigate them.


on the cover: Greater alarm structure Fire - canoga Park Photo submitted by Juan Guerra, ePn
August 2012 3

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Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association 815 Colorado Blvd, 4th Floor, los angeles Ca 90041
owned and published by the

dave Wagner Juan-Carlos Snchez Project Eric Santiago Creative david Vienna Web/Social Media displayAdvertising....................................(323) 259-5200 ext. 231, 232, 260
Matt Spence, Brian HuMpHrey, erik Scott


Mike MaStro, Frank Borden, Marc eckStein M.d., JoHn MittendorF, MicHael SteFano, Monte egHerMan, Jody HouSer


david Blaire, doc deMulle, keitH culloM, roB curtiS, Harry garvin, Juan guerra, Brian HaiMer, gavin kauFMan, ryan ling, rick Mcclure, Mike MeadowS, lloyd payne, JeFF ZiMMerMan, yvonne griFFin, laura licHter.

John JaCoBsen .........................................................preSident Juan alBarran .................................................vice-preSident andrew KulJis ........................................................Secretary

boARd oF tRuStEES
Barry HedBerg cHriS Hart cHriS Stine craig wHite david lowe david ortiZ david peterS doak SMitH Frank HernandeZ gary MatSuBara gene BednarcHik JaMeS e. coBurn JeFF cawdrey kurt StaBel Mark akaHoSHi Mike overHolSer rick godineZ roBert SteinBacHer Steve tuFtS Steven doManSki tiM larSon


greg w. giBson...............Sr. cHaplain danny leon...........................cHaplain george a. negrete...............cHaplain aquil F. Basheer...................cHaplain


hershy Z. ten........................cHaplain riCK a. godineZ.....................cHaplain MarK r. woolF......................cHaplain Jesus Pasos..........................cHaplain

tELEPHoNES Fire-relieF ................................................................(323) 259-5200 relieFassoCiation toll Free nuMBer ...........................(800) 244-3439 relieF MediCal Plan ..........................(866) 99laFra- (866) 995-2372 Fax nuMBer ................................................................(323) 259-5290 LAFRA MANAGEMENt david ned sMith exeCutive direCtor............................(323) 259-5201 Marlene Casillas develoPMent & MarKeting direCtor(323) 259-5217 BeCKy valverde huMan resourCesadMinistrator.......(323) 259-5247 todd layFer Controller/treasurer.........................(323) 259-5243 BoB dillon oPerations Manager................................(323) 259-5233 ana salaZar MeMBer serviCes Coordinator...............(323) 259-5223 HealthSCoPE benefits

wayne sherMan MediCal ClaiMs Manager...................(323) 259-5211

tHE FIREMENS GRAPEVINE (USPS 191-060) is published monthly by the Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association, 815 Colorado blvd. 4th Floor, Los Angeles, California 90041. Annual $24 Subscription included with Association membership; Non-members: $36. Single issues $3 postpaid. Back issues $6 postpaid. Periodicals postage paid at Los Angeles, CA and at additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: tHE FIREMENS GRAPEVINE Magazine, P.O. BOX 41903, Los Angeles, CA 90041. Printed by Collective Color, Los Angeles CA. For Classified and Display Advertising rates please call (323) 259-5200, ext. 231, 232 or 260. All editorial matter must be received by the Editor eight weeks prior to the month of publication. The opinions expressed herein are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Los Angeles City Fire Department or the Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association.

4 August 2012

By John Jacobsen

dont think anyone in the country has escaped hearing about the recent developments dealing with Healthcare Reform. You would have had to been living in a cave or on a remote desert island to escape the media blitz. Its been on the radio, the television, the web, in the newspapers and even on the side of buildings in some areas. Im sure each of us has tried to absorb and follow along with the key points of the legislation, or then again maybe you havent. (A desert island might not be that bad) Regardless, most of us have the same concerns and questions of how is this going to affect us. Is this going to raise our healthcare premiums? Is access to doctors for my family going to be reduced? How is this all going to work? The simple answer is that we can only take an educated guess on some of the provisions and the final outcome is going to be determined sometime in the future for a lot of the changes. LAFRA has implemented several of the changes already and we are planning in anticipation of the upcoming ones as they unfold. If you take a look at the timeline for the entire Affordable Care Act, each year has several different developments and/or requirements that need to be complied with. It is difficult to say with the utmost certainty the full impact of the legislation because it has been and continues to be somewhat of a moving target. Provisions are being defined or clarified continuously and its my opinion that this will continue to be the case. Rest assured, almost everything to do with healthcare has a cost associated with it, whether it is a savings or increase. As the changes or mandates unfold we will do our best to keep you informed of how each will impact you and your family. Our current pharmaceutical benefit manager Medco recently merged with Express Scripts and combined to form one company which will be known as Express Scripts. On September 1, 2012, the process of introducing the Express Scripts name to Medco members will begin. This means the website, customer service representatives, and written communications will begin referencing the Express Scripts name. Even though the name is changing, the way our plan members order prescriptions, contact customer service and access the website will remain the same. What will change on September 1? The Express Scripts name and brand will appear on most member communications starting September 1. All references to the Medco name/logo on the current website will change to Express Scripts, BUT the web address - www. - will remain the same. If you have a link to this website from your computer, you do not need to change it.

Communication pieces such as Explanation of Benefits (EOBs), or those encouraging the use of preferred medications such as generics, will reference Express Scripts. Customer service representative greetings will include this transitional messaging: Medco is now a part of the Express Scripts family of pharmacies. Literature packets and communications associated with prescrip- tions ordered through the mail will include information about the name change. There may be times when members will still see references to Medco as well as Express Scripts until the full transition is complete.

What remains the same? How you order prescriptions or contact the Medco Pharmacy remains the same. Members can continue to refill their prescriptions by using their current ID card, refill order forms, the website, or the toll-free member services telephone number on their ID card. I hope no one is going into information overload at this point, but we need to get the word out sooner than later. The bottom line for our LAFRA PPO Medical Plan members is this: the Medco name is being replaced with Express Scripts. Other than that notable change, everything else should remain the same. I want to say thank you to the 40+% of our Relief Association members who are currently contributing to the Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund through payroll deduction. Many of you have been contributing since the day you signed up in the Drill Tower. This includes both our active and retired members alike and is something that should be commended. It would be quite an impressive feat if we could attain 100% participation and even if the amount contributed was as little as the cost of a cup of fancy coffee. Its as easy as making a phone call to get started or to adjust your deduction. (323) 259-5200 Ext. 223 Sales pitch is over, but all of you know how important this is. Respectfully,

John E. Jacobsen 323 259-5200

August 2012 5

By sergio Mayorga, FF/heo, Fs 109-c

Through the years, the Mountain Patrol acquired many pieces of apparatus including trucks, tractors, and trailers. The amount of land covered also increased. In 1961, department dozers were used during the Bel Air fire and saved homes by widening firebreaks and placing lines behind homes. In the years that followed, the civilian crew was released and the Tractor Company was closed and reopened a couple of times. Finally in 1995, Chief Donald F. Anthony began rebuilding the Tractor Company, and by the year 2000, six operators were assigned to Fire Station 88. today Todays Tractor Company (aka Heavy Equipment Company) is part of the Wildland Fuel Management Unit and is located at FS109. It has two firefighters on special duty working 10 hour shifts as acting captains, and six heavy equipment operators (HEOs) - two per shift.
Mountain Patrol - circa 1967 overhauling the universal Fire

or those of you who wonder what exactly the tractor company does, this article will explain a little bit about the history of the tractor company and what role we play in the fire department today.

HiStory The genesis of the tractor company began in 1924 with Mountain Patrol 1 - located in Coldwater Canyon, and Mountain Patrol 2 - located in Sepulveda Canyon. The patrols were housed in two water department buildings and staffed with a battalion chief, firefighters, and civilians. The 108 mile area was divided into districts, and patrolled by firefighters who would report and mount an initial attack on any fires in the district. Civilian workers cut and maintained the fire roads, trails, and firebreaks.

6 August 2012

Todays Tractor Company is responsible for maintaining 54 miles of fire roads, and 28 miles of fire breaks annually. Other operations include towing apparatus of all types and overhauling major fires. The Tractor Company also responds to brushfires with bulldozers and/ or water tenders. In addition, active firefighting is done with our equipment. For example, HEOs were on scene at the Universal Studios fire, the auto wrecking yard fires, as well as the metal fires. The company also handles the removal of mud flow debris, roadway slides, and sandbag deliveries. The tractor company delivers all the drill cars for training to the Frank Hotchkin Memorial Training Center and fire stations, and assists the U.S.A.R, Hazmat, Air Ops, and Building Administration with their projects. In addition to our duties during the day, at night, tractor operators rotate between Rescue 909 and Engine 109. Recently we were put in charge of the rehab tender for FS 83 and the light utility. According to the year-end report for 2011, the tractor company saved the department a total of $352,435.00 when compared to the cost of hiring outside contractors to do this varied work. A summary of the savings is as follows: Fire Break Maintenance - $42,644 Fire Road Maintenance - $113,883 Roadway Slides Cleared - $3,332

Washout Repairs with Drain Installa- tion - $3,570 Overhauls - $94,381 Tows - $57,960 Sand and Sand Bag Deliveries - $10,000 Misc. Projects - $26,665

The duties of a HEO for the tractor company are varied and require many hours of training. Upcoming articles will provide more information about specific Tractor Company operations.

laFD MeMBers Michael valas, sergio Mayorga, steve Dyer anD roBerto Martinez train with ventura co. Fire.

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August 2012 7

By Jerry BeDoya, caPtain, Fs 10-c

ccording to the LAFD Drill Manual, the pickhead axe is one of the most functional tools carried on fire apparatus. Its multiple uses have longproven valuable, and the pride in which members care for this tool is unparalleled. Whether venting a Victorian or breaching a wall, the pickhead axe has time and again proven to be a firefighters best friend. So valued is this tool, that many have come to define firemanship by how well a member performs once forced to unscabbard their axe. LAFD axes come in different shapes and sizes, and are equipped with synthetic handles instead of the traditional wood. As irrever-

ent as this may sound, todays firefighters actually prefer an artificial handle over the prestige and elegance of hickory or ash. That said, there has long been one axe that stands out amongst all others in LAFD folklore; the incomparable Seagrave axe. While the allure of the Seagrave axe may be known to many, its the history behind the axe that may surprise even more. Aesthetically, the head of a Seagrave axe is unlike any pickhead axe ever made. There are four distinct traits differentiating this axe from all others: (1) the overall length is longer, (2) the breadth of the blade is more slender, (3) the pick angle is cast slightly downward, and (4) the axe-lip (where the handle enters the head) is diamond-shaped. Note: the term Seagrave axe is a moniker given this tool by firemen long ago, and NOT by the manufacturer or the LAFD.

FireMans axe - Pick heaD MoDel

In 1826, blacksmiths Samuel and David Collins and their wealthy cousin founded an axe manufacturing business on the banks of the Farmington River in South Canton, CT. Despite the Industrial Revolution having commenced seventy-five years earlier, it still took blacksmiths of that era an entire day to produce a single unsharpened axe. The three men concluded if they could mass-produce high quality, sharpened axes at a low price point then sales would flourish. They went on to name their new venture, Collins & Co. Simply stated, the three men were innovators with backgrounds in fabrication and finance. They began their manufacturing enterprise by bringing in several blacksmiths from

caPt selwyn lloyD receiveD an authentic seagrave axe FroM the MeMBers at 10s uPon his ProMotion. here hes with his crew at 73s. Photo By gavin kauFMan, FF/PM, Fs 93-a

8 August 2012

neighboring areas and making each a specialist in a single aspect of the fabrication process. This commitment to specialization enabled Collins & Co. to mass-produce high quality axes which were sharpened, less costly and ready for use immediately upon purchase. Manufacturing outputs steadily increased over the years as newer machines and innovative ideas were introduced. The Collins Co. expanded into making various other edge tools in an effort to supply the ever-demanding contracting needs of that era. They eventually entered the international market to service the harvesting demands of Central and South America as well as the West Indies and Cuba. The Collins Company evolved into a legitimate global competitor and in time became the worlds leading axe manufacturer. This global prominence, however, resulted in serious complications as competitors began counterfeiting their axes and marketing labels. Although several US patents were obtained in an effort to curtail such practices, none of them proved as constructive as the stamping of the company emblem on their axes. The stamped insignia of a Crown, Arm & Hammer above the word Legitimus along with the names of Collins & Co and Hartford, was thereafter etched into the axes. Coinciding with the companys growth and area development, the Collinsville
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Volunteer Fire Department established itself in 1846. Shortly thereafter the company fabricated a unique looking axe (Seagrave axe) for the Collinsville fire engine which they aptly named the Fireman Axe. Years later Fredric Seagrave, founder of the Seagrave Corporation, commissioned The Collins Co. to provide a similar axe as standard compliment on all new Seagrave fire engines. In addition to the standard insignia, those made exclusively for Seagrave also included the wording Expressly Made for the Seagrave Corporation. Although no definitive proof has been found as to when the production of the Seagrave axe was discontinued, it is believed to be circa 1921 as low production numbers ceased to justify cost. Aside from the Collins brothers, a machinist by the name of Elisha K. Root became the companys most notable employee. In 1830, Root invented die casting which was critical in the production of their high quality axes. Unlike mold casting, die casting involved injecting metal into a mold under high pressure thus creating a more uniform product with dimensional accuracy. The costly postmachining of axes had now been eliminated thanks to Roots ingenuity. Elisha K. Root went on to create several more patents, including an automated machine that shaved the blade of axes in an effort to reduce the cost of grindstone finishing.

More than anything, however, Root re-conceptualized the making of axes which catapulted The Collins Co into the worlds leading axe manufacturer. Elisha K. Roots inventiveness soon became widely acclaimed, and within time captured the attention of another famous industrialist. In 1849, gun maker Samuel Colt (Colt 45) recognized the industrialist nature of Elisha K. Root and hired him away from The Collins Company. Root went on to carry out his duties with great success, developing several more techniques and machinery related to the gun industry. Roots contributions to the Colt industry were so noteworthy that after Samuel Colts death in 1862, Elisha K. Root was named president of Colt Firearms. After 140 years of success and community pride, The Collins Company closed its doors for the final time in 1966. Today, twentysix of the original factory buildings remain in large part due to the efforts of the Canton Historical Museum. As youve just read, the origin of the incomparable Seagrave axe has tentacles far beyond that of simple fabrication. Therefore, let us be mindful of the perspective one gets when piercing into the light of darkness, as it can inspire an appreciation for what may oftentimes appear . . . insignificant.

August 2012 9

10 August 2012

tephenie was born in Redondo Beach on a warm day in August of 1974. She was always a happy child except when it was time to go to bed. I used to think that maybe she thought her dad and I were going to have a party after she fell asleep and she didnt want to miss out. Stephenie loved the outdoors immensely. She enjoyed the camping trips we took and the chance to stay up late with her mom and dad. She was a delightful child and took an interest in skateboarding, reading and playing sports with the boys in the neighborhood. Her interest in competitive sports started in the seventh grade. She really enjoyed track and field as well, and that interest continued in high school. I used to go weak in the knees when I watched her jump hurdles. Stephenie set the bar extremely high for herself. She was never happy with anything but an A. Her grades were excellent in high

school and she was accepted to seven universities. She chose UCLA and graduated with honors with a degree in psychology. After graduation Stephenie started her own business, Glas Fitness. As a personal trainer Stephenie did what she loved, helping people get healthy and strong. This preparation proved to be the catalyst for a career as a firefighter. After six years of disappointments, she was finally accepted to the Los Angeles Fire Department. Although Stephenie was proud to be a firefighter, and pleased that firefighting fulfilled her need to work hard, give support to her team and serve the community, she still needed to do more. She spent the last two years of her life giving service and support to her own community, Malibu. By working closely with her boyfriend, Stephenie spent long hours conceiving ideas, formulating plans and interviewing members of the community that wanted to restore the Malibu Lagoon. She created a web site that educated the community and gave historical reference to the Chumash that inhabited Malibu. And she lovingly found time to mountain bike, kite surf, snowboard, train clients and workout to keep herself fit. Stephenie created an impact on many peoples lives. She was remarkable. Her father and I will miss her every day for the rest of our lives. Thank you to everyone that shared in the celebration of her life. Patricia Glas

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A portion of fire-related jewelry profits donated to the Widows, Orphans and Disabled Firemens Fund.

