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The Online Weekly Magazine!

July 28th, 2012.


The power of tilted text.

Section for Boys Section for Girls


-Why you should.

And much more!

Issue 2:

Page 3.

1. Letter from the Writer.

2. Smiling Page 4.
3. In my corner of the spherical world Page 5.
Page 6.

4. Picture of the Week



The power of tilted text.

Page 7.

6. Quote of the Week

Page 9.

7. Who says that actions speak louder than words? (Poetry) Page 9. 8. For Boys: The Sea Season Page 10. Abc-xyz Page 13. 9. For Girls: The Apron and the Chefs Hat Page 13. Hairdos for the Summer Page 14.

AnD wE sHoUlD aLl LaUgH: hA hA Page 15.


Issue 2:


Letter from the Writer.

Nice to see you all again. Issue 2 is a week late, but trust me, it will not happen again. I am glad that I am finally writing this, so please accept my sincere apology. I am introducing a new section to the Letter from the Writer. section and this section is: Writers Favorite. This section will have the name or names of the articles that the writer likes best and you can read them first if you like. I have also included sections for boys and girls so that you can have something of direct interest. So.

Writers Favorite.

Mary signing off- thanks.

Mary wants to tell you about: (NOT ADVERTISING) A blog about animals! Check it out. Mary when she is surfing the web.


Issue 2:


Getting To Know the Facts: Additional Knowledge

-Why you should.
Smiling is more than what most of us think it is. And I never thought that it would be linked to all that. Who would you choose? Tell me honestly: who would you approach; a

I never thought that it would be linked to all that.

stern looking, frowning person or a person who is smiling? When we smile, we seem agreeable, and people think that we are not mean or rude. They guess that we have a friendly attitude and can talk to us without feeling uncomfortable. All these things are subconscious thoughts that come to a persons mind when they look at someone who is smiling. How you feel Smiling makes us feel happy, and it boosts our mood. When we smile- even if weakly- we feel relief and joy. We also feel happy about ourselves and believe that we are successful and have achieved a lot in life. We feel good about ourselves and our confidence develops. Smiling makes you look younger and it lifts your face. Health Benefits This is what I have been waiting for. Get ready to get blown off your feet, because now is the moment of truth!


Issue 2:


When you smile, your body releases natural pain killers. Smiling also lowers your blood pressure. Smiling makes you relax and your immune system works better than usual, can you believe it? Smiling also decreases stress levels, which is also connected with health. Now didnt that blow you away if you did not yet know about all that? It surely surprised me. It takes only four muscles to smile, whereas frowning takes a lot more muscles. Everyone else When you smile at someone, they feel more confident. Also, smiling mostly makes the other person smile as well, and they too can then become happier and feel better. People will take you as younger than your actual age because smiling makes you look younger. Got a grumpy grandma? Tell her to smile: it will help her health, her mood and will make her look younger. Mary when she had to spend the day with her grandma.

Ordinary with a touch of extra: Short Stories

In my corner of the spherical world

What happens around here.


Issue 2:


I was teaching the kids what to tell someone who asks them where they live. Say, I live in this city (unnamed city). A child stood up and said, Teacher, I do not live there, I live in Laundry Lane.

She was proud to have found a connection.

I thought it was a mistake. After a while, I realized that she did not know that she lived in this city. Most people do not know which country they live in. They live day to day lives, and what good will knowing the name of their city do to them? Laundry Lane was a particular lane where a lot of laundrymen lived. The girl then asked me where I lived. I told her the name of the area. She smiled and said, My father collects clothes from there as well. She was proud to have found a connection.

Narrated by Marys Sister.

Sight: Photography

Picture of the Week

This particular week it is all about anime art. By SaffronAqua


Issue 2:


Could you draw this?

The power of tilted text.
All I am doing is reading a book when I see some text that is in Italic (that is tilted, like this). I wonder what it means. When someone types in italic, they are emphasizing on that particular word.

Issue 2:


Suppose if someone keeps on asking you whether you have something. You keep on telling that person that you do not have it but eventually you lose your patience and say, I do not have it. This will let the person know that you certainly do not have it. Now, if someone who heard all this wanted to write this down, would he/she really write, that person finally got annoyed and said, I do not have it, emphasizing on the word not. Of course not. So, instead of doing that, one can simply type it in italic. But A celebrate says, The designs were kind

All that just with a tilt?

of nice. This will make you think that the celebrate liked the designs. The news reporter says, The celebrate said that the designs were kind of nice.

