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What is my perception about RH Bill?

RH bill is a beginning conflict in this country. People wanted RH bill to promote the quality of life of the families. In this way, people wont have to have plenty of children to feed. But the downside part of RH bill is that the church doesnt want it to happen for it is a sin for, as state in the bible: Go on and multiply. They believe that God made humans to multiply and scatter all around the world for people to enjoy life, not restrict it. To the Government, RH bill is the only way to control the people from multiplying. Our resources are already scarce, from food to shelter, from work to environment. The nature itself can no longer people what they want. Money is also a big part, with big families, low food supply and poor environment; they wont receive anything better for their children. In fact, I didnt think they would even bother taking care of them. They are more of a workers or laborers, no education, no future. So what do I think about RH bill. I say, I want RH bill because its for a better country. People think that I choose RH Bill because I am not Pro-Life as they say, but in fact, its the only way for the people to stop multiplying, our country is already crowded with people living, from the streets to the made-up house with no house permit or ownership. They claim the place without the approval to the government. They say they are trespassing, but the Squatters or Informal Settlers believe they own it, so theirs is theirs. They are not allowed to leave their house because we own it, we live here, and you cannot take away our house. This is our home. The problem with them is that they think life is easy when living in big cities, namely: Manila, Quezon City, Makati City, etc. With no improvement in their work, they start to steal money, they mug or becoming violent, they kill for money, they pay for money. Money is everywhere in big cities. Do something bad and youll have a payment. Some others beg for money, alms are like a probability. Due to too many people passing by, there are chances they will give you money, with luckfood. Hard life but easy to do. Thats what they want. About my perception in RH bill, since they think I am not Pro-life. They think Im into abortion, who said that abortion was a part with RH bill? I didnt know that, and I never thought of that. All I know is Family Planning. Know your limits; do not do something where you cannot take care of it. Like raising eleven children in consecutive years of age! All I thought about RH bill is that its like Family Planning, the government will teach families, especially the mothers, to tell the father that they must control (Like sex). Mothers are supposed to know whats best for their children, and fathers must know whats best for their family. Thinking about the abortion is not part of idea what I have in my mind. Now that they have mentioned it, I can longer think about whether should I or should I not approve about RH bill. If I am right, the law stated that Protect the mother and the life of the unborn. Well, it is true; babies are too innocent of whats happening. All they ever wanted is love and care, not death and pain! I remembered once when I was surfing the internet, one mother was trying to abort her child. They used the Ultrasound to visualize on whats happening about the baby inside, they believe the baby was screaming inside and as seen in the screen, the baby was trying to avoid the forceps that will caught his leg . I can

no longer state further because of its morbidity and pity. But they say babies scream inside the womb, Silent Scream as what they call it. Because of that video, I do not like abortion, babies are alive inside. They are not stupid or dumb enough not wanting to live. They want to live, same us all people. Now that I thought about RH bill, I can no longer state if I am in too it or not. But this is only my opinion and thoughts of RH bill. Family Planning is great, but abortion is not. I thought RH bill should only last for a couple of years until our economy can now handle much more people for the best of the country. After the improvement of our economy, they would take out RH Bill of the law again, so that people can have the right to give birth to another baby. I dont know much about the law, but can they not do it for the better living of the family? If they can allow it, I thought of not abortion, but a reasonable amount of money or payment that they have another baby. Since RH bill is restricted to only a few children, might as well thought that when another one was born, they should pay for it. If they cant afford it, the government will take it away from them. Until they can earn and pay and take it back. I know its hard for the family, but its the only way for the family to stop multiplying that much. So this is what I say about RH bill, undecided. All I can do know now is wait what will happen. Due to different points of view about this law, I cant decide if its right to take RH Bill in our country or not, just for the benefit of the people, the country, and the life of the unborn.

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