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Good day. this is a practice essay I wrote in preparation for my IELTS exam...

P lease feel free to comment, suggest and make corrections so that I can improve m y writing skill..: ) SITUATION: Disruptive school students have a negative influence on others. Stude nts who are noisy and disobedient should be grouped together and taught separate ly. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer It cannot be denied that ill-behaved students can affect others' behavior. Howev er, I strongly disagree that blatant or defiant students should be placed in a s eparate class from the other students. In this essay, I will provide reasons to support my stand. Students may behave badly but isolating them from the others is not the answer. While disruptive students may influence others, the same can be said to them, th ey can also be easily impacted with the well behaved ones. Coupled with a good g uidance from their teacher, these students are more likely to improve their beha vior rather than get worse. Moreover, a good model and proper discipline is esse ntial. Parents should be taught the importance of role modeling and disciplining their children because what kids see and experience at home affect their genera l behavior. As an example, when I was still in high school, a student with a reputation of b eing frequently absent and late transferred to our school. He was not treated sp ecially; in fact, he got the same treatment as everybody else. However, tardines s and absenteeism are not tolerated in our institution, every late and absent me an you have to write an explanation letter signed by your parents and additional cleaning duties after class. I myself have tried this a few times, it is very e xhausting to sweep, and mop and pick up other people's trash. In addition to tha t, it is annoying when you get left behind after school hours while others can s it down and relax in their own houses. Finally, if no change is seen after those punishments, the parents are asked to school to see the principal and the teach er to discuss the student's conduct as well as what can be done at home to corre ct this problem. Apparently, this system seems to work because, after countless cleaning duties and trips to the principal's office, the new student's attendanc e record improved by a mile. One can argue that creating a class specially designed to deal with disobedient children is the best solution but through this method, we may be causing the chi ldren to think that they are not normal and can possibly impede there growth as a whole. As a conclusion, behavioral problems cannot be solved by separating those badly behaved students to another class. Instead of worrying of which student goes to which group, it would be more appropriate to think of a solution without having a child go through a feeling of isolation.

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