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Summer Internship Programme (SIP) Guidelines

For M.B.A (General) and

(Health/Hospital, Pharmaceutical Management and PHI)
1. This is a 100 marks paper.
2. Objectives of the Summer Internship Programme (SIP): a. To experience the organization in its entirety, inclusive of organization of activities and its management b. To develop the ability to innovate within existing frameworks, thereby creating space for alternative practices. c. To develop strategies for evaluating organizations process and a product / service. d. To learn to choose, design, organize and conduct meaningful managerial activities. e. To use the skills of systematic observations, record keeping and analysis for reflection on learning-managing. f. To learn to set realistic goals in terms of organization, values and management, activities and learning. 3. Time Frame:-

a. The time frame of the SIP for the students of First year MBA in Organization / Institutions /
Hospitals / NGOs / Service Industry / Companies is 6-8 weeks. Of these, student to spend for learning the organization and its values for 2 weeks and for a reflective research assignment for 46 weeks.

b. Student should complete a minimum of 45 working days in the organization to fulfill the
objectives (see Clause- 2a to 2f)

4. Each Student has to work under the close guidance of one faculty member of Department of
Management on one project. 5. Supervisory Support:

a. General Supervisor from the Organization where student work as INTERN. Each Student has
one general supervisor who would supervise him/her on regular basis. The Faculty Supervisor would act as a mediator between the Student and the Organizations authorities and facilitate all aspects of the Internship Programme. Faculty Supervisor will also be given feedback on the reflective journals and keep track of growth and professional development of Student-managers.

b. Faculty Supervisor and cross visit by the Faculty Advisory Team at all levels of communication
and interaction to focus on learning and managing. Faculty Supervisor will be visiting each organization during SIP as per pre planned schedule on a pro rata basis and give feedback to the student intern in value learning, track of growth and professional development. The Faculty Supervisor would be giving feedback to the Organization authority about Student-Intern growth and professional development, interns daily and unit plans, etc.

6. Feedback by both Faculty Supervisor and General Supervisor: Both the General and Faculty Supervisor should give qualitative feedback to the Student on every supervisory visit day and evaluation would be done at the end of the Internship programme. 7. Components of SIP: a. b. c. d. Planning Unit and Daily Plans Learning and Transaction in the organization Reflection Journal Writing Building case studies and case analysis

7a. Planning This includes the Unit Plans as well as Daily Plans. The student are advised to work with assigned unit to contribute to the chosen organization as expected while learning the mission, vision and values of such unit so as to understand its entirety and its integration with organization. The Unit plans and daily plans of student should be discussed with the General Supervisor and the feedback should be incorporated. The total marks for planning is 20 marks would be provided by the General Supervisor. Criteria Regularity Ability to understand (aptitude) Sensitivity (relevance) Planning (attitude) Improvement on Feedback and assessment 7 b. Learning and Transaction: The student has to transact the planned activities and contribute to the organization. The total marks for learning and transaction is 20 marks would be provided by the Faculty Supervisor. The Following criteria is used for assessing the plans: Criteria Choice of Activities Growth and Involvement Appropriateness Culture of Learning Documentation skills 7 c. Reflective Journals: The student should write reflective daily journals and submit to their Faculty Supervisor every week (Monday) mandatory. Their reflective journals help the student to reshape and constantly evolve their learning by analyzing it. The Faculty supervisor should given written feedback on these reflective journals. Those doing their work outside Delhi, may submit date-wise journal reference by email attachment. Marks 4 4 4 4 4 Marks 4 4 4 4 4

The reflective journal should include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. A reflection of the activities transacted and their success or failure on every day basis Issues in the process of transaction Appropriateness of activities Time management Individual differences and responses Linkage between class room theory courses and learning the organizational environments Students expectations Future strategies in terms of content, planning and management.