August 2012 11

12 August 2012

the views expressed by the battalion News writers do Not necessarily reflect those of the Firemens Relief Association

One of the bigwigs at AEG, the group that controls Staples Center, had his day with the cup in June and wanted to share with the public servants who help to protect the folks at Staples. On June 28, 2012, the Stanley Cup made its rounds around the LA Live area and was at Fire Station 10 from noon until 1400 hours. The Cup also visited the Fire Prevention Bureau, the LAPD division and then was on to Childrens Hospital to share with the kids. share with the kids.

Photos by Rob CuRtis, A/o, Fs 89 August 2012 13

Greetings once again from the sinners and the saints of the Second Battalion . . . Lots of comings and goings this month. A/O Jessie Wong jumps out of the pool at Ones for a permanent home at 50s on the A. Eng/PM Ricolas Riddall mutuals out of Highland Park for 11s and FF Ara Hagopian leaves the Double Nickle for Accounting. To ease the pain of our loss Captain I Phil Dominguez will lead the brave at 12s on the A. CI Duc Nguyen returns to his old stomping grounds in El Sereno, CI/PM Kristina Kepner will call 12s home, Engineer Gregory Stonebraker mutuals out of 11s and into 12s, and last, but certainly not least, FF Daniel Carillo will hang his PPEs up in Highland Park. Remember... we start off liking you, youll have to do something to change that. Let me start with the sad news from our beloved battalion this month. As you have probably heard, Engine 44 and Rescue Ones best efforts were unsuccessful in reviving Inspector Jerald Coates who resides in 44s first in and would park his inspectormobile in their parking lot. Light Forces One and Three

FroM were present with crossed aerials at the post memorial service at Franks Place. While I didnt know him, judging from the turnout and the stories told it was my loss. This brings me to the good news. The department sponsored show of respect and support for the family is reminiscent of an earlier time where there was little noticeable separation between the leadership and the rank and file. For a while political and promotional aspirations were set aside and the Fire Department family was whole again. It gives me hope for the future. To quote Luke Skywalker as he battled Darth Vader . . . There is still good in you. I can feel it. I would also be remiss in my duties if I didnt give proper credit to Battalion 2 Chief Rudy Hill who made the rounds on Fathers Day to deliver pies for dessert. MARIE CALENDER pies! Thank you Chief, unexpected gifts come from the heart. Again... it gives me hope for the future. A story has made its way to me this month about the big Five-O. The day before Junes C shift Battalion Inspection, yes, the one where the C shift was

what not

light Force one anD light Force three were ProuD DePartMents

to Be Part oF the show oF suPPort For the

FaMily oF insPector JeralD coates.

the Man was My loss. coming back from a four day and the A and B were able to show their pride and do the heavy lifting . . . anyway, all hands at 50s are working hard to make the house and apparatus sparkle in between calls to save lives and property. Come 7 pm it is noticed by those in charge that the intensity of the work is beginning to wane as the crew grows weak from hunger, so a pizza solution is considered. As luck would have it a long ring comes in before the pizza plan can be implemented. After aid is rendered to a critical minor constituent, two members from the Light Force accompany Rescue 55 to Childrens Hospital. Once their task has been accomplished, the helpful pair wait patiently for their compatriots to come and pick them up. Forty five minutes pass and hope for timely transportation to any form of sustenance is lost. The Rescue completes all of their paperwork, so pity is taken upon the deserted duo and a ride back to quarters is offered. As their destination looms on the horizon the truck and pump are noticed . . . safely parked within view of a nearby Dennys. Having just enough reserve strength to make their way into the restaurant and to the table of their comrades, they discover that if they carefully brush the table cloth with a butter knife and are willing to suck on the leftover ice cubes they will be strong enough to make it back to quarters and continue preparing for inspection . . . til midnight. This is why I maintain that there should be at least some math on ALL promotional exams.


saw anD knowing

the weakest link Send your version of the truth to:

14 August 2012

Out with the old . . . and in with the old?!? Recently retired bull engineer Wayne Nakamura made his way down to FS 85 to present Matt Powell with the department bull (looks like someone fixed the broken horn). The newest bull engineer promoted to rank in July of 1981 thats over thirty years ago!! Matt was also presented with the new bull engineer plaque made by Dustin Bulmer of FS 89-A.

Let me start this story by letting you know this was a out-of-battalion Chief. No Battalion 9 chief was harmed in this story at any time. So let the buffoonery begin. LAPD bomb squad comes across some unexploded ordinance than needs to be safely disposed of (blown up) on the beach in 23s first in. Engine 23 lets the B/C know about the upcoming fireworks show. Battalion 9 responds emergency to the beach, head clouded with thoughts of rockets red glare and bombs bursting in air. A young PD officer stops the chief at the gate and says, Sir you cant come in THIS WAY. The chief responds, Hey KID, see this red suburban with a Nine on it? Yeah, I do what I want. Well, when Officer Friendly said THIS WAY it was to keep the chief from running over the EXIT only, one way spikes! Yikes! Four flat tires later, Heavy Rescue is cruising to the beach at midnight with four fresh tires and a slice of warm humble pie. Moral of the story - no matter how cool you think you are, spike strips always win.

Captain Jaramillo is slowly easing into the 37s routine. He went from supposedly Do It at 9s to slaying the automatic dragon at 37s. He still likes to remind the guys at 37s how tough he is though. What better way to show them how tough than by tearing your bicep off on the handball court. Be careful Cap, too many injurys will get you banned from the court, according to management. Jim Prabhu and Jorge Ostrovsky recently finished interviews for the Ride for 911 documentary which should be airing in the next few months - keep an eye out. Some goodbyes now. Dave Allen retired out of 23s - Never get out of the cab. If you break rule one, never cross the curb and never take your hands out of your pockets. Ron Lingo and Chris Dale retired out of 69s. Captains George Roque (37) and Tom Haus (19) both transferred somewhere. They were replaced with a large bags of sawdust. Its not personal, Its just business

last Month the guys at 39-c were treateD to a taco cart Dinner By e.i.t. anD all-arounD gooD guy Joe Porras. Joe also haD the whole FaMily in, incluDing the granDkiDs, to celeBrate 35 years oF service with the laFD. caught on taPe which airs on MsnBc.
tervieweD For the PrograM

Pilot scott BowMan

was recently in-

August 2012 15

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16 August 2012

Pilot-in-coMManD guarDing shiPs cockPit

Recently the department was requested to participate in the American Heros Air Show. An Air Ambulance was sent to be part of the display. As usual it was a full day with lots of visitors. So as the story goes the Pilot-In-Command decided that he would take first lunch, and his last words to the crew were, Dont let ANYBODY into the cockpit, concerned that any one of the hundreds of buttons, switches, dials, levers, or knobs could be moved, compromising the

aircrafts readiness to respond or operate with the highest level of safety. Well thats not really the story, heres the story . . . Sometime while the PilotIn-Command was away, foraging for lunch, an Off-Duty B/C arrived to show HIS children the LAFD helicopter. As the chief reached for the cockpit door, the crew dutifully informed HIM that the Pilot-In-Command did not want ANY visitors in the cockpit. So after stating that HIS kids would be OK, the chiefs children enjoyed their time in the cockpit as the other visitors looked on.

In the late afternoon of July 6th, a Cadillac Escalade with two people inside lost control and struck the rear of a parked tractor-trailer rig in the 8400 block of Foothill Blvd in Sunland. Arriving on scene, Light Force 74 determined that the SUV needed to be removed from under the trailer and used their engine to pull it out. The driver had been pinned under the steering wheel and the passenger wedged under the trailer bed. 77s, 24s, 98s and a few battalion 14 companies helped with the extrication and treatment of the patients. Photos by David Doc DeMulle

August 2012 17

Greetings from the Battalion that never sleeps! First of all, Id like to say Thank You to one of the Stalwarts of Battalion 13 that finally/begrudgingly moved to greener pastures out at FS 87. Many current engineers owe Steve Canchola a huge thank you for the knowledge and work ethic he instilled and expected from everybody that was around him. Good luck out there Steve and I hope they ordered double the amount of metal polish, because their rigs are in for a real treat. Also, recently the Hope For Firefighters event was held downtown. Couldnt have picked a better day to enjoy a full cornucopia of delectable delights. Perfect weather, good times, and plenty of food served for a really great cause! Thank you to all who participated and congrats to FS 60 on the win. Another month and another BiMonthly Inspection . . . Yes I know, we just had Bi-Monthly Inspection on May 5th, and here it is again on June 11th . . . I guess since we just had it, it shouldnt be that hard to maintain all the previous months work along with a little tidying up. Although I know that everybody in the battalion didnt rest on their past laurels and made sure that they still gave the chief a good inspection. Diamond-plate was re-polished, station floors were re-stripped and waxed, and PPEs were once again swapped out to the lesser used set. Apparently everything went well, and thanks to everybody for all the hard work. See you July 17th for the next one?!? Speaking of inspection and inspection prep . . . I think this month I will bypass any suspense and talk about 65s right from the start. From what I hear, if youre looking for a SOD day, sign-up right before inspection. Apparently, out of the eight normally assigned members, only four were working the shift before. So when it comes time to do the 5054s and the captain calls for a little help, its usually

the normally assigned personnel, not the out of house guys . . . or am I screwed up? Seems as if there were three non-shifters and one regular shifter until the regular shifter up-andwalked away from the table and then there was just three non-shifters. Talk about shift pride! Later in the day, while two out-of-house guys are washing, waxing and detailing the reserve RA 65, the previously mentioned, normally assigned member looked at the work they were putting in and then looked at his front-line RA 865 and . . . up-and-walked away (on-going theme?). I guess the saying, a little work goes a long way was the motto of the day . . . or was it, a little work and up-and walk away? Anyway Inspection went fine and all is well. Im still waiting on info for next months issue, so keep your fingers crossed! Last month we had a full Lunar Eclipse which is fairly rare, but even more out of the ordinary is an officer riding on an 800 series ambulance. This could be a question from the next chiefs test, so all you studiers pay attention. Recently I was told about the strange sight, when RA 866 was dispatched into 57s district. You can imagine the surprised looks when the 800 pulls up and expecting two FFs to get out, they saw a Capt II get out instead. When asked why he was on the 800, he simply said, just making it work. Turns out that Engine 66 was shut down for EMT and there was an extra guy. The Captain I is on the IIs list, so in order to allow the Captain I to get some experience on the truck and the cook to stay un-interrupted, the C-2 jumped on the 800 attendant spot and did whats right for his crew. This also allowed two meals to be prepared and put on the table on time. Seems like no big deal, but weve all seen some that would need to go do office work or whatever, not to make it work. No wonder hes been passed over for B/C a few times . . . and for those of you who cant believe that an officer would go to those measures, well congratulations, youve probably already promoted past that. Just sayin . . . Finally, I received a comment from one of the previous articles regarding the cook

who didnt want to cook. The statement was . . . well the shortened statement was, you get out what you put in . . . not sure if that means that if you put in effort you get effort back, or if you dont make any effort then you wont get any effort back. Maybe he was trying to quote Jules Winnfield, and hes not sure if hes The Righteous Man or maybe The Shepherd? Anyway, from what I hear, his frozen bag of chicken wings isnt the worst thing being served up to a hungry hard working crew. Apparently theres a guy in the next battalion over that wants a run for the Championship! At FS 14 on the A days, if youre lucky enough to work the day before inspection or any other day the captain may cook, you are really in for a gourmet treat! And by gourmet, be prepared to be wowed by such delights as: boiled hot dogs on generic wheat bread . . . cans of Ragu sauce with hot dogs in it (common theme? Is the crew made up of 5 year olds?) . . . wait theres more?!? . . . and to really add some zest to it, chop up last nights salmon and put it in the sauce and serve over a bed of overcooked pasta. And finally comes the ever favorite lunch consisting of chopped up iceberg lettuce with two cans of partly drained tuna in oil (I always wondered who bought that and I guess now I know) and the outcome is . . . tuna salad. Kudos to the guys riding RA846 when this next incident happened. RA846 was dispatched to a traffic accident and when they got there, it turned out to be an auto fire in the parking lot of a grocery store. They were able to put two dry chems on it before it took the whole car and only had minimal damage. Nice work and quick thinking! I know we all get paid to do your job, but nice heads up! Well thats all Ive got for this month. Stay safe, and keep taking care of one another! . . . and remember, 2+2 makes sense, play nice, stay marginal, know your audience, get a cool nickname, figure out which formula you use before the media gets a hold of it, and you get out what you put in. Keep sending your stories to:

coMManD Post at north hollywooD MiDDle school (60s First-in) aFter a sMall aciD release in the science laB on June 11, 2012. Photo By Mike MeaDows, ePn

18 August 2012

Battalion 15



sMall Brush Fire along the

BalBoa on July 11, 2012.

118 Fwy

Photos By ryan BaBroFF, ePn

For a little

their suPPort at the granD oPening oF the

lF 96 showeD uP Pr to show

orange line extension in chatsworth.

August 2012 19

task Force


anD knockeD oFF a Fire hyDrant on June 29, 2012. the inciDent occureD on la cienega near BlackwelDer anD culver city Fire assisteD.

an auto that knockeD Down a Power Pole

rescue 94

resPonDeD to

Photos By Brian haiMer

congratulations to Mike (MFc-a) anD Jessica horst on the Birth oF their First chilD a BaBy girl naMeD colette renee. Born on aPril 9th anD weighing 7 lBs. 12 oz, her Favorite lullaBies are Mary haD a little laMB anD MFc, we have a looM uP!! shes a welcoMe aDDition to the horst FireFighting FaMily!! the First Photo is the one MoM wanteD in Print. the seconD is one For DaD to Be ProuD oF.

20 August 2012

So, does this also mean that my wife and I are goin to have to text one another while were in bed instead of whisperin sweet nothins in each others ear? I can see it now. Ill text her, XOXO, and shell text back, LOL. COWBOY HUMOR Siamese twins walk into a bar in New York. One of them says to the bartender, Dont mind us, were joined at the hip. Im John and here on my right is Jim. Two beers please. The bartender, feeling kind of awkward, tries to make polite conversation while pouring the beers and asks, Been on holiday yet, lads?
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Ive always had a hard time with change. Whether it was changin from them F-173 cards to computerized Fire Prevention files or the permanent removal of all buckets from fire station roofs, changin stuff that seemed to work pretty dang well didnt always make sense to me. I recently read that the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood has been changed to Hollywood & Highland Center. This imaginative name change came about because the 131 year old Eastman Kodak Company is broke and has filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Hence, Kodak no longer can afford to pay for their name to be on the theatre. Hey, I know two retired Captain IIs that could easily put Kodak back in the black! Anyway, according to the experts, 35 millimeter film is comin to the end of its life. And because theaters now receive their films by satellite or via hard drives delivered by courier, film is practically a thing of the past. Were in the digital age! Lots of other stuff is changin as well. I had lunch the other day with one of them rich retired Captain IIs, and afterwards we went to one of them fancy coffee hangouts. You know, where people sit in silence with their smart phones and lap tops. No kiddin, I thought we were goin to get kicked out for disturbin the peace, because we were the only two people makin audible conversation! Everyone there was either on their phone or computer. In fact, one female was usin both devices at the same time! I mention all this because one day verbal conversation will go the way of 35 millimeter film. Textin will replace talkin and the desire to exchange verbal ideas will probably become obsolete. You know theres another serious implication that also must be considered with the loss of verbal conversation; the mentality insane. Those who claim they hear voices may have to re-think their defense strategy!

