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July 28, 2012

Dear High School Democrat, Thank you for your interest in serving on the High School Democrats of America Leadership Team. Our organization thrives because of dedicated leaders like you across the nation who are always ready to step up and volunteer their service. Serving on the Executive Board or as a staff member is a rewarding, enjoyable experience, but requires a substantial commitment. The Executive Board meets on a weekly basis whereas staff members meet at the request of the Chair or Chief of Staff. According to the By-Laws of the YDA, caucus elections may only be held on Convention years. In correspondance to the By-Laws of our caucus, the Executive Board will vote on new leaders to fill vacancies with a rigorous application process overseen by the YDA. We reserve the right to share applications with the general membership to make this process as transparent as possible. Attached you will find a link with the job description for each vacant position, an application, and instructions on sending your application and resume. Please do not send endorsements, platforms, or any other materials not specifically requested as they will be disregarded. You will be contacted to schedule your interview after you submit your application. If you have any questions, please contact Samina at Applications are due Wednesday, August 8, 2012. Interviews will take place Thursday, August 9-August 12. All applicants will be notified of their status on Monday, August 13th. We look forward to reviewing your application!

Democratically Yours,

Samina Hydery, Chair Atticus Francken, Vice Chair Hassan Haider, Programs Director Daqavise Winston, Communications Director Aaron Wilder, Parliamentarian

Job Description:
Executive Board Executive Vice Chair i. Run all meetings of the Executive Board in the absence of the Chair ii. Manage the staff of the Young Democrats of America High School Caucus iii. Shall handle and ensure the completion of all assignments and tasks delegated by the National Chair. iv. Shall be the Chairman of the HSDA National Committee. Programs Director i. Plan all national conferences and conventions for the members of the Young Democrats of America High School Caucus. ii. Aide the National Chair and Young Democrats of America Executive Board in planning the annual Young Democrats of America High School Leadership Academy . iii. Setup programs and events for the Young Democrats of America High School Caucus Communication Director i. Keep the membership updated as to the status of the national organization ii. Create and execute a strategy for broadcasting the message of Young Democrats of America High School Caucus to a wider community iii. Ensure publicity for all major events of the Young Democrats of America High School Caucus v. Take minutes at all meetings of the Young Democrats of America High School Caucus vi. Publish a monthly newsletter Parliamentarian i. Render opinions and rulings requested by the National Chair, or when appealed to from the membership regarding the Young Democrats of America High School Caucus by-laws or its interactions with the Young Democrats of America ii. Collect and maintain records of parliamentary inquiries and issues iii. Run all National Elections, and resolve any election disputes

Staff Chief of Staff i. The Chief of Staff is responsible for mediating any internal disputes within the HSDA and for ensuring the progress of the Executive Board. Finance Director i. Manage the funds of the Young Democrats of America High School Caucus. ii. Solicit donations. iii. Provide the Executive Board with funds to use when requested. iv. Inform the Executive Board of the High School Caucus of the status of its funding. Political Director i. Reach out to regional, state, and local directors to organize volunteer efforts in campaigns and elections across the nation. ii. Update the board with plans in place for 2012 (and beyond), and whom he or she is working with to make these plans. iii. Aid the Executive Board in contacting elected officials., Deputy Political Director Assist the Political Director in their duties. Regional Director i. Implement decisions of the Executive Board in the states in their region. ii. Communicate with each state and pass information on to the Executive Board. iii. There will be one Regional Director per region, as outlined by the YDA's website.
2(a): Northeast. Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont 2(b): Mid-Atlantic. Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Young Democrats Abroad 2(c): Southeast. Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virgin Islands 2(d): Great Lakes. Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio 2(e): Midwest. Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin 2(f): Southcentral. Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas 2(g): Southwest. Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming 2(h): Pacific. Alaska, American Samoa, California, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington


Social Media Director i. Use new, popular forms of media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube in order to reach out to our membership and publicize the High School Democrats. ii. Maintain and regularly update the website as well as helping state chapters create their own. iii. Work closely with both the National Chair and Communications Director to ensure a positive and unified message is sent to the public.

Membership Director
i. Maintain records and rosters of membership across the nation. ii. Work closely with the Communications Director to ensure all members of the High School Democrats are informed and up to date.

2012-2013 Leadership Application

Name: Date of Birth: City, State: High School: Graduation Year: Which position(s) are you applying for? (Circle, underline, or bold your choice(s)) Vice Chair Chief of Staff Social Media Director Pacific RD Programs Director Political Director Mid-Atlantic RD Membership Director Communications Director Deputy Political Director Northeast RD Southwest RD Parliamentari an Finance Director Southeast RD

Please describe any previous experience with the HSDA, YDA, and/or other Democratic organizations as well as YOUR accomplishments.

What will you change in the High School Caucus should you be appointed to this position?

What specific traits/attributes make you the best choice for this position?

Submitting your Application and Resume

Please submit your application and resume together in the same email. Once you have completed the application, save the document for your records. In an email, attach your resume and application as attachments in a Microsoft Word or PDF file and send to If you do not have Word or PDF-writing capabilites, you may upload your file as a Google Document and share it with If you have any questions, please contact Samina at

***Applications are due Wednesday, August 8, 2012. Interviews will take place Thursday, August 9-August 12. All applicants will be notified of their status on Monday, August 13th.

NOTE: By submitting this application, you consent to having this document and all supporting materials made public for viewing by the general membership.

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