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Yakima Valley Business Times

July 13 - July 27, 2012

Survey Tracks Pay For Top Area Government Workers

By Bruce Smith
Two years ago the Business
Times published a breakdown of
the areas highest-paid government
employees. And boy did that raise
some eyebrows!
We thought the public would
be interested to learn what kind of
wage and benefits packages some
local state, county and city em
ployees are paid. But we were rather
stunned at the reaction.
It was one of the most widely
read and discussed things we have
ever done. Reader response ranged
from disbelief to outrage and everything in between.
We undertook the project in 2010
because of a growing nationwide
debate about government spending,
including how much we pay our
public employees.
Most analyses show that gov
ernment employees are paid
substantially more than non-gov
ernment workers doing like-kind
work, especially when health care,
retirement and other non-monetary
benefits are included.

Our survey shows how much

some of the highest-paid government
workers here receive. Past listings
have included the city of Yakima,
Yakima County, Yakima School
District and state employees working within Yakima County, including
Yakima Valley Community College.
This year we have expanded to
include the municipal governments
of Selah, Sunnyside and Union Gap.
And we increased the lists from top
20 employees to top 40.
We also included a listing of the
top-paid positions around Yakima
County, giving a clearer picture of
overall payrolls. Earlier lists merely
covered the top 20 pay packages for
each entity, but didnt compare them
against each other.
With this years new format, for
instance, you can see that Yakima
School District dominates the pay
scale in these parts. Starting with a
$283,000 package for the superintendent, the districts top 40 employees
all come in at well over $100,000
a year so that the No. 40 school
earner makes more than the No. 1 in
some other jurisdictions.

Gathering this information is not

an easy undertaking.
Sometimes the government
entities in question were hesitant to
provide the information and required persistent prodding to get any
answers. Some were cooperative,
but others seemed to forget that
theyre working with public funds
and the public has a right to know
where the money goes.
We often had to remind them that
state law requires prompt response
to Public Information Act requests.
Spearheading the project for the
Business Times was David Flink,
our office manager, who spent
many hours gathering and compiling financial data. In most cases, we
were required to file public document requests for the information.
Often we had to make multiple de
mands, but ultimately we got most
of what we wanted.
It is always surprising to see
how many of the areas best-paid
government employees are cops
and firefighters two departments
protected by state-mandated binding
arbitration rules.

Its also interesting how many

city workers get tens of thousands
of dollars a year above their base
salaries, usually through longevity
pay or overtime.
We think the results make for an
interesting and revealing look at one
layer of government expenses on the
local level. It is certainly not our intent to single out individual employees, tell everyone how much they
are paid and suggest that theyre not
worth it. But these are public dollars
and people have a right to know
where theyre going.
There still are ways we would
like to improve our survey.
The list does not include many
Yakima Valley school districts or
cities or the various pseudo-gov
ernment agencies like the health
district, the clean air authority or the
Yakima Valley Conference of Governments. It also does not include
various federal employees working
in Yakima County.
Perhaps someday we can get all
those. Meanwhile, we hope readers
find the latest revelations educational.