Off to England next month, says John. We go to England every year, rent a car and drive for miles, dont we Jim? Jim nods his head in agreement. Ah, England, says the bartender. Wonderful country, the history, the beer, the culture. Nah, we dont like all that British baloney, says John. We cant stand the English. Theyre so arrogant and rude and its too crowded, lousy food and terrible warm beer. So why keep going to England? asks the bartender. Its the only chance Jim gets to drive. KEEP SMILIN! aC

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August 2012 21

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22 August 2012

The size and type of structure will dictate its floor plan, which in turn will determine the type of search to be used. Search operations for children and adults are not the same. Children can hide anywhere and adults will try to escape (avenues of egress). Additionally, when searching for a firefighter, although they can be anywhere, their last approximate location is often known. When searching commercial buildings, forget the residential mindset for the following reasons: 1. Large floor plans require more time to be searched. 2. A two person search team is probably insufficient. 3. The apprehension level of personnel is likely increased. 4. Commercials can require considerably more air than resi- dential structures. Big buildings mean big air! 5. Fire load will likely be greater than residential structures. 6. Specific search patterns may be necessary. If a search cannot be completed or a specific area cannot be searched, the incident commander must be notified in a timely manner. This will allow another search team to complete the search when appropriate. As an example, attics can be a difficult area to search as they are normally above a fire and are not easy to enter or exit. However, due to the difficulty of being able to easily access an attic, it may be advantageous to search an attic area after the fire has been controlled or mitigated. As a side note, there is a big difference between an attic with a substantial stairway and a fold-down stairway or a small ladder for access/egress. When entering a centrally located room (i.e., bedroom) through a window, remember that the door to the room is normally located across from the window (to provide natural ventilation for the room) and the doors in corner bedrooms are normally located in the corner of two walls (remember to look at the common floor plans of homes in your district on EMS calls, etc). Before entering a window, always clear all glass (as the window opening will also be your exit point) and after entering the room, evaluate the benefits of closing the door to the room. When entering a structure, three factors usually determine the path of search as follows: 1. Information gathered from occupants or firefighting personnel prior to entry. As an example, occupants who have exited a structure should know who is still in the structure and their approximate location. 2. Attack Line. Assume an attack line is inside a structure and it is suddenly determined the attack team needs to be rescued (flashover, building collapse, etc). The most direct path to their prob-

able location is to follow the attack line to the nozzle. To affect a timely rescue, a search team should initially follow and search along the path of the attack line to the nozzle, including the general area around the nozzle. Therefore, it is imperative that personnel practice and become familiar with the concept of following a hose line with only their hands as a reference point. It is also essential that personnel are able to feel a coupling with their gloved hands and be able to quickly determine their direction of travel to the nozzle (interior) or the pump (exterior) along the hoseline. This is easily accomplished as follows; assume a nozzle is connected to a male coupling. Therefore, the hoseline behind male couplings lead towards the pump (outside the structure) and the hoseline behind female couplings will lead towards the nozzle (into the structure). With practice, it is easy to distinguish between a male and female coupling by feel only. A female coupling is twice as long as a male coupling, and the lugs on a male coupling are twice as long as the lugs on a female coupling (Figure 1). Additionally, before entering a structure for a search operation along a hoseline, determine from the proper pump engineer the appropriate hose line to follow into the structure, how many feet of line is into the structure, and what is the type of hose lay (forward or reverse). Remember that a 2-1/2-inch line can be forward or reverse and 1-3/4, 1-1/2 and 1-inch lines are forward only. Every firefighter whether involved in a search or not should be familiar with this concept. 3. Area. It is often necessary to search an unknown area for known or potential victims. Entering the initial entrance opening and turning left or right, following a hoseline or search line will determine the path of travel while searching through the area-structure.

August 2012 23

Arson Shoot-Out Golf Tournament at the Braemar Country Club

Monday, October 22, 2012, 6:30 AM Check-in & 7:30 AM Shotgun Start Partners (Two-Person) Scramble Format ($100 per Player) Includes: Continental Breakfast, Range Balls, Raffle Prizes, Tri-Tip or Chicken Lunch, Cash Prizes & Trophy Plaques for Flight Winners Entry is due no later than October 10, 2012. Your payment confirms your spot! Tournament is limited to first 144 players. Contact Mike Camello or Tim Crass for additional information and/or donations and special contributions. Proceeds will be donated to the Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association Widows, Orphans and Disabled Firefighters Fund.

4001 Reseda Boulevard, Tarzana

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Make check(s) payable and mail to: LAFD Arson Investigators Golf 1700 Stadium Way, Room 109 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Name:__________________________________________________ Index:________ SCGA No.__________________ Name:__________________________________________________ Index:________ SCGA No.__________________ Provide the SCGA number and current index for both players if applicable. An estimated handicap may be used only when player does not have an official index. Indicate meal preference for both players. Chicken: ____ Tri-Tip: ____

24 August 2012

aDaPteD FroM service Pension guiDelines By toM Franck, laFD retireD

ccording to the Roster of DROP Enrollment an astonishing number of our members will be required to retire in the next few years: 85 in 2012, 104 in 2013, 72 in 2014, 125 in 2015, and because of uncertainties in the retirees medical subsidy, more than 100 members will exit in the first half of 2016 alone. Thats nearly 20% of the departments sworn membership in just five years! Because the road from work to retirement isnt always the smoothest, were hoping the following information will help to smooth over any chuckholes or speed humps. Pnel requests you have your vehicle

Service Pension timeline Checklist

Beginning of the year you retire depending on your retirement date you might want to adjust the amount of money going into Deferred Compensation if you want to receive the maximum in the year you retire. Deferred Compensation deposits can only come from payroll deduction. 60-90 days Begin the Department of Pensions process by going to to download the appropriate forms or call (213) 978-4545 to have the forms mailed or faxed to you. Once you completed the forms, you can fax to Pensions at (213) 978-4450 to get the process started. 60 days Contact Personnel Services Section to make an appointment. They will prepare seven identical Letters of Intent for you to sign. You will bring one to the Pension Department for their records. During your visit to Personnel Services they will take your retirement identification photo. This whole process should only take about 15 minutes. They open at 0800. Call Ramona at (213) 978-3774 to make your appointment.

60 days Contact Department of Pensions for an appointment. Scheduling it on the same day after your visit to Personnel will make the process much more efficient, as you will need the Letter of Intent when you meet with Pensions. If you have decided what you will do with your DROP money you can fill out the form they give you or the one partially filled out by Great West, and sign it right there and then to avoid having the document notarized if you do it by mail. 30-60 days Contact Credit Union (or your financial institution) for Automatic Deposit of your pension check. The Credit Union no longer accepts new payroll deductions so if you have a loan or want to continue to contribute you will need direct deposit or get your loan put on a payment coupon system, which can be arranged when you initially call the Credit Union at (800) 231-1626. For more information, go to 30-60 days Contact the Relief Association. They will send payroll deduction cards for Relief Association Monthly Deduction, Relief Association Annual Deduction and the Relief Medical Plan. Contact Member Services at, or call (323) 2595200 Ext. 223 or 259. 30-60 days - Contact UFLAC for pension mailing. They should provide payroll deduction cards for dental and life insurance. Call (213) 895-4006 or (213) 485-2091 for more information, or go to 30-60 days Determine how you will receive your DROP account balance. If you are going to rollover all or a portion of the monies into a qualified account, set this up with your financial institution of choice. If you choose to roll it into Deferred Comp, contact GreatWest and they will provide a partially filled out form for rollover of DROP money into

Deferred Compensation and various disbursal documents for your Deferred Compensation monies. Deferred Comp is located within the Employee Benefits department at City Hall: 200 N. Spring St. Room 867, Los Angeles, CA 90012. For more information, call (213) 9781602. They open at 0830. You may wish to consult with your tax and/or financial advisor so that you are aware of any financial consequences that could affect your DROP distribution decision. 30 days Contact the Chief Officers association at (310) 398-2148. 20 days Call Department of Pensions to make sure they have received any documents you sent them and to ensure everything is progressing smoothly. You can request an exit medical through the Personnel Services Section. If you have an existing medical problem that could require lifetime care, there is nothing you need to do at this time. If your Work Comp Doctor placed you on Permanent and/or Stationary status, he/she should have addressed the issue of future medical care in his/her report to your Work Comp carrier. If not, you might want to contact the Medical Liaison Unit and discuss your status. If you dont have the LAFRA Fire Medical plan or UFLAC Dental insurance, you will have to contact your respective carrier to provide a new payroll deduction card. If you are an active firefighter who, as of your retirement date, has been covered under the LAFRA Fire Medical Plan for a total of 84 months (seven years), you may elect to continue coverage under the LAFRA Fire Medical Plan for yourself and your dependents covered under the plan at the time of your retirement, at the applicable group rates. Heres to your happy and healthy retirement!

August 2012 25

structure FIre
beveRly PaRk
Photos by:
Mike Meadows, EPN & Juan Guerra, EPN Info by: Erik Scott, PSO

a firefighter was injured battling a large mansion fire in a gated Beverly Park community on Friday June 29, 2012. due to firefighters aggressive and coordinated attack, the vast majority of the multimillion dollar residence was saved. a 9-1-1 call summoned Los angeles and Beverly Hills firefighters to 50 Beverly Park Way at 6:30 p.m. First arriving firefighters forced entry through the grounds gates to find moderate smoke pouring from the roof of the two-story French chateau-style mansion. Entry was forced into the 15,480 square-foot residence as flames were rapidly spreading throughout the attic above.

26 August 2012

Fire attack teams quickly deployed hand-lines in an effort to stop the spread throughout the interior, and were assisted by residential fire sprinklers. Simultaneously, roof teams cut holes on top of the structure to release super heated gases from below, as flames began burning through the roof allowing it to self ventilate. Shortly thereafter, portions of the roof and the ceiling inside collapsed. the fire was fully extinguished in just over one hour and the majority of the home was saved. a Beverly Hills Firefighter was injured after a beam struck him in the head. He was treated and transported by LaFd paramedics to a local hospital in serious but stable condition. Preliminary information of what may have sparked the blaze is an exterior waterproofing operation that utilized a torch by workers. However, a thorough investigation by LaFd arson investigators will determine the exact cause. the dollar loss is estimated at $1.25 million ($1 million structure and $250,000 contents).

August 2012 27

LaFD aIr oPeratIons

Photos by:
Mike Meadows, EPN & Juan Guerra, EPN

LaFd helicopters were busy in June, fighting brush fires, rescuing hikers and taking part in an air show. Fire 4 assisted La County and Ventura County Fire on a 500 acre brush fire just off interstate 5 in Hungry Valley. Fire 3 hoisted two hikers off a trail in Sylmar and took them to an LZ for evaluation. Kids clamored into the pilot seat of Fire 2 at the american Heroes air Show at Hansen dam while Pilot dave Nordquist and Medics Joe St George and Carl Kohler look on.
28 August 2012

August 2012 29

Greater aLarM structure FIre

canoga PaRk

Photos by:

Rick McClure - EPN, Juan Guerra EPN, Gavin Kaufman - FF/PM FS 93, & David DeMulle - The Foothills Paper Info by: Erik Scott, PSO

30 August 2012

intense flames gutted an under-construction, three-story apartment complex in Canoga Park in the early morning of July 7, 2012. Nearby buildings were spared destruction, however three firefighters were injured. LaFd companies were summoned to 7050 N Vassar avenue, just after midnight to find a 50 x 100 apartment complex that was well involved in fire. the building was under various stages of construction with scaffolding reaching the third floor. Flames on top of the structure stretched over 20 into the sky, exposing nearby buildings. the flames were extinguished in just over one hour by nearly 100 firefighters.

August 2012 31


ranDy souza
shot 79, 76 and 78 to beat next closest Andy Zar by seven strokes. 1st place net in the A flight is another past champion, Gary Klasse. In the B flight the gross winner was Joe Zabalza with a 226 total. 1st place net in the B flight went to Bruce Bickly. Robert Vege was the gross winner in the C flight with a 271 total, and 1st net was Buzz Clark. In the D flight, Ken Moody took 1st gross and right behind him to take 1st net was Raul Cabrera. This year we had seven in the Guest Flight, and James Grogan took the honors of 1st place gross. A new comer Don Barkley took 1st place net. It was good to see Jesse Lea there with his bag of tricks to celebrate his 87th birthday. Good job guys and looking forward to seeing more in the desert next year.

good time was had by all at this years club championship, 67 golfers in all. The event took place on May 22nd 24th and we played three fantastic courses: the Arnold Palmer course in Rancho Mirage, the Dunes Course in La Quinta and the Nicklaus Course at PGA West. This years champion is Graham Everett, which happens to be his 4th title. Graham

net & gross chaMPions

B Flight

Bruce Bickly & Joe zaBalza

net & gross chaMPions

a Flight

gary klasse & grahaM everett

32 August 2012

net & gross chaMPions

D Flight

raul caBrera & ken MooDy

net & gross chaMPions

c Flight

BoB vege & Buzz clark

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August 2012 33

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Rebecca Martin
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34 August 2012

The United States Handball Association held the 62nd Annual 4-Wall Nationals at Los Caballeros Sports Village in Fountain Valley, California from June 26th through July 1st. LAFD Handball made an outstanding showing, which resulted in two members becoming National Champions and two members placing second. LAFD Handball was also honored as the Handball Organization of the Year during the USHA Banquet. Nearly 400 players from the United States, Canada, Mexico and Ireland competed in this event. The LAFD group was lead by John Libby (FS-3-B) who won his 4th National Title in the Mens 45 and over Division. John dominated his division, winning all of his matches in two games. Salvador Castillon (FS-26-B) won his first National Title in the C Division, exhibiting excellent physical condition and mental toughness as he advanced through the tournament. His drive and enthusiasm for the sport made this victory exciting for Sal and all of his fans. Richard Ramirez (FS-27-C) advanced to the semi-finals in this division, before losing; nearly making it an all LAFD final. Eddie Marez (FS-2-C) battled through a tough field in the A Division before falling to an outstanding player from Ireland in the final. Eddie received strong support from the crowd, including his one-month old daughter, wife and sons. Paul Cajiao (FS-62-B) made a strong showing in the Golden Masters B-Division in singles. He was defeated in the final by the same player who eliminated Roy Harvey (FS-92-B) in the semi-final, preventing an all LAFD final. Cajiao also advanced to the semi-finals in B Doubles before being eliminated. LAFD Handball Commissioner Roy Harvey accepted the Handball Organization of the Year Award on behalf of the Department. We were recognized due to the great sportsmanship and volunteer activities of LAFD Handball players. Handball Tournament Fundraisers, cooking at tournaments, supporting youth handball, competing on the highest levels and interacting with civilian players were the activities that led to this honor.

On Friday, June 29th, LAFD Handball cooked lunch for the tournament. The volunteers were lead by retiree Bobby Raya who used his expertise as a former permanent cook on the grills. The menu consisted of hamburgers, hot dogs, fish, carne asada, chicken, salad, salsa and chips. Players and volunteers had a great day serving and socializing. LAFD players are encouraged to continue to participate in tournaments sponsored by USHA and Southern California Handball. Tournament directors look forward to our participation and the handball family invites the competition. The Royal Flush Singles in Las Vegas is August 18-19th, and the LAFD 3-Wall Invitational is at Venice Beach on September 8th. Keep training!