The total marks for reflective journal is 20 marks would be provided by the Faculty Supervisor. The criteria for assessment are as follow: Criteria Description of activities Analysis and reflection of organizational practices and own experiences Quality in the development in the Students reflection Conceptual clarity and an understanding of the linkages between assignment and theory building Regularity 7 d. Research Assignment: The purpose of the assignment is to collate a pool of learnt experiences of a student into documentation / report. The vision is to enable student to use cumulative reflective journal information and/or cumulative learning experience during internship and contribute to the growth and quality of learning. Student also can collect and collate materials, literature and organization documents to strengthen the documentation/report. 7.1.a. Role of Faculty Supervisor: General and Faculty Supervisor need to guide student in learning, managing and required documentation process. 7.1.b. Assessment of Documentation/Report: The specific research assignment after going through reflective journal and student interns cumulative experience, the topic may be worked upon by a student with the assistance of the Supervisor. 7.1.c. The total marks for the Research Assignment is 20 marks would be provided by the SIP Committee. The criteria for assessment are as follow: Criteria Conceptual Clarity Consistency from Reflective Journals Creativity Relevance Use of Interns experience Marks 4 4 4 4 4 Marks 4 4 4 4 4

8. The maximum length of the written/typed SIP report should be equivalent to 50 A4 Sized Times New
Roman 12 size font typed pages with normal 1.5 line spacing.

9. The written SIP report should necessarily include the following, the chapterization being perhaps in the
sequence given:

a. Title Page title of the project, Students name and supervisor name, department, academic year
(one page) Certificate from the General and Faculty supervisor (one page) Acknowledgment (one page) Executive summary (one page) List of contents (one page) Introduction (to the study, with theoretical background) (three pages) Review of Literature (six pages) Methodology (of data collection and analysis) (two pages) Data, Interpretation and Analysis (maximum of four chapters) (30 pages) Summary, conclusion, suggestion and Limitation (four pages) k. References l. Appendices

b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j.

10. The Student can however, with the permission of his/her supervisor, creatively re-work her/his
chapterization, ensuring that all the aspects mentioned above are included (without exceeding the number of pages). 11. No two students will be permitted to work on the same and/or similar topic in one and/or same organization under any circumstances.

12. Attendance: Each student is required to meet/contact/interact his/her Faculty Supervisor once a week
(mandatory) according to his/her Faculty Supervisors convenience and venue, and/or through virtual contacts such as email, video conference etc. Faculty Supervisor will keep record of such meeting and contacts. The supervisor and student may schedule more meetings, if a need is felt. In addition, student is required to attend workshops/ lecturers organized by the various Institutions/ organizations to strengthen their knowledge and skills. There will be no attendance for library visits, data collection, participating workshops/seminars/ conferences etc. The attendance requirement for this dissertation work is 75% as per the requirements of the course.

13. Presentation / VIVA-VOCE Examination of SIP: All Students are required to attend VIVA-VOCE
examination. The viva-voce examination carries 20 marks. If any student fails to undertake VIVA VOCE examination leading to disqualification from the SIP work, which would be considered as an overall failure and would be required to redo the whole process.

14. Presentation / VIVA-VOCE of Summer Internship Programme will be assessed by the External
Examiner and Faculty Committee based on the following criteria (20 marks): Criteria Conceptual Clarity Analytical Ability Interpretation of Data / analysis Data Presentation and chapterization Relevance of the study Communication and Handling Queries Marks 4 4 4 4 4

15. All Students are required to attend students presentation. The attendance requirement for this
presentation is 75% as per the requirements of the course.

16. Each Student has to submit one hard bound copy and one soft copy in the C.D. towards the end of the
academic session.

17. Important points to NOTE: a. The student intern has to complete 45 working days in the assigned organization. b. The student intern has to work for the assigned organization for the whole day during the

c. No changes of the organization will be permitted for whatever cause or reasons. d. The Student has to create a separate register and sign in everyday. The register will be kept in the
General Supervisors Office and accessible to the Faculty Supervisor.

e. Due to any unavoidable reason if the Student is not able to attend the Organization on a particular
day, student should inform the General and Faculty Supervisor and submit a leave application.

f. The number of days absent or leaves should be compensated accordingly by extending the
internship days. If required number of days (75%) not completed, will have to redo the whole process in the next academic year or otherwise Student will be considered failed.

g. Records of reflective journals / Interviews / observations must be preserved. If the student is

unable to prove these records at any time, the authenticity of his/her SIP work will be questioned. h. The plan and unit plan should be discussed with the Faculty Supervisor every week and these plans should be maintained as a record i.e., they should be written in a file / register. i. The reflective journals should be submitted to the Faculty Supervisor every week is mandatory.

j. Draft of the SIP report must be shown to the Faculty Supervisor. k. All presentation are to be formal Power point presentation, you can make use of charts, OHP
and projector.

l. Absence during the presentations for flimsy reasons, and without informing the Supervisor will
be taken into serious account and may lead to disqualification from the dissertation work, which would be considered as failure and the student would required to redo the whole process.

m. Certificate from the Organizations/Institution on Original Letter Head to be submitted to the Faculty Supervisor. n. The marks awarded by the general supervisor, for Learning and Transaction (20 marks) should be given in a sealed envelop to the Faculty Supervisor, through the Students.
The above points are to be enforced and any distraction will strictly lead to disqualification from the summer internship programme.