2011 top government Pay Table Chart

Job Title
Beraza, Elaine
Yakima School District
Irion, Jack
Deputy Superintendent
Yakima School District
Izutsu, Scott
Assistant Superintendent
Yakima School District
Cole, Steven
Assistant Superintendent
Yakima School District
Mahre, Cecilia
Associate Superintendent
Yakima School District
Kaminski, Linda
Zais, Dick
City Manager
City of Yakima
$68,599.03 $54,522.23
Woodard, Susan
Municipal Court Judge
City of Yakima
$134,510.78 $4,160.16
Waarvick, Christopher
Director of Public Works
City of Yakima
$124,067.69 $16,658.31
Scholl Rebecca
Student Services Exec. Director
Yakima School District
Copeland, Greg
Police Captain
City of Yakima
$119,315.64 $21,397.29
Masten, Mary
Secondary Education Director
Yakima School District
Olwell, Kelley
Municipal Court Judge
City of Yakima
$134,510.79 $4,160.16
Morales, Michael
Assistant City Manager
City of Yakima
119,555.89 9,368.71
Coffman, Kent
Police Sergeant
City of Sunnyside
Harthcock, Gayle
Court Commissioner
Yakima County
Inouye, Robert
Court Commissioner
Yakima County
Chaplin, David
Middle School Principal
Yakima School District
Harvey, Helen
Senior Assistant City Attorney
City of Yakima
$115,606.33 $10,130.40
Debord, Rita
Director of Finance & Budget
City of Yakima
$115,626.36 $8,344.20
Schneider, Jeffrey
Police Captain
City of Yakima
$108,477.06 $20,853.68
Whitehouse, Don
Regional Admin
Department of Transportation $125,292.00
Maras, Leon
Elementary Principal
Yakima School District
Cole, Mitchell
Battalion Chief Shift
City of Yakima
$97,342.40 $32,326.86
Ramirez, Benito
High School Principal
Yakima School District
Redifer, Vern
Senior Director E9
Yakima County
Hilton, William
Middle School Principal
Yakima School District
Alvarado, Lorenzo
High School Assistant Principal
Yakima School District
Nourani, Victor
Middle School Principal
Yakima School District
Ames, Harry
Special Education Exec. Director
Yakima School District
Cutter, Jeffrey
City Attorney
City of Yakima
$115,626.37 $8,344.20
Cunningham, Jeff
Police Sergeant
City of Sunnyside
Hildebrand, Paul
Police Sergeant
City of Yakima
$85,254.71 $37,510.74
Seely, Jay
Police Sergeant
City of Yakima
$85,254.64 $37,412.28
Locke, Stacey
High School Principal
Yakima School District
Brumley, Jewel
Middle School Assistant Principal
Yakima School District
Bryant, Rodney
High School Assistant Principal
Yakima School District
Boyle, Shawn
Police Sergeant
City of Yakima
$85,254.60 $35,092.31
Mayo, Charles
City Engineer
City of Yakima
$110,098.33 $10,640.92
Costello, Michael
Police Sergeant
City of Yakima
$85,254.63 $34,286.28
Foley, Thomas
Police Lieutenant
City of Yakima
$98,471.36 $19,702.66
Graham, Stewart
Chief Criminal Deputy/Major
Yakima County
Endicott, Clinton
High School Principal
Yakima School District
Stewart, Robert
Deputy Fire Chief
City of Yakima
$112,255.44 $8,117.34
Day, Gregory
Academic Assessment Director
Yakima School District
Araiza-Lopez, Ernesto
Middle School Principal
Yakima School District
Fessler, Louis
Senior Director E82
Yakima County
Lavis, Debra
Elementary Principal
Yakima School District
Ortiz, Jose
Patrol Officer
City of Sunnyside


Medical Retirement



$23,544.00 $24,993.00
$18,798.00 $20,242.00
$23,232.00 $19,551.00
$23,232.00 $19,409.00
$13,942.00 $19,655.00
$10,200.00 $13,803.69
$4,327.29 $37,592.58
$14,005.44 $8,666.92
$10,558.50 $8,764.76
$19,613.00 $16,998.00
$15,263.17 $6,932.46
$4,255.00 $14,259.00
$6,203.16 $8,666.92
$13,966.77 $8,086.74
$11,909.65 $7,060.42
$8,567.00 $8,155.21
$8,567.00 $8,155.21
$12,156.00 $16,536.00
$12,369.84 $7,858.58
$12,369.84 $7,748.16
$15,263.17 $6,479.34
$10,200.00 $7,812.80
$10,257.00 $15,897.00
$10,843.68 $6,654.20
$12,183.00 $16,078.00
$8,140.40 $7,510.59
$12,060.00 $15,399.00
$12,009.00 $15,418.00
$12,183.00 $16,238.00
$12,183.00 $16,238.00
$6,463.46 $7,748.16
$10,856.85 $7,762.64
$13,371.96 $6,388.88
$13,371.96 $6,383.73
$10,257.00 $16,238.00
$11,513.00 $15,058.00
$12,119.00 $15,155.00
$13,743.24 $6,306.19
$6,138.72 $7,552.82
$13,743.30 $6,215.46
$15,263.17 $5,953.70
$26,699.96 $4,842.36
$6,065.00 $15,453.00
$11,985.48 $6,293.80
$12,156.00 $15,733.00
$12,156.00 $15,790.00
$8,567.00 $7,084.62
$12,110.00 $15,003.00
$10,818.47 $6,859.85