August 2012 35

Los angeles Firemens relief association The enclosed donation is given in memory of our dear friend and cherished neighbor Irene Thermos, widow of the late John Thermos, a proud retired member of the Los Angeles Fire Department. Edward Rozeski Torrance, CA LaFra This donation is made in memory of Fred Daniel Croghan who died on May 22, 2012. Fred retired from the Los Angeles City Fire Department after 30 years of dedicated service. He is survived by a large family and his wife Loretta. Thank you, Don and Patricia DeJesse Yorba Linda, CA Los angeles Firemens relief association Donation for the passing of my brother Alan R. Fulkerson, retired captain, Los Angeles Fire Dept. Alan and I worked together at old Engine 84s on Canoga Ave, Woodland Hills. Alan always was a clown in the 1950s, working for old Captain Yager who had forty plus years seniority. Our company had sorts of personalities, i.e. Eng Norbert Hiegert, Bill McMurry, Bill Penix, Don Sivacoe, Tom Crockatt, Bill Woody and John Fulkerson. Old Capt Yager was constantly saying what have I done on this job to get stuck with two Fulkersons on my company. Most of us made promotions over the years, and Alan even continued to make his famous apple pies after he made captain and wound up at Engine 72s in Canoga Park. He retired from

dear LaFra, Please accept this donation to the Widows, Orphans and Disabled Firemens Fund in memory of John E. Squire. John inspired me to become a firefighter at the age of five. It was this time when Fireman Squire visited his son Matthews kindergarten class at San Pascual Elementary School (12s first-in). I also was in Matthews class and was quite impressed with John. A couple of years later John became my Cub Scout Troop Master. It was at this time where I began to see the caring side of John. Our Cub Scout Den was truly blessed to have John and an active LAPD policeman. They truly made scouting fun and enjoyable for the troop. One year and a half ago I was able to call John and personally thank him for inspiring me to join the fire service. He had commented to me that he would have never believed he was making an impression on any of the kids in the troop. When he heard how he did, he was very happy to hear that. I will always be thankful for Johns dedication to the Boy Scouts of America. He was truly a great man and will be missed. Thank you. Robert Rodriquez, Fire Captain Los Angeles County Fire Department dear Wayne Sherman, We would like to reimburse the Medical Plan for my wifes medical bill. We would also like to make a donation of the remainder of the funds enclosed as a thank you for the loan of medical equipment we used. Thank you, Gary and Debra Shelford Thousand Oaks, CA Los angeles Firemens relief association My husband Carl A Carlson had need of a wheelchair in January and we requested the use of one from the Relief Association. It was quickly provided by PS Medical Supplies. It has been very useful and was of high quality. He had a broken femur as it turned out and had to have surgery in March to place a metal piece in. It sure was a needed piece of equipment and we are so grateful for your prompt help. Today I called PS Medical Supplies and they will pick it up today as Carl is doing pretty well at this time and needs only a cane to walk around.

Send your letters & comments to the editor at:

Thank you so very much. Needless to say, we thank our good fortune that Carl has the Relief Association to help us in our declining years. Sincerely, Alta and Carl Carlson Laguna Niguel, CA La Firemens relief: Please accept this donation to the Widows, Orphans and Disabled Firemens Fund in memory of Reno Zulianai fireboat pilot, handball player and great guy. Thank you, Bob and Joanne Thompson dear LaFra, Please accept this donation in memory of James Costello for the Widows, Orphans and Disabled Firemens Fund. Jim will be remembered as a great fireman and part of our Grass Valley group. Thank you for all your good work. Sincerely, Barbara Brown Grass Valley, CA

36 August 2012

Mailbox continued... there and he and his lovely wife Francis moved to Godfrie, IL. When I built our new home in Woodland Hills, my wife Mae committed to go back to work for one year to support our yard landscape. Alan and Francis lived close to the grammar school, where Lynn and Lynda, our children attended. Francis took them after school and Mae picked them up every evening. Mae gave notice of her resignation when we achieved our goal. Over the years we stayed close, by phone and cards on holidays. I shall miss his joking and humor. God bless his family. Thomas G. Crockatt Bullhead City, AZ dear LaFra, Please accept this contribution to the Widows, Orphans and Disabled Firemens Fund in memory of Herbert Tourtillot who was a special person to many of us. He worked at old 28s and other downtown assignments. He loved to pull a joke on someone. He was on more than a few Ill get even with you lists. One special occasion at old 28s was the train coming through the dormitory at 0300 hours. It was quiet and way back downtown you could hear the noise a train makes. Choochoo choo. The only thing was the train noise got louder and louder waking most of us up. Then all of a sudden the train came crashing through the dormitory with abright flood light and train whistle. Now all of us were wide awake and there was Herb holding the light and laughing at our rude awakening. There were many more Tourtillot escapades. He was always busy with organizations and volunteering at a moments notice. From Grass Valley to Relief Association meetings, he will be missed dearly. God bless his family and friends. Jack A. Bennett Bluffton, SC dear John: Recently and still continuing the Relief Association has been partially paying for breathing equipment for myself, and now my wifes needs. Hopefully soon we can be released from their uses. We both wish to thank the Relief Association, as it further shows how much [they are] there for the firefighters and their families. It is my hope as well as yours that the younger members of the LAFD will pay heed for the future and support this great group. Enclosed is a check to help make payment and we wish to thank the Relief for all they do. Sincerely, John and Joan Adams Camarillo, CA

August 2012 37

StEPHENiE a. GLaS, Firefighter III. Appointed August 22, 2005. Actively on duty at FS 93-B. Passed away June 09, 2012. GWyNNE W. BriStoL, Firefighter. Appointed January 05, 1948. Retired on a service pension June 01, 1978 from FS 49. Passed away June 10, 2012. HENry E. NiSKa, Engineer. Appointed May 28, 1951. Retired on a service pension June 01, 1976 from FS 48-A. Passed away June 14, 2012. rENo a. ZULiaNi, Fireboat Pilot. Appointed July 11, 1949. Retired on a service pension June 30, 1979 from FS 49-A. Passed away June 17, 2012. StaNCiL G. JoNES, Captain I. Appointed November 01, 1948. Retired on a service pension May 15, 2004 from FS 112-C. Passed away June 17, 2012. toNy GriMES, Firefighter. Appointed April 01, 1957. Retired on a service pension July 15, 1979 from FS 98-B. Passed away June 26, 2012. LorEN L. WHitE, Captain. Appointed November 19, 1946. Retired on a disability pension July 01, 1977 from FS 18-C. Passed away June 30, 2012. GEraLd G. SiMoN, Firefighter II. Appointed October 28, 1947. Retired on a service pension June 01, 1978 from FS 39-C. Passed away July 01, 2012. JaMES V. PattEN, Helicopter Pilot. Appointed February 01, 1955. Retired on a disability pension December 25, 1978 from Helicopter Co-C. Passed away July 04, 2012.

EVELyN a. KNiLL, surviving spouse of Jack R. Knill. passed away May 27, 2012. GLadyS r. WoodrUFF, spouse of Bydie S. Woodruff passed away June 03, 2012. roSaLiNd N. MartiN, surviving spouse of Richard A. Martin passed away June 06, 2012. SHaryL SiMoNS, surviving spouse of Albert L. Simons passed away June 09, 2012. JaNEt F. NiELSoN, surviving spouse of Lyle S. Nielson passed away June 19, 2012. EMMa J. raMSEy, surviving spouse of Robert H. Ramsey passed away July 02, 2012.


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38 August 2012

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AlAN BUSH, Firefighter/Paramedic, FS 23-A SATURdAy, AUGUST 11, 2012

Scarlett Belle, luxurious paddlewheel Riverboat 3600 Cabezone Circle - Oxnard CA 93035 Riverboat Boating & Social Hour: 4:45 - 5:45 PM Departure from Dock - 5:45 PM Dinner & Cruise: 5:45 - 9:00 PM Menu: Sirloin Tri Tip, Chicken Marsala, Jambalaya Buffet $50, includes tax, tip & gift Call FS 23 - (310) 454-2003 or Ron Dorn Home - (805) 652-0616 Casual Attire. Alan Bush email:

Merrill Lynch is proud to salute The Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association The Wetmore Group
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dAVE SoTo, Captain II, FS 1-B FRIdAy, AUGUST 24, 2012

ports oCall 1199 Nagoya Way, Berth 76 - San Pedro CA 90731 Social Hour: 5:00 PM Dinner: 6:00 PM Menu: Chicken A Fornaio or Grilled Prime Top Sirloin $50, includes tax, tip & gift Call FS1 (213) 485-6201 or John Theodore (310) 559-8740. RSVp by July 24

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ToM lAMBERT, Captain I, FS 112-A SATURdAy, SEpTEMBER 08, 2012

ports oCall 1199 Nagoya Way, Berth 76 - San Pedro CA 90731 Social Hour: 6:00 PM Dinner: 7:00 PM Menu: Mexican Buffet - $50, includes tax, tip & gift Call FS 112 - (310) 548-9929 or (310) 548-9919

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Fire Safety Service, Inc. is a privately owned company established 40 years ago to provide Fire and Disaster training to the Nursing Home and Senior Housing Industry.

August 2012 39

amily, friends and co-workers gathered at the Friendship Auditorium to honor Inspector Rudy Martinez for his 36 years of service to the LAFD and the citizens of Los Angeles. Everyone enjoyed a delicious Mexican buffet (hosted by the Martinez family) and then danced the rest of the evening away until midnight. A gracious Rudy wanted to thank all who attended his retirement celebration. As he said that evening, There is nothing more important than your faith, your family and your friends. God bless you and your families.

40 August 2012

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n a cold dark winters night, a cast of characters assembled at Taixs in Echo Park to bid happy retirement to true a LAFD firefighter and paramedic - Bobby Raya. Bobby officially retired on 10/16/2010, after 36 years and one month on the LAFD. He worked for years at Fire Station 2 with his brother David, and they were otherwise known as the battlin Raya brothers . . . you can draw your own conclusions on that one . . . I am sure the Battlin Ortiz brothers Joe and Jesse may have something to say about that. Then a little later on, Bobby ended up at Fire Station 44, and so did his brother David . . . on the opposite shift this time. However, this night the Raya Brothers, including the youngest, Andy, were in attendance to celebrate Bobbys entrance into retirement.. The festivities were headed up by the Mayor of Glassell Park (Bedrock) himself, Eddie Elguea. Presentation after presentation was

made, including Frank Lima from UFLAC, Keith Douglass from CSFA, and Gene Bednarchik from the Los Angeles Firemans Relief Association.. And then story after story commenced of Bobby and the Days of Thunder on the East Side. But the stories that seemed to be common ground were the ones concerning not only Bobbys compassion and skills as a firefighter, but as a paramedic - the care and quality of care he gave to all he came in contact with. This coming from firsthand experience, and of years working around this outstanding individual. The evening was closed out by Bobby coming to the podium, answering back to all allegations . . . Or should I say answering up to the presenters that provided a historical background to a true legend of our department. Happy retirement to you Bobby!!!

August 2012 41

fter youve been to a few retirement dinners they all seem to look the same. You know . . . the guys put on their best Levis jeans, Hawaiian print shirts and tennis shoes. The only thing different is the guy thats retiring!! Well this retirement celebration was completely different . . . way over the top as far as logistics were concerned. It started in downtown Boise, Idaho. Why there? The fireman retiring was Bill Gerke, a commuter from Boise to L.A. for the last 12 years of his career. It began as a meet and greet at The Grove Hotel. Bill had family and friends coming into town from all over! Tons of food to be eaten and plenty of adult beverages were on scene. This party was just getting started . . . ALL OF IT ORGANIZED AND PAID FOR BY BILL GERKE. After a few hours of socializing it was time to eat dinner at a local restaurant. The group of 40+ walked to the restaurant ready to continue the celebration. Once again, that fine meal was ORGANIZED AND PAID FOR BY BILL GERKE. The next afternoon, a bus tour of Boise and the surrounding areas, as well as a tour of Boise State Univ. and a chance to take pics on the famous Blue Field, was ORGANIZED AND PAID FOR BY BILL GERKE. A few highly athletic party go-

ers showed how easy it was to kick a field goal . . . or at least tried. On Saturday, April 28, 2012, it was time for the actual retirement celebration. Held in a local Micro Brew, with an open bar, tons of spectacular food, the atmosphere was Party On! This too was PAID FOR AND ORGANIZED BY BILL GERKE. All attendants had to wear a button with a picture of a much younger Bill Gerke on it. The M.C. for the night was Ben Simpson (Bills trade partner). Ben went on to tell a few stories about Bill, including the one that Bill wanted to make a bunch of trades with Ben after Ben got sick. If you dont die I guess Ill have to pay you back, said Bill. Just goes to show the personality of Bill . . . able to make others laugh and everything would be ok. Bill was a FIREMAN for over 30 years. He had the knowledge skills and abilities to have held any rank on this job. He stayed as a FIREMAN, mentoring and teaching younger members the right way to do this job. Come to work, do your best and dont complain about stuff you cant control. Michael Caro made a plaque presentation on behalf of UFLAC. Bill and Michael worked together at 107s during Bills last five

years on the job. Gary Zieger presented Bill with a plaque custom designed and built by Gary. A small paddle tennis court and racquet were mounted and read FS 107 Paddle Tennis Champ. The party was attended by Bills immediate family and friends, as well as Firemen from other departments. They were Jeff Simon, Ben Simpson, Keith Johnson, Rick Denning, Michael Caro, Jim Stiglich, Jim Boyle, Gary Zeiger, Scott Christie LA Co. FD, Scott Hall Ventura Co. FD, Scott Schuster Ventura Co. FD, Brian Rowley Burbank FD, Bill Barrie Portland FD, John Peugh Boise FD, Boise FD Truck 5, Eng. 1, BC 1 and BC 3. By the attendance of so many people traveling to such a great event, it goes to show that Bill is truly a man of great character and values. A long healthy and happy retirement Bill! The best to you and your family! Maybe you can ask about a bounce after your DROP . . . so you can come back here and pass your ways on to others. Before I forget......did you notice how many times you read PAID FOR AND ORGANIZED BY BILL GERKE. Bill now knows just how much it costs to ship a paddle tennis plaque from L.A. to Boise. If you want to know....ask Gary Zeiger......hell tell ya..... and ask for $50.00!!!!!

