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19th July 2012

In this issue, we feature the 2 Advocacy Grants and 2 Revenue Support Grants approved by the Board in July.
Business Advocacy Fund BAF supports business member organisations (BMOs) with funding and capacity building so that they can engage more effectively in private public dialogue and to advocate an improved business environment in Kenya.

Advocacy Grants Approved Two advocacy grants have been approved by the Board as follows: Institution of Surveyors of Kenya (ISK): The ISK Act(Statutes) ISK wants to engage the government with the tacit support of MoL to develop amendments to the existing statutes (the Survey Act, Valuers Act and Estate Agents Act) to require mandatory membership of land professionals to their professional institutes/associations. The purpose is to introduce self-regulation by professional bodies with appropriate disciplinary procedures to reduce the incidences of misrepresentation by non-professionals with stronger enforcement and compliance procedures. Self-regulation will result in improvement in practice on land and real estate through enforcement of a code of practice by all involved. This will give an all encompassing legislation for the various disciplines including entry, training, regulation and disciplinary mechanisms. Kenya Poultry Farmers Association (KEPOFA): The National Poultry Development Policy and Bill In 2007, KEPOFA in partnership with the Ministry of Livestock Development (MoLD), successfully formulated a National Poultry Development Policy. In April, 2010, the Cabinet approved the National Poultry Development Policy which was printed as the Sessional Paper No.2 of 2010. After the Cabinet approval, KEPOFA and MoL developed a draft Poultry Bill KEPOFA now wants to lobby for the Poultry Policy to be adopted by Parliament as a Sessional Paper and immediately after, lobby for the Poultry Bill to be passed by Parliament. KEPOFA has indicated that an appropriate policy/regulatory environment will eliminate or minimize constraints in the industry; leading to the optimal exploitation of the poultry industry in Kenya. This has the potential of resulting in increased food security, nutrition security and empowerment of women poultry farmers; thereby improving agricultural sector incomes particularly for women in the rural areas.

In this issue Advocacy Grants Approved Institution of Surveyors of Kenya (ISK) Kenya Poultry Farmers Association (KEPOFA)

Revenue Support Grants Approved Linux Professional Association of Kenya (LPAK) Matatu Owners Association (MOA)

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Sponsors BAF is sponsored by DANIDA

Sustainability Support Revenue Support Grants The Fund is pleased to announce the approval by the Board, two Revenue Support Grants (RSGs). The grantees are: Linux Professional Association of Kenya (LPAK): LPAK plans to recruit new members; raise LPAKs profile; promote the use of FOSS and keep members updated on developments of FOSS Matatu Owners Association (MOA): MOA plans to develop a fully functional secretariat; increase subscription income; increase income from PSV News (MOA journal/magazine); generate revenue from dealerships/partnerships; increase membership; get MOAs website up and running

Business Advocacy Fund Brick Court Second Flr Woodvale Grove/ Mpaka Road) Westlands PO Box 24735-00502 Nairobi Tel 20-4453789, tel/fax 20-4453790

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