July 13 - July 27, 2012

Yakima Valley Business Times

Job Title
Belles, Gary
Police Lieutenant
City of Yakima
$98,471.34 $19,021.57
Nissen, Rebecca
Financial Services Director
Yakima School District
Kelleher, Jill
Human Resources Director
Yakima School District
Dwight, Craig
Vocational Principal
Yakima School District
Willette, Rocky
Fire Captain Shift
City of Yakima
$85,801.44 $32,452.50
Merryman, Mike
Police Lieutenant
City of Yakima
$100,478.49 $16,252.07
Lagrou, Evon
Central Registration Director
Yakima School District
Seibel, Alda
Elementary Education Director
Yakima School District
Broom, Maurice
Career & Technical Education Director Yakima School District
Klarich, Mary
Middle School Assistant Principal
Yakima School District
Flores, Ismael
Middle School Assistant Principal
Yakima School District
Williams, Daniel
Elementary Principal
Yakima School District
Trepanier, Todd
ARA - Maint. & Ops
Department of Transportation $112,302.00
Wentz, Nolan
Police Lieutenant
City of Yakima
$98,471.34 $14,993.59
Sevigny, Thomas
Battalion Chief Shift
City of Yakima
$97,714.80 $20,944.69
Laffey, Theresa
State & Federal Exec. Director
Yakima School District
Hernandez, Oliver
Police Sergeant
City of Sunnyside
Koulentes, Mike
Middle School Assistant Principal
Yakima School District
Watts, Linda
Police Sergeant
City of Yakima
$85,254.60 $28,149.89
Vasquez, Phillip
Elementary Principal
Yakima School District
Martinez, Cynthia
Senior Assistant City Attorney
City of Yakima
$100,262.72 $7,235.37
Stump, Luz
Elementary Principal
Yakima School District
Winter, Brian
Line Lieutenant
Yakima County
Swanson, Kenneth
Elementary Principal
Yakima School District
Finch, Steven
Police Lieutenant
City of Yakima
$98,471.34 $14,375.76
Castilleja, Abel
Battalion Chief Shift
City of Yakima
$97,714.80 $19,123.10
Jones, Gary
Police Sergeant
City of Yakima
$85,254.64 $27,084.90
Wentz, James
Police Officer
City of Yakima
$74,131.01 $36,878.50
Matsumoto, Alan
Elementary Principal
Yakima School District
Campbell, Edmund
Senior Director
Yakima County
Sweet, Frank
City Supervisor
City of Selah
Ekstedt, Gary
Senior Director
Yakima County
Ramm Jr., Kenneth
Senior Attorney (Zone 4)
Yakima County
Austin, Terry
Senior Attorney (Zone 4)
Yakima County
Salinas, Joe
Police Sergeant
City of Yakima
$85,254.71 $25,334.08
Glossen, Joseph
Police Sergeant
City of Sunnyside
Hill, Steven
Yakima County
Keller, Steven
Senior Attorney (Zone 4)
Yakima County
Callaghan, Kevin
Senior Attorney (Zone 4)
Yakima County
Hummel, Mark
Elementary Principal
Yakima School District
Cortez, David
Police Sergeant
City of Yakima
$85,254.66 $24,516.29
Scott, J. Page
Yakima County
Norton, Jennifer
Fire Captain Shift
City of Yakima
$85,801.44 $23,786.71
Thompson, David
Chief Civil Deputy
Yakima County
Gonzales, John
High School Assistant Principal
Yakima School District
George, Brenda
Police Sergeant
City of Yakima
$85,254.60 $24,634.90
Suing, Troy
ARA - Prg Mgmt
Department of Transportation $106,018.38
Doan, Charles
Maintenance Director
Yakima School District
Gervasi, Mark
City Manager
City of Sunnyside
Wisner, Ryan
Police Officer
City of Yakima
$74,131.02 $33,310.50
Helton, George
Yakima County
Davenport, Joan
Planning Manager
City of Yakima
$96,723.57 $11,186.93
Stephens, Chad
Police Sergeant
City of Yakima
$85,254.66 $22,245.12
White, William
ARA - Development
Department of Transportation $104,748.00
Loranz, Kimberly
Managing Assitant Attorney General Office of the Attorney General $104,649.96
Riel, Joseph
Fire Captain Shift
City of Yakima
$85,801.44 $23,063.40
Powers, Patricia
Senior Attorney (Zone 4)
Yakima County
George, E. Lloyd
Police Sergeant
City of Yakima
$85,254.71 $21,480.64
Stanley, Robert
High School Assistant Principal
Yakima School District
Hampton, Erik
Police Officer
City of Yakima
$74,131.08 $32,102.95
Briscoe, Randall
Deputy Seargent
Yakima County
Brown, David
Water & Irrigation Mgr.
City of Yakima
$90,628.80 $12,146.16
Ybarra, Tomas
Vice President
Berry, Shawn
Washington State Patrol
Chumley, John
Detective Police Sergeant
City of Sunnyside
Gatchalian, Donald
Yakima County
Bridges, Jim
Public Works Director
City of Sunnyside
Gifford, Rick
Traffic Engineer
Department of Transportation $100,880.00
Erickson, Steven
Senior Manager
Yakima County
Bailey, Scott
Police Sergeant
City of Sunnyside
Olson, Byron
CFO/Deputy City Manager
City of Sunnyside
Fleming, Robert
Transportation Engineer
Department of Transportation $99,526.77
Radder, Ed
Police Chief
City of Sunnyside
Dixon, Linda
Senior Director
Yakima County
Kelley, Paul
Senior Attorney (Zone 4)
Yakima County
Swan, Jeffery
Senior Attorney (Zone 4)
Yakima County
McHenry, Kent
Senior Manager
Yakima County
Swan, Jennifer
Senior Attorney (Zone 4)
Yakima County
Giles, Randall
Tranportation Supervising Engineer Department of Transportation $97,975.07
Markham, Aaron
Fire Chief
City of Sunnyside
Arms, Roger
Transporation Aid Engineer
Department of Transportation $97,704.00
Town, George
Deputy Seargent
Yakima County
Pietrusiewicz, Matthew
Senior Manager
Yakima County
Stump, Joseph
Senior Manager
Yakima County
Russell, Mike
Deputy Seargent
Yakima County
Godina, Frank
Transportation Engineer
Department of Transportation $95,821.50
Prieto, Jaime
Patrol Officer/Detective
City of Sunnyside
Matthews, Nora
Transportation Engineer
Department of Transportation $97,526.53