42 August 2012

inFo ProviDeD By cris oPPerMan

of how Randy came into her life at the age of eight (shes now 25) and how his examples of acceptance and unconditional love have influenced her and shaped who she is today. Brother, Byron got up next and said, Heres mud in your eye, before giving Randy a gag-gift between them, a broken down toolbox that Byron had repaired for Randy and painted an ugly reddish-fuchsia color. Retired B/C Jack Gamrat very briefly took the podium and harangued Randy about being his DT-89 mistake! Joe Kovacic followed with a few words about Randy being one-of-a-kind, how deeply hell be missed, and closed with his well-known harmonica HYMN, choosing to end the song with . . . LOVE HIM! - noting it was a family affair. The Guest of Honor followed with a few remarks of his own. He started with, Like to say it wont take long . . . but its my dinner. Also, everything I say will be the truth . . . and the final word. He thanked his wife for making him a better man every day and putting up with the long hours at work, which allowed him to give the fire department his best. He also thanked her for the time and effort in preparing his biography, stating, Let me clear up the honey-do list thing (from the biography). Heres a typical day at the Opperman house: 0630 - Wife serves breakfast in bed 0730 - Line up, wife receives list of jobs to do for the day 1200 - Wife serves lunch on the veranda 1700 - Wife serves dinner in main dining hall 2100 - Wife gives full body massage to husband, no foo foo cream, and tucks him in for the night. Randy then thanked his mother, who he referred to as a SAINT, for instilling in him the traits to do his job and become the man he is today. He thanked his children, saying how proud he is and for fulfilling his expectations without worry as he went to work. He thanked son Randy, for taking the lead in preparing for his retirement dinner and everyone else at 87s who helped. He thanked Jeff Bader and Bobby Garcia for a great movie slideshow, which began with five Chippendale dancers dancing hip-hop, all with Randys face throughout the years! As The End came up on the slideshow, it scanned down Randys back, where hes

Photos By Don Frazeur

wearing an LA City Fire Dept. Bad Boyz tshirt and his shorts are pulled down, showing half of his hairy butt. He thanked all who presented and Hare for M/Cing. He spoke about the various stations throughout his career, acknowledging the guys from 17s who are no longer with us: Ed Rivas, Lane Kemper & Bob Egizi. And lastly, he talked about why he loved his job. How it provided monetarily to raise and support a family, helping people and making a positive impact on lives during crises or disasters, and allowing him time to participate in sporting activities on-duty, like handball and off-duty with the kids, or handball tourneys and Bats n Beer. And finally, for the camaraderie and lifelong friendships of his second family, he thanked the LAFD and said, Farewell.

huge group of family, friends and firefighters gathered at the Odyssey Restaurant on June 24, 2012 to honor A/O Randy Opperman Sr. for his 32 years of service to the LAFD. And Randy was quite busy for those 32 years, being a member of the Swift Water Rescue team, FEMA USAR team, and Critical Incident Stress Management team. He was also a Haz Mat Technician and Manager, and went on three hurricane deployments and numerous FDNY-related trips. Wife Cris, son Randy Jr. (FS 27C) with wife Carmen and daughters Sara and Catherine, son Patrick with girlfriend Erica, daughter Edith with husband Jason (LACoFD), step-daughter Brooke with boyfriend Chris, brother Byron with wife Charlene, nieces Erin and Courtney (with husband Ray), sister Margaret and last, but not least, mother Alma, 83 years young, all were present to welcome Randy into retirement. Chris Hare handled the duties as Master of Ceremonies and managed to not piss anyone off all evening right! Hareball introduced a host of fellow firemen to bestow the usual gifts and honors upon the retiree: Craig White presented the service pin, Chris Oelrich handled the Personal Record Book, the Certificate of Appreciation was given by Jerry Horwedel, Freddy Escobar represented UFLAC and bestowed the Axe Plaque, the CSFA Plaque, Retirement Certificate and FEMA Task Force Coin were juggled by Don Reyes and the crew from 87s presented the retirement gift of a Home Depot gift card. Randy Jr. read an amazing and emotional speech when he got up to give his dad his retirement badge. He touched on, how as a kid, he was proud to see his father wear the badge of an LAFD firefighter. Later, he was once again proud and inspired to see his dads badge change after promoting to A/O. One of his proudest moments though, came when his dad pinned on HIS LAFD badge, 11 years ago. And now, he had the honor of presenting him with his final badge, that of retirement. Tears filled the room. Randys four kids stood together as daughter Edith read a touching speech about what an awesome career he had, doing something he absolutely loved. And, how as a kid, she had no idea of the dangers he faced at work. And then when her brother and husband became firemen, it made her appreciate him even more. Step-daughter Brooke briefly spoke

August 2012 43

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44 August 2012

ts been a little over 10 years now since the tragic morning of September 11, 2001. The terrorist attack on the WTC Twin Towers in lower Manhattan, New York City is still too fresh in many of our minds. That horrific and cowardly act, coupled with the loss of 343 of our FDNY brothers, reminds us to continue the chant - NEVER FORGET. To that end, on Tuesday, May 15, a small group of LAFD members from the departments USAR & CISM teams, who were deployed to Ground Zero, gathered at Rock-N-Fish restaurant at L.A. Live to remember, reflect and enjoy a great lunch. Longtime friend and benefactor to the LAFD, Jeff Neu, one of the owners of Rock-N-Fish, hosted the event. A tip-o-the helmet once again to Jeff for his caring and generosity. Jeff is responsible for the donation of the massive 23 ton steel beam from the South Tower, which stands in silent memory at the FHMTC - memorializing those who gave EVERYTHING on 9/11 at Ground Zero.

The deployment gang enjoyed a wonderful lunch, compliments of Jeff. But, most importantly, it was the camaraderie and the bonding shared ONLY by those of us who were at Ground-Zero after 9/11, that can truly understand and appreciate these emotions. There is a great quote, author unknown, that sums it up best ; I showed up, I stood up, I stepped forward. I raised my right hand, I stood the gap, I walked the fire. I did not run, I did not hide, I did not dodge, I did not evade. Consequently . . . I have nothing to prove, no one to convince. Those who matter, already know. Those who dont, never will. MAY WE NEVER FORGET

By Don Forrest, laFD retireD

August 2012 45

46 August 2012

by Mike Mastro, President/CEo Los Angeles Firemens Credit Union

The biggest misconception about FDIC coverage is that the insurance applies at the account level. Deposits are not insured at the account level, but are insured at the depositor level. For example, if a person has two certificates of deposit, the accounts would be aggregated for up to $250,000 of coverage. Funds deposited in separate branches of the same insured bank are not separately insured. The FDIC provides separate coverage for funds should a depositor have accounts with different categories of legal ownership, such as a trust account. For example, if a bank customer has multiple accounts in an insured bank, they may qualify for more than $250,000 in insurance coverage if specific requirements are met. National Credit Union administration (NCUa) NCUA, the other U.S.-backed government agency, provides deposit insurance to U.S. credit unions through the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF). Established in 1970, the NCUSIF insures credit union deposits in much of the same way as the FDIC protects bank deposits. The NCUSIF is also backed by the full faith of the U.S. government. An alternative to U.S government-backed coverage is private insurance. Not all banks and credit unions are federally insured. Regulations allow for several states, such as California, to opt for private deposit insurance. american Share insurance (aSi) Founded in 1974, ASI is one of a few providers of private deposit insurance. ASIs only business is to provide deposit insurance to credit unions. It is owned by its insured credit unions which represents 1.2 million credit union members. ASI is selective as to who it insures. Not all credit unions who apply for coverage are accepted due to ASIs strict underwriting standards. Member deposits in an ASI-insured credit union are insured to $250,000 per individual account, no matter how many accounts are held with the credit union. This is different from FDIC and NCUA-insured institutions, where the focus is on the depositor. To illustrate ASIs coverage, consider the following: If a credit union member has 3 deposit accounts a share account with $150,000, a money market account with $250,000, and a certificate with a balance of $250,000 all three accounts would be fully insured despite an aggregate balance of $650,000. For those ASI-insured credit unions that have depositors with even higher balances, ASI provides for excess deposit insurance. This coverage allows for an additional $250,000 on top of the primary coverage of $250,000. Total coverage would be up to $500,000 per account. Its important to note that credit unions have coverage for an unlimited number of accounts as long as deposit balances are under $250,000. These deposits are insured by ASIs primary insurance. Should balances exceed $250,000, but be under $500,000, these funds are insured by ASIs excess insurance. Credit unions have a limited amount of coverage for excess insurance. For example, if a credit union has excess coverage for only $25 million, but has deposits of $30 million, $5 million will not be covered. To ensure deposits are protected, its wise to spread large balances over multiple accounts with balances of less than $250,000. In ASIs existence, no credit union member has ever lost money in any ASI-insured credit union account. LaFCUs deposit insurance At LAFCU, member deposits are insured by ASI for up to $500,000 per account ($250,000 primary insurance and $250,000 excess insurance). We look out for your best interest by insuring deposits with the most comprehensive coverage available. Its important to understand that all of your funds can be safely insured as long as they are maintained in multiple accounts. As stated earlier, ASI-insured credit unions can have an unlimited number of accounts covered by ASIs primary insurance. Yet, funds insured by ASIs excess insurance are limited and some funds could potentially be uninsured. In the past, LAFCU had a cushion to insure excess deposits. In recent years, though, LAFCU has become a safe haven for deposits, driving up individual account balances. As a result, we have reached our excess insurance limit. Now more than ever, I cannot stress the importance of reevaluating your accounts and spreading funds over multiple LAFCU accounts with balances less than $200,000 per account. If youre concerned about not getting our best dividend yield available, think again. Splitting a $400,000 certificate into two certificates will still earn dividends at the same yield. LAFCU is built on a solid foundation exclusively for firefighters. We look out for your best interest. Whether your deposits are at LAFCU or a big bank, re-evaluate your deposit accounts. Your deposits may not be covered. To ensure your LAFCU deposits are properly insured, we encourage you to contact a Credit Union Representative at (800) 2311626. We can assist you by splitting up your accounts to the appropriate amounts to ensure their safety. The more business we do together as a Fire Family, the greater the financial reward will be for all members! Have a great month! Mike

ne of the most popular questions I have been asked by firefighters is, How safe is my money? With the ups and downs our economy has experienced, and especially with the number of failed financial institutions making headlines over the past few years, it has caused many folks to think twice about their savings. Concerned depositors found themselves pulling funds out, and stuffing them under their mattress, so to speak. No matter where your savings may be, at a big bank, a local community bank, LAFCU, or another credit union, your deposits are safe and sound, up to insured deposit limits. Even if your financial institution was taken over, you can expect for your funds to be insured. For this months article, Id like to discuss deposit insurance. After reading this article, youll need to reevaluate how youre saving and what steps youll need to take to ensure all of your deposits are insured. What exactly is deposit insurance? When you open a savings account at a bank or credit union, your deposits are automatically insured. The amount of deposit insurance will vary by financial institution. Typically, banks and credit unions will insure customer deposits up to $250,000. Other credit unions, like LAFCU, opt to insure member deposits up to $500,000. As a depositor to a bank or credit union, you do not pay for your insurance coverage directly. Financial institutions pay a premium to insure the funds of its depositors. Premiums will vary based on the size of the institution. Deposit insurance covers all types of deposits received at an insured financial institution, including deposits in a savings account, checking account, money market account, IRA, or share certificate. Funds invested in stocks, bonds, mutual funds, life insurance, securities, annuities, and other investments are not insured. Deposits can be insured by the United States government or by a private insurance company. Of the two government-backed agencies, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation provides coverage for banks, while the National Credit Union Administration administers insurance for credit unions. Federal deposit insurance Corporation (FdiC) Created by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1933 through the Banking Act, the role of the FDIC is to oversee banking institutions in the United States, to prevent misuse of depositors money, and to guarantee deposits in the event of a bank failure. In 2008, the insurance limit was temporarily expanded from $100,000 to $250,000. The limit was scheduled to expire on December 31, 2013, but the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act made the $250,000 insurance limit permanent.

August 2012 47

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LAFD Historical Society

Submitted by Frank Borden Director of Operations, LAFDHS

The GATX Fire AuGusT 8, 1972

his month, 40 years ago a major fire occurred at the Port of Los Angeles that many of our retired firefighters will never forget. On August 8th at 5:57 PM, a huge explosion and fire occurred at the General American Transportation Company (GATX). It was a large tank farm located along the waters edge near Warehouse 1. The following newspaper article gives a more human interest side of the story from our firefighters who were there. oFFicials take look Back at san PeDro hoFireMens lives were in JeoParDy By Xavier Hermossillo, News Pilot, August 15, 1972

How do you fight a $3 million oil fire? Los Angeles City firemen found that it took more than $8 million worth of equipment and some gutsy individuals to finally contain the GATX blaze in San Pedro one week ago. Even though the flaming fumes of acetone and nitromethane have been extinguished, firemen from Harbor Area companies are surveying their own damage. Truck Company 48 had its 100-foot aerial ladder unit burned. Capt. Bud Young, the Task Force commander, said the heat and flames charred the right side of the $90,000 truck, peeling paint and melting the red lights. The ladders mounted on the side also fell victim to the blaze. Young says the firemen are still looking in every nook and cranny of the truck for chunks of mud and anything else they picked up in the mire around the tank farm that was partially destroyed. In the one week that passed since the more than 300 firefighters and 90 pieces of equipment fought the fire, Capt. Young and other fire officials have had a chance to play Monday morning quarterback. The biggest problem we had was trying to cover both sides of the fire, says the veteran captain.We were the only ones there for a long time until the uptown companies came down. But Young also has some individual praise for the firemen who braved the 100 foot walls of flames and the intense heat. Clarence Ware and Bruce Norman, both assigned to the Truck Company, drew special lauds from Young. When we first started

operating our ladder pipe (the nozzle atop the firemen had themselves in spots where they 100-foot ladder), we had one man up there, could have been wiped out in an instant. But Bruce Norman, for 20 or 30 minutes, Young there wasnt one who backed out, they all stood said. He was receiving more heat than he re- in there and fought. They really proved themalized and when the tanks started popping their selves, he added. Firemen said they learned that ustops, I brought him down. Less than 10 minutes after he came down, heat exhaustion began to ing the heavy streams of water to cool down the tanks affected the effectiveness of the foam hit him and he got weak. However, Young said that one fire- units. Young said the foam was weakened by man who wasnt affected by the intense heat the water used to keep the tanks from explodwas auto fireman Clarence Ware, who drives ing. Despite the extensive use of streams, the the big hook and ladder truck. Old Clarence firemen werent able to keep one tank from exstood up there and fought that fire tooth and ploding and it rocketed some 300 feet in the air, nail -- he wouldnt give up, said Young. We crashing just behind a line of firemen. The were about 35 feet from the fire and the only men from Engines 48 and 53 were on the east way we could keep Clarence there was to keep side when the tank crashed, said Young. They a spray of water on him all the time.He was at were completely under the smoke blanket and the base of the ladder on the controls sweeping they didnt know the tank had blown.That the fire with the ladder pipe. You couldnt stand might have saved their lives, he went on to on the side of the truck toward the fire any more say. Because if they had seen the tank blow, than five seconds or it would burn you. Thats they might have run to escape it and gotten sewhy we had to keep a stream on Clarence, he riously hurt. added, pointing out that they had to soak Ware to keep him Blast oFF--several FireMen escaPeD Death when this tank, confrom catching on fire. Young also said taining More than 30,000 gallons oF highly volatile acetates, exPloDeD anD was launcheD 300 Feet into the air. he put a fireman between the blaze and the truck as often as possible to keep the truck cool. The melted lights have all been replaced and officials say it will just be a matter of time before the side of the truck is repaired. But San Pedro and Wilmington firemen say they did learn a lesson from the fire at the General American Transportation Corp., a lesson that holds signs of future problems in case of another major fire. We learned that if we ever have a big fire again, said Young, were going to have to count on ourselves until we can get help from the downtown L.A. companies. The time lapse in getting help to us was the thing that hurt the most. Once we committed our companies here in San Pedro and Wilmington, we had to wait for the other companies to roll. And it took them a while to get here. Young pointed out that if more help had arrived sooner, the blaze could have been extinguished faster. However, he said, We can have all the equipment in the world, but its the manpower that puts these fires out. All of these

August 2012 49

Capt Mike Riley, who commanded the operations for Engine Company 48 also drew a commendation from Young. Rileys men were first in along with Engine 53 and Capt. Fred Croghan, and the two companies battled the flames for the entire three hours, successfully keeping the flames away from a supply house and a furniture warehouse. The man who handled the overall firefighting operations, Battalion 6 Chief Frank Brown, is the man who many officials say should draw most of the credit. Brown deployed the manpower for the entire fire and is credited with confining the blaze to the tank farm. Although some of the oil did spill into the waters of Los Angeles Harbor, crews were able to boom it off and stop the spread. However, firemen are now breathing a sigh of relief as they considered what might have happened. If all those tanks had ruptured and overflowed the dike area and gone into the harbor, Young said, the harbor waters could have been burning. This in turn would have ignited the docks and then we would have been in real trouble. But the ifs and the might haves didnt come about and firemen say they will be better able to handle a major fire next time. Captains Young, Riley, Croghan and Chief Brown know the manpower shortage will still exist -- but theyre confident they can still count on firemen like Bruce Norman and Clarence Ware to fight tooth and nail and never give in to the fire.

in MeMory oF caPtain stancil Jones 55 years oF laFD service Stancil Jones passed away on June 17, 2012, at the age of 85, after a long and productive life, leaving a large family of seven sons and five daughters and 40 grandchildren. Stan was the LAFDs longest serving member with nearly 56 years of service, retiring from Fire Station 112 C in 2004. His LAFD legacy lives on through his sons Dory and William, both retired LAFD Captains, his son-in-law Mike Corcoran, retired Fireboat Pilot and his grandson Kelly Corcoran, Fire Station 1-B. Stan was a very historic person, serving our country during WW II in the US Navy and then the citizens of Los Angeles for over 55 years. In fact, he had not only exceeded the seniority record for the LAFD but also surpassed all fire department members in the USA for continuous service. Captain Stancil Jones was appointed to the LAFD on November 1, 1948 and retired on May 15, 2004. I believe that he was the last World War II veteran to retire from the job. Stan was a captain for 43 years, and that is another record for the LAFD. Stan worked for many of his last years on the job in San Pedro at old 53s, and when Engine 53 moved to FS 112, he was the captain of Engine 112-B. Stans career spanned over five decades. What was the LAFD like in 1948? Chief Alderson was the Chief Engineer and General Manager and the department was just

engine 57

in the ForegrounD anD

Both FroM south laDDer PiPe.

