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A Summer Training Report on PROJECT TITLE


In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Submitted by Name of the Student University Roll no.

Project Guide Name Designation


CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the project report entitled submi tted by Ms./Mr. ... is a bonafide piece of work conducted under my direct supervision and guidance. No part of this work has been submitted for any other degree of any other university. The data sources have been duly acknowledged. It may be considered for evaluation in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of Master of Business Administration.


(Signature) Project guide Designation Institute Name Place


TABLE OF CONTENTS Certificate by Guide i Preface ii Acknowledgments iii CHAPTER NO. CHAPTER TITLE PAGE NO. 1 Introduction 2 Review of Literature 3 Need, Scope and Objectives of the Study 4 Research Methodology 5 Data Analysis and Interpretation 6 Findings of the Study 7 Conclusion and Recommendations References Annexures A. Questionnaire B. ---------------C. --------------- No Chapter numbers should be given to Certificate, Preface, Acknowledgement, References and Annexure Give page numbering to the initial pages till introduction in Roman (small case). Do not number the Chapter title pages in the report but count them ( do not print). Start the page numbering from the introduction and continue till the last page of the report (including annexure). LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TABLE TITLE PAGE NO.


* AN ILLUSTRATION OF LISTING TABLES & FIGURES FOR EXAMPLE: - If your Table No. is 1 in Chapter 2, and Heading is Five Yearly Sale (From 1990 1995)on page no. 5, then following method should be adopted:


Five Yearly Sale 5 (From 1990-1995)

The same pattern should be adopted while representing Figures. CHAPTER-WISE GUIDELINES CHAPTER-1 INTRODUCTION Broad sub-headings should be numbered as 1.1, 1.2 etc. For e.g.. 1.1 INTRODUCTION TO THE COMPANY (NAME) 1.2 INTRODUCTION TO THE PROJECT/STUDY (PROJECT TOPIC) CHAPTER-2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE Give introductory and concluding lines

For e.g. Introductory lines: Various studies on capital structure related to small and medium enterprises had been conducted in foreign countries. However, in Indian context, the number is quite few. Depending on the various issues of capital structure, the review has been discussed in brief as follows: And, Concluding lines: The perusal of the literature reveals that still today, the capital structure decision is considered as a puzzle. A rich literature house has been developed over time, mostly in foreign countries, with regard to how the firm funds its growing investment projects. Particularly, the firms choice between internal equity capital, external capital and debt has been widely investigated from a large firms angle leaving aside small businesses. This is mainly due to the tendency of SMEs to treat the financings issues as confidential. Also, the main focus of the previous studies has been mainly on the determinants of capital structure in general rather than industry specific study. That is why a need was felt to conduct a study in Indian context and that too in case of SMEs that has not been extensively researched, yet is contributing a lot to the economy. Do not number the reviews Give the reviews in chronological order. If more than one review is there in one year then follow the alphabetical order. Only mention the second name of the author (Year) to be mentioned in bold. For e.g.

Davidson (2009) or Davidson and Dutia (2010)

Do not mention the study title in the review. For e.g.

Davidson and Dutia (1991) measured liquidity, profitability and leverage for samples of small enterprises. Their results indicated that SMEs had lower levels of liquidity than large enterprises. However, they also found that the smallest enterprises carried disproportionately more cash and total current assets than large enterprises, with the reason for their lower liquidity being a disproportionately greater use of current liabilities. CHAPTER-3 NEED, SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 3.1 NEED OF THE STUDY The need should cover the research gap as identified from conclusion of reviews and also the relevance of the study. 3.2 SCOPE OF THE STUDY The scope should cover the area, time and location


The objectives should be related to the topic and should be justified by the questionnaire. There should be no overlapping of the objectives. CHAPTER-4 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The research methodology should begin with the basic introduction to research. 4.1 RESEARCH DESIGN Specify the type of research design and justify it. 4.2 SAMPLING DESIGN 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 Universe Sampling Frame Sampling Unit Sample Size Sampling Technique

4.3 DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS 4.3.1 Data Collection Secondary Sources Primary Sources 4.3.2 Tools of Presentation and Analysis 4.4 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY CHAPTER-5 DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION

Give the table and figure numbering and title at the top of the table/figure and in Bold, Title case and Centrally Aligned Every table and figure should be followed by: Analysis and Interpretation Start new question/statement on new page.