18. Calendar for the SIP work:

Date / Month May 21 onwards

Task / Activity Students join in an organization as an INTERN. Learning of Intern Organizations values, mission and vision and taking the roles and responsibilities (from General Supervisor).

May 21 May 31 Submission of Reflective Journals on weekly basis Meeting with Faculty Supervisor to identify and finalize the research assignment. June 1 - July 13 Faculty Supervisor and the student will interact often to finalize the tools for data collection, data coding and analyses, chapterization etc. including writing the report. Submission of draft report to Faculty Supervisor.

July 23 July 27

(Second year classes would resume from July 16th)

July 20, July 21 and Presentation report. July 27 (only three days) Incorporating the suggestions/feedback that are received during the presentation. Faculty Supervisor are required to verify and approve the final report. July 28, July 31 Submission of one hard bound copy and one soft copy in the C.D. of Summer Training Report for review by faculty supervisor.

19. Breakup of Marking pattern (100 marks) Final Marking by Faculty Supervisor Planning 20 Marks By General Supervisor 7a 60 Marks Learning & Translation 20 Marks Faculty Supervisor 7b Reflective Journal 20 Marks Faculty Supervisor 7c 40 Marks Documentation Viva - Voce 20 Marks Faculty Supervisor 7.1.c 20 Marks External Examiner 14

Book Lagemann, E.C.2000. An elusive science: The troubling history of education research. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Edited Book Lagemann, E.C., and Shulman, L.S.1999.Issues in education research: Problems and possibilities. San Franciso: Jossey-Bass. Unpublished Paper/Thesis Ly, A.2001. Young Childrens epistemological understanding and their developing theory of mind. Unpublished masters thesis, Ontario Institute of Studies in Education/University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. Report WHO.2006. Glion consultation on strengthening the linkages between reproductive health and HIV/AIDS: family planning and HIV/AIDS in women and children. Geneva: World Health Organisation and United Nations Population Fund. Report No: WHO/HIV/2006.02 Article in a Edited Book Meltzoff, A.A., Gopnik, A., and Repacholi, B.M.1999. Toddlers understanding of intentions, desires and emotions: Explorations of the dark ages. In P.D. Zealzo, J.Wl Astington, and D. R. Olson (Eds.), Developing theories of intention: Social understanding and self-control. Mahwah, NJ: LEA. Pp.17-41. Journals Article Hoffrage, U and Gigerenzer, G.1998.Using natural frequencies to improve diagnostic inferences. Academic Medicine. Vol. 73. pp.538-540. Website Access Bertrand JT and Escudero G. Compendium of indicators for evaluating reproductive health programs. Evaluation manual series, No. 6; August 2002. Available at Accessed on December 3, 2009 at 11. A.M.

Book Soderquist, Larry D.1982. Securities regulation: A problem approach. Mineola, New York: Foundation Press.

Edited Book Parkinson, Patrick 1992. Clearance and settlement in U.S. securities markets. Special Study No.163. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. March, 1992. Unpublished Paper/Thesis/Report Marcus, Alan J., and Arnold Kling. 1987. Interest only / principal-only mortgage-Backed strips: A valuation and risk analysis. Working paper no.2340. National Bureau of Economic Research. August 1987. Report Frankel, Allen B., and John D Montgomery. Financial structure: An international perspective. Unpublished Report. Brookings Paper on Economic Activity. Brookings University. pp.257-310. Article in an Edited Book Smith, Adam.1964. The influence of commerce on manners. In Edwin Cannan (Ed.) Lectures on Justice, Police, Revenue and Arms. New York: Augustus M Kelly. pp.253-254. Journals Article Wurgler, J. 2000. Financial markets and the allocation of capital. Journal of Financial Economics. Vol 58. No. 1-2. pp.187-214, Website Access Roe, M.J.1997. Strong managers, weak owners: The political roots of american corporate finance. At http://www.princetonuniversity/publications/html. Accessed on December 3, 2009 at 11. A.M.

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