FireFighters who For the Most Part useD their aPParatus as a shielD.

truck 48 is BehinD engine 57 with a the heat was extreMe For the


with wagon Batteries

engine 46,

starting to grow after the end of World War II. I did some research in our Museum library using the Grapevines some of you donated from the year 1948. I found articles written by now retired Deputy Chief Bill Goss called Its a Fact. From the Nov. 48 issue: There were officially 42 television sets installed in LAFD stations and by December there would be 47. The bonds approved in 1947 were being used to purchase new apparatus such as new high pressure companies at 16s, 23s, 28s and 11s, and new triples, aerial trucks, salvage apparatus, a large wrecker, and another manifold wagon to go with the fourth duplex pump the department has. Engine 22 and 83 were in their new quarters (Stan worked at then new 22s). The total alarms for the month of September 1948 was 1,708, broken down as follows: Actual fires 1,205, false alarms 118, rescue service 102, misc. service 208, outside of city 10, smoke scares 64, wrong location 1. From the December issue: Ten new MSA demand type breathing apparatus had been purchased and were in service at Trucks 4, 17, 27, 28, and 37. Ten additional units would be purchased and put in service at Trucks 48, 49, and Fireboats 1, 2, 1 and 3. The 2-hour self-contained Gibbs now carried by those units would be retained. The department has come a long way since those days and Stan had the opportunity and experience of living the through this evolution that made the LAFD such a great department. Stan said at his retirement dinner that he had lost an older brother, but on November 1, 1948, the day he joined the LAFD, he was given 3,000 brothers to replace the one he had lost. Firefighters take care of one another and they all share in the joys and sorrows of this elite family. Now we share the great memory of a great man in the passing of Stancil Jones.

stan anD his wiFe Mary in Front oF the sign DisPlay Designating the stancil g. Jones Plaza in his honor For his long service to the city anD the Port oF la. the Plaza is locateD across FroM the Front entrance to Fire station 112 in san PeDro.


eration to Protect the exPoseD tanks.

aerial view showing the Fire attack oP-

oF the FireFighters are using Protective lines to keeP the rigs cool FroM raDiateD heat.


at the Dock suPPlying MultiPle lines to the lanD coMPanies.

FireBoat 2 the ralPh J. scott

50 August 2012

stan loveD vintage cars anD trucks. here he is stanDing ProuDly next to his truck at last years harBor Fire MuseuM Pancake BreakFast anD car show.

laFD FireBoat 2 leaDs the iowa Down the channel to Berth 87 with a traDitional water DisPlay FroM its aFt Monitors. Photo By walt Jaeger, laFDhs.

the iowa is easily seen FroM harBor BlvD. with the ralPh J. scott FireBoat in the ForegrounD unDer restoration.. the iowa is 887 Ft. 3in. long anD the scott is 99 Ft. 6 in. long as a PersPective.

CaLENdar for august & September 2012

august 2012

September 2012

the uss iowa is hoMe in the Port oF l.a. It was a big day for a big ship on Saturday June 9, 2012, when the Battleship USS Iowa BB61, came down the channel in San Pedro Harbor to its final berth next to Fire Station 112. The Iowa was launched in 1942 and was involved in WWII in the Atlantic and Pacific and in the Korean War. She was decommissioned after Korea and reactivated in 1984 to operate as a global deterrent force. The Iowa was decommissioned for the last time in 1990. It was only a couple of years ago the Pacific Battleship Center was able to raise several million dollars to bring the ship out of mothballs to Los Angeles where it will be a museum and major tourist attraction opening on July 7th. The ship is located at Berth 87 right next to where we are working to restore the LAFDs Ralph J. Scott Fireboat.

August 2012 51

CaLL to ordEr President John Jacobsen called the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Los Angeles Firemens Relief Association to order at 11:25a.m. roLL CaLL MEMBErS PrESENt: John Jacobsen, President Juan Albarran, Vice President Andrew Kuljis, Secretary Trustee James Coburn Trustee Jeff Cawdrey Trustee Gene Bednarchik Trustee Chris Stine Trustee Doak Smith Trustee Robert Steinbacher Trustee Steve Tufts Trustee Craig White Trustee Francisco Hernandez Trustee Steven Domanski Trustee Rick Godinez Trustee Gary Matsubara Trustee Kurt Stabel Trustee Mark Akahoshi Trustee David Peters Trustee David Ortiz Trustee Barry Hedberg Trustee David Lowe Trustee Tim Larson David Ned Smith - Exec. Director Todd Layfer - Controller MEMBErS aBSENt: Trustee Chris Hart (Excused) Trustee Michael Overholser (Excused) iNVoCatioN & Flag Salute Rick Godinez led the invocation. David Lowe led the flag salute. ratiFiCatioN oF MiNUtES John Jacobsen entertained a motion to ratify and dispense with the reading of the minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting held May 2, 2012. Gary Matsubara so moved. David Peters seconded the motion. There was no further discussion or objections. Motion carried to ratify and dispense with the reading of the minutes of the Board of Trustees meeting held May 2, 2012. PrESidENtS rEPort 1) Jacobsen informed the Board that they will hold a Policy Committee meeting on June 20th to review the policy book and add items that have been approved. He also mentioned that they will have a By-laws committee meeting that same day. He asked the Trustees if they had any issues concerning the By-laws to submit them in writing for discussion and for debate. 2) Jacobsen stated that they have been working on a workers comp flow process chart for presumptive claims with the City. He indicated that Wayne Sherman is the key point person at HSB for presumptive claims for members if they are active or within the ten-year time frame for filing after retirement. 3) Jacobsen referred to the Eternal Flame Society for those members who wish to leave behind a contribution as a legacy to the WODFF. He stated that so far they have fifteen members signed up with various amounts committed; he indicated that some wish to remain anonymous. ViCE PrESidENt rEPort Juan Albarran reported on the Grass Valley event and indicated that the event was well received with about 130 attendees. aUdit CoMMittEE rEPort Doak Smith reported on the auditors findings compared to previously received investment reports on the unrealized loss for 2011 due to the poorly performing stock market. He stated that Beacon Pointe reported that the loss, after investment management fees, compared to the audit report had a difference in $3.6 million. He reported that the majority difference ($2.6 million) in reporting was that interest and dividends received in the investment account was shown on a different line in the audit report and was really not a difference between the two reports. He reviewed the remaining $1 million difference in figures which was that not all of the management fees, willed estates and capital calls for investments had been included in the Beacon Pointe reports. David Smith indicated that everything is now reconciled and that Garth has restated the last four years of investment returns. The revised numbers were only slightly different than the previously reported numbers. All future reporting will be done with this in consideration to maintain accuracy. Doak Smith made the following motion. The committee recommends and I so move to accept the audit report presented for 2011. There was no further discussion or objections. Motion carried to accept the audit report presented for 2011. EXECUtiVE dirECtorS rEPort Todd Layfer presented the First Quarter Expenditure report for 2012. He reported on the main revenue sources and stated that everything was on target for the budget. He stated that benefits paid to members were tracking below what was anticipated for the budget except for the DME benefit. He indicated that the contributions were on target for the year and mentioned that the Hook & Ladder event netted $15K and the Buzzard Baits netted $8K. He referred to the operating expenses and stated that they are within budget; however, he stated that the Trustee expenses were up due to the Wharton Investment conference. He reported on the market value of the portfolio and indicated that they were holding steady. Todd summarized that the Association was on budget and that revenues were exceeding expenditures. iNVEStMENt CoMMittEE rEPort Jacobsen informed that the investment transfer of funds to the three new investment managers has been completed. He also briefly reported on several Trustees participation in the Wharton Investment Conference. adMiNiStratiVE CoMMittEE rEPort Robert Steinbacher presented the following motions. The committee recommends and I so move to pay the usual and customary bills in the amount of $998,933.67. There was no discussion or objections. Motion carried to pay the usual and customary bills in the amount of $998,933.67. The committee recommends and I so move to pay the professional fees in the amount of $100,099.52. There was no discussion or objections. Motion carried to pay the professional fees in the amount of $100,099.52. The committee recommends and I so move to purchase another 100 flag boxes from Daniel Marino at $140 each. There was no

52 August 2012

discussion or objections. Motion carried to purchase another 100 flag boxes from Daniel Marino at $140 each. The committee recommends and I so move to enter into contract with the Hentzenwerke Corporation web consultants for $37K to develop the specification leading to the upgrade the FRITS database system. Jacobsen reported that this company will go through the entire FRITS system and will document how to recreate the program when converting from the Fox Pro data base which has not been maintained by Microsoft for several years. He also indicated that this will be Phase II of the project. David Smith stated that this contract will include delivery of a 300-page detailed specification so they can then send out to bid to upgrade the FRITS system. Motion carried to enter into contract with the Hentzenwerke Corporation web consultants at $37K to develop the specification leading to the upgrade the FRITS database system. MEdiCaL CoMMittEE rEPort David Peters presented the following motions. The committee recommends and I so move to accept the applications to the Medical Plan. There was no discussion and no objections. Motion carried to accept all applications to the Medical Plan. rELiEF CoMMittEE rEPort James Coburn presented the following motion. The committee recommends and I so move to pay: The Sick & Injury benefits in the amount of $27,104.38

The Estate Planning benefit in the amount of $4,800 The Life & Accident Withdrawals in the amount of $3,111 The Relief Death Benefits in the amount of $31,500 There was no discussion or objections. Motion carried to pay the above Relief benefits. James Coburn read the names of members who recently passed and asked for a moment of silence from the Board. MEMoriaLS PHILIP K. BOUKATHER EDWARD J. DREHER PAUL L. MITTENDORF WALTER L. BALL WINFRED D. PARKER EARL G. JOHNSON EDWARD E. WEGNER aSSiStaNCE CoMMittEE James Coburn presented the following motions. The committee recommends and I so move to accept the donations in the amount of $16,906.02 to the Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund. There was no discussion or objections. Motion carried to accept the donations in the amount of $16,906.02 to the Widows, Orphans & Disabled Firemens Fund. The committee recommends and I so move to approve the financial assistance applications for surviving spouses, active and retired members. There was no discussion or objections. Motion carried to approve the financial assistance applications for surviving spouses, active and retired members.

EMErGENCy adVaNCEMENtS James Coburn presented the following motion. The committee recommends and I so move to approve the emergency advancement applications for active and retired members. There was no discussion or objections. Motion carried to approve the emergency advancement applications for active and retired members. James Coburn informed the Board that they have decided to change a members payroll deduction plan. SCHoLarSHiP CoMMittEE rEPort Doak Smith reported that the grading has been done for all the essays and stated that the winners will be notified within the week. He also indicated that they will ask the winners to come to the July Board meeting for their checks. NEW BUSiNESS James Coburn mentioned that the amount of money taken in from the payroll deductions has been declining and asked if there was a way that they could reach out to those not already contributing. David Smith mentioned that there are about 40% of the membership that do not contribute through the payroll deduction system. He stated that Marlene is working on a correspondence to members not contributing to WODFF through payroll deductions. SEttiNG oF datES 1) Hope for Firefighters June 7th 2) Fallen Firefighter Memorial Run June 30th 3) Over the Line Tournament September 12th

4) LAFD Invitational Golf Tournament September 24th 5) IFEBP Annual Employee Benefits Conf. November 11th 14th 6) LAFRA Open House December 1st rEtirEMENt diNNErS 1) tom Burroughs, Barry Sears, rick Semsch, Jim Walters June 9th FS 114 (Peters) 2) Frank Cosola June 9th Frank & Susans Home Leona Valley (Domanski) 3) Gerald Horwedel June 10th Odyssey Restaurant (Lowe) 4) Gail Martin, Jr. June 11th Sutters Mill Restaurant (Bednarchik) 5) david Castaneda June 16th Brookside County Club (Larson) 6) *randall opperman June 24th Odyssey Restaurant *Dinner at 3:00pm (White) 7) Steve owens June 26th Avalon (Larson) 8) James Lawrence Gaffney June 28th Sagebrush Cantina (Lowe) 9) Scott ames July 12th Knollwood Country Club (Peters) 10) don Cascio and John rojas July 19th Los Robles Greens Golf Course (Albarran) 11) Wes Shundo July 28th Elks Lodge #966 San Pedro (Larson) 12) alan Bush August 11th Scarlett Belle, Oxnard (Doak/ Lowe) adJoUrNMENt John Jacobsen entertained a motion to adjourn. Gary Matsubara so moved. David Peters seconded. There was no discussion and no objections. Motion carried to adjourn. The Board of Trustees meeting adjourned at 12:34pm. John Jacobsen, President

August 2012 53

donations to Widows, orphans & disabled Firemens Fund

May 2012


54 August 2012

proceeds from sales go to

Donate Items For

Support our annual fundraising events & help raise

money by donating items to sell at auction. 100% of the


M U CH M O R E ! ! !


August 2012 55

56 August 2012

1996 BMW RT1100 MoToRCyClE. 23,000 miles, mint condition, 40+MPG, always covered and garaged. Blue book $5400.00. Asking $5000 OBO. Retired LAFD Paul T. Papp. (818) 437-4781 2000 HARlEy-dAVIdSoN RoAd KING. Beautiful Bike! 95-inch motor, includes seat back and chrome rack (10K in chrome), 16,000 miles. Asking $9,500. Also for sale, 2004 Honda XR650R, good condition. HR hop up kit, runs excellent. Asking $2,500. (909) 838-5929. LACO Captain, John Mark FS 135-C.


3 BEdRooM, 2 BATH RIVERFRoNT HoME. Fully furnished on Colorado River near Parker, AZ on the California side. Purchase complete or be 1/2 owner and split expenses. Call Mike Proffitt at (714) 968-4656 or (714) 655-1367 cell. 3 BEdRooM, 2 BATHRooM, SINGlE SToRy HoUSE for lease or lease/option in Thousand Oaks. 1770 square feet, newly remodeled. Air conditioning, pool/spa. Indoor laundry room. Great neighborhood with outstanding schools & includes pool service. $2275.00/ month plus security deposit. Jeff Easton - Fire Station 105-A (805) 217-5602 BEAUTIFUl, SINGlE lEVEl HoME available in Mill City, Oregon. Single owner, retired L.A. Fireman, now deceased. Quiet neighborhood on dead end street. Built among trees, gorgeous meadow behind, unequaled view of the Cascades. 3 Bdrm, 2 1/2 baths. Natural landscape with 150 yr. old Maple in the side yard. Plenty of room for RV, boat, trailer etc. Contact Judy Quillin, 503 559-8643; email: JudyQ@ MLS#640292 BUIld yoUR dREAM HoME on beautiful San Juan Island in Washington State. 10 acres with views of water, neighboring islands and Mt. Baker. $550,000. Retired Capt II LAFD (360) 378-2190. Ask for Wendy. CUSToM loG HoME- Kings Canyon Sequoia Area. 4200 sq ft, 2 story, 3 bedroom/2.5 baths. Master bed has walk in closet w/French doors and deck. Large game room w/bar and wood burning stove. Huge gourmet kitchen w/six burner professional Garland range, SubZero freezer and refrigerator. Hard rock maple counters and maple cabinets. Large loft with library and office overlooking great room with vaulted ceilings and riverrock fireplace. Pella windows and doors. Hardwood floors throughout, tile in kitchen, laundry and baths. Central vac. Deck on three sides. 15 acres fenced. Tennis court, pool, 2 car garages, 40X60 metal bldg. Septic and 40 gpm well. $650,000. Contact Ray Oster (559) 338-2220 or email for more info and photos.