Page 13








Page 14

July 13 - July 27, 2012

2011 YVCC PaY Table CharT


Job Title

Kaminski, Linda
Ybarra, Tomas
Mayo, Ben
Dulin, Wilma
Holland, Teresa
Cousens, Marlene
Beaudry, Christine
Bauer, Kathryn
Koluda, Patti
Goodwill, Janet
Klaus, Susan
Orgill, Glenda
Sullivan, Panya
Wedin, Audrey
Rogstad, Mark
Batali, Michael
Lewis, Douglas
Meister, Martin
Ivy, Marie Christine
Lopez, George
Lopez, Paulette
Abb, Kerrie
Marquis, Russell
Blackaby, Leslie
Schapiro, Daniel
Schneider, Carol
Kenny, Stephen
Mount, Thomas
Knickerbocker, Tanya
Cuevas, Maria
Fernandes, Shannon
Weber, Joan
Wedam, Susan
Palmateer, Kevin
Blink, David
Erickson, Daniel
Lewis, Matthew
Ryder, Jane
Apperson, Stefan
Humpherys, Bryce


Yakima Valley Business Times





Vice President
Vice President










2011 yakima county Pay table chart

Harthcock, Gayle
Inouye, Robert
Redifer, Vern
Graham, Stewart
Fessler, Louis
Winter, Brian
Campbell, Edmund
Ekstedt, Gary
Ramm Jr., Kenneth
Austin, Terry
Hill, Steven
Keller, Steven
Callaghan, Kevin
Scott, J. Page
Thompson, David
Helton, George
Powers, Patricia
Briscoe, Randall
Gatchalian, Donald
Erickson, Steven
Dixon, Linda
Kelley, Paul
Swan, Jeffery
McHenry, Kent
Swan, Jennifer
Town, George
Pietrusiewicz, Matthew
Stump, Joseph
Russell, Mike
Saunders, David
Soukup, David
Rojas Jr., Jesus
Peterson, Lawrence
Keenhan, Peter
Warner, Craig
Boyer, William
Hendrickson, Carl
Smith, Patric
Hamley, Jerald
Arb, Susan

