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Nutrition lor indigcnous

childrcn in Guatcmala
Vuqu' Kawoq
Collaborating with
local communitics to brcak
thc link bctwccn cthnicity and
poor hcalth.
P 8ox 91
8cthcl \T 05032
Vuqu' Kawoq is a rcgistcrcd 501 (c) 3 or
ganization and all donations arc tax dcduct
Vhy Guatcmala:
Guatcmala has onc ol thc highcst
ratcs ol chronic child malnutrition
in thc world. !n most ol thc Maya
communitics whcrc wc arc invitcd
to work, thc ratcs ol malnutrition
oltcn cxcccd 70 ol all childrcn
undcr 5 ycars ol agc.
Chronic malnutrition starts cx
trcmcly carly in thc child's lilc, ol
tcn in thc nrst ycar. Factors which
contributc to thc dcvclopmcnt ol
malnutrition includc lack ol high
quality lood, contaminatcd watcr
supplics, and limitcd acccss to ba
sic mcdical carc.
Vhat Vc Arc oing About
Vc havc morc than 1000 chil
drcn undcr 5 ycars ol agc cnrollcd in
comprchcnsivc nutrition programs,
with plans to grow thosc numbcrs to
Vc providc cmcrgcncy nutrition
assistancc in communitics acctcd
by natural disastcrs.
Vc install clcan watcr tcchnology
whcrc it is ncccssary.
Vc providc rcgular pcdiatric mcdi
cal carc in all communitics whcrc wc
Vc usc high quality, statcolthc
art nutritional supplcmcnts to prc
vcnt malnutrition.
How You Can Hclp
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