Flower Bloom Zinnia Tote

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Project #KC034

free how to project: zinnia tote

designed by Erin Elkins

Contrast Color #2 1 Skein (100 yards) 100% Pure New Wool Yarn Flower Color #1 1 Skein (100 yards) 100% Pure New Wool Yarn Flower Color #2 1 Skein (100 yards) 100% Pure New Wool Yarn Four (4) Boye Stitch Marker Rings Boye Bloom Loom Two (2) Boye Stitch Holders

GAUGE: 16 sts and 20 rows = 4" in stockinette stitch DIRECTIONS: Bag Body With US 10 circular needle and MC, loosely CO 64 sts. Knit 42 rows in garter stitch (knit on WS and RS). Pick up and knit 21 sts along next side of rectangle. Pick up and knit 64 sts along CO edge. Pick up and knit 21 sts along remaining side of rectangle (170 sts). Begin working in the round. Rnd1: PM, K64, PM, K21, PM, K64, PM, K21. Rnds 2-70: Knit. Decrease (K2tog) before and after every marker on rows 20, 40, 60 and 70 (138 sts remain after all decreases are completed). BO next 56 sts, removing first and second markers encountered. Place next 13 sts on a holder (including the one stitch on right needle). Remove marker. On other side of bag, place 13 side sts on holder. Remove remaining marker. Break yarn. Reattach yarn after last stitch place on first holder and knit 36 rows as follows: RS: Knit. WS: K4, P48, K4. Next Row (RS): K4, K2tog, K to last 6 sts, SSK, K4. Next Row (WS): K4, purl to last 4 sts, K4. Repeat last two rows until 42 sts remain, ending having worked a RS row. Next Row: K4, P2tog, purl across to last 6 sts, P2tog, K4. Next Row: K4, K2tog, K to last 6 sts, SSK, K4. Repeat last two rows until 26 sts remain. Knit four rows in garter stitch. On next three rows, K2tog twice, knit to last 4 sts, K2tog twice. (14 sts remain once all decreases are completed). Bind off. HANDLES: Slip first 3 sts from one stitch holder onto US 10 DPN. Work 28" of I-cord (leaving other stitches on the holder) in CC1. Leave these 3 sts on DPN or holder. Place next 6 sts from holder on DPN and work 28" of I-cord using MC. Leave these 6 sts on DPN or holder. Slip last 4 sts to DPN and

Use this felted tote to carry your knitting or crochet projects and have fun experimenting with removable adornments made with Boye Bloom Loom . ABBREVIATIONS: BO = bind off; CC1 = contrast color #1; CC2 = contrast color #2; CO = cast on; DPN = double-pointed needle; FC1 = flower color #1; FC2 = flower color #2; K = knit; K2tog = knit two stitches together (1 st decreased); MC = main color; P2tog = purl two stitches together (1 st decreased); PM = place marker; SSK = slip next two stitches as if to knit from left needle to right needle, then insert left needle into the front of these two stitches and knit them in this position through the back loop (1 st decreased); sts = stitches; WR = wrong side; rnd = round SIZE: Bag Bottom = 16" wide X 4.5" wide Bag Height = 10" Note: Dimensions may vary depending on the felting method used; a front-loading washing machine was used to make our bag MATERIALS NEEDED: Size 10/6.00mm Boye 29" Circular Needle Size 7/4.5mm Boye 7" Double-Pointed Needles (DPN) Main Color 3 Skeins (669 yards) 100% Pure New Wool Yarn Contrast Color #1 1 Skein (100 yards) 100% Pure New Wool Yarn

Simplicity 2010 intended for personal use only

Project #KC034

free how to project: zinnia tote

work last I-cord as for the other two in CC2. Twist these 3 I-cords and grafts sts to other sts on holder on opposite side of the bag using Kitchener stitch. Weave in ends. FELTING INSTRUCTIONS: Put bag in washing machine with jeans, non-fuzzing towels, or other items to agitate with detergent and wash on hot water/cold rinse cycle. Repeat until desired size is achieved and stitches are no longer visible. To block, fill bag with plastic bags and shape as desired. Once bag has dried, you may wish to insert a piece of cardboard to stabilize bag bottom. Allow bag to dry completely before use. BLOOM LOOM FLOWER INSTRUCTIONS: Complete One-Sided Flowers per included instructions in Bloom Loom packaging, using FC1 and FC2. After securing the ends, lightly pull each flower by hand. Fill sink with warm water and detergent. Immerse flowers in water, then roll them like a ball in your hands until felted look is achieved. Attach pins to each flower and arrange on bag as desired. Level of Difficulty: Easy

Simplicity 2010 intended for personal use only

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