Job Title

Court Commissioner
Court Commissioner
Senior Director E9
Chief Criminal Deputy/Major
Senior Director E82
Line Lieutenant
Senior Director
Senior Director
Senior Attorney (Zone 4)
Senior Attorney (Zone 4)
Senior Attorney (Zone 4)
Senior Attorney (Zone 4)
Chief Civil Deputy
Senior Attorney (Zone 4)
Deputy Seargent
Senior Manager
Senior Director
Senior Attorney (Zone 4)
Senior Attorney (Zone 4)
Senior Manager
Senior Attorney (Zone 4)
Deputy Seargent
Senior Manager
Senior Manager
Deputy Seargent
Senior Manager
Senior Attorney (Zone 4)
Deputy Sheriff
Senior Attorney (Zone 4)
Senior Manager
Chief Financial Officer
Deputy Sheriff
Deputy Seargent
Senior Attorney (Zone 4)
Senior Attorney (Zone 4)
Senior Attorney (Zone 4)


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July 13 - July 27, 2012


Yakima Valley Business Times

Page 15

2011 sunnyside Pay Table CharT

Coffman, Kent
Cunningham, Jeff
Ortiz, Jose
Hernandez, Oliver
Glossen, Joseph
Gervasi, Mark
Chumley, John
Bridges, Jim
Bailey, Scott
Olson, Byron
Radder, Ed
Markham, Aaron
Prieto, Jaime
Schenck, J. Phillip
Ramos, Samuel
Orate, Scott
Lemmon, Skip
Gutierrez, Andrew
Hazzard, Lloyd
Rollinger, Erica
Layman, Robert
Gusby, Johnnie
Darin, Scott
Russell, Anthony
Rodriquez, Chico
Rodriquez, Melissa
Filicetti, Paul
Harrie, William
Sparks, Christopher
Orth, Thomas

Whitehurst, Timothy
Cobb, Gregory
Almeida, Roberto
James, Shawn
Kellogg, Chase
Line, Brian
Way, Terryl
Vanicek, Joseph
Thompson, Kathryn
Henne, Dennis
Turley, Eric
Levesque, Alba
Bird, Larry
Santucci, Curtis
Clifton, Karen
Heilman, Jacob
Rivera, Hector
Delp, Erick
Thompson, Patrick
Edwards, Renard
McNearney, Monty
Quantrille, Tyler
Stillwaugh, Michael
Bauer, Bryan
Durkee, Donald
Testerman, Sherrie
Jensen, Christopher
Spurlock, David
McKinley, Stace
Cobb, Matthew
Hennessy, Robert
McIntonsh, Angela
Mcrae, Robert
Bunting, Craig
Phillips, Ronald
Dahl, Chris
Walruff, Jesse
Moser, Melonee
Linder, Jo
Waltman, Gloria

Job Title



Police Sergeant
Police Sergeant
Patrol Officer
Police Sergeant
Police Sergeant
City Manager
Detective Police Sergeant
Public Works Director
Police Sergeant
CFO/Deputy City Manager
Police Chief
Fire Chief
Patrol Officer/Detective
Deputy Police Chief
Patrol Officer
Patrol Officer
Patrol Officer
Corr/Comm Sergeant
Deputy Fire Chief
Patrol Officer/Detective
Patrol Officer/Detective
Patrol Officer
Patrol Officer
Patrol Officer

City of Sunnyside
City of Sunnyside
City of Sunnyside
City of Sunnyside
City of Sunnyside
City of Sunnyside
City of Sunnyside
City of Sunnyside
City of Sunnyside
City of Sunnyside
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City of Sunnyside
City of Sunnyside
City of Sunnyside
City of Sunnyside



Patrol Officer
Patrol Officer
Fire Captain
Battalion Fire Chief
Patrol Officer
Patrol Officer

City of Sunnyside
City of Sunnyside
City of Sunnyside
City of Sunnyside
City of Sunnyside
City of Sunnyside







