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Co m m u n i c a t i o n Sk i l l s De s c r i b i n g a M e c h a n i s m : Ex p l a i n i n g H o w So m e t h i n g Wo r k s Describing Mechanisms Upon completion of this module, students should be able to: Define mechanism List & explain

the three frames of reference from which a mechanism can be described Use accurate and precise terminology in describing a mechanism Use visuals in a description of a mechanism Give general description of a mechanism to various audiences Give specific description of a mechanism to various audiences Describe orally or in writing in a mechanism at rest and a mechanism in operation

What is a Definition? A Mechanism is any object or system that has a functional part or parts.. It is any item that performs a particular function. Why define a Mechanism (Physical Object)? The person reading your description does not know as much about the object as you do. A technician constantly works with mechanisms and always needs to understand them: What they do, what they look like, what parts they have, and how these parts work together. Something that functional expects, engineers, scientists, and others get called on to do is describe an object to someone who has no idea what the object looks like, is made of or is used. The technician may need to describe a mechanism or part of it, using a written or an oral presentation. E.g.: When writing a bid specification, a memorandum for a repairman, purchase request; Or when demonstrating a new piece of equipment or when describing a how to perform kidney dialysis. Frames of reference There are logically different points of view (frames of reference) from which a mechanism can be defined: (a) Function (b) Physical Characteristics (c) Its Parts Describing the Mechanism - Approach The description consists of three parts: 1. An introduction or overview to orient the reader and name the main parts of the object. 2. A body, in which each of the parts named in the introduction is described fully. Describe parts in the order named in the introduction, and describe each part completely before going on to the next part. Your description should include information such as size, shape, color, and material. If a part is complex or made up of sub-parts, it might be a good idea to describe each of the pieces or sub-parts separately, being sure to follow a logical order. 3. A conclusion in which you describe how the parts fit together, in a sense, putting the object back together. Accurate Terminology The use of accurate and precise terminology is essential to communicating exact meaning. Various fields have an established vocabulary; there are certain terms that are applied to an object, a part of it, a process, a function, an idea, and so on, within that circle; however persons outside of the field may note familiar with the term. The audience cannot be expected to cipher through what you are saying for some implied, symbolic or hidden meaning. Each word, every sentence should be so clear that the audience gets the exact meaning intended. This requires you to define the words or terms used so that they will be understood, with in the correct context.

Co m m u n i c a t i o n Sk i l l s De s c r i b i n g a M e c h a n i s m : Ex p l a i n i n g H o w So m e t h i n g Wo r k s Purpose and Audience in description When planning an oral or written presentation, one must always identify: The purpose of the presentation The needs of the audience For example: The description of a hi-fi speaker system would differ in emphasis and in detail, depending on whether the descriptions were given so a hi-fi buff could construct a similar speaker, Or a prospective buyer could compare the speaker to a similar one, Or so the general public could simply understand what a hi-fi speaker is. Giving General vs. Specific Descriptions A general description is given when an audience is interested primarily in what the mechanism can do or can be used for its function. The description will then describe the parts as they relate to one another, that is the mechanism in operation The general description of a mechanism emphasizes what the mechanism does or can be used for and what it looks like, It includes a description of the parts, what each part looks like, and what each does. The general description explains a type of mechanism or a mechanism representing a class. It describes what all types of a stated mechanism or all mechanisms in a class have in common, even though variations may exist or difference brands and different models. The specific description of a mechanism, on the other hand, describes the outstanding or unique features or characteristics of a stated brand and/or model. It emphasizes the aspects of the stated brand and/or model that set it apart from other brands and/or models of the same mechanism. Bid specifications would also provide excellent examples of specific descriptions. Describing Mechanisms at Rest and In Operation Both a general and a specific description may require the mechanism to be described at rest and/or in operation depending on the purpose. At Rest - the description may mention functional & physical appearance, but emphasize the parts, particularly in relation to each other. In Operation - the function and parts would be mentioned, however emphasis would be placed on the parts working together to perform the function. Visuals Visuals are especially valuable in describing a mechanism. Common examples of these include Pictorial illustrations such as photographs, drawing and diagrams. The principle goal is to enable the audience to see what the mechanisms looks like and what its parts are and to understand how these parts work together to allow the mechanisms to function. Included with a verbal description, they more readily accomplish the goal of providing the audience with a clear, easily understood description, even if the operation is relatively complex. Common Mistakes in Describing a Mechanism: U Ignoring logical order and letting your description wander all over the place U Leaving out important pieces of information U Failing to give the audience an orientation or overview to make the description understandable U Doing a sloppy job

Co m m u n i c a t i o n Sk i l l s De s c r i b i n g a M e c h a n i s m : Ex p l a i n i n g H o w So m e t h i n g Wo r k s U Assuming the audience is much more familiar with the mechanism than you have a right to expect U Assuming that the audience knows a lot of technical jargon and specifications U A picture is worth a thousand words, give or take a few hundred. Original source:

HumphreyOnline's eLearning Center Course: Principles of Communication (GSCS100)

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