Publicity Plan For Rene Godefroy (Draft)

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TACTICAL PR PROGRAM 3-Month Plan Overview

for Rene Godefroy

Rene Godefroy, a professional keynote speaker (business motivational speaker) is actively seeking media exposure for both traditional and online channels. This publicity overview plan highlights 6 parts: 1. General information about the plan 2. Press Kit information 3. Creative direction (content and art) 4. Media strategy 5. Campaign evaluation information 6. Appendices These parts within the book when implemented within the program timeframe shall promote Rene Godefroy and his websites. Our objectives are as follows: For Rene to be featured on newspapers, magazines, and blogs locally, regionally, state-wide. Increase the frequency and reach inquiries about his services, as well as drive traffic and inquiries to his site.

Project Timeline This project should run between 3 to 6 months or more depending on any event on Rene's calendar that may have come up in the future. Target Audience This project aims to build a relationship with the following public/audience: editors, writers and staff of local magazines, papers, or channels; local events management companies, other potential companies offering team building and inspirational events for their workforce; and on the consumer-levels bloggers writing about business, career, entrepreneurship, etc... PR Mix/Media Distribution How do we send out promotional materials for Rene? Online Media Blogs Discussion/ Forums and other relevant social media sites (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) Offline Media Local papers, magazines, and specialty publications

Campaign Objectives
This campaign aims to primarily build a relationship with Georgia-based editors, writers, and bloggers. Secondly, we can touch base other bloggers and writers as long as it presents a good readership profile as well as the overall content of the their blogs. Both objectives, are subject to drive traffic to Rene's websites and increase service inquiry, and conversion from inquiry to a successful booking.

Campaign Strategies/Tactics
Here is how we're going to do it: 1. Research writers, blog sites/bloggers, and editors based and working in Georgia. Once collated, the document shall be filed as Media Contacts. 2. Develop a press kit for Elisha. What are the contents of the Press Kit? 3. One of the most crucial document needed from the press package is the letter of intent. This should be written in a manner of introduction, and keeping the tone of the letter warm and friendly. 4. From the media contacts, we shall develop a timetable or a Gantt chart as to when and how are we going to connect with the particular person (an editor, for instance). 5. Of course, we will be keeping this plan open for additional works since there will be events that can arise.


A press kit is a pre-packaged set of promotional materials of a person, company, or organization distributed to members of the media for promotional use. They are often distributed to announce a release or for a news conference. The press kit can be produced to: a literature (in a folder creatively laid out) a CD or a flash drive/USB an ebook/compressed file (.zip/.rar) available and ready to download on all of Rene's website What's inside the press kit? In random order: 1. Letter of Intent 2. Rene's bio (includes credits and awards won, testimonials and reviews) 3. sample press releases, previous and upcoming 4. copies of press clipping/tearsheets, if available 5. business cards (2-5 pieces) 6. a flyer containing the topics he covers 7. a CD showcasing Rene's videos, speaking in conferences basically some footages we can edit for presentation. 8. Information about his books 9. Vouchers for his books, if applicable, or for his speaking engagements, or booking discounts.

The visual branding should present the following: Rene's companies logo, his portrait, his works/books, and other behindthe-scenes photos. Of course, the layout should be appealing and integrated with the website's layout. Mandatory: include Rene's website address and contact information.

As for the content, it should be compelling, easy to digest, and informative. It should follow the approach on Rene's websites.

Media Plan
Media Objectives This campaign's plan is to get Rene featured on local newspapers, magazines, blogs, and social media sites. Media Strategy To successfully execute this plan we need to gather media contacts where we can send our promotional materials (press kit). Once the list is set (and we can add more from time to time), we can call them up, send them a letter, and basically get to know more about their PR packages or how we can feature Elisha in their paper, blog. Media Schedule This project will run between 3 to 6 months. Actual Media Budget To be discussed with Rene. Media Mix Online media Blogs Forums Emails Social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, YouTube, Google+ Traditional media Radio shows TV programs Magazines


Deliverable to Client, Rene G

Press kit layout and design Press kit contents Email content and design Media Schedule Media budget, if applicable List of Media Contacts (targeted) for both online and offline channels Establish and brand Rene's social media accounts

An established set of KPIs will be noted (see below) prior to the start of this campaign. And at the end of the month's period, the established benchmarks will be audited and compared. Key performance indicators: Direct response (email and phone call inquiries) Converted sales (successful bookings) Site traffic (via Google Analytics) Social media performance Benchmarks to establish: current number of visits on Google Analytics prior to campaign sales figures prior to campaign

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