$11,909.65 $7,060.42 $160,206.29

$10,856.85 $7,762.64 $147,094.88
$10,818.47 $6,859.85 $140,665.95
$10,856.85 $5,706.16 $137,361.43
$10,856.85 $11,887.40 $133,074.00
$14,613.35 $11,317.20 $130,782.47
$10,856.85 $5,216.71 $127,049.63
$12,636.35 $5,091.36 $125,787.70
$10,818.47 $5,174.94 $125,149.98
$12,636.35 $5,121.72 $125,086.30
$12,636.35 $5,024.16 $123,727.17
$13,133.15 $5,143.68 $121,632.06
$10,818.47 $5,541.56 $119,552.89
$10,856.85 $4,818.55 $116,772.31
$10,818.47 $5,385.24 $115,329.55
$10,818.47 $5,262.50 $111,783.86
$10,766.64 $4,451.78 $109,375.71
$10,849.05 $4,493.82 $108,753.46
$11,305.65 $4,730.40 $108,728.81
$10,810.67 $4,700.38 $105,833.68
$10,818.47 $4,859.87 $105,439.13
$10,818.47 $4,378.49 $102,179.08
$10,818.47 $4,434.65 $102,141.02



$4,611.45 $102,113.01
$4,496.75 $99,101.30
$3,953.52 $98,728.01
$4,062.41 $96,077.82
$4,031.68 $95,883.80
$3,707.92 $93,061.26
$3,701.94 $92,999.66

2011 union gap pay Table CharT

Job Title



Fire Captain
Police Sergeant
Police Chief
Police Officer
Police Sergeant
Fire Captain
Police Officer
Police Officer
City Clerk
Public Works Director
Police Officer
Police Officer
Police Officer
City Treasurer
Fire Fighter
Police Officer
Police Officer
Police Officer
Police Officer
Police Sergeant
Fire Fighter
Public Works Foreman
Fire Fighter
Public Works Maint.
Executive Assistant
Fire Chief
Community Development Coord.
Police Officer
Public Works Park Foreman
Public Works Maint.
Police Officer
Public Works Maint.
Public Works Maint.
Public Works Maint.
Public Works Maint.
Public Works Maint.
Court Clerk
Admin. Secretary
Finance Tech./Utility Clerk

City of Union Gap

City of Union Gap
City of Union Gap
City of Union Gap
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City of Union Gap
City of Union Gap











Page 16


Yakima Valley Business Times

2011 state Pay table Chart

Job Title

Shah, Fawad
Grn & Seed Program Administrator
Tebb, Gordon
Regional Director
Haller, Daniel
Enironmental Engineer
Layman, Mark
WMS1 - Unit Manager
Frye, Darlene
WMS2-Section Manager
Tayer, James
Region 3 Director
Whitehouse, Don
Regional Admin
Trepanier, Todd
ARA - Maint. & Ops
Suing, Troy
ARA - Prg Mgmt
White, William
ARA - Development
Gifford, Rick
Traffic Engineer
Fleming, Robert
Transportation Engineer
Giles, Randall
Tranportation Supervising Engineer
Arms, Roger
Transporation Aid Engineer
Godina, Frank
Transportation Engineer
Matthews, Nora
Transportation Engineer
Shuman, Ernest
Transportation Engineer
Kinney, Janet
Regional Admin Officer
Wood, Jerry
Transportation Engineer
Smith, Jason
Environmental Program Manager
Floyd, Danny
Assistant Maintenance Engineer
Smith, William
Gonseth, Paul
Planning Engineer
Preston, William
Grant, Kerry
PE - Desn
Gipner, Mathew
Transportation Engineer
McGuirk, Kevin
Manager Info Tech
Miller, Leslie
Transportation Engineer
Paradis, Reuel
Regional Administrator L&I
Pailella, Raymond
Board Member
Sullivan, Johnette
Assistant Deputy Chief ALJ
Loranz, Kimberly
Managing Asst. Attorney General
Yockey, James
Asst. Attorney General
Berry, Shawn
Liebracht, Terry
Vetsch, Mark
ESD Asst. Manager
Jones, Jeffrey
Foster, Thomas
Closner, Jeffrey
Tri, Greg

Sweet, Frank
Davis, Jerry
Dwarshuis, Stacy
Novobielski, Dale
Henne, Joseph
Hanna, Gary
Negrete, Mark
Martin, James
Farrell, Daniel
Reeves, James
Hayes, Richard
Brumley, Richard
Rodriguez, Guillermo
Smith, Jerald
Steen, Eric
Truhler, Timothy
Hagler, Jeff
Davison, Dennis
Martin, Pauli
Laroche, Todd
Valencia, Antonio
Horton, Jason
Jones, Daniel
Davis, Larry
Glaspie, Jeffrey
Jones, Kenneth
Carpenter, David
Morrison, James
Forenpohar, Bruce
Shipley, John
Peters, Warren
Kramer, Scott
Allen, Rodney
Swale, Justin
Sterns, Douglas
Ayres, Don
ODell, Jack
Cline, Ronald
Walker, Lonney
Sybouts, Jared