This will make you think that the celebrate did not like the designs a lot and thought that they were only a little nice. Your friend says that he/she may not be able to attend the party. But your mom will not let you go unless your friend goes with you. You do not want to lie. You say, She/he might go. Your friend said to you, I might

not go.
What your friend says makes you think that he will probably not go, but you emphasize on the different words and make it sound as though your friend might just go. A critic says, The rice is good, but the lobster was a little sour. The media says, He/ She


Issue 2:

said that the rice was good but the lobster was a little sour.


Just like some of the media, you wrongly use the power of emphasis. Just like that your tone will also change things. Now, this is a neat trick, but it could get you into trouble. If you emphasize on the wrong words, you will not only land into a heap of trouble, but you will also be known to exaggerate things. If you say that someone hated something, then people will not readily believe you because they will think that you always make small things look big. That is what you do in emphasizing. And if you do that to different words, you get a different meaning. Why do you think the Leaning Tower has such an impact? Mary when she gets into trouble thanks to the power of emphasis.

The Explainers of Life; Quotable Quotes

Quote of the Week

The best thing about quotes it that in times of trouble, they pop into your mind and you have a reason to keep trying. Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall. Confucius
Mary when she clicks on a website for quotes.

Words and the Heart: Literature


Issue 2:


Who says that actions speak louder than words? (Poetry)

The reality of the English Language.

Written by Maria Khan on the 12th of June, 2012.
My paints lay open, my canvas white I want not to spoil it with colors This canvas is pure, emitting a new light Given to us, to paint with colors bright And we used not the colors of nature On and on, re-coloring, a painful sight And oh, we think what we do is right With unearthly brown and toxic green For corners of the canvas did we fight And when it will reach its utmost height The canvas cloth will tear and fall And we have put ourselves in blight And let us hope and color in plight That we stitch together with all our might And let us paint together, a flying kite Free, in the air- like we hope to be

Section: For Boys

10 | P a g e w w w . a l i v e - m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m

Issue 2:


For Boys:
The Sea Season
The best thing about living on the edge the edge, there is also the sea. And or two is easy. is that where there is catching a fish

you go fishing Now, firstly, make sure that where is a place where there are a lot of fish- not very close to other fishermen, but not too far away. Choose the fish you will catch. Then when you go to the market (probably on the way to the sea), tell the shopkeeper the fish you want and ask him where you will find a lot of it, the bait it likes the most and the hook that will fit into its mouth the best. Now, if you live close to a river and not the sea, then you have to judge whether the tide is strong or not. If it is, then use sinkers that you can buy. They will be attached to your line to keep it close to the riverbed (where the fish hunt). Ask the shopkeeper how to tie the bait (usually from its tail) to the hook. If not, then youre good to go. You line is in the water. Now nature will test your patience. Dont expect to win if you have no experience. Do not give in. Hang in there.

11 | P a g e w w w . a l i v e - m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m

Issue 2:


You can find out whether a fish has fallen for the bait by attaching a bobber to your line, which moves when there is movement. You could even attach a bell that rings to tell you that it is dinner time. A fish has your live bait in its mouth. You will have to jerk the fishing rod back. If you were just hallucinating, then try again. If you do not catch anything, try somewhere else. Now pull so that the fishing line comes to a vertical position and keep reeling at the same time. If you do not, the line will be loose and the fish can take the hook out of its mouth. Pull it to open water (or the river bank). Use a net to catch the fish (keep this handy) and grab it by its tail (the fins, mouth and other parts can hurt you). Feel soft hearted at the sight of pain? You can remove the hook calmly and let the fish go. Tips: The larger the bobber, the more news updates you can get. Good quality equipment always pays off. Keep your finger on the line for smallest and lightest movement (in the case

the of small fish). Stay away from the fins and the mouth. That is danger-zone extreme. Before you go fishing, watch the movie Piranha-or read its summary. Ha ha, nodo not do that.