EXCEpTIoNAl lAKE ARRoWHEAd HoME. Located in a secluded private community just steps from the lake, this 4 bdrm 3&1/2 bath spacious custom home has all the amenities to compliment the 4 season mountain living of Lake Arrowhead! Family living centered around the inviting quality-plus kitchen & great room with warm & cozy fireplace, to the large master suite featuring its own fireplace & 3 more beautifully decorated bdrms. for family & guests. A firemans dream garage with room for all the toys & an adjoining RV covered port that must be seen to appreciate. The landscaping & views from the decks surrounding this magnificent one of a kind home are an entertainers delight! Call Dick Alder at 909 553-2757, <r_alder@> or Mt. Co. Realty at 909 337-2414 to view this special home. Offered at $749,000, visit our web-site at FoR SAlE. 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo fully furnished in Barra de Navidad, Jalisco, Mexico. Short walk to small fishing village, beach, restaurants, etc. LAFD retired. (909) 392-8941. loVEly 2800 SQ FT 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on Marrowstone Island near Port Townsend, Washington. Sits on 4 plus partical wooded acres with Puget Sound. 230 foot waterfront view. Has barn for RV storage. City water, oil heat in floor. Past home of LAFD get together. Call Vonnie Rogers (360) 385-7544. MAMMoTH CoNdo - Cozy 2 bedrooms, 2 bath. Fully furnished, WIFI, 3 TVs, pool, spa, tennis, walk to shuttle. Old Mammoth area. Winter $115, Summer $90, plus maid $126. Includes linens. No pets, no smoking. Call (310) 540-4648. RIVER pARCElS. Three 20 acre Klammath River frontage parcels in beautiful Northern California- 30 miles from Oregon. Electricity and telephone available. Rarely used County-maintained road runs through. Very private. 6 miles from Happy Camp. Each parcel has more than 700 front feet of river. $195,000 - $295,000. Contact Troy Bonar, LAFD retired. PO Box 466, Happy Camp, CA 96039 or call (530) 493-2453 or fax (530) 4932589 or email: SKI THE SUMMIT! BIG BEAR, 4+2, 5 minutes from snow summit, downtown and the lake. Located in the desirable Fox Farm area. 2 story-upstairs 2+1, downstairs 2+1 turn key condition, ready to enjoy. Fully furnished. Investment Vacation or Retirement. $359,000 Call Therese (818) 216-4628 or

A VETERAN FoR HIRE - Brush clearance, clean ups, grading, rototill, new lawns, tree and shrub shaping, stump removals, concrete, asphalt and dirt removal, trench footings, auger holes and more! Full line of equipment. Thanks! Larry (818) 489-5126 AA FREE CoNSUlTATIoN at the Law Offices of EDWARD R. DANOFF - Located in Santa Anas original FIRE STATION NO. ONE. We provide services for SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY CLAIMS including auto, boat, motorcycle accidents, dog bites, and wrong death cases. DIVORCES, including custody, support, modifications and restraining orders. REAL ESTATE - BANKRUPTCY - CRIMINAL DUI - TWENTY-FIVE PERCENT HOURLY DISCOUNT RATE TO FIREFIGHTERS. Thirty years experience. Former volunteer fireman. Orange and Los Angeles Counties call (714) 972-8355 - Inland Empire and Palm Springs/ Desert Area call (800) 794-5297. AlTERNATIVE TERMITE Treatments: ECOLA Services, Since 1983. Fumigation/ tenting is NOT your only option. Direct heat, environmentally caring, no poison gas, no need to vacate for days. Electro-Gun/ Microwave/ Tim-Bor. 2 year written warranty on all work performed. Lifetime renewal option available. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call Susan Fries (800) 332-BUGS (2847). Firemans wife. BoAT & pWC SToRAGE Firemens discount. 10% off first months rent & no deposit required. Winter rates available. Located on the Colorado River, close to launch ramps. All Seasons Storage 800 North K St., Needles, CA 92363. (760) 326-2001. BUIldING plANS. Residential: patios, decks, additions/remodeling, repairs, new construction, design. Commercial: tennant improvement, ADA compliances and more. George Lavallee (805) 5321905 office. cre8iveanswers@ CHooSE yoUR dREAM CRUISE - Princess Cruises, Royal Caribean, Holland American, Carnival and more... 3 to 21 day getaways to Alaska, Hawaii, The Bahamas and many other exciting destinations. Call Patricia at (661) 265-9440 or toll free at (877) 7HISEAS, or email pliefeld@qnet. com wife of LAFD Mechanic, sister of LAFD Captain. CRANE SERVICE All kinds of lifts - A/C Units, Spas, Construction, Beams, Poles, Appliances,


FoR RENT oR lEASE. Townhouse in Valencia. 2 BDRM & 2 BTHRM with garage and carport in gated complex with pool & spa. Located next to city park and YMCA. $1750 with all appliances. Available in Jan 2012. Call Jesse (310) 350-8481. HoRSE pRopERTy, lAKE VIEW TERRACE - Near FS24. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, newly remodeled kitchen with granite countertops and stainless steel appliances. Formal living room, plus family room. 3 pipe corrals, arena, 2 barns, trail access. Motor home and horse trailer parking. Gardener included. Available October. $2800/month. Eng. Ames (818) 257-4549. loVEly 110 yR. old HISToRIC HoUSE to share in San Pedros historic waterfront dist. Private bedroom with private full bathroom, kitchen, laundry, air conditioning, spacious back yard, sorry, no private parking, $700 month. Cindy 310 831-0926. THIS CHARMING SpACIoUS 2 BEdRooM HoME is centrally located in the heart of Encino. Features hardwood flooring throughout with a large master suite, bath, cathedral ceilings and walk-in closets. The upstairs can be separate with its own entrance. Downstairs is a bedroom, full bath and powder room. Big backyard, garage and additional parking for RV. $2500 for the above, or rent just the master suite, $1000, downstairs for $1500 a month. Call Tracy (818) 704-9592.

August 2012 57

Man Baskets available. Insured and bonded. Leonard Campbell Owner/Operator (818) 340-8907 dJ FoR All oCCASIoNS - You name it, I play it!! Call Frank (818) 554-7273. Serving San Fernando Valley over 20 years! Firefighters are my family. doES ANyTHING BoTHER yoU? Anything at all? Mental, emotional or physical? Dr. Bob Price, psychotherapist. LAFD retired, has developed a model that puts the fire out fast. It allows you to overcome almost anything that bothers you rather quickly. My book, Speed Healing, & DVD is available at www.pricepartsmodel. com. Telephone sessions granted quickly. Call for telephone appointment. (619) 461-9527 dRyWAll SERVICE, new construction, remodel, repair, acoustic ceilings removed. All types of textures. Licensed, bonded and insured. Gregg Avery, F.S. 66 A residence (805) 494-9037. FIREFIGHTERS TAXES - Are you getting the most from your tax returns? I am a wife of a firefighter and specialize in their returns, with 60% of my clients being firefighter families. Taxes done at you convenience; my office or by phone. Available year-round. TaxPro, Barbara Ravitz, 661-257-7606. FIREFIGHTER dISCoUNTS. At Farmers Insurance Group, I can assist you in deciding what options best meet your insurance needs. Free competitive quotes available for homeowners, auto, life, RVs, boats motorcycles and more. As a former LAFD and LAPD Commissioner, and coming from a family of firefighters (3 brothers and 1 nephew), I understand your need for an agent that can make your life a little easier. For a free quote, please call the Corina Alarcon Insurance Agency at (818) 263-1723. FIREMAN dESIGN & lANdSCApE. Free design and estimate. Landscape/irrigation/sod/stamped concrete/concrete foundations/ patio covers/turf/rockscape. I will beat all written estimates. Serving all areas. LAFD 96-B Eric Mendoza. (760) 221-1912 cell. (661) 480-2202 office. Lic#857078. Insured and bonded. FloWERS FoR All oCCASIoNS. La Petite Florist offers only the finest floral arrangements, plants and gifts delivered in Orange County and nationwide through Teleflora. Family owned and operated since 1976. Browse our website for hundreds of ideas at or call (800) 682-3327. Gina Cawdrey, LAFD wife.

HAI TECH lASERS INC. - For all your engraving needs. X-mas gifts, Retirement etc. Friend of the LAFD. Hai Tech Lasers Inc., 25026 Anza Dr., Santa Clarita CA 91355. (661) 775-0210 REAl ESTATE FINANCING. Interest rates are at All-Time-Lows. Refinance & Purchase Loans, Investment/Second Home Loans/ Equity Lines/2nd Trust Deeds, No Points/No Fees Loans, VA, FHA, Conventional Loans, Lending in many other states. Mortgage lending with exceptional customer service, integrity, strength and experience. For your Free Mortgage Analysis, call (714) 469-8900. Jay Trementozzi, Mortgage Banker. DRE# 01113819, NMLS# 241591. REAl ESTATE SERVICES - Start a new life in the gorgeous communities of Temecula and Murrieta. Top rated schools, world renowned wineries, numerous golf courses, lakes, shopping and a great family atmosphere. Located 78 miles from HQ between Los Angeles and San Diego. Call Mike Utley at (951) 775-8491 (LAFD Retired). REBECCA MARTIN lANdSCApE. Architectural landscape design and installation. A full service design/build landscape firm that creates unique custom exterior environments that will increase the value of your home and bring you years of outdoor enjoyment. Rebecca Martin, LAFD wife. (818) 216-3637. Lic# 936577. TAX AlERT FoR FIREFIGHTERS Dont lose thousands of dollars during your professional career to the IRS! Let HEWITT FINANCIAL GROUP, the specialists in firefighter tax services, prepare your tax return and review your prior years tax returns. We specialize in tax planning and preparation for firefighters. We also offer FREE REVIEW of your last four years of tax returns. Call us today at (800) 573-4829 or visit our website at WHETSEl TAX SERVICES - Specializing in law enforcement and firefighter tax preparation. Call or fax Mari Whetsel at (661) 360-8707 or visit at 27726 Briarcliff Place, Valencia CA 91354. WINdoWS & pATIo dooRS - vinyl replacement windows & Patio doors. I also carry aluminum, wood and entry door systems. Rick Brandelli, Capt. LACoFD, FS 8-C (800) 667-6676.

ARE yoU IN NEEd oF A VACATIoN? We have $49-$79 Cruises a Monthly! $149 and up ALL INCLUSIVE! Join our Travel Club! Go to: or YouTube JoeTraveler and Cabo Dreamtrip (661) 993-9476 call/ text FF/PM Peter Mills 100-A 4 BEdRooMS, 4 BATHS, Game Room, 3000 sq. ft. upscale Big Bear Lake cabin. Pool table, foosball, darts, ping-pong, gas BBQ. Private road close to lake, Village. Walk to Snow Summit, great for summer. Accommodates 13. Until November: Midweek-$250; Weekends: $295. For summer specials or holiday/winter rates call (949) 683-3028. BEACH FRoNT SUNSET BEACH oAHU, HAWAII - North Shore at Sunset Beach. Two separate homes 2+ den, 2ba, sleeps 8. $225 per day and 2br + 1ba, sleeps 6. $200 per day! Both share large tropical yard. View 7 surf breaks from backyards to pipeline. Contact Betty at (808) 372-7558 or Barker LAFD retired (805) 985-4001. BIG BEAR CABIN - All season, restful views from decks. Two story, sleeps 6, half mile to lake, two plus miles to slopes. Fireplace/Wood, cable TV/DVD/VCR. Full kitchen, completely furnished except linens. Pets ok. $95/$105 (two day minimum). $550/$600 a week, Beep or Donna Schaffer 1+(760) 723-1475. BIG BEAR CABIN. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 story. Sleeps 8. Near ski slopes & lake. Fireplace/wood, cable TV, DVD,VCR, full kitchen. Completely furnished. $85/$95 per night. Minimum 2 nights. Holidays extra. Weekly available. All Season. Sheri (909) 851-1094 cell or (760) 948-2844 home. BIG BEAR lAKES FINESTDeluxe lakeside townhouse, 2 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 cable TVs, HBO, DVD, WiFi, 2 wood burning fireplaces, laundry room, tennis court, indoor pool, sauna, spa, boat dock. Fully equipped, including all linens. Sleeps 6. 310-541-8311 or email BIG BEAR VINTAGE CABIN. 2 minute walk to village. 5 minute drive to both slopes. Lake view. 2 bed, 1 bath, sleeps 6. Contact: Owned by LAFD member. BUllHEAd/lAUGHlIN. Large new Custom 3 bedroom/2 bath home 4 minutes from the casinos and close

to Katherines Landing. Quiet culde-sac. All amenities. Everything is new. 60 TV in living room. TVs in all bedrooms. Large formal dining room. BBQ and large patio overlooking the mountains. 35 ft X 3-1/2 car garage w/ gym equipment. Wireless internet w/ on site computer. $150 per night + $75 cleaning fee. No smoking or pets please. Scott at 805-208-1598 or CATAlINA BEACH CoTTAGE - 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, one block to beach, view, fully equipped housekeeping unit. Marci (818) 347-6783 or Clarence (310) 510-2721. dElUXE lAKESIdE ToWN HoME. 2 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 fireplaces, washer, dryer, gas barbeque. Indoor pool, sauna, Jacuzzi, locker room with shower. Tennis court, boat dock, cable TV, HBO. Fully furnished including linens. 3 miles from Snow Summit. Sleeps 6 max. (310) 541-8311 dESERT CoNdo Rancho Mirage (near Palm Springs), 2 bedrooms, 2 bath, fully furnished condo & WiFi Internet. Also 2 bedroom and den, 2 bath, TV and VCR, pools, spas, tennis courts, gated community. From $110 per night. No pets or smoking. Barbara (626) 798-2484. FoRMER l.A. FIREFIGHTER and Family offering gorgeous Baja Mexico Property for rent. Coastside Gated Community with pool/ spa, surfing, and loads of fun. 4 Bedrooms, 4 Bathrooms. Fully Equipped Kitchen. Call Kathy at 510-468-5003 for more information. Go to: htm for pictures, availability calendar, and information on the area. GolFERS-BoATERS-oTHERS! SAVE $$$ oN HoTEl RATES!! Luxury condo rental - Direct from Owner. One bedroom two bath luxury condo located in Mexican resort area of Nuevo Vallarta, just 15 minutes north of Puerto Vallarta Intl Airport. Unit is part of Grand Marina Villas, part of the Paradise Village Hotel complex, and includes use of 18 hole El Tigre Golf Course. Weekly or monthly rates. For info: Web site: e-mails: or (310) 395-7804. HAVASU lANdING - Waterfront on Lake Havasu. 3 bedroom, 3 bath. Boat mooring out front. Fully furnished. Direct TV, WiFi, BBQ, Casino, new grocery/meat market. No pets/smoking (310) 418-1577. JUNE lAKE CABIN - Scenic 2br/2ba cozy, cabin with views. 5 minutes from Fishing and Skiing. Fully furnished. Wood Deck, Sleeps 8, wood burning stove, full kitchen, cable Tv/Dvd, stereo,

58 August 2012

phone. Detached garage/room for boat. Call for summer/winter rates. Cleaning fee applies. Jeff Easton 105-A, (805)-217-5602 KApAlUA, MAUI. Luxurious ocean view Kapalua Ridge 1 and 2 bedroom villas from $145/$250, 7th night FREE. Fully equipped with washer/dryer, Hi speed internet, Wi-Fi, cable TV, free resort shuttle, minutes from ocean. Features 3 white sand beaches including BEST BEACH in the world, Kapalua Bay Beach, 100 miles of hiking trails, 2 golf courses with great discounts, 10 tennis courts, zip lines, 2 spas, golf academy, horseback riding, snorkeling, swimming, surfing, kayaking, shops, restaurants. Contact Terry or Diane @ 800-326-MAUI (6284). www. asp or email lAKE ARRoWHEAd Blue Jay cabin charming two-story with creek, large deck, two baths, complete kitchen, TV,VCR/DVD, fireplace, washer and dryer, walk to Blue Jay Village. Sleeps 6. $90/ night. NO PETS! Bruce or Sue Froude, (805) 498-8542. lAKE HAVASU BEACH FRoNT. Located at HAVASU LANDING RESORT a gated community on the California side of Lake Havasu. Swim, Ski or fish from the front yard. Buoys in front of home for overnight boat(s) tie-ups. No need to launch boat each day. Walking distance to a CASINO, restaurants and grocery store. Adjacent to miles of off-road desert trails, great for ATVs, 4 wheelers and Motorcycles. Beautiful landscaping with a lawn from the home to the lake. Covered patio with furniture and a gas BBQ. Four bedrooms with beds for 10.Two full bathrooms. Check Craigslist for pic. $350. Per night 10% discount for a week. For Reservations call Bud @ 818 352-4422 lAKE HAVASU BEAUTy FoR RENT - 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1600 sq.ft. Fully furnished with all amenitiesLaundry & BBQ. 13,000 sq.ft. lot. 3 car boat-deep garage. 3 miles from launch ramp. Close to downtown shops & restaurants. View of the lake. Quiet street in good neighborhood. No pets. No smoking. Snowbird rates. Call Mike (661) 510-6246 lAKE HAVASU CITy. New Custom 3 bedroom/2 bath home on lake side of Hwy 95 north side of town. Quiet street. All the amentities. 60 TV in living room. TVs in all bedrooms. Wireless internet with on site computer. BBQ on large patio. Swimming pool. Near marinas and restaurants. $150 per night.