July 13 - July 27, 2012



Department of Agriculture
Department of Ecology
Department of Ecology
Department of Ecology
Department of Ecology
Department of Fish & Wildlife
Department of Transportation
Department of Transportation
Department of Transportation
Department of Transportation
Department of Transportation
Department of Transportation
Department of Transportation
Department of Transportation
Department of Transportation
Department of Transportation
Department of Transportation
Department of Transportation
Department of Transportation
Department of Transportation
Department of Transportation
Department of Transportation
Department of Transportation
Department of Transportation
Department of Transportation
Department of Transportation
Department of Transportation
Department of Transportation
Dept of Labor & Industries
Environmental & Land Use
Off of Administrative Hearings
Office of the Attorney General
Office of the Attorney General
Washington State Patrol
Washington State Patrol
Washington State Patrol
Washington State Patrol
Washington State Patrol
Washington State Patrol
Washington State Patrol









2011 selah Pay Table CharT

Job Title




City Supervisor
Fire Chief
Police Chief
Public Works Director
Deputy Chief
Master Patrol Officer
Battalion Chief/Training
Master Patrol Officer
Master Patrol Officer
Master Patrol Officer
Master Patrol Officer
Master Patrol Officer
Master Patrol Officer
Parks & Rec. Director
Community Planner
Master Patrol Officer
WWTP Lead Operator
Master Patrol Officer
Admin. Asst./Firefighter
PW Utility Foreman
WWTP Operator III
Lead Parks Maint Worker
WWTP Operator III
WWTP Operator III/Parks III
Utility Worker III
Utility Worker III
Utility Worker III
Utility Worker III
Utility Worker III
Police Officer 2nd Class
Parks Worker III
Utility Worker III
Police Clerk 1
Firefighter - Step 1
Parks Worker III
Utility Worker III

City of Selah
City of Selah
City of Selah
City of Selah
City of Selah
City of Selah
City of Selah
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City of Selah
City of Selah
City of Selah
City of Selah
City of Selah
City of Selah










July 13 - July 27, 2012

Yakima Valley Business Times

Page 17

2011 Yakima school dist. PaY table chart


Job Title

Beraza, Elaine
Irion, Jack
Mahre, Cecilia
Izutsu, Scott
Cole, Steven
Masten, Mary
Scholl Rebecca
Chaplin, David
Maras, Leon
Ramirez, Benito
Endicott, Clinton
Hilton, William
Alvarado, Lorenzo
Locke, Stacey
Nourani, Victor
Laffey, Theresa
Ames, Harry
Bryant, Rodney
Brumley, Jewel
Araiza-Lopez, Ernesto
Nissen, Rebecca
Day, Gregory
Dwight, Craig
Seibel, Alda
Lavis, Debra
Lagrou, Evon
Kelleher, Jill
Flores, Ismael
Koulentes, Mike
Klarich, Mary
Broom, Maurice
Williams, Daniel
Gonzales, John
Doan, Charles
Vasquez, Phillip
Stump, Luz
Swanson, Kenneth
Hummel, Mark
Stanley, Robert
Matsumoto, Alan


Deputy Superintendent
Associate Superintendent
Assistant Superintendent
Assistant Superintendent
Secondary Education Director
Student Services Exec. Director
Middle School Principal
Elementary Principal
High School Principal
High School Principal
Middle School Principal
High School Assistant Principal
High School Principal
Middle School Principal
State & Federal Exec. Director
Special Education Exec. Director
High School Assistant Principal
Middle School Assistant Principal
Middle School Principal
Financial Services Director
Academic Assessment Director
Vocational Principal
Elementary Education Director
Elementary Principal
Central Registration Director
Human Resources Director
Middle School Assistant Principal
Middle School Assistant Principal
Middle School Assistant Principal
Career & Technical Education Dir.
Elementary Principal
High School Assistant Principal
Maintenance Director
Elementary Principal
Elementary Principal
Elementary Principal
Elementary Principal
High School Assistant Principal
Elementary Principal