12 | P a g e w w w . a l i v e - m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m

Issue 2:


Want to dive into the world of words? has some great books for teenage boys. Recommended: If you have not already then first of all, slap yourself. Harry Potter is one book everyone reads. Stormbreaker is a book by Anthony Horowitz. If you like this book, then you will also like other books written by this writer. He has a wide range (I recently read and liked his series The Power of Five). Eragon by Christopher Paolini and the other books in this series are really nice.

Choose yourself:

Have fun.

13 | P a g e w w w . a l i v e - m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m

Issue 2:


Section: For Girls

For Girls:
The Apron and the Chefs Hat
The summer sun is beaming on most of us (some people somewhere in the world are going through winter). Recipe? Salsa Pasta Salad: Ingredients: 1. Dry rainbow radiatore pasta2 cups 2. Chopped onion1 3. Chopped red bell pepper1 4. Sliced black olives6 ounces or 1 can 5. Diced tomatoes3 6. Diced green chilies4 ounces or 1 can 7. Distilled white vinegar 1/3 cup 8. Chopped fresh cilantro cup 9. Garlic salt1 teaspoons 10. Lemon juice 1/3 cup 11. Vegetable oil cup 12. White sugar 1 tablespoon 13. Chili powder 1 tablespoon What to do: 1. Cook the pasta in a large pot in salt water until it is tender. Drain the water. 2. Take the onions, bell peppers, olives, tomatoes and green chilies in a large bowl. 3. Whisk vinegar, cilantro, garlic salt, lemon juice, vegetable oil, sugar and chili powder in a small bowl. 4. Mix the pasta with the vegetables. Toss the cilantro dressing and serve yourself! More at:

14 | P a g e w w w . a l i v e - m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m

Issue 2:


Hairdos for the Summer

Sun, sun and more sun. Is your hair getting in the way? Up-dos for the summer: Shoulder length hair: Is the normal ponytail not enough? Try the flip-tail: a hairstyle is easy to make. All you have to do is make a loose ponytail. Make a hole-like parting right before the pony (not the hair in the ponytail, but the hair that is loosely tied up). Take the end of your pony and pick it up (the tip should face the roof) and put it into the parting. Put the whole pony in like this. Behold! It takes a minute to master. Medium length hair: Are you tired of making a regular bun? Try looped bunches. Just part your hair into two sections and plait each section. Then take the tired-up end of your plait and tie it to the start so that the plait makes a circle (pin it- you can even use a catcher). Take the hair at the end of your plait that is not plaited and pin it down. Long hair: Is the plaited bun getting old? Try the French Twist. Hold your hair as if you were about to make a low ponytail. Twist your hair a lot while holding it up so that it points to the ceiling. Hold a hair slide vertically at the side of your twist (the side that has been twisted, not the smoother side) and insert it to hold your hair. If you like, pull out a few strands of your hair around your face

15 | P a g e w w w . a l i v e - m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m

Issue 2:


to frame it. Source: Fabulous Hair (book) by Maria Neuman.

The Ha Ha Section: Jokes

AnD wE sHoUlD aLl LaUgH: hA hA

Joke 1: What will your cat be when she grows up? She will be Will she be a designer? No! She will be a doctor! Even with cats? Yes. Urgh. She will pass the M Cat exam. Not ECAT? What, you mean virtually?

Joke 2:

16 | P a g e w w w . a l i v e - m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m

Issue 2:


I wanted my cat to get an A, but my teacher says, C for Cat. Isnt that a little racist- or should I say specie-ist?

Joke 3: Sister is applying egg to her hair. I enter and say: B: eggs. hair. A: Are B: Yes, it A: You are B: Ill go A: I am norance. B: I am egg-rieved that you are egg-headed. A: Isnt that a little egg-aggerated? B: Dont you mean egg-xtreme? Egg-xtravaganza! A: Egg-xactly. you done? is time for me to egg-xit egg-xcused. before you get egg-ressive. egg-rieved at your eggSome lay eggs. Some eat Others put eggs in their

17 | P a g e w w w . a l i v e - m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m

Issue 2:


18 | P a g e w w w . a l i v e - m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m

Issue 2:


19 | P a g e w w w . a l i v e - m a g a z i n e . b l o g s p o t . c o m

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