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Name: Sumathi.

Internship Training

Second MBA

A STUDY ON BRAND PREFERENCE FOR BAJAJ TWO WHEELERS AMONG THE CUSTOMERS WITH SPECIAL REFERNCE TO DHARMAPURI DISSTRICT QUESTIONNAIRE 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Name: _____________________________ Age group :a) UP 20 b) 21-30 c) 31-40 d) 41-50 e) Above 50 Gender: a) Male b) Female Marital status :a)Single b) Married Educational qualification: a) HSC b) Diploma c) U.G d) P.G e) Other Income status: a) Below 20000 b) 20000-250000 c) 25000-30000 d) Above 30000 Prioritize the options that affect your purchasing decision of car. 1 being the most important and 8 being the less important Advertisement Power Safety comfort Price Service Mileage Resale Value Style 8) What is need for you to buy the car? (a) workhorse (for regular work (b) Run Errands (to do odd jobs) (c) Routine long trips 9. Select the plays a major role in obtaining information about the brand. Source Select one from each Personal source Family Friends Neighbors Acquaintances Commercial source Advertisement Sales people Dealers Displays Experimental source Handling Examining Using the product 10. What is the medium of communication that influences your brand preference? (a) Print media (b) electronic media (c) Word of mouth (d) sales promotion

11. Which mode of purchase do you prefer? (a) By full cash (b) EMI 12. Who plays the major role in decision making for purchasing the car? (a) Family members (b) Relatives (c) Friends (d) Self (e) Others 13. Give points to the following features of your Bajaj product. Attribute 5 4 3 2 1 Price Style Color Mileage Less Maintenance Power Performance Technology 14. What is the period you took to choose the Bajaj brand? (a) One week (b) One month (c) Two month (d) More than 2 months 15. What is the reason for preferring the Bajaj brand? (a) Quality (b) Price (c) Availability (d) Service (e) Features (f) Others 16. What will be your reaction when Bajaj brand is not available during the purchase? (a) Wait for sometime (b) Choosing the other products category under Bajaj (c) Going to the other Bajaj dealer in another region (d) Choosing other brand with the same features of the product 17. How do you rate the overall service experience of your Bajaj brand car? (a) Excellent (b) Very Good (c) Good (d) Okay (e) Poor 18. What is your overall satisfaction level with regards to the Bajaj brand car? (a)Highly Satisfied (b) Satisfied (c) Neutral (d) Dissatisfied (e) Highly Dissatisfied 19. What is your decision regarding buying one more car? (a) Choosing the same Bajaj brand (b) Choosing the another brand 20. What is the level that you promote the Bajaj brand to others? (a) Very High (b) High (C) Average (d) Low (e) Very Low 21. Do you recommend your dealer to others? (a) Highly Recommend (b) Recommend (c) Neutral (d) Not Recommend 22. Do you buy only branded products? (a)Yes always (b) Never (c) Only when quality is important (d) rarely

23. Are you a price sensitive consumer?

A) Yes

b) No

24. Will you stick to the same product if their price is increased (and you are a loyal customer to the product)? a) Up to a certain limit in price increase b) Yes, irrespective of the price increase c) No. you may look for different products 25. Which of the following, according to you, help build a good brand image? a) Quality b) Communication strategies c) Competitive pricing d) Good value added services e) free trails and discounts f) others 26. What do you expect more from your car? E.g.: New Features or others recommendations)

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