Yakima School District

Yakima School District
Yakima School District
Yakima School District
Yakima School District
Yakima School District
Yakima School District
Yakima School District
Yakima School District
Yakima School District
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Yakima School District
Yakima School District











2011 city of yakima Pay table chart

Zais, Dick
Woodard, Susan
Waarvick, Christopher
Copeland, Greg
Olwell, Kelley
Morales, Michael
Harvey, Helen
Debord, Rita
Schneider, Jeffrey
Cole, Mitchell
Cutter, Jeffrey
Hildebrand, Paul
Seely, Jay
Boyle, Shawn
Mayo, Charles
Costello, Michael
Foley, Thomas
Stewart, Robert
Belles, Gary
Willette, Rocky
Merryman, Mike
Wentz, Nolan
Sevigny, Thomas
Watts, Linda
Martinez, Cynthia
Finch, Steven
Castilleja, Abel
Jones, Gary
Wentz, James
Salinas, Joe
Cortez, David
Norton, Jennifer
George, Brenda
Wisner, Ryan
Davenport, Joan
Stephens, Chad
Riel, Joseph
George, E. Lloyd
Hampton, Erik
Brown, David

Job Title

City Manager
Municipal Court Judge
Director of Public Works
Police Captain
Municipal Court Judge
Assistant City Manager
Senior Assistant City Attorney
Director of Finance & Budget
Police Captain
Battalion Chief Shift
City Attorney
Police Sergeant
Police Sergeant
Police Sergeant
City Engineer
Police Sergeant
Police Lieutenant
Deputy Fire Chief
Police Lieutenant
Fire Captain Shift
Police Lieutenant
Police Lieutenant
Battalion Chief Shift
Police Sergeant
Senior Assistant City Attorney
Police Lieutenant
Battalion Chief Shift
Police Sergeant
Police Officer
Police Sergeant
Police Sergeant
Fire Captain Shift
Police Sergeant
Police Officer
Planning Manager
Police Sergeant
Fire Captain Shift
Police Sergeant
Police Officer
Water & Irrigation Mgr.


City of Yakima
City of Yakima
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City of Yakima









$4,327.29 $37,592.58 $172,107.39

$14,005.44 $8,666.92 $170,242.37
$10,558.50 $8,764.76 $169,559.10
$15,263.17 $6,932.46 $166,888.03
$6,203.16 $8,666.92 $162,503.96
$13,966.77 $8,086.74 $160,417.72
$12,369.84 $7,858.58 $155,119.60
$12,369.84 $7,748.16 $153,259.06
$15,263.17 $6,479.34 $153,011.44
$10,843.68 $6,654.20 $151,380.08
$6,463.46 $7,748.16 $147,371.38
$13,371.96 $6,388.88 $146,411.80
$13,371.96 $6,383.73 $145,950.52
$13,743.24 $6,306.19 $143,963.23
$6,138.72 $7,552.82 $143,649.60
$13,743.30 $6,215.46 $143,209.13
$15,263.17 $5,953.70 $142,954.96
$11,985.48 $6,293.80 $142,141.53
$15,263.17 $5,881.74 $140,454.63
$13,192.68 $6,071.88 $139,792.09
$15,263.17 $6,001.59 $139,756.97
$15,263.17 $5,721.36 $137,949.44
$10,843.68 $6,245.10 $137,641.93
$14,114.64 $5,810.70 $136,890.90
$13,915.09 $6,723.09 $136,577.08
$15,263.17 $5,881.74 $135,737.76
$10,843.68 $6,122.34 $135,655.72
$13,371.96 $5,842.55 $135,074.88
$14,021.79 $5,681.38 $134,370.39
$13,371.96 $5,789.65 $133,257.03
$13,371.96 $5,605.42 $132,255.29
$13,192.68 $5,576.20 $131,992.12
$13,743.24 $5,628.84 $131,126.23
$13,371.96 $5,585.93 $129,958.89
$6,475.59 $6,739.15 $129,929.42
$13,371.96 $5,609.42 $129,826.31
$13,192.68 $5,579.87 $129,592.14
$13,743.24 $5,479.78 $129,297.79
$13,371.96 $5,522.68 $128,622.66
$10,469.64 $6,423.44 $127,980.03

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