CHAPTER-6 FINDINGS OF THE STUDY Give the introductory lines Give the findings in the same sequence as the data analysis and interpretation CHAPTER-7 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1 CONCLUSION Give the conclusion covering all the aspects of the research project, starting from introduction till the findings of the study


Give the recommendations on the next page and point-wise. GENERAL GUIDELINES Use Times New Roman font. Font size: 12 for text and 14 for Headings Line spacing should be 1.5 Do not underline the text in capitals Do not indent anywhere Do not use I, me , we etc anywhere in the report Use past tense throughout the report. PREPARING REFERENCES Give the references in alphabetical order. While preparing bibliography student must adopt the following method:

Article in Journal Journals having issue number gets indicated in parentheses after the volume. The parentheses and issue number are not italicized or underlined. Scruton, R. (1996). The eclipse of listening. The New Criterion, 15(30), 5-13. Article in a Magazine Henry, W. A., III. (1990, April 9). Making the grade in today's schools. Time, 135, 28-31.

Article in a Newspaper Unlike other periodicals, p. or pp. precedes page numbers for a newspaper reference in APA style. Single pages take p., e.g.., p. B2; multiple pages take pp., e.g.., pp. B2, B4 or pp. C1, C3-C4. Schultz, S. (2005, December 28). Calls made to strengthen state energy policies. The Country Today, pp. 1A, 2A. Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle. Location: Publisher. Note: For "Location," you should always list the city, but you should also include the state if the city is unfamiliar or if the city could be confused with one in another state. Calfee, R. C., & Valencia, R. R. (1991). APA guide to preparing manuscripts for journal publication. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Duncan, G. J., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (Eds.). (1997). Consequences of growing up poor. New York: Russell Sage Foundation. Edited Book with an Author or Authors Plath, S. (2000). The unabridged journals (K.V. Kukil, Ed.). New York: Anchor. Dissertation Abstract Yoshida, Y. (2001). Essays in urban transportation (Doctoral dissertation, Boston College, 2001). Dissertation Abstracts International, 62, 7741A. Government Document National Institute of Mental Health. (1990). Clinical training in serious mental illness (DHHS Publication No. ADM 90-1679). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Report From a Private Organization American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Practice guidelines for the treatment of patients with eating disorders (2nd ed.). Washington, D.C.: Author. Conference Proceedings Schnase, J.L., & Cunnius, E.L. (Eds.). (1995). Proceedings from CSCL '95: The First International Conference on Computer Support for Collaborative Learning. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Article From an Online Periodical Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of article. Title of Online Periodical, volume number(issue number if available). Retrieved month day, year, (if necessary) from

Basic Format for Books

Edited Book, No Author

Bernstein, M. (2002). 10 tips on writing the living Web. A List Apart: For People Who Make Websites, 149. Retrieved May 2, 2006, from Online Newspaper Article Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of article. Title of Newspaper. Retrieved Parker-Pope, T. (2008, May 6). Psychiatry handbook linked to drug industry. The New York Times. Retrieved from Electronic Books De Huff, E.W. Taytays tales: Traditional Pueblo Indian tales. Retrieved from taytay.html Davis, J. Familiar birdsongs of the Northwest. Available from Online Encyclopedias and Dictionaries Feminism. (n.d.) In Encyclopdia Britannica online. Retrieved March 16, 2008, from http:// From Experience Fegels Jewelry, senior year of high school, 2000-2001. From Observation Schroenling Brewery, April 22, 2001. Spent an hour on the floor observing the use of various machine sin total process and employees responsibilities at each stage. From Interviews Interview with Bruno Mueller, diamond cutter at Fegels Jewelry, March 19, 2001.

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