$85 cleaning fee. No smoking or pets please. Scott at 805-208-1598 or lAKE HAVASU HoME for rent. Built in 2004. 1800 square feet, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Newly/fully furnished w/all amenities of home. Large garage 20x32 with tall doors. Large area for guest parking. Located less than a mile from lake on a quiet cul-de-sac! RV hookups. Ask for FF discount. Call Ryan Penrod (310) 804-1801 or Nicole (909) 263-8177. lAKE HAVASU HoME - Beautiful 3 bed, 2 bath home that sleeps 8. Lake view, RV access, boat parking, everything is new. Quiet street in great neighborhood, just minutes from London Bridge. Call John for pricing at (323) 449-4473. Snow-bird rates and firemen discount available. lAKE HAVASU Landing California. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, wifi, DirecTV, BBQ, full laundry, slip-in marina included, just steps away. 180 degree view of lake and your boat in slip. Huge covered patio. No pets. No smoking. Larry Mc Andress ret 112A (714) 963-9344 or (714) 393-1464. lAKE HAVASU VACATIoN HoMES for rent. Each fully furnished with all amenities of home. Every home has a lake view, pool, RV access, boat parking, ample guest parking and sleep up to 8 people. Check out our website @ or call (928) 855-5848 or (661) 212-3191. lAKE TAHoE GETAWAy 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with all of the amenities complete kitchen, washer/ dryer, TV/ VCR. Quiet neighborhood near the lake, casinos and ski slopes. $600.00 per week. Call Cal or Linda @ (805) 584-2718. lAKE poWEll HoUSEBoAT. 68 Sumerset. 2 staterooms, 2 cuddy cabins, 2 baths. Will sleep 10 to 12. 2 ref. fully equipped kitchen, BBQ, TV, DVD, Twin A/C. Party top, flybridge, V8 drives, 12 KW ge., 100 gal. aux. fuel tank with pump. Dan Coyle (805) 494-8854. lA QUINTA - Gated community, fully furnished deluxe home, three bedrooms, three baths on the 10th fairway of the Dunes Golf Course in La Quinta Country Club. Two car garage, large patio with barbecue. No pets, no smoking. $200/night - 2 week minimum, plus refundable security deposit. Call (323) 254-3874 MAMMoTH CoNdo Cozy 2 bedrooms, 2 bath. Fully furnished, WIFI, 3 TVs, pool, spa, tennis, walk to shuttle, Old Mammoth area. Winter $115, Summer $90, plus maid $126. Includes linens.

No pets, no smoking. Call (310) 540-4648. MAMMoTH CoNdo Fully furnished, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, sleeps 6. Close to Canyon Lodge, pool, spa, recreation room, laundry facilities, condo has been beautifully remodeled, photos available, $200 a night winter - $125 a night summer + $150 cleaning fee. Call for holiday pricing. Joe Angiuli, South Division (626) 497-5083. MAMMoTH CoNdo - Fully furnished, 1 bdrm, loft, 1 1/2 baths, sleeps 4. On shuttle route. All amenities: Sauna, Pool, laundry on premises. Fall/Winter prices. $100/ night. Spring/Summer $85/night. One time $70 cleaning fee. No smoking, no pets, contact: Julian Edwards (909) 573-3815 MAMMoTH - 1 bedroom Summit condo, sleeps 6. Convenient underground garage parking, jacuzzis, gym (pool, tennis in summertime), shuttle right outside! Across from chair 15. Winter $110 per night, Summer $80 per night plus $65 cleaning fee per stay. All linens included. Drew or Nancy Oliphant (661) 513-2000. MAMMoTH CoNdo - MAMMoTH ESTATES, 4BR/3BA, fully furnished, linens, full kitchen, TV/ DVD, stereo, fireplace, pool , jacuzzi, sauna. 2 blocks from gondola village. 1 block to ski shuttle. Winter $330/night, Summer $215/night, plus cleaning. Includes city bed tax. No pets, no smoking, sleeps 8. Dory Jones (310) 918-0631 or Kelly Corcoran (310) 619-5355. MAMMoTH CoNdo - 2 bdrm, 2 bath, 2 TVs, phone, garage, pool, jacuzzi, fully furnished - exept linens. Near shuttle/chair 15. Winter $125/night. Weekends and Holidays $110 midweek. Summer $95/night. $495/week. No smoking. No pets. Jim Johnson (818) 9927564, FS 80C. MAMMoTH CoNdo - Clean 1 bedroom, 2 bath. Sleeps 6. Walk to Village and Gondola. Shuttle out front. Close to Canyon Lodge. Fully furnished, spa, ski locker, underground parking and wireless. Midweek special. No pets. No smoking. $120 winter, $90 summer. $65 cleaning fee, includes linens. Jeff or Tonya Clemens (805) 4998160. MAMMoTH CoNdo - Sierra Manors Sleeps 7. 3 bedroom 2 1/2 bath. Fully furnished except linens. 2 TVs/ VCR/DVD, stereo/CD. Dishwasher, microwave, sauna, jacuzzi, pool. No smoking/No Pets. Shuttle at door. Winter $140/night, Summer $90/ night, Plus $80 cleaning fee and City Bed Tax. Brian & Karen Salvage LAFD Retired (805) 499-7752.

MAMMoTH lAKES - One bedroom, extremely charming wildflower condo. Full amenities, close to shuttle. Antiques, art, satellite TV, fireplace. Sleeps 4. Winter $110, Summer $85. Call (818) 371-6722 Email: MAMMoTH RENTAl By oWNER - Studios 1, 2, 3 & 4 bedroom rentals, budget to luxury rates, fully furnished, stocked kitchens, bedding, towels, all locations, some pet friendly, complimetary WiFi. Mammoth Rental by Owner affiliated with Mammoth Lodging Association, high standard cleaning, maintenance, 24/7 emergency contact. Visit mention fire8. Contact us or call (818) 883-2488 or (888) 472-5777. MAMMoTH SKI & RACQUET: Southwestern decor. Sleeps 4. King bed. Full Kitchen, TV, VCR, DVD. Garage parking. 5 min walk to Canyon Lodge. Winter $155/nite, $175 Fri, Sat, & Holidays; Summer $100/nite. 2 nite min. addl nites less. Jeff & Lisa Moir. LAFD Air Ops (661) 254-5788 MAMMoTH CoNdo Wildflower, 1 bedroom sleeps 4, king bed and queen sofa bed. Fully furnished, fireplace, dishwasher, stereo, TV/ DVD, phone, spa, sauna, pool and tennis court. Linens and cleaning fee. On shuttle route. Winter rate $100/night, summer rate $70/night. Mike Greenup (805) 583-8239 or cell (805) 338-9955. MAMMoTH SKI & RACQUET: Walk to Canyon Lodge. Studio loft sleeps 4. Queen beds, full kitchen, 2 baths, garage parking, TV, VCR, DVD. Winter Sun-Thurs $100.nite; Fri & Sat $115/nite plus cleaning fee $100. Non smoking complex. Joel Parker, LAFD retired. email: or (213) 399-6534. MAMMoTH. SKI IN - SKI oUT at lift 15, 2 bedroom including master suite, 2 bath condo. TV/DVD in living room. Good sound system. Gym, spa, fireplace, very roomy, underground parking, tennis courts, pools, and outside BBQ area. (310) 476-4784. Email: or visit website: MAUI BEACH FRoNT CoNdo oN NApIlI BAy - 50 from water. Studios and 1 bdrm. Luxury furnishings + full kitchen. All the amenities! Mauis best snorkeling/beach. All island activities & Kapalua within 4 minutes. 5-day minimum, from $135 per night (regularly $310 night). Call Sherrie or Bill for info/reservations (805) 530-0007 or (800) 889-8641 toll-

August 2012 59

free or email: or visit: MAUIS MoST BEAUTIFUl BEACH - Napili Bay. Beautiful furnished condo with kitchen and daily maid service. 15% discount off already lowest prices in the area. Don Sprenger (949) 548-5659 or (800) 336-2185. NICARAGUA SURF CoNdo Enjoy UNREAL surf in a FRIENDLY SAFE COUNTRY. Golf a new course and hang out by the pool. Walking distance to beach. 3 bedroom 2 bath. See for yourself at: Contact Chris Hart (714) 742-3325 or email: oAHU, HAWAII NoRTH SHoRE at Sunset Beach. Two ocean front houses on large tropical yard. 2 bedroom and den, two baths and 2 bedroom, 1 bath. Each looking at the sunset break. Completely furnished. Contact Betty Suratt regarding Barker Houses (805) 985-4001 or (808) 372-7558. oXNARd CA - SIlVER STRANd BEACH - Beach house vacation rental. 3 story, fully furnished 3br/2ba main house+1br/1ba guest house, sleeps 8-12. Linens included, wireless internet, cable tv/ dvd, washer/dryer, bbq, ping-pong, bikes, boogie boards, beach chairs, large decks, and views. 1 small block to beach. (805) 241-7221 pAlM dESERT. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Fully furnished. All new.

Direct TV and WiFi all bedrooms. Private patio with BBQ. Private 60 unit complex with 2 pools, 2 jaccuzzis, 2 tennis courts. Near College of the Desert. One level. (310) 418-1577. pGA WEST (lA QUINTA) TpC STAdIUM GolF CoURSE CoNdo. Luxurious 3+2 lake front condo on the 11th green of the world famous Stadium Course. Gated, community pool & spa, 4 TVs/cable/dvd, washer/dryer, BBQ, garage, no smoking or pets please. $150/night w/6 night min. + cleaning. Seasonal/extended stay discounts. Buzz - LAFD (949) 3227979 RANCHo MIRAGE 2-2, gated complex, double garage, tennis, pools, spa, bikes, cable tv/vcr, microwave, bbq, washer/dryer, decorator furnished. Close to golf, restaurants, and shops. $90/night. Margo Idol (805) 498-1513 or Ruth (805) 498-4616. RoSARITo BEACH Cottage. Charming 2 br./2 ba beach cottage (not a condo) located in the Quinta Del Mar project approximately 25 miles south of San Diego. 24-hour security, lg. patio w/ocean view, bbq, fireplace, cable TV, microwave, 3 pools, jacuzzi, tennis, horses, 2 rest. (music and dancing), ride the waves, off-track betting, golf nearby. 2-day min, $95 day. Midweek/weekly rates available. Photos and info @ Lockhart (619) 429-4060. SAN ClEMENTE BEACH HoUSE - Two bedroom fully furnished private home. Sleeps 6 laundry,

wireless internet, tv/dvd, movie channels. Enough off street parking for 4 SUVs, large enclosed backyard, 3 minute walk to pier. 5 minute walk to downtown, pet friendly. David Laub, LACOFD (949) 306-5532 or or SAN ClEMENTE BEACH. This stylish 1 bedroom/1bath rental is only 200 yards from the beach and a 10-minute walk to the pier or downtown. The unit is beautifully decorated and has all the comforts of home. Includes large plasma in living room and smaller TV in bedroom. See more info and photos @ Rates: Oct - Apr $150/night (2 night min.) weekly $850. May - Sept $200/ night (2 night min.) weekly $1150. Non refundable cleaning fee $100. Call Ron or Kathy (949) 831-7693 or email SKI-IN/oUT 2 bEDROOM, 2 bath across from Eagle express chairlift (CHAIR 15). Has TV in Living room and Bedroom, very spacious unit, fireplace, dining area, Gym, spa includes jacuzzi & sauna. Exterior of complex totally refurbished. Underground parking. (310) 476-4784. SKI THE GREATEST SNoW oN EARTH In Park City, Utah and avoid the 5 hour grueling drive to Mammoth. 2 bedroom/2 bath. Tri-level townhome. Located a short drive to three world-class ski resorts. (Deer Valley, PC Mountain Resort, The Canyons) $1100/week - $1600/ Holiday. Call Ron (310) 415-6788

SoUTH lAKE TAHoE Romantic Chalet Family getaway. 3 bed/2 bath plus loft. Sleeps 810. Cable TV, washer/dryer, microwave, woodburning stove. 7 minutes to casinos and Heavenly. Located in Tahoe Paradise. Call Shawn or Rose Agnew at (661) 250-9907 or (661) 476-6288. VACATIoN RENTAl - So Lake Tahoe, 3 Bd 2 Ba home with all amenities. Close to Lake, Casinos and Ski Slopes $650 wk or $130 nt $100 Cleaning. www. Call Cal or Linda @ 805 584-2718 or email

AMERICA TRAVElER RV RENTAlS - We rent motor homes and travel trailers. Special discount for Fire and Police. Check out our sales department. (661) 273-7479. MoToR HoMES FoR RENT: Several 2006 Class A 32 Foot Motor Homes, with Double Slide Outs, Fully Loaded, Free Housekeeping Kit, Camping Kit, Discount Prices Starting at $150.00 to $180.00 per night. Serving family & friends of LAPD , LASD, IPD, OXPD, OX Fire, LA CO., LA City, Ski Clubs ask for our 25% off weekly rental rates. Visit us at com or call 661-714-7689 or 661297-2398. ALSO AVAILABLE BIG BEAR CABINS, 3 bedroom 2 bath with pool tables & spas. PLEASE CALL FOR MORE DETAILS.


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60 August 2012

circa 1918. the membeRs oF engine Co. 17 At eAst 7th stReet And south sAntA Fe Avenue.

August 2012 61

Auto Rates as low as for 24 months, or for up to 60 months

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Loan rates are based on term and applicant credit history. All loans are subject to credit approval and to Credit Union policies and procedures. Rates are subject to change without prior notice. Representative Examples: A $25,000 auto loan nanced at 3.49% Funds on deposit are insured up to $500,000 per APR for 60 months would result in 60 payments of $454.68. A $50,000 RV loan nanced at 6.74% APR for account. This institution is not federally insured, 120 months would result in 120 payments of $573.86. A $75,000 motor home loan nanced at 6.24% APR and if the institution fails, the Federal Government does not guarantee that depositors will get back their money. for 20 years would result in 240 payments of $547.76 the rate and payments may increase or decrease Accounts with this institution are not insured by any state government. after the rst 60 months. Other restrictions may apply. LAFCU is an Equal Opportunity Lender.

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